> Scootaloo's Silver Lining > by Hunter-Whitt125 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Scootaloo's Silver Lining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo's Silver Lining Life for the young pegasus, Scootaloo, isn’t easy. She never knew her parents, all she remembered of them was seeing them leave her in a box on the side of the road when she was about a year old. All Scootaloo ever wanted was to be loved and cared for, to have someone that cares for her. She never had anyone in her life. The only friends she ever had made fun of her, but it was only jokes. Her two only friends, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, like to call her a chicken. Scootaloo always hated that nickname. Scootaloo isn’t like other pegasi, her wings don’t function like they should. She is unable to fly because of her deformed wings. One day, Scootaloo met this male pegasus named Silver Lining. He helps other ponies with their problems, and issues. He has light yellow fur, a country accent, and light brown hair. Silver listened to Scootaloo’s story and felt really bad for her. He let Scootaloo stay with him and his wife, Derpy Hooves. They treated Scootaloo like she was their own child. She finally got one of her wishes, to be loved. Silver began trying to teach her how to fly, but to no avail. Scootaloo would have to get reconstructive surgery to replace her deformed wings with new ones. She didn’t want to go through surgery. Silver kept trying to teach her, and help in anyway possible, but nothing seemed to work. Let me tell you a little something about Silver Lining. His name comes from the old saying that behind every cloud, even the dark ones, there's a sliver of silver behind it. There's a bright side to anything in life. It matches him quite well, considering he likes to think on the positive, and find some good in even the worst of problems. Months went by, Scootaloo still couldn’t fly. Silver didn’t give up hope though. Scootaloo began losing hope, she knew she wouldn’t be able to fly. So, she gave up. Silver didn’t like that at all. He took Scootaloo up to a cloud where they rested. Silver went to go do something, leaving Scootaloo on the cloud by accident. Scootaloo began to panic, “How will I get down?!” She screamed out, panicking, “Help me!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to get attention. Unfortunately, her scream attracted the wrong kind of attention. The cloud she was on was right over the town’s school-house. A group of bullies heard her. They were all pegasi, so they flew up to the cloud she was on, with evil grins on their faces. “Well well well, look what we have here. A chicken!” One of the bullies spoke up, with a stern sounding voice. “G-Go away!” Scootaloo said sternly, trying to show no fear at all, yet, she was terrified. “Why?” One bully said, “We don’t take orders from orphaned chickens!” Another bully said. Scootaloo snapped. She had been called that too many times. She ran to the bully, giving him a solid push. That bully she had pushed fell off the cloud, landing in a bush. That’s when Scootaloo realized she could glide off of the cloud. She hopped off of the cloud, gliding to safety, but the bullies followed her. Once she landed safely in a bush, she got up, dusted herself off, beginning to run away from the bullies that had also touched ground. “Get back here, chicken!” one bully shouted as the whole group chased her, quickly catching up to her. Scootaloo sped up, turning the corner, into an alleyway. It was the same one she used to live in. She hid herself under a few old newspapers. The bullies ran passed the alleyway, as soon as the coast was clear, Scootaloo got up, running to Silver’s house. Once Scootaloo got to Silver’s house, she knocked on the door. Silver opened it and Scootaloo ran inside. Scootaloo then told him everything that happened. Silver felt terrible for leaving her up on that cloud, but at the same time he was happy that she was okay. “Ah’m so sorry I left ya up there all on your own,” Silver said, hugging her tightly. “It’s uhh...okay, I think..” She said, hugging back with an awkward smile, “Everything’s alright, I’m perfectly fine!” Silver let out a sigh of relief, “Phew...The reason I left was because Derpy had some news for me...” Scootaloo tilted her head, “Yeah? What is it?” She asked, very curious. “Well,” Silver started, “Let’s just say that you’re gonna be a big sister!” Silver said, picking Scootaloo up and hugging her tightly, smiling widely. Scootaloo gasped, “Really?!” She began to smile widely as Silver nodded his head yes. In Scootaloo’s head, she vowed to be the best big sister in all of Equestria. That’s where they lived, Ponyville Equestria to be exact. They hugged and talked for a while. After a while, Silver got up and left the room. He came back carrying a gift-wrapped box with a smile. “I uhh...Got ya somethin’” He said, setting the box onto the floor in front of Scootaloo, smiling at her, “Go on, open it.” Scootaloo smiled and began to unwrap the box. She had never gotten a present before, not even from her friends Once the wrapping paper was all off, she quickly opened the box. Inside was a brand new scooter. Scootaloo gasped, taking it out of the box, “Thank you so much!”, she said, examining the scooter, curious to if it had any neat modifications to it. Silver smiled, “It’s no problem, I heard how you needed a new scooter since your other one broke after you crashed,” he chuckled lightly, “I’ll help ya put it toge-” Silver was cut off by Scootaloo. “Ta-Da!” She exclaimed, looking at at her constructed scooter, “I can build things on my own, dude.” She said, a hint that she was unamused with Silver thinking she’d need his help. “I’m not a baby, anymore.” Silver nodded, “I know that y’all aren’t a baby anymore, I can see that y’all can build things on your own.” Scootaloo smiled, “Awesome! Now, if ya don’t mind, I’m going to go see Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.” Her voice sounded like she was asking a question, yet she wasn’t. “Alright, have fun with ya friends, and don’t get in too much trouble, alright?” He said, showing his care for her. Scootaloo nodded quickly, “yes, Sir.” Silver smiled before looking at the clock, “Shoot! I’m gonna be late for my Wonderbolt meeting!” He kissed Scootaloo’s forehead before flying out the front door. Scootaloo smiled before taking her scooter outside, shutting the door behind herself. She hopped onto her scooter, getting ready to take off. She took off fast, some dust where she and her scooter where a minute ago. Scootaloo got to her friend’s tree-house. She went inside to see Sweetie Belle and Applebloom playing with dolls. Scootaloo was a tomboy, meaning she’s female, but acts like she’s male. “Ugh...Why do you two play with those dolls? They’re so uncool!” Scootaloo pretended to gag herself. Sweetie Belle gasped, “They are too cool!” Sweetie said, sticking her tongue out at Scootaloo. Scootaloo shrugged, “Whatever, dude...” Scootaloo groaned, setting her scooter down on the floor, gently. “Dude?!” Sweetie yelled. She was the girly girl, and absolutely hated to be called ‘dude’. Applebloom giggled from Sweetie’s reaction, “Uh...Scoots? Did ya get a new scooter or something? It looks awfully new...” She said, looking curiously at the scooter that Scootaloo had just set on the floor of their tree-house. Scootaloo nodded, “I sure did. Silver bought me it after he heard that my other one broke.” She said with a smile. “That sure is nice of him.” Applebloom added, smiling back to Scootaloo. “Ya sure are lucky to have somepony like Silver in your life.” Scootaloo nodded, “Yeah, I am. He’s done so much for me, I love him for it.” She smiled to them. About an hour or two goes by as it started to get dark outside, “I should head home, it’s getting dark out and Silver’s probably worried sick about me.” Scootaloo said, heading to the door. Sweetie and Apple Bloom nodded, “So should we.” Both of them said also heading for the door. They all went home, Apple bloom went to her family’s farm while Sweetie Belle went to her sister’s boutique, which is where she lived. Scootaloo hopped on her scooter, skating to Silver’s house. When she got there, Derpy rushed Scootaloo to the hospital. Scootaloo was really confused, and a little scared. Once they got there, they went to a room. Inside the room lies Silver in a hospital bed. He was badly injured and was also in a coma, his heartbeat monitor going a slow pace. Scootaloo was devastated from seeing him like this. All she did for the past week was stay next to him. Years went by and Silver was still in his coma. He got in the coma from a fatal flying accident. Scootaloo spent every day by Silver’s side. Years kept going by, the Doctors thought that Silver would never awake from the coma. Scootaloo was nineteen years old by now, Silver was thirty nine. He’d been in the coma for ten years. One faithful day, Silver woke up! The first thing he did was stretch out his sore limbs, being asleep for nine years isn’t the best, ya know. Silver yawned loudly, waking Scootaloo up from a nap she was taking in a chair. At first she thought it was just a tired Doctor or Nurse. Scootaloo saw that it was him and gasped, jumping up and hugging him tightly, “Daddy! You’re alive!” She exclaimed, tears of joy running down her cheeks. Silver was a bit hesitant at first, due to her now being nineteen and looking completely different. Silver then hugged back, realizing it was Scootaloo, “How long was I out?” He asked, tilting his head a bit, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Nine years, dad...Derpy missed you...I missed you...We missed you.” She smiled at him, hugging him tighter. “I just so glad you are back.” “I’m glad I’m back too, Scoots.” After a while, Doctors came rushing into the room, checking Silver to see if he was alright. He was perfectly fine. They told him what had happened and he was a bit shocked. The Doctors left after a while, and all that was left was Scootaloo and Silver sitting in an empty room, talking about what has happened since. “Did ya fly for the first time, yet?” Silver asked, tilting his head slightly. He was hoping she did, but a part of him was hoping she hadn’t taken flight for the first time just quite yet. He wanted to be there to watch her fly for the first time. “Well, not yet, dad,” she replied with, smiling, “I wanted you to see me fly for the first time.” She hugged him once again, “Let’s go find out.” Scootaloo lead Silver outside. Silver was still in a hospital gown and such since he had just woken up from a nine year coma. Scootaloo smiled over to him, “I love you dad.” “I love you too, Scoots. Now, take flight, and show daddy what you can do!” Scootaloo got into a flying stance, spreading her wings out. Her wings made a cracking noise, kinda like when you crack your knuckles. It didn’t hurt her. Scootaloo took a deep breath letting it out. “You can do this Scoots.” She said to herself over and over and over again. Scootaloo took off running, ready to fly. Silver watched eagerly, wanting to see her fly for the first time. He hoped that she would do it, not knowing what would happen. Scootaloo kept running, and then...that’s when it happened. After nineteen years of Scootaloo being unable to fly, she finally did it. She proved all the bullies wrong, she proved everyone that ever said she couldn’t do it. Everyone that ever said “No.” to her, they were all proven wrong. Scootaloo flew perfectly, even despite her bad wings, she flew better than Silver could. Little did Scootaloo know that this moment would change her life forever. Five years later Scootaloo’s first flight was five years ago. She didn’t know it then, but her taking flight at that very moment changed everything that would happen to her in the future. She became the captain of the Wonderbolts, taking over for Silver once he stopped flying for them. Silver was named the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, but now that was Scootaloo’s title. Scootaloo, would tell her story and laugh. She only flew for five years, and was already the fastest flying in all of Equestria. After all the bullying Scootaloo went through, it all paid off. She rose above all of the bullies and she stood above them all. Scootaloo finally got her wish, to be adored by millions. To be loved. To be cared for. It only took nineteen years for this all to happen, but it finally did. They say that behind that there’s a good side to everything, that’s why this story is called, Scootaloo’s Silver Lining. The End By: Hunter Whitt