//------------------------------// // Chapter 5- A Very Strange Morning // Story: Legends of Everfree: Friendship Makes Magic // by ImNoPony //------------------------------// It was early in the morning and the sun was slowly lifting pass the horizon. The sky still has that dark tinge of blue and chilly air still filled the woods of the Everfree Forest. And it Camp Everfree, almost everyone is still vastly asleep inside their tents. The only people who were up this early was the school faculty (Celestia, Luna, and Discord), camp counselors (Gloriosa and Timber) and Applejack herself (due to a habit being woken up by a rooster back at her farm). However, not everybody was sleeping soundly. In the peridot tent, Sunset Shimmer was shifting and turning inside her quilt covers and shake off the deep nightmare she was having. "No... Go away... Uh... Leave my friends alone..." Faint words escaped her mouth as Sunset dreams about dangerous monsters attacking her and her friends. Fear's firm grip holding onto her tightly as she tries her best to run away from them. But as the danger in her dream was getting closer and closer to her, the faster the rate of her waking up will be. Eventually, the nightmare got so great that Sunset shot up straight and let out her scream. "AAAAHH!" As Sunset emerges from her slumber, she took a moment to catch her breath. The eventual realization finally sinks in and come to discover that she has been dreaming the entire time. Something that her tent mate, Twilight Sparkle, is greatly displeased about. "Mmm... Sunset... Shut-Up... Go back to sleep..." As she heard Twilight rolling over, Sunset felt greatly ashamed of herself for disturbing her friend as she sleeps. "Sorry Twilight" she softly apologized. As the moment come to pass and then tent was finally silent again, Sunset lay back onto her bed. Sunset was much of a morning person and prefers to get at the appropriate time. But as she was about to rest her eyes and fall back asleep, she noticed something strange. "Hey, is the ceiling of the tent closer than usual?" Sunset asked out loud. The peculiar question pulled her away from her slumber as Sunset felt the distance between her and the top of the tent was much closer then what she remembers. She sits back up and found that she could actually touch the top. Sunset was confused. But when she turned her head towards Twilight, she saw something shocking/amazing that it took her breath away. "What the..." Sunset muttered, frighten to what she was seeing. She was so frightened, she was anxious to tell Twilight about it. But seeing that she was still asleep, Sunset was cautious about. "Twilight..." she softly called out. "Mmm no mmm..." Twilight growled, still very much asleep. "Twilight" Sunset called out, this time a bit louder. "Mmmmm! Go back to sleep..." "Twilight!" "I said go back to sleep!" "TWILIGHT!" "WHAT!" Twilight shouted, finally sitting up on her bed and looking (angrily) across to Sunset. It was then that Twilight notice... everything in their tent was floating. Their clothes, their camping equipment, and even their beds that they were resting on. Even Spike was adrift in the air and was enjoying the zero gravity experience as he was chasing his tail. Everything also had a weird luminous glow to it... something that they magically recognize all too easily. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Sunset cried out in panic. Twilight replies: "I don't Knnooooow! As she spoke, the magical glow that was suspending everything in the air suddenly disappeared and gravity finally reclaimed control. Everything feels back down to the ground giving both girls, even more, to be frightened about. "AAAHH!" both Twilight and Sunset screamed. But once everything (came crashing) down to the ground, everything seems relatively normal again. while the girls were still recoiling from the fall and everything that they've seen, they notice that nothing was broken and everything was in their relatively normal place. Even Spike landed safely on the bed and thinking the same thing that Sunset thought out loud. "What was that!?" Twilight got out of her bed and kick-start her brain. "I don't know" she replied. "But it seemed like... everything was being lifted up by magic." "By Magic!" Sunset responded. "So... These Woods Are Enchanted." To stop Sunset from having a panic attack, Twilight quickly got up to her and rest her hand on her shoulder. "I don't think it's the woods" she tells her. "Maybe... Maybe it's the magic that came from us and is leaking from us somehow?" "From us? But I don't have a problem with magic spilling out while I sleep and I haven't heard anything from the others about it either?" "Me neither. But..." But before she could continue, Sunset and Twilight suddenly heard a voice a familiar voice from outside their tent's flap. "Sunset!? Twilight!? Are You Two Alright!? I Heard a Scream!" the voice called, revealing it to be Principal Celesta. "We're alright Principal Celestia!" Twilight yelled back. "Are You Sure!?" "Yeah!" "Well, Ok Then! There's still a few hours left before you all suppose to get up. Feel free to get some more sleep if you still tired." "Um, Thanks!" Sunset awkwardly replied. They waited for a few moments for Celestia to move away from their tent. Once they were sure that Celestia was gone, Twilight turned back to Sunset and tells her: "Let's mention this to the others and get their thoughts on it." Sunset was still frightful and worried. She still thinks that the Everfree was the cause of it and some sort of danger is looming over them. However, she still trusts Twilight and her friends and was willing to go along with her suggestion. "Sure" Sunset says to Twilight. But then, as Twilight and Sunset was having a heartwarming moment, they soon notice Spike was on Sunset bed and jumping around and acted excited. The thinks: "Well if you don't solve it, can you at least make things floaty again. I think I had a real chance to catch my tail this time." Both Twilight and Sunset look at him with confusion. Later, once everyone was up and awake, all the campers were standing around and mingling, waiting for their 2nd day of camp activities to start. Twilight and Sunset, fully dressed, was busy looking around for the rest of her friends and tell them what happened. "Do you see them yet, Twilight" Sunset asked worryingly. "No" Twilight unfortunately replied. The two best friends were scanning the area, hoping to find Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, or... "Wait! I see Pinkie Pie and Rarity!" Sunset suddenly called out. Twilight jolted around and saw Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Eager to tell them about their weird morning discovery, both her and Sunset began moving their legs and fly towards them. And when they got close, Pinkie and Rarity were happy to see. "Good morning Twilight! Good morning Sunset!" Rarity said cheerfully as they approach In contrast, Pinkie loudly announces "MORNING TWI-SET!" When they arrived, Sunset replies: "Hey guys. We got to... Wait! What did you call us?" "Twi-set" Pinkie reiterate. "It's my own personal nickname for the two of you for when you both are together. Do you like it?" Both Sunset and Twilight was left quietly perplexed. But after they shake off their confusion, they get to the point. Twilight asks them: "Have you seen the others around here?" "No, I have not" Rarity replied disappointingly. However, Pinkie response was: "Oh, I have seen plenty of "others". But if you mean Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, then they are just looking for what material we can use to fix the docks and should be back soon." Curious, Rarity asks: "What is this about? Is something wrong?" After stilling herself, Sunset says to them: "Well you see-" But before she could say what she wanted, Starlight suddenly appears behind them and greets: "Hey guys! All the girls jumped when they heard Starlight, with Sunset letting out loud "AH!" "Sorry!" Starlight quickly apologized. "I forgot that you get easily startled." "Um, that's ok Starlight" Sunset replied. "Is there something you want?" "Well, I'm just curious if any of you have seen Trixie around here?" After thinking about it, Twilight says to her: "No, me and Sunset haven't seen here?" "Me and Pinkie haven't seen her either" Rarity added. "Huh?" Starlight sounded. "I did hear her say that she'll meet me here, but I didn't actually "see" her say it." "Hm?" Twilight replied, with her and her friends being just as confused as Starlight. "Maybe you just haven't found her yet?" "I guess so." But then, before anybody could say anything else, Gloriosa's voice shouted out towards the crowd. "OK! It's Time For Camp Activities!" And with that, everybody began to go towards and crowd around Gloriosa over by the gazebo. Starlight silently walks along too, hoping she could find Trixie along the way. But then, in the moment where they are alone, Rarity asks Twilight and Sunset: "Ok, what's the thing you were trying to tell us." Not wanting to be late with the others, Twilight and Sunset quickly whisper into Rarity's and Pinkie's. They told them what happened in their tent and how magic might be involved. Rarity was left gasped while Pinkie was amazed. "Oh my!" said Rarity "Ooooh!" said Pinkie Pie. And then, feeling that they were out of time, Twilight told them: "Let's discuss this later where we have everyone." Rarity and Pinkie silently agree (and Pinkie even did a comical salute). Moments later, Twilight and her friends catch up with the other campers and they hear Gloriosa splitting up the group. "Ok, Campers! Today, you got a full schedule of a bunch of fun activities you all can do!" Glori' stated, sounding (over) enthusiastic as she says it. "This morning; we got backing in the lunch hall, sailing over by the lake, and rock climbing over by the rock wall! Doesn't that sound like fun!?" "YEAH!" the campers excitedly shouted. "Ok, Then! We're gonna split everyone by tent assignments and then we rotate around once everyone had a turn. People in the ruby, sapphire and emerald tents go meet up with Timber and he'll teach how to use the boats. Pearl, amethyst and garnet tents will do some baking in the lunch hall with you school principals (but not actually "baking" with your school principals). Meanwhile, people in the peridot, jasper and lapis lazuli tents will follow me to the rock wall." Everyone seemed pleased with the arrangements and happy to go along. And since Twilight and Sunset were in the peridot tent, they have realized that they got the rock climbing first. However, they were more concerned if any other other friends will be joining as they are anxious to warn them about the magic. As the other camper leaves for their activities, they only people that they could see was Rarity, Starlight, and a few other campers from their school (but neither of them was Rainbow, AJ or Fluttershy). Nevertheless, they decided to hold their worries for now and try to enjoy themselves for the time being. Everyone soon follows Glori' to the rock wall. And when they arrive, they all was soon amazed by how large and how amazing the wall was. The climbing stones were in a wide array of colors and they all come all different shapes and sizes. The sides looked like tree trumps and you couldn't tell at a glance if they were just plastic or if they were made from real trees. And for the added touch of safety, lines and safety harnesses were looped and connected to the hooks on top and they were waiting for the campers to use. Everyone was very much impressed and most of them were eager to climb. "Ok, everyone!" Gloriosa called out. "We only have three safety climbing harnesses so not everybody can climb up at once. So can everyone pair up with a partner and-" However, before Gloriosa could finish, most of the campers dashed out from behind her and left her in a spin. "Whoa!" she cried out as she tries to regain her composure. Once she finally regained it, she saw that the campers were already examining the safety gear and seeing how it works. She even somewhat amazed by how quick that they got them. However, Glori' still feel like that she still teach them how to use. "Well, it's good to see that you know how to use the safety gear. But, you still need a friend to hold the line for you and make sure that you don't fall." Everyone soon got the hang of it and even follow Gloriosa's instructions. Meanwhile, Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, and Starlight were figuring it out at their own pace with little to no issue. They proper weren't the most excited about rock climbing, but there was still the ting of excitement to try it out. But then, once everything was set up and campers were about to start climbing, a disappointed moan shot them from behind. "Aw Man! We're too late!" the moaning voice cried out. Everyone was surprised by the sudden voice. However, the familiarity of the voice eases some of the surprised fears. They all turned around and saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "Rainbow Dash! AJ!" Sunset cried out with excitement. "Hey yall, sorry we're late" Applejack apologized. "We were just looking for stuff to fix the docks." AJ's and Rainbow Dash's arrival was met with joyful surprise and welcoming smiles. Especially for Twilight and Sunset. But for the responsible camp director, she was kind of skeptical of their appearance. "Well girls, I'm glad you made it in time for camp activities, but we're assorted by camp assignment. But then, Applejack replied to Glori': "Well, uh, I'm Rarity's tent mate so I think I'm in this group." "Really?" Gloriosa replied skeptically. As she looks down at the roster on her clipboard, she says to AJ: "Well, we shall see about--" But as soon as she found Applejack's name, she quickly changes her tune and says: "Oh! Lookie Here! You are meant to be with us!" Everyone was glad as this seemed like a little victory. But then, Rainbow tries to casually walk pass Gloriosa and nonchalantly exclaims: "Yep! Now let us get this rock climbing thing a-go..." But before Rainbow could get pass her, Glori' had another check on the roster and stops her. "Ah-Ah-Ah!" she exclaims. "Applejack is meant to be here, but you are meant to be in baking over by the lunch hall." "Aw, what!" Rainbow moaned. "But I wanted to..." "Ah, no "buts" little missy. You will get you turn on the rock wall when it's your group's time to do so." Rainbow Dash was devastated that she couldn't do the rock climbing as soon as she wanted. It didn't help matters that she could hear some of the other campers snickering to her misfortune. Even her friends were trying their best not to snicker. Feeling defeated, Dash huffs "Fine" to Gloriosa. "Good" Glrori' replied. But then, as soon as everyone's back was turned, they all suddenly heard a "zoom" from behind them. They all look and saw no one was there (not even Rainbow Dash). Some of them were Confused... but decided to ignore it and try to start their activity. As Applejack finally joins the group, she notices Rarity with the rope and sees that she's pretty nervous about it. She goes up to her and calmly tells her: "Don't worry Rarity. I can do the pulling while you just worry about climbing." "Oh, thank you dearie" Rarity appreciatively replied. But then, as Rarity was getting the harness on, AJ notice Starlight was left flabbergasted in the air. Intrigued and worried: she asks her: "Is something wrong?" Realizing she was being asked, Starlight snapped out of her trance. "Huh!? Oh, uh... Is your rainbow-friend usually that fast?" "Who; Rainbow? Uh... Yeah, she usually pretty quick. Why?" To hide the fact that she saw Rainbow Dash ran away with super speed, Starlight tell her: "Um, no reason..." Applejack could tell that Starlight was hiding something but couldn't tell what it is. After a short time, all the campers were ready and the activity was about to begin. AJ and Rarity was a pair that was going first, but so was Twilight & Sunset and Starlight with "Bright Eyes" (she's substituting for Trixie who was still absent). However, while there was still time, Sunset quickly catches AJ's attention. "Hey, Applejack" Sunset loudly whisper. "We need to talk to you about something." "What's up?" AJ replied. "This morning, me and Twilight think we've found magical activity in our tent." "Really!" AJ exclaimed. She was about to toss it up to Sunset's paranoia, but one nod from Twilight erase her doubts. "I don't suppose you or the others discover anything strange around here?" After thinking about it, Applejack did recall something important. "Well, I wouldn't we'd found anything, but I can recall something with Fluttershy." "With Fluttershy!? Why what's wrong?" "Well, nothing was wrong exactly. It just when me and Rainbow met up with her, she said she was talking with some birds?" Perplexed, Sunset confusingly thought out loud: "Talking with birds?" However, beneath all of their notice, Starlight couldn't help but overhear their conversation Seeing the confusion on Sunset's, AJ explains: "I know. We all thought it was weird. Even Fluttershy thought she was imagining it. But... she said that she could understand them." "Huh..." Sunset exclaimed, unsure of what to think about it. But before she could think any harder about it, Gloriosa's voice called out and grabs everyone's attention. "Alright Campers, Are You Ready To Start Climbing?!" Seeing that they are out of time, the girls pause their conversation and get into positions. Once the campers were finally ready, Glori' began the countdown. "Ready! Set! Climb!" And with a boom in her voice, the climbing race had begun. Since Sunset was the strongest one of the pair, she was the puller while Twilight was the climber. And despite being a book nerd, Twilight did fairly well for herself. Starlight was a climber too and so far made the most hight. The only one who wasn't off the ground yet... was Rarity. Irritated, AJ yells at her partner: "Rarity! Can Start Climbing Already!?" "Patience, my dear" Rarity says back to her. "I got to make sure nothing that nothing gets broken on my way up." She says this as she takes off her fake nails. Growing even more annoyed, AJ joked to her: "If you so worried about your darn nails, I bet I can pull you all the way up there." Rarity, not wanting to be unexpectedly be pulled, tells her climbing partner: "Don't you dare." "Then start climbing already!" "I will! Just give me 5 more-" Reaching the end of her nerves, AJ decided to give the rope a tug. Just a small one to get Rarity motivated. However, with two firm hands, Applejack pulled the rope... hard. "Woah!" Applejack cried out, shocked by how much rope that she pulled. With great force, Rarity was yanked into the air. "AAH!" she screamed as she somehow flew several feet into the air. She somehow flew pass Twilight and Starlight. In the brief moment that anybody could comprehend all of this, everyone who saw this was struck in disbelief. But then, as Rarity was about 4/5's up the rock wall, gravity finally takes hold. There was a face full of fright on Rarity's face as she soon realizes that her body is gonna fall back down to the ground. "AAAAAHH!" she shrieked in utter horror. In the micro-moment of this incident, people wanted to go out to help her. However, Applejack was still recoiling from her rope tug, Sunset and "Derpy" was too busy holding onto the rope of their partners and everybody else was too far away to try and catch her. In the split second as Rarity falls pass her, Twilight extends her arm and try to catch her. "Rarity!" she cried out. But despite her best efforts, Twilight could catch her. Twilight's heart was pounding her chest as think desperately on what she can do. But then, before Rarity hit the ground, something miraculous happened. With just a few feet off the ground, Rarity stopped mid-air with a glowing glow holding her in place. "AAAAAAAAaahhh! Aaah! Aah... Hm?" It took Rarity a moment to realize that she had stopped. But when she did, she was stunned, as with the rest of the campers. They all were speechless as they see this magical phenomenon before their very eyes. However, none was more surprised than Starlight as this was her first-time witness genuine magic. But in this intense moment of silence, Rarity had something to say. "Can somebody get me down... please?"