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  • 39 weeks

    For the first time in a decade, you can buy a copy of Twilight's List again! And it's got a softcover option too! And and since it's Lulu, if you aren't in North America, the shipping won't kill you! I'm celebrating!

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  • 48 weeks
    Small Writing Thing

    I participated in another group writing project. You can find it Over here.

    I was feeling very cross at the government when I gave Rainbow a metal pipe. I actually love her here though.


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    New (again) Developments

    It's been a while. But I wanted to let people who were asking (and everyone else) know a neat thing!

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  • 78 weeks
    A thing to read


    I commissioned a short fic from Monochromatic. You can read it over on Hollow Shades.

    It’s rarity and rainbow and twilight being pals.

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The League · 1:52am Aug 11th, 2012

So. I owe all of you an apology. Keep reading.

You may have noticed (or not, I have no idea how many of my followers actually pay attention to their notes) that I posted a new story Friday night: A Glasshouse Butterfly. It looks to have generated a small burst of interest and then been largely ignored. The comments I've got have been nice, but nothing is as it seems. If you're in too much of a hurry to read that link, the long and short of it is, I didn't write that fic. Little Robot Bird did. He posted a story recently too. A story I wrote: I Do. (I wrote AppleDash Tcher. You can stop bugging me for it now :P)

So why did we do this? Well, if you read the blog linked above, you'd see it's not just us two. There were a lot of swapped fics. Wanderer_D set this project up as a science experiment to see how true "popular because >popular" is. I have never heard of lam before this contest, which was the point.

We paired up well known authors with lesser known ones to see if anyone would notice and if writing style etc played a large part in success. The results are mixed. In some cases (Nines Tempest and Pen Stroke), the well known author's story became popular and the lesser known's one faded away. Almost all of the well known author's fics did better than their partners. Except lam and I.

It does make me happy that a story can be well written enough to almost feature coming from a relatively unknown writer. That gives me hope that I won't miss amazing stories because the top 10 is unassailable. And then you have everyone else's results which don't match. Speculation is that the cover art (custom and colorful vs grayscale vector) had a major impact while the fic was on the front page. Then there's the addition to the Shipping group here on FimFic. Maybe AppleDashers just really want their fix? We don't know. Feel free to comment about why you read or didn't read either story here. Remember, it's for science. Also, did anyone read either fic and go "this doesn't seem like kits/lam"? Just curious.

Speaking of science. I've a question for anyone reading this. I've 740+ followers; I presume most of you watched me because of List. Why did another shipfic I posted get < 300 views. Was it the picture? Were you too busy this weekend? Was it the other league fics? Was is the [incomplete] or [other] character tags? Was it because it wasn't Twilight's List 2: List Harder? Just wondering.

So. Why did I do it? There are a few reasons.
1) I was asked and saw that quite a few people I really wanted to work closer with were part of this. (The linked blog above ought to list/have links to everyone who took part in this.) Plus, it was flattering to be considered for the grouop.
2) I am a huge troll. I came from /b/. I got into posting Rainbow Dash before I ever saw the show because it pissed 4chan off. I have taken direct shots at fics I dislike that are popular in my own writing. In short, trollin' amuses me.
3) It was motivation to get something done. Speedfics are fine and all, but I haven't been able to sit down and write 'for real' since my sons were born. This helped. Maybe I'll actually get to finish some of my "real" stories someday.

As for the fics themselves: from what I understand, there's going to be Database-fu to swap the stories, comments, tracks, faves, and all, to the right author at some point. If you followed me because of Glasshouse, you'll have to manually fix that yourself. I hope those of you who read the fic and liked it will go check out lam's other stuff. I mean, if you liked it, it shouldn't matter who wrote it right?

Anyway, If you care, I'll be replacing my throw away comment on I Do with author's notes sometime later today. I'll also be re-uploading from my gdoc to re-do my formatting. Lam and I edited each other's fics to conform more visually to each other's style. I don't know if it was needed, but we did.

Anyone still reading this. I'm picking back up on Who We Are. I need to re-read the damned thing (Since writing this, I've done so) and figure out WTF I was doing(still working on this one), but it's back online. If I can keep my pace, if should be finished sometime before the heat death of the universe. It's also my "pretenious" fic. After it's done, I can post and delete half a dozen blogs about how no one understands my genius. Looking forward to that. It's like I'll be a real fanfiction writer ;_;.

I'm still playing with the story-plot of List's sequel, by the way. Yes, it exists; yes, it's going to be cloppy; yes, sex will actually play something of a major role* in the story; no, I have no clue when to expect it being done or a size estimate. Not that my estimates matter much anyway.

* I intend for it to. With my luck, I'll get sidetracked and Pinkie's famous Peanutbutter and Gingersnap muffins become the focus.

Report kits · 1,221 views ·
Comments ( 32 )

Huh. I totally failed, as far as I know, to notice the whole thing. So, uh, there's that. I'm curious now as to whether I would have said hang on, that's not Kit's writing. I can usually smell a writer's style a mile off if I know how he/she writes.

Personally, I'm convinced through the entirely unscientific method of anecdotal evidence, that pretty pictures by known artists will lift mediocre stories into the spotlight, as does hitting the right notes that pleases enough of the lowest common denominators.

I'm also convinced that once you're famous for whatever reason, then anything you write will gravitate higher automagically in general than less-famous writers.

And, all things being equal, should you actually make your fic publically known by whatever method, it will continue to be known far longer than otherwise irregardless of actual content or expertise.

That sounds incredibly grouchy, coming from me, but I mean no disrespect - it's just human nature.

Well, I for one am glad this scientific expedition was a knowledgeable as you let on.
It certainly reveals the true nature of us readers which, mind you, is another animal entirely.
Oh well, glad the beans have been spilled!
Thanks for the info and such, and best of luck on your stories!

I'm a loyal AppleDasher :rainbowdetermined2:

It seems a little pointless to me, I mean, of course a more popular author's story was going to be rated higher, mostly because the popular author has more people following him/her, so more would see it. It was kind of neat, though, but as I see it, good writing is good writing, it's going to become popular on its own merits. Good example is Glasshouse Butterfly, I remember feeling something was a little "different" with it, as I was reading it, but it was very well written, so I have no doubts that I would have come across it eventually.

Gah, my thoughts are scattered all over the place tonight. Good luck trying to decipher that clusterbuck of a paragraph up there. Definitely looking forward to a sequel to Twilight's List, and by the sound of it, it's not going to be a one-shot, which makes me rather happy (not that there's anything wrong with one-shots, I just love me a multi-chapter TwiDash story). Good luck with it all!

Interesting little social experiment you took part in, Kits.

I'll just pat myself on the back a little here. I actually noticed that something was weird about "A Glasshouse Butterfly". It never occurred to me that it could have been written by someone else, I just thought you were experimenting with your style.

The first thing I noticed was that "Pinkie" said "heck" after falling down the stairs. Now, heck is not really a curse-word, but it feels stronger than what the ponies would say, and considering the existence of "Goddammit Pinkie Pie," it felt a bit... off.

What really made me wonder about the story, was that it didn't feel like it could have been an episode. (That is not saying that Little Robot Bird's story is bad, far from it. I actually really, really liked it.) The one thing that I find in all your stories, is that for some strange reason, no matter what happens, it feels like it could have happened on the show. "A Glasshouse Butterfly" wasn't like that, but I thought it was just because you were trying out some new things.

As for why I read the story? I read all your non-clop stories.

Anyways, both "A Glasshouse Butterfly" and "I do" were great, and I'll definitely follow Little Robot Bird to read the continuation of his story. This whole thing was a success, as I would probably never have read that story otherwise.

This whole ordeal increased my read later list an exact shit-ton. I now feel like reading both of these fics along with a ton of the others on the list Wanderer D posted.

The one that surprised me the most was Chromosome and SSaE's switch. I should have known "I Met a Pony in Hell" was SSaE's. It was a Lyra story, after all.

Good lord, this whole thing is just a massive mindfuck.

We AppleDash-ers are a pretty crazy loyal ship. The AppleDash group with the highest member count has an active message board where we pretty much sit and complain about why there aren't more AppleDah fics. (Not that we don't like other fics too, just that we really like AppleDash.)

Well. Technically, both covers are by me. Am I a famous artist? I dunno. I've famous enough to have people try to sell prints of my stuff. I got invited to a skype group. But I'm hardly Doxy or Smitty.

I agree that cover art effects things, especially for unknown writers. What surprised me is that it apparently keeps people from reading stuff by writers they track too. I guess I know even my real fics need art now if I want them read.

Your point about popularity begetting popularity is one we all subscribed to. For the most part, it was proven. Lam and I are outliers in this respect.

See. We kinda thought that too. Nines Tempest and Pen Stroke showed that popular author + solid story = popular story. Lam and I showed the opposite. Many people have opined that unknown author's can't get attention now-a-days. Without any outside help (EqD, PFV, etc), I Do got nearly 100 upvotes and 675 reads. It almost featured. Glasshouse did worse than my speedfic compilation. It's interesting to see.

But yeah. TL's 'sequel' was originally going to be smut. Happy smut, but mostly just smut. Now it has a story. I can't say what's going to happen, as I only have the emotional and character interaction stuff loosely planned and the actual _story_ is still vaguely "life in Ponyville". But it'll be as "one-shotty" as List was, probably.

Woo! Good catches! And

The one thing that I find in all your stories, is that for some strange reason, no matter what happens, it feels like it could have happened on the show

Thanks :pinkiehappy:
That's why I write. I want more of the show. If they made an episode/day, I'd probably still want more.
(ps. I even try to make my clop feel like something not horrendously out of character for the show. But yeah, I understand when people don't read it.)

I honestly think Lam's is a more interesting story. Mine is pretty typical and not unpredictable except for the MLS-style TWEST! at the end. It's also my first attempt at non-random comedy.

Generally I make it a point to go through the front page's stories every now and again. I've found some really good stories that simply were swept aside by a flood of submissions.

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who has taken notice of great work that simply didn't get recognized for what it was.

ALSO! The reason I haven't been viewing is because I've gotta juggle my own fic, find interesting new fics to share with some others over at EQD, and of course, daily life. But rest assured, I'll be returning to the reading schedule soon enough! :yay:

I admit that is a pretty good troll. For myself since I am tracking you I saw that "A Glasshouse Butterfly" was published but a combination of bland art and the description caused me to give it a pass. On the other side of that I saw "I Do" on the front page when it was published and gave it a read.

For myself here is how my actions play out on the popular author vs unknown scale. If you are on my track list I will of course see when something is published, but I won't read it just because of that. For everyone else sadly I have to rely on either being lucky to see it on the front page or enough other people seeing and enjoying it to hit the side bar or popular box.

One way that I have discovered excellent stories that have slipped through the cracks is when an author I am tracking gives it a plug.

I read both those stories, not noticing a thing. :rainbowlaugh:
As for why I read Glasshouse, it was because of kits. I read all your stories, cause I luv them. And that included I Do. I was honestly laughing my ass off by the end of that fic. 'Twas ridiculous.

We didn't critique each other at all (can't speak for the rest of the League) so I left his cover and description. This is good for him to know! Thanks for being honest!


To clarify my comment, the description itself is fine, I just like my ponies more happy and upbeat (even if it might take awhile to get there). The art combined with the description put an invisible "sad" tag on the story in my mind.


I've skipped things for the same reasons. Like I said: it's for science!

Speaking of science. I've a question for anyone reading this. I've 740+ followers; I presume most of you watched me because of List. Why did another shipfic I posted get < 300 views. Was it the picture? Were you too busy this weekend? Was it the other league fics? Was is the [incomplete] or [other] character tags? Was it because it wasn't Twilight's List 2: List Harder? Just wondering.

>300 read later
>619 unread chapters
I will read as soon as I get a chance, but I'm not sure when that will be. Sorry Kits.

>Why did another shipfic I posted get < 300 views
I have stopped clicking those notifications that I get when someauthor posts a new story. Everyauthor will just have to deal with it dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_dealwithit.png

It's fine!
I'm just wondering.
>Pen Stroke's fans love him more ;_; /wrists

So... what's the point in following people then? Just curious.

> Why did another shipfic I posted get < 300 views. Was it the picture? Were you too busy this weekend? Was it the other league fics? Was is the [incomplete] or [other] character tags? Was it because it wasn't Twilight's List 2: List Harder? Just wondering.

I don't follow many authors, so when I do I generally read all of their stories. That aside, when looking for new stories...
It helps if there is a picture. It will grab my attention, and usually I'm looking for a specific story type with characters I want to read about at that time. I am heavily biased on certain characters. It does not need a picture, though.
Incomplete does not matter to me.
If the story description doesn't really describe the story, I'm probably not going to read it. Twilight's List's description was great, made me curious. Though, heavily biased to Twilight.
If it has what I'm looking for + dark, I'll probably put it in my read later, and I may or may not eventually read it. Plenty of dark fics I read I just would stop at some point, say this is stupid, and quit reading it. Similar with sad. I also like stories that are happy. Problem is, the best stories usually have a bit of sad or dark in them, whether or not it's labeled.
It depends on how long it is whether or not I'll read it now, but whether or not I read it eventually is unrelated to the length.

That's what I could think of off the top of my head. I know it doesn't answer exactly what you asked, but I figure it might help get inside a decently heavy readers head anyway.

For the record, I don't mind clop that much. I don't know if you perhaps didn't notice my name, or perhaps you just don't remember, but I'm sure Cloudy mentioned my reaction to a EoaR. The word "traumatizing" might have been used once or twice. That's not a comment on your writing skills, just to make that clear. You manage to keep the feel of the story similar to the show, even in your clopfics. At least as much as is possible given the subject matter. And I see the sequel to Twilight's List will contain clop, so that'll be interesting. Because I'm definitely going to read that, no matter how much clop it contains.

Oh, and also, I know I said that "I do" was great in my last comment too, but I wanted to repeat it, and also elaborate a bit and say that it's one of the funniest stories I have read in very long time. Without spoiling too much for those who haven't read it yet, that part where a certain character explains why a certain event HAS to happen within a certain timeframe had me in stitches. The delivery of that line was just perfect. I don't think I have laughed that much since reading "Once Bitten, Twice Shy".

I must say, I failed to notice the difference with Glasshouse Butterfly mainly because I never read it. At the time I saw a new fic had been uploaded, I had somewhere around 3 or 4 other fics I was tracking updated. I placed Glasshouse Butterfly in the "read later" list, but then never got around to reading it due to my discovery of "The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog"... That paired with my desire to not spend all of my time on Fimfiction led to Glasshouse Butterfly never reaching my eyes. Also, as per the experiment, I had never before heard of Little Robot Bird, was not watching him, and thus was not informed of the uploading of I Do.

It's amazing how much difference a font and an avatar make to recognition. :derpyderp1:

I plan on the sex being explicit, but not the whole or even most of the fic. Look at Salvation or Wing Beneath Her Wings as guides to how I wish to use sex. Maybe even Romance Reports. I doubt I can hit that balance or sensuous, sticky, and story, but I'll try.

I love how they figured out that it wasn't real :x

Well. I've had some darkfic ideas--like The Games We play dark, not Ponies Make War dark--but I probably will never publish partial fics again. I STILL haven't felt like finishing that Scootaloo thing :/

All of this feedback is good! I will help people who want to take the time to get noticed do so!

I'll be honest, I didn't notice the difference in writing style in Glasshouse Butterfly, but that's because--and please don't take this as an insult--I don't follow you for your writing. Now, that's not to say I don't enjoy reading your stories. I do, very much. But the real reason I have you in my watch list is because of your participation in neat little community-building things like this project. You do so much more for this fandom than just writing or drawing for it, and I would like to thank you for that.

And now I need to go check out Little Robot Bird's page.



This is actually pretty awesome. I most likely would've passed on Glasshouse if you hadn't done this, not being much of a PinkieShy fan. So you've successfully suckered me into leaving my comfort zone, and I got a fairly interesting fic out of it.

And yeah, I did notice the difference in writing styles. I assumed you were experimenting or something.


Like I said, the best stories usually have some bit of dark or sad. The Games We Play was awesome. Obviously. It was just painful, and that's not usually what I want. When I want to read a good story I'm much more likely to go for the dark/sad fics, but normally I'm just fulfilling my fimfics addiction, and I'd rather be happy :pinkiecrazy:

My "to read" list is over a hundred fics long and growing. Known authors are known quantities and typically get shunted to the front of the pack. The expanded feature box makes my list grow faster, but I don't read much more than I did a year ago.

It's sort of like the depressing tales I heard while job-seeking of employers who would put all the resumes in a stack and toss any that came in a non-standard envelope. It's not optimal, but you have to tone the list down *somehow*.

I...completely missed this, but it seems like an intriguing experiment, and the point is a good question.

Just how popular is 'popular', and will an unknown author's story recieve more recognition simply because it shows up on a popular author's page?

I have to ask though, just how successful WAS the experiment? Did a lot of unknown stories get noticed? Did a lot of famous stories fall off the radar? I am intrigued.
:twilightsmile: As am I! A social experiment on this scale was a good idea, since it brings attention to a lot of unknown authors as well.
:twilightsheepish: Bringing attention to those authors through the popular authors would've marked an unfavorable result, though.

A social experiment for science and lulz? Brilliant.

I didn't read either, mostly because I've been busy with IRL stuff while wading my way through "My Little Alicorn" and Torchwood. I followed you because of Twilight's List, I feel that if you write one fic that I really like then I'll follow you to remind myself to look at your other stuff later since it is likely to share certain elements.

I think the results show how important exposure is, especially with an unknown fic in a fandom that produces this much content. It's less a matter of popular for popular's sake and more a matter of putting it where people will see it.

I read A Glasshouse Butterfly. I'd posted a FlutterPie for your contest, and then you went and posted a FlutterPie. I was obligated to check it out.

It did occur to me that it wasn't really what I expected from kits. It struck me as intriguing, but a little unpolished. I figured you must've written it in a hurry. It never would've occurred to me that it wasn't actually written by you.

So now I have to go and sub to Little Robot Bird, huh!

I didn't even hear of I Do, and its description doesn't excite me so I likely wouldn't've read it even if it had been posted under your name. Amusingly, I didn't read any of the other League fics either. I don't read fics just because they were posted by writers I like – they have to look appetising in other ways too. But on the other hand hoof: obviously, if you're not a popular author yet then I'll have a hard time finding you, no matter how well you write. It's sad, but it's reality.

I do find a lot of good less-popular fics when they're plugged by popular authors, in a comment or in a blog or on their user page.


This is definately an interesting idea and im not surprised the majority of results lean towards "popular because popular". Without trying to sound 'high and mighty' i actually added both those fics to my read it later list, i just didnt get time to read either of them considering that list has over 90 fics ive yet to read, and i have some small piece of a life left on weekends that isnt about ponies

Damn, the only reason I haven't read Glasshouse yet is because I've got a bajillion tabs of fics open right now that I decided HAD to be read. I never even saw the other one, mainly 'cause I've been too busy trying to get through my reading list to look through the archives for good fics, so I've been relying on the featured box and watched authors for new fics (not that I need anymore).:facehoof:

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