> Pink Scales > by MightyShockwave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash took a deep whiff of the warm summer breeze. Leaves gently rustled all around her as she repositioned herself on a bushy oak branch Dash kicked back and sat up against the tree trunk as the gentle buzzing of insects sought to lull her into a nice afternoon nap. She let out a small whinny of content and closed her eyes, giving one final stretch before totally kicking back. … Something felt a bit off. For some reason, Dash just couldn't shake this weird feeling that was preventing her from falling asleep. She opened her eyes to see a sadistic looking grin a mere two inches in front of her face. Her eyes shot open and instinctively she jumped in the air, only to see that the grin belonged to none other than her friend Pinkie Pie. “Oh hey, Pinkie. What's up? More importantly, how did you get...up....here...?” As Dash spoke, her eyes followed Pinkie's lower half, which wound and wrapped around the other branches of the tree, letting the pegasus know just how her friend was able to climb up to her sanctuary. For some bizarre reason, her friend was now a lamia, her bottom half seemingly cut off at the waist and replaced with a long, muscular snake body, her cutie mark forming a repeating pattern on her stunning pink scales. The small shafts of light that pierced through the foliage scattering off Pinkie's sinuous new body. Dash facehoofed. “Pinkie, please don't tell me you stole some of Rarity's snake oil.” “I didn't steal any, she let me have some.” Pinkie responded without skipping a beat. Dash fluttered back to her branch. “Just...why? What reason could you possibly have for cursing yourself?” Pinkie closed her eyes and tilted her head off to the side, looking a bit too pleased with herself as she held her hooves close to her chest with delight. “Oh, I thought we could have some fun,” she said while wearing a big smile. Her eyes shot open to reveal that her normal baby-blue pupils had exploded with seemingly endless spirals of color. Dash's eyes shot open in surprise, but she turned her head to look away. So this was Pinkie's game, huh? “Hey, not cool Pinkie.” Dash said with a bit of anger in her voice. Pinkie's eyes turned back to normal and she leaned in close. “Oh come on Dashie, don't be a wimp. You were the only one who didn't get hypnotized at Rarity's get together last night.” Pinkie didn't need to remind Dash. She remembered all too well last night, how everypony was curious because Twilight wouldn't stop going on and on about what an experience it was until Rarity decided to arrange a party before she drank the cure for her lamia curse.. How one by one all her friends volunteered to be hypnotized for laughs. All except her. She had to admit it was funny to watch Fluttershy hop around like a bunny and AJ to think she was a high-class fashionista, strutting around wearing cloth scraps on her flank and Rarity's scaley tail around her neck like one of those feather boas. They called her a wimp so not trying it out, but Dash was resolute. Though, to be honest, Dash so desperately wanted to be hypnotized that she could hardly sit still at that party. She found the idea of being so fundamentally controlled like that to be so incredibly arousing and exciting that she was honestly afraid of spontaneously orgasming in front of all her friends during the induction process. Watching everypony so willingly giving up their wills nearly drove her to insanity anyway. She felt bad about it, but she was so glad that she ending up picking a dark pillow to lay on for the show. “I already said no.” Dash quickly came back to reality when she felt a heat in her loins thinking about last night. Pinkie put on a frown. She looked genuinely sad. “But Dash, it's really fun, I thought you might have been scared last night so I thought we could just do it by ourselves.” Dash rolled her eyes. Pinkie's eyes fell. “Alright, if you really don't want to, that's okay...” she said as she began to lower herself back towards the group. Dash couldn't help but feel bad for her. Pinkie seemed really hurt. Her friend had put herself through all this trouble of turning into a lamia and finding her just to make sure she wouldn't miss out on something great. Besides, this might be the only chance for Dash to experience what being hypnotized would be like. The temptation tore at her. “Pinkie, wait...” From below, Pinkie smiled. Dash had fell for it, hook,m line, and sinker. Pinkie knew she just couldn't say no to the poor lil' sad pony treatment. She didn't need magic eyes to be a hypnotist. “Yes, Rainbow?” Pinkie said, slipping back into her sad pony voice as she raised herself back onto Dash's branch. “I'll let you hypnotize me, but only a little, okay?” Pinkie giggled with glee and gave Dash a quick hug. “Oh Rainbow Dash, you won't regret this.” Dash said nothing, but began to blush with both anticipation and embarrassment. Pinkie pulled away and saw her friend's now-red face. “Don't worry Dash, just relax.” Pinkie closed her eyes and started to mentally focus. “We'll go...” Pinkie opened her eyes to reveal another torrent of color. “...slow.” Dash's eyes widened at the rush, but her doubts about the whole situation caused her to look down and avert her eyes. “Look at me, Dash.” Pinkie's voice had an air of authority that compelled Dash to look up at her. Just a peek, though. Dash looked down again. Another peek, this time a bit longer, a bit tougher to tear herself away. She looked down. Why was she looking down? Pinkie's eyes were pretty. They weren't anything to be afraid of. Another peek. This time Dash didn't look away. Her fears and reluctance were washing away the more she looked. She felt the tug of the spirals when Rarity was performing the hypnosis last night, but the effect was much, much more powerful looking straight into them. Thinking of Rarity, Dash noticed hers were a lot faster than Pinkie's. Maybe that had to do with the speed of the induction, Dash thought, because she still felt relatively normal while her friends were reduced to blabbering zombies in seconds. “It feels...weird. Like I'm high” Dash said as the spirals began to reflect in her eyes. Little did she know there was no going back now. Pinkie kept eye contact. “See Dash, nothing to be afraid of.” A wave of calm washed over Dash. Pinkie was right, there was nothing to be afraid of. She said it, so it must be true. “Yeah, nothing to be afraid of,” as a smile began to creep across her lips. “Want more?” Pinkie said, enticing Dash. “Want more.” Wait, what? That was supposed to be a question, but for some reason Dash couldn't think and just regurgitated it. She just got a little distracted momentarily by the spirals, a particularly pretty one flashed by. And another, and another. But it wouldn't happen again, Dash thought. Besides, now that Pinkie mentioned it, she did want more. Maybe an even bigger high could be reached. After all, there was nothing to be afraid of. Pinkie heightened her mental focus to make the rings move a bit faster (at least, she thought that was how it worked. Before she went out, Pinkie made sure she knew how to trigger and manipulate the hypnosis by practicing with a mirror. In retrospect it wasn't her best idea, but that's another story). Dash response was immediate. She gasped as a rush of euphoria hit her like a ton of bricks. This was much better than when Pinkie started. The rush was almost overwhelming. Dash opened her mouth to speak, but she found that she could barely concentrate enough to form words. The colors just seemed to push out any other thought as soon as it formed. She felt like she was trapped in her own body. It was her ultimate fantasy. The fringes of Dash's mind registered something soft curling around her rump. She wanted to look for a moment, but couldn't tear her eyes away. As the strange object finished one loop, it cinched and gave Dash's lower body a little squeeze. Was Pinkie wrapping her up? Dash tried to come up with some form of protest, but she couldn't get past that initial concept of imagining herself all bound in smooth, cool snakeskin. Why did she want to say something again? It probably felt good. Nothing to be afraid of. As the words echoed in Dash's skull, Pinkie Pie continued her mental and physical assaults. While Dash was being hypnotized, she had curled up her tail from below and wanted to slowly twist around Dash until she was nicely wrapped. After all, Dash deserved to have the full experience. “Sit up” commanded Pinkie. Dash was more than happy to obey. Right now Pinkie seemed more than just a friend. She felt...superior. Whoever controlled those wonderful colors deserved to be obeyed. Dash didn't think more about it. She couldn't, in fact. Her brain was just telling her it made sense and that was good enough for her. Pinkie took a moment to give another squeeze to Dash's midriff before resuming it's ascent, slowly making another loop around Dash's body, pinning her relaxed forelegs to her side. While Pinkie's snake-body repositioned itself for better wrapping, she shifted a section of her coils in between Dash's legs and was surprised to find the intense heat radiating from her friend's loins. Pinkie was shocked enough to disturb her hypnosis. So THIS was the reason Dash didn't want to get hypnotized last night! With one hoof over her mouth, she looked over the half-coiled mindless Dash with a bit of concern. Pinkie remembered it feeling good when Rarity gave her the treatment, but she didn't really think of it as anything sexual. Then again, seeing Rainbow Dash in such a submissive state did stir some more lewd feelings in Pinkie. She bit her hoof. Her heart was pounding. Did she really want to do this? To take advantage of one of her closest friends when they were at their most vulnerable? Hell yes. The didn't call her Kinky Pie for nothing. A wicked smile crept across Pinkie's as she resumed the hypnosis, as intense as she could make it. Dash's eyes, having grown glossy from lack of stimuli, immediately brightened and locked onto the fresh color. Pinkie Pie rested a hoof on Dash's cheek, drawing herself in closer to intensify the euphoria. “Just relax, Dash. Relax and obey.” Dash did just as Pinkie said, leaning her head into Pinkie's hoof as even her jaw went limp and hung open. She would relax, relax and obey. She was a good pony. Anything to make the spirals happy. They where everywhere and everything; they filled her vision, they filled her mind. It was like every fiber of her being was putty in Pinkie's hooves. But it was okay. There was nothing to be afraid of. Pinkie 's tail gave one final gentle squeeze before winding further up Dash's body. Another loop of muscular coil rested on Dash's belly while the end of Pinkie's tail wrapped snugly around Dash's trunk-like neck. Pinkie gave Dash's midsection a gentle squeeze, eliciting an almost moan-like breathe from the trapped pony as a bit of air was pushed out of her lungs. The lamia giggled; for as athletic as Dash was, she still had a bit of pudge on her. Now that Dash was fully bound and totally helpless, Pinkie felt like she was in total control. Dash's mind, racked with the pleasure of the hypnosis, was just a mindless plaything at this point, staring unceasingly into Pinkie's eyes. With her one hoof, she stroked Dash's cheek. “You like this, don't you?” Pinkie nodded her head, causing Dash to pantomime her actions. If Dash didn't like it before, she certainly liked it now. Her mind just latched onto Pinkie's words without processing them, meaning lost to abstract concepts that instantly flowed throughout her body. She didn't even realize she was wrapped up, only that she could feel something smooth and cool pressing into her, binding her, controlling her. If she could have realized what was happening, she could have came instantly. Working up a bit of courage, Pinkie grabbed her friend's head with both her hooves and planted her lips on Dash's gaping mouth. Something felt weird about kissing her friend, but Pinkie rationalized it as simply the excitement of taboo. Besides, she could do what she wanted without consequence. She could make Dash forget everything that was happening, or, Pinkie thought, she could make Dash even like it and want more. She shuddered a bit at the thought, though. Pinkie was a bit crazy, but forcing her friend to be some addicted hypno-doll was just evil (albeit very hot). While Pinkie thought about what she would do, she noticed that her partner wasn't reciprocating too well. Pinkie was ravaging her friend's mouth and fervently lapping at whatever she felt like, Dash's tongue was motionless, unresponsive to the probing and teasing that made make-outs fun. Pinkie broke the kiss. “Lick,” she commanded. Instantly, Dash's tongue shot out and became locked in an endless cycle of licking motions. Pinkie sighed, this wasn't much better. As she looked at Dash's wagging tongue, however, another idea crept into her head. Oh yes, this would be good too. Pinkie laid on her back and lifted Dash up with her mighty coils, repositioning her such that Dash's linking tongue was right above Pinkie's belly. Hot with anticipation, Pinkie lowered Dash's almost-mechanical tongue onto her soft stomach. The tender licks sent burst of electricity up the pink pony's spine as she slowly dragged Dash's head downward. As Dash's fervent licking transitioned from fur to scales, Pinkie shifted her massive coils so she could continue her elusive search. Feeling the tender moistness on her ventral scales felt amazing, but Pinkie was had a single goal in mind as she dragged Dash's tongue all the way down her body. Pinkie felt a massive surge of euphoria. She found it. Pinkie bit her lip as she repositioned Dash so that her tongue could reach in between the scales that concealed Pinkie's marehood. When it stroked her fleshy innards, Pinkie convulsed her massive body with pleasure. Dash's relentless licking did nothing but intensify the pleasure. The tree's branches creaked from the stress as Pinkie's snake-body squirmed and spasmed. Her coils around Dash tightened little by little, the small breaths of hot air on her clit just an extra of feeling herself pressing into a warm body. Lick by lick, breath by breathe, the ecstasy flowing through Pinkie drove here closer and closer to the edge. One final lick. Pinkie gasped. Waves of euphoria. Writhing, convulsing, squeezing whatever she could in the throes of her orgasm. This was heaven... *snap* “Uh oh...” Dash blinked. Where was she? What was going on? The warm nothingness of trance was broken by a sudden stabbing pain in her chest. The pain reverberated through her body; she needed air, but for some reason she couldn't breathe. Dash panicked and tried to scream, but nothing came from her empty lungs. Her head was spinning. Her prison slackened, and Dash gasped for air. Pain rocketed throughout her body, but at least she wasn't in danger of passing out. She struggled, but Pinkie's grip still remained tight. Dash was scared and confused; why was Pinkie doing this? What happened? Pinkie panicked when she saw Dash had come out of the trance. She had to react fast and get the situation under control. She grabbed Dash's squirming head and immediately blasted her with another round of hypnosis. Dash tried jerking away, but Pinkie held tight, and soon the rainbow pony's body went limp as spirals began to reflect in her eyes once once. Pinkie felt guilty about it, but something like this could really hurt their friendship. She had originally planned on just making Dash forget the sex, but she couldn't hypnotize away a fractured rib. Pinkie took a moment to think of what she'd do. Whatever it was, it had to be believable... Pinkie lowed the still coiled Dash down to the ground and unraveled her. Joining Dash, Pinkie looked into her eyes once more. “Alright Dashie. When I saw the word “strawberry,” you are going to wake up from trance. You will have forgotten everything you did while you where hypnotized, and will remember falling out of the tree when the hypnosis started to take effect. Now, lie on the ground.” Dash did what she was told, Pinkie slithered back to the branch this whole ordeal took place on. She really, REALLY hoped this would work. “Alright! Strawberry!” Dash blinked. Her head and body hurt. Did...she fall? She tried moving, but a sharp pain jabbed at her lungs. “Sweet Celestia, Rainbow! Are you alright? I'm so, so sorry!” Pinkie lowered herself down as fast as she could to try and make her facade seem as real as possible. Dash groaned. “No, I'm not. Did I fall?” Pinkie nodded. “Yeah, I tried hypnotizing you, but after a few seconds your whole body went limp and you fell off the branch. I'm so sorry, I should have wrapped around you first to make sure.” Dash was a bit angry at Pinkie for being so irresponsible, but a part of her was glad that she avoided any awkward moments while she was under. “Ugh, it's fine. Listen, I think I broke something, I need to get to the hospital.” “Sure,” Pinkie said as the rest of her body slithered down from the tree. “Here, let me carry you on my back. It's the least I can do.” As Dash climbed onto her back, Pinkie felt herself calm down. Her ruse did seem to be working, and she might be able to make out with minimal consequence. One thing's for sure, she wanted to cure herself to avoid any more shenanigans. Well, maybe tomorrow. She still wanted to talk with the Cakes while she had her “special talent.” The shop had been doing well, and Pinkie was due for a raise...