• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 17th, 2015


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I've been going through some stuff lately, so I might not continue for a while. It's hard to get back into the flow of things after having not written anything for so long.

Currently, I'm not happy with the level of quality of any of the stories I've published. I'll try to work on them regularly, but don't expect any updates for a while until I get things to a point I'm happy with.

Truth be told, I actually have a great deal of trouble with writing because while I'm great at visualizing a story in my head, I've noticed I'm terrible at putting it down in words. If I could, I would make it a comic instead, but I'm not good enough at drawing. I could learn, but that would take even more time.

any updates incoming?

Comment posted by allstar brawler deleted Jun 28th, 2013

Thanks for the watch, mate! :pinkiehappy:

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