//------------------------------// // Fight // Story: The Adventures of the Equestria Girls // by SaiakuMonoNarrator //------------------------------// An explosion happened on the building where Pinkie was, causing Rainbow to widen her eyes. PINKIE! She screamed mentally before screaming out loud as she and Plasma were gripped harder by Mohawk.  “Okay… could I have… done better when… I went after you?” She asked in pain. “...Possibly.” “I can’t believe I’m gonna… die next to you.” Plasma said in an equal amount of pain.  “HEY! This… isn’t a picnic for… me either.” She said as the force increased on them. It’s getting harder to breathe. She thought as her vision started blurring. Not good…  Plasma clenched his fists before they started glowing blue. Mohawk looked at that in curiosity before they both discharged, sending out two blasts, both of them knocking the floating man off balance. Fortunately, this caused him to drop them both to the ground. Rainbow breathed in and out heavily. Shake it off… just your entire body… She groaned as she shakily tried to get up. “Plasma, you okay?” She asked as she rubbed her sore body. “I’ll live.” He said in pain before they looked as the orange armored man started regaining balance. “Oh come on.” He groaned before two waves of green shot towards them from Mohawk.  They both gasped before they dodged, with Rainbow grabbing him and dashing him out of the way. “What’s it gonna take to bring this guy down?” She asked as Mohawk started grabbing nearby chunks of concrete and throwing them at the two.  “Your guess is as good as mine!” He yelled before he wrapped his legs around her waist to free up one of his hands, which started firing bolts of electricity at the armored being. “His grudge against you is pretty heavy!” “Tell me something I don’t know!” She yelled angrily as she ran to avoid the chunks of concrete. “This guy isn’t gonna stop until we’re dead!” “I just want you!” He yelled angrily as levitated a car and held it up high. “I don’t care about the other guy!”  Plasma paused as he heard that before speaking up. “...I’m just gonna-” “Don’t you dare try leaving me with this!!” She yelled angrily as she hit him on the head. I’ve gotta figure something out here quickly! She thought in a panic as she glanced upwards, seeing the smoke. Pinkie… She thought in concern before she saw the car above Mohawk that he was levitating. Is… Is that a cop car? Where’s the officer that came with it? She questioned as she dodged a chunk of road. Only for Mohawk to throw the car at them right after. She screamed before she tossed Plasma away before she dodged it, landing in an alleyway, out of sight of the aromoered maniac. The man grinned as the smoke cleared to reveal him. It was the man who had been running a drug operation, until he had mysteriously been taken down in a literal blaze of glory. What with the whole warehouse exploding. Now? He was skinnier, and his right arm had been replaced with a robotic replicant.  It was now glowing at the palm, having just fired the blast. “Now that that girl is dead I’m finally at peace.” He said with a grin. Click. He froze as he heard the sound of a gun. “Hands in the air.” He followed the orders before speaking. “I know that voice.” He said with a smile. “How have you been Chief?” “Don’t talk Jakalov.” Chief Shining Armor said as he walked towards him. “You have a right to remain silent.” He said as he got out some handcuffs.  “Oh seriously?” Jakalov asked with a grin.  “Anything you say can and will be used against you.” “You cannot be-” “If you cannot afford an attorney one will be assigned to you.” He said as he put the hand cuffs around his one human arm. As he did so, Jakalov chuckled. “Oh Chief…” He said as his mechanical arm started charging up. “...I’m a bit out of your league.” Shining widened his eyes at that before he jumped back, right before a blast engulfed the area where he was just standing.  “Dammit.” He said as he looked at the man. “What’s with that damn arm?” He asked angrily from his position on the ground of the roof. When the smoke cleared, he saw Jakalov with a white light in his mechanical palm.  “When you arrested me I couldn’t do anything, but now you’re on the floor, like a common beggar.” He said with a wicked grin. “Isn’t that funny?” He said before he aimed his hand at him. “I hear you have a kid. Sorry but, they’re not gonna have a body at the funeral.”  Chief widened his eyes before he tried to get away, but there wasn’t enough time. Suddenly, someone shoved him out of the way before the part of the roof he was on was destroyed. Jakalov widened his eyes before looking at who had saved him. “You’re still alive?” He asked angrily. “What can I say?” Pinkie said with a nervous chuckle. “I’m harder to kill than a…” She had wanted to say ‘Party that won’t stop’, but that might tip off the Police Chief! “...I can’t think of anything.” She said sadly as she pouted under her costume. “...You bitch.” Jakalov said angrily as the girl flinched and started breathing heavily. “What are… What are you doing here?” She asked as she glared at him.  He chuckled at that. “What else would I be here to do? Kill you.” He said as he aimed his palm at her. “After what you did to me!!” He screamed as he fired another attack, forcing Pinkie to run away again. Shining sighed at his attention being drawn away from him before he grabbed his gun. “After you destroyed my arm I was arrested! Because of you I lost everything!” He screamed before smirking. “Now you will too!” He screamed as he drove his fist into the roof. Both of them looked at him weirdly before white cracks started stemming from the point he had placed the hand.  Pinkie widened her eyes before she grabbed Shining and jumped off the roof and towards a lower roof. As this happened, the top part of the building exploded. Pinkie widened her eyes at that before she pulled out a donut and threw it below them, detonating it and stopping their fall right before they landed, allowing them to fall relatively safely onto the roof. “Okay…Okay we need….” Pinkie said as she breathed in and out rapidly. Shining looked at her dryly. “A plan?” He asked dryly before Pinkie eeped. “You’re um… not gonna… try and arrest… me…” She asked as she kept breathing in and out, trying to calm down. “Normally yes, given you killed so many people.” Shining glared as Pinkie froze. “But Jakalov is going to kill us both and anyone else. He’s a fucking maniac.” He said before sighing.  “So… we… we…” Shining groaned. “...Work together?” The girl nodded at that as he sighed. “First things first, he obviously doesn’t like you.” Another nod from the girl confirmed this.  “Let’s use that.” Rainbow breathed heavily as she got up and leaned up against a wall. “Okay okay okay.” She said as she tried to get her breath back. Suddenly, her phone started ringing. Oh come on. Not now… She thought as she grabbed it. She tried to turn it off but ended up answering instead. “Rainbow?” She paused as she heard the voice of the caller and righted herself.  “Hey, there… Scootaloo. Um… listen…” “Have you seen the news?” She asked excitedly, causing Rainbow to pause before the girl continued. “Spectrum Streak is fighting this weird guy with a Mohawk, the same one I thought I saw!”  Rainbow froze in shock at that. “She’s so cool! And she’s fighting alongside this guy who shoots lightning! It’s amazing! It’s incredible! It’s fantastic! Real superheroes!”  “...I’m… I’m glad… you’re excited.” Rainbow said as she removed her face mask to breathe properly. “Rainbow, is everything okay? You seem like you’re having trouble breathing.” She said with concern. “Oh! I… I just… I’m just worried that uh… I don’t think Spectrum Streak is gonna… come out of this alive.” She said as she held the phone away from her so her little sister didn’t hear as much. “...Oh come on!” She paused at the outburst. “You met her same as me! She’s just like you! And you never give up!” Scootaloo yelled. “So stop acting like she’s gonna die! Cause I know you wouldn’t lose!”  Rainbow sat still at before she removed her goggles as she rubbed her eyes while she started tearing up. “You’re… You’re right… Th…thanks for… Thanks for the pep talk.”  “...What are you talking about?” Scootaloo asked, causing Rainbow to freeze. “Um… I… You’re breaking up, gotta go.” She said before she hung up and stood up before she placed her mask and goggles back on.  “Let’s go.” She said before she dashed out into the open. She darted her eyes around and took stock of the situation. I don’t think Plasma was hit by that attack. She thought before sweat dropping. Though I did throw him to the side pretty violently. She sheepishly thought before she nodded.  I just need to focus on taking down Mohawk. She ran towards the floating man, using a running start to leap into the air and slam her fist into his face. He screamed before she ran around him and started using sneak attacks to keep ambushing him.  Thanks to her speed, she was able to keep hitting him without getting caught in his attacks. “Hey!” He yelled between hits. “WIll!”  Another hit. “You…!” One more. “STOP IT!!!” He yelled before a blast of green energy came from him, encasing everything in a small area, including Spectrum. Once she was engulfed, her body stopped moving, as if she was being gripped by a fist of iron. “Dammit!” She yelled as she tried to move, only for nothing to happen. “COME ON!!!” Mohawk floated down towards her as he clenched his fist, causing a forced strain to exude itself on her throat. “Neat right? In this space, all I need is a thought and anything within it bends to my will, as if it’s in the palm of my hands.” He said as he kept tightening his fist seemingly around nothing, but as it happened, it kept getting harder and harder to breathe. “Good thing I’m sneaky.” Plasma said as he placed his hand on Mohawk from behind and funneled as much electricity into him as possible, causing him to light up like a Christmas tree.  When all was said and done, his literal smoking body fell to the ground, and the green energy dispelled. Spectrum Streak took deep breaths to compensate for the restricted airflow she had just suffered as she fell to her knees. “Th..Thanks.” She said as she gasped for air. Plasma chuckled as he helped her up.  “Thanks for stalling him, I needed time to build that charge up.” He said before he looked up. “What was that explosion that went off earlier?”  Rainbow froze as she remembered that before she tried to get up, only to stumble. Plasma caught her as she fell down. Dammit… I… I’m out of breath. I’m too tired. Jakalov stood on the rooftop he just destroyed. Well, since he had turned the roof into a bomb, one of the floors below the roof. “Hmm, did the Police Chief evacuate the building? Or did I kill everyone on the upper floors? Well, not that it matters.” He then looked to the roof the two had jumped towards.  Because he had blown up some of the floors, he was now lower than them. He grinned before he aimed his hand away from the roof before he fired, shooting himself towards it. He then landed on the roof with a smile before he looked around, not seeing them. “Where did they go?” He then noticed some sprinkles on the ground. Actually wait… They were everywhere. “What the…?” He asked as he looked around. Snap. As soon as he heard the sound of snapping fingers, the sprinkles started glowing. As soon as he stepped on one, they detonated like firecrackers. “The hell?!” He yelled as he was caught off guard and they blew up with the force of miniature bombs.  Shining them came out and fired his gun at him, hitting his mechanical arm. He widened his eyes before screaming as his actual body was riddled with bullets. “Damn you!” He yelled before he tried to fire at the Police Chief. Only for the damn girl that started all of this to come in and wrap licorice around his mechanical arm before it started glowing. “I’ll blow you all to hell!” He screamed while the arm looked like it was about to explode. “Bye bye.” She said before she shoved Chief Shining away. She then grabbed the arm before her skin lit ablaze in pink flames, revealing black bone. He screamed in terror as the arm exploded before they were both engulfed in pink flames.  When everything cleared, Jakalovs smoking unconscious body fell to the ground, his mechanical arm destroyed. Shining looked in shock as a pink flaming skeleton stood above him, roaring. He then watched as the flames died down before the girl was back to normal, disguise and all. “Flame proof clothing… Neat leaty.” She said with a smile before she fell on her rear. She sighed in relief as they defeated Jakalov. Before pausing and looking at the Police Chief. “Is this the part where…?”  The Police Chief looked at her before sighing. “I’m out of bullets. I couldn’t do anything to you if I wanted to. But I did call for backup, so do what you want with that information.” The two looked at each other before the girl started laughing. He raised his eyebrow at that. “What’s so funny?”  “You’re a Police Chief… and you’re letting me go! HAHAHAHAA!!!” She laughed. After thinking it over, Shining armor grinned.  “You’re right. That is funny.” He said before he chuckled. They both laughed for a bit before he calmed down. “Hey, what do I call you anyway?” The girl kept laughing for a bit before she looked at him. “I like the name Party Popper.” She said before she left. Shining Armor sighed as he sat against the roof. Party Popper… Twilights friend Pinkie throws parties… And talks like her…Is that enough evidence? He questioned as he breathed in and out. Plasma sighed as he was dropped off near his place. “Spectrum, thanks.” He said with a smile under his mask. “It was fun teaming up with you. Aside from the part where we almost died. And the part where it was revelaed you were a fucking psycho.” “...You just described nearly all of it.” Spectrum said dryly, causing him to laugh.  “You know where to find me if you ever need help.” He said before he climbed back up into his apartment.  Spectrum stretched before Party Popper yawned next to her. “I’m sleepy.” She said as she leaned on her shoulder. “How do you think the others are doing?”  “We just fought two supervillains and almost died, they’re on vacation. What do you think?” She asked sarcastically as she held her friend up. She shrugged at that. “How did they get those powers anyway?” Spectrum went to answer that before pausing. “I… I don’t know.” She said before sighing and running them off into the night. Leaving them with one question. What the hell happened to those two guys?