Don't Eat Weasels!

by Super Trampoline

Fluttershy Slaughters a Bunch of Miners

If there are three things Margret Thatcher hated, it was poor people, northern England, and minors. Oops. I mean miners. As opposed to... okay I won't make a paedophile joke. (That's how the British spell it, the sick fucks. No wonder America broke away.) So Fluttershy as Margaret Thatcher pony flew back into Ponyville, where all the Equestrians weren't quite starving yet, but were definitely famished. Why they didn't just have those who could fly deliver supplies is beyond me.

Anyway, earth ponies are often great at digging holes, so a bunch of them were trying to dig a tunnel under the flemish siege forces into the Everfree forest so they could escape. It was going pretty well, when Fluttershy showed up in the guise of Margaret Thatcher. She opened fire on the miners and slaughtered 96 of them. Only three survived by playing dead. It was nothing short of the largest massacre on Equestrian soil since the great buffalo slaughter of '94. Man, that was a fun weekend.