> The Adventures of Dreamwire and Green Dragoon > by TheGreenDragoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Greasy Spoon (or: a couple ponies meet, break stuff, and go on a tour) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dreamwire entered the small town of Ponyville. He had been journeying for some time, trying to find somewhere that he belonged. An accident in his youth had caused him to lose half of his horn, making even the simplest magical task near to impossible. Canterlot and Manehattan just left him out of everything, and without his magic, he couldn’t walk on Cloudsdale. Ponyville looked like his last chance to find a place he truly belonged. His cutie mark, a red circle with a red line coming from the middle of the circle to about an inch above, drew just as many confused looks as his broken horn. He began wandering the small town, to get a feel for the land, maybe to find an apartment or renting house for him to stay. He saw large crowds at an odd, pastry covered bakery; best to avoid until the crowds had settled down. Unfortunately, he felt his stomach drawing him toward the building. He hadn’t packed quite enough food for the journey, and was paying for it now. With the strongest will, he managed to pull away. He just wanted to find a nice, small sit down place to eat. Before long, he found himself at an old restaurant named The Greasy Spoon. He looked inside, and seeing it devoid of ponies save one green pony sitting in the corner, entered. He sat down at the bar, and ordered a simple stack of fried apples. While his food cooked, he looked more closely at the green pony, which seemed to be sleeping. Even when the food arrived, he couldn’t stop looking back. There was something odd about that pony… but he just couldn’t tell what. The mysterious pony was in a corner without much lighting, so he couldn’t see much other than the green. Why would a pony be sleeping in a place like this? “That’ll be four bits, sir,” a voice cut into his contemplation. “Oh, right, uh, one sec,” Dream reached into his saddle bag and rummaged around for coin. He found a small pile and pulled it out. Three bits. Uh oh. “Sir, I do not have all day. I need you to pay. I have another customer,” the barkeep said, with a stern look on his face. “Well, y’see, um, there’s…” Dream began to stutter, worried. This would make a GREAT first impression on the townsfolk. From nowhere, a… scaled… green hoof came down on the table, offering the missing bit, “No, no, allow me. I can tell a newcomer by his scent.” Dream looked up into a surprisingly wide, and surprisingly sharp set of teeth, set in a huge grin. “Oh, understood, Mr. Dragoon. Thank you kindly,” the barkeep said, and took the offered money and walked back to his spot at the bar. Dream was still staring at the pony in shock. He had never heard of a scaled pony. He noticed an abrupt laugh coming from the green pony. “Yeah, I know, weird, right? Dragoons aren’t very common. My name is the Green Dragoon. Nice to meet you,” Green said, making no move to shake hooves. “Um, nice to meet you, Mr. Dragoon. My name is Dreamwire,” Dream replied, offering a hoof. “Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I was you. Look at the table,” Dragoon told him, gesturing to the table top where he had put his hoof down. An inch deep gash was set in the table. “Razor sharp all around the edges, and some pretty spiky bits in the middle, too,” he continued, showing Dream the bottom of his hoof. It truly was a scary looking hoof. “How did you know I was new in town?” Dream asked. “Oh, that one is simple. 1, there has never been a recorded pony with a broken horn in Ponyville… or anywhere else, actually. And 2, I could smell it.” Dragoon answered. “Smell it? How?” Dream replied, thoroughly confused. “My nostrils are a bit… stronger than most. Comes with my dragon blood, you see.” Well, he seemed to be a nice enough guy. Dream wasn’t upset about having himself saved at the last second. But something else seemed off- wait, DRAGON?!? “DRAGON! You’re a Dragon?!?” Dream yelled, panicking a bit, and accidentally kicking the table over, drawing another stern look from the keep. Dragoon grinned and threw the keep a couple of bits. “Whoa, whoa, clam down. I’m only half dragon. I’m also half pony. Bit of a scandalous affair with a misplaced pair of love spells.” Dragoon grinned again. Did this pony do anything but grin? “I’m betting you haven’t gotten around too much yet. C’mon, I’ll show you around” The odd looking pair left The Greasy Spoon, Dream somewhat cautiously. I mean, he was half dragon. Soon enough though, he discovered that despite his fierce exterior was a true gentlepony. His Dragon Mark, as he called it, was an eighth note next to a dotted quarter note. Everything he did was in a rhythm, his walking, his talking, and he always seemed to be humming, or whistling. Even between all of that, Dragoon did a pretty good job of showing Dream around. “Now, this isn’t a huge tour, because I haven’t been around here for too long. Maybe around 5 months. But I can show you everything I’ve been to.” Soon enough, Dream knew the location and names of SugarCube corner, (the still hugely packed bakery) Rarity’s Carousel Boutique, (odd that Dragoon seemed so nervous, and stood behind Dream while showing him), Sweet Apple Acres, and City Hall. By the time he was done, Dream was exhausted. He had been shown a third of the town, and already met a group of ponies. Not one of them had mentioned his horn in any malicious way. He suddenly realized that night was approaching, and he had nowhere to stay. He sighed deeply. “Need a place to stay for a while?” Dragoon asked politely, grinning his customary grin. Dream didn’t find it quite as threatening as earlier in the day, but still pretty creepy. Dream nodded his head sleepily, once. “All right, I got a spare room in my place. Don’t worry, it’s on the ground. Although I like clouds, I would still prefer a firm footing.” Dragoon led Dream to his house. It was more of a hut, but was much larger than it seemed, and surprisingly warm inside, even without any type of fire. Dream stumbled into the room proffered to him, and collapsed falling asleep on the bed immediately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragoon frowned once Dream was asleep. It would take a VERY powerful force to break a horn, and Dream had been very vague about what had happened. He didn’t smell like the type of pony with enemies, so that probably wasn't what broke the horn. Nonetheless, Dragoon had a feeling that Dream knew something that certain people would want to know themselves. And even stranger, Dragoon could smell those secrets, and knew they had to be protected. He sighed. Another average day in Equestria. > The First Adventure! (or, a lot of talking, inability of talking, explosions, and a mild concussion) Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Dragoon and Dream decided to head out together once more, because it was just safer in a pair instead of alone. While trotting along, Dragoon and Dream tried to understand each other a little more. “Okay, I have to ask: What happened to your horn? It has to take a VERY powerful force in order to take out a unicorns horn. Did you have a run-in with the pony mafia?” Dragoon asked, somewhat cautiously. He had had an issue with them before, but not very many things can hurt a dragoon. “Um, no… actually, wait, what? I didn’t know there WAS a pony mafia! Wait… are you part of them?” Dream replied, calmly at first, but quickly going hysterical. “Wha… No! No! Ummm, I just made them up on the spur of the moment! Yeah, that’s right… Completely made them up!” Dragoon replied quickly. If he had never heard of them… probably best to stay that way. “Oh, oh, don’t do that. I nearly had a heart attack,” Dream said. As long as Dragoon forgot about the earlier question… Soon enough, the conversation became a little bit more… intimate. “You know, I headed to Ponyville because I heard that Octa… I mean, a certain pony recently moved here. I wish I could see them…” Green Dragoon smiled knowingly, “Yes, she does play music quite well, doesn’t she. And you’ve got to admire a pony who cares for her looks,” with a subtle wink. He laughed inside at Dream’s suddenly red face, and stammered reply. “Wha... how... um… Who told y-you that! T-t-that’s not what I meant at all!” “Yeah, sure…” Dragoon casually tossed back. Soon enough, however, Dragoon gained a thoughtful look. “Actually, on subject, I was wondering if… Well, if you’ve ever seen a… rainbow maned pony anywhere? I’m just wondering, is all, no reason,” It was a good thing that green dragons had an inability to blush through scales. Otherwise, Dragoon might have given it away. Luckily, Dream didn’t seem to notice, “Hmm… Well, I HAVE seen ponies with multiple colors in their manes… But never one with ALL the colors. Why did you want to know?” “Well, I’d, uh…” Dragoons mind raced to think of a viable answer, “I’ve heard that she’s… pretty fast! And I do enjoy a good race! Um…” His voice petered off, and he gave Dream a (failing) disarming grin. For the next few seconds, an awkward silence fell over the pair. They struggled to look at the birds, the ground, the trees, anything except for each other. “Uhhh, So, how do you know Octa.. *gak* Octavia?” Dream asked cautiously. It was a lucky guess. “Oh, man, you have no idea! I’m a bit of an art-teest myself. Play the Horn, Piano, learning the violin. Well, There was a bit of a gig over at…” Dream continued wandering, listening to his newfound friends conversation only vaguely. He was trying to enjoy the scenery of the lovely apple trees surrounding him. Out of nowhere, right as Dragoon said, “and that’s when Octavia rammed her bow ALL the way down Vinyls throat… It was great, she kept saying that ‘Dubstep *gack* dubstep is still *wheeze* better!’ Well, I decided to…” and the world was thrown askew by a tremendous explosion, and a huge display of colors flying by overhead. “HOLY MOTHER OF CELESTIA” Dragoon shouted, backpedalling wildly. Dream had somehow, despite being unable to use magic, climbed a nearby tree. “Wha-wha-wha was that?!?” he shouted over the din. “It sounded like someone breaking the sound barrier! I’ve only ever heard that twice before!” “WHAT? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” Dragoon had forgotten about that. Being close to a sound that powerful… ususally struck those with lesser ears deaf. Even his ears were ringing. They ringing continued longer than it should have, for a large lump of lumber had just plummeted from the sky and smashed him in the face. “Guh-Doofa!” He said wisely, and began stumbling about to regain his balance. “HEY, DRAGOON! WHERE’D ALL THIS WOOD COME FROM?” Dream asked, un-intentionally poking Dragoon in the face, right where the bruise was forming. “Aargh! Don’t do that!” Dragoon said, covering his bruise with a wing, “Cmon, the noise came from over there!” he said as he took off in the direction of the explosion. Dream, still unable to hear, followed along, on the basis that, if a dragon is running, you should probably join them. By the time they got to the disaster sight, Dream had regained his hearing, “Hey, I think I see some ponies over there… Oh, that’s Twilight Sparkle! She and I went to magic kindergarten together!” He stood up to shout, but Dragoon quickly pushed him down. “Shhh. It looks like she’s pretty upset. I recognize the other one,I think she’s Apple Jack. But who is the third one…” Dragoon twitched his nose. Suddenly recognizing her scent, they widened to full size. “Oh, oh, oh, uhhhh, Guh!” and turned invisible. Dream stared at where is friend was just standing. He though only Unicorns could do that. He waved his hoof over where Dragoon was just standing, and sure enough, punched Dragoon in the face. “GAH!” Dragoon shouted, drawing a quick confused look by the three mares. Seeing nothing, Twilight lowered her head, and wandered out of sight. AJ and Rainbow looked at each other, shrugged, and carried on destroying things. Dragoon faded back into sight, cradling his head, “Why do you keep punching me in the face? I don’t get it. What did I do?” “How did you do that?!? I thought only Unicorns could turn invisible!” “Huh? Oh, I wasn’t turning invisible, merely camouflaging myself. All dragons can do it.” Dragoon replied, politely, yet simultaneously arrogantly, “Although, our concern should be with Twilight, I think you said her name was. She looked pretty upset.” “Yeah, I kind of want to see if she was alright,” came the reply, and the pair continued trotting onwards. Dragoon decided to tell Dream of some of his adventures as the trotted along, “You know, my birth was a bit of a… controversy. Even though it was a mistake, neither parent was willing to accept me in, and the locals, seeing me as a dragon, not a pony, abandoned me at the edge of the Everfree forest, with the belief that a young dragon could survive in there. They were right, but I… I was just a confused pony at that point; my dragon side hadn’t woken up yet. I wandered for several days, unsure of whether to eat gems, or hay. Well, I was getting pretty hungry, with my mind fighting between instinct and logic. That’s how she found me, literally punching myself in the face to stay sane. Zecura, the one who raised me. She did not care what I looked like, and She didn’t care I accidentally burned her hut down… twice. She said it was simply part of a dragon growing up. Her concern however, was with how my PONY half grew up. She didn’t know too much about raising a young one, so she tried to find some help. Luckily, it was within a month of her beginning caring for me that The Doctor arrived. The Doctor… How do I begin? He was a strange one, but intelligent beyond his apparent age. Through his many journeys, he HAD taken care of young before, and agreed to help raise me. For a while, that is how I grew, one day having Zecura teach my dragon half to hunt for gems, or how to breath fire; The Doctor, on the other hand, would teach me of writing, reading, and most importantly, music. I loved music, poetry, anything with rhythm. The day I discovered my dragon mark was the first day I played the piano. At that time, The Doctor decided to let me come with him, on my first adventure. Have you ever heard of the Weeping Pegasi? Yes? Well, there’s more to it than a statue. It is a creature, evil, foul, yet it can only move when nopony is looking at it. Me and The Doctor, we stopped it. We tricked it into entering a crowded plaza, while the plaza was under construction. Right as it was centered, The Doctor cut the ropes holding the tarp around the edge down… and allowed one of the biggest crowds known to pony kind in. Heh, heh, that plaza always has at least 30 ponies in it; what a way to be stuck forever.” Dream listened in astonishment. What an amazing life! Abandoned at birth, but yet struggled, survived, and learned! Was this dragoon afraid of anything? Suddenly, Dragoon blanched, “ No…no… anypony… anypony but… but HER!” he said, pointing at a beautiful white unicorn approaching them rapidly. Dream didn’t see a threat, she just seemed slightly perturbed by something, “Hide me… HIDE ME! QUICKLY! We’re in a plaza, I can’t camoflauge with all these ponies around, so HIDE ME!” Dream looked around quickly, and spotting a small box, pointed at it, “Put it on your head, she might not recognize you!” But it was too late. Dream watched his friend get dragged off by the mystery unicorn, who was muttering something about, “Green, what an AWFUL color. Come, now, I’ll get you out of that… yech looking skin in NO time!” Dragoon was dragged away letting out an awful scream, “NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!!!!” Dream rushed after him, but found the doors to… what building was this again? Oh yeah, Carousel Boutique closed and locked. The sounds inside where obviously those of one going through extreme torture. When Dream looked in the window, however, he had to stifle a laugh. There wasn’t much else that could be done now except wait. (Authors note: I'm not sure how many people are reading this, but i kind of want to see your representation of what Dragoon and Dream look like! Also, would you prefer if i called them Dream or wire, Dragoon or Green? I wan tot make the story more understandable! Thanks!) > The First Adventure!(or: slightly less talking, a thouroughly disgruntled pink dragoon, a couple more explosives, and being two steps behind all the time) Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After what was about five minutes for Dream, and two days for Dragoon, Dragoon finally managed to throw himself out a window, ignoring the white unicorns cries as he did so. However, her mission was not entirely unsuccessful. For the Green Dragoon had become the Pink Dragoon. Dream swore that the pony was already scrubbing at his scales as he fell. “Alright, we HAVE to leave, before she gets downstairs,” Dragoon said as he took off, at full speed. Dream struggled to keep up. Man, this pony was fast if he wanted to be. Finally, when Dragoon felt they were at a safe distance, they finally stopped running. Surprisingly, Dragoon laughed as he scrubbed his scales. “I might not like her, but she’s easily one of the only ponies that I’m scared of. No easy feat, that,” as he stared, somewhat happy, somewhat irritated back in the direction of the boutique, “She has issues with the color green, for some reason. But why she painted me pink… ugh,” Dragoon froze a moment, “Say, have you met Pinkie Pie yet?” with a large grin on his face. “Um, no I… haven’t. What’s with that grin? It’s… kinda creeping me out,” Dream said, slowly backing away from Dragoon. But it was too late. Dragoon draped a wing over Dream, cutting off his escape, and dragged him towards Sugarcube Corner. Within five minutes, Dream found himself, thoroughly confused, in the middle of a massive party thrown just for him. “Surprise!” The mare known as Pinkie cried, while bouncing around Dream, “Well, it’s not really a surprise, because you came here, and watched me set up, but it was a surprise to ME! I know EVERYpony, and I mean EVERYpony in Ponyville, so how you…” Dream couldn’t keep up. The words just came out of this hyper pony’s mouth way too fast. And to top it all off, Dragoon just stood in the corner, grinning like a madpony. Dragoon still remembered his Pinkie Pie party. At his “Welcome New Pony!” party, he had eaten about 20 pounds of cake, and had to help drag all of the passed out ponies to their respective homes. And when he finally got back to his small, cozy hut, he found Pinkie inside, throwing a “Welcome New Dragon!” party as well. He laughed fondly. Even when drop dead tired, you never missed a Pinkie party aimed at you. Dream finally got away from Pinkie, by distracting her with a handful of cupcakes, and ran over to Dragoon. “Okay, I have officially met Pinkie. Unfortunately, I’m too worried about Twilight to really en-“ “OH!” A pink shape bounded into view, “You know Twilight? I know Twilight too! She was by here earlier, asking if I needed any help with anything! But…” Pinkie tapped her chin thoughtfully, “That’s right! I didn’t really need any help at the time!” Hmm. Perhaps that was why she seemed so off. It had looked like a similar situation over at Apple Jack’s farm. Dragoon thought hard. Why would friends not needing help cause a pony to nearly have a breakdown? He turned to ask Pinkie, but found her gone. Dream turned to Dragoon, a cupcake almost fully in his mouth, “Pinkie lef. Sai somfin bou a picnic.” That was odd. The picnic must have been pretty important. Dragoon had never seen Pinkie leave a party in the middle before. It was even odder that the way that Twilight was acting. "All right, change of plans. We need to track down Pinkie. I've never seen her leave a room mid party before. Whatever that picnic is, it must be important." The pair once again headed off, with Dragoons concentration on catching Pinkie left him not noticing the fact that Dream had used his spines to hold extra cupcakes, which he was slowly eating one at a time. "Mmm, these are the best cupcakes I have EVER had! I've got to get this recipe," Dream said outloud as he finished of a razzleberry nut crunch. "Mmmmmmm...." Somehow, Dragoon had not noticed any of this, so intent was he on his prey... um, person he was looking for. Stupid dragon brain always trying to take over. It was just plain tough having two brains sometimes. However, his dragon side seemed to be trying to warn him of something... what was it? At that moment, Dream (somewhere around cupcake 17) said, "Wait, that voice... That's Princess Celestia!" Dragoon stopped, and finally listened to his dragon side. Yeah, that was her alright, and she seemed... angry? Dragoon shook his head. Princess Celestia couldn't get angry! That had only happened twice, long before his time... "We need to hurry. I don't know what's going on, but it sounds bi... What the... Why am I covered in cupcakes?!?" Dragoon spun wildly in a circle, trying to loosen the many cupcakes adorned to his back, "Rarity, or Pinkie Pie, whichever one of you is responsible for this..." he finally said, after realizing the the cakes were going to stay on for now. Dream stood nearby, and stayed quiet. Best not to ruin the moment. When they finally caught up to where they had heard the voice, they found it empty, except for... Rarity, who was cleaning up after a apparent disaster. Dream didn't even have to turn to see that Dragoon was either invisible, or possibly flying. "Um, excuse me, Ms... Rarity? What happened here?" Rarity stared at Dream, with what appeared to be shock in her eyes, "You... Your HORN!" Dream lowered his head. he had hoped that he could make it a day without someone treating him badly because of it, "Why, that's just isn't right at all. With a horn like THAT, you need... A hat like this!" and threw an amazing, red hat with blue feathers sticking out of it onto his head. "Much better. You look quite the gentle-pony in that. Now, what were you saying again?" Dream was dumbfounded. Instead of treating him differently, she had merely taken it as a fashion choice... and included a free hat into the mix! "Oh, right, um, what happened here? It looks like a tornado ripped through here!" _______________________________________________________________ Dragoon took to the skies, as Dream chatted with Rarity below. It was a good thing he was distracting her, or else she might look up. He had to think. Celestia was irritated, Twilight was upset, and they seemed to both have been to the same area at the same time. Obviously, the two were linked. Now, if only Dragoon knew where Twilight lived... Well, actually, Dragoon wouldn't know, but he knew some-dragon who might. He took off as quickly as he could toward the town library. _________________________________________________________________ "...and that was the absolute worst thing that could happen!" Rarity finished, leaving Dream almost filled with awe, at her accidentally amazing acting skills. "Oh, um, thanks! So, she's at the library, then? Um, I'm going to head that way now. Oh, and Rarity?" Rarity stopped walking away and turned back, "Thanks for the great hat!" and he took off at a full gallop. ____________________________________________________________________ Dream finally found himself at the library, where he found Dragoon talking with spike, Twilight's number one assistant. He moved closer to hear the conversation... "Aw, come ON, Dragoon! How can you say an Emerald is better than Amethyst! I love the delicious Grapey flavour of the amethyst!" "But... Emerald are just the epitome of perfection. Sweet and sour, Crunchy yet moist. You can't get much better than... Oh! Hey! Dream! come over here and tell this dragon which gem is better!" "Ummm, I... like... Rubies?" Having no experience eating gems, he really didn't know how to respond to that question. Dragoon and Spike stared at him for a moment, confusion evident on both faces. "Well, I hate that Twi was a bother tonight. She's doing better now. A bit confused, was all. I gotta go in and try to take care of some chores. See you later, Greenie!" "You too, squirt," Spike went back into the house, whistling a tune to himself as he did so, "He's a good kid, always makes sure Twilights safe. But anyway, turns out it was a simple misunderstanding on our part and... OOO, nice hat! Where'd you get it?" "Um, actually, Rarity gave it to me! I kind of like it!" "What! Rarity gave you something other than a mane dying? That's just not fair!" Dragoon sniffed at the hat somewhat sullenly, when he suddenly recognized a pair of ponies across the plaza... and perhaps a chance to get Dream back... "HEY! HEY! OCTAVIA!" At this, Dreams ears twitched, and his face turned as red as the hat, "VINYL! OVER HERE! I WANT TO ASK YOU SOMETHING!" "Dragoon, what are you doing!" Dream hissed. But it was too late. Both Octavia and Vinyl were right there. "It's been a while. I and my friend here were hoping that we could get an autograph, for a... sick friend back home." Dragoon let a subtle wink out to Octavia, a a quick nod in Dreams direction. Dream, of course, was too busy trying to bury his head through solid rock to notice. Octavia nodded back, and signed her name, and phone number onto a card, and slipped it under Dreams foot. She gave him a wink, and she and Vinyl wandered off. "Wha... how... did th-that really just happen?" Dream looked lost in a, well, dream. "That it did buddy, that it OOOOF!" These would be Dragoons last words for the night, because the amount of pressure applied to his already bruised head was enough to knock both his brains out. A cyan colored pony with a rainbow mane stood up, brushed herself off, and quickly checked Dragoon, who was laying on the ground and bubbling. "Well, that trick didn't work out too well either. Is he okay?" She asked, directing the question at Dream. "Uh, yeah, he should be. He's pretty tough. Um, I didn't catch your name, miss." "Oh, yeah, my names Rainbow Dash, Fastest Flyer in Equestria! Even won the Junior fliers award last year! Heh, heh, this year I get to be a judge along with... The Wonderbolts! It'll be sooo awesommme! Hey, I have an idea! I'll get my egghead friend to cast a spell on you, it'll let you come up and see how awesome everything is in Cloudsdale! I'm trying to invite EVERYONE in town, but it's pretty difficult. Well, anyways, nice to meet you, gotta go, Bye!" Dream stood there, confused. He hadn't said his name, had he? ow did he know if she would make good on her promise? Well, right now, Green Dragoon needed a place to rest. Dream picked him up, slowly (Dragoons are HEAVY) and began the long walk back to the hut. He had a good feeling about this town. He couldn't wait for the next adventure! (Next Episode: The Doctor. A large quantity of unicorns so close to the atmosphere... not a good idea. You thought ONE weeping pegasus was bad? Wait until you have to deal with TEN! With special guest stars Doctor Whooves, and Derpy!) > In between Adventures Question time! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All right, this is the first IAQT. The purpose of these is for A) Me to clarify things that people might have asked, B) ask if you had any questions and revisionary things, C) Give a little heads up on ideas i might be having, and E) no... wait a minute D) ask if you all have anyone you'd like to see ponyfied into the adventures. I've already had a request for Miles Edgehoof, ace attorney investigator. I personally love this idea, and think that other suggestions would be great. I'm not going to include an in-between review this time, because I had that at the end of the last chapter. Thank you all who have read my story! > The Doctor (or: Crashes, Cuteness, Collisions, Calamities, and Crises) Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Dragoon and Dream were awoken by a huge crash from outside. Both shot upright instantly, each staring toward the crash, and simultaneously trying to figure out what the other one had done. From outside, Dragoon heard a familiar voice, “How could you crash, you silly mare, the surprise we had is now laid bare!” A heavily accented stallion joined in on the confusion, “My gosh, Derpy, sometimes… well, sometimes I wonder about you, my poor girl. I’m still trying to figure out how you managed to land the TARDIS in a tree…” A third voice piped in, “I just… Well, the door looked like it was in a different place than I thought!” The first voice replied, “So you would have crashed through the wall, causing this simple house to quickly fall.” Dragoon grinned widely. He recognized all three of these voices. He galloped out of his room at full speed, trampling over poor Dream, who had left his room at the worst possible moment. Within a matter of moments, Dragoon found himself face to face with a black and white striped zebra. “Zecura!” Dragoon shouted, throwing himself at his oldest friend, mentor, and surrogate mother, “I haven’t seen you for so… so long!” Zecura grinned back, while embracing Dragoon, “Why, my silly little Green Dragoon, You saw me at the last full moon! Your memory has truly left you, for you have no clue!” A light brown covered hoof lightly bopped Dragoon on the head, “What, nothing for me? It’s been even longer since we’ve seen each other, you crazy dragon!” Dragoon turned around to see the smiling face of The Doctor, “I mean, you were the first time that I’d ever even tried to associate with anyone who had dragon blood. I’ve only met a couple of others who were even close to yoOOF!” The Doctor had stopped paying attention, and hadn’t noticed Dragoon coming at him. He suddenly found himself sprawled out from Dragoons over-enthusiastic hug. The third pony in the room seemed to not be paying too much attention to her surroundings, and was only looking at the busted in front door. Dragoon looked up; smiled, and said, “Don’t worry about it, Derpy. I’ll get it fixed easily enough. Come on in, take a load off.” Derpy looked back to Dragoon, smiled and walked in. Dream had recovered from his trampling, and found himself looking over this happy reunion. He also found himself looking at Derpy. Octavia was still the best pony, but he had to admit, she was just so cute. “What brings all of you down here? I know that you’ve been busy, Doctor, what with the world to save and all. And Zecura, I thought you only visited on full moons. I mean, I don’t mind, but this is unusual.” “What, you think we came down here for reasons other than a simple visit?” The Doctor replied, “No, we just came by to say hi! Nothing unusual about this whatsoever! I mean, I am allowed to visit an old friend every now and then, right? There are ten more Weeping Pegasi approaching Cloudsdale. I am allowed to visit a friend every now and then, right?” The Green Dragoon grinned, thankful nothing was wrong, “Phew, generally, you only visit me when something bad is abou… Wait, what was that? The… second to last sentence?” “What, you mean about the Weeping Pegasi? There are ten more coming, why?” Dream couldn’t see Dragoons face, but he sensed something was wrong with it. Some type of anger was emanating from Dragoon, something he had never felt before. “They… they’re back? That… that’s not possible. I thought they were attracted by magic near the atmosphere. Cloudsdale only has Pegasi. No unicorns.” “Well, they didn’t… until just recently. With the next Junior Flyers Competition coming up, and with the extension of viewing to all pony types, there are more than a few up there. Somewhere around, oh, I don’t know, a third of Equestria’s unicorns…” “Oh my Celestia… That would be like a flaming beacon to the stars… They’ll be coming from everywhere…” Zecora noticed Dream standing in the doorframe, “Well, this is quite a surprise, we have an extra set of eyes!” Dragoon looked up, “Oh, I’m sorry. Dream, this is The Doctor, Zecura, and Derpy. Dream is new to town, and has already helped me out a couple times. Ugh, how are we going to get to Cloudsdale? Derpy and I, easy, but the rest of you…” Dream remembered the crash last night, “Oh, yeah! I forgot to tell you this, because you were unconscious. After Rainbow Dash knocked you out, as way of apology, she offered us a way to get up there. She said she had a friend who could cast a spell, allowing us all to walk on the clouds!” “Wait… Rainbow Dash creamed me into unconsciousness, and you only tell me now?!?” Dragoon looked extremely angry, “It takes a lot of force to knock out a Dragoon. She must be really fast. Hmm…” Dragoon went into a bit of a trance, with a slightly dopey smile on his face. Doctor and Zecura stared at Dragoon, and realizing his minds were somewhere else, decided to simply leave him alone for the moment. “Derpy, you should probably go and find this Rainbow. I don’t think I’d like falling through a cloud. I’ve never tried, so I don’t know for certain, but still, I think that the consensus for this is generally dislike.” Derpy nodded, flying out the (closed) window “Oops! My bad!” she yelled as flying away. Dream stared, sighed, and went to grab a bit of coffee. Dragoon sighed deeply in his trance. It was going to be another long day… > The Doctor (or: Derpy Ditzily Destroys Dreamwires Dome) Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire group was ready to go, except for Dragoon, and Derpy, who had yet to return with Twilight. “I do wish the brain of that mare was not always so full of air. If we continue at this rate, we will certainly be late!” Zecura had been pacing back and forth for several minutes. Though she tried to hide it, she was obviously nervous. The Doctor, on the other hand, seemed fascinated with Dream, “A unicorn with a broken horn! This is fascinating! The sheer power needed for this… Have you ever had a run-in with the pony mafia?” Dream gulped nervously, “Um, the pony mafia? I thought they were made up?” Doctor, not missing a beat, replied, “Of course they are, I made them up just to test you. Where is Dragoon, I wonder?” At that moment, Dragoon entered the main room. All eyes stared. He had gone a complete transformation. His normally green face had been half covered in blue paint, and he had a HUGE sword strapped to his back. He stopped, and nervously asked, “What? Did I forget something?” Zecura said, “You have left us all quite floored, because of that enormous sword. And is there a sickness within you, for your face has turned half blue!” “What? This is all traditional from Scoltland. The Claymore on my back, handcrafted with dragon fire, is the weapon of the proud Scolts! And the war paint on me face is to inspire fear in my enemies!” Dragoon stared at the group with pride in his face. The pride fell away when the entire group burst out laughing, “What? What?!? I don’t get it!” Doctor finally convinced Dragoon to ditch the sword, though he couldn’t get him to abandon the “war paint.” They now had to wait on just Derpy. The last entrance to the building, a window in the kitchen, exploded inwards as Derpy hurtled through. “Hey, I found her, she’ll be here in a second!” Dragoon, Doctor, and Zecura all sighed simultaneously. Dream just couldn’t fight it, she was just soooooo cute! Twilight, looking as if she was suffering from sleep deprivation, came in, said, “Alright, Here is spell,” threw a spell over them, and left just as quickly. Spike came in right after, and informed the group of the fact that she had been up all night, working on a new spell. Dragoon threw Spike a ruby, and the contented young dragon left the house, licking his lips happily. “Alright, gang! We’re ready to go! Well, except for the problem of transportation…” Doctor said out loud. “What about the TARDIS? Isn’t that a space ship?” Dragoon asked Doctor, curiously. His adventures with the Doctor had never left the planet, so he wasn’t entirely sure. “Well, yes, but it’s charging at the moment. Should be ready to go in, say, 10 hours. This, unfortunately, will be too late. The Princesses both arrive in six hours, and that’s when the Weeping Pegasi will certainly make their move.” Doctor explained, “Derpy and yourself can fly, but the rest of us might have some trouble” Dragoon sighed, and sniffed around the room, “Derpy, do you think you could carry Dream? He’s the lightest of the group, and that would leave me free to carry Doctor and Zecura.” Derpy smiled, and tried to make eye contact with Dream, “Sure! It would be no problem at all! Hop on!” Dream, somewhat uncomfortably, got onto Derpy’s back. She took off immediately through the window. The resounding crack of forehead meeting window pane echoed around the room, and from Dreams sudden slumping as they took off, one could assume the blow had knocked him out. Dragoon winced, and said out loud, “Might be better that way. I think that if he was conscious, he might throw up. Does she still fly like a parasprite in a tornado?” “Yes, but with a lot less coordination.” Doctor replied, “So, are we off?” Dragoon nodded, and leaned low. Both Doctor and Zecura got on, and as one, the three looked at each other and smiled. “ALLONS Y!” they cried simultaneously, “All the way!” Zecura finished, and they took off, using the wide open door this time, to avoid any chance of unconsciousness. They flew through the air, knowing that yet another adventure had started. -T-minus 5 ½ hours until arrival of Princesses- Cloudsdale was already in sight. They had made extremely good time, helped because of Cloudsdale currently drifting close to Ponyville. Dragoon couldn’t see Derpy or Dream near the landing area, which, while making him nervous, wasn’t too surprising. Doctor piped up, “Hey, did you realize that FOUR of us have a D as the first letter in our name? Doctor, Dragoon, Derpy, and Dream. I think that’s a good sign, don’t you?” Dragoon stared backwards at his teacher as he came in for the landing. One minute, the most serious, brilliant mind of our time. The next minute, however… Zecura and Dragoon smiled and shook their heads. Both had accompanied the Doctor at some point in time, and really weren’t surprised by everything he said anymore. “Crap. Dream and Derpy aren’t at the landing. We might need them before the day is over. Zecura, do you know where landing B is located?” Zecura nodded, “Alright, do you think you could go and check if they are there. Whether you find them or not, meet us by the original Weeping Pegasi in… one hour. We can’t delay more than that.” Zecura took off. “Alrighty then, knowing Derpy, she either crashed at the lowest level of the city, or somehow missed the city entirely. If Dream had regained consciousness, they would have hopefully landed at landing pad B. Nonetheless, we should go and check the storage and maintenance tunnels. Allons Y!” Doctor exclaimed, and the duo took off into the underbelly of the city. -T-minus 5 hours until arrival of Princesses- “So, uh, Derpy? What do these Weeping Pegasi look like?” Dream asked nervously. They had crashed straight through a cloud, and were in a blank room, with a door at the far end. “Huh? Oh, they look like stone statues of a Pegasus, but they are either shielding their eyes, or reaching toward you and looking really mad! Does that help?” Derpy replied, smiling goofily. Dream gulped, “Yup. It helps a lot.” The info would help him identify the Pegasi. And from the way all of those statues in front of the door were looking at him, it looked like the knowledge had already been useful. > The Doctor (or: Everybody Evades Evil, Even Enlisting Everything) Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream and Derpy stood frozen. The Doctor and Dragoon had said that as long as you looked at them, they couldn’t move, so that’s what the pair did. They sat and stared, Dream directly at them, Derpy at them and at Dream, simultaneously. “Okay, so if those are the Weeping Pegasi, and we’re looking at them, how are they going to drain magic? Since we’re looking at them, that should mean that we win, right? Right?” Dream asked somewhat hysterically. This wasn’t exactly a moment for being calm. Derpy thought about this for a moment, and then replied, “Yup! It means we win! At least until we fall asleep, or blink at the same time, or have to go to the bathroom, or eat… I’m not helping, am I?” Dream, who was suddenly tired, hungry, and needed to both pee and blink, nodded his head quickly, “Um… Why don’t you tell me about yourself, to keep my mind off of all those things you just said. Just don’t mention food or sleeping, please” “Oh, no problem! My name is Derpy Hooves, or Ditzy Doo, whichever you prefer! I deliver mail, I love bubbles, and I know 167 recipes for muffins! I absolutely LOVE muffins! Do you?” Dream’s stomach rumbled. He really hoped that Dragoon would show up soon… -T Minus 4 ½ hours- The Doctor and Dragoon raced through the corridors, barely evading pursuit. “Okay, Dragoon, I know I taught you this. When a ROYAL GUARD asks what you are doing, the proper reply is ‘looking for a lost friend,’ not, ‘FOR SCOLTLAND’ followed by a head-butt to the face. Now, the entire guard is hunting for us.” “Look, he was in a threatening posture! I thought he was going to attack!” “Leaning over to pick up a dropped bit is NOT a threatening posture! I’ve never seen a less threatening posture! What is wrong with you?” “Sometimes I simply over-react.” A guards face popped into view, and seemed about to say something. Dragoon yelled, “FOR SCOLTLAND!” and turned and kicked the guard straight into unconsciousness. Doctor shook his head, and sighed. No turning back now. He and Dragoon charged out of the hiding place straight into a squad of guards. “FOR SCOLTLAND!” “ALLONS Y!” --------- Zecura was thoroughly confused. She couldn’t find Derpy, or Dream, so she had made her way to the original Weeping Pegasi, as planned. Yet neither the Doctor, nor Dragoon were there, and the royal guard seemed to have been thrown into chaos, rushing about and yelling orders. Had the Weeping Pegasi already made their move? She heard a couple of familiar cries in the distance, while a royal guard was launched clean over her head. Zecura sighed. When there was a pandemonium where the royal guards were losing, only two stallions could possibly have managed it. She headed toward the source of the sound. This was going to difficult to explain to the Guards. ---------- Dream and Derpy continued staring. The Pegasi continued staring. This was like the blinking contest of life or death. Finally, Dream had decided that making a break for it would be worth it. “Alright Derpy, I’m going to try and open that door. You HAVE to keep an eye on those statues. They are extremely close to that door, and I don’t feel like getting caught.” “Which eye?” Derpy said, as Dream started messing with the door. Dream turned his head quickly. Derpy had been snapping her head back and forth, and was therefore not watching the Pegasi 100%. Half of the Pegasi were right behind Dream, with the closest ones hooves literally inches away from his face. The other half had split to the opposite end of the room. There was NO WAY that he could open the door and watch both groups at the same time. “Derpy, we might be in trouble… I can’t do this with the Pegasi in two groups.” Dream said, surprisingly calmly, considering the situation he was in. Derpy took in her surroundings, and smiled widely, “Don’t worry! This is MY moment to shine! Just worry about the door.” Derpy then skipped in between the two groups, and turned sideways. One eye on each group. Dream stopped and stared. He couldn’t help it; she was just so darn cute! He forced himself to tear away from Derpy’s adorableness, and began working on the locked door. It might take a while. -T-Minus 3 hours- Zecura had finally convinced the guards to let Doctor and Dragoon go, under the condition that at least on guard accompanied them at all times. They explained the plight to Golden Justice, who was to accompany them. “Actually, that was what we were looking for before you took out Silver Runner back there.” The unfortunate guards were still patching up the many wounded, and at least six had tried to get Dragoon to become a guard himself. “We had a break in the -6 cloud line. We don’t know what caused it, but right as we were about to send a patrol, the patrol itself was knocked out.” He gave Dragoon and Doctor an irritated look. Doctor smiled back, “Well, that’s probably them! Or, it might be an ancient race of evil that wishes to drain all magic from all unicorns in Equestria! Either way, it’s what we’re looking for!” Justice looked at the Doctor, “I still don’t entirely believe you about that. But, nonetheless, there should be NO statues or anything in that section. It’s purely in case of emergencies, no patrols or anything down there.” Suddenly, Justice looked up, “Hm. That’s weird. Where’d the Plaza Statue go?” Dragoon and Doctor stared at each other. “Uh-oh.” > The Doctor (or: Fleeing, Flailing, Failing, Finally Finishing) Part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -T-Minus 2 ½ hours- “RUUUNNN!!!” Dream shouted as he and Derpy barreled down the thin hallway. If only it didn’t twist so much! Each time they turned around, they could see the hooves and heads of the statues going around the corner. Dream was getting tired, and Derpy really wasn’t looking too good. She was panting for breath, and her unfocused eyes were half closed. “Come on, Derpy, We’re almost there! We’ll run into Dragoon, or Doctor, or somepony soon enough!” If they didn’t, they might be in some deep trouble. Dream forced himself to ignore the pain in his legs and keep running. He smiled encouragingly at Derpy. Come on, come on, he thought to himself. Right then, Derpy stumbled and tripped. Dream did something that even he was surprised by. The surge of adrenaline coursing through him gave him a little extra strength, and he threw Derpy onto his back. Well, at least only one of them was running now, right? -T-Minus 2 hours- Dragoon sniffed the air. He recognized the scent of one who had been running for far too long, yet was still continuing on. “This way!” he cried as he took off down the hallway. They were close, but he was worried that it might still be too late to catch them. Justice quietly turned to Doctor, “I have to ask, why does he lead us on by scent? I can see the trail of sweat clearly!” Doctor stared back, then sighed. “Dragoon is… well, you haven’t guessed yet? Dragoon is completely, totally, utterly blind. Happened to him at a young age. He accidentally looked directly into a supernova.” Doctor looked at Dragoon, with pride in his eyes, “However, instead of breaking, like most ponies would have, he trained. He trained until he could smell colors, hear shapes. He’s just as able as any other pony, just blind.” Dragoon, though frantic to find his friend, still smiled to himself. Not many people got a compliment from the Doctor. He only knew of two others who had gotten a compliment, Zecura and some mysterious pony named Rose. Dragoon shook his head. He couldn’t continue thinking of that. He HAD to find his friend. They were so close… -T-Minus 1 ½ hours- Derpy and Dream huddled miserably in a closet, the beating on the outside of the door the only connection to the Pegasi they had. They had somehow been flanked, and only could run in one direction, and that was the closet. Both of them were about to collapse, they had been running so long. And to top it all off, the door was maybe a minute from breaking. Dream turned to Derpy, “Well, this might be it. I wanted to say it was nice meeting you.” Derpy replied, “It was nice to meet you too. I wanted to apologize about knocking you out, though. I hope you are feeling better. Also, I wanted to include that The Doctor is the greatest pony in the world AND modest too! Plus, he’s a great ventriloquist!” Dream stared. What had just happened? That entire sentence had made no sense. And for some odd reason, Derpy looked just as confused as Dream. “Alright, you lovebirds, it’s time to get out of here.” The Doctor stood in the doorway, surrounded by the Pegasi. “And don’t worry about them, we’ve got someone working on that right now.” Outside the closet, a group of guards were turning the statues until they were staring at one another. Justice looked at Doctor, “I believe that I owe you an apology. It seems you were right about these ‘Weeping Pegasi.’ There’s no way that these two had managed to beat in the front of the door while locked inside it.” Dragoon was a little distance away, talking to a group of guards. “Alright, it’s a statue, looks a lot like these ones. I’m not sure where it is, but it’s going to be headed for the strongest concentration of magic in Cloudsdale. We have to stop it before it takes anyone.” The guard unit saluted Dragoon, and ran off. Dragoon turned to Dream, grinned, and said, “Hey Dream! Guess what? I’m an honorary guard captain!” Dream smiled weakly, “Congratu-” He was cut off by a wave of tiredness, and passed out on the floor. -T-Minus 1 hour- Zecura slowly moved down the hallway. While the others were looking for the main group, she had gone off to search for the missing statue. Since there were many statues in the royal landing area, she began her search there. Unfortunately, there was only one way to find the Pegasi in this group. Zecura sighed, “I am a foolish mare, to try this scary dare,” and closed her eyes. She twitched her ears at every slightest sound, listening for the one reminiscent of the Pegasi. No one else was in the area, but she knew the princess would be coming soon. None of the others were even near the landing area, and were probably at least 30 minutes away. Stopping the last Pegasi was up to her. A sudden sound of grinding stone from right behind her threw her into action, and she propelled herself forward. She whipped around and opened her eyes to nothing. The statue was clever. It knew that if it was seen, that it would all be over; it was resorting to hit and run attacks. Zecura carefully backed up until she felt her flank resting against the wall, then closed her eyes once more. She could hear the grinding, but it was staying away. The statue knew that she wanted it to come into view, so it was trying to find an angle to get at her from. However, with her backed into a wall, the only way it could attack would be from the front, and that was a fool’s move. So the standoff continued, both sides knowing that one slip would end everything. -T-Minus 45 minutes- Princess Celestia headed out to the royal carriage. Princess Luna was already there waiting. Celestia had expected Luna to take longer than that. Well, royalty could always show up early, right? Time Change -T-Minus 10 minutes- > The Doctor (or: Grinding, Glitching, Guffawing, and no more stupid descriptions.) Part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zecura could feel the Pegasi. For an unknown reason, it had been growing restless. She could hear it grinding, but each time she opened her eyes, there was nothing there. Why would it be twitching like that? The only explainable reason would be an extremely large source of power nearby, but other than Twilight, who was too tired to move today, and the princesses, it couldn’t be anyone. And the princesses wouldn’t have even left the castle yet. Zecuras eyes snapped open. Wouldn’t have… or shouldn’t have? What if the princesses had left earlier than expected? That would explain it, but it would leave Zecura with anywhere from one to fifteen minutes to capture the thing. If only she could tell where the grinding was coming from… She really needed Dragoons help right about now, and he was currently about 80-90 floors below her right now. -T-Minus 5 minutes- Dragoon and Doctor sprinted through the halls. Dream and Derpy had been left in the safe care of Nurse Redheart, who, after slapping Doctor for putting them through so much, quickly and efficiently began caring for them. Golden Justice tagged along, since he had to make sure that the Princesses were safe. “Why is it that mothers and nurses always want to slap me? It’s completely bonkers, is what it is!” Doctor complained as they ran along, “And it was your idea to bring Dream along! Why didn’t she slap you too?” “You’ve been away a while. I helped out Ms. Redheart after a bit of an issue with baked bads a while back. She owed me one, so I guess we’re even now.” Dragoon grinned widely, “Besides, I must admit to enjoying your face after she slapped you.” “You always enjoy watching me suffer, just because I dropped one, only one, of your cakes. I mean, come on, it wasn’t that special, was it?” “It was baked in a volcano on top of a lava pit, and filled with the rarest, and most delicious gems known worldwide. The only one of its kind to ever be made. And you didn’t just drop it, you dropped it into an evaporator.” Dragoon gave Doctor an irritated look. “Yeah, well… Oh! Look! There’s the lift! We could take that up to the top!” Doctor exclaimed, pointing towards a chute in the wall. “I could. That chute is for Pegasi only. Only way up or down it is through wing power. Actually… I am going to take it. Zecura might need my help, and the sooner I get there, the better!” And he promptly took off through the chute, leaving Doctor alone with Golden Justice. “Well… Looks like we still have a few dozen stories to go. Allons y!” -T-Minus 3 minutes- Dragoon propelled out of the chute straight into Zecura, plastering them both against a nearby wall. “Hello, mum! Thought you might like a bit of help fightin’ the thing!” Dragoon looked around, “Oh, did you already beat it?” “I need you to hear, for I cannot, I fear!” Zecura exclaimed quickly. She had overheard a group of guards talking about the princesses early arrival. Dragoon, hearing the urgency in Zecuras voice, stopped and listened as hard as he could. He could hear the statue grinding in restless ness. Though were it was, exactly… Ah ha! “Quick, follow me!” he said as he took off. Zecura and Dragoon soon found themselves at a small grate in the wall. “I’m pretty sure it’s coming from in here. Problem is that this path splits into three, which means if we guess wrong, or it decides to backtrack, it will easily get us in there.” Zecura looked at Dragoon, and smiled grimly, “We must have a lucky guess, or Equestria will become quite a mess!” Dragoon turned and kicked in the grate, and listened very closely, “Acoustics make this hard… I can’t tell which tunnel it’s in. I’ll be able to tell if I’m in the right tunnel, but that will only let me know one row.” “Oi! That’s the punk pony who kicked my face in!” Dragoon and Zecura turned at the sudden onslaught, and found them face to face with a group of angry, injured guards. “Um… Zecura, you might have to get this one on your own. I’m expecting to be busy the next few minutes.” Zecura shook her head. When push came to shove, it was always up to her to clean up after the stallions. She sighed, and dived through the tunnels, listening with an amused fondness to the cries of ‘FOR SCOLTLAND’ behind her. Those guards didn’t stand a chance. -T-Minus 1 minute- Celestia could see the towering spires of Cloudsdale before her. Even though she rarely go to visit it, because of how busy her life was, she truly believed this city to be the country’s greatest architectural work. But today… “Tell me, sister, do you feel it? Do you feel something is… wrong?” Princess Luna concentrated for a second. She wasn’t as powerful while the sun was up, so it took her a few seconds, “Yes… it feels like there is something there that shouldn’t be there…” They stared at each other for a second. Well, they’d be landing in a matter of seconds, so they could find out when they got there. -Moment of Arrival- Dragoon once again stood victorious. He was in the middle of the landing bay, where the group of guards had chased him. He had defeated them quickly once he had a fair playing field. He was truly invincible! That was the last thought through his mind as the royal carriage landed on him, throwing him straight into sometime next week. Somehow, neither the guards nor the princesses noticed him. Dragoon probably shouldn’t have chosen the green landing bay. The guards he had just beaten nodded and left, satisfied that this counted as revenge. At that moment, Rainbow Dash flew up. She bowed deeply, then said, “Heya, Princesses! How Canterlot been for you? Oh, yeah, I’m supposed to be your escort while you’re here.” Princess Celestia smiled. The cocky nature of Rainbow Dash always reminded her of herself, when she was younger, “Certainly. We had been informed of this.” A voice echoed from the vent nearby, “I do not mean to alarm you, but evil seems to have gotten through!” Both Rainbow and the princesses stared at the vent, “Zecura?” Rainbow asked cautiously, “Why are you in the vents?” Zecura kicked her way out. She had been through all three vents, and found nothing. “An evil being made of stone has entered this room alone. If we cannot find it, the sun will no longer be lit!” “Oh, you mean this thing?” The Princess said as she levitated the statue in the air. It had been right behind her, with none able to see it, “I felt it from the moment I entered Cloudsdale. I wasn’t sure what it was, so I had left it alone. Thank you for the timely warning, Zecura.” She nodded at Zecura. The Doctor, who had just entered the room, said, “Well, that was rather anticlimactic. I was hoping for a little more bang and pop than that. Rather boring, really. Oh well, all’s well that ends well!” and left the room just as suddenly as he entered. Rainbow looked around the room, and noticing an unconscious pony in the middle of the now empty landing area, cautiously approached him. “Excuse me, are you all right?” Dragoon muttered in his sleep, “No, it’s MAH house! You cannae have it. Stop touching it! STOP TOUCHING IT…. I don’t like it. You can have it.” And he flopped over and began snoring. Rainbow backed away slowly. She’d had to deal with enough weird stuff today; she just wanted to go back to the competition. Which should be starting in a matter of minutes, now that she thought about it. Time to get to work! ¬_ _ _ _ _ “So, we’ll keep them in a room made of mirrors. Even if they somehow break eye contact, they still have to deal with leaving the room without seeing themselves.” Golden Justice told Doctor as the competition played out behind him. The Doctor and Zecura had been given a seat of honor in the competition, seated with the Princess in reward for saving the whole of Equestria. The offer had been extended to Dragoon, Dream and Derpy, but Dream and Derpy were still fainted away, and Dragoon, upon waking and hearing he’d be seated no where near Rainbow Dash, said something along the lines of, “I have to go and.. uh… Bugfat!” and ran away at full speed. So, it was only the Doctor and Zecura seated at the highest point of the coliseum. Golden Justice was simply telling Doctor that they’d followed his orders about how to store the Pegasi. “Actually, Doctor, I have a question about the young Dreamwire. His horn… can he use magic with it?” Doctor and Zecura stared at each other a second. They had not once seen him use magic through his horn. “Um… I’m not really sure. He seems to not really use his horn too much. I guess he can’t.” Justice smiled, “Heh, he can still use magic. I should know,” and leaned over to show the pair his own horn. It was split right down the middle. “Took me a bit of practice, but I can at least keep up a little magic now and then. Hmmm… actually…” Justice walked to Celestia, and bowed, “Princess, I wish to request a favor.” Celestia lifted an eyebrow. Golden Justice had generally never asked for anything. He seemed glad enough to have a job of such high prestige, with his horn issues. “I wish to request being allowed to take the young Dreamwire under my tutelage. His horn, too, is broken. I might be able to help him get his abilities back, at least somewhat.” Celestia smiled, and then nodded. Justice was truly a good guard, and it would be tough to let him go, but she could see in his eyes a goal. A goal worth accomplishing, at any cost. Justice bowed once more, said, “Thank you, your highness.” And left to go and meet his new student. _ _ _ _ _ Dragoon met Doctor later, by the landing bay. Derpy was with him. “I guess this is goodbye for now, huh? It was fun saving the world again with you, Doctor” “It was fun fighting through rows of the good guys just to defeat the one bad guy with you again, Dragoon. We really should do this more often. It’s fun adventuring with Derpy her, but…” Derpy shrieked and hid behind the Doctor, as a small bird tried to land on her head. “Oh, wait, never mind! I thought it was the Muffin Devil for a second.” Doctor and Dragoon stared at each other a second, then burst out laughing, “Well, anyways, it’s time we headed off. It really was nice to see you again, Dragoon. Keep having adventures without me!” “Will do, Doctor. Will do,” Dragoon said as the Doctor stepped into the TARDIS. The tell-tale sound of time and space bending carried the blue box off to another time, another world. Dragoon smiled, and went to fetch the somehow still unconscious Dream, and his new houseguest, Golden Justice. It was finally time to go home. Maybe, though, the next day could be another adventure… Maybe. > IBAQT 2 + Character Profiles. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time for another In Between Adventures Question Time! This time, I only have a couple questions: What are your thoughts on the obviously made up pony mafia? And what do you think of the new addition to the team, Golden Justice? This time, I'm also including a couple of Character Profiles, this time aimed at our lead characters, the adventurous Green Dragoon, and the daydreaming Dreamwire. I'l include a short teaser at the end! Enjoy! Dreamwire Our stories protagonist, Dreamwire, or Dream, is a slightly unusual pony. He lost half of his horn at a young age, and seems reluctant to tell of how it was lost. Most of the time, he seems lost in his own world, oblivious to other ponies actions. However, his reflexes, strength, and intelligence seem to be somewhat greater than the average pony. He is steadfast and loyal, and seems to notice things that are out of place faster than others. However, he’d rather avoid conflict, choosing to improvise, talk, or simply run away. Physical traits: Cream colored fur, light brown mane. Trio of dark freckles below each eye; which are both a brown color. Cutie Mark: Red ring of death, special talent is being good at repairing basic electronics devices. Green Dragoon Green Dragoon, or Dragoon, is an impulsive Scoltish warrior. His unusual appearance comes from being a half-pony, half-dragon. He often reacts before thinking, yet is not unintelligent. He has an amazing strength, able to carry a 150 pound sword in his teeth with ease. He is able to sense mood shifts in other ponies, yet can be oblivious to nonliving threats. He can take an immense amount of punishment, and is always ready to take a blow for a friend. His largest weakness is the fact that he is completely blind, only able to smell and hear his way through life. Physical traits: Green scales, Dark green fins in place of a mane. His eyes are solid colored, one red, one black. His “Dragon” mark, as he calls it, is a quarter note next to an eighth note. His special talent is rhythm; everything he does is to some form of a beat. Chapter 3 Teaser: Dream's dream-date dates Dream dreamily, Dragoon destroys town hall and invokes an angry mob, and Golden Justice's "personality problems" come face to face with everyone! Plus, the introduction of the final main OC of the series! So, sit back, wait about three days for the next part, and enjoy! (Also, after the next full chapter, I'm probably going to start a new story rather than just keep expanding this one into infinity. If you don't like that, and would rather me just keep on in this storyline, let me know with a message or in the comments!) > Too Much Advice (or: Dream crashes, Dragoon Drinks, and there might be a cross dresser on the loose) Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He’d finally done it. Dream sat at the table, across from Octavia herself. He’d finally gotten the courage to ask her out. Admittedly, it was partially because Dragoon had thrown him headfirst through a window onto her table while screaming, “Jus’ ask her out already, lad!” But nonetheless, it had finally happened. The complete weirdness of the day was finally behind him. --- He was actually pretty exhausted. Justice’s routine of re-teaching him magic was a grueling challenge, involving working the body until the magic eventually had forced itself out. Justice said that was the hard part, and the rest would be easy. However, Dream had run 300 laps around the house, and not a spark of magic had left his horn. Justice was baffled by the lack of ANYTHING appearing. About three hours before the window incident, Justice had looked at a nearby clock, and locked up suddenly. He shouted for Dream to go and take care of whatever he wanted to, and that he was almost late for something. The last thing that Dream had seen of Justice that afternoon was his cutie mark of golden scales running away from him at full speed. When Dream finally dragged himself back to the house, he went to Justice’s room to see why he had run off so quickly. When he opened the door however, he froze… Stood right in front of him was a unicorn of equal size to Justice, yet colored green, and with the cutie mark of a Lily pad. She was wearing a brightly colored red dress They stared silently at each other for a moment, then the unknown mare winked, and Dream slowly closed the door. “Dragoon?!? Who is in this room?” he shouted to his friend, who was doing some breathing exercises downstairs. “Hm? Golden Justice is in there, he just moved there a couple days ago. I thought you knew that!” Dragoon shouted back. Ooo, three foot flares that time. Nice. “No, I meant who’s in there now! It isn’t Justice, that’s for sure!” Dream sometimes wondered why his friend could appear so intelligent, yet so dense at the same time. “Wait, what?” Dragoon rushed up the stairs. There would be no intruders on his watch. Without pausing to say a thing to Dream, he turned and threw both back hooves with full force into the door, blowing it open. Justice sat in the middle of the room, polishing his armor. Nopony else was in sight. “What is it? What happened?” Justice cried, leaping to his feet. Dragoon looked at Dream, who shrugged. Maybe she was visiting him, and didn’t wasn’t anyone to know. “Um, do you have a visitor or something? Dream says he saw somepony else in here.” “No, nopony but me has been in here all afternoon.” Dragoon concentrated. No shifts in tempo, heartbeat even… He was telling the truth. Maybe Dream just imagined some mysterious pony had broken in. “Well, sorry for disturbing you. We’ll just leave now.” Dragoon slowly backed out. Dream was his friend, but how could somepony so intelligent sometimes be so dense? --- They’d left the house then, Dream and Dragoon, and left Justice to his polishing. “Dream, Justice wasn’t lying. He was the only one in that room all day.” “Well… I’m pretty tired… I probably just saw something… Why are we going behind the house?” He thought they were heading out to get something from town. Dragoon smiled at Dream, and said, “This is the greatest secret of my house, Dream. I built it here because there was a natural cave system beneath it. Now, where was it…” He began tapping at the ground with a hoof, listening carefully, “Ah, there we are!” he exclaimed, lifting a square piece of grass straight into the air, “And now, behold my collection!” Dream stared in wonder at the cavern. Expanding into the distance, in all directions, was… Cider. Cider of every flavor, every year, huge barrels, small barrels. Dragoon dropped in, and called up, “Lad, what’s your favorite fruit?” Dream replied, still ogling the collection, “Um… I like strawberries?” Dragoon, from below, nodded, then rushed off. Dream could hear Dragoon talking about something, “Lemme see, strawberries, strawberries… Ah! Here we are… Lemme see… OOOO, 1643, a REAL good year for strawberry cider… *hup* Alright, gangway up there!” Dream backpedalled as Dragoon rocketed through the door, carrying a huge barrel of cider on his back, “All right, here we go…. What’s with the look? Never thought of me as a cider connoisseur?” “Um… no. And what’s the celebration, may I ask?” “Sure! The celebration is that there is no celebration. I just haven’t had a good drink since I met you. So this one is for our first adventures! May they always be adventurous!” Dragoon cried. He wrapped a wing around the nozzle, and filled up two very large mugs, “Drink up, lad! We got an entire barrel to go through!” Dream gulped his first flagon. He wasn’t much of a drinker, but he had to admit that this was some good stuff. He requested a second mug… --- Five minutes before the window incident, he had woken up. Dragoon was shaking him, “Lad, you only got four pints in ya before you went down. Had ta finish it on my own! Anyway, we have to go out and see if we can find some more good quality stuff. Let’s go.” Dream was very dizzy, yet somehow managed to stand up. He followed Dragoon in a daze, not entirely sure where they were going. “Oh, lad, look in the window over there.” Dream squinted his eyes, shaking his head to clear his vision. There, right beside the window of Sugarcube corner, was Octavia, who seemed to be reading a newpaper. “Now’s yer big chance, lad. Go in and ask her! You got the liquid courage in ya!” Dream shook his head rapidly, and began backpedaling. Dragoon stopped him with a wing. “Knew that ya’d try an’ back out of this one too… Well, not happenin this time!” With that, Dragoon threw Dream onto his back and began charging the window “Jus’ ask her out already, lad!” Dragoon cried, and he vaulted Dream through the air, face first into the window. He landed square in the middle of her table, looking her right in the extremely surprised eyes. “Um…” she said, confused as to what had just happened, “Are you all right?” “Um…” Dream looked over at Dragoon, who nodded vigorously, and motioned with his fore-hooves, “Um… Do you want to go out tonight?”