Three Dazzling Daughters

by BG9

The Weird Life

Anon drives the three little girls to back to his house. It was not all fantastic as far as houses go. It had two stories but hardly anything inside. Bland walls, bland carpet, little to no furnishings. It was time to actually start taking care of these little shits. But first he had to get out of the house.

"Ok girls." He said "Nap time."

"What!?" Adagio says, taken aback "I'm way to old from some silly nap."

"Yeah. But maybe that whiny baby Sonata does." Aria teased "She still wets the bed ya know? Like a little baby!"

Sonata's face flushes a bright red.

"Do not! Don't believe her Anon! I don't wet the bed! I'm a big girl!"

"Do too." Aria said

"Do not." Sonata said back

"Do too."

"Do not!"



"Girls!" Anon says, standing between them "That's enough."

Anon turns and kneels next too the blue little girl. He wasn't going to take any risks.

"Be honest Sonata." Anon said kindly "Is it true? I promise I won't judge you, it happens sometimes."

Sonata shifts around uncomfortably and looks at her sisters. He instantly gets the message.

"Girls? Can you leave us alone a little while?"

Aria gives them both a sly smirk and walks out of the room with Dagi but not before saying

"Sure, just don't get peed on by the little baby!"

"YOU SHUT UP ARIA!" Sonata screams, right in his ear

You both can hear Aria laughing as the door closes behind them.

"So do you Sonata? It's perfectly fine if you do." Anon asked

Sonata shyly nods, not being able to make eye contact.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You want me to let you in on a little secret?"

Anon whispers in her ear

"I used to do the same thing when I was a kid."

She gasps

"You did too!?"

"You bet. And the good news? I grew out of it and I know you will too. Don't let Aria get you down ok? I'll have a talk with her too."

Sonata gets tears in her eyes

"She is such a big meanie!" she said, her voice quivering

Anon hugs her close. Poor thing he thought Poor thing. She reminds me of myself when I was a kid. Genuinely kind, but not very bright. And people were mean to you because of that. I'm not going to let her turn the way I did.

"I'm going to have a talk with her ok?" he reassured her "But in the mean time, try not to let what she says get to you. If she's being mean to you just tell me. I'll take care of it."

Sonata wipes the tears from her eyes.


"Now go get your jamies on alright?"

Sonata looks down confused. He had completely forgotten that these were the only clothes they had since the incident. And they hardly fit them, not to mention how worn out and torn they were.

"We'll figure it out ok?"

Anon opens the door back up, letting the two other girls back in

"Alright" he said "Nap time girls."

Adagio looks even more irritated now

"I told you Anon! I'm not taking a nap!" Dagi ranted "Only babies take naps!"

"For once I have to agree with her." Aria said, crossing her arms "I'm not taking a stupid nap."

He needed to do this tactfully. The only way he could go out of the house without worrying it would be burned down when he returned was by making them nap. But how?

"Whoever takes a nap gets a special surprise." Anon said slyly "I have to go out for about an hour but if any of you are awake I can't get all of your presents."

They straighten up faster than the line at Sweet Apple Acres during cider season.

"Fine." Aria grumbled "But I'm not going to like it!"

Anon laughs

"Well there is certainly no rule forcing you to enjoy it."

"And I won't! You got it?"

"Yes, Aria, I do."

Anon gave his bed to Sonata, the guest room to Dagi and the spare room with a mattress to Aria. It used to belong to his ex fiance' so it wasn't as if he was using it anymore. Just before Aria walks into the room, he pulls her aside.

"Aria, you need to stop acting so mean to Sonata. I know she can get on your nerves sometimes, but that's not an excuse to make fun of her."

"But she is the WORST. She is absolutely unbearable! All she does is be annoying!"

"Do you honestly think making fun of her will help though? How would that feel if I said that to you? Like if I were to make fun of the fact that you have really bad gas?"

Aria's face turns redder than a tomato

"H-how did you know?" Aria stuttered

"We didn't go to taco bell remember?" Anon said "I've known for a while. But see? Wouldn't that hurt if I made fun of you for that?"

"Sorry. She is just so annoying."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You need to go to her an apologize. But we'll do that when we get back ok? For now, why don't you just lay down and nap?"


"Goodnight Aria. Sleep well."

Anon gets up and slowly closes the door behind him. She was a firecracker that one. He'd definitely have to work on calming her down. But he could see right through her. Even though she put on a hard exterior, you could tell that she was a good person. She just had a hard time expressing kindness. But he'd break though that tough exterior sooner or later.

Anon got back into his car and drove to the nearest supermarket. But then it hit him. He had never shopped for anyone else before, much less three small girls with such varying personalities. What kinda of things did girls like anyway? Did Adagio need a bra at such an age? How did bras even work? Girls were so weird.

Anon nervously walks down the isles trying to find some clothes for the three. First he saw PJ's with hearts on them. Sonata would be crazy for these. He walked through another isle finding some deep blue ones with with waves and sail boats on them. Not really Adagio's style, but it would certainly look great on her. He opted to get some black PJs with pink guitars on them for Aria.

Now for some street clothes. This was going to be just a tad more challenging. Anon just wondered up and down the isles cluelessly. An employee came up to him.

"Is there something I can help you with, sir?" the pretty attendant said

Fuck it.

"Yeah. I have three little sisters at home and am doing some shopping for my mom. I'm a bit stumped on what to buy."

"Cute." she said with a little smile "How old are they?"

"Seven, ten, and fifteen"

"I think I can help with that. What are each of them like?"

"The youngest is a bit of an airhead, the middle is a big grungy and angsty and the eldest is somewhere in the middle."

"Alright. Right this way."

She helps pick out a few excellent skirts and tops. 4 sets for each of them, each of them being a range of their favorite colors. Or at least that's what he thought. He didn't actually know what their favorite colors were. Now all he needed was the hard stuff. Underwear and perhaps a bra for Adagio. Totally not awkward, said literally no one ever.

Anon quick, and very self consciously, just grabbed a few packs of undies for each of them, hoping no one would see a grown ass man buying children's underwear. Just as he was about to go the checkout he realized he forgot one thing. And the recipient was not going to like this one. Some protection for Sonata's accidents. She wasn't going to be too thrilled about it, but he was certainly not going to be changing the sheets every night. He was much too lazy for that. He goes to the checkout again. Over two hundred dollars worth of shit. Why was parenting so expensive? Anon halts his thoughts. He couldn't even believe he let that cross his mind in the first place. He was absolutely not a parent. The idea was simply absurd. Now it was time for the gift he promised. But what to get three little girls? Something simple, something easy... That's it!

With the gifts bought and payed for, Anon drove back to the house. He was half worried that house was going to burnt to the grown with a sign that had Syriens4Lyfe written on it. Much to his ease, he got home with the house completely in tact. But it wasn't all good news. Once he opened the door, the sound of Sonata's crying filled the room. Aria was going to get the spanking of a lifetime if she was behind this. He ran up to Sonata's room. She was sobbing next to a very large wet spot on the bed.

"Anon I'm sorry! I didn't mean it I swear! It was an accident!" Sonata yelled in between her sobs

"Shhhh Sonata. It's fine. I know you didn't do it on purpose." he reassured her "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

He led her to the bathroom and turned the water on

"Oh and Sonata. I got you a clean change of clothes, so when you're done just call me alright?"

She wipes tears from her eyes and hugs you, her pee stained pants completely covering him


"Thank you Anon." she said "I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I love you too, now can you please let go."

She unlatches and Anon closes the bathroom door, going downstairs to hall of the clothes in. With the stealth of ten thousand ninjas, Adagio sneaks up behind him and taps his shoulder, making him nearly jump out of his skin.

"Oh sorry!" Adagio said "I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"It's fine." Anon said, trying to calm his racing heartbeat "I'm guessing Aria is up as well?"

"Nope. She's out cold." she giggles

Not going to enjoy it is she? Yeah right.

"I bought you guys some new clothes, seeing as you all only had the ones on your back. By the way, and I know this might be a bit embarrassing, but-"

Anon holds up the training bra

"Is this the right size for you?"

Adagio laughs at his obvious embarrassment

"It's perfect." she said, twidiling her thumbs and looking down "I was actually about to ask you if I could get my first bra since... you know.. mine are starting to grow... but I was to afraid. Thank you."

First? Did she really have no memory of what happened?

"Adagio, you can talk to me about anything ok? If you have any questions about puberty I will be more than happy to answer them alright? Never be afraid to ask."

Adagio goes in for a big, warm hug.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Seriously."

"Of course Adagio. I just want you to be happy."

Just as the two finish their heartwarming scene, Sonata comes into the kitchen, completely naked and soaking wet.

"Sonata!?" Anon yelled, covering his eyes "What are you doing!? Why are you completely naked and sopping wet!?"

"You said when I was done taking a shower to come and find you right? I'm not in trouble am I?"

She took things way to literally.

"Excuse me for a bit Adagio."

Clearly this was going to be a little more work than he bargained for.