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Twilight Empire Chapter 7; An Armored Interlude. · 7:10pm Dec 2nd, 2015

We're sorry Armor but your princess is in another castle.
Your sister is in this one, and you should probably move to the other one ASAP.
Take those mares with you, they look important.

New chapter is written, and I just sent a link to an editor :D
Totaling at around 9.6k words, it might be a bit to edit, but still twas good to of gotten written.
Not too much Twilight herself but it should help a bit to heal the sting of the hiatus. (Although it likely means it will take a bit to edit)

Report AimlessPone · 522 views · Story: The Twilight Empire ·

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Still hoping for more of the Twilight Empire since it doesn’t say cancelled doing another reread

Glad to see that you enjoyed This Isn't War! Feedback is always appreciated!

Comment posted by Chaotic Note deleted May 4th, 2014
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