When I Can Fly

by Poppinfresh

When We Can Fly

When I can fly, I can make things better.

She’s got tears running down her face, just like me.
We must look so stupid, the two of us. Both crying with our red eyes and our heavy frowns, trying to make eye contact with each other but looking away as soon as our sights drift too close.
Rarity and Applejack are looking between both of us, they have no idea what they should say or do.
We’ve all been standing here awkwardly for about thirty seconds. I think I need to say something.

“We need to talk, Twilight.”

She lowers her head more.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea dear.” Rarity says. She’s obviously walking on eggshells here.

“I need to talk to Twilight, Rarity.”

“Ah don’t think she wants to talk ta anyone right now.” Applejack stands up, getting ready to step in if I push the subject.
I get ready for a fight, I need to get this out of the way. After that She and Rarity and Applejack and everypony else can think whatever they want. I’ll leave forever if I have to, I don’t care, just so long as I get a few minutes to say what I have to.

I glare at Applejack.

She glares back.

Rarity awkwardly smiles and steps away a bit.

“It’s ok.”

Everypony in the room jumps a bit. I don’t know why, but She’s the last pony I expected to speak up about the situation. Even though this is Her and mine’s business.

“Rainbow Dash can stay.”

“Are ya sure, sugarcube?” Applejack asks.

“Yeah, it’s ok Applejack. She can talk to me.” She’s still choking back tears.

“Alright then dear, whatever you want. Applejack and I are going to take a short walk over to Sugarcube Corner, if you need us we won’t be far away.”

“Thanks, Rarity.”

Applejack and Rarity head down the stairs and leave intentionally slowly, eyeing me on the way out.

Rarity looks back into the library nervously.
"I don't know what this is about dear, but you two obviously have something to work out.
Don't worry about Spike either, he's at Sugarcube Corner as well, playing with Applebloom."

Applejack leaves me with a warning.

“Listen Dash, you and I are friends, always have been, always will be.” She whispers into my ear. “But you really upset that poor thing today. I don’t know what you said, or what you did, but she’s been crying non-stop for the past two hours and there ain’t been nothin’ either of us can do to calm her down. I don’t know why you need to be here, but don’t you dare hurt that poor filly anymore, or you’ll be answerin’ to me. Ya hear?”

I shrug her off.
Applejack walks out and shuts the door behind her, frustrated.
I don’t mean to be jerk, and I feel kind of bad I guess. But I also don’t care, because it’s not any of her business. I need to talk alone, and she should respect that. And it’s not like I’m not hurt either. I’m the one who laid out my feelings on got laughed at! I stood up and did one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done! And I was the one who was LAUGHED AT for it!
If She hurts me, Applejack and everypony else is gonna have to deal with me!
Ya ‘hear that!?’

I’m brought out of my thoughts by a quiet sniffle.

She’s still crying, even though it’s really soft. She’s still crying.
Those eyes, glistening with tears, and the light in the room is causing them to shine. She’s looking right at me with those beautiful eyes, and her face, oh that face, it’s so sad just to see Her not smile I think I might start sobbing.
All my anger, and all my apathy melts away.

I care.
I can’t NOT care when she’s crying.
I need to do everything I can to fix this.
I’ll pour every last bit of energy I have into helping Her, every last second of my life I’ll use to help Her, I’ll sell my soul and spend the rest of eternity on the moon to help Her.

I just want to see Her smile again.

I just want Her to be happy. I don’t care about what happens to me, I just want to know that She’ll be happy. I can’t live with myself if I know that I made Her sad and I didn’t do everything in my power to make Her happy again.

“Are- Are you gonna just stare at me?”

I snap out of it again.
I’ve been staring, that’s awkward. Hayseeds!

I stumble out the best response I can think of. “Uh… no… I guess not…”

Why do I have to be so bad at this?

“So, are you gonna talk then?”
She’s stopped crying, now she’s just looking at me, she looks kind of mad now.

How do I handle this?

“Uh… yeah… I’ll talk.”

She’s still just staring at me.
I still don’t know what I should say.

“Twilight,” I say sighing, “I- I- I meant what I said.”
Her stare gets a little colder.
“I meant what I said, and- and- well I still mean it!”

Uh oh, I’m not stopping now.

“I mean it! All my life whenever I felt this way I hid myself! I’d go and fly, and I’d fly and I’d fly and I’d fly! …I’d fly until I couldn’t think anymore, ‘till I couldn’t feel anymore, ‘till there was nothing left in world and it was just me and the clouds and everypony else was just gone. Then I’d fly some more. It worked really well too, I’ve managed to be happy and enjoy my friends. I’ve hung out with and saved my heroes’ lives. I’ve become an Element of Harmony, and I’ve been to the end of the world and back with all of my friends. And every time I’d start to feel like somepony was becoming more than a friend to me… I’d just fly some more.
I can’t let that happen with you, Twilight. I’ve tried to outfly my feelings for you, I’ve done everything I can to try and move on and get over you, but I can’t do it. You’re too- too special to me Twilight!”

Here come the tears.

“No matter what! I just want you to be happy! I want you to have the most amazing life and meet the most amazing ponies! And I want you to feel like somepony the way I feel about you! And I don’t care what I have to do to give you that! I’ll leave Ponyville forever! I’ll leave Equestria forever! I’ll fly right up and live on the moon forever if I have to! Just promise me that you’ll be happy.”

I’m crying really hard now. I’m an emotional wreck, but I already feel better.
I said what I had to, and now that I’ve said what I needed, I can leave.
I can heal now.

I start to stumble out the door, struggling to see past my tears.

“Dashy, wait.” The tiniest voice squeaks out behind me.

That can’t be Her, that voice seems so small.

“I don’t want you to leave. Please, I promise it won’t make me happy if you leave.”

I turn around. I’m really confused.

I fight past a sob. “You want… me?”

“I want you to stay, Dashy.”


I start to walk back in really slowly.

“It wouldn’t make me happy if you left. I don’t want you to go. I just, well when you said… I didn’t want to let myself believe it.”

Now she’s gonna cry. I’m making up for a lifetime of unexpressed emotion in one night.

“I just thought you might be dazed from my spell, or that maybe you were just joking. I was worried that if I took you seriously you might laugh at me like ‘What!? You’re serious?! Take it easy Twi, I’m just fooling around! Can’t take a joke, egghead?’ I didn’t want to let myself think I could ever have you.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “You feel that way about me?”
She nods quietly.

This is hard for me to handle. Two seconds ago I was willing to condemn myself to a life of loneliness and sadness. Now I’m listening to Her- listening to Twilight, and fireworks are going off in my head.

Twilight gives me an awkward smile.
I’m grinning from ear to ear.

“Come here ya egghead!” I jump and fly clear across the room and grab her, tackling her onto her bed in a giant hug.

She squeals a little out of surprise.
She’s so adorable.

I’m on top of her, looking into Twilight’s eyes.
“Twilight?” I ask.
“Yeah?” She’s smiling back at me.
“Can we stop being just friends?”
“What do you mean?”
I laugh a little, “Like, can we be fillyfriends, ya egghead.”
Twilight smiles at me.
I love it when she smiles, so much.
“I’d like that, Dashy.”

Lights explode in my head. WOW! This just happened!
Twilight Sparkle, my fillyfriend!
This is happening way too fast. What’s going on? This morning I was trying to forget everything and move on with my life. Now I’m smiling and looking into the eyes of the pony I want most.
How should I feel?
How should act?
What should I do?

I’m kissing her.

Wait, I’m kissing her?
I’m kissing Twilight Sparkle!
I’m kissing the greatest pony in the world!
This. Is. So. Awesome!

It’s everything I want it to be. It’s deep, it’s passionate, it’s fun and cute, but it’s also beautiful and perfect.
How do I get this much emotion from one kiss!?
I pull back. We’re both reeling from sharing that moment with each other.

Twilight laughs a little, “That was…” She laughs a little more.

I kiss her again.
I could do this forever, she’s so perfect.

“Hey Twi.” I whisper gently to her.
“I wanna show you something.”
“What is it?”
“Here.” I stand up and open a large window. “Get on my back.”

Twilight gets on my back, she’s already holding on tight.
She’s so perfect.

We take off out the window.
The storm is over, and the other weather ponies have moved the clouds out of the way. It’s just a fantastic, starry night. I want to show Twilight what life is like in the sky, I want to share my world with her.
It’s a little more difficult to fly with her on my back, but I can do it. I can do anything now, anything.

“This is amazing!” Twilight is amazed at what she sees.
It’s pretty awesome. Down below Ponyville is letting off a small, warm glow. In the distance, Canterlot is a glowing star. Up this high, we’re completely surrounded by bright sparkling stars.

“You see this every day?” She asks in wonder.
“Yup, every day. I’ve always loved being in the air.”
“I can see why! This is simply incredible! I need to work on a flight spell as soon as possible now! The maps I could draw, the observations I could make! I never realized how wonderful this is! Rainbow Dash, promise me you’ll take me up here more often?”

“You just said you were gonna learn a flying spell you crazy pony.”

Twilight nuzzles against me more, “Yeah, but I want you take me up here too.”

She’s so perfect.

“Twilight, I’ll take you up here any time you want. You just ask.
When I can fly, I can clear out my head, and I can fix any problem. And when I’m with you, I don’t have any problems. I’ve never been able to share this with anypony before, and I want to share this with you again and again and again.”

“Please do.” She says, drifting off a little.

I smirk a little. “Alright sleepyhead. But first let’s get you in bed, it’s been a long day.”
“It has been, hasn’t it…”

I fly back down to her library, landing as softly as I can in the window. I set her down gently in her bed, I can’t resist climbing in after her and holding her close to me.

It’s been a crazy day, and it all catches up with me as I realize how tired I am.
There’s a lot to do, and a lot to talk about. I wanna talk to Twilight forever, and listen to her talk. I want to know everything about her that I didn’t already know. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, I want do more amazing things with her as we create memories that grow sweeter with age.
But for now, there’s just tomorrow. We’ll sort everything out with Rarity and Applejack, and I’ll apologize for scaring everypony in town by almost killing myself.
Looking back on it now, I think flew next to a lightning bolt when I exited the clouds. Ponies must have thought I was struck before I glided down.

Today was a crazy day.

But now I’m here. I’m holding the love of my life in my arms as she peacefully falls asleep. I’m really looking forward to everything I’m going to do in my life now. I know that no matter what, me and Twilight are gonna make it.
I know that it sounds crazy. Me and Twi only just started sharing our feelings for each other, but I feel something between us, and it’s more than anything I’ve ever felt. It’s absolutely magical. It would gross me out and I’d normally make fun of myself if it didn’t feel so perfect.
But it does.
It’s absolutely perfect.
She’s absolutely perfect.

Boy am I sleepy.
I’m almost completely out.

“Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yeah?” She’s almost asleep too.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too, Rainbow Dash.”