> Even Gods Must Work > by D4RTH4NN3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Blood Is art > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afraid, that's how they always look just before I end their petty little lives. But this is what confuses me. I'm saving these little ponies from damnation, saving them from having to spend another day on this little shit we call Equestria. I call myself The Savior. It's my duty to save these poor souls from torment and pain and sadness, but they always reject it, and that angers me and I tend to get a little out of control, I lose my mind and black out, and when I wake up I see another destroyed body, another saved soul, another work of art. The blood stains my mane and I cry tears of joy. I'm a god, a righteous god, and they will thank me soon enough. Let me explain a bit about myself. I'm a poor pony living in Appleloosa. I couldn't afford food for myself because I was constantly getting fired from the Apple business. I can't buck for shit. My name is Orange Glow. My cutie mark is non-existent, which is my greatest shame. I'm 23 and still haven't found my true talent, which makes me an utter disgrace. It all started one day, I had just got fired from my last job working as a baker baking pies. I ran home in the rain, feeling horribly sad and angry at myself yet again. I entered my apartment room and threw my coat on the couch. I trot into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I stare into my blue eyes, deep blue, like a bottomless ocean. I thought about it and went into the work room to grab my things, and waited for my wife, Evershine, to get home. She's a bitch, always yelling at me, calling me a failure, a waste of life and space. A go to the couch and turn on the TV. She enters the room, late of course. She thinks I don't know she's having an affair, but I know, and it pains me. She yells at me, and I yell at her, she calls me a piece of shit, and threatens to leave me yet again, I tell her to go ahead. This startles her, but she laughs and starts preparing dinner. Dinner is the only peace we get, the only time we try to be a normal family, whatever that means. But tonight is different for she doesn't know what I have in plan. We go to the table and eat pasta with salad. For dessert she has an apple pie, I yell at her and tell her I'm sick of apples, she tells me that if maybe I worked harder in the apple business things wouldn't be this way, and then she throws the pie at me. It hits me and apples slide down my neck, messing up my orange coat and mane. I snap and gallop towards her, and that's when I beat her, I hit her with my hooves and she goes unconscious. I drag her into my work room, and lay her on the desk. I grab the saw and think for a moment, is this right, is this ok and I say yes I must save her from this shit we call life and I begin. I cut of her left hoof and the blood gushes everywhere. She wakes up and screams in pain so I take the hammer and hit her on the head. I hope that will keep her knocked out for long enough for me to get some things from the drug store. I grab my gun and leave the apartment. When I get to the drug store, no one is there except for the pharmacist. I take the gun out and shoot him in the head, and his brains splatter against the walls. I hop over the counter and grab some hydrocodone and some chloroform and a syringe. I exit the building quickly before the cops show up. I enter the apartment complex and talk to some of the ponies living there. They ask me if I heard someone yelling from near my room, and I say it's the TV, that I forgot to turn it off. They laugh and I walk away. When I enter the room, I see my wife has crawled out of the office and I laugh at her feeble attempt to get away, she cries out when she sees me and I kick her in the face. Once again she goes unconscious and I drag her back into the office and lift her back onto the desk. I take a rope and tie her legs together. I fill the syringe with hydrocodone and inject her with it. Hopefully this will keep the pain from feeling too intense. I dip a towel in the chloroform and shove it in her mouth. This will keep her unconscious and prevent her from screaming if she does wake up. I grab the saw and begin once more. I cut of all her hooves and the blood gets everywhere. I grab a couple of towels and some rope and make a tourniquet. I don't want her to die this way, if at all. “She needs to feel this,” I think. Then I think they all do, everyone who has made my life feel bad, or made it hard. I make a plan that once I finish with her, I will help everyone else feel just like her. And it will make them happy I hope. It will save them from living a life like my own. I move onto her pussy. So beautiful that it almost pains me that I'm about to do this so I decide to fuck her first. I get on top of the desk and slide my already hard dick into her pussy. I groan once I realize her pussy isn't wet enough so I spit on her cunt and smother it with the hydrocodone. I slide my dick back into her and begin to fuck her with my giant cock. I grind faster and faster, the pleasure I feel getting more intense the faster I go. I moan and shoot of ropes of cum inside her and smile, thinking back to when our marriage was good, back when life was full of promise. But then I frown. Life is full of darkness, this I know, and I remember that I need to save everyone from this darkness. I get off the desk and and lick her pussy, which is dripping cum onto the desk. It tastes like medicine. I move away from her snatch, my face covered in pussy juice, and get back to work. I grab my hammer and some 2 inch nails and place one over her eye. I pound the nail in and her eye seems to explode with juices, which I lick off her face. I do the same to her other eye and move back to her pussy. I grab the drill off the desk and shove it in her crotch. I turn it on and swirl it around in circles, moving my hand in and out. Blood rushes out of her snatch and she moans loudly. I worry that she might wake so I hit her on the head again. I get horny once more and hop back onto the desk. I shove my dick inside her pussy so that it gets covered with blood and shove my dick into her asshole, she groans again, and I smile. I'm so happy right now, I feel like I am doing the right thing and that this is right, which I know it is. I move my pelvis back and forth, shoving my dick in deeper and deeper. I explode inside her ass and laugh. I pull my dick out and get off the table. IF only she was this still and obedient all the time, then life would seem a little better. I take the towel out of her mouth and go back into the living room and turn the TV on. It takes 3 hours but she finally wakes, I can tell because of the screams. I trot into the work room, and she screams once more and asks me why she can't see. I tell her that there's no need to see, life is full of horrible things, so why look at them. She cries out and begs me to kill her, to save her from the pain, and I say I will soon enough but first things first she needs to know that I'm doing a good deed. She chokes and then yells at me, telling me that what I'm doing is far from good and that I'm going to be damned for this. I say maybe but if gods will be damned for doing righteous things, then let me damned, so long as I can save ponykind from this damned world. She cries and I grin and I take the gun off of the desk and then I shove it in her ass. She screams and I pull the trigger. I sigh because this didn't do the trick and put the gun to her temple and pull the trigger once more. I am sad that I had to kill her in such a cliché way, and promise that the others will be more fashionable. I walk into the living room and turn off the TV and leave then building quickly, and I gallop to the park. Lots of kids play there, eating the apples from the trees. God I am so sick of apples. I find a little filly, no younger then 10, and I shoot her in the leg. The other foals and colts run away, and I grab her and hit her on the head with the gun. I lift her off the ground and carry her back to the apartment complex. It's night time now so I don't think that anyone will see me. Once I get her inside my building I take her into the office and push Evershine off the desk, but not before untying the ropes and tying the little filly. I lift her onto the desk and set her down. I chuckle to myself and begin. I move onto the desk and place my dick near her ass. I take a knife off the desk and make some small cuts on my dick so that I can use the blood as lube. Once there is enough blood I jam my dick in and her asshole rips and tears and the blood drips all over the desk. I grumble knowing I'm going to have to clean this later, but it's a small sacrifice. Even gods must work. She awakes and I tell her that there is nothing to fear, that I am simply a god saving her from life. She cries, obviously confused and hurt, and says she wants to go home. I tell her that I'm going to take her someplace better, and I hit her on the head with the handle of my knife. I then get off her and fill the syringe with a mixture of chloroform and hydrocodone and inject her with it. A few minutes later, she convulses and shakes into a full blown seizure and froths at the mouth. I shake my head and fill the syringe once more and inject her eyes with the fluid. I trot into the kitchen and grab a spoon and walk back into the office. I take the spoon and place it near her eyes and scoop them out. It takes effort but I manage to cut the muscle holding them in place with the knife and they fall onto the floor. I step on them and they squish beneath my hooves. I chuckle and bend down and lick the remains of her eyes. It tastes so good. I leave the building once more, but not before grabbing a suitcase and putting all my tools in it. I walk to the train station and talk to some of the ponies there. They act happy, but no one can be truly happy when they're stuck in this living hell called life. A pony wearing a coat asks me where I'm headed and I say Ponyville. He asks what I have planned once I get there and I tell him looking for work. He asks me what my cutie mark means and I say what cutie mark. He points at the spot near my ass and I look there and lo and behold there is a cutie mark there. It's a knife covered in and dripping blood. I laugh and tell him it's a long story and he walks away. The train arrives and I hop on, sweating in anticipation at continuing my work. There are so many souls to save, and so little time. And even gods must work.