> A Forbidden Love > by Evening Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Forbidden Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evening Storm and his son, Luminous Shadow have been on their own for sixteen years. Lumins mother died at birth so it was up to Evening to make sure Lumin had a good foalhood. He was sixteen now and practically a stallion. In these years the relationship they shared hod only gotten stronger. In truth, they feel more than just a father/son love. They want to be lovers. Evening has kept this secret in fear of ruining the relationship he already shares with his son, but its also do its being a "forbidden love" as he calls it. Lumin on the other hoof hides the secret because he thinks his father could never be a coltcuddler since he was even there in the first place. 'What would dad think if he knew I was a coltcuddler?' That is the question that Lumin feared every day. He wants to tell his father about his true feelings, but how could he? Evening wants to tell his son the truth but his greater fears prevent it. 'What would Lumin say?' 'What would my mom or sister think of me?' 'Why am I thinking these questions?' All questions that come to Evenings mind. He feels as though he should tell Lumin but how could he? Things changed one morning, however. One morning at breakfast, Evening was making pancakes when Lumin woke. He was hard from the dream he had. It was about his father rutting him. He promised himself that the dream will become reality if at all possible. Instead of relieving himself, he waled into the bathroom, his stallionhood swinging freely under him. He started the shower and allowed the water to slowly soften his member. "Thank Celestia I have a bathroom on my bedroom," Lumin said to himself. "If dad saw that he would probably have a heart attack." * * * Downstairs, Evening hears a shower start up. "Well I guess Lumin is awake now. Perfect timing too." He smiles at nopony but himself. "I hope he hurries so the pancakes dont get cold." Evening thinks to the previous night. That night was strange to say the least. When Lumin went off to bed he gave Evening a hug like always, but this time he could swear to Celestia that Lumin had run a hoof over his flank. At the time Evening didn't think anything of it. It happens occasionally between them but last night. It felt different. Instead of just an accident it seemed intentional. Could Lumin have intentionally rubbed his flank? Evening didn't see how. It wasn't like Lumin to do that so why assume? "Probably just a coincidence. It didn't mean anything... right?" Evening sighs and chuckles. "Look at me. I'm asking myself questions I can't answer. Is that the first step in insanity?" * * * Lumin turned off the shower, his stallionhood now soft and hidden within his sheath. He loved the feeling of water running down his body. He remembers all the baths and showers he used to take with his father. He smiles and says, "Those were great moments. I love him so much. I want to be with him forever. I don't care if he is my dad. I want him." Lumin walks downstairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning, dad." "Good morning, Lumin. How did you sleep?" "I slept... better than normal. I had a wonderful dream." "Oh," Evening asked curiously. "What was it about?" "Oh, um... I don't remember. I just know it was good." He gives a fake and unconvincing smile. 'Hmm, I haven't seen a worse fake smile.' "Well ok then. If you ever remember I would love to hear it." 'I can guess what it was though' "Uh, yeah ok. I'll keep you informed dad." 'That was close. I need to be more careful.' "Great, What do you want with your pancakes?" "Blueberries and strawberries with syrup please." "Coming right up. Go ahead and sit at the table. Everything should be out there already." "Okay dad." Lumin goes out to the dining room and sits down, thinking about his dream. His dad had rutted him right where he sat right now. He feels a small tingle in his sheath at the thought of his dad rutting him then filling him with his seed. 'I love you Lumin. I want to be your lover. Will you have me?' 'Of course I will dad. I loved you for so long. You'll never know how much I want this.' When his daydream ends, Lumin notices that he is slightly hard again. Right here at the table! Surely he won't be able to hide it from his dad, and if he did while they ate there was no chance he could hide it when he stood. "Oh no. I'm so going to be in trouble for this," Lumin moaned sadly. Just at that moment Evening came in with two plates of pancakes with different assortments of fruit and soaked in syrup. "Here you go Lumin." Evening sits down one plate in front of Lumin and the other across from him. Evening sits and starts to eat. "Dad? Can I ask you something?" Lumin fidgets a bit trying to get comfortable with his hardening member under the table. "You can ask me anything Lumin. I'm your father." Evening reaches across the table and runs a hoof through Lumins mane before going back to his pancakes. "What if I was a coltcuddler," Lumin asks so quietly Evening could barely hear him. Evening stopped eating and stared at his son who fidgets a bit more. "It wouldn't matter to me. Your my son. I love you for who you are. If you were to like stallions I would be ok with that and accept it. You are who you are. I can't and won't try to change that." Lumin smiles as his father finishes his reply. His stallionhood completely stiff and pressed up against the table. "What if there was a stallion I wanted to be with but I was too scared to tell him how I feel?" Evening ponders this a moment before answering. "Tell him anyway, despite the fear of rejection. If you don't say anything you will never know if he feels the same way. It's better to know the truth than to go on wondering." His dad was right. Lumin was scared that his dad would hate him and he said he would love him for who he is. Lumin was worried on how to tell his true feelings, and his father said it's best to just say it. This was it. "Dad? I... I love you." "I love you too Lumin. I always will." "N-no I mean I LOVE you." Lumin blushes brightly as realization slowly appears across Evenings face. "Dad, I love you. I want to be more than just your son. I want to be your lover. That dream you were wondering about was of you rutting me right here at the table. I want you dad. I have for years." Evening just sat there, staring at Lumins blushing face. His son was a colt cuddler and he never noticed till now. Not just that but Lumin wanted him too. Evening had wanted the same thing for just as long as Lumin did. Evening stood and walked around the table to Lumin, and after a moment kissed him full on the lips. Lumins eyes widened in surprise at the sudden lip lock, but slowly his eyes became heavy and all he could think about was the love he had for his father. Evening broke the kiss after a minute and looked into Lumins eyes. He loved everything about his son. His white coat. His blue mane. His grey eyes. He resembles his mother more than himself. Lumin was even born a unicorn. He loved his son more than just about anypony in his life, and he was ready to prove it. "Lumin, I want you to know your feelings are completely returned. I have always loved you, but in the past few years I've wanted to be YOUR lover. I have been terrified to find out what your aunt and grandmother would think, but now I only care about one thing. That thing is loving you the way only a father can. I want to make your dream real." All Lumin does to answer Evening is stand from his seat, revealing his rock hard member to his father. He then moves up and wraps his hooves around Evenings neck kissing him lovingly and passionately. His horn starts to glow with a light blue aura and he uses the magic to massage Evenings sheath and balls gently. Evening felt the magic massaging him gently, his own stallionhood starting to emerge. He lifted himself onto his hind hooves and pulled Lumin up up who wrapped his hind hooves around Evenings waist. Lumins stallionhood was now pressed up against Evenings belly and his own "Lumin, are you sure this is what you want?" "Yes." was all Lumin said before pulling Evening into another deep kiss, sliding his tongue into his fathers mouth and playing with his tongue. Evening walked forward and pressed Lumin back up against the dining room table. He never thought he was going to get more than just pancakes this morning, but he's getting some of his sons flank. Not a bad morning at all. Lumin unwraps his hooves from Evenings waist so he could get into position. I cant believe it, my dad is about to rut me dry and with no protection. This will be fun. Lumin breaks the kiss and says, "Please dad, I want you inside of me." At his son's request Evening presses his hard member against his son's plot hole. "Are you ready, Lumin? It's going to hurt." "Yes, I'm ready. I want this, I want you." As Evening pressed his flared tip into Lumin, Lumin bites his lip to keep from screaming. Instead he lets out a squeal. Evening just held there not moving, waiting for Lumin to re-adjust to his member and let some of the pain dissipate. When Lumin nodded his consent to continue, Evening slowly pushed in another inch before waiting again. "Dad, it's okay. I can take more than an inch at a time." "I just don't want to hurt you more than necessary." "Be gentle, but don't worry." With Lumins reassurance, Evening pushed in a few more inches letting out a soft moan. His son was so warm and tight, Evening was surprised he didn't cum already. Lumin was already getting used to the feeling of having his father inside of him, it actually felt really good now. There was still an ache but it paled in comparison to the feeling of his fathers throbbing member. He wanted more of his fathers stallionhood, he wanted to find out how much he could take. "Dad, give me all you can. I'll be okay." Evening starts sliding in a bit faster, moaning more. Lumin sighs and forces Evening to sink to the hilt inside of him. Lumin gasps in pain but it turns into a moan of pleasure. "L-Lumin? Are you okay?" "Yeah dad I'm...fine. You feel so good inside of me." "You feel amazing too Lumin." Evening then starts to pull out and sink back in slowly. Lumins tight plot massaging his member, coaxing it to cum. Lumins horn starts to glow again, and this time it starts massaging Evenings balls. Lumin wraps a hoof around his own stallionhood and starts clopping himself. Evening begins putting more speed and power into each thrust, Lumin pushing onto the table. He pulls Lumin into another kiss moaning into his mouth and playing with his tongue. Lumin starts bucking his hips in time with his fathers thrusts. He can't believe the feeling of getting rutted by his father. He never imagined it would feel this wonderful. His father was making his greatest fantasy come true. Just then, Evening broke the kiss and licked up Lumin's horn. Immediately a whole new euphoria of feeling and heat ran through his blood and it only got better when Evening wrapped his mouth around Lumin's horn and sucked it vigorously while he thrusted faster and harder. The pressure Evening felt in his groin was immense and obviously he was close to orgasm. "Lumin, I'm close," Evening said through ragged breaths. "Cu- Cum inside m- me dad. I- I want your seed." Evening doubled his efforts on Lumin's horn as he thrusted. His sons tight walls were becoming too much for him. He couldn't hold back much longer. The prolonged triple stimulation that Lumin was receiving was proving too much right now. With a long low moan, Lumin came covering his face and chest in his thick seed. At the same moment he felt his father bury himself inside Lumin. Evening buried himself to his base, his crown flaring and forming a plug inside Lumin as he shot load after load of his warm, thick, creamy seed deep into his son. Despite his flared head holding it in, some of Evenings cum still leaked out of Lumin. They both stayed there, drowning in the feelings of the best orgasms they had experienced in years. After a minute more, Evening pulled out of Lumin with a soft, wet pop. That was the best he had in so long. He loved his son, and he knew Lumin loved him. He kissed Lumin gently, lifting him into his hooves. Lumin was already fading into sleep so he held his son and flew slowly and lazily upstairs to Lumin's room. Evening placed Lumin's sleeping form on the bed and laid down next to him. Evening ran a hoof through Lumin's soft mane and whispered, "I love you." He then kissed Lumin gently on the cheek, wrapped his hooves and wings around his son and fell asleep. This was the beginning of a wonderful love that these two ponies would always cherish.