> A Cry for Help > by Blue_Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Cry for Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Help!” This cry for help pierces the night like a knife. It is enough to wake me up from my deep slumber. I am worried for whoever has called this cry for help. But it is night outside and it dangerous for a pony to go out alone. But curiosity gets the best of me and I climb out of my bed. My pink mane is a bit messy from my sleep when I notice my reflection in the nearby mirror. Instead of its slightly curvy nature, it has stray strands of hair sticking out everywhere. But I ignore this and walk quietly downstairs. I am careful not to wake my animals, but they probably won’t wake up anyway. They are very heavy sleepers. Hurrying to reach the call of help, I don’t pack anything and head out the door. When I step foot outside the house, tiny cold touches of liquid attack my yellow coat like angry bees. I start shivering and my pink mane comes down below my head and is no longer messy. Instead, it is straight down and soaking wet. I must ignore this though. Somepony needs my help and I to save that pony. I heard a growl out in the distance and another cry for help. I needed to hurry if I was going to rescue the pony in time. Unfortunately for me, the sound has come from the nearby forest. The Everfree forest is a very dangerous place for a pony to go. But somepony needed me. I take small gasps of air and start trying to bat all thoughts of fear away from my field of mind. This is no use. I simply cannot shake the feeling that something bad has happened. But I need muster up all the courage I have and use it to assist me in the rescue of somepony. I walk to the left of my cottage which is where the forest is located. Rain hits the forest hard and a strong wind whispers in my ear as I approach the forest. As I get closer, I hear an aura of warning. I shouldn’t be going in here this late at night. But there was something about the forest that made me want to go inside. Despite its warning, I wanted to know why the forest had called me. I gulped and walked into the shade of the old trees. They are waving to me and showing me their dance. Side to side. Side to side. It is trance-like and the cries for help in my head start fading away, as if my mind had opened up a slide for all thoughts to leave. I start feeling sleepy, but continue navigating the dark forest. There are sounds of drums and fireworks out in the night sky. The sky is sad though. Tears come streaming down into the world below. The tears hit me in the eye and the world suddenly goes black. When the world materializes, I am in a new place. It feels familiar, but lines of blue and red line the sides of the oaks and the ground below my hooves glow with each step. It is a nice place, but as soon as I start relaxing, the knife stabs me again. “Help!” The world around me is shaken with waves of sound and starts losing its fluorescent color. Soon enough, I find myself back in the forest where I had heard the scream. But this time, the scream was heard behind me. How peculiar. Hadn’t I just come from that direction not too long ago? But I needed to let it go if I was going to save the source of the cry. I turn my body around and start walking in the opposite direction. The rain is still beating me and I start to cry. Why do the tiny droplets hate me? What have I done? The ground below me emits a sound of despair each time I step down. Each hoof breaks the back of the ground and I can hear its screams of pain. I try to ignore these cries, but I can’t get them to leave my mind. Their pain overwhelms me and I start to daze out. “Help!” My mind snaps itself back awake and I start running toward the cry. I need to hurry. My time in the forest is running out and I need to save the pony in distress. The voice is familiar to me in some way. I continue walking and walking until I can’t feel my hooves anymore. All feeling has lost the battle of my legs and I can’t go any further and need to get back home. But as I try to walk back home, I stumble and trip over my own legs. My face hits the ground with a large thud and I feel a sharp pain in one of my legs. A tear crawls down my cheek and charges at the ground below as it gets off at the edge of my face. I decide to wait until morning. Surely, my friends will wonder where I am and come looking for me. But I sure hope they know how to find me. Hope is all I have at the moment, but a new emotion comes rushing back to me when I see green bushes in front of me rustle. Glowing blue eyes look through the bush at me and I start feeling fear. Those eyes were unsettling in a way. Why weren’t they moving and why were they staring intently at me? It didn’t feel natural. Suddenly, the blue eyes jump out of the bush and come towards me. “Help!” A cry for help makes itself known in the darkness of night. It is enough to wake me up from my sleep. Something about the voice felt familiar to me and I decide to figure out who needs help. I step out of my bed and walk over to the mirror in my room. My hair is the same as it is whenever I wake up. Pink and messy.