//------------------------------// // Arming: Trixie's New Staff // Story: World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// "So Trixie," Meryl said, to which he and the spirit of Alodi turned towards Trixie, who was walking away from the large magical tome that had told her about the three artifacts she could choose from, "Have you decided which of the artifacts you want to go after, or do you require some help, from both Alodi and myself, in making the decision?" "Yes and no." Trixie replied, though at the same time she knew that she was going to have to explain herself, because most people in Azeroth needed some sort of explanation when such an answer was given, "No, I don't need help deciding on which artifact to go after... I have chosen the arcane artifact weapon to pursue, though it might be the most dangerous of the three." "Is that so?" Meryl commented, to which he gave Trixie his full attention, because when she mentioned that it might be the most dangerous of the three she was shown his curiosity was immediately peaked, "So what is the arcane artifact that the book told you about?" "Aluneth, Greatstaff of the Magna," Trixie said, recalling the weapon's full title with ease, though at the same time she reflected to call the weapon by the beginning of its name, because she saw no reason to say the whole title all the time. "A powerful weapon indeed." Meryl stated, to which he nodded his head for a moment, indicating that he knew something about the weapon she had chosen, while at the same time allowing Trixie to smile as she realized that she had picked well, "If you believe some of the old stories, the name also belongs to an old arcane entity that was bound to the staff by some ancient magic. Meitre, the mage responsible for creating the staff so long ago, also created some special scrolls that tell how a mage might bind themselves to the powerful staff. Aeqwynn herself used some of these scrolls to seize control of the staff for a time... so, if we're going after Aluneth, we might want to search the Hall for a bit, because there are bound to be some of them laying on the ground." Trixie looked around the area of the Hall that they were in and spotted three scrolls resting on the ground, oddly in a triangle if she concentrated hard enough, and supposed that three scrolls were better than none, to which she walked over to them and gently put them into her bag. It didn't take her long to gather the three scrolls and return to where Meryl was standing, though at the same time she silently wished that there was more for her to see before she left the Hall, but due to the wooden barrier blocking her way she knew where she had to go first. "Now that you have the scrolls in hand your next step is to find where the staff is located," Meryl said, though at the same time magic danced around his fingers as he snapped a portal open, one that appeared to go right to Dalaran, "I know that Aeqwynn entrusted the staff to the Kirin Tor, who in turn handed it over to the Blue Dragonflight so it would be out of the hands of those that would misuse it. So, with that in mind, the only one that would willingly give you Aluneth's location is Kalec... though with you being Khadgar's apprentice I don't need to tell you where the Blue Dragon is spending the majority of his days." Had Trixie not been the apprentice of one of the strongest Archmages to grace Dalaran, and had been left as an adventuring mage with her guild, her first guess would have been to visit Dalaran and ask Khadgar where Kalec was. Thanks to the time she had spent with the Council of Six she knew that the Blue Dragon was a member of the Council, which meant that he would be in Dalaran, no doubt discussing things with Khadgar and the others. Once she came to that understanding on her own she merely nodded her head and headed through the portal that Meryl had opened, to which she headed towards Dalaran so she could begin her search for the powerful staff known as Aluneth. A few seconds later she reappeared on Krasus' Landing, where the guards merely nodded to her as she came to her senses, though once she had nodded to them in return she started to walk towards the Violet Citadel... but when she entered the area she was heading towards she noticed that one of the Council members was missing, though the one she was looking for happened to be present. "Ah, Trixie, it is good to see that you are well." Khadgar commented, to which he stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her, because it was something that generally helped her calm down and figured that she needed it after what happened at the prison, before he stepped back, "So, what can the Council help you with today?" "I need to speak with Kalec for a few minutes," Trixie replied, to which she glanced over at the dragon that was wearing his human form, who raised an eyebrow when he heard his name being mentioned, "he's the only one that knows the location of the artifact weapon I have chosen to pursue... and I have the scrolls needed to help me bind the weapon to my will, for some unknown amount of time." "Aluneth, of course." Kalec said, his eyes widening when he realized which weapon Trixie was referring to, where she knew that the mention of the scrolls had helped him understand, before he nodded and beckoned her to follow him to the back of the room they were in, "Long ago the Kirin Tor entrusted the Blue Dragonflight with safeguarding the weapon, to which it was locked away in the one place we deemed was safe enough for such a weapon... the Nexus Vault. I have not been there for some time, as the Nexus was abandoned after my dragonflight was dissolved, so I have no way of telling you if the Vault is even intact or what might await you inside the Nexus. All I can do is offer you what aid I can provide and hope that you can secure the weapon... or at least permanently seal the Vault if such a thing is beyond you." Trixie knew that Kalec couldn't come with her, considering that he had to be busy with the rest of the Council, though she was more than willing to accept the communication crystal that the Archmage handed her, as well as the knowledge that the teleporter in the middle of the city was still usable... and that there was one for Wyrmrest Temple waiting for her. That told her that Kalec knew that something had to be happening near the tower and that he fully expected her to find out what was going on, as it might impact her search for Aluneth. With that thought in mind she bid the Council, and her mentor, farewell for the moment and headed back to the middle of the city, where she teleported down to a chamber that had been closed off to her the entire time she had been Khadgar's apprentice. She had never stepped in this one hall, where there were a few pedestals that she assumed the Pillars of Creation would rest when she and the others collected them, before she walked a level down and noticed the portal area, where she stepped through the Wyrmrest portal and headed towards her destination. When Trixie appeared at the top of Wyrmrest Temple she immediately pulled out her map, which magically changed to the region of Northrend she was in, and looked at it for a few seconds, to which she pinpointed where the Azure Dragonshrine was located. Based on what Kalec didn't did tell her, but communicated by how he was looking at her when he mentioned his former dragonflight, she was sure that he suspected something might be happening at his former shrine, which was where she was planning on going at the moment. The moment she remembered where her destination was she put her map away, tapped on the sandstone ring she was wearing, and allowed her body to change into the form of the Sandstone Drake... though at the same time she noticed some of the Red Dragons staring at her, almost as if they were interested in her dragon form. Before any of the dragons stopped her from her mission, however, Trixie spread her wings and took off, to which she headed towards the location of the Azure Dragonshrine... though when she arrived she noticed some constructs and weapons that belonged to the Ethereals of the Outlands. She had no idea what the Ethereals would be doing on Azeroth, as they had never bothered to come to this planet, but seeing how they changed tactics she knew that she needed to be careful. She also noticed that there were some void creatures, shadowy monsters that reminded her of the voidwalkers that warlocks summoned, wandering around the area. Trixie landed near one of the constructs that the Ethereals had placed in the dragonshrine and reverted back to her normal form, to which her staff touched the ground as she took in what was around her. She walked towards the construct she had landed near and smiled, because the Void creatures didn't seem too interested in her at the moment, to which she recognized the construct as an Ethereal portal. She had to wonder if Malygos, the former Aspect of the Blue Dragonflight, had promised the Ethereals something before she and her friends had entered the mad dragon's life... though when she approached a large ring she noticed a device that seemed to exploit the Void energy that had been released all those years ago. She also spotted a sword that had been corrupted by the Twisting Nether, which meant that someone was trying to weaponize the Void... though she was sure that such a thing would spell danger for all of them if someone didn't stop whoever was behind this. Trixie then spotted what appeared to be an Ethereal communication device, to which she quickly shifted into her other form and flew over to it, though when she was near it she changed again and started inspecting it. After a few seconds she determined that the device had been abandoned in this place not long ago, which meant that there might still be time to stop whoever was messing with the shrine... to which she turned the device on and stepped back as an image of a Nexus Prince appeared before her. The Ethereal, which was an energy creature that was bound in magically infused wrappings of sort to keep its body together in a certain form, looked around for a few seconds before it started speaking. "I thought I ordered all to return to the Nexus?!" the Nexus Prince demanded, though that was before he noticed that Trixie was standing in front of the communicator, "What's this? Another intruder come to claim the artifacts inside the Nexus Vault? You are too late, mage! Even now the power of the artifacts serve to widen the breach within the Twisting Nether. With this power the Ethereum will become an unstoppable force... we will become Void!" The instant the image disappeared Trixie tapped the communication crystal she had been given and summoned the image of Kalec, to which she explained what she had discovered so far. Kalec, for the most part, claimed that fate had to have planned a hand in bringing her here, as she could stop the Ethereum and recover Aluneth at the same time. Of course he couldn't come and aid her, as he was far too busy inside Dalaran, but he promised her that he would guide her to the best of his ability. The first set of instructions she was given was to head to the Nexus itself and see what the situation was like, to which she assumed her dragon form and headed in the direction of the place the Ethereum were trying to harness the power of. It didn't take her long to reach her destination, especially since she flew as fast as she was able to in this form, but as she arrived in the area outside the Nexus she started searching for anything out of the ordinary... though as she approached the Nexus itself she heard Kalec speak through the crystal. Apparently he could feel the incredible amount of Void energy that the Ethereum were generating at the moment, even through the crystal he had given her, to which he suggested that she fly up to one of the Surge Needles and see what was going on. When she reached the top of the closest needle she heard Kalec comment on how the Ethereum had modified Malygos' Surge Needles so they could tap into the Void energy that was caused by the rift. Trixie had forgotten about the magical rift that had been inside the Nexus, as she had been assured that their actions all those years ago would have prevented something like this from happening, though it appeared that the Ethereum had messed with her efforts. Kalec continued to say that she needed to check the foundations of the Nexus, because he could tell that there was a specific shield being generated and that by studying the lower area they might be able to come up with a plan to breach the shield. When Trixie reached the foundation of the Nexus, however, both she and Kalec agreed that, due to the wandering energy that was manifesting everywhere, that Aluneth's energy was trying to break out of the Vault. Kalec's plan, however, was to have Trixie defeat the various magical elementals wandering around the foundation, absorb their energies, and then explode one of the Surge Needles... creating the opening she needed while at the same time turning the tide against the Ethereum. Trixie landed close to some of the arcane elementals and shifted back to her human form, though once that was done she opened fire on the closest target and loosed a few spells at her target. It didn't take her too long to take the elemental down, though once the power it had contained was absorbed into Trixie's body she moved onward to her next target and repeated the process. She even paused when she found some arcane energy emitting from the walls that made up the foundation, which really empowered her and gave her a much needed boost, before she continued taking out the elementals that were running around. Once she had enough power, as Kalec informed her when she had reached the optimum level, she shifted into her dragon form and flew around the area that rested around the Nexus... where she killed the Ethereals that were waiting beneath the Surge Needles, allowed the power to surge into the Needles, and detonated all three of them into pieces. As the Surge Needles fell apart, and their connection to the Nexus was shattered, Trixie could have sworn that she heard the voice of another Blue Dragon speak for a few seconds... one that Kalec recognized as Azuregos, who was essentially the keeper of the Vault, and that was followed by him asking Trixie to lend the other dragon her aid. Trixie, who was already going into the Nexus to stop the Ethereum and recover Aluneth, decided that rescuing Azuregos would be to her benefit, because she was sure that her enemies might have damaged the Nexus in some manner... to which she flew towards the entrance and headed into the Nexus. As she entered the Nexus, and reverted back to her human form, she noticed some illusionary enemies waiting between her and the dragon she was going to save, though to save herself time she simply used a dispel spell she had to get rid of them. She then stepped towards the area in front of her, which had been a prison of sorts for a unfortunate Red Dragon back when the Lich King was the threat she was taking out, and noticed some Ethereals channeling magic into Azuregos, keeping him bound and locked in place. Fortunately one of them happened to be missing a shield, to which Trixie summoned her magic to her and started slamming it into her target, who had to stop what he was doing and charge at her... but due to her sudden appearance the first Ethereal fell within a few seconds. As the first fell the second immediately took its place, throwing spells at her with the intent to kill her, but she retaliated with her own spells and swiftly removed the second foe from her path. The third one attacked a few seconds later, indicating that they wanted her dead, but Trixie smiled as she used her power to crush the final guardian that was watching over the dragon. "You are quite capable mage." Azuregos commented, to which Trixie turned and watched as the dragon rose to his full height, where she had no doubts that he was shaking off the effects of the magic that had been used on him, "With their magics gone I can feel my strength returning. Am I correct in assuming that you came back here for something from the Nexus Vault?" "Yes," Trixie replied, though because Kalec had called Azuregos a warden of the Vault, however, she was willing to share the artifact she was after, because if she earned his trust, by stopping the Ethereum, he might be willing to let her walk out of here with the weapon, "I came here to stop the Ethereum... and recover Aluneth, Greatstaff of the Magna." "What you seek is one of the most terrifying weapons that has been locked away inside the Vault," Azuregos stated, though at the same time the dragon shimmered before reverting to a more comfortable form, that of a blood elf with blue hair and a pair of horns could out of his head, "I will be able to help you open the way to the Vault, but first we must travel to the Librarium and deal with the Ethereum that had infected the Nexus. Then we can see to trying to harness the power of the weapon you seek... though, before we get started, I would know the name of my savior." "I am Trixie Lulamoon," Trixie said, to which she offered a smile towards the Blue Dragon, who gave her a small one in return, which told her that they were off to a great start. "Well met, Trixie Lulamoon," Azuregos said, to which he summoned a staff into his right hand and beckoned to the open area around them, "Shall we get moving?" Trixie nodded and the two of them headed towards the opening on Trixie's left, where she spotted another group of illusionary enemies that she got rid of with another dispel spell, though as she got rid of them the magical ice wall that was blocking her path shattered. Azuregos commented that the power of her artifact was no longer fully contained, which meant that the Nexus Vault had weakened more than either of them had been aware of, leading Trixie to wonder if the scrolls she was carrying would even be enough at this point. As they walked down the hallway Azuregos also mentioned that the chaotic power of the staff might lash out at them and that they had better be prepared, though she was fairly sure that the staff wanted everyone dead... as there were small explosions of arcane energy happening all around them and she had to use her Blink spell to get passed paths of ground that were pulsing with energy. As they progressed towards the Librarium they had to take out some of the arcane elementals that were wandering the halls, where Trixie noticed that there were a fair number of them, while also taking out some of the Ethereals that were trying to kill the elementals... which only made Trixie happy when the two of them killed two birds with one motion. It didn't take them too long to reach the location of the Librarium, where Azuregos stood near the edge and mentioned that he might have a way into the Vault, as the actual entrance they would have used had been broken by Malygos during the Nexus Wars. As he went on to explain what he was planning on doing, however, he warned Trixie that the energy in the Vault was surging, to which they moved away from the center of the area they were in as the energy gathered into an arcane elemental that was taller than the two of them. Trixie found that the echo of Aluneth's power, because that was what the evil looking arcane elemental had to be, took a large amount of punishment and dealt some damaging blows when they failed to move out of the way of his attacks. Fortunately the elemental moved and attacked like all the other elementals Trixie had encountered so far, in the seven years she had been on Azeroth, which meant that they were able to break it down and take a moment to regain their energy... to which she handed Azuregos some of the conjured food she had summoned before following Trixie into the Violet Hold. "If Aluneth goes unchecked for too much longer it will bring the entire place down around us," Azuregos commented, informing Trixie of the consequences that would follow if they failed to secure and contain the weapon, though at the same time she was more worried about the Legion trying to gain the power of the staff, "We had best hurry." As they followed the path that would take them to the rift, which was apparently the only way to get to Aluneth and the Nexus Vault, they had to fight against some more of the Ethereals that wanted to stall them, to which Trixie mentally smiled when she and her new friend took their foes out. Unfortunately their luck seemed to run out as the bridge that connected the Librarium and the area that the rift was located in, and both Trixie and Azuregos agreed that there had been a bridge between the two areas, had been destroyed recently. "You fools!" a voice shouted, which Trixie immediately recognized as the Nexus Prince that she had heard in the Blue Dragonflight earlier, which meant that he was close to obtaining the power that he desired, "You may have destroyed the Surge Needles, but you are too late to stop us! The power of Aluneth will suffice to rip open the breach!" "That fool has no idea what he's doing," Azuregos stated, though at the same time he jumped into the air and rapidly changed into his dragon form, where he cast a brief glance back at Trixie, "I will bring whatever power I have to bare against the Nexus Prince, though it will be up to you to defeat him and stop him from completing his plans." Trixie nodded and jumped up onto Azuregos' back, to which they moved across the gap that had been created by the missing bridge, though before she had a chance to jump off they watched as the Nexus Prince transformed into a hideous Void creature, one that reminded her of one she had faced back in Draenor. This more dangerous type of Void creature, which was potentially a Void Lord in Trixie's eyes, wore armor on its chest, had shoulder pads and a helmet that looked like they were trying to eat something, and six Void tendrils that were coming from its back. The one from Draenor had been around for more than a few minutes and had the power to nearly annihilate her entire guild, so this one would be easier considering the Nexus Prince had only recently shifted forms. It was at that point that Trixie used every trick in her book, as she summoned her three Mirror Images and threw an orb of arcane energy at her target, though as the images held the Void Lord's attention she moved to the side and started throwing spells at the creature's side. The Void Lord used an ability to control the gravity, in some manner, and tried to push her away, while at the same time following that up with a beam of concentrated Void energy to destroy one of her images. Her opponent also dropped several spheres of Void energy around the area, though considering how far they were from where she was standing Trixie was fortunate not to be hit... as it allowed her to pour her magic into defeating the Void Lord. After a minute or two, and after using the majority of her magic, Trixie brought down the Void Lord and let out a sigh as the corpse collapsed on the platform she was standing on... to which she smiled at Azuregos as he landed beside her and transformed back into his blood elf form. "So much for the all powerful Void." Azuregos commented, though Trixie noticed a smile on the face of her new friend, which she assumed was from her claiming some measure of revenge for the weakened dragon, who turned and looked over at her, "You know, you aren't too bad for a part human part horse creature. It's actually a shame that you aren't a dragon, because if you were than I'm sure that you would have been one of the Blue Dragonflight." "Technically, I was originally a unicorn back on my home world," Trixie replied, to which she pulled out her mana drink and took some sips from it, while at the same time noticing that Azuregos was surprised by something, "I have been on Azeroth for seven years and I have stopped questioning how I was able to change from a unicorn into an anthro like form... and besides, there's more dragon to me than what you are seeing." "I'll have to see that later," Azuregos said, though his tone indicated that he was interested in learning what Trixie was and figuring out what she was talking about, "I can open a portal to the Vault by using the rift, but I'll have to stay on this side to keep it open." Trixie nodded as Azuregos summoned his magic and let a portal shimmer into existence in front of where the rift was located, though before she lost her nerve Trixie walked through it and headed towards the area that Aluneth was being held in. When she appeared on the other side of the portal she found herself on a platform that reminded her of the Surge Needle, only this time she guessed that the platform in question was supposed to nullify the power of the staff, which was failing at the moment. She looked around the platform and found that Aluneth's power was manifesting all around her, as there were a large number of small arcane orbs moving around the platform and three barrier like areas that happened to form a perfect triangle if she lined them up. In the middle of the platform was Aluneth, the staff she had come to collect, though the power inside the weapon was gathering all around the base, which meant that she had to move fast before something terrible happened. Trixie, taking a leap of faith, pulled out one of the scrolls and moved inside the arcane barrier to her right, where she held the scroll up and allowed the ancient spells to take hold of the energy around her, to which it floated in the middle of the bubble and remained there. As she placed the first scroll in the position she needed it to be in, however, she heard a voice emit from the staff, one that claimed that its power could not be contained. She quickly made her way to the second arcane bubble, which was across from where the portal was located, and repeated the process with the second scroll, to which she heard that the staff would not bow to her pitiful magic. She ignored what the staff was saying, as it was trying to distract her, and made her way to the third bubble, where she placed the last of the three scrolls in the center of it... and silently hoping that three was enough. The moment the third scroll was in place, however, Aluneth let out a gasp or a shriek as the manifested power vanished from the platform, leaving her and the staff where they were standing... though she patiently waited as the staff called her a child, one who was lesser than the Guardian that had previously wielded it, before it proclaimed that she should take it and cause havoc on her enemies. When Aluneth quieted down Trixie gently placed her old staff inside her bag, to which it disappeared, before she raised her right hand and grasped the mighty weapon, where she felt the power surge through her body for a few seconds. A part of her reflected on who she had been before she came to Azeroth, as the power hungry version of herself, the part of her that she had let go, would have used such a weapon to terrifying effect... to which she smiled as she headed back towards the portal. When she reappeared where Azuregos was standing, and rose to her full height once more, the portal closed behind her, though she had the feeling that the staff was pleased to be out of the 'prison' it had been locked inside ever since Aegwynn had turned it over to the Kirin Tor. "You continue to impress me, Trixie Lulamoon," Azuregos stated, though at the same time Trixie could tell that his eyes were locked on the staff she was carrying, "Never have I seen a mage that is capable of controlling Aluneth... though maybe the reason behind that is because of your unique situation, being a hybrid of two races." "Technically three," Trixie said, to which she tapped her sandstone ring and took on the form she had been granted by the elixir she had created all those years ago, though at the same time Azuregos raised an eyebrow in surprise, "You said it was a shame that I wasn't a dragon, though while I'm not a real dragon, like you or Kalecgos, this is as close as I will ever come to matching any of the dragonflights." Azuregos stared at her for a few moments, to which he ran his hand down her dragon arm, as if he was trying to determine something from a simple touch, before backing away and started looking at her wings, her tail, and the other parts of her dragon form. Trixie was sure that he was looking for something, as no one had looked at her Sandstone Drake form in such detail, but she kept her mouth shut and waited for the Blue Dragon to finish his observations. When he actually stepped away from her, however, he summoned a small box, which must have been hidden inside the seemingly infinite space that made up the Nexus Vault, and pulled something out; a small necklace that had a decent sized azure colored crystal and two smaller ones, with one on the left and one on the right. As Azuregos closed the box and caused it to disappear, however, he also beckoned to Trixie, who shifted back into her human form and looked at the strange necklace the Blue Dragon was holding. "The Sandstone Drakes, those that match of colors of your other form, were some of the more intelligent members of their species," Azuregos commented, to which he turned towards Trixie and stared at her, though she was sure that she was seeing the other side of her and not the side she was using at the moment, "I'm sure that almost all of them were hunted down and killed, how I have no idea, though the survivors are likely in hiding... though three of them came to me, while they were dying, and asked if I would keep their essences safe. They willingly created a necklace, which looks similar to this one, to fulfill that purpose, so that one day we could restore them to their former glory... while at the same time granting me the knowledge to store the essences of others into other crystals. I personally knew the dragon whose essence resides in this crystal, but she has been dead for so long that I'm afraid that the only part of her that remains is her dragon soul. I have been hiding this in the Vault for as long as I can remember, but when you mentioned that your Sandstone Drake form was as close as you would get to feeling like a real dragon it got me thinking. Maybe, with how unique you are, that you and Kalecgos will figure out how to use this." Trixie was surprised that Azuregos was willing to hand her something that was so important him, as she was sure that the dragon whose soul resided in the necklace had been either a lover or a child, but she nodded and allowed the dragon to place the necklace around her neck. Once the deed was done, and Azuregos gave her a nod of approval, he turned towards the middle of the platform and summoned a portal, one that appeared to go back to Dalaran. "I must remain here and secure the Nexus, so something like this doesn't happen again in the future." Azuregos said, to which he glanced over at Trixie as she took a step towards the portal, where he let out a sigh for a moment, "Once the Vault is secure, and I'm sure that I can leave without risking its safety, I would like to visit your city and see how the mages of Dalaran are doing. Until then, give Kalecgos my regards." With Aluneth in hand, and the azure necklace around her neck, Trixie stepped through the portal and headed back to Dalaran, knowing that the Nexus Vault would be in good hands, or rather claws, once Azuregos managed to have some rest and recover the energy that he had lost due to the Ethereals attacking him. When Trixie appeared in Dalaran, and made sure that there weren't any lingering effects from taking Aluneth into the portal, she shifted started walking towards the Violet Citadel, as she was a little tired from flying around and decided some addition movement for her legs was necessary at the moment. As she walked towards her destination she noticed some of the other heroes running around the city, no doubt gathering information about the artifacts that they were searching for, but from what she could tell the various orders were trying to recover whatever they could get their hands on. She passed by a group of paladins that were talking about how Landan was going after the Ashbringer, one of the legendary swords that existed in the entire world, while a group of monks mentioned that Xinyl might be going after a pair of fist weapons that used the power of wind. Trixie silently wished her friends luck in recovering the weapons they were after, whether the rumors she heard were true or not, before she walked up the stairs and entered the Violet Citadel... where the Council of Six stared at her, and Aluneth, as she entered the building. Kalec, of course, was waiting for her to return, to which she walked over to him and quickly told her what had happened inside the Nexus. "You have my gratitude for saving Azuregos, as I have no doubt he'll keep the Vault safe for the rest of his days," Kalec stated, to which he noticed some of the other members nodding their heads as well, as they all knew that he was a Blue Dragon and had likely been concerned for the artifacts in the Vault, "Trixie, I can see that you are still full of surprises. Never before have I seen a mage that could control the chaotic energies of Aluneth... which means that you are definitely one of the heroes that Azeroth needs in this dark hour. Now, you should return to the Hall of the Guardian and empower Aluneth... as I suspect that you're needed back there now that you have your weapon." Trixie nodded and recalled the spell that Meryl had given her, the teleport spell that would allow her to slip through the seals protecting the Hall of the Guardian, to which she slipped Aluneth onto her back and started channeling the spell she needed to use... to which she swiftly finished the spell and moved herself to her destination. She only hoped that Meryl was ready to receive the news that she had gained the staff and was ready to move on with their plans to save Azeroth from the Legion... and that Lyra was ready to leave the city as well.