Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten

by Foal Star

Chapter 1: The Press Conference

Hoity Toity woke the next day, mumbling as he opened his eyes and yawned. He looked up at a ceiling and could feel a blanket wrapped around him. He giggled as he thought. “It was just a dream, just some silly dream. Probably due to this foal fashion show coming up.” Then he kicked his back legs, heard a faint rustle, and whispered, “Wha’s that sound?” He kicked about again, hearing it even louder than before and looked down at the blanket. It was soft and large, and was a purple color with little diamonds sewn into the fabric. He looked up to see it was a canopy bed, and he looked around seeing a ponyquin with a beautiful dress on it. He whispered, “Whwe am I, and why is ta woom so”

Hoity quivered as pulled the blanket close to his chin and heard another pony nearby. He turned his face to see his old friend Cannon Feather, who was sleeping soundly right next to him. He now seemed to be his size with his cute blue mane pouring over his face, and drool slowly coming out of his mouth. Hoity Toity nudged him whimpering. “C..Can..Cannon Feathew.”

The little toddler woke with a smile, “Hi, Hoity Toity.”

Hoity whimpered, “Cannon Feathew, I aduwt, wight? Tis is stiww a dweam, wight?”

Cannon Feather scooted over to hug Hoity toity and brushed his mane. “Hey, it’s otay, ya awight.”

Hoity snuggled near him and whimpered, “Wha happened to me?”

Cannon Feather whispered. “We dun know. Aww we know is ya gots tuwned into a foaw. Cadence took my fwiends home and Abbwejack took Zecowa, whiwe Twiwght began investigatin aw night on what happened. Wawity was supa nice and said sheww cawe fow ya untiw tey can get ya back ta nowmaw.”

Toity whined loudly. “Oh, so I have to weaw diapees now?!” Cannon Feather lifted the blanket and threw it to the side, as Hoity Toity looked down at a cute pink diaper and shouted. “Pink! I can’ weaw pink, it dun match my coat! It cwashes howwibwy”

Cannon Feather laughed. “Wew, ya gots to weaw it, supa soakaw. Ya should’ve seen ta puddwe ya made wast night. It was huge!”

Hoity blushed, vaguely remembering the accident he’d had before fainting and babbled, “It was an accident, and I gots scawed. It wun happen again!”

Cannon Feather crawled over and prodded the pink diaper, it made loud squishing sounds. “Yep, ya soaked it good. Wuckiwy tese diapees awe thick.” Cannon Feather show off his diaper, which was sagging a little as Hoity Toity giggled. “Wow good ting ya stiw weaw diapees. Bu I thought ya in potty twaining now?”

Cannon Feather nodded. “Yeah, weww I got a wittwe wazy. But Mommy Wuna tawked to me wast night in my dweam. She said she was pwoud I hewe to hewp ya, and said I can skip usin ta potty today so ya dun feew bad about needing diapees.”

Hoity Toity blushed, “Cannon Feather, ya dun have ta do tat fow me.”

But Cannon Feather waddled over and hugged him. “Is okay, ya my best fwiend and I gonna hewp ya untiw ya big pony again, no mattew wha I weaw. Besides, diapees mean ya dun have to get up to use ta potty in the middwe of the night.”

Hoity Toity snuggled his friend and babbled, “So...ya said Waity is takin cawe of me?” Cannon Feather nodded as Toity whimpered, “Bu I made fun of hew designs wast night. Wha if she punishes me fow tat?”

Cannon Feather laughed. “Oh I wowdnt wowwy about tat, Wawity’s a nice pony.”

Just then, the door burst open with a white coated filly with green eyes running up to the foals and squealing. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It's true! I have a baby brother!”

Hoity Toity shrieked in fright! “Wait, who awe ya?!”

The filly took him from the bed cooing loudly. “Oh, you're adorable! Just look at you!” She took a hoof, patted his padding, and giggled. “Oh, you're soaked! Just wonderful! Don’t worry, I'll change that soggy diaper!” She set the foal down on the floor, and hastily opened a diaper bag bursting with diapers, wipes, and powder. She started untapping Hoity Toity’s diaper making him shiver and squirm. “Wow, tats cowd!”

The filly apologized while cooing. “Oh, sorry, I’ll try to make this quick.” She continued to wipe the colt down and powdered him as he blushed, “Um, whas ya name?”

The filly looked up and smiled. “Oh, my name is Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s little sister,” As she took out a cute diaper with little diamonds on it she added. “Rarity felt that even as a foal you would want to look your best. So she had these designed for you.”

Hoity blushed, ”Wew, tose diapees do wook quite fashionabwe. I guess if I have to weaw one, tose wiw do, even if tey gots to be pink instead of pwain white.”

Sweetie Belle smiled, and continued taping Hoity Toity’s diaper up. She then turned to Cannon Feather slowly crawling out of Rarity’s bed, waddling over as he reluctantly asked. “Sweetie Bewwe, can ya change me too? My diapee’s wet.”

Sweetie squealed in delight. “Oh of course, Cannon Feather!” She took Cannon Feather, laying him down, and started changing the toddler too.

Meanwhile, Hoity looked down at his new diaper, rather admiring it. It had cute little diamonds printed all over it, and it had cute purple leak guards. Never could he recall foal diapers with this much style. He waddled about as he giggled, “Wow, it does fit weww! How did Waiwty get tese?”

Sweetie blushed. “Oh, she did some late night shopping. Apparently she measured your rump while you were asleep to make sure she got the perfect size. Luckily she was able to teach me a few things about foals and diapers so I could fill in for her.”

Toity then turned to Cannon Feather, who was now in one of the diamond printed diapers giggling. “Tey nice and fancy. Now can we see Wawity? I wana tank hew fow wettin me stay hewe fow ta night.”

Sweetie replied. “Well actually, she’s having a press conference at the moment.”

Hoity Toity’s eyes went wide as he shouted! “A pwess confwence?! Ya mean eveywpony in Eqwestia knows I in diapees?!”

Sweetie gulped. “Well, I don’t know if all of Equestria knows that...but everypony saw you regress at the fashion show last night. Rarity is making sure the reporters stay away from you so you could get some sleep.”

Horrified at this knowledge, Toity whimpered and babbled, “I betta go out thwew ten and make suwe tey know I awight. And tat I pwobabwy wun be in diapees fow wong!”

Sweetie smiled. “Oh, ok but... um we should get something on to cover your diaper, shouldn’t we?” Toity nodded as she went over to the diaper bag, pulling out a baby blue colored onesie with little diamonds on it she replied, “This is the fanciest thing Rarity was able to get last night.”

Hoity Toity took the onesie and nodded. “Tat wiww wowk, now I dun have to wowwy ‘bout evewypony stawing at my diapeed butt.” Sweetie giggled as she asked Toity. “Um, can you raise your hooves?” He blushed and raised his hooves in the air, and Sweetie dressed the onesie over him, buttoning up the bottom and patting his crinkly bottom. He then got up and pushed up his mane with his hooves, blushing. “Sweetie Bewwe, can ya bwush my mane? I wanna woke nice fow aww those weapowtews.”

Sweetie smiled again. “Of course I can.” She then brushed out his bed head mane as he gulped, quivering in fright as he turned to Cannon Feather. “Hey, I need to ask ya a favow.”

Cannon Feather turned and smiled at Toity. “Yeah, wha is it?”

Hoity turned and replied. “Wew I...I newvous tawkin to ta pwess. I...I dun weawwy know what to say.”

Cannon Feather looked at his friend, “Just say you got turned to a foaw. When ta pwess asked me about me bein a pwince, I say I just a wegwessed woyaw guwad, ten tey aww daww at me. Aduwts awe weiwd.”

Sweetie Belle laughed as she chimed in. “Oh Cannon Feather, you don’t know the half of it.” She finished combing Hoity Toity’s mane and tail. The colt then turned to a mirror across the room, gazing at his full reflection. His mane and tail combed around him, his big blue eyes set in a pudgy face. His bulging baby fat made his belly bulge outward. His cute blue onesie riddled with little diamonds  and his diaper added towards his fat rump, with diaper fabric poking adorably through the leg holes. He blushed, hiding his face with his hooves as he whimpered, “Is tat weawwy me?! I so tiny, and chubby!”

Sweetie scooped Toity up onto her back, booping him briefly on the nose. ”Of course it is, cutie, lots of foals look like that at your age. Now come on, it’s time to show the world how cute you are!”

Toity squeaked as he held on tight, with Cannon Feather toddling behind.

The three came out of Carousel Boutique, where they saw swarms of reporters asking questions. Rarity stood there, trying to answer them as best she could.

Though still a bit nervous, Hoity crawled off of Sweetie Belle’s back and waddled over, sticking his chest out. Soon everypony started getting quiet.

Rarity turned, blushing upon seeing Toity’s diaper was falling off, so she came over and fixed it with him standing there, blushing, as she quickly untaped his diaper and he babbled. “Tanks, Wawity.” He then turned upon completion of the re-diapering, sweating as she stammered. “Ho..Hoity Toity, you’re up.”

Toity walked right past Rarity and shouted at the top of his lungs to all the reporters. “Hi, I Hoity Toity. As ya aww can see, I a fow wight now, but tat doesn mean I not stiww a famous designer. Now, I suwe tat many of you got questions, bu I dun gots aw ta answers. I dun know who tuwned me into a foaw, but I dun tinks it’s Wawity. She took me in, bought me some diapees, and is gonna cawe fow me whiwe I waits fow a cuwe, tats aw.”

Rarity blinked at the foal as the reporters continued baragging Hoity, who shouted. “One at a time!”

A unicorn mare replied, “Hoity Toity, our sources indicate you were quite displeased with Rarity’s recent line up of designs, and you were turned into a foal only moments later. Doesn't that make her a suspect?”

Toity shook his head, ”Na uh, I weawd awot about Wawity. And I even taught she is wowth my time to come to Ponyviwwe to show me what she gots. How wowd tuwnin me into a foaw hewp hew get her designs sowd by me?”

A pegasus stallion then questioned. “It seems a lot of ponies are turning into foals this year, doesn’t it? Some ponies are even saying it could be a foal apocalypse.”

Hoity Toity laughed. “Tat siwwy! We wive in Equeswtia! Magic is eveywheew, weiwd stuff happens aw ta time.”

All the reporters blinked in surprise as an earth pony stallion asked, “Hoity Toity, now that you're a foal, will you be cancelling your foal line up for the foal fashion show?”

Toity shook his head. “Nu uh, no way! Aw my cwoeths wew made aweady, heck now tat I a foaw, I can even weaw my own designs mysewf.”

But then the reporter replied, “Didn't you hear ,though? Your whole line up went missing the other night, shortly after you were seen as having regressed.”

Hoity Toity shouted in protest! ”Wha?! No way! I had my best assistants take my stuff to Manehattan! It mus be a mistake!”

The reporter looked through his notes and shook his head. “Nope, it says the entire stock went missing last night.”

Hoity grumbled, “Wwew, I just gots to make mowe, who cawes? What mattwas is ya aww stop bothwin Waiwty! She and I gots wowk to do, now come Wawity, this pwess confwence is over!” He led Rarity back into the boutique, as the crowd of reporters reluctantly began to disperse.

The two eventually made it inside the boutique and up to Rarity’s workshop as Rarity commented. “Hoity Toity, that was amazing!”

Hoity was waddling back with a distressed look on his face as he whined. “My whowe foaw cowection, aw tat wowk I did, is gone!” The little colt then started wailing and Rarity went over and hugged him. “Oh, I'm so sorry, darling. I can only imagine how it must feel to have something you worked so hard on stolen by somepony else.”

Toity looked up, sniffling. “Wew, at weast I dun gots to go to Manehatten now. I was nevew a big fan of that city,” Then he wondered. “Maybe ya can find a cuwe befow ta Gwand Gawoping Gawa?”

Rarity nodded. “Oh of course, darling, I’ll certainly try my best. Twilight already took the pillow you sat on last night and is investigating that. She thinks it could be enchanted.”

Hoity got up as he babbled, “Wew I heawd Twiwight is weawwy smawt. I bet she’ww find somthin. Untiw ten, I gonna stay away fwom evewypony, weww except fow those my age.”

Toity’s then stomach growled as Rarity cooed, “Alright cutie, let’s get you some breakfast.”

Toity was led to the kitchen, where Cannon Feather was sitting in a booster seat, eating a  bowl of blackened oatmeal with sugar dumped all over it. He giggled. “Wow! With aw ta suga, it tastes weawwy good! Is wike candy!”

Sweetie Belle turned to Rarity, smiling as she chirped. “Hi sis! Just made breakfast for little Cannon Feather here.”

Cannon Feather giggled as he babbled. “Yeah, at fiwst it tasted aww buwnt, bu if ya put tons of suga on it, it tastes wike candy.

Rarity sighed. “I can see that,” She then said to Sweetie Belle. “Well, it was nice of you to help, darling, but you should be heading of to school.”

Sweetie groaned in reluctance. “Do I have to?” She bounced over to Hoity Toity and snuggled him. “We have a new baby brother now! I can have him play with Zecora, it’ll be super cute!”

Hoity Toity rolled his eyes, enduring the hug and having his rump patted, making Rarity shriek. “Sweetie Belle, stop! He may be a foal, but this is still Hoity Toity!!”

Sweetie giggled. “Well, Hoity Toity sure was soggy, just like Cannon Feather earlier. Good think I got him changed before he leaked all over the floor.”

Rarity gave a fake laugh, nudging her little sister towards the door, “Oh, so very funny, darling. Now run along, it's time for school!”

Sweetie turned, waving a hoof. “Alright, I'll see ya two later! Bye soggy butts!”

The two foals waved back as Rarity closed the door, gave a loud sigh, and slumped to the floor. Hoity saw how exhausted she was and waddled over to her. “Waity, ya okay?” He asked with concern.

Rarity looked up. “Oh, don't worry about me, darling. Everything is fine. How about we get you some breakfast?” Hoity Toity nodded as his stomach growled again. Rarity picked him, placed him in a stylish purple colored high chair, and snapped a tray over him as he looked up at Rarity and asked. “Wawity, can I feed myself?”

Rarity cooed. “ok darling go on."  Toity then tried grasping the spoon, but he seemed less coordinated than before and the spoon kept slipping from his grasp. He grumbled and relented. “Fine, ya can feed me.”

Rarity smiled, glad the whole thing was resolved. “Splendid! Now, what would you like little ones?”

Cannon Feather was still eating his burnt oatmeal as he groaned. “I usuawwy wike pancakes. Bu my tummy huwts”

Rarity sighed taking the bowl of burned, sugar covered oatmeal out of Cannon Feathers hooves. “Sure, I'll make some pancakes for you. And what about you, Hoity?”

Toity sighed. “I guess I’ww have some pancakes too, bu I guess ya have to cut mine up.” Rarity nuzzled Toity, cooing. “Alright, darling, I’ll make some pancakes.” She then went to the stove and started cooking, as Hoity Toity turned to Cannon Feather who asked. “So, Hoity Toity, was thewe wepowtas scawy?”

Toity gulped as he explained. “Wew, nowmawy, I weawwy confident. But I was scawed ta whowe time I was out thewew,” He whimpered, prodding his diaper as he mumbled.  “Now evewypony in Equwestwia knows I a foaw, my wife is wuined!”

Cannon Feather cooed and reassured his friend, “Oh, it’s okay, ya stiw Hoity Toity.”

But the little colt looked up and whined, “No, is not! Even when I cuwed again, evewypony wiw onwy see me as a foaw! My fashion caweww is finished foweva, I’ww have to go into exiwe!”

Rarity blushed as she thought to herself. “Ironically, I felt the same way during the fashion show last night. She then turned to the foals and cooed, “Oh Hoity Toity, your fashion career is far from over. I mean you crafted the best dresses and suits for all of the nobles in Canterlot. You even helped make a dress for Princess Celestia herself.” As she settled a plate of cut up pancakes over to Cannon Feather first who squealed. “Tanks Wawity!”

Cannon Feather stood up and his diaper fell onto his chair with a plop as he blushed. Rarity sighed. “Let me guess, Sweetie Belle’s handiwork?”

Cannon Feather nodded as he explained, ”Yeah, she changed my soggy diapee tis mownin’.”

Rarity just sighed, and took Cannon Feather down and taped him back up while grumbling. “Should've know Sweetie Belle wouldn't be able to properly change a diaper. Guess it’s a good thing it wasn’t a messy one,”  She then placed him back into his booster seat and went to Hoity Toity lifting a rubber fork with a piece of pancake. Floating it she cooed. “Now open wide, darling.”

Toity blushed, but did as Rarity instructed and continued to chomp on the pancakes bit by bit, until he felt full and babbled, “Tanks, I done now.”

Rarity nodded and put the plate away, as she picked Hoity Toity up and turned to Cannon Feather. “Okay darling you can upstairs in Sweetie Belle’s room for a while. Stay out of trouble.”

“Otay! I gonna go buiwd with bwocks.” Cannon Feather vowed. He jumped down and scampered off as Rarity returned to Hoity Toity blushing. She cooed. “So, Hoity Toity, I guess we should discuss your situation.”

The little colt sighed. “Weww, I get most of it. I a foaw, ya going to cawe fow me whiw Twiwight twies to find out wha happened.”

Rarity nodded. “Indeed, that's most of it, darling. I just wanted to say, thank you for defending me against those reporters back there.”

Toity smiled and then babbled, “Is fine. But awe ya goin to weawy cawe fow me? Is tat otay? Ya know wha tat means.”

But Rarity hugged him close. “Of course darling, I think it's the least I can do after what happened.” Toity blushed, snuggling into Rarity’s fur, and starting to feel calm and relaxed. Suddenly, he heard a gentle hiss and Rarity gave a unsure look. “Oh, I know he needs somepony to care for him. But still this whole mother thing is so uncouth, I despise diaper changing! I’ll have to see if he can be at all potty trained.” She thought to herself.