//------------------------------// // Change in Plan // Story: My Little Star Butterfly // by Omegathyst //------------------------------// "You did WHAT?!" "I went into her room, and I slept with her. I don't see what the big deal is." Star explained with a big smirk on her face. "Now how are we going to solve her problem if she's caught up with you?!" Rarity growled. "You mean in me?" Star joked. "Stop it!" Rarity snapped. "This is terrible! We need to see what is Vanita's problem is so we can fix it!" "I'm pretty sure I fixed it." Star teased winking at Rarity. Knock! Knock! "Who is it?" Rarity asked. "It's Vanita!" Vanita answered on the other side of the door. "I...I was wondering if I could come back to Ponyville with you two." "What did you tell her?" Rarity snapped at Star in an accusing tone. "I guess some things slipped over pillow talk last night." Star shrugged grinning. "Of course you can Vanita, the more the merrier! Ain't that right Rarity?" "You go ahead and wait for us in the lobby, me and Star need to talk privately." Rarity explained. "Don't worry, you can trust Star not to put her hooves on me." After they heard Vanita walk away, Star smiled at Rarity's angry expression. "You just have no self control do you?!" Rarity snapped. "Do you see my cutie mark flashing? No. Which means we haven't finished what we came here for!" "Well it's too late, Vanita's already at the lobby ready to leave." Star retorted. "And she's my marefriend now, so good luck trying to convince her otherwise." Star smiled in victory and left for the lobby, leaving Rarity wondering what she was going to tell Twilight. Marco felt at home in his cottage as he was recently checked out of the hospital and resting on her couch as he smelled the delicious scent of vegetable soup Fluttershy was making. Now that he knew how he felt about Fluttershy, he embraced the feeling of love he had for her. It had become so overwhelming that he badly wanted to tell her every time he was around her. He heard a knock at the door and sparing Fluttershy the trouble, he got up and opened it to see a yellow mare with curly orange hair. "I thought this was...oh! You must be Fluttershy's coltfriend! Hi!" The mare said eagerly. "I have Fluttershy's weekly shipment of defrosted salmon for her bear. You can take it." "Ok, thank you." Marco stammered, taking the package by the handle and lifting it. As he brought it in, so many thoughts were whirling in his head he thought he was going drop the package on his hoof. A stranger just called him Fluttershy's coltfriend! Has Fluttershy been telling everybody that I'm her coltfriend? We're not even dating...not that I'm complaining! "Fluttershy? Somepony brought fish for Harry." Marco called. Fluttershy appeared from her kitchen and inside the living room looking happy as she looked at the package and started to head back to the kitchen. "Wait." Marco almost whispered. "Oh? Yes, Marco?" Fluttershy asked, returning to the room. "That somepony called me your coltfriend." Marco blurted out, his ears burning. "Oh, she did." Fluttershy looked away embarrassed. "Let me explain. I often go to the marketplace to get vegetables and other supplies for my animals." "Stallions would whistle at me and breath down my neck." Fluttershy explained. "Then a few of them said they would pay for my things if I'd spend the night at their place. It wasn't until I told them I was dating you that they'd leave me alone." "Jerks, did you tell them you were dating me specifically?" Marco asked. "Yes, whenever I tried to tell them before there was no stallion that could cover for me." Fluttershy replied. "But you've been around in Ponyville enough for them to know you. So...I'm sorry." "What're you sorry about?" Marco gasped. "Those stallions should be effing sorry! They can't handle themselves around a cute mare like normal adults and-" "Cute?" "I...yeah." Oh my god, I'm an idiot "Fluttershy, let me go with you. I don't want you to get hurt." Marco insisted. "No stallion has ever called me cute." Fluttershy gave a small smile that almost made Marco's wings spring to life. "No? What do those jerks call you?" Marco growled. "I'm sorry, the thought of others looking at you like that-" "Does it make you jealous?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes wide. Oh my god I NEED to shut my mouth! Fortunately another knock on the door saved him from having to say anything else. When Fluttershy opened the door it turned out to be Pinkie Pie. "Fluttershy! Marco! You two are both invited to Tom's Welcome to Ponyville party!" Pinkie squealed. "Tom's my new friend and roommate! He's so cool!" "Wait? Is he a demon?" Marco asked. "From where he came from yeah but who cares right? We're going to have ANOTHER PARTY!" Pinkie screeched. Marco's eyes widened as Fluttershy told her they'd be happy to go. This new pony had to be the Tom him and Star knew. And he must be looking for the latter. Good thing Star's in Manehattan bettering herself so she won't do stupid things like brainwash ponies and date demons. "What's wrong? Do you know him?" Fluttershy asked. "He's Star's ex-boyfriend and a demon from the Underworld." Marco explained. "He's a danger to all of you!" "Pinkie seemed to love him to death." Fluttershy reassured him. "It was adorable." "That's probably how he manipulated Star into a relationship." Marco growled. "I don't trust him, I'm not going." "You sound like it really bothers you that he's looking for Star." Fluttershy remarked, her voice dripping with jealousy. "If you excuse me, I have a soup to check on." Marco felt his pelt ruffle at the tension between them and found it...hot? He shook his head, he was getting way too overprotective of Fluttershy. But at the same time, Fluttershy got jealous of his friendship with Star mistaking it for something more. I was afraid my passionate feelings for Fluttershy weren't mutual. But I think she likes me too!