• Member Since 5th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2015


Austria #1

These are the pictures, my friend! What else do you want?

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1335181 Hello Brony or Pegasister... Man I must have sent a thousand of these already. Any way I am here to apologies. I got into a argument with the parasprite on the comment section of the story. Birth of Insanity or something like that. Anyway I said some things, she said somethings I lost my temper and let go of my conduct. I was only trying to aid a struggling friend. But that is no excuse for making a ass of myself. I am not to much a man to admit where I went wrong. I am sorry to any who I might have offended. I am sending apologies to any commenter I can find in the story from last night. Hoping that I can some how make amends. I start two ways I write each an apology. That's right I am doing each one individually. I also attach a song because clearly I suck at expressing my feelings. I am sorry for that two, any way here is the song you do not have to listen to it but it is there.

I hope after all this is said and done no brony would think I just a ass. I don't like making enemies I just cherish friends a lot...

Can I please have that pic source

1335076 It's okay :) I have advil :D

  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160
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