Diamond’s Diaper Playdates

by SuperPinkBrony12

Playdate 7 - Pipsqueak

Spoiled intended to keep Filthy in the dark about the secret playdate between Diamond and Babs. But unfortunately, she forgot to factor in Randolph and with the butler still nursing a bit of a grudge for his docked paycheck, he had no quarrels about ratting out Spoiled the first chance he got.

Needless to say, Filthy was peeved beyond all reason when he learned of what had transpired in his absence and he immediately called Spoiled into his study for a strong lecture. "I thought you'd finally changed and become a better pony, Spoiled," He remarked, casting daggers at his wife. "Yet when I was away on a business trip, you went behind my back again and this time you subjected a relative of the Apples to the same treatment as our little Diamond!"

"But Filthy..." Spoiled pleaded, as much as she personally despised being reduced to such a pathetic state. "That filly found out the truth only because Randolph forgot to lock the front door and put away the foal supplies. Besides, it was Diamond who asked Babs to be her playmate."

"You're right on that regard," Filthy sighed. "Which is why, against my better judgement, I'll give ya another chance. But if this happens again, that's it! I'll sign those divorce papers, end the treatment, and take Diamond Tiara with me! And you won't see a single bit, I'll personally guarantee that! Do I make myself clear?!"

Spoiled gulped and nodded firmly. "Crystal. I assure you, such an incident will never happen again. On that, you have my word."

"Then I hope you'll keep it, for your sake." Filthy cautioned, and then left the study without saying another word.

Spoiled breathed a much needed sigh of relief, that was an uncomfortably close call. "I should probably give Filthy a day or two to let his temper cool off. A shame though, because I had an idea about who I wanted to be our daughter's next playmate."

Not willing to upset the now shaky agreement she had, Spoiled bided her time for the next two days. It was only once she was sure that her husband was no longer angry with her, that she opted to approach him and propose her idea for a playmate.

When Filthy learned just who Spoiled had in mind, he was understandably concerned. "Pipsqueak?" He asked, even though he knew he'd heard right. "I hope this ain't your idea of retribution for him defeatin' our daughter to become student pony president." He warned Spoiled.

"Well, maybe it is, just a little," Spoiled confessed. "But I'll still abide by the same rules and treat him the way I've treated all our daughter's previous playmates. Besides, I think I deserve a little bit of compensation for him taking credit for the new playground equipment delivered on my behalf and donated at my expense."

"Only 'cause you used your position on the school board to deny him access to the funds and told him there wasn't any money in the budget," Filthy retorted. "And let's not forget, you already spent a ton of money for that statue of our daughter, and all those party supplies. Even your weekly spa visits don't cost nearly as much as that."

"Whatever," Spoiled remarked, rolling her eyes. "Don't deny you've seen the way our daughter looks at him now. Surely, if he returns the feelings, he'll be willing to undergo all this, right?"

"Just because our daughter occasionally flirts with him and he flirts back, doesn't mean he's gonna be okay with this," Filthy cautioned. "I'm still gonna send that letter of request, but I'm also gonna make sure he's given the option to back out if he wants to do so. Regardless of how you feel about him, I'm not gonna drag him into somethin' against his will."

Pipsqueak arrived the very next day, suspecting nothing from the letter he'd received asking him to come over to Rich Mansion for a playdate with Diamond Tiara. "Don't know why she couldn't have just asked me in pony," Pipsqueak thought to himself, knocking on the front door. "Though, she has been acting awfully weird lately. Even weirder since I made her my vice president."

The door opened a few seconds later, and Pipsqueak's eyes fell upon both Spoiled and Filthy Rich. Though the young colt was used to seeing Spoiled's face at many a school board meetings, he was still surprised at how "different" she seemed to be now. That wide smile in general unnerved Pip, it didn't seem real.

"Hello, Pipsqueak," Filthy greeted in a warm tone, ushering the Trottinghamer inside. "Glad you could make it. Diamond Tiara's been lookin' forward to your visit."

"Oh, she has?" Pip faintly blushed while hoping nopony noticed.

Filthy nodded. "She's currently in the dinin' room, enjoyin' breakfast. You may join her momentarily... but first, there are some 'things' we need to discuss."

Spoiled practically nudged Pip forward as she encouraged. "Come on, no sense beating around the bush."

Pip followed the two grown-ups to the living room, suspecting nothing out of the ordinary. But when he rounded a corner and reached the aforementioned room, he had to blink and rub his eyes to be sure he wasn't seeing things. A light green changing mat, wipes, and foal powder, all rested near the sofa. And next to them stood an opened pack of familiar looking, white undergarments. Pip gulped, and turning to the Riches he asked. "Are those... diapers?"

"Indeed they are, and they're intended for you," Spoiled replied with a smile. "They're all part of the terms and services that come with being my daughter's playmate."

"Uh... Mrs. Rich, I'm perfectly loo trained in case you didn't know," Pip protested. "Sure, I may be a bit smaller than most of my classmates, but I can still use the washroom properly without assistance. I don't need diapers."

"You don't have to use 'em," Filthy advised, as he trotted over to the changing mat. "I apologize for bein' vague about what sort of playmate my daughter wanted, but I reckoned you'd probably decline if you knew the full terms."

"Wait, you mean, Diamond Tiara wears diapers and acts like a little foal?" Pip asked in confusion. "That's the first I've ever heard of such a thing."

"I know, I'm still kind of new to the whole thing myself," Filthy confessed, before he added. "Which is why I'm givin' ya a choice, Pip. My wife would love nothin' more than to have you diapered up and waddlin' around, probably 'cause she wants some retribution for the incident with the playground equipment. But I'm gonna let you back out if you'd rather not go through any of this."

But Pip protested with a shake of his head. "It's alright, just wearing a diaper for one day doesn't sound all that bad. I can still use the loo whenever I want to though, right?"

"Absolutely, and I'd much prefer it if you did," Spoiled remarked. "However, you'll be forbidden from taking off that diaper without permission. And you'll be expected to undergo diaper checks when requested, and be escorted to the lavatory if you need to go. Speaking of which, will you need any assistance with using it?"

"Of course not," Pip replied firmly. "I'll manage just fine by myself, I've done it multiple times."

"Very well," Spoiled half teased/half threatened. "But if you fall in, I'm not going to jump in and save you."

Pip gulped, hoping that Spoiled wasn't being sincere. As he trotted over to the changing mat and laid down on it, he asked Filthy Rich. "Is there anything else about this... 'treatment' I'm supposed to know about?"

"Only that you're to act like a foal," Filthy vaguely explained. "What kind of foal you want to act like though, is up to you. Oh, and one more thing I should mention before I pad you up, you're gonna have to swear to secrecy on this. It's fine if you ultimately don't like it, I won't force ya to do anythin' ya don't want to do. But I trust a Trottinghamer like yourself understands the meanin' of the word 'privacy', correct?"

Pip nodded, then spread his legs apart as he tried to hold still. "This isn't the weirdest thing that's happened to me. I mean, nothing's gonna top the fact that my first Nightmare Night led to me being friends with Princess Luna, and that we still keep in touch through my dreams."

Filthy just smiled, as he proceeded with the diapering job. He effortlessly slid the disposable undergarment under Pip's rump and taped it up securely. He ended up going a bit overboard with the foal powder though, as some of it ended on Pip's snout and caused him to sneeze.

More powder slipped out as Pip slowly stood up, struggling for a little bit to adjust his balance to counteract the thickness of his diaper and how much it pushed his legs apart. "No wonder foals waddle and crawl everywhere they go,
it must be hard to walk in these things without falling down every five steps." He thought to himself, though he eventually found a slow but manageable trotting pace that didn't make his legs wobble too much.

Spoiled giggled, as she snapped a photo of Pipsqueak all padded up, causing the colt to turn around and blush. "H-hey!" He whined. "You'd better not show that to anypony!"

"Relax, I simply wanted to preserve this 'precious' memory," Spoiled smirked, putting her camera away. "Trust me, even if I wanted to expose this for everyone in Equestria to see, I can't. My husband would divorce me in an instant, and leave me without a bit to my name."

"Anyway," Filthy spoke up, loudly clearing his throat. "Shall we adjourn to the dinin' room, Pip? My little Diamond's probably almost done with her breakfast by now."

"Uh, actually Mr. Rich. I already ate breakfast," Pip confessed, trying not to look too ashamed. "I'm sorry. If I'd know breakfast was gonna be served here, I wouldn't have eaten before I came over here," Hastily, he added. "But... m-maybe I could have a small snack or something? Maybe some cookies?"

Filthy smiled. "Of course you can have some cookies, Pip. Chocolate chip okay with ya, or maybe you're more of an oatmeal type of pony?"

"Just chocolate chip will do, thank you." Pip replied, but said nothing more. He just accepted Filthy's hoof (more for security than because he actually needed assistance) and allowed the stallion to lead him to the dining room.

Pip arrived in the dining room, just in time to see Randolph wiping Diamond Tiara's face with a rag. It wasn't hard to notice the pink colored bib tied around the filly's neck.

Tiara could hardly believe her eyes when she saw Pipsqueak, and noticed the thick, crinkly undergarment he was wearing. This was almost like a dream come true for her. "Pipsqueak, you're my playmate for today?!" The pink coated filly happily exclaimed.

"I am," Pipsqueak firmly nodded, as he was helped into a seat next to Diamond and carefully sat down. He was surprised at how his padding seemed to almost sink into the seat when he did so. "You look good in that diaper, even if it kinds of makes your butt look big."

"No it doesn't!" Tiara protested, despite a faint blush forming on her cheeks.

"It's alright, it makes mine look big too," Pip joked. "It's like having a big pillow stuck to your rump. If I ever fall down on it today, at least I won’t feel anything!" Then his attention was drawn to something else, namely a baby blue colored bib being tied around his neck.

Randolph took notice of the fact that Pip wasn't complaining or protesting about the bib, which struck the old butler as odd. "Well, aren't you going to insist you don't need to wear a bib?" He asked the colt. "Everypony else who's gone through this has made such a claim, though ultimately they've all been proven wrong."

Pip shook his head. "I don't mind the bib, Mum and Dad raised me to be a gentlecolt. And a gentlecolt respects the wishes of his host and/or hostess," He explained. "If I'm having a bib put on me, it's got to be because it's required, right?"

"At least until we can be certain you won't make a mess," Randolph replied. "For now though, just enjoy your chocolate chip cookies. They may be the closest thing you'll have to normal food for the forseeable future."

Pip was going to ask what Randolph meant by that, but his thoughts were interrupted when a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies was placed in front of him. The sweet aroma from the cookies reached his nostrils, and the colt licked his lips. "Let me at 'em!" He proclaimed, and started grabbing cookie after cookie, shoving them into his mouth (though thankfully one at a time). He tried his best not to leave too many crumbs though, but he polished off the plate of cookies in mere minutes. Feeling nice and full, he leaned back in his chair, before he unexpectedly belched loudly. "Excuse me." He sheepishly apologized.

"And here I was hoping that you of all ponies would have some manners," Spoiled said with a sigh. "Seems I gave you too much credit. I wish I knew what my daughter sees in you, because as far as I'm concerned although you may be from Trottingham, you don't have a lick of the class or sophistication associated with it. I'll bet you weren't even properly potty trained until you entered grade school."

"Oh don't be silly, Mrs. Rich," Pip protested. "Ask my mum and dad, they'll tell you I was loo trained by the time I was three and a half years old, like most of my classmates. And I haven't wet the bed since then either. Heck, all my foal toys were gone before I was four years old."

"See, Mother?" Diamond taunted, hopping down from her chair. "Pipsqueak actually does have some class. Maybe you just need to lower your high standards and redefine what you consider 'class'."

Pipsqueak chuckled a bit, as he saw Spoiled's face morph into one of brief bewilderment. But then she quickly shifted it back to normal as she quickly changed the subject. "Whatever, I suppose beggers can't be choosers. But, why don't we see how well he does with playtime and go from there?"

"Excellent idea, hun," Filthy encouraged. "Come on, my little ponies. Let's adjourn to the nursery, the day is still young."

Pip looked across to Tiara. "You actually have a nursery?"

Diamond nodded somewhat reluctantly. "Yeah, though it's not a complete one. I still get to sleep in a normal bed at least, so that counts for something."

"I didn't get a normal bed until I was almost four," Pipsqueak replied, as he followed Diamond and her parents upstairs. "And it wasn't because my parents wanted me to enjoy my foalhood even after I was loo trained. It's because I didn't grow a lot in my first three years, and they didn't have anything in Trottingham that was small enough for a colt my size. Even a twin sized bed was too big for me. Heck, if my old crib hadn't broken, I don't thing my parents would've bothered to try and get a normal bed for me, I'd probably not have gotten to sleep in a regular colt bed until I moved to Ponyville."

"Trust me, sleeping in a crib was the one aspect of foalhood I didn't miss," Tiara commented in response. "Everything else though, I was robbed of the chance to enjoy by the time I was three. I was fully potty trained and out of diapers by then, and all my foal toys were taken away. Most of it was my mother's influence, she stripped me of my diapers the day I turned two, but Father was still persistent in having me leave my foalhood behind as soon as possible. He just was a little more willing to let me stay in diapers if I pleaded hard enough."

"Mum and Dad always felt that trying to start loo training before I was two and a half years old wasn't worth it. Though my size and some of the problems associated with it probably influenced their decision a little," Pip responded. "It's a shame you had to leave your foalhood behind so soon. I guess I can see why you'd be so open to getting the chance to relieve it."

It was then that the door to Diamond's bedroom was pushed open, and Pipsqueak saw for himself that the room was indeed something of a nursery. While the lack of a crib was noticeable, the scaled up changing table and foal toys that lay scattered all across the floor, were all the indicators the little colt needed to know that the room couldn't be mistaken for anything else.

"So, what do you wanna play with, Pipsqueak?" Tiara asked, plopping down onto her padded rump. "We could try building an alphabet block tower together, or we could have a tea party with a few special guests, or even just play pretend," Then, remembering something, Tiara waddled over to her princess sized bed and retrieved an old, stuffed bear that she subsequently presented to Pipsqueak. "Oh, I almost forgot," She explained. "This is Theodore, my teddy. I can never get to sleep without him."

Pip eyed the bear, taking in every detail but not noticing anything that made it seem special. It just looked old and worn, as if the stuffed animal had seen more than its fair share of wear and tear over the years.

"You're supposed to introduce yourself, Pipsqueak," Diamond encouraged. "Theodore's pretty shy around strangers, but he really opens up if you start talking to him."

"Uh, he's just a bear. He's not actually real." Pip bluntly commented.

"Hey, I resent that remark! Don't think I can't hear you!" Theodore remarked, Tiara making the bear talk in an exaggerated gruff voice. "Surely, you talked to your stuffed animals at some point as a foal, didn't you?"

"Not from what I can recall," Pip replied, scratching the back of his head with a hoof. "But, how can you talk if you're just a stuffed bear?"

"Duh, the power of an active imagination, silly!" Theodore giggled. "Gosh, you're so thickheaded. I can't believe Diamond actually has a crush-"

"-Well, I think that's enough out of you for now, Theodore," Tiara interrupted. "I'm pretty sure Pip gets the basic idea about how you can talk, no need to tell him everything."

Pip felt tempted to guess about what Diamond had tried (and failed) to conceal, but decided against it. "She'll tell me about that when she's ready. Besides, I don't know if I feel the same way, and I don't think this is my idea of what a first date would involve." He thought to himself. So instead, he just slowly trotted off, quickly absorbing himself in playing with an assortment of squeaky foal toys (he doubted he could really be of much help with building a block tower, his small body would make it almost impossible to stalk even remotely high).

The hours quickly ticked by unnoticed for Pip, as he alternated between squeaky toys and lost himself in his thoughts. He tried to imagine what an actual foal would feel like if they were playing with such toys, but his mind mostly drew a blank. The best he could come up with was chewing and slobbering on the toys, and Pip had no interest in such uncouth behavior, especially if that behavior would surely draw the wrath of Spoiled.

It was only when the twelfth bong from a nearby clock rang in his head, that Pipsqueak snapped himself out of his self induced trance of sorts. As if on some kind of cue, his stomach began to rumble loudly. "Uh, is it time for lunch, Mrs. Rich?" He politely asked Spoiled, opting not to draw attention to his hunger.

"Indeed it is," Spoiled cooed in a tone of that voice was so exaggerated that Pip couldn't take it seriously at all. "But first, there is the matter of the mandatory diaper inspection."

"Oh." Pip realized, and said nothing more. He wanted to question why such an inspection was needed when he was pretty sure he'd be aware if he needed a change, but had to remind himself that he was a guest of the Riches and that agreeing to this treatment meant obeying their rules and wishes, both spoken and unspoken.

Pip did feel relieved not to have Spoiled check his diaper, he was worried that she would tease and mock him to no end during the entire process. Filthy remained largely silent, as he pulled back the poofy padding with a hoof. "Still all nice and clean, Pip," He assured the colt. "Nice job. Now, do you need to use the potty before lunch? You won't get another bathroom break anytime soon, just so you're aware."

"I suppose I could try to use the loo," Pip blushed in reply, even though he was pretty sure he didn't have to go at all. "But uh, I may need a little bit of help. I'd rather not end up on the receiving end of a plunger."

"Relax, Spoiled was only teasin' ya," Filthy chuckled, as he lightly took Pip's hoof. "Now come along, the bathroom's just down the hall but it can be easy to get lost around here if you don't know the way."

Once in the bathroom, Pipsqueak (with some help from Filthy) carefully sat himself on the toilet. He waited for a while, but ultimately nothing happened. Reluctantly, he hopped down and washed his hooves, then pulled his diaper back up as best he could and let Filthy re-tape it. Then the two trotted out of the bathroom and went downstairs to the dining room, where Diamond and Spoiled were already seated.

"So, what's for lunch?" Pip inquired, while wearing the same bib he'd worn for his snack fastened securely around his neck.

As if in answer to Pip's question, Randolph came trotting out with a wide smile on his face. But immediately upon glancing at what rested on a tray the butler was carrying, Pip couldn't help but make a face. "Foal food?" He complained.

"Oh, don't tell me you've got a problem with foal food," Spoiled groaned, rolling her eyes. "I thought I'd be generous and let you have some proper food, rather than be forced to sample my cooking. From what I understand, it's still quite potent, though if you ask me it's nowhere near as bad as some of this slop they dare to call 'food'. I should know, I've tasted it firsthoof, and not by my own intentions, I assure you."

Pip felt tempted to ask what Spoiled meant, but when he opened his mouth to do so he saw Tiara give him a look that implied. "Don't ask, you don't wanna know." Instead, the colt reluctantly realized that he'd have to put up with whatever he was offered. The rules at his home were, you ate whatever was on your plate or was presented to you, and you didn't complain. If you didn't like what was offered, then you went hungry. And when you were Pipsqueak's size, you couldn't really afford to be a picky eater. Chances were, similar rules applied to the Rich family household. "I guess foal food fits the whole foal theme," He thought to himself. "I just hope it's nothing too yucky, because I don't see anything that I can use to wash out the taste."

"So, Pip," Filthy asked his young charge, snapping the colt out of his internal dialogue. "What flavors of foal food would ya like? We've got a wide variety for ya to choose from."

"I suppose I'll try a little of each flavor," Pip spoke up. "Except for 'Mashed Peas', those sound absolutely nasty! I once accidentally ate a spoonful of that stuff when my mum brought me to the daycare center she works at. I swear, I'd never tasted anything so vulgar in all my life!"

"Okay then, no 'Mashed Peas' for you," Filthy chuckled in reply, as he instructed Randolph to bring over the remaining jars. "Now, I hope you don't mind bein' spoon fed. It's part of the whole 'bein' a foal' thing."

"If it means I'll make less of a mess, I'll cooperate," Pip obliged. "But, could you maybe keep the gestures and comments to a minimum? I don't know why, but I just don't like how embarrassing they sound."

"Got it, no 'choo choo trains' and 'aeroplanes' for you, young gentlecolt. The vehicles are officially docked for today," Filthy nodded, dipping a plastic spoon into a jar that read "Cream of Banana" and presenting the appropriately yellow colored goop to Pipsqueak. "Open wide." He politely instructed, but said nomore.

Despite his complete cooperation with Filthy Rich, Pip still ended up getting traces of foal food on his face somehow (though thankfully nothing on his coat, he had the bib to thank for that). "I don't see how I managed to do that, I thought I ate pretty carefully," Pip thought, trying to recall what he might have done to make such a mess. "Maybe foal food in general is supposed to be messy?" Seeing Diamond Tiara was equally as messy, if not moreso, did make the colt feel a little better though.

"Goodness, you must've been starvin'! You ate all that foal food in the blink of an eye!" Filthy exaggerated, as he wiped Pip's face clean. "You save any room for dessert? 'Cause I think that sort of cooperation deserves a reward."

"I'm too full," Pip protested. "Weird how only a few jars of foal food can fill me up so fast. I almost always have room for dessert, my parents says it's cause I have a high metabolism or something, whatever that means."

Filthy smiled and winked, was it Pip's imagination or was he trying not to laugh for some reason? "Well then, Pip, if you're got no room for dessert and you're all done eatin', there's only one thing left to do." He proceeded to take the young colt into his lap, and lightly pat his back a couple of times.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Pip asked Filthy Rich. "Am I supposed to do something?"

"You're supposed to burp, foals always burp if you pat their backs enough times." Filthy explained, continuing the pats.

"Uh, okay?" Pip commented, unsure what to make of the unusual request. He'd never known anypony who'd asked him to burp before, could he even do that sort of thing on command? What would his parents think of such inane behavior?

Fortunately, Pip didn't have to decide if he was ready to do such a thing. His body ended up taking on a mind of its own, and just as Filthy's pats began to lighten up a little, the colt opened his mouth and almost before he realized it he let out a great big "Urp!", right in Filthy's face no less! Pip immediately flushed bright red in embarrassment! "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Mr. Rich! I didn't mean to do that!" He apologized profusely.

But Filthy only laughed, whereas Spoiled only frowned. "It's alright, I suppose I asked for that. Besides, that ain't the first time somepony's burped in my face without meanin' to."

"But Daddy, I haven't done that since I was actually a foal." Tiara playfully whined.

"I know, but a father never forgets those little moments." Filthy smiled in reply.

When Pipsqueak returned to the nursery with Diamond after lunch, he soon found himself roped into a dress-up session, much to his embarrassment as there wasn't really anything for colts. The best he ended up with, was a simple two-shaded dress of blue and yellow, and even then it was still clearly intended for a filly.

But Pip put up with it as best he could, being a gentlecolt meant you didn't complain about such trivial things as playing dress-up. Besides, it wasn't nearly as bad as the occasion where he'd been forced to wear a tuxedo and tie for a fancy diner party his parents got invited to (Pip had hated how itchy and stuffy the tuxedo jacket felt, and the tie often felt like it was choking him a little). "At least everypony was too busy laughing at how overdressed I was for the only child attending, they never noticed what I was wearing underneath." Pip thought to himself, a faint blush forming on his cheeks as he recalled that experience and the "protection" his parents had forced him to wear.

The session lasted longer than Pip would've liked, not that he really bothered to keep count as it seemed like time passed slower than normal whenever he dressed up. He was still glad when it finally came to an end though, and was looking forward to normal diapered playtime. However, the colt found himself yawning a bit. Suddenly, he felt inexplicably sleepy. Being an early riser often had its drawbacks.

If Pip hoped nopony had heard his yawn, his hopes were quickly dashed when Spoiled gave a knowing wink and cooed in that exaggerated sweet tone of voice. "Well, I think it's time for all good little foals to take their naps. We wouldn't want them to get all cranky and fussy, now would we?"

"I don't think I need a nap, Mrs. Rich. I'm just a little tired, it's a passing thing!" Pip protested, before he yawned again, this time more loudly. "Stupid body!" He groaned, as he felt his eyes start to grow heavy just a little bit.

"Hey, on the positive side, you get to sleep in my princess sized bed," Diamond encouraged, hoping to sweeten the deal some. "And don't worry, unlike my mother, I'm not a cover stealer." She followed up that statement with a faint chuckle.

"I do NOT steal covers!" Spoiled protested. "My husband only says that because he's always complaining about how cold he is at night!" And she quickly changed the subject before anyone in the room could confirm or deny her sleeping habits. "So, Pipsqueak. I can see you're already feeling a bit tired, but perhaps you'd like something to help you fall asleep faster? Like say, a warm bottle of milk?"

"Ooh, is it chocolate milk?!" Pip asked, hopefully. "I LOVE chocolate milk! I drink at least three glasses full of it every day if I can!"

"Well I wish you'd told me that earlier, Pip," Spoiled frowned. "Because unfortunately, I don't have any chocolate milk. And I'm certainly not going to just rush out to the store and buy some this late, you'll just have to be content with a regular bottle of milk."

"But, regular milk isn't the same as chocolate milk." Pip complained with a pout, even though he knew it was wrong of him to complain. Being offered anything from his hostess was considered lucky, even more so when you considered the nature of Spoiled Rich was usually anything but generous.

Seeing the pout from Pip, Spoiled found something in her heart gave way. "I must be going soft from all the time I've spent reconnecting and bonding with my daughter." She thought to herself, as she scooped up Pip and told him. "Tell you what, I can't go out and buy you chocolate milk. But I can make it for you, if that's what you want. You're my guest after all."

"That would be lovely!" Pip exclaimed, as he was carried downstairs to the kitchen in Spoiled's hooves. Despite how sleepy he was already feeling, he managed to keep his eyes open while he saw Spoiled take out some powdered coco, and mix it into a pre-pared and pre-warmed bottle of milk.

"There you go, one warm bottle of chocolate milk," Spoiled cooed, offering the concoction to the colt. She was quick to add: "Don't drink it down too fast now, I'm not making another one for you. The next bottle will be plain, white milk."

"Okay, but do I really have to drink it from a baby bottle?" Pip asked, hopefully. "Couldn't I have it in a sippy cup instead?"

"Maybe if it were normal milk," Spoiled explained. "But chocolate milk would be a pain to wash out in a sippy cup. Heck, the butlers and maids will have to work overtime just to clean out this bottle. Now go on, drink it up!" She encouraged quite sternly.

Reluctantly, Pip obeyed. He found it rather difficult at first, he sucked on empty air a few times even as his mouth was clearly pressed up to the bottle's rubber nipple. But at last, his hard work was rewarded, and a slow but steady sucking motion allowed the delicious taste of the chocolate milk to reach his tongue. By the time it was done, he was so sleepy, that he barely even noticed when he burped (and without having to be asked). Heck, he was fast asleep by the time Spoiled brought him back upstairs for his nap, though if his eyes were still open he might have seen a baby blue colored pacifier be inserted into his mouth.

Pip was never that heavy of a sleeper, so it came as quite a surprise to him when he didn't wake up for several hours. By the time his eyes finally fluttered open, he could tell that it was evening, probably close to sun-down. The glow from the sunlight seeping into the nursery was a pretty strong indicator of how much time had passed.

"Hewwo, sweepy head," Tiara lisped behind her pacifier, before she rose and spat it out as she added in a normal tone. "You sleep well, Pip?"

"Did I ever!" Pip proudly proclaimed. "I think I understand what they mean by the phrase 'Sleep like a baby', that bottle of chocolate milk must've knocked me right out," He moved to sit up in the bed, and when he did he felt an uncomfortable squishing sensation. Looking down at his diaper, Pip noticed a faint damp patch on the front of it, which he quickly concluded was the source of the squishing sensation he'd just felt. "Darn it, I forgot about that." He muttered lightly.

"What do you mean?" Diamond asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "This has happened before?"

Pip looked all around, before he nodded and whispered. "Don't you ever tell anyone about this, 'cause if you do I'll deny it in an instant, but you know how I said I haven't wet the bed since I was three and a half years old? Well, that's only half true. I've never technically wet the bed, but that's because I wear pull-ups to bed. I swear, no matter what I try to do, I still end up waking up every morning to a soggy pull-up. Mum and Dad say it's just a phase, that it's perfectly natural even for colts and fillies my age, and that I'll grow out of it eventually, but it's still so frustrating. Also, I don't like to talk about it much, but there was this one time. It was at a dinner party my mum and dad took me to, because they couldn't find a sitter to take care of me. I'd only just been loo trained and my parents didn't want to take any chances, so they sort of..." The colt trailed off, as if unable to say what came next.

"...Made you wear a diaper under your suit?" Tiara guessed, and Pip nodded in confirmation. "I tried to do that once when I attended a party for Silver Spoon. But my mother found out and grounded me for a whole week. She also made sure to throw out the spare diapers, so I wouldn't get any ideas about trying to do it again. She told me in no uncertain terms 'Rich ponies don't do diapers!', though I found out recently that was just her way of trying to scare me into not neglecting my potty training. Guess it worked though, I never had to worry about bed wetting."

"You're lucky," Pip replied, hugging Diamond. "Though I suppose I should be grateful that I didn't have to give up my foalhood so early. Guess I can see why your mother still doesn't have the greatest reputation in some circles," Then he turned his thoughts back to his wet diaper. "I just hope somepony comes in to change me soon. We're not allowed to change ourselves, right?"

"I haven't tried." Diamond commented.

Fortunately, Pip didn't have to consider the possibility of doing so. Just a moment later, Filthy Rich came trotting in to check on his foals, and when he found that Pip was a little wet, he carried the colt to the changing table and quickly wiped him clean, put on a new diaper, and worked in several helpings of foal powder (and rash cream, just to be safe).

Pipsqueak stayed right through dinner, the colt relishing in the opportunity to have some normal food for a change, even if it was just applesauce.

Once dinner was done, it was time for Pip to leave. "This was... something I guess." He commented, as he carefully undid the tabs holding up his diaper.

"But you enjoyed it, right?" Diamond asked, hopefully.

"I don't know if 'enjoyed' would be the right word to describe my feelings," Pip replied with uncertainty. "I don't really know how I feel about this. I suppose it wasn't bad, and I have an understanding of why you and your parents do it."

Looking at Pip with puppy dog eyes, Tiara reluctantly asked. "Would you ever consider doing it again if I asked nicely?"

Pip was silent for a moment, as he considered his friend's proposal. At least, he said to her. "Maybe, but that's a big maybe. I'll probably need some more time to think about how I feel about all of this, there were some things I really enjoyed, and others I could've done without." Then he departed Rich Mansion and set off for home.

"Well, at least he's not completely opposed to doing it again like I'm sure Mother is," Tiara thought to herself, as she watched Pip trot off. "Speaking of which, I'm sure Mother got a kick out of diapering Pip and treating him like a foal.
I just have to wonder if that means she'd approve of a relationship between the two of us, if I ever work up the courage to tell Pip how I feel about him."