> Lunas Revenge > by Roamingmoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For da lulz. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I'm just winging this I got bored I own nothing of my little pony, my little pony friendship is magic, halo, and anything to do with Mario Now this is weird Princess Celestia and Princess Luna appear before Twilight and her gaggle of friends. Everypony bow's to Princess Celestia and when Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy try to bow to Princess Luna, Rarity leans over to them and whispers "No pony cares about Princess Luna". Slowly Everypony walks into the library and Twilight offers everypony tea. She begins to ask Luna what she would like in her tea but is stopped by Rarity saying "No pony cares about Princess Luna" Who scowls and disappears in a flash. Hours later Luna walks in with a smile. "Where the hay where" Applejack starts to ask, when Rarity jumps in with "Nopony cares about Princess Luna" "I beg to differ" a voice says to the group from behind. They look over and are stunned to see a human. Who walks over to Luna and kneels "I care for you Luna, let's run away together" "But where shall we go" "It doesn't matter so long as I'm with you" The group around them Awww's as the human picks up Luna and walks away into the sunset. A few hours later everypony is resting in Twilights house when Princess Celestia jump's up and screams "My sister got pony napped" Princess Luna and the human are sitting on top of a cloud rolling around laughing at her sister. "So how long should we make them sweat" the human asks between laughs. "I'd say three or four days, sound good to you" Luna says between her own laughs "Yeah that sounds good, so what do you want ta do now" The human happily asks Luna. "We can go get Master Chief and Mario, then we can play some poker" "Master Chief has the best poker face everrrrrr" "But you can't even see his face" Luna says her horn glowing. The human smirks "Exactly" and with that they disappear. Three Hours Later "So chief how's arbiter doing" the human looks at the armored super human, whose head swivels over to him and stares. "… He's good" and he looks back down at his cards. The human chuckles. "You need to lighten up man" "Yes Ia think so too" The red plumber says next to me. "I tend to agree we're all friends here" Luna says happily. "Three aces" Master Chief says as he puts down his cards. "Ha ha, I hava a straight" Mario says proudly. "I have a flush, ha-ha I win for once" I say proudly. "Not so fast, royal flush" Luna says with a giggle and a smirk. All three of us throw up our hands, and grumble. "How do you do that" I ask laughing. She bursts out laughing "It's magic" All three of us look at her smiling and think the same thing. This is going to be a great week Okay that was just weird inspiration for this chapter was a twist in plot and a story where everypony kept saying that Nopony cares about luna. I let her have revenge. Pinkie is not the only one who can break the fourth wall. > The lulz they hurt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So the feedback I got on this so far is good and thought I’d see what I could do about that. Four creatures stood hidden in the prompt room at the Townsville news station. A tall human clad in green armor guards the door. His unmovable form a wall against all that would oppose. Over by the window leading to the announcers booth a short mustachioed man wearing his signature red cap, His gaze never leaving the figure in the next room. At the desk in the middle of the room sat alone human at a desk a normal man in almost every way except the insane glint in his eye as he typed away at the computer before him breaking through firewall after firewall to mess with the prompt. Behind the human stood an alicorn her starry blue mane flowing behind her as she watches the human giggling to herself. “Ah ha I cracked it” the human looks at his watch and smiles “and just in time” he quickly begins to type. After a few moments he laughs and looks over to watch what happens. “And so once again, the day is saved thanks to...The Fierce Foursome." The Narrorator looks at the teleprompt then over to the room we are in laughing at him. He glares at us as he runs out of his booth and into the prompt room fuming. “who the hell are you and what did you do” The human at the desk slowly stands before speaking “WE ARE THE FIERCE FOURSOME AND WE HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU” the Narrorator looks around at the four beings in the room with him angrily. “Well spit it out so I can go back to my announcing” he spits out. Meanwhile in the city of Townsville three girls are floating there looking bored while they wait for the Narrarator to get it right. The Human looks behind himself at Luna and smirks “WE WHERE WONDERING, DO YOU LIKE BANNANAS” Mario smirks while master chief chuckles as the human walks up and stands before the Narrarator who looks confused. “Well yes, but what does that have to do with anything” The human looks at him with a smile as he pulls not one, not two, not a bunch, but an entire bushel that thing you cut straight off the tree from behind his back and hands it to a very confused Narrorator and screams out. “For the power of the great Bungledram” he throws his fist in the air as Luna flashes them to her secret castle just south of the crystal empire, leaving the Narrarator to break. The human looks over to the rest of the group and asks Luna “so what now”. Luna raises her hoof to her chin and taps it “Pizza” she gives them a questioning look.The first to speak up is master chief. “I’ll get the beer” he rips open the door and trudges out into the snow like its nothing. Mario looks after him and speaks up. “I’ll go help him” He pulls out him parka and puts it on and begins to jump after master chief, sound effect and all. Luna begins to call the crystal pizza express. 2 hours later They don’t really know what went wrong each of the four are drunk are eating a slice of cheese pizza out in the snow in front of the secret hideout. That’s on fire and some how in a giant block of ice at the same time. They all look at each other and burst out laughing speaking in between laughs. “Where did we get a walrus” the human chokes out as he looks at the creature sitting next to him drinking a beer. “How did we set the ice on fire” Mario looks at the burning ice trying to breath. “Why is my armor a rainbow” Chief looks down at his multi hue armor racking his brain for an answer. “Why do I have bunny ears” Luna chokes out while poking the ears. This continues for a short time until they stagger off to find there next adventure. So somepone tell me what the hay I just wrote. > Please stop no not the hammer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do the lulz hurt so much stop it. Come on guys do the banana or whatever that is. Sitting around a table in central city where our four favorite characters. Luna and Master Chief had a steaming cup of tea sitting before them while Mario stared at his espresso and The Human drank from a can of NOZ. The two smaller humans looked as if a hangover was blasting through their head. Which it was. Master Chief in a rare instance had his helmet off and took a sip from his tea to all that passed he looked ridiculous such a large man drinking from a tiny cup and looking peaceful all the while. Unlike his smaller counterparts he was trained and ready even with his hangover he looked fine and daunting as ever. The lunar princess looked the same as ever except the smile splayed across her lips as she taunted her companions, magic was the best thing ever. “WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE AWAKE FRIENDS” Luna screams in the Voice. Both Mario and the Human glare at Luna, passing people stare at the horse that just talked in amazement. Whispers begin to circulate around them. Passing quickly from person to person until it makes it to one Colonel Mustang in his office. “Are you sure and there just out in the open talking” Roy looked down at his desk before abruptly standing and moving to leave, Lieutenant Hawkeye quickly following. “Sir what’s going on” Lieutenant Hawkeye keeps a brisk as Mustang moves out the building into the city proper. “It seems someone decided to play god” Mustang frowns as move through the streets. The four of them have almost finished their drinks when they hear a shout and look up to see to two officers before them. The Human smiles as he stands looking at the male. “Colonel Mustang so good to meet you” Mustang frowns. “Who are you and why do you have a chimera” Mustang asks while pointing at Luna. Who huffs indignantly, the human looks back at her with a smile and gives a wink. “Colonel come here and I’ll tell you” mustangs frown deepens as he comes forward and listens to the young man ready for anything. “The pencil is a lie” there’s a small flash and Mustang jumps back bringing his glove around to nothing. In the seats that where the four creatures where sitting was nothing on the table some money spun before heavily slamming down. The colonel grabs his head and looks into the sky. “What does that mean” sitting infront of the burning ice block that is the secret hideout Luna smiles at the Human. “So what did you tell him exactly” The Human smirks at her and the rest then looks at his nails. “Oh just the secret to the universe is all” The others begin to laugh before Luna lets her horn flash and all of them stand before a building a heavy base beat pounds into the ground and into their feet. “Everyone ready for another night” all of them smile even master chief and head into the club. The light flash and the base booms as body’s grind and laugh each of them hits the bar and orders their own drink. Mario gets the super Mario shot a combination of Grenadine, Blue Bols, and Tequila silver. Luna ordered a Royal tini a combo of gin, simple syrup, lime juice, and curacao. Master chief ordered the halo cocktail a combo of midori, jack Daniels, jager, lemon lime soda, two different mio water enhancers and mango puree, and finally the human ordered a Chaos cocktail the combination of Everclear, cherry brandy, Benedictine herbal liqueur, Bailey's Irish cream, cream, and a maraschino cherry. After downing their drinks they head out onto the Dance floor. > for the love of all that is funny please stop > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the love of all that is funny please stop. Three figures lay in a Hotel room in Las Pegasus the room is strewn with confetti and streamer, red solo cups and bottles of miscellaneous alcohol cover every table and table like surface and the small amounts of the liquid shines in the sunlight streaming into the room slowly waking the three creatures there. The first to awaken is a mumbling Mario as he moves slowly to the bathroom and begins to pee until he hears a very low voice. “Good morning any idea why I’m in the bathroom” Mario lazily looks to the right and sees a very large, blue tiger looking at him. Mario in his half-awake state ignores the tiger in the room finishes and heads out only to finally have it click that there was a tiger in there. With a yelp he dashes into the other room and finds the other two in there a very groggy Human and Master Chief who is looking for his armor. “Boys I think we might have a problem” Mario yelps as he skids to a halt. Both the human and Master Chief look at him with a scowl. However that scowls turns to a confused stare. “I’d say we have a problem, I still don’t know why I was in the bathroom or a tiger for that matter” Mario gives another yelp as he bolts across the room and hides behind master chief. During the entire exchange Master Chief just stares at the tiger ready in case it tries something, the human on the other hand had his expression change from confusion to understanding and finally barely held laughter as he gets up and walks over to the tiger. “Hey there Luna I like your new look” the tiger ears go back as she scowls at him and master chief relaxes. Mario just falls on the ground and passes out. “I don’t, the fir is too thick, my teeth feel weird, paws are strange, and I’M MALE” the tiger screams out the last part sending the human flying back and into the couch. Master Chief looks over at her half his suit on. “Then just change back” Master Chief looks back down at his suit hunting for the torso. “I would but until I change back I can’t and I most likely did the spell so the only one” Just then a wild discord appears. “Sorry about that Lulu I forgot to turn you back last night after you came by and brought me with you” Discord snaps his fingers and Luna turns back into herself without her regale on. She gives a eep and dashes into the bedroom. Discord chuckles a little as jumps into the air and sits on the ceiling. “Dude you gotta teach me how to do that” the human tries to jump but fails. Discord laughs again. “I would love to teach you chaos magic but you must understand that the pencil is a lie” The human’s eyes light up. “Because the cake is made of tomatoes” Discord stands up next to him. “And when you stir the tomatoes into a tasty stew” “You gotta make it for two” “Indubitably, my dear boy I think you’ve got it” Discord is now in a top hat with monticule and mustache and the human likewise. Master Chief is just staring at the two over them his brain trying to make sense of what they had just said but failing miserably. Luna walks in at that moment and discord stands up “Well I best be off, before Tia realizes I’m gone again, I hope to see you all again it’s been a laugh and sixteen quarters” with a snap of his fingers he folds up over and over until he disappears. “Anypony want to get some coffee, I know I could use it” The human is standing there with a small Pterodactyl on his head like a hat. Master Chief nods in agreement. “I think we could all use it” they all head for the door and down the stairs to the coffee shop across the street. 20 minutes later “You know I’ve heard from a couple of ponies that this place has good quiche we should try it” Both master chief and Luna look at him with expressions that can only say wut.”What I like quiche sue me” they continue the look until they here a scream from the hotel. “WHY AM I A DUCK”