> Love in Wrong Places > by Kismisprits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hey Diddle Diddle, the Plot and the Fiddle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Get a move on Apple Bloom, you've been fiddling with that darn ribbon for long enough." Applejack stood in the doorway to the filly's bedroom, giving her a stern look as Apple Bloom once again adjusted the bow in her mane. "Alright already. I can't help it if my bow doesn't want to stay tied ya know." "Yeah yeah, now go on and get. You're gonna be late enough as is." The orange mare gestured to a small apple shaped clock on the wall, its hands showing that it was nearly nine o' clock. "Why didn't you tell me it was so late?!" Apple Bloom picked up the saddlebag resting on her bed and threw it over her back, quickly turning back to the door and rushing through it. "See ya later AJ!" Applejack chuckled and shook her head at the flustered filly as the door slammed shut behind her. *** Apple Bloom hung her saddlebag up on her assigned hook and trotted over to her seat, sliding into the comfortable desk to catch her breath. She glanced over to her friend's desk, noting that Scootaloo's was empty yet again. Wow, that bird flu must really be taking its toll on her, she thought. Then she turned to Sweetie's desk to see the other filly beaming with an unusually wide smile on her face. Cheerilee looked up happily from behind the school newspaper she had been reading as the bell rang, and smiled brightly at her students. "Good morning class! I hope you all remembered your flash cards." Apple Bloom sunk back in her seat as her teacher went on once again about studying for the upcoming science exam, still curious about what had Sweetie Belle so cheery. I suppose I'll just have to ask her recess then. The earth pony fidgeted in her seat , hardly even paying attention to the lesson her teacher was yet again going over as she tried to imagine what might be on her friend's mind. After listening to a few hours of her teacher's repetitive rambling, Apple Bloom drearily rested her head against her book. Ring Apple Bloom shot straight up, glancing quickly around the room and spotting Sweetie Belle giggling next to her. "Wake up sleepy-head." The unicorn stood up and dragged her friend to her hooves, then turned to the door. The two excitedly made their way out to the playground with the rest of their classmates, weaving through the other ponies to make it to the front of the line. Apple Bloom nudged her friend as the unicorn began making her way to the swings. "Why don't we play on the merry-go-round today? I wanna talk to you." Sweetie Belle gave a small shrug and turned toward the empty playground equipment, trotting the short distance to it before sitting down on its cold, red metal. "So what did you wanna talk about?" Sweetie tilted her head to one side curiously. "I was just wondering what's got you in such a good mood, you're not usually a morning pony, especially not on a Monday." "Oh, that." The little unicorn blushed and shuffled her back hooves against the dirty ground. "Well you see, it's kind of a long story." "We've got time," Apple Bloom nodded. "Oh, right. Okay well, I went to the library yesterday and got a new book, and it was full of all sorts of neat spells and I practiced one that I thought looked good. The spell uhm, it gave me a... a penis." The filly's face flushed an even deeper shade of red when she said the word aloud, and she glanced up to see that Apple Bloom had a layer of blush covering her own nose as well. "A penis? You mean like... wow. What did you do with it?" "I actually uh..." her voice grew quite and she leaned close to her friend as she spoke. "I had sex with Rarity." Apple Bloom sat wide-eyed for a moment, staring at her friend with her mouth hanging slightly open. After a minute she closed her eyes and burst out laughing, her hooves gripping at her sides. "Th-that's a good one Sweetie Belle. For a second I believed you." "Well you should believe me because it's true! And stop laughing at me!" The filly crossed her hooves and pouted as she waited for her friend's laughter to stop. Apple Bloom wiped a tear from her eye and sat up straight, shaking her head and smiling widely. "Yeah sure Sweetie, like that would ever happen." "I'm telling you, it really did happen!" Sweetie Belle's cheeks grew bright red and she frowned grumpily at her friend's skepticism. "Yeah right Sweetie Belle. I know what AJ said about sex, and Rarity is way too prissy to do that," Apple Bloom explained. The young unicorn's eyes narrowed and she huffed. "And how would you know?" "Because AJ said it's dirty, and Rarity hates dirt." The little yellow earth pony stuck her nose in the air with a smug grin. "Well yeah sure, but it's for ponies who love each other, and my big sister loves me," Sweetie Belle proclaimed. Apple Bloom cocked a brow and tilted her head back down, scratching her chin thoughtfully. "I guess you're right. Well, my big sis loves me lots too, so if sex means love then there's no way she won't have sex with me." "Of course she will. Be sure to let me know everything when she does." The little ponies jumped as the school bell rang and they stood off of the metal playground toy, running after their classmates back inside the school. Apple Bloom settled into her seat and smiled at Sweetie Belle as she slid into the desk next to her. "I promise I won't leave out a thing. Wish me luck." *** Late that night, Apple Bloom stood quietly outside her sister's bedroom, one hoof raised to knock on the closed door. She took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut as her hoof made contact with the wood. "It's open." Applejack called sleepily from behind the door. With a final calming inhale, Apple Bloom placed a hoof on the brass knob in front of her and turned it, pushing forward until she was standing in the entrance way to the room. "Hey AJ..." "Well hey there, Sugarcube. What are you doing up so late? Is everything alright?" Applejack pulled herself up into a sitting position and looked down at her little sister with wide, green eyes. Apple Bloom blushed and looked nervously down at her hooves. "I just had a bad dream, and I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight..." Guilt washed over the filly as she lied to her sister, and she averted her gaze as she spoke. "Of course. You know you don't have to ask." The mare scooted over to one side of the bed, patting the empty spot next to her as she settled back down. "Thanks, Sis." Apple Bloom crawled awkwardly into the bed and wrapped one loving leg across her sister's stomach. "You're the best big sister a filly could ask for..." Applejack felt her cheeks warm up as the filly nuzzled her head against AJ's chest. "Aw shucks Apple Bloom..." The mare lowered her ears and rested a hoof on the filly's shoulder. "I really mean it. I love you Applejack," Apple Bloom gulped and squeezed her eyes shut. "I love you too Lil' Sis." Applejack happily closed her eyes and let her head sink into her pillow. Apple Bloom stared up at her sister with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. Her heart pounding against the inside of her chest. Slowly she let her shaking hoof glide down her sister's stomach until it reached the soft thighs at the bottom, where she gave a gentle prod, hoping to encourage Applejack to part her orange legs. Instead the mare slapped the small hoof away, and pulled herself quickly up and back from the filly. "Apple Bloom! Just what in the hoof do you think you're doing?" She stared furiously down at the filly who cowered against the bed in response. "I- I dunno, I just thought we could..." "Thought we could what? Have sex?" the earth pony scoffed and looked to the side, avoiding her sister's pouting gaze. "Well, yeah..." Apple Bloom sat up, trying to look her sister in the eye. "Don't be ridiculous Apple Bloom. What in Equestria makes you think I would ever want to do a thing like that?" She glanced down at the filly, her anger in her eyes. "B-because you said you love me..." Applejack's gaze softened and she frowned. "Well of course I love you Sugarcube, but there's a difference between sex and love. Just because you love some pony doesn't mean you want to have sex with them, and just because you have sex with some pony doesn't mean you love them." She placed a comforting hoof on the filly's shoulder and smiled softly at her, hoping to calm her down, but Apple Bloom angrily shrugged off the hoof as heartbreak set in. "You're a liar! Sweetie Belle told me all about it, and she would never lie to me!" Apple Bloom backed away from the mare, one back hoof slipped over the edge of the bed and she set the other down next it, stepping back until she could stand on all fours. "Sweetie Belle? What would she know about it? And when have I ever lied to you Apple Bloom?" Applejack crawled toward her angry sister and tilted her head to one side as she stared sadly down at the filly. "How about when you told me about the tooth alicorn? Or the spring festival bunny? Or maybe it was only when you said that you loved me!" She bit her lip as her eyes began to water. The little earth pony turned tail and ran out the door, refusing to give her sister the satisfaction of knowing just how much her rejection stung. Applejack lifted a hoof to step off the bed, but instead sighed and let herself fall back. She'll feel better in the morning, going after her now will only make it worse... With a miserable sigh, the mare fell back in her bed, staring blankly up at ceiling as she tried to think of a way to talk with her sister about the situation later. *** Apple Bloom stayed silent for most of the day at school, hardly even noticing when the bell rang dismissing the students to recess. "Hey Apple Bloom, what's the hold up? Usually you're the first pony out," Sweetie Belle said as she stood in front of her friend's desk, her front hooves planted firmly on the surface. "Huh? Oh, right. Sorry." The earth pony slid out of her desk and trotted slowly outside, making her way to the empty swings and pulling herself onto one. "So?" Sweetie prompted as she took her seat beside her friend on the swing set. "How did it go? Did you guys do it?" Apple Bloom kept her eyes fixed on her small yellow hooves as her swing swayed slowly back and forth, her pink tail dragging in the dirt along with it. "I don't wanna talk about it..." Sweetie looked at the other filly with wide, concerned eyes. "What's the matter? AJ didn't hurt you, did she?" "No... I mean, not really." 'Well then what's got you so upset? I mean, if something bad happened, you could tell me." Sweetie placed a reassuring hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder. Apple Bloom shrugged and jumped off the swing, angrily turning around to face her friend. "Nothing happened okay? Nothing happened because my sister doesn't love me!" With that, the earth pony turned and fled back into the school building, leaving Sweetie dumbstruck on the swings. *** When Apple Bloom arrived home, she veered off her usual path to her house and instead headed for the barn where she could be alone. She pushed one of the large red doors open with one hoof and quickly stepped inside, pushing it back shut behind her as quietly as she could. Her school bag slipped off her shoulders as she plopped down on the ground, letting out a sigh. "Why the long face?" Apple Bloom jumped and stared wide-eyed in the direction the voice had come from, her gaze landing on her cousin sitting on a stack of hay. "Fiddlesticks? What are you doing out here?" The filly quirked an eyebrow and stood up so she was closer to eye level with the mare. "Well I was passing through town and thought I'd stop by for a visit, but Granny Smith is napping so I figure I'd practice out here for a bit so's not to disturb her. But you didn't answer my question. What's got ya lookin' so down in the dumps?" The mare carefully sat her fiddle down on the hay before sliding off the stack and trotting over to the filly. "It doesn't matter." Apple Bloom sat back down and faced sadly away from the mare. "Sure it does, if it's got ya so upset." Fiddlesticks sat down on the ground next to the filly, wrapping a leg over her shoulders. "Why? It's not like you can do anything to change it." "I can always try. We'll never know until you tell me what it is." Apple Bloom tilted her head up and looked the mare in her clear blue eyes. "Applejack doesn't love me, so she won't have sex with me." "O-oh, I see." Fiddlesticks blushed beneath her yellow coat and cleared her throat. She looked down at the filly next to her, taking in the subtle curve of her flank, and the soft roundness of her plot. She sure doesn't look like a filly anymore, if it weren't for that blank flank of hers you'd never be able to tell. I'm sure this will come back to bite me, but who am I to add insult to injury at this point by turning her away? It's not like there's any shame in cheering up your family after all... "Well Hun, there's nothing I can do about your sister," she placed a hoof against Apple Bloom's cheek and grinned. "But, I love you little cuz." She moved her hoof away, leaving Apple Bloom's jaw hanging slightly open as she stared wide eyed up at the older mare. "Do you mean you want to have sex with me? Really?" "Of course Apple Bloom, I wouldn't lie to you about that," Fiddlesticks blinked and stared down at the filly, her eyes running up and down her body. "But why?" Apple Bloom almost couldn't believe that a cousin she only saw on rare occasion could love her more than her big sister. "Because you've grown into a fine young mare Apple Bloom, any pony with half a brain can see that. And I want some pony to love me too, I get lonely on the road, ya know?" Fiddlesticks smiled reassuringly at the filly and watched as her compliments sunk in, turning Apple Bloom's cheeks a vivid scarlet. "O-oh. Well then, this should work out fine for both of us." Apple Bloom gave a nervous chuckle and leaned back slightly, spreading her legs. She wasn't quite sure what to expect, having felt nothing other than her own hoof on occasion, and she watched curiously as Fiddlesticks stood on three hooves and gripped her fiddle's bow tightly in the other. Fiddlesticks stepped behind the filly and knelt down, placing a front hoof on her shoulder and dropping the other over Apple Bloom's stomach. She let her bow slip lower and pressed it against the little earth pony, sliding the bow's soft hair up the center of her lips and across the sensitive nub sitting at the top of them. Apple Bloom shuddered and let out a breathy moan as her cousin made contact with her soft skin. The older mare smiled as she drew her bow back over the filly's sensitive center once more, the juices on the tool glistening in the dim barn lighting. Carefully, she pressed back down, holding more pressure against the hard instrument as she began to run it quickly back and forth, playing the filly's plot as if it were her fiddle. A series of heavy breaths and moans escaped Apple Bloom's soft yellow lips as her cousin stimulated her small body in new ways, sending waves of pleasure through her. The mare pressed harder still as she continued, rubbing as hard as she could against the filly. Apple Bloom's ecstasy filled moans grew louder and louder until Fiddlesticks pulled abruptly away. "Hey, why'd ya stop?" Apple Bloom whined and bucked her small hips pathetically into the air. "I just thought we could switch to somethin' you might like a bit more." The older mare smiled as she lifted her bow back up and positioned the tip neatly against her cousin's tight opening. She pressed forward gently, the bow's smooth end sliding into the soaked hole with ease. With quick, even strokes, she worked the tool in and out of the filly, loud moans escaping each time as she hit a hard nub inside. "Th-that feels really good Fiddlesticks! I never even knew I could feel like this," the filly breathed out hotly and threw her head back, letting her eyes roll into the back of her head. The young pony's entire body shook with a sudden, uncontrollable pleasure and she let out an intense, high pitched moan, causing the older mare next to her to blush in surprise. "Wow, that was kind of fast. You okay kiddo? You look a little out of breath." Fiddlesticks chuckled and slid her cum-covered bow out from between the filly's legs, letting it fall to the ground next to her. Apple Bloom let out a breathy laugh and nodded slightly. "Oh yeah, I'm fit as a fiddle." "That's good to hear, 'cause it's my turn." The mare leaned back on the ground and rested her soft blue mane against a pile of hay, her legs spread wide as she waited for the filly to get to work. "Oh right, taking turns is only fair but, uh, what do ya want me to do?" Her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment and she hoped the older mare wouldn't be put off my her inexperience. Fiddlesticks raised one eyebrow and felt slightly sick to her stomach as she realized that this must be the first time Apple Bloom had been in a situation like this. She considered calling the whole thing off, but she couldn't risk upsetting the filly by making her think that she didn't love her, so she leaned up and gestured to her already moist plot. "Don't tell me you've never seen a porn before." She held her breath as she waited for the filly's response, sincerely hoping that she wouldn't have to explain oral sex to her. Apple Bloom glanced to the side and cleared her throat. "Well, I did find one in Big Mac's room before and uhm... borrowed it." "Why Apple Bloom, you naughty, naughty filly," Fiddlesticks laughed and leaned her head back against the hay. "Well, just do what you think is right, I'm sure you saw plenty in that porn." "Heh, yeah I guess I did." The filly made her way nervously between the older mares thighs, sticking out her tongue and dipping her head until she made contact with the wet hole in front of her. Apple Bloom's eyes widened as her tongue touched the mare, her sweet juices pouring over the pink organ. She slid her tongue up and down her slimy slit, stopping each time just before she reached the nub at the top. Fiddlesticks let herself sink deeper into the hay as she closed her eyes and let her cousin's licks wash over her. The mare lifted one hoof and placed it against her aroused clit, knowing that the filly would never be able to make her cum on her own. The young earth pony continued to lap at the older mare's juices, her tongue focused on her small hole to avoid the hoof working vigorously above her nose. She smiled widely into her licks as the mare's moans grew increasingly louder, blissfully unaware that the pleasure the older pony was feeling was mostly caused by her own hoof. Fiddlesticks worked her hoof in small hard circles, surprising herself with how quickly her orgasm was building and noting it must have been even longer than she had realized since the last time she had taken any sort of time for herself. Apple Bloom's eyes widened as Fiddlesticks cried out in pleasure and a rush of liquid poured over her tongue and dribbled down her chin. Fiddlesticks chuckled breathlessly and smiled at her young cousin as she sat up with a string of jizz and saliva dangling from her chin. "That was pretty good kiddo, you're a natural at this." "You really think so?!" she let out a joyous squeal as she stood up, bouncing in a small celebratory circle. "I do. I also think you should go get yourself washed up, and don't tell nopony about this. It's a secret." Fiddlesticks looked down at her with serious eyes, hoping her cousin would understand and keep her mouth shut. "Aw, okay. I won't tell nopony, promise." The filly glanced awkwardly to the side and bit her lip as she lied, there was no way Sweetie Belle wouldn't be hearing about this. "You're staying for dinner, right?" "You know it. I'd never pass up a chance to have some of Granny Smith's fine home cookin'." "Well then ya better hurry up if ya wanna get any!" The filly laughed as she ran out of the barn and headed back for her house, glancing back over her shoulder as she went. "You'd better not eat it all Apple Bloom, you're not your big sister after all!" Fiddlesticks called playfully after her cousin as she picked up her fiddle and laid it back in its case, stopping to wipe the bow on a pile of hay before laying it next to the instrument and making her own way to the house. As Apple Bloom splashed cool water over her muzzle, she couldn't help but wish that she had enough time to visit Sweetie Belle before dinner, but Applejack was already busy setting the table. Apple Bloom trotted out of the bathroom, her face and coat freshly washed and free of any traces of her recent activities. She yawned as she sat herself in a seat and watched the food her older siblings were sitting on the table. "It's a little early for ya to be yawning, isn't it?" Applejack raised a quizzical eyebrow at her sister as she sat down a large bowl of mashed potatoes on the table. "Well yeah, but I'm really tired today. Ya know, on account of me being up late studying." Apple Bloom grinned nervously and swiped a fresh dinner roll of the plate in front of her and shoved it into her mouth whole. "Alrighty then. I suppose you should be hittin' the hay a bit early tonight then. And don't take such big bites, you're gonna choke." Applejack closed her eyes and shook her head disapprovingly as she walked back into the kitchen to grab another bowl. The rest of dinner went by in an almost awkward silence and Apple Bloom was forced to excuse herself from the table sooner than she'd have liked to keep up the facade of being tuckered out. She trotted to her bed and pulled the covers back, snuggling herself comfortably beneath them before laying down. She closed her eyes as soon as her head hit the pillow even though she knew it would be a while until she would be able to fall to sleep. A wide smile crossed her face as she thought about the morning that would come when she awoke, hoping she could encourage herself to sleep so it would come faster. She was sure Sweetie would have another tale about Rarity to share, and this time she had a story of her own. > A Wet Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A-Applejack, are sure about this? I mean, you seemed pretty against it yesterday." Apple Bloom blushed as her sister pushed her back against her bed, her head bouncing softly against her overly fluffed pillow. "Of course I'm sure, I love you Apple Bloom and I'm not about to let Rarity one up me as the best big sister ever," Applejack said as she gave a stern nod and smiled down at her younger sister. "I love you too Applejack. If you're sure then..." the filly blushed and parted her soft yellow thighs, watching for her older sister to take her place between them. Applejack chuckled and shook her head, gripping her hat with one hoof and tossing it to the side before leaning into the filly. Her tongue made contact with her soft pink flesh immediately, causing a loud moan to escape the young pony's mouth. She knew that her sister would have to be amazing, but she had no idea just how good it would feel. Apple Bloom watched her sister's blonde-maned head bobbing up and down as she explored every bend and fold of the filly's plot. The little earth pony moaned out louder and louder as her sister licked, her tongue slipping into her hole slightly before she pulled it back out and repeated the process. The pleasure was intense and Apple Bloom wasn't sure how much more she could handle. Applejack bit down on her clit and swirled her tongue around it making the filly bite her lip in pleasure and tilt her head back as she felt her orgasm ready to boil over the top. Just then a bright light flipped on somewhere in the room and Apple Bloom sat up, looking through squinted eyes to see Applejack standing in the doorway. "Are you alright there Apple Bloom? You look like you've seen a ghost, you haven't caught that damned bird flu too, have you?" Applejack tilted her head and looked at her sweaty sister with concern in her eyes. "What? No, I'm fine Applejack. I was just having a uh, a pretty crazy dream." She blushed and looked away from her older sister, hoping her explanation would be good enough. "Well I could have told ya that, you were groaning up a storm in here, I was worried your stomach was gettin' to ya." Appleack smiled softly at her sister and backed out of the door. "I'll just be letting you get back to bed then. G'night li'l sis." "Goodnight Applejack." Apple Bloom watched the light from the hall disappear into a sliver gleam under the door as her sister pulled it shut behind herself, stopping on the way back to her room to switch it off and leaving Apple Bloom's room in darkness. The filly sat still on her bed for a moment, taking in what just happened. She groaned loudly and flopped back down on her bed, staring up at the shadowy ceiling. "Well that's just great, now I'll never get to know what it'll be like..." she huffed and rolled over, hugging onto her pillow and wishing she could simply fall back to sleep to more sweet dreams of incest.