Two-Sided Prequel II: Who You Work For

by FerociousCreation

The Fateful Event: The Breast Flame

Ch. 40

To Coco, it felt like the entire world was staring at her as she couldn't hold back her tears or guilt. But to her fortune, only Fang sat beside her. Alone in the Canterlot Community Park.

Looking around, Fang could see nopony within their vicinity. Hopefully, he could now talk to the pony in distress. “So now that we are alone, why don't you tell me what is wrong?”

But the only thing the changeling was given was silence. How could somepony as beautiful as the queen look so upset? Fang frowned in thought, admiring the dressed mare. Even though he greatly disliked Suri Polomare, the changeling could not disagree that Coco’s outfit was beyond amazing. So perhaps giving Suri a second chance made two mares look better.

Still wanting to get an answer out of Coco, Fang continued to pursue. “You told me you wanted to talk somewhere private. Now is the time.”

Coco knew she had to tell him eventually. To tell him about her guilt. Might as well tell him now. “I just… feel bad,” she muttered, scared somepony would be listening.

“About what may I ask?”

Coco finally made eye contact with Fang. “For Shining Armor…”

The changeling knew where the conversation was headed. “You mean about the Canterlot Invasion,” he spoke low.

“Yeah-” The memory of the prince’s sad frown was burned in her mind. “He looked so broken as he remembered… you know.”

“I understand why you would feel sorry for him, but why has it made you so upset?”

Being the questionmare that she is, Coco countered with another questing. “How do stand in front of somepony and lie to them with a straight face? How could you stand in front of the one who you hurt and not even feel sorry?” At this point, Fang is beginning to see the reason behind his friend’s attitude. Her brows were creased not in anger, but frustration. And her eyes were wide with guilt.

“It’s because…” Fang spoke slowly, trying to think of an answer that won't upset the pony. But he sighed and had to answer full heartedly. “It's to keep the truth hidden. Changelings need to put emotions aside sometimes and do what is right, even if it is wrong.”

“Well I can't!” Coco spat. “I can't just stand in front of Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, or Shining Armor, knowing that there are two changelings before them. And I also can't just not feel sorry. I hate to say it but I am not like you-”

The words came out too quickly and Coco couldn't stop them. Fang flinched as the words stabbed at his eardrums and his heart.

“I- I didn't mean-” Coco stumbled over her words but a lump in her throat robbed the mare’s ability to speak.

“You are just frustrated.” Fang smiled, knowing that Coco does not think harshly against changelings. However, the comment she had just said still hurt.

Coco looked around to see if there were other ponies who might be in earshot of her conversation. Thankfully, there were none that she could see, so she resumed her venting. “I feel like a spy. I feel like a traitor. I feel like an enemy. And I hate it…” Coco gave up on trying to prevent the throat lump to cause her to sob some more. It was just too hard on her throat.

“But you are not any of those things,” Fang reassured, scooting in close to the mare. When he got close enough, Coco leaned into him. “You are a friend to Queen Chrysalis and are trying to help her speak her mind to Celestia.”

Coco was now more relaxed, but Fang’s words didn't change her mood. “But Chrysalis said that when she pulls the princess and I aside tonight, she expects me to pretend that I didn't know she was a changeling.”

Puzzled, Fang asked, “Why would she make you do that?”

“I don't know… I just don't want to lie anymore. I may not have lied a lot recently, but I don't think I can much longer for today…”

Looking down at his friend, Fang frowned as his friend stared forward. He couldn't tell what she was looking at or where. But still, he needed to think of something to cheer up his friend. Fang knows he can do it. After all, he has done it before.

“Don't think of it as lying,” Fang finally spoke, breaking Coco’s focus on whatever her vision was locked on.

“Then how should I think about it?” Coco stared at Fang expecting a ridiculous answer.

Fang gave a warm smile that practically radiated heat. “Think of it as keeping a secret. You are not lying so long as no one talks about us.” The changeling watched Coco’s look around in thought.

“I guess that could help ease my conscious.”

“Exactly! And there is nothing wrong with that so long as no one is hurt-”

Realizing what he said, Fang watched Coco frowned once more. “I do hope no one is hurt tonight.

Good work Fang… You made things worse for Coco. However, despite his improper use of words, the pony leaned more weight onto Fang. “I appreciate you trying to cheer me up,” she spoke softly. “That is at least making me feel… comfortable. I just wish things were different between changelings and ponies. That's all.” Fang could only nod for an answer. “I wonder what would happen if things don't go according to plan. What do you think would happen?”

As if influenced with her wandering mind, Fang’s heart cramped at the thought. If he, his queen, and the others would be found out, there would be pandamonium. No love would be collected. Canterlot may try to take extra measures to prevent a changeling from disguising across Equestria. And Coco-

Fang had to look the other way as his eyes widened in fear. What if Celestia finds out that Coco has been associating with changeling's and is interrogated?!

Suddenly, Chrysalis’ decision on having Fang not get too close to Coco was making sense. Coco Pommel was just a simple earth pony, whose profession was being a simple tailor. She was in no condition or in the mind set to be dragged into his queen’s business. Coco does not deserve to be stressed about Queen Chrysalis’ grudge against Celestia. Fang was now witnessing the effects it was having on his friend and knows she doesn't deserve to worry or feel pain. She deserves a happy life.

“I don't think we need to worry about that,” Fang finally answered, knowing it could very well be a lie. He faced Coco and her eyes met with his. “None of the changelings will be revealing themselves tonight. Well, aside from Chrysalis. I just have a good feeling nothing catastrophic will happen tonight.”

Quickly, Coco sat upright, her attitude much different. “You know,” she started, “you are right!” A smile grew onto Coco’s face and Fang grinned at the sight of it. “I need to not think about questions that have no answers yet. I just need to see how things play out is all.”

“Glad to see that you are taking my advice from yesterday,” Fang smirked.

Another question suddenly surfaced in Coco’s mind but it quickly sank. She was about to ask Fang why he and Chrysalis looked so angry at Princess Celestia at the concert hall. But she already knew the answer: Celestia had brought pain to the Queen of Changelings. I just hope no one has to fight tonight…

“So Coco,” Fang said suddenly, breaking Coco’s questionmare thoughts. He looked hesitant to say what was on his mind, but was bent on saying it anyways. “Why don't we go back to the carriage and read that book together.” It will also keep you from thinking about ridiculous questions.

A silly smirk grew on the pony’s face. “Is this an excuse to sit close to me?”

At that very moment, Fang could not deny it anymore. A flame he had never felt before sparked to life in his breast. He never thought it would happen, but it did.

“Maybe,” he blushed.

He was in love with Coco Pommel. And he hated himself for it, for his queen will not be pleased.