The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

by SaiakuMonoNarrator


It was the dead of night and naturally there wasn’t anyone around. After all, who would be? Things could get dangerous at night away from the cold light of day. And that’s what three men were counting on. The only people out and about tonight were either their walking cash cows, or owed them money.

“Are you sure about this?” One of them, shortest of the bunch, oddly looked a bit ratlike, and the most worried about this. “I’ve heard rumors of the-”

“The what? The superheroes?” The second tallest one retorted. He had short brown hair and was wearing the same thing as the shortest one. A black coat with a beanie. “Those cops didn’t know what they were seeing, and we haven’t seen any actual evidence there was a… whatever that thing was they said they had.”

“Shut it, both of you!” They looked to one who was more in charge of their whole thing, and the most distinct looking and tallest of them. He had a green mohawk and a leather jacket. “We are getting paid to put this out on the streets, and this isn’t even near the city.” He said as he gestured to the area around them and the packet in his jacket. They were actually closer to the ocean at the docks, where the cops didn’t usually come. “Fortunately, we didn’t come here for the city, we came because the only people who come around these parts are either druggies, or looking to be one. And as for those superheroes.” He said as he used quotation marks, not noticing a gust of wind or multi colored flash. “No one is gonna come out here in the middle of the night out of the goodness of their hearts, to come stop a bunch of guys from selling drugs.” He said, not noticing how frantic his goons had gotten, nor how they were pointing behind him.

“You know if I was a bit more sensitive, I’d have half a mind to be insulted.”

He whirled around to see some chick in a costume laying on her back on a crate. She was wearing all black with the word speed scrawled out in large colorful letters on one of her legs. “How’s it going?” She said as she turned her face towards him, showing she had a black face mask and goggles that obscured her eyes.

“Who the hell are you?” The lead one said as he pulled his gun out and aimed it at her, causing her to shake and beg for her life.

“Oh my god! You found my weakness! It’s guns! With the bullets and everything!” She said as she rolled off the crate and on to her knees, her begging increasing even more as the lead guy put the gun to her head. “Please don’t have the last thing on Earth I see be that horrible hair do!” She begged as she hit a nerve with the lead guy, who fired his gun right into her skull. Naturally, he would expect her body to fall to the ground, dead as a doorknob. So imagine his surprise when the body vanished in flash of… was that a rainbow?

“Did you get her?” He jumped as he heard a voice right behind him and saw the girl he had just shot, fine as day! Though her hood seemed a bit scuffed. “Word of advice, if you’re gonna sell drugs, don’t dress like a punk from a videogame.” She said with a tone that implied she wasnt surrounded by three guys all with their guns pointed at her.

“Who the fuck are you?” He said before she vanished in a rainbow flash again. He and the others looked around frantically before he was punched in the gut. At least, that’s what it felt like before he was sent flying into a metal crate. He groaned as he lost consciousness, much to the shock of the two others

“Oh that’s actually a good point, so hear me out.” She said before she took the packet in his jacket and tossed it out into the sea, oblivious to the others panic. “Don’t you know winners don’t do drugs? Anyway, perpare yourself for the one..” She took the shortest ones gun as she dodged a bullet from the second tallest one. “...The only…” A gun was thrown at the head of the second tallest one at super speed, knocking him out. “... Spectrum Streak!” She said as she threw her arms out as if expecting applause. She looked around in question before realizing the only she hadn’t knocked out was the shortest one. She rotating her hands towards him to indicate she wanted some reaction.

“O-Oh! That’s amazing! The incredible Spectrum Streak!” He said nervously as he shakily clapped.

“Why thank you, I got the idea from an online forum. Between running all the way from Canterlot to here I haven’t had much brainstorming time. Speaking of which…” She back up a bit before giving a speed flick to the head, knocking him out. She wasn’t gonna hit him full on unless she only built up energy for a short distance. Speaking of which…

“So you seem like kind of the leader here. Mind telling me what you were selling? Or the name your supplier?” She to the unmoving body of the one with the mow- Screw it, she’d just call him Mohawk. The other two could Shorty and Brow- maybe Bron would be better than a color.

“Hey wake up, I don’t want to be out here longer than I need to.” She said as she shook his body. “Come on man, I need you bright eyed and bushy tailed, not lying around like you’re dead.” She chuckled as she continued to try and wake him up. After a minute, she quickened the shake rate. “H-Hey, come on man. Wake up!” She said before she tried to check him for a pulse, only to realize her stupid gloves kept her from feeling anything. FUCK!

She continued to try and see if he was still breathing. Hell, if he was even still alive! Suddenly, blood burst from his mouth. Oh shit.


“Rainbow you naughty thing.” Her eyes widened as she was hugged from behind. “You killed someone, how baaaad.” The voice said those things like she was… praising her? And why did it sound like…

“...F-Fluttershy?” She stammered as said girls face came into view.

“Correct, you killer.” The words were mean, but she was saying them seductively. Like she was happy? “Now give me a kiss, and I’ll give you your reward.” She smiled seductively.

“I-I don’t think nows the…” She was interrupted by Mohawks body suddenly gushing red as it rose and his face looked at her. She was the fastest living thing she knew and she couldn’t move for the life of her. The corpses face looked at her, and roared.


“-AAAAAAH!” Rainbow Dash screamed as she woke up to her alarm. She looked around, her clothes were in a heap, her video games were splayed across the floor as a hazard, and her trophys, and her trophies, scholarships, and letters were all threatening to fall over and land all over room. She saw Tank trying to climb on her bed, likely sensing her distress.

She smiled as she picked her tortoise up and hugged him.

“Home sweet home.”

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

She sighed in relief as she snuggled with her tortoise, just needing some time to calm down before she got ready for the day. She hadn’t killed that guy, though since he was unconscious, he couldn’t answer any questions. The nightmare she had was likely a result of her fear that she actually…

She shook her head. She was an actual hero now. Heroes didn’t kill, at least, not unless they needed to. If a cop killed someone there would be issues but most likely they wouldn’t get severely punished, though becoming one was a whole matter in itself. But she could help people now .

She supposed that was why she started doing this long before Sunset had everyone help. Because she couldn’t stand hearing something bad had happened when she could have stopped something like that in the blink of an eye. So maybe she just went out once. And once turned to twice, then thrice, then… fource? Eh, she realized it by the sixth time. This was what she had to do. And she enjoyed it.

She tossed her clothes into the basket and started dressing for school.

It all would’ve gone to shit if she had killed that guy. The police had let up on charges against Rarity and Applejack, especially since Granny Smith had stated she wasn’t angry since her youngest granddaughter was saved by them. Now it was just a forgotten myth, no one really believed there were superheroes out and about, at least, none but a select few.

But if she had killed them, and they saw how peculiar the circumstances were, her and her friends would’ve been public enemy number one, at least, those who had been caught on tape. She had made SOOOO many jokes about how Rarity and AJ’s first date had been caught on camera, but she was glad it was mostly dismissed as a mistake by the body cams. Though, Police Chief Armor hadn’t taken away the order to take those two in. She supposed she could be glad that from the officers she had overheard talking the order had fallen into obscurity.

She had been blessed when her friends agreed to help with fighting crime, she was not screwing this up.

With a quick hello to her parents, she headed out the door. As she headed to the traffic light where she would cross the street, she noticed the absence of a certain scooter riding squirt.

“Scootaloo?” She said as she looked around, hoping to see her zipping in. Weird, they usually headed to school together. She shrugged, must have gone ahead. If she thought she could beat her with a head start though…

She smirked as the light turned red.

…she was sorely mistaken.

Rainbow couldn’t believe it…

…She had gotten here before Scootaloo even though she went on ahead! She was so gonna rub this in her face when she got here. Which had better be soon since school was about to start. She headed to class as she heard the sounds of her friends talking. Rarijack was commencing in their flirting, Twilight was watching Sunset trying to ask Pinkie on a date, if she helped that along she could win another bet, and… Fluttershy. She knew her nightmare version of the one she may or not be crushing on had nothing to do with the real version… who was currently talking to her crud!

“What do you think? Should I ask Rarity to make some modifications to my outfit before it’s my turn to head out or should I just deal with it?” Oh, why was she so kind? Willing to put up with whatever issue (Even though she didn’t know what the issue was.) instead of inconveniencing her friend.

“Umm, I think you should just ask her if you really think your costume needs modifications. Though I don’t really see you needing them since you would only really rely on your animals. I mean she gave me better protection around my legs cause, you know I’ve got superspeed, I guess she could give you one of those gloves falcon trainers have?” She had to face facts, her friend was pretty frail compared to the rest of them. That didn’t stop her from feeling downcast at her friends fallen face.

“Oh, okay.” Oh she was quiet now. This was bad. She moved to correct herself before she was cut off by the ringing of the bell. She stuttered as she spoke quickly.

“I’ll talk to you during lunch. Bye Fluttershy!” She said as she dashed off. Her and her big mouth. Oh well , she thought as she headed to class. At least things can’t get any worse. She then looked around before sighing and going into the classroom. Where’s Scootaloo?

Ughhh! Physics was the worst! She didn’t think she could time travel like the Flash, but if she could, the first thing she was doing was keeping Physics from being a lesson in this school! Though Twilight probably wouldn’t like that. Egghead. She thought jokingly. She then grimaced as she looked at the clock. Shit, had it gone backwards or something? She would give anything to get out-

The lesson was interrupted as the cell phone rang. Rainbow was grateful fro the break. Finally a chance to rest her hands and-

“Rainbow Dash, Principal Celestia wishes to see you, and stop by your locker and retrieve your things.”

…You know what? I’ll take it

This thought ran through her head as the others looked to her in worry, and stayed as she got her backpack. Anyone else would have reason to worry, that would be natural. But she was Rainbow Dash . Athletic champion, part time superhero, achiever of… passing grades, and usual non rule breaker. She smiled as she entered the office, waving at the secretary.

Everything was going to be-

One minute later…

She rushed out of the room as the door slammed open behind her. Her face was frantic as she struggled not use her speed cause she was in school. Sweat was practically dripping from her face and her heart was mix of not being there, having a spike rammed through it, and beating a millions beats per nanosecond.

Everything was not going to be okay!

The girls entered the hospital that was fortunately located in walking distance from all of their houses. It was near the city but for the sake of the patients there were noise laws. Fluttershy shivered as she recounted what Celestia had said after she asked them to her office after school had ended.

“The hospital just admitted someone with a very peculiar file. Her only emergency contact is Rainbow Dash. That was how much I got out before she ran out of the door.” Celestia shook her head as she ruefully smiled. “She’s lucky I was planning on giving her the rest of the day off to go see her.” She said as she faced Rainbow Dash’s friends. “I called you six here because she’s going to need some support.”

“Umm, who’s the patient?” Fluttershy looked to Sunset who asked the question on all of their minds.

Celestias face somehow grew more stone cold. “You all know her. She’s very important to Ms. Dash, from what I can tell she has for a long time regarded her as a little sister.” She let that sink in before she spoke her name.


Fluttershy looked at the room Rainbow Dash was in through the window. She was sitting to the side of the bed with her hands clasped together and her head in them. Scootaloo wasn’t awake, but she had a mask on and was hooked up to multiple machines monitoring her heart rate. What shocked Fluttershy was.. She looked fine. What had happened?

“You’re curious as to her condition?” She and the others looked to the side as a women in a doctors uniform with red hair came in. “I’m Doctor Redheart. It’s a pleasure to meet Ms. Dash’s friends, though I do wish it was under better circumstances.”

“Yes,” She turned to Applejack who was close to Rarity. “Is she gonna be okay?” She had assumed that aside from Rainbow those two would be hit the hardest by this, and she had been right. The two were frantic about this, but it was nothing compared to how she saw Rainbow. From what she could see through the window, she was a mess. Her eyes were red, likely from crying. She couldn’t stop moving her feet, and she had left before lunch so she likely hadn’t had anything to eat.

“Her predicament is unique. To put it simply, she has a bad heart.” The others tensed as they all heard. “It isn’t life threatening, if anything it always manages to stay perfectly functioning. However, its state of health decreases when there’s stress on it at an exponential rate without rest. So as long as she stays away from doing things that heavily stress her body she’ll be fine. Things like bodybuilding, Triathlons, basically anything heavily athletic, though simple exercises to keep her body in shape are fine, though even those have to be regulated lest she accidentally go overboard.” Fluttershy thought that was ironically cruel.

Given that she looked up to Rainbow Dash, the hometown picture of athleticism, that had to be tough. She frowned as she looked at the girl. How many times had she watched Rainbow from the sidelines, wanting desperately to be on the field? “You’ll notice she’s always accompanied by her scooter when she’s outside?” The girls thought about that and oddly couldn't think of a time when they saw her outside a building where she wasn’t riding or moving it beside her. “That was Ms. Dash’s idea. It’s so she doesn’t have to expend as much energy and can move fast enough in times she needs to run. Quite ingenious.”

“So what’s the problem now?” Fluttershy eeped as all the heads turned towards her, but continued. “Did something happen to the heart?” Scootaloo didn’t seem like that type of person to risk everything on a stunt so she assumed the heart must have… broken down?

Doctor Redheart frowned. “Well, that’s where things get odd. We found her on the sidewalk, passed out, and no scooter to be seen. She must have forgotten it on her way to school. She’s quite lucky, had some passer goers not alerted called the emergency services, things could’ve gone very differently. As it stands now though, she’ll likely be fine after a week or so of bed rest.” She finished happily. As the others smiled at this, Fluttershy frowned. People forget things, but not when their life literally depended on it. Something was going on.

It was then Scootaloo opened her eyes.

2 years ago…

Rainbow had badly hurt her knee and was now walking out of the hospital with a bunch of wrappings and stuff around her knee, her ball under her arm. She couldn’t believe it, she was grounded! No sports for a week! Her parents had a point but still! Ugh this sucks! She was in the middle of groaning before she heard… was that sniffling? It was faint but she could tell. She curiously looked around before heading into the hospital instead of out. As she walked down the halls and upwards into the rooms, the sound grew less faint and more clear. Eventually, she stopped outside the room where the sad sounds originated. She looked inwards to see a girl, probably two, three, maybe even four years younger than her with orange skin and short purple hair. She was laying in the hospital bed trying to cry, with little success.

“Why are you crying?” She asked, making the girl aware of her presence. She immediately dried her tears and looked at her.

“I-I wasn’t crying!” SHe vehemently denied.

“Yes you were.”

“No I wasn’t!” She yelled before curling in on herself.

Rainbow looked at her in shock before climbing onto the bed and laying next her, leaving her ball on the chair beside her. She gently stroked the girls head as she stayed quiet, not wanting to make her yell again.

“My chest hurts,” She looked to her as she heard the small child speak. “the doctors say it’s because I’m not allowed to do anything stressful. But I like going fast.” Rainbow looked at her in shock before noticing something.

“Where are your parents?” They should be in the hospital, why would they leave their kid here alone?

“The people where I live say they left, and I shouldn’t expect them to come back.” She sniffled as she turned around to look at Rainbow, whose jaw had dropped mentally, but was phsyically trying to stay calm. What had she gotten into? “Why are you here without your parents?”

“Oh, I…” Left the room when they told her she couldn’t play sports for a week which made her mad because her school game was in two weeks and she wanted to practice for all the time she had? Suddenly, the injuries on her leg and troubles she was facing didn’t seem so bad. “... Their here, I just told them I was looking for something.” She said as she got out of the bed, much to the girls curiosity.

“What were you looking for?” The girl said as she sat up. Rainbow picked up her and winced at her knee before booting it up with her good knee, making the girl smile in amazement at the trick.


The parents would eventually find Rainbow Dash and the girl sitting in bed while Rainbow told the girl stories of her athletic life. The doctor in charge discouraged this but saw how happy the girl was and gave them the offer to visit. Rainbow was elated at this, and at the behest of her parents, would come to the hospital and visit the girl instead of playing sports. The girl would eventually get well enough to leave the hospital, and would even get the okay to see Rainbow Dash play at the game she had been practicing for. The two girls would hang out more and more, and eventually the little girl would ask the other if she wanted to be her big sister, to which the other girl was elated. Rainbow even brought her a scooter to celebrate, allowing her to keep up with Rainbow for a prolonged period of time instead of the usual short bursts she was able to run for.

The happiest day any of them could remember was when the little girl was adopted, and the bond they cherished became official. Rainbow, and Scootaloo D-

Rainbow snorted as she woke up. Damn it, she fell asleep. That’s probably on her for heroing late in the night. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, Scootaloo still hadn’t woken up. Why was it that whenever she had that dream she woke up right before her favorite part? Was it because she already had it engraved in her mind? Was it because it was the best thing that could happen?

Or was it because it never happened?

She couldn’t blame her parents for not being able to adopt her little sister (Laws be damned she was always gonna call her that.) She was a rowdy enough kid as it was. Besides, they had been working a lot more recently. She couldn’t blame them, but she knew the moment she could live on her own she was taking Scootaloo from that orphanage. Albeit that might take some time… She sheepishly thought as flashed back to how her room looked. Eh, she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. She had other things to do for now. She looked to Scootaloo, laying on that bed, hoked up to the machines, eyes open and mouth talkin- Wait!

“Scootaloo!” She said as she leaped from the chair she was sitting on and hugged her, making sure to keep mind of the the wires and tubes that now decorated her, much to the shock of the said girl. “H-hey Rainbow.” Oh she sounded so weak.

“How are you doing? I mean aside from the obvious.” Rainbow immediately asked as she wanted to satisfy her urge to know everything about what had landed her little sister in the hospital. “Did something happen to your scooter? Dammit I swear I’ll get you a new one-’

“Rainbow…” She stopped her rant to see Scootaloo smiling at her and she realized how silly she must have looked. “Hehe, sorry about that lil sis.” She said as she ruffled her hair and sat on the chair. “So what happened?” She said as she leaned back in relaxation. She was overreacting, it probably wasn’t gonna be anything big, she was just a kid who forgot her scooter.………….. So why did she look so down?

“Hey, you know I’m not gonna be mad if you forgot your scooter, right?” That wasn’t exactly a lie, she was furious because she could’ve almost died from it, but she would find a way to etch that into her brain without showing her how infernally mad she was that she almost lost her little sister.

“Yeah I know it’s just… I don’t think you’d believe me. The doctor said I could have hallucinations or something when I overdo my heart so I’m not sure if what I saw was there.” Rainbow raised her eyebrow as her sister continued. “I was heading off to meet you in front of your house so we could race to school like we usually do, when I saw my scooter had gone missing. I looked around and found it chained to the rack a little ways from the orphanage. It was tight so I wasn’t able to pull it over the handles, and just when I was about to give up and try and get some help these men came out of nowhere and started threatening me to deliver a message. I was frozen for a while but eventually gathered the courage to run away as fast as I could, but I guess I had tried harder than I thought because after like one minute I felt a pain in my chest and I knew I had overdone it. Next thing I know I’m awake and you're badgering me with questions.” She said the last part jokingly but she could tell she was nervous. “It was probably just a hallucination, right?”

“Well,” Rainbow started before cracking a smile. “That’s some hallucination. Why would anyone go after you?” She said as she chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. Luckily it worked and soon they were both laughing.

“I know right? You know how I know it was a hallucination?” She said as she continued to laugh.

“This one guy had a green mohawk like a video game character! And he said all this stuff like ‘Tell Spectrum Streak to be back at the docks!’ HAhahahaha!”

Rainbow Dash was in the hospital bathrooms, throwing up. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

“FUCK!” She said as she slammed down on the flush switch and shambled out of the stall to wash her hands. As she did so, she looked in the mirror to she her own fucking reflection.

“You.” She said as she pointed her wet finger at the reflection. “This is all your fault! You had to be a fucking showboat and now your little sister is in the fucking hospital!” She screamed as she ripped off a handful of paper towels and started drying her hands. She had told Scootaloo she needed to go after she had heard what had happened, and throwing up was technically needing to go.

“Rainbow?” A meek voice said as she turned her head to see Fluttershy looking at her with worry. “What’s wrong?” And now she had to deal with this. Fuck.

“I just… It’s…” She wasn’t able to say how badly she fucked up before she felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up to see Fluttershy moving her to the wall so she could sit down. She took a deep breath before speaking. “I busted these guys selling drugs but I guess since I got rid of the drugs their arrest didn’t take.” And she left because she couldn’t let the cops see her. “I think they somehow found out who I was and attacked me through Scootaloo making the reason she’s now in a bed instead of scootering around outside, my fault.” She said as she pointed to herself.

“Would you ever do anything to hurt your sister?” Her head bolted up at that.

“Never.” Her response was as automatic as a printer. Oddly enough, Fluttershy smiled at this.

“Then you have nothing to worry about. It’s those awful mens fault. How about this? I’ll tell the girls to keep a watch out for them when they're on patrol. You just focus on being here for Scootaloo, okay?” Oh she was so kind and thoughtful and wise.

“Th-thanks.” She blushed as she stuttered as they both stood up. “I owe you one Flutters.”

“Think nothing of it. The girls send their best but they needed to head home. They had a lovely time talking with Scootaloo while you were here.”

“Ah that’s right.” She put her hand to her forehead. “I’d better get back to her. Thanks again.” She said as she hugged Fluttershy and headed out the door to leave her friend to do her business. On the way she people leaving an emergency room that definitely wasn’t in use before, and judging from how the people looked who were leaving it likely hadn’t ended well. Wonder what happened? She thought as she headed back to Scootaloos room. She was confused when she came in and it was empty. Weird, must have gotten the wrong room. She looked at the number, but it was the same as before. The same one Scootaloo was in. The hell?

“Rainbow!” She looked to see Doctor Redheart coming her way, a sad look on her face. “I’ve been looking for you. I’m so sorry.”

‘What happened to Scootaloo? I left for a few minutes and whe-”

“A few-” She stopped before continuing and talking slowly. “Rainbow you’ve been gone for an hour .” What? No, there’s no way, well she wasn’t exactly keeping track. Wait.

“Where’s Scootaloo?”

“That’s what I wanted to tell you. She went into critical state and needed to be moved to the emergency room.” Her mind flashed back to the room she had seen people leaving. No.

“Okay, that’s… so when can I see her?”

It was then the look on the doctors face turned to pity. “I’m so sorry.” No.

“No, no, no, NO!” She screamed as she rushed forward, only to be stopped by the Doctor. “Let me go! I want to talk to my sister! Scootaloo! We’re leaving!”

“Rainbow calm down! This is a hospital-”

“Shut up!” She said as she broke down in the doctors arms. She was sobbing and on her knees as she wrapped her arms around her.

“Let’s get you somewhere more private.”

“Let me get you some water.” She said as she placed Rainbow on a bench and turned around to fill up her water bottle. Rainbow hadn’t been spoken a word since she broke down. She didn’t feel hungry, thirsty, tired, or even sad. She didn’t feel anything. All she could think about was what she didn’t have. And she didn’t have her sister.

“You shouldn’t feel so bad about this. No one could have seen this coming. The only fault lies in chance.”


The words Fluttershy spoke came back to her.

It’s those awful mens fault.

When the doctor turned around, Rainbow was nowhere to be seen.

The three men gathered at the docks, this time ready for the speedster to show herself again. They were fortunate she had thrown away the the drugs they had been planning to sell, cops couldn’t get them on anything. Though they couldn’t have her interfere with them selling again, those who they had gotten the drug from made that very, very clear.

“I don’t feel good that we had to rough up a kid.” The one dubbed Bron said.

“M-Me neither, but we was desperate and when I remembered what she had said-”

“It was our only option, sides, the kid only fainted, that’s not even a flesh wound. Either way, that hero is gonna come here, all riled up-”

“And she’s gonna stop you from hurting anyone else. Ever again.” They all knowingly turned around to see Spectrum Streak, only now she was against the light of the moon, causing her to look like a mythical being. Fitting, given she was here for vengeance know only by beasts of rage. With the tilt of her head, she rushed forward.