//------------------------------// // The Fateful Event: The Creature // Story: Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For // by FerociousCreation //------------------------------// Ch. 45 The walk to the ballroom was a silent trip aside from Chrysalis asking Coco if she had any questionmare questions. Coco only sarcastically laughed and responded a grumbling “no” to follow. The pony did have some questions in mind, such as what Chrysalis plans to do to obtain love aside from Princess Celestia being a source. But that talk aloud was not meant for public ears. Once the three arrived, Coco couldn't keep her bubbly emotions hidden, along with a wide grin. The room was bustling about with ponies dressed in fancy attire. The noise of the ponyfolks was not too loud, however. Probably because of the quartet of musicians performing their mellow music onstage, and the visitors wanted to have a listen. The stage was to the right of the ballroom entrance, crudely standing out from the rest of the hall with its black paint. But it was decorated with flora and ribbons to make the color of the void a lot less ugly. A long runway jetted out from the center of the stage, and red dividers sat on the ground to keep the future audience a distance from it. Alongside the walls were tables, covered with an assortment of foods and beverages. It dawned unto Coco that she has not eaten all day and is going to help herself as soon as she can. “Are you happy to be here?” Chrysalis asked the pony as she, Coco, and Fang unknowingly blockaded the entrance. “Very much so.” Coco smiled, finally glad that the event she had been working for was now in the present. Despite her happiness and excitement, the horderves were calling out to the cream-colored mare. “But I need to get something to eat. I'll be eating some food.” “Shall I accompany you?” Fang asked Coco. He glanced up to his queen to see if she had any rebuttals, but didn't seem to mind. “Of course. What about you, Your Majesty?” Chrysalis realized she was going to be on her own again and felt that it was not fair that Coco hadn't spent more time with her. “So long as you and I have our time together later on. It wouldn't be a wonderful night without my friend.” A look of guilt fell on Coco’s face. “If you’d like, you can join us both. I don't want you to feel left out.” But Chrysalis only laughed. “Don't feel any shame, Coco. I was the one who trotted off with the princess for the whole day. I should be the one apologizing.” “You should,” Coco replied back with a snide grin. Looking to Fang, the mare held out her hoof to him with a small tint of blush in her cheeks. “Shall we?” “Of course you would as me in the form of a question.” Fang and Chrysalis laughed aloud as Coco’s ears pointed back in embarrassment and irritation. But Coco got her revenge by roughly yanking on Fang’s arm and almost made him stumble over. She pulled him over to the nearest table as Fang stumbled over his hooves, but managed to keep his footing. “Still can't take a joke,” Fang smiled mischievously. “You and the others keep running it into the ground,” Coco grumbled as she reached for a small plate. The horderves were arranged in a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, , cheese cubes, and small sandwiches. With her hunger greater than she thought, Coco grabbed a few sandwiches, some cheese, and a good amount of vegetables; the fruits she left alone. No longer tormenting the poor mare, Fang looked at Coco with a smile, “It's quite amazing isn't it?” Coco was still bothered by him and mumbled as she crammed a tiny hay sandwich into her mouth. “I thought I ask the questions…” “I mean about being here.” Fang gestured behind him to the glory that is the Canterlot Ballroom. The pony had to swallow before answering. “It is wonderful. And I am thankful for you. Thankful that you found me.” Coco winked at Fang, causing the changeling to look away nervously. “Thanks.” Thinking about what she said, the mare was curious about Fang. “So why do you enjoy being around me?” A hard question to answer. Not that it was, but Fang didn't want to say the one wrong thing: because he loves her. “Well for one you do have a way with words.” “As in…?” Another sandwich was now being consumed by the pony. “You know how to convince Your Majesty. Somehow your words speak to her.” A brow raised on Coco’s forehead. “But how does that make you enjoy being around me. I didn't ask what you like about me.” Blush bled across Fang’s face as he said the wrong thing; least it wasn't him confessing his love. “Sorry. I-it's because you are nice and accepting to me and the others. You also always have something to talk about, even if you mostly ask questions.” “Hehe, that’s better.” Fang noticed Coco’s flushed cheeks, flaring from his compliment. “What about me?” Fang asked. “I like being around you because you are willing to help me when I am down. You’ve never done any harm to me.” Coco paused for a moment to think, as if to take back what she said. “Except for all the teasing.” All Fang could do was shrug with a grin. “Somepony has to do it.” After rolling her eyes in her head, Coco found herself looking at a goldenrod mare with long, curly, rose-red hair. It was Stitch Snitch. Her blue dress stood out quite well from the crowd of equines. She walked about with a shy posture, as if she was lost. Coco nudged Fang’s side and gestured to her. “It's Stitch,” Fang commented casually. The amount of enthusiasm from the changeling seemed a bit disheartening. “Let's go say hi to her,” Coco ordered. After discarding her glass plate in the dirty dishes basket, Coco quickly made her way over to Stitch. “Hello Stitch.” “Oh, hello Coco.” Stitch beamed at the sight of the cream-colored mare. “How has your day been?” “Very well.” From Stitch Snitch’s perspective, she saw Fang approach from behind Coco. “Have you seen any others?” Fang asked curiously to Stitch. “Only you.” The stallion lifted his head to see if other changelings were among the group of ponies, but couldn't see any familiar disguises. Not even his brother was in sight and that was something unusual for the hungry sibling. “What have you obtained?” Fang spoke low, wondering about Stitch’s progress on gathering love. “Very little.” Stitch held her head low as she was yielding very little. “I know I can gather a lot by blending in. But I am very shy when it … I don't know how to introduce myself to others, be it any race.” Peering around the ballroom, Coco noticed more bodies were now present with their elegant outfits and dresses. Among them were some handsome stallions in fine attire, speaking boldly and proud. Maybe Coco should introduce her friend to one. Stitch needs somepony to accompany her tonight if she is to obtain any amount of love. Taking Stitch’s hoof, the pony smiled at her friend. “Come on, let's go mingle.” “N-no!” Not knowing her own strength, Coco began to pull the flustered changeling along. Stitch did everything in her power to halt the earth pony. But her hooves screeched on the slippery tile, unable to get good footing again. “No no no no no no no no.” Fang followed from behind Coco and Stitch, his ears jetted back. “If you force somepony into doing something against their will, they may have a less chance of doing what stresses them even more.” Even though his feeling for Coco were much stronger, he still cared for his sister changeling. The last thing he needed was to have her facade shatter and expose herself. “I just want to prove to Stitch that she can talk to others,” Coco called back. In front of her, the pony approached a light-blue pegasus dressed in a black suit. His mane was short and spiked in a wild arrangement. He held a champagne glass in his hoof, taking sips of the bubbly liquid in his fragile cup. He stood alone by a table with several wine bottles jetting out of a large wide bucket filled with ice. His eyes looked among the ponies, observing them with sharp eyes. Once Coco and her frightened friend were close enough, the looked to the mares. Fang stopped a few feet away from his friends only to keep an eye on Coco. Letting go of the changeling’s hoof, Coco gestured to the nicely dressed pony. “Go on! Talk to him!” But that only made Stitch want to flee from his presence. Her face flushed and her eyes widened, trying to give into Coco’s demand, but froze, shivering with fear. “Why are you doing this to her?” the pegasus asked Coco with a raise of his brow. He gave Stitch a once over with his sharp eyes and frowned at the pretty mare. “She looks downright mortified!” “I just want her to talk to somepony,” Coco replied. “Just trying to get her out of her shell.” Despite seeing her friend’s shivering exterior, she was determined to get a word out of Stitch. But the stallion shook his head with Coco’s tactic. “Never force anything onto a pony. They can grow to hate what you are trying to get them to do. Or worse: hate you for your actions.” In her peripheral, Coco saw Fang and Stitch nod with approval of the wise words. “I almost said the same thing to her,” Fang commented with a sigh. “And she didn't listen.” “Miss.” Coco’s eyes met the sharp stare of the pegasus. She could tell he was more than a wine-sipping stallion, and his words were further proving that. “Sometimes it is best to let others fly when they want to. Leave your friend be and let her mingle as she pleases.” Realizing her wrongdoing, Coco nodded at the wise pegasus before looking back to Stitch. “Sorry…” Her ears retreated with regret. “I just want you to get comfortable.” “It's okay,” the changeling nodded with a smile. “You only wanted to help.” Not feeling as nervous, Stitch looked to the light-blue pony and gave him a small grin. “You really have a way with words.” “Anytime,” he winked before taking a sip of his drink. Curious about the pegasus, Fang asked him, “With such wisdom that you have, what is it that you do?” “I am a business analyst. It's an interesting job, but I what my describes: analyze businesses.” “Fascinating,” was all Fang could muster up. Never in his life did he know of such a career choice. Then again, he is apart of the changeling swarm. So learning about pony customs were still an alien concept to him. “May I ask your name?” “Hawk Eye.” The pegasus nodded his head to substitute for a bow, then taking another sip of wine. “And yourself.” “Inferno Fang.” Looking to Coco, he smiled at her. “Why don't you and Stitch go on and socialize with each other. I'm sure she is willing to talk with you.” “And what about yourself? Trying to get rid of us?” The pony raised a brow, but knew what Fang was implying. “I just want to talk with Hawk Eye here.” The changeling turned his attention to the champagne-sipping pony. “If that is alright with you.” “Just don't forget about your friend,” Hawk Eye nodded looking to the mares. His sharp eyes scanned over Fang and made the pony grin. Speaking low in Fang’s ear, he spoke, “After all, I can tell you care a lot about her.” Trying his best not to blush, Fang took a deep breath before looking to Coco. “So are you two going to fine on your own?” Stitch nodded, glad she doesn't have to be around Hawk Eye anymore; or be forced to talk to ponies she is unfamiliar with. “Let's go.” Before walking away from Fang, Coco said to him, “Just don't forget about the contest.” And with that, the two mares were on their way. Taking the lead, Stitch made her way to a door that was wide open, leading outside. Almost eager to get a literal breath of fresh air, she quickened her pace and Coco had to adapt. Finally with no roof over her head, Stitch took a deep breath and sighed in relief. Coco stood behind her under a small cedar tree, safe from the moonlight. Looking to and fro, Stitch saw no pony outside; at least not that she could see anyways. Now furious, the changeling’s pointed dangerously back and her eyes stabbed at Coco. “Don't you ever do that again!” Beads of tears formed at the corners of Stitch’s eyes. Frozen with guilt, Coco shook her head meaning no harm. “I just wanted to help you get what you need.” Even her ears retreated, but more because she was ashamed of her act. “I don't need you to tell me how to be…” Leaning close to the pony, Stitch hissed lowly, “...a changeling!” She then began to speak normally. “I can handle myself on my own and blend in. That's what I am good at.” “I'm sorry…” was all Coco could say, now that she witnessed her friend’s rolling tears. Thankfully for herself and the changeling, Stitch was quick to change her attitude and was no longer frustrated with Coco. “It’s okay now. I just want you to remember I am much more sensitive with things I am uncomfortable with.” Stitch wiped her tears from her eyes and gave a light smile to her friend. “I am glad you feel sorry and that means a lot.” Sighing with relief, Coco was glad to hear her friend was no longer angry with her. It surprised Coco as to how much flare the changeling had, even if she was timid. The pony moved toward her friend and gave Stitch a quick embrace to further solidify her apology. With the noise of sound scarce from where the two mares were, they suddenly heard hooves touching hard on the grass. The thump came from behind the tree, keeping whoever landed, hidden from their eyes. “Sister, why must I be here?” A stallion’s voice grumbled with distaste and Coco could hear it in his voice. “Because Princess Luna requests that you give yourself a break,” replied a more feminine voice, trying to convince her brother to remain with her. Both Stitch and Coco looked at each other, with ears twitching. Listening. “You know I don’t do well with groups of ponies. Besides, who would want to see us? We are freaks to others.” “Who cares what others think bitterly of us. I know there will be somepony who will see no harm in us. Besides, you might meet a beautiful mare. “And that is another reason why I wish to not be here! Why must you insist on trying to get me with some other pony? Like I said, who would like us, especially me?” What does he mean by 'we are freaks to others,’ Coco pondered as she listened to the siblings talk among themselves. It interested her to see what they did look like. Coco does know what a changeling looks like and is not at all intimidated by their appearance one bit. Yes it did take a bit of getting used to, but not too long. Seeing her friend, Coco saw Stitch standing absolutely still, wondering if she was breathing for how still she was being. With curiosity poisoning Coco’s mind, she took a step to see who was around the cedar tree. But in the first attempt of movement, she stepped on a twig. The sound exploded like a firecracker as it ripped at the quiet air, even though the noise was small. “Who’s there?!” the stallion behind the tree ordered. Stitch gave Coco an unsure look, not knowing what to do with the situation at hoof. “It was probably a squirrel,” his sister responded. “Relax.” But instead of a reply, Coco heard quick hoofsteps and saw a figure round the trunk. And to her surprise, she was not expecting a creature. Or at least, half of one?