• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 15th, 2022


hey there! I'm Josh. I have no Idea why I'm here. but if I'm here I might as well say I'm random.


oh hey! first blog post thing... · 2:31am Oct 5th, 2012

so yeah
I'm kind of somehow out of stories to read that I have found and shit
I'm kinda wandering
is there anything anybody recommends for me to try to read?
and anyways
have a Dashie.

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I'm being weird today. I walked outside with my left foot instead of my right. :applecry:

Thanks for the favorite

Thank you for faving 'One Robots Obsession' :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Thank you for watching!


BUNNEHHH!!!!! :raritystarry: Squee! :pinkiehappy: *Glomp!*

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