> The Fallen Solar Stallion > by GaleWind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,000 years ago….. The war between the forces of the sun and the moon has grown fierce by the day and both sides are refusing to back down. On this dreary night, one lunar stallion sits down on his haunches and mediates on the affairs that have led him to this point. For you see, he was once a solar stallion general despite his young age, His name is Burst Spear and this is his story. “I know thou art there, Arcane, reveal yourself,” Burst Spear said calmly, without turning around and opening his yellow slitted eyes as he heard the sickening chuckle of the lunar unicorn stallion as he approached him. “Thou sensitivity to magic truly astounds me Spear, even though thou art an earth pony, you know when I am near,” said the gray furred unicorn. He smirked when Burst Spear turned his head to look at him and growled, showing his razor like teeth. Arcane was on of Nightmare Moon’s top unicorn generals. He was one who wielded an assortment of different types of spells and enchantments, the kind that delved into the depths of the dark arts. He chuckled to himself as Burst Spear continued to glare at him. “What. Does. Thou. Want. Arcane,” Burst Spear snarled while trying hard not to attack the sinister unicorn as he was within inches of him. The dark grey stallion chuckled and said “Be careful Spear or you know what would happen if you disobeyed. However, I know you understand and I brought you an old friend with me to give thou some spirit, I had just gained it back from the blacksmith after the last battle,” he said as he levitated a solid black staff with white markings on it towards the angered stallion. Burst Spear got off his haunches and stood on his back hind legs, balancing himself while grasping the staff in his right front hoof because it was his staff. Burst Spear studied the way the creatures that mined gems, known as diamond dogs, fought while he was a …solar stallion. He wondered if he could fight like that so, he practiced for countless months until he could keep his balance on his hind legs and fight while wielding a weapon. The stallions thought it was pointless and odd to fight like that but, after countless battles and seeing Burst Spear fell numerous enemies with his unique fighting style, they quickly accepted him as a calm, collective, and caring general despite his age. It was also because of these accomplishments in battle that Princess Celestia herself promoted him to the rank of general. Not that any of that mattered anymore now. He sighed and said with a defeated voice “What is the mission that Nightmare Moon has asked of I?” Arcane raised an eyebrow. Burst Spear corrected himself “I mean, what dost the queen of the eternal night ask of her faithful follower,” he said with a hint of sadness through the pledge. “That is better and thy queen has asked for thou’s appearance in her throne room for thou reward on thy’s latest accomplishment and next assignment,” he said with a smirk crossing his muzzle. Burst Spear groaned “Very well, I shall meet with her excellence,” he said as he slid his staff through the slot on his back of his purple lunar armor he wore at all times. “Just remember, follow the orders that are given and I shall return what thou treasure the most in all of equestria as of that one. Single. Night,” he whispered into Spear’s ear as he walked past and out of his private quarters. Burst Spear looked back at him with anger and rage in his eyes but, he knew Arcane was right. To save what he cherished above all else, he had to turn his back on everything he stood for and defended. As he ventured through the halls of the old castle, he heard the snickers of numerous lunar stallions as they saw him. Burst Spear had taken up different titles from both sides of the war, none of which he had acknowledge. There were ones such as “Silent Spear”, “The Collected general”, “The Fallen Solar”, and “The Swift Striker”. But, there was one that both sides knew him as: one the night army reveled and the solar army despised. “The Traitor”. He stopped at the throne room doors flanked by two Pegasus lunar stallions on both sides of the doors. The soldiers saluted him and he saluted them back. One Pegasus knocked on the door signaling their queen that her soldier has arrived. “ENTER, BURST SPEAR,” said a dark and regal voice from behind the doors. The stallion nodded and walked past the lunar Pegasus, entering the throne room while the doors were held open with dark blue magic. The door closed behind him as he walked past and there sitting on her throne was the one he never thought he fight for and obey. There she was, the alicorn queen of the night, Nightmare Moon. She was twice as tall as him with a dark blue coat and long legs, a mane and tail that looked like the starry night flowing in the wind by magic, wearing a regal like armor and in the center of her chest plate was the sign of the night and her cutie mark: a crescent moon. She smiled, showing her razor like teeth “WELCOME BURST SPEAR, I TRUST THY KNOW WHY I HAVE SUMMON THOU,” she said with a hint of evil. “Yes, what is it thou need of me, my queen,” he said. “FIRST I MUST GRANT THY REWARD ON THOU’S LATEST ASSIGNMENT ON BESTING TEN SOLAR STALLIONS BY THYSELF,” she said as she spread her wings and levitated a silver medallion to the stallion and dropped it into the stallion’s right front hoof. Burst Spear had acquired multiple medallions over the past eight months since he defected from the solar army. He could care less for them and gave them to the soldiers he had commanded with her permission. But, he decided to tie to his staff as a show of respect towards the queen of the night. “I accept your grace, now I must ask, what is thy’s next assignment for me,” he said. “YES IT IS A SIMPLE SCOUTING MISSION TO THE NORTHEN REGION. REPORT BACK TO ME ONCE THY HAS FINISH WITH THE TASK AT HAND,” she said. Spear saluted and was on his way to complete the task he was given. Two hours in and Burst Spear has found nothing as he entered a clearing. He sighed and was about to head back until he heard a voice from above, a voice he hoped he would never hear again. “STOP RIGHT THERE, TARITOR,” the voice said. Burst Spear turned around and there hovering a few inches above the ground was a solar Pegasus stallion, eyes full of rage and flanked by two solar unicorns. There he was, Blitz Shield, his brother. “Blitz Shield,” Spear said. “You lost the right to call me that the moment you killed your family and betrayed us. I have been given the order to bring you back alive to face execution or kill you where you stand!” he said in a voice full of rage. Burst Spear thought “Has it really come to this, Spring Flower,” he said in his mind. The two unicorns levitated their swords from holsters while Blitz Shield took out his trademark circular shield with the image of the sun in the middle. “Your choice: death now or later,” he said. Burst Spear sighed and stood on his rear hooves as unsheathed his staff. He stamped the end of it on the ground and with a flash, a white spear head with a swirl in the middles going up to the tip appeared on the top of the staff. “Death it is then. ATTACK,” he ordered and the two unicorns nodded and began their attack. They both swung their blades with magic intending to finish it quickly but, both swords were blocked by Burst’s spear and pushed back. The unicorn on the right jumped into the air and swung his blade down but, it missed its target as spear jumped to the side and with the momentum used the blunt end of his spear and with a loud “CRACK” knocked the unicorn in the back of the head with it, at the base of the helmet where the neck was exposed, rendering the stallion unconscious. The second unicorn shivered, wondering how to bring down this fearsome opponent, he was brought back to reality with a thump noise and before he could react, Burst had retracted his spear tip and used quick thrusts for a rapid assault of hits on the stunned unicorn. He was unconscious before he hit the ground. Blitz Shield glared at the two fallen unicorns in front of him. “I heard reports of you shedding less blood than your comrades but, it does not change the fact that you have killed your fair share of solar stallions by brunt attacks and stab wounds. Now you will fall!” Shield flew straight at Burst with his shield in front planning to bash his skull in. Burst brought his spear tip back out and the two weapons collided sending sparks everywhere. Blitz Shield growled and flew up to come down on him from above but, Burst reacted quickly and used his spear to vault himself above Blitz before he got too high and in rapid movements, slashed the ends of the Pegasus’ wings and shifted the spear to use the blunt end and hit the base of the wings shattering the joints. Blitz Shield yelled out in pain and plummeted to the ground. He hit with a loud crash and burst landed on the ground on his hind hoofs, grunting from the shock. He composed himself quickly and calmly retracted the spear tip of his staff by slamming the blunt end on the ground. Burst Spear placed his staff back onto his back and settled back on all four hooves. He walked towards Blitz shield, unconscious and battered. His wings were knocked out of place and bleeding. “I destroyed the sockets and slashed the muscles; a medic will be able to repair the damage but, your flying days are over for the next six months. …I’m sorry little brother, I really didn’t want it to end like this,” he said and began to leave the area but, not before hearing another voice in the air, a voice that made his blood run cold with fear. He looked up and there she was, hovering above him. She was just as tall as nightmare moon, if not a little taller but; she had a pure white coat and a pink flowing mane and tail just like her sister. However, the main difference was her cutie mark: the Sun. There she was, the ruler of equestria, the princess of the sun. “Princess Celestia” “THOU BETRAYAL ENDS HERE, BURST SPEAR, AND NOW YOU WILL FACE JUDGEMENT,” she said in a regal voice with no hint of kindness he remembered she had. “Wait princess, let me explain…,” he was silenced before could finish his sentence by a bolt of magic fired by Celestia. He was sent back by the force of it and landed on his back. He struggled to stand back up on his hooves and before he could run he felt his legs become like stone. He looked down and to his horror, his legs started to become encased in stone and it was spreading. His eyes went wide and looked up to see the princess levitating the three solar stallions around her. “I HAVE CURSED THOU, BURST SPEAR, FOR AS LONG AS NIGHTMARE MOON EXISTS, THOU SHALL BE ENCASED IN STONE. YOU SHALL BE DOOMED TO FOREVER HEAR THE WORLD AROUND BUT, NEVER TO INTERACT WITH IT. THY NAME WILL BE TOLD AS A TRAITOR AND KILLER AND THOU STORY WILL BE KNOWN AS A SCOUNDREL. FAREWELL,” she said as she teleported herself and the three unconscious soldiers away. Burst Spear could only bow his head and cry as the stone spell began to crawl up his body. Before his head was encased by the spell, he said one last phrase filled with sadness, sorrow, and regret. “Spring Flower, Rose Tip, forgive me” > Return Of The Warrior > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,000 years later….. In an isolated part of the everfree forest, stands a statue of stallion clad in armor. Time has shown that the forest has ensnared it with vines, trying to reclaim the land it sits on. The expression on its face shows sadness so strong, that the skies themselves would weep. However no tears are shed for this statue as the plaque beneath tells with just one word. “TRAITOR” It has been 1,000 years since that fateful night when Princess Celestia cast the cursed Burst Spear and turned him to stone. Since then, he could not interact with world, only listen. Over the years that past, he has heard from the occasional traveler or passerby news of the changing world. Politics, new towns being discovered, everything and let the last few years he heard news with great interest. One bit he took strongly was nightmare moon being vanquished ay the elements of harmony and Princess Luna returning. Even if the curse still held even though the evil in the Princess had been purged, he was glad she was back to normal. He heard of discord being turned back to stone by the six mares that hold the elements, a fitting end for him. He had also heard of changelings, the insect race of ponies that feed on love, and their queen had attacked Canterlot, only to be repealed by the love of the royal couple of Princess Cadence, an alicorn from the news, and captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor. The latest news he heard was that the elements of harmony and the royal couple had saved the crystal empire, which he didn’t think was real, from the returning evil of King Sombra. However, besides the news he had also heard the stories that travelers had told themselves. There was one story though that caused him to cry in his mind. It was the story of how he had betrayed his duties, how his name was cast into infamy, how his family discarded him from their lineage but, the worst one was how he had killed his wife and filly before his betrayal. “Have I not suffered enough that now I have to hear my own misdeeds and the tale of their deaths which is full of lies? Please, make it stop,” he sobbed in his mind. It continued until he heard the sound of breaking of stone. The statue started to crack until a flash of light covered the surrounding area. When the light disappeared, the statue was gone and in its place was Burst Spear, in the flesh and blood. He slowly opened his eyes, wincing while they adjusted to the sun after being stone for so long. As his vision cleared, he took in the area and breathed in deep fresh air for the first time in a thousand years. “I’m free, I’M FREE!” he yelled before coughing for not using his lungs in such a long time. He spotted a nearby stream and galloped to it, dunking his head into the water and drinking in the clear and clean water with a smile. He looked back into the water to see his reflection but, he was shocked at what he saw. Not only did he not age at all but, the lunar stallion armor and his staff were still intact, as if the hands of time had not claimed them. His first thought was to go to the nearest town to find information. He noticed an old, discarded cloak in the bushes and draped it over himself, covering his whole body. He threw the hood over his head and walked south, catching a sound of loud horns in the distance. In Ponyville… Banners were put up saying “WELCOME PRINCESSES AND GUARDS OF EQUESTRIA” and in the center of the small town was a gathering of ponies behind two groups of guards. On the left side were solar stallions with a flag depicting the sun and on the right side were lunar stallions holding a flag depicting the moon. In front of the large crowd was a stage and on it held very important figures. The rulers of equestria, Princess Celestia and Luna looked out among the gathering with caring smiles. Behind the princesses stood the mane 6: Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, FlutterShy, and Pinkie Pie. To the right of Celestia stood the captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor and his wife Cadence and to the left of Luna stood the captain of lunar stallions, Echo Break. The solar monarch spoke with a voice a mother would have “Greetings my little ponies and I thank you for allowing the royal guard to use your town for their competition for the next few days,” after speaking, the crowd stomped their hooves in approval and the soldiers saluted. Before speaking again, the crowd was silenced by the sound of screams coming from the distance as one word was shouted. “HYDRA!!!!!” The roar of the three headed beast stomping through the town caused fear and panic as ponies ran for somewhere to find somewhere to hide. “GET THE PRINCESSES AND THE CIVILIANS TO SAFETY AND STOP THAT BEAST!” ordered the two captains to the troops. The saluted and begun to carry out their orders, Shining Armor hugged his wife and told her to go with the others when he heard something land on the stage. He turned around there stood a solar guard commander, Blitz Bolt. “Captain, me and my lieutenants will get the hydra’s attention and distract it while the lunar stallions handle the civilians,” he said with an emotionless, yet stern face. “You all work together commander, put your feelings for them aside and protect these ponies,” Shining yelled but before he can continue he heard a scream. “APPLEBLOOM” Applejack yelled as she saw her little sister in the beast’s path too scared to move. She screamed and the others gasped as the hydra raised its foot and was bringing it down on her. Before Twilight or the princesses could use their magic on her, a hooded figure grabbed the little filly and moved out of the way just in time. The figure galloped forward a few feet and let the filly out of his hooves and saw as she ran and embraced her sister. He could see tears coming from the orange earth pony and turned around to eye the rampaging beast. The hydra lowered its middle head to eye the hooded figure. When it was about the figure’s height it roared in pain as the hooded stallion had spun on his front hooves and bucked the head with his hind legs. His cloak got snagged on its teeth and was torn off, revealing Burst Spear underneath. “A lunar Stallion,” princess Luna said as she saw the figure. “Is he one of yours, Echo?” “No, I don’t think so, I’ve never seen him before,” said the lunar captain. They were wondering who this stallion was but, they were surprise when they saw him get stand on his hind hooves and bring out his staff. However, what really surprised, especially the solar princess, was when he stamped his staff onto the ground and a spear tip came out. The others gasped but, Celestia just looked at the stallion with a thought in her mind. “Could it really be him?” “He needs assistance!” shouted Echo Break but, before he could use his wings, the solar princess held him back. ”You’re Highness?” She didn’t say anything and just beckoned everyone and her sister to watch. The hydra growled and blew fire at the stallion but, Burst Spear reacted and in a split second, he twirled his staff in front of him, deflecting the flames as they came out. The hydra’s three heads stared in disbelief because it was expecting charred remains. The head on the left lunged at him but, Burst jumped up avoiding the attack and landed on its neck. He bucked the back of its head with enough force that the head shot forward a bit before blacking out. The beast roared in frustration as it tried to shake the stallion off. He ran up the neck of the unconscious head, leapt off it and used his spear to pierce the right head’s jaw. The beast roared in pain and blood seeped from the wound. He used the momentum of it swinging its head up to get rid of him to launch into the air but, not before he hit its head retracting the tip and launched quick thrusts at it. The attacks hit pressure points in the head and neck causing the second head to pass out. The center and final head looked around it and began to panic, trying to find the small attacker. It heard one last thing that sent shivers up its spine before everything went black. “NO ONE HARMS THE INNOCENT WHILE I BREATH” he said in a deep based before slamming his staff on the top of its head with the force of coming back down after being thrown up. Its eyes rolled back into its head as it came crashing down to the ground with a loud crash, ending the fight. Everyone that was still outside watching the whole thing stared in disbelief and amazement upon seeing something that could be seen in a movie or reading in a story. “Awesome” was the only thing that came out of rainbow dash’s mouth before going silent again. Burst Spear got off of the hydra’s head and walked towards the group of ponies. The guards that were in his way moved away from him as he walked by. He continued to walk and stopped right in front of the group and then all eyes were on him. Princess Luna noticed the medallion on his staff with a crest of two crescent moons interlocking and realization hit her and looked towards her sister, both knowing who this is. He placed his staff onto his back and settled down on all four hooves Applebloom walked away from her sister and the group and stopped right in front of the stallion and looked up. Burst noticed this, looked down and said in a caring voice. “Are you okay, little one?” he asked. She nodded yes and one last thing came out his mouth before he fell to his side and past out. “Good” They noticed this and didn’t know what to say or do. Princess Celestia walked towards the fallen stallion and looked at him. “1,000 years have passed but, your patience; skill and heart are as strong as they were when I first met you” “Princess, you know who this is?” Twilight asked and Celestia nodded. “My little ponies, may I present, Burst Spear.” > Judgment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a solar training ground, Burst Spear had just bested his little brother, Blitz Shield, for the tenth time in a row. The soldiers that saw this took it as a daily routine because the brothers sparred with each other on a daily basis, with the older winning every time. “I believe that thou have lost again, little brother” “Blast it, I could never win even when we were colts just learning to walk” shield argued. Spear just chuckled and bopped his little brother on the head. “Thou have wings, use them properly and I promise thou will best me next time” Spear said assuring to his brother the truth. Shield just nodded, shook hooves and went on to practice. Burst Spear had just been promoted to the rank of general by the solar princess herself after being in the solar guard for three years when he and his brother joined at the same time. Blitz Shield was climbing the ranks just as fast and was almost a general himself, making them the two youngest stallions in history to gain it. The moon was just risen by Celestia because her sister has turned into an evil ruler due to the jealousy of ponies enjoying the day more than the night. The war between her and her own army called lunar stallions has been increasing and he knows he’ll be called on again for another battle but, not before going home to say goodbye to his wife and daughter, Spring Flower and Rose Tip. He stopped at his home and opened the door expecting them to be waiting but, only heard silence. He sensed a presence and saw something on the floor that made him cry out in sadness. “SPRING FLOOOOWER!!!” That was the way all his nightmares began. Ever since he was cursed, all the things that he failed to do played out in his mind over and over until he knew what would happen next at what time and what place. “Do ya think he’s alright, he hasn’t been awake since yesterday?” Applejack asked with concern in her voice. The girls had taken him to the library by orders of the princesses. They wanted to know more about the so called: Traitor. Twilight’s assistant Spike had brought the girls tea and everyone were wondering what to do next when something caused them to spit the tea out. “AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Burst Spear jolted up screaming at the top of his lungs, awakening from the nightmare. Fluttershy yelped in shock and hid behind Rainbow Dash who was stunned by the sudden outburst. He had calmed and just sat there shaking. “You okay, sugercube?” Applejack asked, wondering if the stallion was alright. He blinked and looked to where the voice came from. It came from the orange mare with the Stetson hat from yesterday and behind her was two Pegasus, two unicorns and a pink earth pony mare who right in front of him. “HI, I’M PINKIE PIE. THAT WAS SUPER DUPER AWSOME THE WAY YOU SAVED APPLEBLOOM AND BEAT THAT MEANY HYDRA AN-,” she was silenced by the purple unicorn using magic to close her mouth. “Pinkie, calm down okay. He’s just waking up so let him get adjusted,” Twilight told her pink friend. She nodded quickly and smiled so wide that the stallion did not think it was possible. After composing himself, he sat on his haunches and scanned the area, noticing all the books and his staff propped against the book case. “Well now that you’re awake, we can introduce ourselves. My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike, my assistant,” the purple unicorn said and pointed to the small dragon. “Hi” “My name’s Applejack, thank ya kindly for saving my sister yesterday” said the orange earth pony. “Rainbow Dash, nice to meet you,” said the cyan Pegasus with the rainbow mane. “Hello, my name is Rarity,” said the white unicorn. “My...name…is…Fluttershy,” said the yellow Pegasus with a small voice. All the ponies and the dragon introduced themselves and before one of them could say anything else, he raised his hoof, asking them to be quiet. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, I know you are here,” he said with a blank face. Everyone in the room were shocked when he said that and that both princesses walked down steps and stood in front of him. “Your sensitivity to magic is still as sharp as ever” the solar princess said with a small smile. Both princesses were a bit shocked when they saw him bow to them. “First, I am pleased to see that the evil has been purged from you, Princess Luna and it is nice seeing you again as well, Princess Celestia,” he said with respect. They were surprised that he knew about the conflict of Nightmare Moon’s return. “How did you know of our return?” Princess Luna asked. “The curse that was put on me allowed me to hear everything around me even though I was encased in stone. I have heard from travelers the exploits the elements of harmony have accomplished from your return to the crystal empire’s freedom and also everything else,” he said shocking everyone in the room on his knowledge of the elements of harmony and modern times. “I have also heard of the stories they told when I could hear them. One of those stories hit me harder than the rest,” he said. Princess Celestia knew the story he meant, the story of his betrayal. Before she could respond, the door flew open and Blitz Bolt stomped towards Burst with anger in his eyes. “I wouldn’t come any closer soldier or you’ll walk into the barrier around me,” Burst said as he stuck his hoof out and made contact with a magic force field. Bolt just stared at him angrily, snarled and stormed out passed Shining Armor, who tried to stop him. “Forgive me Princess, he just got past me,” he said bowing his head. Burst Spear turned his head to her asked one question. “That stallion is Blitz Shield’s descendent, isn’t he? He asked knowingly and Celestia just nodded to confirm. Two solar stallions that came in after Bolt left and Armor raised an eyebrow. “Forgive me but, how do you know of Blitz Shield?” Shining Armor asked. “I know him because he was my little brother,” he said. Armor’s eyes went wide upon hearing this. “Your brother but, the history books said he was an only child!” he proclaimed. Burst raised an eyebrow this time but, then a sad realization struck him and he closed his eyes. “After he was promoted to General, he demanded that my name to be destroyed from our family records didn’t he, Celestia?” he asked. She sadly nodded, which caused a sad look to come to everyone’s face in the room, especially to one mare who took family seriously. Shining Armor and the two guards saluted and went back outside. The princess got rid of the barrier around him which surprised her sister and waited for he might do. Burst opened his eyes halfway and pressed the lunar medallion on his chest and in a bright flash which caused the guards to re-enter; the sound of retracting armor could be heard. When the light was gone and everyone in the room opened their eyes, what sat there was not a lunar stallion but, a stallion with a yellow coat and a short white mane and tail with blue eyes. His cutie mark: a spear head in front of an explosion of sparks had returned. He took the medallion off, held it in his right hoof and presented it to Princess Luna. “This belongs to you, Princess,” he said. Luna levitated it out of his hoof and looked at it. “Thank you, Burst Spear. We shall keep it with us for the time being,” she said. Burst got up and walked to where his staff was resting and picked it up. Everyone got worried and the guards readied themselves for the worst but, he held it in both his hooves and presented itself to Celestia. “This no longer belongs to me princess,” he said as she levitated it out of his hooves. She stamped in on the ground and the spear tip came. She used magic to separate the two and gave the staff back. “It is no longer a weapon of war. It is just a tool of defense in capable hooves,” she said with a smile. He bowed, took the medal of his staff, placed on the ground and slammed his staff onto it, shattering it to pieces. “That was also a remnant of a past best left forgotten,” he said which earned a smile from Luna. He placed his staff on a sash he wore underneath his armor on his back and then waited for a judgment to be given that decides his fate. “Burst Spear, it is as you said about the past ‘best left forgotten’. I believe that you have much more to understand before you re-enter society. Twilight, would it be okay if you or one of the others allowed him to stay with you until he is ready,” she asked Twilight and her friends who were quiet up to this point. “I guess that would be fine,” she said and turned around to ask each of her friends if he could stay with one of them. “He could stay with me; it’ll be a thank you for saving Applebloom,” Applejack said with a smile. He thought for a minute and nodded at the agreement. Celestia smiled and told Burst that she and her sister will be staying near the town for the competition between both guards ponies and will check on him each day to see his progress and to determine a final judgment. Everyone left for home and Applejack had him follow her to Sweet Apple Acers to her home. He overheard Pinkie Pie saying something about preparing a ‘Thanks for saving Ponyville and Applebloom from the hydra’ party. When he asked about her almost limitless energy, Applejack just chuckled and said it’s just pinkie being pinkie. The way to the farm silent until Applejack broke it. “So, thanks for saving ma sister. I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to her,” she said. “Think nothing of it Applejack; I am glad that she was unharmed. You really do care deeply for your family and that is true honesty,” he said with a small smile. She hid the hint of a small blush beneath her hat and wondered about him. She couldn’t believe he was as bad as the story told about him. “Is it really true that you betrayed the princess during the war?” she had asked. His smile disappeared and he stopped in his tracks just right outside the farm. He turned to Applejack and answered her. “I cannot tell you but, let’s just say that I was given a choice that I couldn’t refuse,” he said with a bit of sadness in his voice. Applejack could tell he was telling the truth and wondered what could have really happened to him that caused his betrayal. The two of them past underneath the sign to the orchard and farm and Burst Spear saw apple trees miles long with no end in sight. Applejack noticed this and just chuckled at his expression. They neared the farm and three ponies outside waiting for them. He noticed Applebloom and guessed the other two were her family as well. “You already met ma little sister and this is the rest of my family. The tall red one is ma big brother, Big Macintosh and the elderly green mare is Granny Smith,” she said as she pointed to each one of her family members. He shook hooves with her brother and bowed to her grandmother, thanking them for allowing him to be their guest in their home. He noticed Applebloom just staring at him and was surprised when she just ran up and hugged his leg tightly. “Thanks for saving me yesterday mister,” she said with a smile after separating from his leg. He smiled and patted her head and swore he saw and image of Rose Tip in her place which brought a tear in his eye. Applejack noticed this and ushered everyone in for dinner. He was surprised by the vast quantities of apple based foods and the apple family appetite. While he was eating he asked what became of the hydra and Applejack told him that Fluttershy had help take care of it and return it to the swamp. He was shock to learn that the Pegasus he thought wouldn’t hurt a fly would be able to calm a giant beast. After dinner was over, everyone went to bed and Applejack showed where he would sleep. He would sleep in the room across from her room. “Before I go to sleep, I must thank you once again for allowing me to sleep in your home, Applejack” “Think nothin of it, sugarcube,” she said again showing the hint of a blush before closing the door and going to bed. Burst placed his staff against the wall and turned towards the bed for his first sleep in 1,000 years. Before going asleep, he shed a single tear while praying. “Spring Flower, Rose Tip, I’m sorry for failing to protect you” he said while crying himself to sleep. However, unknown to him Applejack had heard this while she was returning to her room after making sure her sister was asleep. “Who’s Spring Flower and Rose Tip?” > Solar vs Lunar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Burst Spear’s hooves was the lifeless body of his wife, Spring Flower. The joy of his life and first reason worth fighting for, the second being his daughter who he prayed was safe. However, at the moment he was wondering how this could have happen. “How could this have happen to you? I’m sorry I could not protect you, my love,” he said while crying tears of sorrow. He then sensed the presence of magic and stood up on his hind legs after placing his wife back down with eyes brimming with revenge as he drew his staff and the spear tip from it. “REVEAL THYSELF AND FACE ME AS A STALLION!!!” he roared into the darkness. He heard the chuckle of a pony and emerging from the darkness and into the moonlight was a unicorn lunar stallion. “I have heard of thou’s sensitivity to magic but, I had to view it myself. Truly thou art an interesting solar stallion.” “WHO ARE YOU?” he asked with his voice seething with rage. “Forgive me for not introducing myself. Thou may call me Arcane; I am her majesty’s top unicorn generals and lead recruiter and I must say thy battle stance is interesting” the lunar stallion said while acting polite. Burst just glared at him and raised his spear ready for his revenge. “I CARE NOT FOR THY TITLES, FOR SOON THEY WILL BE AS THOU IN THE NEXT SECOND. DEAD,” he hissed with venom lacing his voice. Arcane just held his hoof up before Burst could lunge at him. “A battle with thou would be interesting however; I must decline unless thou dost not care for the safety of thy daughter,” he said with a grin. Burst’s eyes widened when he heard Arcane say that to him. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ROSE TIP YOU CUR!?” “Calm thyself Burst Spear. I have caused no harm to thy daughter and will continue not to unless thou agree to my terms.” “What dost thou want with me?” he said with a sign of defeat in his voice. “It is as I said. I am a recruiter and I want you to join us on the side of the night and fight for her majesty, Nightmare Moon,” he said. “I WILL NEVER SIDE WITH THAT MONSTER OF THE NIGHT!” Burst shouted at the stallion. “Then perhaps my usefulness for thy daughter has come to an end and I no longer need her as a bargaining chip,” he said sighing. “WAIT! I…I agree to thy terms, just do not harm her, please, I beg you,” Burst said resigning to his fate to protect his daughter as Arcane laughed evilly. The lunar unicorn used his magic to teleport the both of them away from Burst’s former life. Burst Spear opened his eyes, awakening to the sight of him in a room with the scent of apples engulfing the room. The door to the room opened and Applejack came in with a concern look. “You okay sugarcube, I thought I heard ya crying and I was worried,” she said. “I am fine Applejack. I just had another nightmare but, I assure you that I am okay,” he said trying to calm her nerves. She sighed and nodded with a smile. “Okay, well I just came to tell ya it’s time for breakfast,” she said and left for downstairs. Burst got up, placed his spear on his back, walked out the room and went down for breakfast. He joined the apple family and ate with them. After breakfast was done, Applebloom left for school while Applejack and Big Mac left to work the fields. “Applejack, would it be okay if I helped you and your brother with the harvest. If it wouldn’t be any trouble?” he asked catching her off guard but, agreed with a smile. Applejack brought him to the nearest tree to show him how to buck apples. “It’s real simple but, kind of hard the first time. You lean forward facing away from the tree, lift your hind legs and kick the tree. Don’t feel bad if ya don’t get it,” she said. She moved so Burst could try it himself. He relaxed himself and followed the instructions she said. He leaned forward lift his hind legs and kicked the tree. Every single apple fell down into the baskets below it. Applejack stood there with wide eyes and mouth hanging open. “I guess it wasn’t that hard after all,” he said sheepishly. Applejack shouted for Big Mac to come over and asked for Burst to do it again. He nodded and did the same thing to another tree and all the apples came down. Big Mac eyes widened upon seeing this. The rest of the morning went along smoothly with all three of them being able to finish today’s work by noon. Applejack decided to take Burst into town to check in with the princesses and her friends and look at the competition. “I still can’t believe you were able to cause all the apples in a tree to fall down and this was your first time doing this,” she said as Burst just chuckled at the statement. “I guess just had beginner’s luck or I had a good teacher,” he replied which caused Applejack to blush slightly. The two noticed that everyone was gathering on the outskirts of town. When they got there, they noticed that there was a ring in the middle of the crowd. They spotted the princesses, Shining Armor, Echo Break, Twilight and the others on the other side and went over to join them. “Good Afternoon Applejack, I trust that there weren’t any problems with having Burst Spear staying with you?” “No problems, yer highness. In fact he helped me and ma brother with this morning’s harvest.” “I was only trying to help them, nothing more.” “If that is true than you don’t have to wait long for you to be able to enjoy your new life,” Celestia said with a warm smile while Luna and the others nodded smiling. “What is this event that everyone is here seeing and why is there a sparring ring?” Burst said. “The lunar and solar guards are going to have sparring matches between each other. There have already been three matches,” Shining Armor said. “It’s just a friendly tournament to demonstrate each other’s skills in both guards group,” Echo said. At that moment, a grey unicorn with a black main and tail stepped into the middle of the ring. “The fourth match will begin in the minute. It will be a best of three fights, the leader for the solar guard will be Blitz Bolt and the leader for the lunar guard will be Night Shade,” the announcer said. Blitz Bolt and two other solar stallions came in on one side with him glaring at Burst with disgust. While on the other side two lunar guards came into the ring. “Why isn’t Night Shade with you?” Echo said with a confused expression. “He sprained his knee during the hydra attack and he couldn’t heal in time for the match,” the Pegasus lunar guard said. “Maybe he’s trying to get out of the match because he knew that you didn’t stand a chance against us,” the unicorn solar guard proclaimed while the Pegasus solar guard chuckled. “That’s enough from you private. What are you going to do Echo?” Shining asked the lunar captain before hearing something. “Why don’t you let the ‘traitor’ do it after all he is a lunar filth?” proclaimed Blitz Bolt while glaring at Burst. “Lieutenant; don’t listen to him Burst, he just disapproves of the lunar guard” Shining explained and was about to scold Blitz until Burst raised his hoof. “It’s okay Shining Armor, I’ll do it,” he said flatly. Everyone was shocked by his announcement. Guardspony and civilians were looking at him with concern. “Are you sure Burst Spear, you don’t have to do this. I can just find another guardspony to take Night Shade’s place,” Echo said, voicing concern. “It’s alright captain Echo Break. I’m doing this to prove that the lunar guard is not filth” he said. Echo looked at the princesses for the approval and they nodded with some expressions of concern on their faces. Burst went onto the field next to the lunar guards. “Well then, let the first fight of the best of three begin: choose the combatants,” the announcer said. “I will go first,” said the earth lunar stallion. He picked up a training mace in his teeth and went towards the center. The Pegasus solar guard held a sword and walked towards his opponent with a smirk. “Let the first battle begin!” The announcer pony got out of the ring and the two guards prepared for battle. The lunar guard charged swinging his mace down but, the solar guard dodged and swung his and scored a small hit. The lunar guard grunted and started to retaliate while the Pegasus took to the air. The exchange between the two kept going back and forth with the solar guard having the upper hoof. Burst was quiet while, Blitz Bolt was barking orders. No pony knew that he was dissecting the match with a detailed gaze. The battle ended when the lunar guard fell to the ground with too many hits to the legs. “The solar guard team takes the first battle! May the second battle fighters come to the center.” “I guess the lunar guards are all bark and no bite even with those teeth,” the Pegasus said laughing. The lunar stallion was helped up by Burst and sat down on the sidelines. “Sorry, I messed up real bad,” he said with sorrow I his voice. “Don’t worry razor. I’ll make this guy regret disrespecting the lunar guard,” the lunar Pegasus said. “Good luck, Riptide,” Razor said. Riptide placed a quiver of training arrows on his back and picked up a bow and was about to face the solar unicorn holding the same sword his companion used in his magic when Burst stopped him. “When Blitz Bolt yells his first order, follow my instructions to the letter!” he said with authority. Riptide was shocked hearing this but, agreed and went to face his opponent. On the stage, Applejack asked princess Celestia something that’s been bothering her. “Yer majesty, do you know any ponies name Spring Flower and Rose Tip?” she asked and the princess nodded. “Yes Applejack, I do know them. Spring flower was Burst Spear’s wife and Rose Tip was his daughter. Why do you ask this?” she asked which caught the attention of everyone on the stage. “Well last night, before I went ta bed, I overheard him saying that he’s sorry for failing ta protect them.” She said which caused the princess to raise her eyebrow. “Are you sure he said something like that Applejack?” Twilight asked. “I’m positive. In fact, when we were heading towards the farm yesterday, I asked him why he defected and he said that he didn’t have any other choice and I could tell he was telling the truth,” she said. Her friends had confused looks while, Celestia was deep in thought about this information. “What could have happened for him to say he didn’t have a choice?” she asked in her mind. Her train of thought was interrupted when the announcer signaled the match to begin. The solar guard began aiming for Riptide’s wings while he continued dodging. He got a good enough distance and fired an arrow but the guard blocked it with the sword. The solar guardian had a smirk when he used his magic and in a flash, disappeared after Blitz Bolt yelled at him. Riptide began to panic but, stopped when Burst told him something. ”Go up into the air and fire an arrow to your right,” he said. Riptide immediately followed and flew up into the air and fired an arrow to his right. It connected with the solar guard and his spell dropped which caused everyone to be surprised at Burst Spear for reading a move ahead, including an enraged Blitz Bolt. “MANUEVAR 791!” he barked. The guard nodded and teleported out of sight. “Raise your bow over your head and fly back,” burst said calmly. Riptide didn’t understand but, agreed and did what he said. When he did his bow caught the solar guard by the neck. “Now throw him down!” Burst yelled. Riptide nodded and flung the solar guard to the ground with a thud. He landed next to the guard, arrow drawn, waiting for a reply. “I surrender,” the guard replied which caused cheers coming from the crowd and both guard ponies. Riptide came over amazed he was able to accomplish and win his match. Before the announcer could call the next and final match, Blitz bolt stomped towards the center with two swords at his waist. “COME FACE ME ‘TRAITOR’ AND I WILL PROVE YOU ARE NOTHING” he shouted which caused the crowd to become quiet. Burst just stood on his rear hooves, drew his staff and walked to face his opponent. “Let the final fight begin!” Blitz flew straight at him, swords in his hooves and ready to attack. Burst blocked his relentless attacks with little effort which caused his anger to grow until he shot up into the air. “Now you will suffer the ‘falling comet’!” he proclaimed. His soldiers had smug smiles on their faces while the lunar guard got nervous. He overheard that no pony has ever withstood this attack. Blitz dive bombed him, weapons at his side, aiming right at him. Burst only needed a second to recognize this attack. “So he perfected it,” he whispered. He closed his eyes and waited for the right moment to strike. Blitz was inches away from hurting him while Applejack yelled out telling him to move. He opened his eyes, side stepped and backed flip. He missed the wide attack and the head on when the swords moved in an arc pointing down. Blitz went wide eyed when he saw Burst completely dodge his attack. Burst slammed his staff onto Blitz’s back and into the ground, finishing the contest. Everyone was stunned witnessing this before they erupted into applause. The solar guard stared dumbfounded while the lunar guard cheered. Burst was about to leave when he heard Blitz get up. “How did you know all those tactics and the ‘falling comet’ maneuver? They were passed down from the greatest solar stallion in history and my ancestor, Blitz Shield!” “…I was the one who taught him everything he knew about fighting.” “Impossible! How could you know him,” Blitz Bolt snarled. “I knew him because he was my younger brother,” he stated. Every pony there was stunned that he said that. The solar guard that fought began laughing thinking it was a joke and Blitz was shouting that it is a lie. “Your Majesty, I ask that you tell the ‘traitor’ to stop saying lies about the greatest solar general you ever had,” Blitz said. Everyone turned their head to look at Princess Celestia to disprove Burst statements. “I must tell you this Blitz Bolt but, Burst Spear is correct. Your ancestor, Blitz Shield, was his younger brother,” she said calmly. Everyone gasped upon hearing this news. Blitz went wide eyed and slowly turned his head to face Burst. “Impossible” “I learned from her majesty that he had my records destroyed from our family archives. Even though he did this he couldn’t destroy the teachings I gave him which you have refined but, the steps are still there from beginning to end,” he stated and walked past a stunned stallion and was about to leave before stopping. “Also, this grudge you have for the lunar guard is ridiculous and stupid. All guard ponies are not perfect and you shouldn’t use my mistakes to berate them. In the end, both guards serve the princesses and your duty is to protect Equestria and its people from those who seek to harm it and them. Never forget that fact!” Burst proclaimed and went back to the stage to view the rest of the matches. When he got there everyone had smiles on their faces and Princess Luna had a tear in her eye for defending her guard ponies. The tournament ended in a draw and everyone decided to go home seeing that the sun was setting. Applejack and Burst Spear bowed to the princesses and were heading back towards the farm. When they were gone, the solar princess had a look of confusion on her face. “Tia, what is wrong?” Luna asked her sister. “It’s what Applejack told us about what Burst said to her. It may have something to do with the day he disappeared.” “But what could have caused it?” “I believe the answer lies within his nightmares.” > Recollections > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Burst Spear opened his eyes after Arcane had transported them, he found himself in a large room. He heard snickering and looked around the room to find the source of it and noticed he was surrounded by lunar stallions but, before he could react to them, he was held in place with magic. “Calm thyself, Burst Spear because you are now among allies.” Arcane said while stepping out of the darkness. “You dare call these beasts’ allies. Release me at once!” “Dost thou forget thy agreement or dost thou not care what happens.” Arcane said with an evil grin. Burst then remembered why he has to do this and gave up. “What dost thou want me to do?” “I SHALL ANSWER THIS.” said a voice that caused a shiver to run up his spine. The lunar stallions all bowed their heads as their mistress and the source of all this fighting, Nightmare Moon, appeared. “I WAS SHOCK TO HEAR THAT THOU HAD SUCCEEDED ON THY TASK, ARCANE. THOU HAST PLEASED ME.” she said. “I am at thou’s beck and call, my mistress.” he said while bowing. She nodded and turned her head towards Burst Spear. “BURST SPEAR, I HAVE HEARD OF THY’S TENACITY IN BATTLE AND TOLD ARCANE TO CONVINCE THOU TO JOIN ME. IT SEEMS THOU HAST REALIZED THAT CELESTIA IS DOOMED.” she said. He didn’t say anything but just nodded to what she said. Nightmare Moon smiled, showing her razor like teeth, and levitated a medallion to him and placed it around his neck. “SHOW THY COMMITMENT TO THE NIGHT. TAP THE MEDALLION ON THY CHEST AND THOU SHALL BE REBORN!” Burst fought the urge to attack her with the reason he was doing this. Before he tapped the medallion, he uttered one phrase in his mind before resigning to his fate. “Forgive me.” he said before everything went black only to be pierced by yellow slited eyes. Burst awoke in a cold sweat, drenching him and the bed. He looked at the clock and noticed that the apple family will awake in an hour. He decided that he needed some air, so he grabbed his staff, left his room and exited the house without making a sound. Unknown to him, Applejack woke up early to get a head start on the chores but, when she cracked her door open, she noticed Burst leave his room and go downstairs. “Where is he goin at this hour?” Applejack silently followed him outside and into an open field a mile away from the farmhouse. She hid behind an apple tree to find out what he was doing out here. Burst stood in the middle of the field standing on his hind legs and staff in his right hoof. He goes into his battle stance and imagines he is surrounded by enemies and begins sparring with his imaginary foes. She stood there and watched as he trained with all his might with every movement and couldn’t help but feel her heart speed and tense up while admiring his skills. “Darn it. Why does he have to be so handsome?” she asked herself. However, she was snapped back to reality by the sounds of crying and looks to find the source only to be shocked that it’s coming from Burst. She galloped towards to see what happened. “How can I defeat these foes yet I couldn’t protect the ones closest to me from harm?” he said through his tears. He looked up to see Applejack in front of him with a saddened look and tears in her eyes. “Forgive me. I did not mean to cause you concern but, I assure –“ he didn’t get a chance to finish after Applejack rushed him and embraced him in a caring and emotional hug. “It’s okay, sugarcube. I’m here and you don’t need to keep them bottled up anymore.” she said trying to comfort him. Burst was stunned at first but, his eye started to water as he gave in and cried. At the entrance to the farm, Twilight, her friends, the princesses, Shining Armor and Cadence, Echo Break and Blitz Bolt arrived to speak with Burst Spear. “Your majesty, forgive me but, why have asked me and Blitz Bolt to accompany you?” Echo asked. “I asked you two to come with us because I believe there is a question that only he can answer and I believe it will ease tensions between the two of you, Blitz Bolt.” Celestia said. Blitz still couldn’t believe what he heard yesterday and could only nod at the statement. When they got to the farm house, Twilight knocked on the door and waited for an answer. “They might be in the field already but, I don’t know where we can find them.” she said. “Me and Fluttershy can get a bird’s eye view over the field and yell when we find them.” Rainbow said but, before she and Fluttershy could go up, they heard the bark from the Applejack’s dog, Winona. “Maybe she knows where they are. Winona, can you lead us to where Applejack and Burst Spear are?” Twilight asked the Border collie who barked in agreement and took off with the others following her. The group continued to follow Winona into the acres until she came to a stop and heard the sounds of crying in the distance. They followed the noise until they saw Applejack hugging a crying Burst Spear. “Oh dear, I wonder what’s wrong with him.” Fluttershy said while trying not to cry as well. “I don’t know but, we should be careful before we approach them.” Celestia said. However, Winona rushed to her owner before any of them could stop her. Applejack turned her head to see her dog next to her with a concern look. She looked up and noticed the group of her friends, royalty and guards. She used her right hoof to tell them to come over slowly and they did so. She told Burst that they had company and he looked up to see them and tried to bow. “You don’t need to bow before us, Burst Spear. We only want know why you are crying.” Luna said which everyone nodded in agreement except, Blitz Bolt who had mixed feelings at the moment. “He was out here sparring with himself and then he just stopped and started cryin’ and so I came to comfort him.” She said for him with a small blush. The group looked at Burst who nodded in agreement. Before Pinkie could try to cheer him up, he spoke. “What is it that you needed to ask me?" “My sister and I would like to hear your side of the story based on what you experienced.” Celestial suggested. He looked up to the sky, closed his eyes and sighed before opening them. “Why don’t you see them yourself? Use the spell that allows looking into pony’s memories and projecting them for all to see and look for the memory of the day before you discovered I was gone.” He said with sadness in his voice. Celestia and Luna were surprised by this but, nodded in agreement and told everyone to get behind them. Their horns began to glow as they cast the memory spell on him. An oval shaped mirror manifested itself in front of them and showed everyone the day when Burst was training with Blitz Shield. “That’s Blitz Shield, so it is true, they were brothers.” Bolt said when he saw it. The memory fast forwards itself to when he saw Spring Flower’s body. Everyone gasped on seeing this now learning what really happened to his wife. It then sped up to when Arcane appeared and made his deal with him. “So he accepted because he was trying to save his daughter?” Cadence said with tears in her eyes. The memory then sped up to when Nightmare Moon revealed herself to him. Luna looked away, not wanting to look at her former, evil self. The memories continued from when he changed into a lunar stallion. Every battle he was in to every single kill he made, few as they may be. The memories continued until the fateful day that Celestia cursed him to stone. The memories ended and the mirror disappeared as the spell ended. Burst opened his eyes to see everyone’s faces with tears running down them and noticed that Pinkie’s mane and tail was straight and her body was a darker shade of pink. “What happened to Rose Tip?” Celestia asked through her tears. “… I don’t know.” That was the only thing that Burst said before his tears started up again. Applejack went back over to him and hugged him to continue to comfort him even though she saw was still crying. “Burst Spear, I am so sorry. If I had known what really happened I wouldn’t have acted on emotions of your betrayal. Please, forgive me.” Celestia asked while bowing her head. “I do not blame you for what you did princess. If I was in your position, I would have done the same thing if one of my trusted generals betrayed me. Also, Blitz Bolt, I know you believed what you heard about me is from history but, know that I forgive you for your actions against me.” Blitz was surprised by his statement but, he just continued to break down in tears. “I must make an announcement to all my ponies on this news. I promise that I will clear your name Burst and much more. Come along everyone; let’s give these two a moment.” The group than left the two and went towards the town to prepare for the announcement. Applejack and Burst just sat there in silence until he broke it. “Applejack, I know you have feelings for me and I am sorry if I had not responded to them.” he said which caused her to blush deep red. “I didn’t mean to be rude what with all you’ve been through but, yeah.” “I understand and I appreciate your care. I will always love Spring Flower and Rose Tip and they always said ‘Follow your heart and we will always support you’ and I will honor their wishes and memories of happier days.” Burst than surprised Applejack by planting a soft kiss on her cheek which caused her blush to deepen but, then relaxed with a smile on her face. “Be careful, Burst. You’ll have to get through ma brother before you can be with me.” “I think I can handle him but, first let’s go see the announcement okay.” “Sure thing, sugarcube.” she said before giving him a kiss of her own. They both got up and headed towards the town. However, unknown to them and the others, a lone figure watched the whole display before laughing evilly and disappearing in a flash of light. > Final Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burst and Applejack trotted into town and noticed the small gathering of ponies in the center, surrounding a small platform where their friends, guards and the princesses were standing. Celestia stood in front of the group and began to address them. “My little ponies, I have recently learned that the story of Burst Spear was only based on the actions he did, not the reasons he had to do it. I promise to explain everything to all of Equestria about what truly happened.” Everyone was confused with this but; they listened to her to hear what she had to say. Burst just stood there with Applejack who leaned against him with a smile on her face. However, before she could say anything they heard a scream. “LET GO OF ME!” Everyone turned to where the shout came from and saw Apple bloom in the hooves of the announcer unicorn from the matches. Two lunar and solar guard ponies surrounded him. “Release the filly now!” the solar guard barked. He smirked and his horn glowed black. Before the guards could react, the earth beneath them trapped their hooves and a spike came up, inches away from the guards’ throats. He then eyed Burst coming towards him and smiled. “Let go of her right now!” “I must say, I never thought I would see you again after all these years.” “Who are you?” he said. The stallion just chuckled and said in a voice Burst never thought he would hear again. “Come now Burst Spear, surely you haven’t forgotten about me.” “ARCANE! But how?” he said with anger in his voice. Before the others could react to this, Arcane teleported taking the filly with him. “If you want to save her, seek us at the place you know all too well. Unless, you want to repeat your failure.” He said with his voice lingering in the air. “Where could he have taken her?” “I know. His taken her to where I was cursed. Princess, I know this is wrong but, I need my weapon to be whole again. I will not let history repeat itself!” Burst said with anger in his voice. Celestia was shocked by his voice but, regretfully nodded. She levitated his staff and conjured the spear tip in front of her. She used magic to combine the two into one and gave it back. “Do not let hate and vengeance blind you.” “I understand princess. I’m going alone because if he sees someone other than me, I don’t know what will happen.” The others were about to protest about his decision but, one glance at him said he was telling the truth. He was about to leave when Applejack placed a hoof on his shoulder to stop him. “You both come back, understand.” Burst just smiled, turned around and gave a small kiss to her lips. “I promise.” He said and left a very red mare with smiling friends behind. Burst just kept walking as the moon began to rise. He was soon at the place where he was cursed. He then saw a crying Apple bloom in a cage made of earth. “Burst, help me!” she cried out. He was about to gallop to her when Arcane appeared in front of him, wearing a red medallion with black diamond on it. “It really is just like old times, isn’t friend.” “How are you still alive?” Burst said with anger in his voice. “Throughout my studies in the dark arts, I discovered an interesting spell. Through this medallion I created, I was able to take the life force out of anyone I choose and prolong my existence. However, it seems I am not the only one who has cheated death.” He said with a voice dripping with evil. Burst was shocked and disgusted upon hearing this. “How can you justify about taking away a life with no regret.” “My dear Burst, who do you think my first two victims were?” he asked while chuckling. Burst went wide eyed when that question was announced. “No.” “That’s right. You were so worried about protecting your daughter, that you didn’t know she was already gone. She and your wife put up quiet the fight though. Just like you. Now history shall repeat itself, boys.” He said and four rock ponies appeared from the darkness with weapons in hoof. “Finish him.” Burst withdrew his staff, brought the spear tip out and prepared for battle. The farthest rock pony charged with swords on its side. Burst dodged the charge and sliced the things right hoof off. It staggered a bit but, still charged again with a purpose. “They don’t feel emotions or pain and will keep attacking until your dead.” Arcane said with a chuckle. Apple bloom just sat there crying, as she watched Burst relentlessly attack the creatures with no end. Burst was covered in scars as he kept attacking the rock ponies until he destroyed the last one and he was on his knees in exhaustion. He heard the clapping of hooves as he looked up and saw Arcane walk towards him with a scythe in his magic. “I believe it is quiet nice that it comes down between the two of us. Look at us, two stallions from a thousand years ago, settling a feud that time has forgotten. Now, it ends!” he proclaimed as he swung down aiming at Burst’s head. He heard the collision of something and was shocked to find that his scythe had snapped off when it hit a stone shield. Burst lowered it and aimed his spear at the medallion. “Your right, it does end.” He said as he pierced the medallion and Arcane in a single movement. Arcane yelled in pain and agony as an explosion of magic engulfed them both. Burst opened his eyes and saw that Arcane had been turned to stone. When he retracted his spear from him, Arcane’s body turned to dust and blew away into the wind. The cage holding Apple bloom resided back into the earth and she ran towards Burst and threw her front hooves around his neck and hugged him tightly. He returned the hug with just as much care that he could give. “Are you okay, Apple bloom?” “I’m fine, thank you for saving me from that creep.” She said through her tears with a smile on her face. Before he could say anything, lights began to come from the shattered remains of the medallion and float of into the air. “Burst, what are those lights?” “I think those are the lives Arcane has stolen throughout the years, finally set free.” He said with a smile. Two lights where in front of them and took the shapes of a mare and a filly with smiles on their faces. Burst recognized them and began to cry tears of joy as they took to the skies. “Was that your family?” “Yes, they were. Come on, let’s go home.” He put his staff in its sash and placed Apple bloom on his back as they left with the moon looking down on them. They entered the town and Apple bloom jumped off his back ran towards her family who were crying tears of joy. Both princesses walked towards him with smiles on their face. “You have performed gallantly, Burst Spear. What has happened to Arcane?” “His gone princess, I won’t go into detail but, the lives he has taken have finally found peace.” He said with a smile. Celestia nodded in understanding and left with her sister and guards to return to Canterlot to address the other ponies about what truly happened. The others gave their thanks to him and went home to prepare for tomorrow’s celebration for Burst. He walked with the apple family towards the barn to get some sleep. He went into his room but; before he could go to sleep he heard a knock on the door. He opened it and found Applejack smiling at him. “What’s wrong, Applejack?” he asked. However, before he could react, she kissed him full on the lips. He was shocked at first but, returned it with just as much love. They separated and she took her hat off and placed it on top of his staff. She gently kicked the door closed and trotted towards him. “What ever happened to getting through your brother first before I can get to you?” “You let me handle him in the morning. However, tonight I can teach you the finer points of apple bucking. If you can keep up?” she said with a wink. “I believe I can keep up and maybe I can teach you some things too.” He said. They both kissed and went off into their own little world for the rest of the night. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been five years since that fateful night and Burst Spear’s life could not have gone any better. Princess Celestia proclaimed to all of Equestria about what truly happened on the night Burst vanished and his actions on why he did it. She tracked down his family line and returned his name to its rightful place. Blitz Bolt was able to aid in that task as a sign of respect towards his relative. He introduced Burst to his family and they were a little shocked but, after hearing of what really happened, they were all to glad to welcome him back into the family. Speaking of family, the apple family was more than happy to let him into theirs after he proposed to Applejack at the celebration. Big Mac was a little reluctant but, he knew that Burst would always protect her and Apple bloom was more than happy to have him as her brother-in-law. The wedding was held at Sweet Apple Acres and both family and friends alike attended it. Both Princesses gave their blessings and Burst and Applejack tied the knot and sealed it with a kiss. “Dad, come on. You promised you come to school for ‘Family Appreciation Day’!” Exclaimed the young colt. “Okay, Apple sword. Give me a minute and I’ll be right down.” Burst chuckled. The young colt bolted down stairs with a smile. Apple sword was a four year old colt. He had an orange coat just like his mother. A white mane and tail like his father and light green eyes. Burst and Big Mac had built a house on the farm for his family. He officially retired from the guard and took on farming as his profession. He went downstairs and found his wife and son already at the door. “Nice of you to join us, sugarcube.” Applejack said with a smile. Burst smiled in return and pecked her cheek. “Eww. Stop that, please.” Sword begged. “He’s right you know. You two need to get going but, you need this.” She said. Applejack took her hat off and placed it on Burst’s head. “We’ll be back home before supper.” He said while tipping his hat. He gave her one more kiss and left with his son to school. One thousand years ago, Burst lost everything he cared for. After a millennium encased in stone, he now has something worth protecting again. The story of the 'Fallen Solar Stallion' has been rewritten. 'The Redemption of the Gallent Solar Stallion.'