> Felicity's adventures! > by Piggynator > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Felicity's cat troubles! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass. Everywhere. That's all Felicity could see as the mess in her mother’s castle grew ever so slightly bigger. “Um.. guys, let's go back to bed now!” she said in desperation. Her words fell on deaf ears as the cats continued their rampage! “Oh dear oh dear! Mother will be back any second and all I can show for my time alone is a castle more wrecked than father’s left fore-hoof!” Felicity tried all she could think of. Cat toys, cat treats heck, even getting a mouse from off of the streets (which she quickly retreated from).  Felicity decided to just assess the situation. “Ok, so, I can sweep the glass into a trash bin, put all the vases safely back on their podiums and-” “You could let me help,” says a familiar voice. Felicity quickly turns her head around “Rocky Road! I forgot you were coming!” She cried as she teleported in front of her friend and hugged him. Rocky nods as Felicity fills him in on what happened. Rocky decides to put off trying to round up cats and instead gets a dustpan and brush to start sweeping up whatever messes he can.  Felicity hurries around trying to find as many of her cats as she can. They. Are. EVERYWHERE. In the vases, on the shelves even in her mane (which Rocky gleefully pointed out) As the two ponies clean like their lives depended on it, Rocky mentions how his new variety of Rocky Road treats are ready to be sold. “Can I try them?!” Felicity asks while licking her lips “Only when we finish this up.” Rocky replies while pointing at the almost finished mess. After another hour, Rocky and Felicity look at eachother and hoof bump at their work. Everything is as it should be. Even the cobwebs behind the statues high up are polished (Don’t ask me how!) CRRREEEAAAAAKKKKK Rocky and Felicity snap their heads back as the sound of castle doors opening pierce their eardrums. “She’s back!” Felicity exclaims “I haven't done a full roll call!” “Less yapping, more roll calling!” Rocky says as he bolts for the door “I’ll try to stall!” “Rocky Road! How very nice to see you!” “Yes Mrs Bloom. Very nice!” “Um… Rocky, dear. Might I ask you to please excuse me. I would like to see Felicity.” “I am very sorry to hear that Mrs Bloom!” Rocky sputters out as he digs his head deeper into the newspaper he found “But this news is very important. So important that I must stay here in this spot! I simply must know what's been going on this-” “That's LAST month’s news, honey. Now, please excuse me.” Crystal Bloom politely says as she picks Rocky up with her unicorn magic and moves him slightly forward as to open the door. Rocky, having only just registered what she just did, ditches the newspaper and darts into his doom… Only to see the cat army chilling out. He glances at Felicity to see her and Crystal bloom hugging. “It was so nice of you two to surprise me by cleaning! I’m glad my words are rubbing off on both of you!” “Yeah, yeah.” Rocky says as he joins Felicity and her mother. The three laugh while Rocky kicks himself for being worried. um… Rocky?. Rocky hears in his head Tiddles is missing Rocky went as cold as ice cream. He panics as he darts his head around.  “Right side high!” Rocky shouts as a cat and vase fall from high up. Felicity and Crystal shoot gazes over to rocky as he dives onto his front and catches both the vase and Tiddles at the same time! “Close call!” Rocky says with a big old sigh. > Rocky reminisce > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Remember this?” Rocky Road asks. It was just a regular hangout day when Rocky brought out something familiar to Felicity. “Yes! This smells just like the Rocky Road you made when we first met!” Felicity said with joy filled nostalgia in her voice. Rocky grins and places the tupperware on the table they had their tea on. Rocky gets the two pieces and passes one to Felicity and himself while Felicity uses her Unicorn magic to pour the pair of them a cup of tea each. “Ha… This stinks of nostalgia!” Rocky says as he stares at the sweet treat he made. Felicity nods in response “It feels just like yesterday…”   “But Mom! I wanna keep looking at the flowers!” A young filly cries. “I understand that, Felicity, but we need to get going.” Crystal bloom sighs. Crystal wanted to stay but she knew that being out for too long may draw in bad actors. “If we gotta go back, can we get some sweets?” Felicity asked. Crystal begrudgingly said yes and the two were soon heading downtown to the local sweet shops. But alas, all the shops were closed. Felicity and Crystal both looked upset. Even Crystal wanted to tame her sweet tooth with a sugary treat!  Shop after shop, until eventually, they happen upon a bakery that stunk of sugary treats. Both Felicity and Crystal felt like they were being pulled toward it. As if the scent had picked them up and were dragging them inside. Before they knew it, they were standing next to the counter. An earth pony mare stepped up to the counter. “Wow, your highness! What brings you to my small establishment?” Crystal chuckled and pointed to Felicity “Felicity wanted some sweets and this fine shop happened to be the only one open. Which, may I add, may have been a blessing. I haven’t smelled such delicious treats for such a long time!” The mare rubbed the back of her neck “That means a lot, princess. Rocky, come out here!” A colt hurries out of the back room covered in dough (like his mother) and bows. Crystal reminds them that they are not in a palace and such customs would not be needed. “Forgive my rudeness, Princess! I almost forgot to introduce myself! My name is-” “Cake Mixer. Your husband is called Sun watcher and this is your son, Rocky road!” Crystal says with a slight smirk. Cake looks at crystal with an agape mouth as crystal continues “I make it a habit to learn the names of all my citizens. And that's something I hope to pass on to my daughter here” she finishes as she points to Felicity, who waves to Cake Mixer and Rocky Road. Cake Mixer and Crystal get deep into conversation as Rocky bravely steps up to Felicity. “U-um… You’re Felicity, Right?” Rocky asks. Felicity nods as rocky ten asks “I tried making a new type of Rocky Road. You and your mom want some?” he asked. Felicity nods and Rocky goes back and collects the treat.  Before Felicity can take a bite, Crystal stops her  “Ah, remember what to say, Felicity” “Yes, thank you very much, Rocky Road!” Felicity says with a big smile. Rocky waits in anticipation as Crystal breaks the treat in half and gives her daughter the slightly bigger half. It feels like an eternity as the two start chewing.  That's when it happened. Their eyes lit up! They smile brighter than the sun! Rocky and Cake mix could swear she saw both of them bouncing slightly! “This is incredible! Fantastic! Felicity, you said Rocky Road made this? Why have we never been here before? This is fantastic!” Crystal could have kept going (so could Felicity) all the while Cake Mix wrapped a proud hoof around Rocky. “Well done Rock Rock. That's 2 extra scoops of ice cream for dessert today!” She whispered. Rocky chuckles when he says “I think they are about to get to the experimental part. The popping candy!” he says. As if on cue, Felicity and Crystal can hear crackling in their mouths. They laugh in delight as the crackling ceases. When all is said and done, the four all laugh together. “Mrs Mix, your humble little shop is quite fantastic. Please, let me get you a spot on the main road!” “That would be fantastic, Princess! Thank you so much!” Rocky and his mother bid the royal two goodbye as they start to close up shop. “You know, Mom, I think we made a good first impression.” Rocky says with his mother nodding in agreement. “You know, I think I may have almost blown up your taste buds that day” Rocky says as he and Felicity chow down. Their mouths popping in delight. “I think you may have. By the way, did you ever come up with a name for this recipe?” “Na.” Rocky says “This was just an experiment I did on the whim. Didn’t think it would be such a hit with the royals!” he finishes as he sips his tea. “Then might I offer a suggestion?” a voice says. Rocky and Felicity turn to see Felicity’s mother behind them. “Sure Mrs Bloom. What did you have in mind?” Crystal Bloom walks up to them and sets a cup of her own on the table. “Royal delight.” She says as she pours herself some tea. Rocky put his head into his hooves with thought. “Royal delight, huh?” he ponders. “Yeah! I like it! Thanks Mrs Bloom!” “I second that!” Felicity says with a smile. > Rocky's cat problems! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thank you for coming and helping me, Rocky!” Felicity says as she leads Rocky Road through the castle corridors. Rocky had agreed to help seeing as his day didn’t have much going on. “No problem! I really didn’t have much going on today and besides, I needed a change of pace.” Felicity thanks Rocky again as they continue on until they come up to a door. “This is it, Rocky. Are you ready?” “You make this sound like I’m preparing for war. Sure, I’m ready.” Rocky replies. Felicity smiles, nods and opens a door. Rocky’s eyes widen and mouth falls open. Cats. EVERYWHERE. That's all his retinas could show him. Well, in all fairness, not EVERYWHERE, but still a lot. As soon as he stepped on in, he felt like he walked into a lion’s den with how many eyes were on him. Luckily, Felicity’s charm worked a treat as the cats soon relaxed. “So uh… where do I start?” Rocky asks. Felicity points to a bag of food. “Just pour the food into all of the bowls. Don’t worry, there isn’t a set order.” Rocky picked up the food bag and gets stuck in and soon the bowls are filled and the cats are chowing down. Rocky watches in satisfaction as the cats all seem to be enjoying the food. But all but one bowl isn't being touched. Rocky notices a cat waiting behind. “What's up with that one?” “Oh, Coco. She doesn't like eating with everybody else. She doesn't have a history of bad owners and so I just let her do her own thing. She’s fine though. She is a sweet little bean!” Felicity replies with a smile. Rocky has an idea “Cute little thing” he quips as he joins Felicity. “Can I say hello?” “Sure!” Felicity replies.  Rocky steps over to coco and crouches down “Hey, hey little coco- ow! Hey, can we be friends? Can we- ouch! Cmon, let me pet you- ouch! Ow ouch! C'mere, let's be friends! Come on, that's it!” Rocky could swear he could hear a giggle but he blocks all other thoughts out of his head as he only has one objective: make friends with Coco. He shakes his hoof slightly as he leans in to try again “Hey, let me pet you. That's the way. That's the- ow! There there, that's the ticket! That's the- ouch! Let me pet you again- ouch! Good girl. Good- ouch!” Rocky steps back as Coco stands up, stretches and makes her way over to felicity. By this point, Felicity can barely contain her laughter! “I forgot to mention Rocky!” Felicity says between breaths “She does like to nip pony's hooves but don't worry! That means she likes you!” Rocky looks at his nipped (many times) hoof and replies “Suuurreee” as he pets Coco. As the day goes by, what Felicity said seems to have been the truth as Coco starts to nuzzle his right foreleg and seems to be around him alot. Slowly, he reaches his hoof down to pet her. Only to be surprised. No nipping! Felicity looks over at Rocky and smiles “Are you making friends over there?” she asks. Rocky nods with a goofy smile. “Good! Say, when we finish up, would you like to stay for dinner?”  “I would like that.” Rocky replies. > The mystery of the underground cave! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felicity was going about her day when a guard bursts onto the scene “Princess Felicity! It’s urgent!” “Calm yourself ,Strong Rush.” Felicity says. “Now, what might be the matter?” Strong Rush quickly explains the situation. To make a long story short, a cave was found in one of the castle storage rooms. “A cave, eh? Well I’ll be. Rush, could you do me a favour please. Once completed, take the last hour of your shift off.” Rush salutes while trying to hide a smile “What might that be?” “Send for Rocky Road. If I'm exploring a cave, I want my best friend with me.” Felicity is led to the hole in question and sure enough, it has been blocked off with a guard, well, standing guard. He salutes when Felicity approaches. “My Princess. I am glad you came on such abrupt notice.” “Please, don’t worry. My day was free and I was getting bored.” Felicity says. She points to the hole and asks “ What do we have here?” “A cleaner was getting supplies when he hit his head on a low shelf. He hit the floor out of frustration and low and behold, this hole was found. We have used light spells to illuminate it and there is a long tunnel that goes deep.” “I have heard enough. I would prefer to not be spoiled of an adventure. Has Rocky arrived yet?” “Barely!” a familiar shout echos. Everypony turns their heads to see Rocky Road bolting as fast as he can and skidding to a halt. “Wowzers, that's a big ol’ hole!” he says as he takes a peek. Felicity giggles as she quips “Nice to see you too, Rocky!”  “Gah! I almost forgot! Good to see you too, Felicity!” Rocky says as the two hug. They separate as Felicity fills Rocky in. Rocky is already fired up but when he gets a good look at the tunnel, he grins even more. Felicity also has a smirk. A proper adventure! For the first time in years! Rocky slowly heads on in with Felicity close behind. “Rush, if we are not back in two hours at the most, send a search party. No pony will enter until either the two hours are up, or we return.” Rocky and Felicity descend down into the tunnel. From what they can see, it looks natural and pony made at the same time. Felicity uses her magic to light their way while Rocky sticks close. The tunnel winds  like a cork screw until they happen upon… A cliff. A cliff overlooking a large room of lights. Well, in all fairness, the lights are crystals reflecting off of the light of Felicity’s magic. Rocky notices a ladder attached to the cliff. “So much for it being natural.” Rocky says. Felicity lights up the room a bit more “I wouldn’t say that. Look!” Felicity points to a glowing hole on the ground below. Rocky reaches for the ladder and surprisingly, it doesn't shatter into a million pieces. Still though, he doesn't risk it. Felicity senses his doubt of the ladder and uses her magic to levitate him down to the ground as she glides down. They arrive at the hole when they feel a sense of pulling from it. “This feels weird. It feels like it’s drawing me in. Kinda” Rocky says. “Yes, it's a magic I do not recognise.” She says as  she places Rocky down on the floor. “Wait there for a second.” Felicity lands and and gets a large excess section of the ladder that was hanging at the bottom and snaps it off just to where the end was just touching the floor. She then instructs Rocky to find a heavy boulder. While Rocky is taking care of that, Felicity throws one end into the glowing hole and then pulls it out. No breaks. Rocky calls Felicity over and she uses her magic (plus Rocky’s earth pony strength) to move the crystal closer to the hole. The puzzle pieces in Rocky’s head click together and he lifts one side of the crystal up just enough for Felicity to slide an end of the ladder under it. “Secured.” Rocky says while wiping sweat from his head. “What now?” “Now,” Felicity says with nerves “who's first?” The two exchange glances before sighing and agreeing on 3. Rocky wakes up and rubs his head. His head is met with an unfamiliar sensation. Ridges? He opens his eyes to see… Felicity? “Felicity?” “ROCKY?” The two stare at unfamiliar beings. Thin beings with odd clothing. Hooves that have ridges. They look at eachother and back to the digits on their hooves. As if on command, the digits uncurl and they seem to move. They stare at each other some more before saying something “What are you?” “No, what are YOU?”  They simply stare. Since the seem to be the same sort of shape, they decide to recollect themselves before going over the events until Felicity simply says “Another world. WE TRAVELLED TO ANOTHER WORLD!!” She shouts with elation. Rocky couldn’t quite believe it. He looks around until he sees the ladder they threw through earlier still hanging. “I can't believe it” Rocky says “What happened to us?” “I’m not sure, Rocky. And to be quite honest, I don't want to find out right now. This just went from an adventure to a massive political problem. We need to get back.” “You switched tones quickly.” “That was before I fully thought out what happened and the implications. As far as the rest of equestria is concerned, this portal does not exist. It needs to be properly sealed off.” Rocky can't help but agree. He struggles to get up but found trying to stand on two legs felt better than trying on four. Felicity does the same and the two manage to climb the ladder back up and get sucked back in. Felicity and Rocky fly out of the portal and land back in the crystal cave. Felicity is the first to wake up and is delighted to be back as a pony. Rocky also is delighted. The duo pull the ladder back through the portal before making their way quickly back up the cliff and back through the tunnels before reaching the exit. “Princess Felicity!” Strong Rush exclaims “you were gone for an hour and a half! What on equestria happened?” “Many. Things.” She says. “Please arrange for this to be sealed and blocked up. There is no danger but there is foreign magic that I would like to keep there. You and Light Splitter are under strict secrecy now. If any pony asks, it's a massive hole with no end in sight.”  “Ma’am!” They both say with a salute. Rocky goes with Felicity until they reach the throne room. Crystal Bloom gasps as they slowly enter. “My goodness! You two look worn and ragged! What on equestria happened?” They both chuckle as Felicity says “Many things, Mother. Many things” “What kind of things?” “Other- Worldly things. Quite the tale If i may be honest.”  “Well, you can tell me all about it on our way to get you two cleaned up. Rocky dear, you are free to stay the night if you wish.” “That would be great. Thanks Mrs Bloom!”