> Creator of Myself > by ZenIssak > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How to begin? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 : How to begin ? It was the 12th of may 2010 my birthday. Waking up in my bed at 6:00 and making my way to the bathroom. Coming back out and down to the kitchen at 6:25. " Just another birthday without a party or friends or.... parents" I said to myself sadly. Moving on I was now on the way to my school. The school is not much but it is where I get my marks from to have later a better live.  Today's plan: 2 lessons math, 2 lessons art and 2 lessons Technology At the entrance from the school someone graped my shoulder. "Hey Leon whats up?" Sedric nearly jumps at me.  Sedric is one of the most annoying begins in my life. He just hops around you and tells you stuff that nobody wants to know here. And I don't like him. "Nothing, now please move out of my way",I said with a grin on my lips. Well we now a the point that I should introduce myself fully. My full name is Leon Issak. I live here in Wien, Austria. I speak English and German, though I like English more because the gramar is easier. And I like to watch My Little Pony : FIM. So back to my life right now. "Aw come one man I know you like to have a conversation with me don't you", he mubled in my ear "No, I really have to go to my class now", without another word I left him standing there. "This idiot just wasted more of my time and now I'm gone be late!", I thought to myself. Yes I was late but only 2 minutes. Not a big deal. Our math teacher said nothing about it and the lesson dragged on. At the end of the second lesson we where through Pythagoras. I was tired and needed a break. Art was uneventful. Nothing happened except our teacher rambeling on about art in the old and new styles. "Just the best birthday ever ,no cake ,no party just tiring math and boring art, I love my life", I thought sarcastically. Well and than came Technology. personally I like Technology. Its the most interesting lessons. That could be the reason I have an 2+(B+) in it. Today we had for a test an crystal. We should find out what causes effects and reactions. Just grabing one of the crystals and leting it sink on the bottom of one of the water tanks. Nothing happened. "Hm...water has no effect lets try it with electricity" I said to myself. I linked next to the tank 1 generator for test reasons. "Ok....3...2...1" I shouted and pulled the lever. The electricity began to strike the crystal from the two sides. It began to glow in a neon blue and just for a second you could see an letter in the crystal. The letter was C. "Well electricity seems effecting it", I shouted over to my teacher. Just in this little moment a black lighting struck from the crystal into my right hand. The world began to spin and my vision became black. "What a perfect birthday.", where my last thoughts. > That voice in my Head > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 : That voice in my Head Darkness. Nothing. I couldn't see anything. Out of the nothing came a crystal the same as I have in the labor in school. Flooding in front of me. It began to sparkle and a low voice said " CEE ". Suddenly the crystal began to grow to the 4th of his original mass. It began to glow again neon blue. "Oh what now?" A lighting connected with me again. My body was pushed out of the void into free fall. Below me was a tower of a big castle. "Well it sure looks familiar here. Tower...Castle? Canterlot !?" I was strait heading for the roof of the tower. "OH SHI-" my scream was interrupted by the roof rushing in my face. All things where blurred and I have the felling that my arms and legs are broken. "I HATE MY BIRTHDAY!" my scream echoed through the castle. I wobbeld and was unconscious again. In the darkness of my mind suddenly a voice echoed: "BIOSTRUKTUR DAMAGED DETECTED" "What the-" "AKTIVATING CORE SYSTEM MODE" Then a shock traveled through my body like a train. I was brought back to the real world and felled like a truck hit me. And then were the voice again "CORSYSTEMS BACK ONLINE! STARTING H.U.D?" My mind was blank so I said just "Yes" my vision was filled with an loading display. "PLEASE WAIT! INTERAKTING WITH DNA!" As my vision came back to normal i had a display of energy at the low corner of my view and at the top a name symbol. It was Cee. "LOADING FINISHED! PROCCED!" "So ,Cee, what happened to me?" "FOUED REST OF ATOMANOMALIE IN AIR CAUSE : UNKNOWN" "That helps much Cee" I said rolling my eyes. "LIFEFORM APROCHING! ADIVEC USE CLOAKMOD!" The the System activated it instantly. What I saw was just beautiful. There was she just, right infront of me. Luna, THE GOD DAME PRINCESS LUNA! She turned more than one time and watched the town. In my head was it like "OMGSH OMGSH OMSGH!!!". The in this wonderful moment Cee interrupted me "ENERGY NEAR DREAINED! NEED TO RECHAREG IN 1 MINUTE!" As fast as i could I jumped from the tower into the neares open window. "Where to hide,where to hide?!" I was running down the corridor. In panic couldn't I see a door and ran into it. "uh..what have we here?" I thouge dazed. I looked up to see the sight storage-room the perfect hiding place! "ENERGY DRAINED!" I was visible again, not good. I walked in the room and closed the door behind me. Old tables , chairs and shelf's. "Good enough" . Siting down on top of one of the big shelf's I began to drifted of into sleep after this long day. The last thing I heard was Cee announcing: "ENERGY RECHAGING COMPLETED IN 2 MINUTES" > First Powersource > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 : First Powersource My vision was filled with a blinking light and Cee saying: "EXTERNEL POWERSOUCES DETECTED! NEW MISSION : FIND BOTH POWERSOURCES AND UPDATE SYSTEM!" The light went off and I could now see clearly again. I was still in the storageroom and everything was unmoved. Good noone around, I thought as I slowly moved out the door. Jumping from shadow to shadow I made my way through the corridors. As i looked to my right I saw 2 guards standing in my way to one of the points Cee marked me. A fast jump into another shadow, safed me from geting spoted. "TACTICK OPTIONS AVAILABLE!" Cee noted. "Ok first to do is geting not spotable! Is that even a word? Whatever! CLOACKMODE ON!" I watched as my hands disappared. I was moving out of the shadow and infront of the guards. "OPTION: KNOCK OUT THE GUARDS OR USE THE WINDOW TO BYPASS THEM!" Cee announced in my head. "The window will it be then",I tought as I jumped out of the next open glas window. "DROP TO HIGH! AKTIVATING ARMORMODE!" I was becomeing visible again. "OW SHI-" CRASH! That was me hiting the ground. As I stoud up , I began to scan for injurys. "Ok lets see. Neck..Check! Legs...Check! Hands...Check! Hm nothing seems broken." "NO DAMAGE DETECTED! ENERGY AT 50%" Cee said in his normal metallic voice. Looking up I saw the window nearly 50 feet up! "Man thats awesome and not even a broken leg. Lets test how high I can Jump. " Moving away from the wall, I timed my jump so I would land in the window which shoude lead to the room with the energysignal. "3..2..1..JUMP!" From the energy of the system powerd, I landed in a room with a big vault door. Suddenly Cee gave another note: "ENERGY AT 10%! RECHARGIN! TIME TO FULL RECHARGED 2MIN!" My body felled heavier and my movments were very slow. "A vault door? I wonder... " Turning around I remebered that this room was the vault of possibly only one powersource! The Elements of Harmony! Sprinting with what energy was left, I was now standing infront of the huge vault door. "Jezz that gate must weigh a ton or two! Plus it shoud have a protection spell on it." I touched the big mass of stone. There was a sap and the whole gate began to glow. "UNKNOWN ENERGY FOUND! TRYING TO ADAPT!" Cee announced. The H.U.D was now gone and my whole vision was filled with sparkels. "Uhw...spell..." In one second the H.U.D was back and so was my energy. "ENERGY CLASSEFIED! DANGERRATE: NONE! PLEASE PROCCED!" There was now only the flowting little chest with the Elements in it. I reached out with my arms and grabed the chest. In that moment my energylevel broke the skala! "ALERT UNKNOWN ENERGY RUSHING THROUG SYSTEM! CORE SYSTEMS FAILURE IN BRAIN DETECTED!" Cee said in an alarmed voice. By now my body was shooting black lighting from it and the Elements began to become dark and grey colored. "SYSTEM ABSORBING UNKOWN ENERGY! BREACH IN SYSTEM! SWITCHING TO COREMODE!" I sunk to my knee's and the HUD shut of. The world began to become black. The last thouges in my head befor I hit the floor was: "And there we go again!" > Chapter 4: Reboot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reboot Everything was black. No sound. No top or down. Nothing but blackness. Then there was a sound of a explosion and everything came back. I was laying on the ground and I could feel my hands twitched with unused energy. I pushed myself up from the ground to look around, but I was held down by something heavy. Turning my head with the right side of my body I could see what it was. A part of a wall. A HEAVY ASS WALL! “ OK no time to freak out! First get out of her and freak out later! ” I thought slowly. = System error detected! Damage at right hand! = = Using unknown power source to regenerate bone and flesh! = I had a sudden warm felling in my right hand. Ten seconds later the voice said now in a less alarming tone: = Damage healed ! New Energy in System integrated! Waiting for Name input.= “ A name? Hm... only one idea!” “Harmony!” = Energy named! System online! Scan detects heavy object on the torso! Using teleport ability! = “Wait what?” zap... I was out in the destroyed room. Most of the windows were shattered and the guards at the door looked like there were in a lightning storm. Looking over the broken down boulders , I saw that the Elements were on the ground but now without there shine gems they had now black stones inside them. “What was that?” “It came from the Element Vault!” I heard the clopping of hooves and a moment later , 5 guards and one Princess of the Night , ran into the room. And I just stared at them for a moment, not really getting what just happened and why my body had such a reaction to the elements. “YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LOYAL SUBJEKTS YOU BEAST! I WILL STOP YOU!” Jep Luna is pissed. Not good and I have nothing to defend myself! She leaped at me with her horn glowing in mid-air. Suddenly the world around me froze. Luna hanging in the air didn't move and the guards too. = System detects danger! Combat Mode active! Choose the version! = A light green display appeared in front of my face with two buttons. First was an Blue non-lethal and a red lethal. To make sure not to hurt them and mainly to teach them a lesson, I used non-lethal. = Version non-lethal active! Weapons and Spells set to non-lethal! Please proceed! = Energy began to pump to my body and charged it with new found Harmony-Power. Time began to move again and I had just enough time to shield my head with my arms. The spell Luna send at me, made contact with my arms. = System hit by harmonic energy! Power absorbed! Damage none! = Well time for payback. I jump right at here with my fist raised. It landed in her face and caused here to fly into the next wall. “And this is non-lethal? Jesus dude! Note to me get some gloves” As the dust cleared she was on the floor unconscious and still with no wounds. I laughed like an insane idiot at the power I had in my hands. “Now for the guards. Make it interesting. “ = Energy Level Stable! Non-lethal punch effective! Changing to Spells! = Spells hell yeah! Out of nowhere the next two guards jumped at me. Thinking fast I yelled the first word what came in my mind. “TESLA!” A bubble out of lighting raised it around me , hiting the attackers and the rest of the room. In an blinding light the fight was over. The guards drop in front of my feed unconscious , too. = Power holding ! System scanning for the second Power source! = “HAHA! So much Power! Its incredible! What I could do with it! The Person I can become! So many ideas! Its just so-” Further I couldn’t speak my mind as suddenly the attack of an unknown enemy struck my back. Unable to hold myself I sank to my knees , staring at the wall ahead. = ALERT! SYSTEM OVERLOADED WITH UNKNOWN ENERGY! = “Well its seems you not that powerful, little one hehe...” My vision got blurry. Out of the side of my eye , a shadow stepped behind me. It moved its right limp in the air and aimed for my head. “I think we can speak later over some cake and balloons, creature!” I got punched in the head. I feel to the ground. The voice screaming in my head : = SYSTEM EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN! = “Who the hell is he ? Was it not magic that hit me? What is going on? What-” In the next blink I was out. > Chapter 5: Music in the Bones > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up to the sound of water dripping and rustling of chains. My eyes were still closed but I could feel that my hands and legs were cuffed. = Cee you there? = There was an immediately answer: =SYSTEM POWER 12%! HARMONIC INHIBITORS DETECTED!= = Inhibitors? I must be stuck inside a cell or something. = Opening my eyes gave away that I was right. And what a cell it was with minimum 50 Runes at every wall and my body was tribe chained to the back wall. And on the top of it I could just see six shadows of Nightguards outside of the cell door. I tried to move my right pinkie so it would face the chain attached to my right hand. =Cee is there anything we can do right now?= =ENERGY LEVELS LOW! SOLUTION FOUND! ADAPION NEEDED!= =What? Adapted to what? Be clear with me! = =REQUEST TO SCAN MARKINGS ON WALLS AND CHAINS TO ADAPED TO NEW SITUATION!= =Good now you making sense again and yes proceed. = =SCANING! REMAINING TIME 8H 26MIN! LOW ENERGY IS SLOWING THE PROCESS= With nothing else to do and notable to walk around I began to sing a song to myself. “If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?” I began to node my head to the melodie in my head. “If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?” I was now knocking with my feed at the ground and knocking my hands at the chains. “If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?” “If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?” Know out of my left eye I could see the guard on the left was beginning to tap his hooves on the ground. “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...” =Hey Cee could you with this little power make my though moving sound like a banjo?= =ENERGY LEVEL LOW ! SUGESTION NOT TO DO!= =Come one you are a party killer! Do it anyway!= I did feel like my tongue was electrocuted and then the banjo sounds started! = That’s SO cool thanks! = “He came to town like a midwinter storm He rode through the fields so handsome and strong His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun But all he had come for was having some fun” “If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?” “BANJO-SOLO” Left and right from my cell the shadows of the guards were now all swinging there bodys to the music. “If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe I'd been married long time ago Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?” “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey... Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...” I let the sound of the banjo stop and ended with that my little song. Next thing I heard was the stomping of hooves from outside of the cell. =Hm seems like they liked it. Cee you can now turn it the sound off. = =SOUND CHANGES RETURNED TO NORMAL! POWERLEVEL 3%= =WHAT! It took 13%? Jesus! How long now for the scan?= =48H 41MIN and 12 SEK= I gave myself a facepawn for that nonsense of mine. I opened my mouth and shouted: “ Can I make an request? Or am I not allowed to?” One of the guards, to the left, move in front of my cell and stared at me. “What do you want?” he said in a low voice. “The Request would be to have a newspaper.” “A newspaper?” “Yes and if it would to much trouble you could read it to me, you know chains and all.” He walked to the left side out of my eyesight and came a few minutes later with the object I requested back. To my surprise he began really to read aloud what was on it. The Info I got was helpful. It seems that Discord was reformed 2 weeks ago and that all 4 Princesses now at the moment were sitting in Canterlot. "So I pissed Luna really off and the others 3 are all there? Well good first impression." I added in my mind. When he finished I thanked him and said that it was all I needed. =So one hell of an profile the ponies got on me now= =ENERGY LEVEL 3%! SUGGESTION REST= =Yeah I could use some sleep right now= I leaned back and let my head sink to the side. =Maybe in the morning things could go better= With that on my mind I took of into a dreamless sleep.