> Let's Dance > by The Relaxing Fiend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let’s Dance “I’ll be back in about three days, Luna. No wild parties while I’m gone.” Luna chuckled at Princess Celestia’s joke. “I promise, you’ll come back to a perfectly fine castle, my sister.” As Celestia left, Luna watched the carriage being pulled by two royal pegasi drift off into the sunset. “I hope everypony got their invitation, unless Derpy wound up getting lost... Oh, I hope my friends got their letters!” Walking to the ballroom, Luna cleared her throat, a dark hue of blue and shimmering blackness swirled around her, taking her heroic form and changing it in a heartbeat. The metal armor formed from the void and coated her frame while her eyes shot radiant beams of red through the air. In little less than five minutes, she readied herself for a night that was to be filled with delight, chaos and fun. Nightmare Moon stabilized, still Luna inside, but taking her evil form for the theme. “Corruption, that’s the color of tonight, and my friends are going to adore it!” Her magic whipped to the window on the far end of the circular golden room conjuring excellently red and purple tables that popped up all around. “A disco ball! One that shines bats and bones, that’s what we need!” Her aura shot to the chandelier, turning it blue like her mane and giving it a scary look compared to its previous form. Inside, the ball shone with a wide assortment of lights dancing from it and onto the walls, floor and roof. “A stage for the band!” Moving some of the tables away to make room, she summoned a large stand for the musicians that she hired for the occasion. It’s blood red curtain had sparkles coating it, mostly purple and orange. It’s wooden floorboards were polished to a shine, and instruments were prepped for use. There was drums, violins, guitars and wireless microphones. Everything else electric was plugged into huge amps, seemingly able to deafen somepony’s ears if turned all the way up. “And finally, our special guest...” As she left the room, she saw her guests arriving in the front, and summoned a clone of herself to cater to them and greet everypony while showing them to the room of interest. As for herself, the real Luna, she retreated to the bowels of the castle seeking what she stole not too long ago. Deep within the catacombs, passed several dismal flights of stairs, Luna sank deep into the depths of Canterlot where her sister would never venture to. “If only Discord could attend, he’d love this!” For weeks, Luna had been preparing for this event, happy with the thought of getting a whole horde of evil doers into the one place that could easily be taken if it wasn’t for her being around. In nightmare form, all the villains knew they’d be defeated if something went down. No, they weren’t going to try anything. Even Chrysalis was coming, but with her children still scattered and divided, there was absolutely no way she could bring about an invasion. Everyone was to promise her clone they wouldn’t stir up any sort of trouble, and Luna could see through the copy, so everything was assured safety despite Canterlot becoming the hotspot of criminal activity. Not only that, but Luna warned her guests she had an all seeing eye while her moon was up. Any dirty deeds done to the wandering evening civilians would be punished with haste, but that shouldn’t happen, for as soon as they entered the ballroom, the doors shut and locked themselves with her enchantment. Nopony was escaping, not that they wanted to, anyways. This was to be one of the greatest parties in Equestria that Luna had ever secretly thrown. Naturally, it was the first, but it would also be her greatest. Finally reaching the bottom, azure candles flaring as she trotted by the walls that held them, Luna gazed at King Sombra’s horn floating in mid air. It sparked with red lightning, and she sensed the dark magic held within. As her own horn graced the tip, his body came back into existence. He looked around, dazed and baffled at what was happening. Luna explained everything once he gained control of his thoughts and speech. “A party of my kind of ponies? I can’t say no to that! Let’s go!” He was more eager than what she thought he’d be, but having the opportunity to escape from death itself and live once more was probably what caused his excitement. Along the way, Luna had the king promise he’d behave himself. “Swear on your crown that you will not do any harm to anypony attending my festivities, King Sombra.” Chuckling his evil sounding laugh, he said, “You have my royal word, I will not do harm or try anything that could cause havoc during this incident.” She could believe him, for King Sombra seemed trusting enough. His eyes held truth to his words. Luna sighed, “That’s good...” “So, how have you been? I’ve uh... m-missed you, your highness.” “Oh, you know, dealing with my uptight sister and the elements. All that usual stuff.” Humming and understanding her, the king asked, “And what of Twilight? She’s not... you know, still mad at me, is she?” “I’m sure she’s furious.” He chuckled at that. “I was a snob, wasn’t I? I kinda let my obsession get the best of me... Should’ve kept with that singing career I was original perusing, but that blasted Alicorn Amulet... Remind me to never go looking for ancient artifacts if I ever become curious again. It just leads me into trouble.” “You won’t need to fret over such a thing, my friend. After tonight, you’ll be placed right back into the darkness again. I’m sorry.” “Nah, it’s fine. I get this arrangement. It’s destined to happen. I need to pay for my sins, I know, but let me just say, if I ever got the chance, I’d take back all the messed up cruelty I’ve done throughout the years of my reign.” Luna nodded and asked, “Would you like me to possibly talk to Celestia about this? I’m close to getting her to release Discord, you know. I was so, very close to achieving her understanding before the party, but I just couldn’t get her to do so...” “If you want, but in my opinion, I don’t find it a very good idea... I’ll just end up remaining the same, evil being I am now.” At the entrance, outside of the ballroom, King Sombra looked into the eyes of the evening’s hostess and said, “Look into my eyes, Luna. Do you see it?” She gazed a bit, averted her eyes and said, “I know... the corruption inside is still just as strong as it was all those dreadful years ago... I’m sorry it happened, but maybe-” “No more... It’s said and done. I just can’t change, so keep me imprisoned...” There was still good left in his heart. The purity of his teen self lived on, but remained buried under the corrupted rubble left by the Alicorn Amulet. It was times like this, though, that it dug itself out and showed, only to disappear moments later. As the two ended the meaningful conversation, they entered and locked the door behind them. A crowd of ponies, gryphons, diamond dogs, dragons and a whole assortment of villainous identities coated the room. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, though not being evil themselves played on stage along with Frederic Horseshoepin and some other recognizable artists. Everyone stopped, though. Everything fell dead silent at the sight of the special guest. His eyes warily glanced at all the shocked faces, cleared his throat and asked, “Why has that wondrous music ceased? Continue, unless you all want to be burned alive!” They all erupted into cheering and laughter. The musicians continued with their song, happy with the reaction everyone gave. With the background singers staring up, and King Sombra striding to the stage, his voice bucked the night away with an amazing hit he’d heard as a young colt. His body swung in a rhythmic way, while the song progressed. "Let's Dance" He looked at the audience as he sung. “Let's dance put on our dark grin and dance the blues.” Princess Luna talked to her guests shortly after absorbing her clone. Trixie had come over, hoping to learn more. “How did you get King Sombra here?” “Oh, he’s an old friend. He was corrupted by the Alicorn Amulet.” Becoming curious, Trixie asked, “The what?” Luna hadn’t realized what she was doing at the time, so she explained what it was while accidentally leaving out the bits regarding it corrupting its bearer. “Interesting...” Only a day or two would pass before Trixie gained knowledge about its whereabouts. “Let's sway,” King Sombra beamed. “while color lights up your face... Let's sway... Yeah, we’ll sway through the crowd to an empty space.” He looked down to see somepony, or better put, a girl gazing at him right in the eyes from the bar. She finished her shot and trotted forward. “If you say run, I'll run with you... and if you say hide, we'll hide. Because my love for you would break my heart in two, if you should fall into my hooves, and tremble like a flower!” Magically lifting the cordless microphone, he strutted down the stares towards her. As the masses of beings moved out of his way, the gryphon just stood, mesmerized by his singing. “Let's dance for fear, your grace should fall... Let's dance for fear tonight is all!” His hooves were grasped by her claws and majestically, the ex-tyrant glided her body with confidence and knowledge of how to lead. "Let's sway, so you can look into my eyes... Let's sway under the moonlight, this serious moonlight! He tipped her down to a dramatic pose and quickly brought her spiraling up in a graceful spin. Catching her, he resumed, “If you say run, I'll run with you.” She grinned, showing how much fun she was having. “If you say hide, we'll hide!” She held a cocky grin while jokingly raising one eyebrow. “Because my love for you would break my heart in two if you should fall into my hooves, and tremble like a flower! As the song ended, his dance partner stopped and thanked him for the fun time. “Name’s Gilda... I’m, uh... not much of a dancer.” “My name’s-” “I know, it’s King Sombra.” “Just... Sombra, please. I’m not much of a king anymore.” Gilda chuckled and moved in, her feathers lightly tickling his chest and asked, “Regardless, mind if I be your queen for the night?” His chuckle was all she needed to hear. It gave her the answer she needed to seal the night. Her beak closed in and kissed him. Everypony else either gasped at the act or cheered them on. They didn’t care, though. Sombra was only gong to be around for one night, so why not actually enjoy it. Luna, who'd been watching all this time trotted over and reached down to tell whisper into Gilda's ear, “There’s a bedroom up the stairs. If you hurry, I’ll lower the force field on the door, and you two can have some privacy. Look for the red door.” Gilda smirked, grabbed Sombra by the hoof and lead the way.  As they left and the enchantment was brought back up, Chrysalis trotted up to her host and asked, “Did you really just do that...?” “What?” Luna joked. “King Sombra hasn’t been with a mare for ages, literally. The poor guy deserves it. He’s changed, you know.” “In what way?” “Well, for starters, he could’ve used his magic to escape. It’s much more powerful than my own, and he knows this. Instead, he simply decided to have a good time... I think his good side’s still deeply locked in his heart crying out for freedom. Someday, I’m sure he’ll return to normal. In the meantime, I’m currently focused on Discord.” Chrysalis shivered and muttered, "Ewe, good intentions." While Princess Luna chatted with her guests, talking about old events and possible new ones, Sombra and Gilda found the room she was talking about. Inside, a luxurious bed with the most expensive blankets, pillows and comforters sat at the far end, a desk with a fairly large mirror sat next to it, and to the opposite of that was a closet, but the two’s focus was locked onto the bed and nothing else. Sombra hastily removed his clothing and armor along with kisses from his feathery friend. Gilda’s back faced the bed, but it was soon Sombra that laid on it. She grabbed his shoulders, swung his body around and landed him on the softness. Her claws reached down and grabbed his hardening member, licking her beak while eying it lustfully. Taking a long and erotic lick beginning at the base and slowly trailing up to the tip sent shivers down his spine. It had been way too long since the last time Sombra had been with another mare. Back in his time, while the king’s mind was still polluted by madness from the Alicorn Amulet, he would often force his slaves into submission, making them do heinous acts of sexual abuse. Thinking back on it, he regretted not treating his subjects with dignity, but he was also happy Gilda didn’t know about it at the moment. If she did, who knows what her reaction might’ve been. He was just glad, though, that this bit of knowledge was currently hidden. Her mouth sank down on his rod making his arousal increase. With every small bob of her head came a grunt from her handsome stallion. His head lowered and leaned back in pleasure while the elbows of his hooves propped the rest of his body up. His hind legs spread wider for Gilda, making it much more easier for her to get plenty in. Little by little, she found it less of a challenge to take his thickness in, almost deep-throating it. She kept gagging a few times in the process as well, but this only made his lordship gradually come closer to his limit. Finally hardly unable to hold on, he looked down at her and warned, “Gilda, I’m close... so g-get ready.” She nodded her head while keeping him launched deep inside still slurping. Her suckles became more powerful from desperation. She really, truly wanted to taste the seed of such a high ranking being like himself. With no other way to hold off, he began to release his load. Shots of his sweet nectar gushed down her throat nonstop. Gilda did all she could to keep it all in, but the amount proved too much for her cheeks to handle. Letting dribbles drop and escape, she gasped for air once he was plopped out. Her claw wiped her face clean and brought drips of his jizz to her beak, swallowing what she could. Sombra panted from the experience, love lost and thoroughly impressed. No Crystal Pony had ever done that good a job to him so willing and happily. Gilda smirked and got on top, her eyes meeting his. “You need a break, dweeb? Or do you think you can press on?” Not even speaking, he adjusted himself and sent it in, scaring her a bit, but in a good way. She rudely hollered, “A warning would’ve been nice!” “What fun is there in that? Besides, you like it. I can just see it in your eyes.” “Your such a devil!” Sobra gripped her ass and bought it plummeting down while doing his best to hump, given how hard it really was in that particular position. He scooted him and his mate up a bit and adjusted his lower hooves to rest on the edge making it a lot more easier to get his extra length in. With the gryphon becoming excited by his professionalism regarding intercourse, despite not getting any for such a profound time-span, she started to ride him and grind against his shaft. Their moans began to flood the room, but not near as much as he started to overwhelm her. He felt himself hitting her core, slamming her most sensitive areas like it was nothing. Chances were, if it wasn’t for the blow job just before this, Sombra wouldn’t have been able to keep going passed the very entrance of her slit. His pants became more frequent, just like the slapping sounds his thrusts made. Gilda kept moaning wildly while running her claws trough his messy mane. She kissed him one last time before he exploded from the wild rush they shared. His cum sprayed and gushed from her hole, censoring the sight with exceedingly high doses of his milk. One final thrust, pumping the remainder of his liquids as far in as possible made Gilda collapse under his supreme pressure and might. He held onto her, looking at her open and twitching wings that slowly begin to droop. Gilda huffed from exasperation, “T-They sure don’t call you k-king for nothing... That was awesome!” He didn’t answer, but instead continued to grasp her tightly, not wishing to exit himself from her warmth. He could escape with her that very night, and they could remain with each other for the rest of their lives free to experience the joys of life and sex as they saw fit, but his mentality at the time brought the remembrances of his rule in the Crystal Empire wafting into his mind. Those memories were what prevented him from even considering the proposal be offered to the thoroughly ravaged beauty he still found himself thrusting deep inside. Gilda raised her smiling face to look at his grin. “I’m glad I did this... I don’t want this night to end, ever! Do you have to go back? Can’t we just-” His hoof stopped her as he explained, “If I were to do that, then how much of a better being am I from the tyrant I once was? I can’t, Gilda... Perhaps, someday, we’ll be together again, but for now, I must return so I can prove to Luna and maybe even Celestia herself how good I honestly wish to be.” Feeling him slide out from her while she lifting her body up, she pecked him on the lips once more with understanding and consideration for the position he was in. “I guess... I’ll just have to wait. C’mon, we’ve got a party to get back to.” Upon entering, Gilda and Sombra found all the guests wasted and drunk. Most were passed out, others still danced to the cool music that played on the record machine on stage. As for Luna, she was found resting with Derpy who was laying on her back snoring. Sombra trotted over the hordes of sleeping bodies and nuzzled her awake with his hoof. With some grunts of confusion, she blinked at Sombra before he asked, “Aren’t you going to put me back?” She just giggled and slurred, “You’re such a cutie, you know?” Gilda rolled her eyes. “She’s thrashed.” “No, I’m just... yeash, I guess I am.” The Alicorn got up and led the two down to where Sombra was once resting. As they walked through the halls, Luna used her magic to conjure a spell that lifted her intoxication, but only enough to leave her with one bad hangover. “Remind me to never touch liquor again. That stuff makes you crash in a ridiculous manner...” Gilda leaned her head over to Sombra, still satisfied with his performance. “I need to know, if you do come back, and you become all good like, will you still be a dweeb?” He laughed at her sarcasm. “Only if you stay a bitch!” “It’s a deal!” Luna rounded the corner and headed down the winding stairs while Gilda questioned, “I need to know, when you were a ruler, how many other mares did you sleep with?” Sombra was honest about this, knowing that if he lied, she would be able to tell. “There were a grand total of thirty sex slaves hoof picked by me... I won’t fib, I forced them into many horrible experiences, something I regret doing, of course... I was under the control of the Amulet. I know it sounds like utter nonsense, but there’s the story.” Nodding off, Gilda asked, “Were any of them as good as me?” He pecker her feathery head and whispered, “Not a single one. You’re the best I’ve ever had.” Upon reaching the ending, Luna cleared her throat. “Come now you two. King Sombra must... uh... Ow, my head is spinning...” “It’s alright, your highness,” Sombra muttered. “I know the routine.” Just when Luna began sparking her horn, Gilda said, “Wait.” Luna grunted and asked in annoyance, “What is it now?” She approached her love, her eyes locked on and kissed him once more, this time being the last, and the longest. Luna tapped her hoof in decreasing patience, but still enjoyed the small show. As they parted, she asked Gilda to exit, certain that if she stayed, the two would ultimately get lost in each others embrace once more. The king watched as she left, her rear swishing back and forth in an appealing way. He wished he didn’t have to go, but knew it was for not only the best, but for the safety of Equestria as well. Luna returned to the ballroom, looked around at the mess and tried to simply transport everyone home, but with the hangover and her magic already used up to the maximum from the enchantment placed on the door, resurrecting King Sombra, creating a clone and many more examples, it just wasn’t happening. So, she cuddled up with Derpy and fell back to sleep. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia was fast approaching, flying right for Canterlot. The reasons for her return could only be described as unfortunate for Luna. As she lander and entered the main hall, she instantly felt the presence of dark forces nearby. She quickly galloped to the court yard and into the corridor only to find magically locked doors leading to the ballroom. She overpowered it and shattered the wall of enchantment into tiny bits and pieces. As the shimmering, glass-like sparks disappeared, and the door opened, she gasped at the sight. All her enemies, every last one except for Discord laid sleeping, some cuddling with each other. All it took to wake everyone except her kin up was a simple, “Ahem!” from her highness. They all became shocked at her appearance, but Luna and Derpy still remained resting. Celestia slowly walked forward, the ponies she passed gave whimpers and gasps as their eyes adjusted to the light that shined through the stained glass windows. Upon reaching her sister, Celestia tapped Luna's shoulder slightly with disappointment showing in her eyes. Luna lifted her hurting head, Saw Princess Celestia's spiteful face and asked, “SISTER?! Wh- What in Equestria are you doing here?” The sun Goddess just scowled and explained, “I came back for some documentations and important papers I’d forgotten that I absolutely need for this meeting, and I come back to this? What got into you, Luna? Inviting all of our enemies over, serving alcoholic beverages and completely destroying the royal ballroom?!" She didn’t answer, too dumbfounded to even move a muscle. Princess Celestia sparked the summit of her horn, and in an instant, the room had returned to normal. All the guests had been sent back to their original homelands, swamps and ruins. As for Derpy, she still slept on Luna’s back. The mare finally stood, rolling the grey and yellow manned mare over and waking her in the process. Luna’s armor slipped coyly off as she returned to normal. She sulked down, feeling disappointed with herself while Celestia kept her noble composure. Luna gulped and asked, “What’s my punishment...?” She felt herself shrink, her mane stopped flowing so majestically, and before Luna could tell Celestia had placed an age spell on her, Luna realized she’d she’d become a filly, a little shorter than Derpy, actually. Luna was grabbed up by her friend who squealed, “She's so cute!” Celestia explained, “Since you’re wishing to behave like a filly, you get to be a filly. I’m hiring Princess Cadence and Shining Armor over to watch over you while I’m gone, considering you’re obviously too immature to keep the castle under control in my absence.” The End