Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten

by Foal Star

Chapter 4: Rarity and the foals

As Sweetie Belle was frantically rushing out into the streets, Cannon Feather and Hoity Toity were spiraling through the sewers, both holding their breaths. Hoity was a little scared at first, but he felt a bit better once Cannon Feather caught up to him.

At last, they popped through an opening, and splashed down into a fountain. Hoity breached first, quickly popping up to the surface. “Tat was scawy,” He said to himself. He looked around wide eyed, whimpering. “Un no, whewe’s Cannon Feathew?!”

Just then Cannon Feather burst through, surfacing with a plop, with his bulging diaper filled with water and clearly sagging. “Wha a wide, nevew tewwing Mama Wuna ‘bout tis.” He said to himself, as he swam towards Hoity.

Hoity just looked around in embarrassment at ponies passing by, blushing or giggling at him and his friend. Some were whispering. “Is that Hoity Toity? What’s he doing in the fountain? Why does he smell like he just swam out of a sewer?”

Hoity whined, turning to Cannon Feather. “This is aww youw fawt! Ya the weason I went down ta howe!” And he splashed him with a wave of water.

Cannon Feather shouted back. “Nu uh! Ya the one who twied to use the toiwet even aftew ya got scawed of the fwushing sound. I towd ya shouwd’ve used ta twaining potty! Ya wucky I such a good fwiend ow I wouwdn’t have fwushed mysewf to come aftew ya!” He splashed back at Hoity.

Hoity just whined. “Yeah huh! Ya knew I was scawed of the big potty! Now I definitewy not gonna be potty twained tiw I five and a hawf!” And he splashed back at Cannon.

Soon the colts were giggling and splashing at each other, forgetting all about their reason for being mad. Everypony surrounding the two colts were laughing at the spectacle, even in spite of the pungent smell.

All the while, Sweetie Belle was running from Rarity’s boutique down the road. Upon seeing the colts splashing about in the fountain, she shouted. “There you two are!”

Cannon Feather turned to her and shouted. “Sweetie Bewee! I wescued Hoity wike a woyal guawd!” He stood up proudly as his diaper sagged and fell into the water with a loud plop, making everypony laugh. Cannon Feather blushed, now fully naked, as Hoity Toity giggled and laughed. “Now ya wike me.”

Sweetie Belle quickly scooped the two up and placed the dripping wet foals on her back. “Alright you two, now let's get back to the boutique before Rarity finds out.” She ran back as fast as she could, but when they reached the door, Rarity was standing at the doorway with a glare.

The three were in Sweetie Belle's bedroom (Cannon Feather and Hoity Toity had both been re-diapered and bathed), as Rarity was walking back and forth in front of them, seething in anger. “So while I was taking a much needed nap, Hoity Toity and Cannon Feather got flushed down a toilet and ended up in a fountain. Is that it?” She asked.

Sweetie gulped and whimpered. “Ye-yeah, that's about it. I tried to pull them out with a plunger, but Hoity couldn’t grab on and Cannon Feather wouldn’t take it because he wanted to save Hoity.”

Rarity sighed in relief. “Alright, at least you tried to help. Still, what in Equestria were you three doing in the bathroom in the first place?! Let alone near the toilet?!”

Hoity Toity blushed as he babbled. “Sweetie Bewwe and Cannon Feathew were twying to help me leawn how to use ta potty, and I twied to use the big potty, bu I feww in and went down the howe.”

Cannon Feather nodded and babbled. “Yeah is my fawt. I sowie, Wawity. I went in aftew Hoity instead of getting you.”

Rarity placed a hoof to her face grumbling. “Alright, I get it, and I can understand you were trying to do me a favor. But Hoity, you’re staying in diapers. I said I’ll change them and I’m fine with that. I’d rather change a stinky diaper then have this happen again. However, I’ll still keep Sweetie Belle’s old potty out, but I’ll move it out of the bathroom and leave it in my bedroom. If you feel like you have to go, tell me and I’ll try to get you on it.”

“Otay, bu why I gots to be in diapees if I stiww gonna use the twaining potty?” Hoity asked in confusion.

“I very well can’t take such a thing with me, and I don’t want any accidents leaking onto my floors,” Rarity explained. “And it’s okay if you have accidents, Hoity, everypony has them at some point, even yours truly as much as I’m ashamed to admit it.”

Hoity nodded as Rarity turned to Cannon Feather. “Cannon Feather, you should've know better than to try and potty train Hoity with the toilet, but I understand you were just trying to help your friend. Still, there are better ways to help your friend than flushing yourself down the toilet.”

Cannon Feather blushed, but smiled a little upon realizing he wasn't in serious trouble.

Rarity then turned to Sweetie Belle. “You on the other hoof are the oldest and should have stopped this. When they were trying to use the toilet, you should’ve come get me, especially once Hoity made that huge mess on my floor. For now on, if they do anything like that, you come to me, alright? I won’t have more flushed foals on my watch.”

Sweetie nodded. “Okay, Rarity. I’m sorry.”

Rarity then sighed, turning back to the foals. “Good. Now then, I have more work to do on the foal clothes, so how about you two come and help me in my workshop? Since there’s only one training potty at the moment, you’ll both have to stay in diapers, okay?”

Cannon Feather and Hoity Toity both nodded and followed Rarity out of the room, as Sweetie belle sighed, plopping herself onto her bed. “Wow, foalsitting is tough, especially when they do stuff like that. I wonder how Apple Bloom does this every day? Then again, she’s got an entire family to help her, and she only has one foal to deal with. Maybe Scootaloo would be willing to help me?”

Hoity Toity and Cannon Feather were brought into Rarity’s workshop, where she placed pieces of paper and some crayons next to them. “There now, how about you two draw me some designs?” She instructed.

Hoity Toity nodded. “Yeah, otay.” He quickly snatched up a crayon with one of his hooves and began scribbling away, while Rarity went back to her sewing machine

Cannon Feather watched Hoity toity drawing and sighed. “Hoity, wha ya dwawin?”

Hoity babbled. “My onesie. I gonna show Wawity exactly how I wan it. At weast if I gots to weaw diapees aww the time, I wanna wook fashinoabwe in tem.” Cannon Feather looked over to see a messy drawing of blue and smirked. “Sure it is, wooks mowe wike a blue stowm.”

Hoity looked down at the drawing and sighed. “Yeah, ya wight, it wooks siwwy. I fowgot I not tat good of an awtist as a foaw,” He turned to Rarity, who was working on stitching up his new diapers, and mumbled, “I dun tink she needs owa hewp.”

Cannon Feather giggled. “Yeah, Mommy Wuna does that aw ta time when she’s busy. She tews me she need hewp with dweams and makes me go to sweep when I supa excited. Twuth is, she just wants me to go to sweep.”

Hoity sighed and babbled. “Yeah, I guess bein’ a baby means ya can’ do much wike ya used to,” He then picked up the crayon and started coloring some more. “Wew, I can at weast twy to make a pcitua fow Wawity to show hew tat I wove hew, even aftew evewyting tat happened.”

Cannon Feather nodded. “Yeah, I’ww make a pictua fow Mommy Wuna about ta dweam we had wast night.” Hoity looked up and asked. “Ya have dweams with ya mommy?”

The little royal guard gave a nod. “Yeah, when she done with hewpin otha ponies with they'we nightmawes, we pway together. Sometimes in a big pwaypwace, ow eat a bunch of candy. Sometimes she even tuwns hewsewf into a foaw and we pway toogetha. She ta best mommy in ta whowe wowd!”

Hoity sighed. “Yeah, my mommy didn do any of tose tings with me, and neithew did my daddy. Afta I was finawwy potty twained, tey sent me to schoow and I had to weawn to be a ‘pwopa cowt’, didn’ have much time fow fun afta tat.”

Cannon Feather looked up. “Yeah, I know. My aunt did ta same ting ta me, even fwushed me down the toiwet fow fwushing hew favowite neckwave and towd me not to come back tiw I weteived it. Bu tat schoow is when we became fwiends.”

Hoity nodded and looked up. “Yeah, I guess so, maybe…” He blushed and went back to drawing as Cannon Feather asked, “Wait, wha ya goin’ ta say?”

Hoity looked at Cannon Feather and said to him. “If tey can't find a cuwe, I guess we can stawt owa fwiendship aw ova again. Maybe when I a bit owder ya can hewp me potty twain again, and tis time I wun be so scawed of the big potty.”

Cannon Feather laughed. “Yeah, we can go to daycawe, pweschoow, and weguaw schoow. Ten ya gwowup bein’ a snobby fashion desinwe again.”

But then Hoity shouted. “Tats it!” And he tackled his friend. “Ya gonna get ta tickwe monsta!” He started to tickle Cannon, then a gentle hiss echoed through the workshop, and he saw Cannon Feather’s diaper turn yellow, and he patted it. “Aww, does ta big baby need a diapee change?”

Cannon Feather toppled Hoity over and went on top of him. “Nu uh, now ya gonna get ta tickwe monsta!” He started tickling Hoity making him giggle and gurgle until he wet his diaper too. Rarity looked over, groaning. “Darlings, I just re-diapered you after your sewer trip. Sweet Celestia, the amount of perfume, soap, and foal powder I went through to get you smelling nice again!”

They both got up blushing as Hoity babbled. “Sowwie, Wawity. Bu we didn’ wet tem too much, we dun need a change wight now. They can pwobabwy howd anothew pee-pee ow two.”

Rarity smiled. “Alright, but just go back to coloring unless you use your diapers again. I’m almost done with your stuff, Hoity Toity.”

The foals went back to coloring, finishing their picture as Cannon Feather smirked “Wawity weminds me of ya mom.”

Hoity pushed Cannon Feather. “Stop it, she nothin’ wike my mom. My mom was nowhewe neaw as nice as Wawity.”

Cannon Feather cooed. “Yeah, bu she is she fancy and wikes dwessies, just wike ya mommy.” Hoity blushed. “Ok, she’s onwy a wittwe wike my mommy. Bu at weast she not wike Bucket Bwidwe’s owd mommy.”

Cannon Feather laughed out loud and babbled. “Wew, she acts wike Pinkie Pie. I bet if Pinkie Pie’s cutie mawk was a diapee, she wowd be just wike hew.”

Hoity squealed. “Yeah, I bet! Tat wouwd be so siwwy,” He went back to his drawing, soon finishing it as he babbled. “Wew, my dwawing is done,” He looked up at Cannon Feather and asked. “Wha about you?”

Cannon Feather blushed. “Wew, Mommy Wuna wiw put it up on ta kitchen fwidge in ta wowyaw kitchen when I get back home. Is a wittwe embeawssin, but I wike it. Auntie Cewestia does it with Bucket Bwidwe’s pictuwes too. I dun know whewe Shining hangs Bwight Wing’s pictuwes though.”

Hoity laughed out loud again, as Rarity turned and cooed. “Sounds like you two are having fun.” The foals just smiled and showed her their messy drawings. Hoity’s was of him (a grey scribble) and a white scribble with purple and pink scribbled all over the page. “See, tat’s me and ya makin’ me new foaw cwothes togetha.”

Rarity’s heart melted a little at the picture and she cooed. “Oh Hoity, that's adorable darling, thank you.”

Cannon Feather held up his picture, a white scribble flying with a black scribble through a big blue scribble. “Tats me and my mommy, we fwyin thwough ta sky.” He explained.

Rarity dawwed. “Well, I think Princess Luna will just love it darling,” Then she turned to Hoity. “Now, I just finished your set of foal clothes. But what about your friend, Prim Headline? I want to show her what I've made so far.”

Hoity shrugged. “I dun know, Twily is ta one who sent ta lettaw to hew.”

Just then, all heard a knock and a female sounding voice called out. “Miss Rarity? It's me, Prim Headline.”

Rarity squeaked in excitement! “She’s here! Stay here you two, no funny business,” She quickly trotted down the stairs and to the door, opening it up to see a grey coated mare with a short pink mane, and blue eyes. She had her snout in the air, with two stallions buckling under the weight of boxes stacked on top of them.

The mare peered down at Rarity and asked. “So, you must be the one they call Rarity, correct?”

Rarity nodded and replied. “Yes, that’s me. I guess you want to see Hoity Toity?”

Prim Headline nodded. “Of course, but I would rather see your foal line first. As much as Hoity Toity is my friend, I’d rather not get my coat dirty from a foal,” She strutted inside with the stallions huffing, unpacking the boxes, as Prim looked around the boutique. “Hmmm, we’re going to need more space.”

“Oh don't worry about that, darling. I do most of my tailoring upstairs.” Rarity answered.

Prim nodded, waving a hoof as the moving stallions groaned, but still picked up the luggage and heaved it upstairs. They all entered Rarity's studio unloading the boxes, before they started to unpack them. Rarity blushed and whispered. “Um...thanks.”

Prim Headline turned. “Thank me later, first I must see that you're worth my time. Do you have some foal clothes to present me with?”

Hoity Toity waddled over with a scowl on his face. “Of couwse she does, she was wowkin aww day wong on tem!”

Prim turned to the foal with a smirk. “Aw, Hoity Toity. Never thought I would see you in a soiled diaper, so uncouth.”

Hoity blushed, trying to hide the yellow stained diaper, “So wha? I’m a foaw now, is not wike ya didn’t make messies in ya diapees as a baby. In fact, I know fow a fact tat you wowe diapees tiw ya was fouw, and ya didn’t potty twain once tiw ten cause ya wiked ya diapees.”

Prim scoffed, trying not to blush. “Such terrible manners, somepony should teach you some. Especially that it’s not polite to repeat such gossip in mixed company.”

Rarity gave a fake cough making Prim turn her head. “Um, excuse me, Prim, but should we perhaps get on with the um fashion show?”

Prim sneered. “Sure. It better be worth the train ride down here though.”

Rarity nodded, and as the snobby mare left the studio she turned to the foal. “Alright Hoity, darling, you ready to be a model?”

Hoity started bouncing on his diaper as he exclaimed! “Yep, I weady! Just tew me wha to do.”

Rarity carefully picked him up and explained. “How about I change your diaper first, then we’ll do the show? Don’t need you getting a rash on top of everything else that’s happened to you today.”

Prim Headline sat near the stage set in Rarity’s boutique, and was a tapping a hoof waiting for the presentation, when Rarity came out. “Hello and welcome to my presentation of ‘Rarity’s Fabulous Foal Wear’ as modeled by Hoity Toity. First I'll show off my new diapers!”

Hoity took a deep breath, then he waddled out onto the stage in his new diaper. It was super cute with little gems with purple leak guards. He waddled up to Rarity as she continued. “This is my latest design for foal diapers. It has powerful leak guards to protect the foal from any leaking, but the diaper isn't any thicker than normal. Instead laid within the fabric are two padding stuffers in the sides of the diaper and inlined into the inside. Also I added fresheners in the diaper to keep the foal’s accidents from smelling too bad, and of course the gems on the front are wetness indicators. So it will be identified easily if the baby peed.”

Prim headline smiled at it. “Well all that does sound amazing. Can I see them all tested?”

Rarity blushed. “I wouldn't mind, but I was only able to make a few and I’d rather not have them ruined just yet. Besides, I don’t think Hoity has to go right now.”

Prim nodded and replied. “Alright, fair enough. Show me the next item then.” Hoity nodded and waddled off as fast as he could. Rarity came over, putting the onesie on him and buttoning the bottom flap as she whispered. “How are you holding up?”

Hoity smiled. “I doin’ fine, tank ya fow now making me do a wettie in fwont of Pwim.” Rarity hugged him back. “Think nothing of it, darling now go out and try to waddle more, it makes you look even more adorable.”

Hoity nodded and waddled out of the curtains, strutting about in his diaper and wiggling his tush back and forth. Prim dawwed, seeing him in an adorable blue onesie with a cute teddy bear on the front, and a little black bow tie on it. Rarity then explained. “This is an onesie of course, but I made it in mind of how a foal moves. It gives them ample room to play in and it's super easy to wash in case it gets messy.”

Hoity sat down on his padded rump with a big smile, blushing as Prim clapped. “Bravo, just wonderful. The onesie matches your eyes and is very well designed too, bravo.”

Hoity squealed, waddling back in through the curtain. He was quickly undressed and the onesie was thrown off, then he got on a cute little blue suit with a button crotch, but it had a small, cute coat with little teddy bears for the buttons to go with it, and a cute purple bow tie. Rarity continued. “This is my foal suit for formal occasions. It's like an onesie but it functions to make the colt not only formal but cute.”

Hoity wiggled his rump strutting out of the curtains, making Prim burst into laughter. “Oh my Celestia, Hoity! You’re too much!” Hoity squealed, jumping up and down in excitement. “So, ya wike ta foaw cwothes?!”

Prim nodded. “Yes, these are some of the best looking foal clothes I have ever seen.”

Rarity beamed with pride, as she trotted out onto the stage. “Thank you, Prim.”

Prim waved a hoof. “Enough of that. Now, I heard you have a plan for the rest of the foal clothes, and you also have a filly model in mind?”

Rarity nodded. “Yes, her name is Zecora, but she’s currently with Applejack.”

Prim blushed. “You're talking about the zebra that was turned into a foal a month ago?”

Rarity nodded and continued. “Yes, I know her black and white stripes might clash with most colors, but I'm sure we can work around it.”

Prim waved a hoof. “Say no more, I'll be the first fashion mare to design for a zebra. And don't worry, soon we'll have a full line of foal fashion to show off.”

Rarity gave a slight nod. “Of course. Now, should we get to work? I could see about getting Applejack to bring Zecora in.”

Prim shook her head and yawned. “No. I had a long train ride here, and for now, while my work ponies set up my stuff, I'm going to my hotel. We shall begin tomorrow at ten a.m. sharp.”

Rarity gave a nod. “Ten a.m., got it. I’ll have everything ready before then.”

Prim continued as she strode out of the door. “Be sure you are, because tomorrow we'll change the face of foal fashion.”

As soon as Prim was gone, Hoity squealed. “We did it! We did it! We got Pwim Headwine to stay and help!”

Rarity, in tears of joy, hugged Hoity. “Thanks so much! You were an excellent model”

Hoity blushed. “Is no pwobwem, I happy to hewp. Guess that means we can have a wittwe rest befowe tomorrow.”

Rarity nodded. “Of course, darling, Now come on, let's go get you something to eat. You must be starving after everything you’ve been through.”

That night, Rarity was getting ready for bed, putting on her sleeping mask and setting her mane up in curls. She turned to hear Hoity and Cannon Feather bouncing around on her bed. Lifting her mask, she smiled at the scene and cooed. “Looks like you two still have a lot of energy.”

Cannon Feather turned with big smile on his face. “Yeah, we gots wots and wots of enewgy.”

Hoity got up, putting a hoof over his chest as he said with a smug grin. “Yeah, I ta best foaw modew in aw of Eqwestia. Soon evewy foaw wiw be weawin owa diapees.”

Rarity laughed as she settled them under the covers. “Okay, that’s enough, darlings. Now it’s time for bed,” They snuggled into her with a slight blush growing over her face, “Alright you two, comfortable?”

Both nodded, then Cannon Feather with a worried look asked, “Wawity, Mommy is pwoabbwy gonna visit you in a dweam and ask about me. Awe ya goin to tew hew I was naughty today?”

Rarity shook her head. “Of course not, darling. I'll tell her you've been really well behaved. But I will inform her of what happened with the potty training earlier.”

Cannon Feather groaned. “I was scared you would say that” But Rarity ruffled his mane. “Oh, don't fret. Luckily, you and Hoity are back here, safe and sound and smelling nicely again. I’m sure she’ll understand..”

Hoity nuzzled Rarity, and started to press his lips and suckle air, but it wasn’t enough and he started whining a little. “Waiwty I...I want something to suck on.”

The fashionista blushed. “Well ..” She lit up her horn and a pacifier lifted from the diaper bag near the bed, and plopped into Hoity’s mouth. He gave it a few satisfying suckles and snuggled deep into Rarity’s fur as he mumbled. “Tat’s so much betta.” The two were sleeping soundly soon enough as Rarity looked at the two and nuzzled them. “What a wonderful day, well aside from when they flushed themselves down the toilet during my nap. I guess foals aren't that bad after all, when they’re not using their diapers or doing stuff to make you worry.” She thought to herself.