> The Dark Mare Returns > by Xenethis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First there was the scent. That familiar smell that traveled on the evening breeze like a butterfly caught amidst a gale. When caught by the nostrils, the feeling that usually followed after was that of excitement, a rush of so many possibilities it nearly brought you to the precipice of song. Almost. Stronger with each breeze, and soon the excitement starts to converge into something a little more sour. The darkness above, glazed over with moonlight, was the only witness as the embers began to flutter, and the flames began to spread. What were originally a few flickers was now a glimpse into Tartarus. The flames spread their orange tongues through every nook and cranny of the household. Through every bedroom, across every rug and in-between every picture frame that hung on the now charcoaled walls. It was quite fascinating really, how the exterior was coated in a barrier of searing red that melted through the glass and the painted bricks, while the interior was ravaged in a vortex of burning yellow. As if someone had has set alight a hundred fireworks within the lounge, letting them sprint through the house like serpents coated in sparks. From a distance, it was as if the entire household had been consumed in a sun. The nova’s glow illuminating the surrounding meadow, a portrait of light for the eyes to feast upon. While inside perished what had been many years of joyous laughter, love and memory. All of it gone as the flames grew higher, its belly not satisfied until everything had been devoured. Including the family of three that were left on the carpet. Trotting from the sight of the now dispersing flames, manes still scorched from the air, the small group turned their heads slightly just in time to see the ashes be carried by the dusk air, the smell polluting the field with its charred odor. Only one of them did not look back. “What are you doing?” the voice was crisp and clear like the first few days of autumn. Each syllable was well-spoken, proper and dripping with authority. The others seemed to snap their heads to attention, as if the soft spoken words had been orders screamed at them. There was a shallow cackle from among their ranks as one of them looked up to their lead, his face exposed in the dim light of the burning wreckage they had left behind them. He held a firm smile, with a small cut across his cheek. “Would be a waste not to take a look, wouldn’t you say?” he laughed, his voice exposing the nasally undertone that accompanied it. “Waste?” his voice dropped an octave lower, and suddenly even the hot wind that spurned from what was essentially a cluster of bonfires grew colder around them. The figure at the front, the one who held the hood over his head more than anypony, turned his head no more than an inch to the right, his eyes not even drifting to the blaze behind them. “All you are wasting, colt, is my time.” What was a cackle became a lump in his throat, and all confidence flushed out of him like a river. One foreleg almost buckled as he managed to capture a glimpse of the yellow of his eyes. He lowered his head, cold wind nipping at his neck. “H-Hey, don’t worry boss, I mean, we got the stash so why are we in such a hurry? I mean it’s not like…” He found himself cut off when the end of a spear met his eye. Inches from the liquid surface, the pupil dilated and all breath was stalled. He didn’t even know he had taken it along with him, which he supposed was a mistake on his own part. After all, this spear was much a part of that stallion as his own beating heart was. Despite being shorter than the average weapon, its edge was no less sharp, its base no less sturdy. All it would take was a quick prod, and he would have another scar to add to his face, one that cut away all sight from his left eye. “It appears that all my efforts to educate you…grunts, have proven to be lackluster” he said with a long sigh, the night’s efforts clearly etching at his patience. The tip of the spear not moving an inch, even as he spoke. “What we are doing, what we have been doing for these last few months, it is not theft” he let his words linger. The word ‘theft’ nearly brought bile into his throat. The two topazes that lurked behind his hood darted between each of his company, every one of them shirking as soon as his gaze met theirs. “This, my merry gathering of utterly idiotic mules, is repossession.” The base of the spear quickly slipped through his hoof before grabbing its neck, pressing the blade to the now pale stallion. “A repossession that has taken many years of planning and sacrifice, one that is still far from complete, and one that cannot suffer the moronic tendencies of paid goons such as yourselves!” Ashes landed at their hooves, but even the lingering heat could do nothing to warm the chill that run through the entourage of hooded figures. The lead figure ran the flat of the blade along the nose of his subordinate before turning to the rest, each of them carrying a large sack, tied in several knots and bursting at the seams with its contents. Yellows eyes scanned them, the same way one would thoroughly count their earnings. “You selected them. If we even lose a single speck because of these thugs, I will hold you personally responsible. You know what that means, don’t you Pip?” Malicious words followed a small sensation of pain as the spear broke the skin just under his nose. The stallion with the scar nodded viciously, the reflection of the blade lingering in his dark eyes. “Good, then we proceed to the rendezvous as planned” he said swiftly, retracting his weapon and hiding it beneath the black of his cloak. Those that carried the ‘cargo’ slowly began their trudge through the meadow back to civilisation. The one called Pip lingered for a moment, unable to resist looking back once more at the flames. They still clung to the wreckage of the household. Ashes were gathering in the air, drifting like snowflakes. The thought came to him slowly. “Why? Why bring the spear? The water did the job for us, he knew that. Was he really planning to...?” The thought was rather chilling. If his employer’s attitude had suddenly shifted in these last few months, well, it meant that either the pressure from the Royal Court was finally getting to him, or that all their waiting was finally paying off. He could already taste the multitude of bits and all the comforts they would bring. A small chuckle as the smoke began to reeve its way across the light of the moon, obscuring its gaze. He dipped his head in a gesture of respect, with all honesty of a snake. “Nothing personal, it’s just business” > The Sum Of A Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were many moments in her life that Luna despised. On those nights where she stood alone at the precipice of the kingdom, raising her beautiful moon into the darkened sky, she lamented those times that make her veins turn to ice and her cheeks burn with passive fury. Some stung more than others. When the nights were cool and the tips of her wings were greeted by a gentle breeze, her inner child would turn to thoughts of her mother. She only saw glimpses, even in the furthest parts of her memories. All she could recall was a graceful yet imposing figure that outshone even the combined light of the sun and the moon. It warmed her, yet wounded her, rhythmically in time to memory arising and fading. Then there were darker thoughts, the ones that shamed her and made her insides ties themselves into a knot. That horrible feeling was brought forth by her guilt. Guilt for the sins and deeds he had committed against her subjects, and worse yet, her sister. When she wore the mantle of Nightmare Moon, when she rose up the banner for war against the sun, she committed deeds that ruined the lives of many ponies. A thousand years ago, her recent resurrection, events that had nearly plunged all of Equestria into a cold darkness, a corrupted version of her beloved night. Despite her reverence as a Princess, despite her annual celebration of Nightmare Night, she couldn’t help shake the feeling of woe that her very presence emitted. In her darkest moments, where he own mind would betray her, leading her to revisit those awful moments. Only her sister knew the full extent of her atrocities, her influence ensuring that history was altered to make sure that her beloved little sister was not totally demonized for her acts. But that didn’t change the fact that they existed. How the bitterness of being overshadows consumed her until she surrendered to her inner evil. Once she tasted that darkness, all that remained was a tyrant devoted to blotting out the sun forever. In her crusade to do so, she had committed various atrocities or varying degrees during her time as Nightmare Moon, the more severe ones still haunting her dreams. Those moments brought her sadness, nostalgia and shame. Yet they were not even close to bringing her to the level of rage she experienced in moments like this. “I think it’s quite clear that from the results of this season, the residents of smaller villages including the outer reach of the Meadowlands have fallen under the estimated margin by a whole 7.6%. That is a whole 4.0% less since the Summer Solstice began. I believe everypony here can see that we are left with no other option than to instigate a substantial raise in tax” the pony stated, his tie clipped firmly in place. Meetings with self-absorbed bureaucrats whose interest relied purely on the bits that filled their accounts. That was what drove Luna up the wall. The Royal Court was filled with ten ponies, excluding the guards posted at the four cardinal points of the room. At the head of the oval table stood the two governing bodies of Equestria, the two maidens of both the Sun and Moon. Before there were several of the Capital’s most wealthiest and influential figures, the majority branching out to politics and banking, which was the core reason that brought them all here on this glistening morning. And Luna wanted nothing more than squash them right then and there. Her tongue battered against her teeth, desperate to raise her voice and speak out against all suggestions brought up at this infernal meeting. Alas, her elder sister had given her a thorough lecture earlier on how she above all needed to remain poised and calm. The last time one of these high-class morons had proposed an outrageous plan to cut into the Everfree Forest in order expand on Canterlot’s reach, she had practically exploded. Threatening to drop the moon on him might have been a little excessive in hindsight, but at least forty days and nights in the dungeon was within reason. She had simply responded that she was voicing her opinion at their lunacy. Besides, she had seen her sister lose her cool on more than one occasion. If her voice rose more than a few decibels then she could make a whole castle go dead quiet. Surely the right should go to her as well. “Your majesty, I believe…” there stallion stopped in his tracks. The silence lingered for a few horrible moments before he coughed abruptly. Luna gave him a hard glare. “Your majesties, I believe that it is clear that while this shift may seem a tad radical, if we implement this new scheme, the crown will have balanced out the bit income completely. From this balance we would be once again able to afford luxuries that will benefit the entire kingdom. Canterlot and the surrounding towns would especially be benefitted” he concluded. There was a small clapping and collective squabble of agreement from the rest of the Royal Court. All eyes then turned to Princess of the Sun. Celestia gave a small smile as a sign good grace and nodded to the speaker. “Thank you Swift Sum, your effort and ideas will not go unheard in this court” she nodded. An eye drifted to Luna for the briefest moment. Only she caught it, which caused her to frown back. The wound was still fresh in her mind from earlier. --- “We cannot abide by these reapers of innocent fortune any longer!” she snapped, trotting around her sister’s room back and forth, her wings stiff and agitated. She was holding off on bringing out her Royal Canterlot Voice, best to save it for when they really crossed the line. “Sister, please, you’re overreacting to this entire situation” Celestia sighed at her sister’s attitude. She was never one to look at event from an outsider’s angle; she was the one always diving in head first. “This situation demands that we simply abide by the schemes of a collective of single-minded dolts, whose desire for riches will usurp what little profit the common folk have left” she snapped back, peering out over the open window. The sun radiated particularly brightly today, perhaps it was her sister’s attempt to bring a little joy to both parties. The gesture was wasted on Luna. “Those single-minded dolts have done an excellent job of preventing many ponies from losing business. They have aided many of our most essential factions, including our army. I know how much you dislike the idea of the crown taking more bits away from the rest of Equestria, I am not keen on the idea myself, but it is a necessary evil” Celestia replied calmly. Luna remained quiet, heading sinking lower as she looked down into Canterlot, witnessing the daily events of the various ponies. Smiling and exchanging laughs. Unaware they were all about to get a little bit poorer. She felt the soft touch of her sister’s wing fold onto her back. “My dear sister, you’re devotion to our subjects feels my heart with such joy. But I must ask you to put your faith in the ability of these ponies. The Royal Court will meet today, and we can adjust and overseer what plans they have for the future. It may not be as bad as you think” she comforted. Luna gave a long breath before forcing a smile for her sister. “Very well, we shall hope for the best. But we shall be strict and strike the rod down if they dare step out of line. Greed will not be tolerated” she said before heading to the door. “Less they feel foolhardy enough to face night directly” she added. “Ah…” Celestia’s sudden wince caught the blue alicorn’s attention. She turned to see her sister’s sullen face. “That is also something I need to bring up,” she began. “Luna, I’m not sure if you are aware but how you conducted yourself at last gathering was rather…inappropriate” she confessed. Luna blinked before her eyes turned sharp. “We conducted ourselves in the manner that a princess is required to do. You do not need to lecture us on our etiquette sister, we are most aware of how one must act amongst high-ranking members of the kingdom” she retorted, head held high. “I’m not talking about your posture Luna. You outright threatened a member of the cabinet, nearly gave him a heart attack, and greatly disturbed the rest of the court that day” Celestia said as she met he gaze head on. “It took a lot of pressure, apologies and favors from myself and many others in order to smooth over the incident.” “We do not regret our actions, what that ingrate was proposing was positively barbaric! He might as well have offered up the farmlands up as sacrifice to the Timberwolves!” She growled at the memory. “I will be the first to admit that it was an ill-conceived plan. However, your outburst nearly ended the meeting right then and there, causing more damage despite your intentions. If you had just held your anger back then everything could have been resolved without incident,” Celestia scolded, trotting towards her sibling, her voice changed ever so slightly. As if she was disciplining a child. “But now he has the fear of the night in him, any thought of doing such a deed will never cross his mind again” her comment came across as nonchalant, but it made Celestia stop dead in her tracks. “Fear…” she repeated the word, barely audible. Her eyes turned to Luna, the emotion had shifted to annoyance to a deep-rooted worry. “Luna, when you talk like that…do you know who you sound like?” she asked. There was a pause before Luna’s body language shifted radically once again. Her wings dropped to her side and her joints became stuck to the floor. Her face, shadowed by the doorframe, was struck with a blend of shock and disgust. “You…you think our outburst is linked to…her” she managed to spit out, unable to stop her teeth from gritting. She spin around, a pained and vicious look in her eye. “You of all ponies should know how much that would hurt us!” she accused. Celestia lowered her head slightly, but kept her gaze fixed on her younger sister. “Listen to me Luna, I know those dark days are behind you. That you are a mare that only wants to bring harmony and peace to Equestria. I will never doubt you.” “Then why does thou…” “But there are others who are not so convinced. Years may have past, attitudes may have changed…but there will always be those who do not forgive and forget the face of Nightmare Moon” she said in regret. “While to some it may be a fleeting scare, there are some who are not pleased with your return. Now, this collective is small, but anything can trigger panic in the minds of ponies. Our actions are forever being watched and judged by our subjects. If you give into those bitter emotions then you risk more than just terrifying a local ponytician, you risk others making wild accusations that your dark passenger hasn’t left you. If enough believed it then it would lead to a struggle to return the public’s faith in you” Celestia explained. Luna was quiet for a few awful moments. She wanted nothing more than to berate her sister for inquiring such foolishness, that she was nothing like the Mare in the Moon, not anymore. However, she couldn’t bring herself to do so, especially when she knew she was right. “We…shall try to see eye to eye with these infuriating ponies,” she mumbled. Celestia gave a soft smile. --- “Princess Celestia, it is paramount that we put this plan into motion immediately. If we introduce the heavier tax rise in few areas dotted across the out regions then we will see a great increase by the ending of the Summer Solstice. Particularly farm areas such as Sweet Apple Acres and similar businesses, lighter increases will spread out to…” “If we may interject for a moment” Luna suddenly spoke out, stopping Swift Sum in his tracks. “Yes, your majesty?” the grey-coated unicorn asked as he adjusted his glasses. The beginnings of a sigh were on his lips. “It puzzles us, places such as the aforementioned Sweet Apple Acres makes less of a profit than the businesses that exist within the Ponyville or Trottingham areas. We can think of a multitude more citizens who would be more suited to the raise in tax than the areas thou hath suggested. You understand our confusion, do you not?” Luna explained. Celestia cast a glance at her younger sister but remained quiet. The peace was kept for now, if a little unbalanced due to her comment. “Well, you see, it is a tad more complicated than that Princess Luna” he replied, fiddling with his glasses even more. “Then explain it to us clearly” she inquired. Head raised and eyes cast down on the subject in question. By this point, it was hard to tell if Swift Sum was sweating because he was getting excessively annoyed by the queries of the second ruler of Equestria, or distressed because he was afraid of suffering some horrible fate. “W-Well…you see…” he managed to repeat as fumbled around with his clip on tie. “As representatives of the various accounts of the ponies of Equestria, we must also take into consideration the responsibility we have to our clients. Therefore we must alter certain costs depending on those who represent a much larger value…” he managed to speak out. “Larger value?” Luna repeated as she took a few steps forward, obviously growing increasingly more aggravated by the second. “We happen to know many individuals whose earnings are prosperous enough that they would undertake the heavier taxes that take residence within the more luxurious areas of Equestria. You just forgive us if we find thou’s methods rather…unjust” she said with clarity. Celestia noticed how uneasy everyone was becoming. Anymore and she would have to intervene, which she knew would lead to whole another level of problems. However, that roved unnecessary when the doors to the Royal Court were thrown open and a guard came rushing. He was panting hard and his wings with strained from the flight, which in order to tire out a soldier of Canterlot meant that a great amount of distance had been traversed very quickly. “Your Majesties!” he exclaimed as he came scurrying inside. There was a burst of commotion as the meeting was interrupted. He removed his sweat-coated helmet and bowed his head, so dizzy that he practically smacked his head into the ground. “What is the meaning of this?” Celestia asked as she tried to put everyone’s nerves at ease. “A thousand pardons you Majesty! I would not interrupt unless it was urgent, I bring you grave news from the Meadowlands!” he heaved with rushed breaths. “The Meadowlands? What news?” Celestia inquired. “One of the farms…it’s…it’s been burned down to the ground” he explained. What followed was a long silence as the news sunk in. Celestia’s face was ridden with shock at the news, still she shook her head of her initial fear and continued to inquire. “Burned down? All of it?” she asked . “I’m afraid so, one of our scouting parties was searching for the Changeling Nest and came across the ruins. Every acre and orchard as been turned to ashes” he explained in further detail. Every pony in the Royal Court remained as silent as the grave. Celestia took a few moments before asking the most important question. “What of the family?” she asked “Some of our scouts tried moving some of the wreckage...they discovered three bodies” the guard replied, his face riddled with regret. Luna peered down head down to the floor. A tragedy like this was uncommon, even more so for there to be such a large number of casualties. Having entire family lost to death was like having a room filled with candles have a few snuffed out, the world became just a bit darker. This would be a hard day to get through indeed. In an instant, an even darker through entered Luna’s mind. “Do you suspect foul play?” she suddenly said allowed. “Luna!” Celestia snapped in a rare an brief moment of anger. Caught off guard by her question, the room seemed to shrink on itself to escape the miniature confrontation. Despite her sister’s glare, Luna remained resilient and turned her attention to the guard. “Well, do you?” she asked. Put on the spot, the guard coughed unsurely for a moment before returning the Princess’s gaze. “Well…there were no storms scheduled yesterday within that area, and the damage is very excessive but there’s no way to tell for sure. We have a small team investigating right now.” “Then we shall accompany you to represent the monarchy at this tragic time” Luna added as she approached the doors, earning a startle from her sister. “What?! Luna, your place is here in Canterlot! You will be of no assistance right so please allow the authorities to continue with dealing with this” she berated, but Luna was unflinching. “Whether our remark has any lining of truth to it or not, it is still the responsibility of the crown to deal with the matters that affect Equestria. This will be a day of sorrow for the Meadowlands; we should attend to assurance to the surrounding ponies, beside…” her eyes drifted around to the rest of the room. “We believe our words fall upon deaf ears here” she stated as she began to trot towards the door along with the now recuperated guard. “Luna, this is upsetting news , still it is imperative that we deal with it accordingly. Wait until the results of the investigation are brought before us and then proceed. There are still duties in Canterlot that require your attention. I do not wish to debate this with you here and now” Celestia called out, her voice firm. There was a brief pause as Luna turned her hardened eyes to her elder sibling. “With all due respect sister, the sum of a kingdom is more than just the coin that flows through it. Now, excuse us, we have far to travel and little time to do so” she replied before disappearing through the doorway. The room returned to its uncomfortable quiet, filled with wealthy minds and unsettled sun.