//------------------------------// // We`ll treasure these forever! // Story: Pumpkin and Spike 2: At the Gala // by Silver Butcher //------------------------------// Pumpkin was woken up by Pinkie. "Come on we have to meet Spike at Rarity`s so we can make sure all get our outfits fit right." the Twins and Pinkie made their way down to the boutique. "I heard Spike saved the crystal empire by jumping off the top of the castle and Punching Sombra in the face with the Crystal Heart." Pound said "Is that true" "No," Pumpkin said "that's only half true" Pound looked at her squinting "Whi...which half? he asked, before Pumpkin could respond, Pinkie interrupted "He also saved the Crystal games from a Giant Ice cloud, and he`s the reason Thorax the King of Changelings is a good guy, which makes him indirectly responsible for our peace between us and them, and for saving me, the other elements, Discord, Trixie, and all the Alicorns plus Shining armor and Spike himself from being trap in cocoon forever. and then there was the time he, Trixie and Starlight saved Appleloosa from an Ursa Major, but yeah, that thing about him punching Sombra isn't true." "Oh..." Pound said "But he did jump off the top of the Castle in the Crystal Empire with the Crystal Heart, Princess Cadance caught him before he hit the ground." "....Awesome." was all Pound could thing to say to all this Information. Pumpkin had read it all in a small book she`d found in the Library called "The Great Spike and all that he has done" it had been a children's book, But Spike fact-checked that everything in it had indeed happened. When they got to the boutique all Pound could do was stare at Spike, too intimidated to talk to him. as they entered, Pumpkin and Pound were taken into the other room to be measured by Rarity. Spike and Pinkie sat down. "So Spike, What color suit and dress are you two gonna wear?" "Rarity said she would hook us up with a Black and Red comb set" he replied "I went for the Yellow and Blue set...I can`t wait to see them in it."Pinkie said as the twins came back, the rest of the wait Spike and Pumpkin spent giggling over the idea of what the Yellow/Blue set would look like. but when Pinkie and Pound came out they laughed even harder once they saw the mistake. Pinkie was wearing a Black-topped Dress with a Red bow and a Red and Black bottom. Pound had a Black tux top, with a red undershirt and a red tie, with black pant`s. all his buttons where Red. "But this isn't the color I asked for them to be in" "I could have sworn this was the color you ordered." Rarity said. the trio looked over when they heard Spike and Pumpkin laughing themselves silly. "You...you mixed up our color orders!" Spike said, "I can`t wait to see my Yellow and Blue Tux!!!" "I can`t wait to see my dress" Pumpkin said, now on the floor laughing. Pinkie and Pound looked at each other. "I want to see them in it to" Pound said "Me too." Pinkie decided and took their seats as Spike and Pumpkin entered the Changing room and after a few minutes, Pinkie could hear their laughter Increase in volume. Spike came out wearing a Blue Tux with Yellow Polka-dot`s on it, along with an oversized Yellow Bow-tie, and a Yellow Undershirt that had Blue Polka-dots, his pants had Yellow stripes. Pumpkins Dress was Blue and Yellow with Vertical stripes, with the colors switching sides at the bottom, her Bow was big and Yellow with a Blue center. they both looked at each other, and after laughing they both declared "We`ll treasure these forever!"