
by 20percentpegasister

First published

Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack fight the battles of high shcool together.

For Fluttershy, life at Ponyville High is a challenge. She is constanlty bullied by Trixie and her followers, and has nopony to rely on as a friend. But when she meets a spunky pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy quickly befriends her and three others ponies the make up a group of outsiders. Together, the five fillies work to help one another juggle homework, feelings, and secrets.

Chapter 1~Not my best day

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If I had a choice, if I could live my life entirely to my satisfaction, I might want to rewrite my entire teenage experience all over. To start again, from scratch, from chapter 1…… to be……. reborn. But, if I did, if I could, I probably would never have discovered my true strength, I would never have had my special moment, and I would still be just another pony to the four mares that changed my life.

I dragged my hooves down the pale aquamarine tiles of the school’s main hallway, in absolutely no hurry to get to my next class. My saddlebags were heavy since they were packed to their limit with notebooks and Celestia knows what else. They thumped against my side with every step I took. I loved Equestrian History, but ever since Trixie had transferred into the same class I took, I always stalled or found some excuse to miss it.

Trixie was a beautiful and talented unicorn pony, but she was the most popular, most wicked mare to walk the school hallways. She found ways to tease just about everypony that didn’t fit her criteria, and I was her main victim. If I were anything like Trixie, I would think someone like me would be easy to bully; timid ponies just have so many weak spots.

My excuse for today was that my right foreleg had been sprained when my wings failed me while I was flying to school. I couldn’t miss today’s class entirely because I had a project on the rulers of Equestria to present. I sighed quietly to myself.

“I knew I would have to do a report like this eventually,” I thought. “but why now? Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of Trixie?”

I saw a group of ponies ahead and had to start limping like I was actually hurt. I smiled discreetly as an idea popped into my head.

“Or maybe, Trixie’s big, fat, arrogant plot will take so long to present her ‘MAAAARVELOUS’ project, the period would end before I even got called on!”

I had never insulted anybody aloud, that would be too “Un-Fluttershy” of me, but I was used to calling ponies names in my thoughts, especially Trixie.

That particular fantasy of mine seemed more and more possible the longer I thought about it. Suddenly, those heavy saddlebags of mine felt as light as a butterfly, and I almost started galloping to class.

“Your leg, Fluttershy, your leg,” I reminded myself that I was supposed to be injured.

I was just a couple bunny hops away from the classroom door, though, and the ponies that were in the hallway had already trotted off to their 4th periods. I found no need to keep up my limping act for such a short distance, so I trotted over to the door and pushed it open just as the last bell rang.

“Alright, everypony, as I hope you all know, your Past Rulers of Equestria projects are all due today. Please take your seats and prepare them for presentation”

The instructor’s deep voice quickly silenced the chatty group of stallions and mares surrounding Trixie’s desk. They all pounced at the seats adjacent to hers, and a hoofful of unlucky ponies that didn’t get their desired spots hung their heads and sat down elsewhere.

I leaned down in my seat and opened my saddlebags to take out my report. As I straightened the stack of paper in my front hooves, I looked around and saw that nopony else had done the same yet. I quickly realized that I made a big mistake.

“Ah, Fluttershy, you seem ready to share your project. Would you care to go first?”

I took every ounce of willpower in my body to keep myself from tearing up the paper in front of me and take off galloping, going for miles and miles, never to be seen again in Ponyville High. Instead, I started doing what I do best. I shrunk back in my chair and started stammering.

“Um- actually, sir I'm- well, it’s just- I didn’t have time to-maybe someone else could-“

I gave up and looked down at my desk. The rest of the class burst into hysterical laughter. When they were too tired to laugh any longer, I heard whispers coming from the area where Trixie was sitting. I managed to pick out “Fluttershy” and “after class” from their hushed conversation.

“Well, I suppose that if you need more time to prepare, we could let somepony else go first. Any volunteers?”

The instructor’s gaze bounced from pony to pony, but no one raised a hoof. I expected that Trixie’s boastful nature would save me now. I could almost hear her announcing that she was ready; I could picture her waving her stack of papers in the air while wearing a smug look on her face. I clenched my jaw so hard that my teeth might have cracked, waiting and hoping that Trixie would shoot her azure hoof into the air and break the silence with her piercing voice.

For a split second, I thought time had stopped, that I was alone in the large room, that I was the only pony in the world. Then her voice rang through my ears as loud and as clear as a bell. I turned around to look at the unicorn with the silver mane.

“Come on Fluttershy, you can do it!”

She was cheering me on. Trixie was cheering me on! Her hooves were clapping together while she shouted. She had such a genuine smile on her face; it almost convinced me that she had come around and was on my side now, but then I realized the cunning behind her plan. Trixie alone could get the entire school to applaud for her, no matter what she was doing. If the whole class started cheering my name, I would have no choice but to go up to the front of the room and make a complete fool of myself.

I was right. After five seconds, all of my classmates were chanting my name and I was pretty sure Princess Celestia herself could hear them all the way over in Canterlot. When I got a glimpse of Trixie, she was as quiet as I was and had her foreleg supporting her chin. The look on her face appeared bored, but satisfied.

By now my face was hot and I was sure my cheeks were rose-red. Everypony was still cheering. I turned towards the instructor; he just smiled at me. After a single wave of his hoof, a hush fell over room and order was restored in the large classroom. I swallowed and gathered up my papers. I felt like the Wonderbolts were doing aerial loops inside of me. I stood up, report in my mouth, and started walking slowly to the designated spot in front of the chalkboard. My head started pounding, and my belly Wonderbolts were still going at it. I saw something splash onto the floor: I was crying. When my teacher spoke, his clear voice now sounded distant and muffled.

“Fluttershy, i-if you’re not feeling up to it, you don’t have to present today.” His voice trembled slightly.

Dizzy, I turned to him; at least, to where I thought he was. My breathing was now shaky as if there were a sudden lack of oxygen.

“I'm FINE!” I yelled without thinking.

I turned towards the class and tried to make out any faces. Everything was a colorful blur, and it seemed to spin. I began to mumble the beginning of my project.

“I ch-“ I paused to let out a groan I had been containing for the past thirty seconds.

“I chose to do my report on King-“

My knees buckled and I collapsed onto the tiled floor. I instantly felt what was coming and tried to hold it back, but it came out accompanied by a choking sound. A gasp filled the room. The taste of my breakfast mixed with acid made me cringe. I let my stomach empty for a while before trying to stand up. I somehow managed to get to my hooves, only to slip in my own vomit and land in the middle of the giant puddle. By now, I was sobbing uncontrollably and sending spasms throughout my entire body.

I felt a slight tingling around me, and something lifted me into the air. It was the instructor pony using his unicorn magic to levitate me out of my own miserable mush and set me down in a chair. My vision cleared up, and I could now see that the rest of the ponies had cleared out. Trixie and her friends were probably laughing their tails off outside. Bad thoughts crept into my head; I imagined being called names like Flutterbarf, Pukey-hooves, and worse.

Two more ponies entered the room. I saw that they were the school nurse and the janitor with his mop. The nurse and my teacher talked quietly for a while, and then she trotted over to me.

“Fluttershy, I'm just here to check for a fever, honey.” She told me calmly. This was definitely not her first in-class barf case.

Before she did anything else, the nurse pony wiped dried, crusty vomit from my hooves and face with a damp towel without showing even the slightest sign of disgust. She then took a small oral thermometer and slid it between my partly open lips. I closed my mouth around it and held it there for a while, before a gentle hoof pulled it out. The nurse shook the thermometer to get the reading and stopped to look at the row of dashes and numbers printed on the glass tube before turning back to me.

“You have a pretty high fever, darling, but it’s probably not anything serious. You should go home for today, and get some rest. I’ll make sure your other teachers know you were excused early.”

“Oh, um thanks,” I whispered.

The pony smiled and brushed some of my mane out of my face.

“No trouble at all. Just be easy on your stomach for a while, okay?”

I nodded and stood up from the chair I had been put in. I turned to look at the place where I fell over, and saw that the mess was gone. Instead of smelling like the fiery pits of hell, the room now had the light smell of lemons and cleaning chemicals floating around it. The nurse had left me to talk to the instructor, so I lifted my saddlebags onto my back and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as I set hoof in the hallway, I took to the air in attempt to avoid Trixie and her entourage. It must have worked, because I made it off campus without anypony even glancing in my direction. While flying back to my cottage, I thought the day through.

“At least I didn’t have to present my report. But that probably would have been much less embarrassing than what actually happened.”

When I was finally home, I sighed and let my heavy bags drop to the ground. I stopped to greet all of my animal friends. Humming birds and meadowlarks were circling above me or nesting in the birdhouses that hung from the ceiling. Squirrels played a game of tag on the rafters; all of the little critters were getting along perfectly.

Suddenly, a small fluffly mass of fur jumped in front of me and just barely touched my nose. I gasped and jumped back in surprise. Once I recovered from the initial shock the little thing gave me, I saw that it was only my bunny, Angel. I reached out and caught him in mid-hop. He seemed to notice I was home early.

"Whoa, there! Settle down!" I told him with a giggle.

Angel looked up at me and tried to wrap his paws around my hoof. I set him down on the wooden floorboards and trotted over to the kitchen. After I drank a cup of dandilion tea, I climbed the flight of stairs up to my room to rest.

It was now noon, and the sun was at its brightest as it streamed through my upstairs window and shone on my shaggy rug. I was in the cushioned window seat, eyes closed, wrapped in a sweet, dreamless sleep.

Chapter 2~A new day

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I woke up with a start. Something wasn't right; I could feel it. I was supposed to be doing something. I stepped down from the window seat I was sleeping in and trotted over to the nightstand by my bed. I furrowed my brow and tired to make the tiny numbers on the clock face focus. It was about five in the evening, I always had a song session with the birds at five. I immediately started to painic.

"Oh no, I can't be late, not today!" I thought to myself as I hurried to the bathroom.

I nudged the door open and flicked the light switch up. I let the sink tap run for a while until the water was ice cold, then stuck my hooves under the flow and splashed my face. The chilly water refreshed my memory, and I scanned through my memories of school that day as I picked my brush up to untangle my mane. I cringed as I remembered the sight snd smell of my own throw-up.

When I looked decent enough, I exited the batroom and opened my large bedroom window. It was a long drop, but it would save me a good chunk of time. I closed my eyes and jumped out. The falling sensation was a familiar feeling. I felt the same way I did when I fell from the arena in Cloudsdale. Another pegasus had saved me from some colts that were messing around and was challenged to a race. I lost my footing as they whisked past me.

"What was her name? " I asked myself. "Rainbow Dash, yeah, that was it."

Rainbow Dash; that name was forever rooted into my head, she was a role model to me. How I wished I could be as daring as her and protect myself from Trixie. I think Rainbow Dash went to Ponyville High, but I wasn't sure. It probably didn't matter though, I would think she had forgotten me after all those years.

I opened my wings to soften my landing, and felt the soft grass of my yard flatten underneath my weight. It was dark; Princess Celestia had brought out the moon quite a while ago. I grabbed the lantern that was sitting on the porch in my mouth, and trotted over to the tree where the birds and I always had our sessions. I hung it on a low branch. Everything was quiet, and there wasn't a feather in sight. I inhaled deeply and began to sing.

Suddenly, birds of various colors and sizes came from all over and settled themselves all over the tree. They repeated the couple notes I had sung, and I began to greet them.

"Thank you for assembling so quickly, everyone. We need to get a lot of good practice in tonight, so lets get started!"

The crow of a rooster and furry paws on my face pulled me out of sleep.I opened my eyes. Angel was sitting on my nose and tapping my cheeks with a very serious look on his face. I smiled.

"I'm up, I'm up, okay?" I told him.

I rolled over and sat up so that my back legs were hanging over the edge of the bed.

"You must be hungry, Angel. How about we go see whats in the kitchen?"

My little bunny perked up at once and hopped from the mattress in one great big leap. I pursued him down the stairs and into my living room where other critters were just waking up.

I looked up into the city of birdhouses hanging from my ceiling and waved at the families of birds that were poking their heads out. Rabbits and mice squeaked and scampered in circles around all four of my hooves, almost tripping me. For a moment, I was so overjoyed the I forgot all about Trixe; and school in general.

Angel and I made our way through all the other little animals to the kitchen. I opened my pantry and handed him a carrot before beginning to take out bags of seeds and dried vegetables. I opened the bags and set them on the floor in a single row. I glanced over at my fuzzy companion, and the little bunny nodded in return. He scampered into the living room and came back a second later with a procession of critters behind him. They all rushed toward different bags and began munching on whatever pleased them. I left the animals and their banquet behind to go back up to my room.

After running a brush through my mane a couple times, I trotted over to the large window and stood up on the soft cushions beneath it. I undid the latch and gently pushed one of the panes out. A blast of cold air hit me in the face like the dodgeballs in gym class. I quickly pulled the glass back to its original position and brought the brass hook back over the knob. Still shivering, I stepped down from the window seat and walked to my dresser to look for a scarf.

I knew I was near the Ponyville High when I heard loud laughter and talking. From where I was flying I could see other colts and mares with their saddlebags on walking in the same direction. I felt somepony else above me and looked up. A cyan pegasus with a multicolored mane was yawning and streching her forelegs up. I smiled; I knew I had seen that mane before. That pony over my head was Rainbow Dash.

When the courtyard of the school came into view I slowly began a descent onto the stone that surrounded the large building. The jumble of conversation was now almost deafening. One voice in particular made my heart bounce inside of my chest. I glanced around, trying to locate the source of the familiar sound. Somehow, I saw her through the enormous crowd of excited teenagers. She stood out from the ring of ponies surrounding her. The mare's bright blue coat and snowy mane were distincive traits. Trixie was very close; ten feet and a sea of ponies were the only thing that stood between us.

Being me, my first reaction was to try to hide somewhere. I turned around to scout for a hiding place, but the mob around me had thickened and I could see nothing. I took to the air in hopes of getting a better view. I saw something metallic catch the sunlight, and half-fell, half-flew down to see what it actually was. As I neared the ground I could see it was just the bronze statue of the school's founder. I sighed in relief and sat down, leaning against the side of the marble base that was farthest away from the haughty unicorn. I stayed there for a while, thinking things through and waiting for the bell while surrounded by obsecne graffiti.

My relief came soon after, the first bell rang loud and clear and all the rowdy ponies obeyed it's orders. They continued their chatting as they filed through the large doors into the drama-filled halls of Ponyville High to begin their day.

It felt like two hours had passed by in mere minutes when my biology teacher dismissed her third period class. I seriously considered skipping out on Equestrian history, but realized I had no reason to after all. The instructor would surely steer clear from mentioning what happened yesterday, and I knew Trixie wouldn't mention it during class, either. Something in my brain clicked, and I realized that I was only safe in a classroom. Lunch was at fith period, and the cafeteria was on the other side of the school; a ten minute walk, if there wasn't too much traffic. I often ran into Trixie along that path, and I already knew she would be waiting for me.

My thoughts went by almost too quickly for me to hear.

"Should I fly the whole way to lunch?" I asked myself

"No, some of Trixie's friends are pegasi, and they could easily catch up to me if I tried to fly away." I hung my head in defeat.

I planned a couple worst-case scenario escapes, but I knew Trixie was smart, and that she would find some way to unravel them.

The door to the history classroom was right in front of me. I slowly pushed it open and walked inside. The room was quieter than usual, and I saw that only four of my classmates were there already, along with the teacher. I looked around for Trixie, but I didn't see her anywhere. I calmly walked over to the desk next to a purple earth pony that was enveloped in her homework. I put my saddlebags down and sat without speaking. The pony paused to look over at me and smiled.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" she asked me quietly.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks for asking." I replied, letting my mane hang down to hide my face.

"That's good."

The mare returned her attention to the paper and textbook on her desk. I heard the door sqeak again as it was opened by a colt for Trixie to enter. She walked with her head high and her eyes closed, without even uttering a simple "thank you" to her drooling fanboy holding the door.

The purple pony beside me immediately turned to glance over her shoulder and, when she saw Trixie, began waving her hooves and gesturing at the desk where I was sitting.

"Over here, Trixie, I saved you a seat!"

The mare no longer spoke with the soft, mellow tone she had used earlier. She was sqeaking with joy as the unicorn started heading over in her direction. Trixie shot a very nasty glare at me when she saw that I was occuping the desk. Without making any eye contact with either of them, I gathered my things up and moved to a spot in the very back of the room, leaving the purple pony and unicorn behind.

I cantered down the maze of hallways and classrooms, trying to avoid Trixie and her entourage on the way to lunch. I was two-thirds of the way there when I heard conversation and hoofbeats behind me. A group of ponies was slowly rounding a corner as the talked. I knew the voices all too well; sarcastic, high-pitched, and very annoying. The popular clique was coming towards me.

I opened one of my saddlebags and took out the largest book I could find. I flipped to a random page and used it to cover my face while leaning against one of the stark-white pillars. The loud gossip coming from the ponies suddenly fell silent, and I heard quick whispers that were accompanied by giggles.

"Did they recognize me?" I wondered. I flipped the book to the next page. My heart was hammering now and my knees felt weak. I was trying to decide what to do. If I put the book down and ran, the ponies were sure to see my face, and any one of them could outrun or outfly me. If I just stood there, it would be much easier for them to approach me. I had no choice, I would have to endure what was coming.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the group was coming closer and closer. I maintained my position and hoped they couldn't hear how hard my heart was beating. Somepony put a hoof on my book, and tore it out of my grasp with a single swift movement. The heavy textbook hit the tiled floor with an explosive 'thud'. The pony who had thrown it stepped back to let Trixie stand in front of me. She waved a hoof, and the rest of the ponies formed a semi-circle around us.

"Oh, Fluttershy, your report yesterday was amazing! BLEEH!!!!" Trixe bent over and clutched her stomch as if she was vomiting. Her followers began laughing on cue.

"Anyway, Barfy-Hooves I-" Trixie was interrupted by a snicker that seemed to come from the celing. Everypony's heads turned to look at the sky-blue pegasus hovering above them.

"Fluttershy, what are you doing hanging out with these freaks?"

The entire popular group gasped. Trixie's jaw fell. I wasn't sure what offened her more; being called a freak, or somepony proposing that we were "hanging out" together. She stood there speechless, staring at Rainbow Dash. I seized my chance and hoisted my saddlebaags onto my back. I didn't bother to retrieve the book; it had my name in it, and if somepony found it, it would be returned to me. I spread my wings to join Rainbow in the air. To my surprise, none of Trixie's pegasus friends followed.

Being next to the brave pony gave me some courage, so I spoke to her.

"Well, actually, I was just leaving." I made sure to use the signature popular tone, and to talk loudly enough so that everypony within a six-foot radius could hear. With that, I continued on my path to the cafeteria with Rainbow Dash by my side.

"You know, I never really got to thank you."

I turned to look at Rainbow Dash. Cocking my head slightly, I asked,

"For what? I should be the one thanking you!"

The pegasus looked at me in disbelief.

"Don't you remember? You're the reason I have my cutie mark! If you weren't so weak and helpless, I wouldn't have had to stand up to those colts,and they wouldn't have challenged me to that race, and I wouldn't have done the Sonic Rainboom!"

Rainbow and I had stopped in mid-air. She was now in front of me with her hooves on her hips, like she was trying to prove a point.

"But I didn't-" I started to reply. Dash cut me off. The look on her face was serious.

"No excuses, Fluttershy! Thanks."

Only a couple seconds of scilence passed before we both doubled over in laughter. We both started floating ourselves down before our wings failed and we fell. Both of us stood there, alone in the hall, giggling hystericaly. Rainbow wiped a tear from her eye.

"Geez, I never knew that pointless arguments actually exsisted." Her breathing was heavy.

I grinned at her.

"And I thank you for coming to my rescue, twice now." I said, nudging her in the shoulder. I took to the air again. The other pegasus bolted up beside me. She scratched the back of her head in deep thought.

"Hey, Fluttershy, are you....doing anything after school?" Rainbow Dash asked sheepishly.

I turned to face her.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Um, my friend Applejack has a clubhouse at Sweet Apple Acres, and we have two other mares that we meet there with. Do you wanna come today?"

No pony had ever invited me over, and this pegasus was inviting me to somepony else's home! I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't know how to get to Applejack's farm, but I was afraid that I would offend Dash if I turned the offer down.

"I would love to come, Rainbow, but I have no idea where Sweet Apple Acres is." I looked down at my hooves, waiting for the cyan pony to speak. Her voice was confident.

"It's okay, I'll fly you over there. Meet me after school, alright? By the statue of that one important guy."

"I will! See you later!" I replied, waving goodbye to her as we both went our separate ways.

Chapter 3~Happy days

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My back hoof made a muffled tapping noise as it hit the tiled floor repeatedly. The cold plastic of the seat against my back annoyed me, as did the slow, rhytmic pace of the clock on the wall to my right. I kept thinking of Rainbow Dash; just Rainbow Dash, nothing else. The voice of the instructor pony just barely reached my ears. For me, the only things in the world right then were the cyan pegasus and that Celestial-forsaken clock.

The shrill cry of the classroom bell startled me out of my trance and sent a shiver down along my spine. The final period of the school day had ended, and I was to meet Rainbow by the statue in a matter of minutes. Everypony rose from their seats and scrambled to collect their belongings or continue any unfinished conversations from earlier. I quickly dumped the pens and notepad that were on my desk into my saddlebags and galloped into the stream of teenage ponies headed for the door.

I bumped and shoved through the crowd occuping the hallways, desperate to leave. I gave up after only fifteen minutes of weaving around pony after pony, and lept into the air, beating my wings as hard as I could. A group of pegasi stallions whisked above me and ruffled my mane.

It was much easier to navigate the school from the air, and I found myself in the courtyard sooner than I expected. The bronze statue winked at me in the sunlight, making it stand out from the dull concrete and cracked brick around it. I caught a glimpse of rainbow mane through the curtain of ponies surrounding it. I flew closer, then stopped.

"What if that was all just a daydream? Did Rainbow Dash really invite me to Sweet Apple Acres an hour ago?" The unsure part of my mind asked.

I shook my head, trying to clear the bad thoughts out.

"Of course she did, Fluttershy. Now stop being such a chicken and go over there!" Shouted the speck of courage and self-confidence.

I flew forward and began a slow descent. I felt the cobblestone beneath me, and I was next to Rainbow Dash. She slipped out of the nonchalant pose she was in and turned at the clopping noise my hooves made.

"Heya, Fluttershy! Ready to go?"

"Um, yeah, ok." I stammered. My stomach Wonderbolts started their act again.

Rainbow tiltied her head and raised an eyebrow at my timid response. Her face then gave away to an expression of understanding. The filly bumped my side playfully.

"Your nervous, aren't ya?" Dash asked.

I blushed and nodded slowly.

"Awww, don't fret, Fluttershy, my friends won't bite!"

I giggled at the mental image of three teenage mares with alligator jaws. Rainbow shot into the air and gestured for me to follow.

"Well, here we are!" Rainbow Dash called out. "Sweet Apple Acres!"

The sky-blue pegasus and I hovered in front of a gateway entrance that had a wooden sign with a painted appple at the top. The air smelled of sweet hay and, of course, apples. A barn stood tall and proud to our left, and beyond it lay the vast apple orchards that gave the farm its name.

Rainbow proceeded to fly through the entryway towards a large, red stallion leaning against a wagon. As we drew nearer, he lifted his head up and waved a hoof at us.

"How's it goin, Big Mac?" Dash descended and created a cloud of dirt where her hooves met the ground.

"Not bad, yerself?" The colt responded in a deep, Southern drawl. He tilted his head upward to look at me. My little heart hammered in my chest. I looked down to avoid his gaze and waited for Rainbow Dash to break the ice.

Rainbow just stood there, drawing circles in the dusty path with her hoof. I decided she might make introductions if she was reminded of my presence, so I fluttered down to join her and the stallion. I remembered my manners and whispered a simple "Hello".

The pegasus seemed to catch my drift. She cleared her throat loudly and pointed at me with her hoof.

"Oh, ah, Macintosh, this is my friend, Fluttershy. Fluttershy, this is Applejack's older brother, Big Macintosh.

"Nice ta meet ya, Miss Fluttershy." Big Macintosh addressed me with a casual tone.

My trademark shyness washed over me like a wave, and I was suddenly left speechless. I could feel my cheeks flaring up, and my little Wonderbolts were still churning my insides. I gently tossed my head so that half of my mane would hang over and cover my face. It was a technique I had perfected over the years, and I could now do it almost seamlessly.

Dash spoke up and cut the awkward moment short.

"We better get going, now, Fluttershy. Don't wanna keep the others waiting! Great talking to you, Mac."

Macintosh waved us both goodbye as we took to the air and Rainbow Dash led the way over the orchards.

Rainbow only flew a short distance before she began to descend into a clearing among the apple trees. I could see a small speck of irregular color that disrupted the palette of rich greens and reds that surrounded us. As we neared the mysterious speck, it began to take the rough form of a house. When Dash and I landed on the small porch in front of the clubhouse, I could see that it was older than I had expected. The paint on the outside walls was peeling off in some places, and one of the rails fencing the porch was splintered. But all in all, it was quite a beautiful little building.

Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder to make sure I was still there. She flashed a dazzling grin at me and turned back. The cyan pony took a string that was hanging by the door in her mouth and tugged on it three times. I could hear a muffled ringing coming from inside, followed by slow hoofbeats. The handle turned, and the wooden door was opened by an orange mare with a cowboy hat sitting on top of her blond ponytail. Her face lit up when she saw the pegasus in front of her.

"Rainbow! Yer here! Thank Celestia, Pinkie was gettin real antsy waitin for ya."

I realized that the mare in the doorway must be Applejack. She had a drawl similar to her brother's, though more feminine and bubbly. Big Macintosh shared his vibrant green eye color with his sister, as well as the freckles dotting both cheeks.

Dash snickered in response before stepping to the side to reveal me and speaking herself.

"I brought us a new member today, Applejack. Hope you don't mind."

"Me? Mind? Hell naw!" The mare reassured Rainbow Dash before walking closer to me. She reached out to grab my front hoof and shook it violently in her own.

"Name's Applejack! It's a mighty fine pleasure to meet you-uhhh...." Applejack paused and let go of my hoof.
She looked at me, waiting for an answer.

I backed away a few steps and, once again, let my mane cover my face.

I-I'm...Flu-Fluttershy." I squeaked nervously.

"Come again, sugarcube?" The filly asked softly, leaning towards me.

"DID SOMEPONY SAY SUGARCUBES!?" A pink earth pony with a messy mane had appeared and was now bouncing in the door frame, almost hitting her head.

Applejack frowned and whipped her head around.

"Hush, Pinkie."

The pink pony stopped bouncing and smiled sheepishly.

"My name is....Fluttershy." I repeated, trying my hardest to overcome my current whisper of a voice.

Applejack looked up to the sky and seemed to ponder over my name before turning back to me with a warming expression.

"Fluttershy. That's a beautiful name." Her tone was genuine and made me feel relaxed for the first time since I flew through the gate with Rainbow Dash.

The orange mare suddenly groaned and hit her forehead with her hoof.

"Forgive me, where are mah manners? Dash, Fluttershy, step inside, won't ya? Fluttershy still needs to meet the rest of our group!"

I swallowed all my fears and stepped through the small doorway with Rainbow Dash and Applejack flanking me.

The interior of the clubhouse was bright and cozy. Autumn sunshine streamed through two parallel windows and cast small patches of light on the hardwood floor. The pink pony from before was sprawled out on a woven rug in the center of the room, bathing in the sun's glow. A white unicorn was sitting on a cushion by a coffee table, sipping tea and leafing through a fashion magazine that she was levitating before her. The back wall was home to framed pictures and shelves that held numerous items that I didn't stop to distinguish. Everything and everypony seemed to have a place there. I hoped I would have one, too.

Applejack stepped in front of me and her prominent voice filled the room.

"Rarity, Pinkie Pie, this is Fluttershy. "

The unicorn set her magazine down and smiled at me. The pony on the rug looked up, as well. Both mares stood up from their lounging places an approached me. The white unicorn tossed her indigo curls over her shoulder before introducing herself.

"Good afternoon, darling. My name is Rarity! Fluttershy, correct?" The mare spoke in a captivating accent, that only added upon the thick layer of sophistication and glamour that seemed to radiate off of her.

"Yes, it's very nice to meet you, Rarity." I looked at the unicorn again. I was certain I recognized her from somewhere.

"You're the owner of Carousel Boutique!" I exclaimed.

Rarity laughed with delight and pulled me into a hug.

"Why, yes, Fluttershy! That's my scarf hanging around your pretty little neck!

I looked down at my favorite scarf. I had bought it for my third Winter Wrap-Up Day from Rarity. The wool was dyed two shades of lavender that alternated with each other in thick bands. I had almost forgotton that I had thrown it on that morning.

"I believe it is, Rarity!" I smiled and returned her hug.

"We are going to have so much fun together!" She gushed.

The pink pony began bouncing again.

"Come on, Rarity! It's my turn, it's my turn!"

The unicorn broke the embrace and gave me another amazing smile before making way for the hyper earth pony.

"Hi! My name's Pinkie Pie! I work at Sugarcube Corner, ya know, the building on Mane Street that looks like a GIANT gingerbread house! Ooooh! You know what that reminds me of? Heart's Warming Eve is coming up, and is there ever a better time for gingerbread houses? I should make one just for us! It could look like our clubhouse, and I could make all of us out of candy, and you guys could help me decorate! Doesn't that sound like fun? Huh? Huh? Huh!?"

It took me a moment to dissect and process the string of words that flew out of the pony's mouth. Pinkie Pie was still bouncing, and looking at me with shimmering eyes and and enormous grin.

"That sounds, um, nice."

I took a couple steps back before bumping into somepony. I turned around and found Rainbow Dash stifling a laugh.

"Quite a wild one, isn't she?" The pegasus jerked her head in Pinkie Pie's direction.

My eyes widened and I nodded fearfully.

Rainbow gave in to her laughter. She fell back onto the floor and giggled hysterically.

"Oh, wow, Fluttershy! You should have seen your face!" Dash hiccuped between chuckles.

Applejack rolled her eyes and trotted over to the sky-blue pony.

"Come on, Dashie! Up ya go!"

The farm pony nuzzled Rainbow Dash's side with her orange nose. The pegasus let out a final snicker and stood up. She flicked her multi-colored tail in my face playfully as she walked over to the pile of sitting cushions where Rarity was earlier.

Dash grabbed a magenta pillow with her teeth and flung it accross the room where it landed on the edge of the rug. Applejack, who had skillfully avoided being hit by Rainbow's projectile, was accompained by Rarity and Pinkie Pie as she galloped to the mound of cushions. Rarity and Pinkie each picked up a pillow of their own and carried them to the rug. Applejack threw a pale green cushion into the air and bucked it with her back hooves. A storm of feathers filled the room and drifted down like snow. Rarity scowled at the blonde mare.

"Is it really harder for you to just walk five feet with a pillow on your back like a civilized pony?" The unicorn spoke accusingly. Her horn began glowing as she levitated all the feathers now lying on the ground. Rarity flew the feathers over to a nearby wastebasket and dropped them in.

"Maybe." Applejack responded.

The earth pony walked to her cushion and fluffed it before sitting down.

Rainbow Dash turned her attention towards me.

"Aren't you gonna sit down, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, sure." I slowly approached the four mares on the rug.

Rarity patted the floor between her and Pinkie Pie. A blue pillow was aviated over and set down in the open space. I took Rarity's invitation and sat down, feeling the soft fabric indent under me.

"Now that we are all here, the meeting can begin!" Rainbow announced.

I was deeply confused.

"Meeting? What meeting?" I asked nopony in particular.

Everypony was silent for a moment before Dash spoke to me.

"Since our first year of high school, Applejack and I decided that we were getting picked on way too much by Trixie, so we formed a sort of......alliance together. Rarity and Pinkie Pie joined us soon after that, and since then, we've all been just looking out for each other and finding time for some fun things to do as a group of friends, too. We try to all meet together at least once a week to talk about recent encounters with Trixie's group or spill feelings and other things that have been bothering us."

Rarity chimed in.

"We all share a very strong friendship bond; it's a very beautiful thing, really."

"Oh, my. I had no idea that all of you were that close. I feel honored that you would invite me to join!" After hearing the story behind my new group of friends, I felt happier than ever before, and even more determined to show Trixie that she wouldn't get the best of me.

"So, Fluttershy, would you care to tell about today?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, it actually started yesterday during my Equestrian History class." I proceeded to tell about my 'accident' that day and how I was scared out of my wits when Trixie started teasing me about it earlier. Rainbow Dash put on a smug smile when I described how she came to my rescue and invited me over to Sweet Apple Acres.

Once I had finished, I noticed that everypony was gawking at me.

"Well, it sure is a good thang that Dash invited ya. Don't worry, Fluttershy, I'm sure we can overcome anythin together!" Applejack placed a gentle hoof on my wither.

"Agreed!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Yeah! What else are friends for?" Pinkie placed her cheek against my foreleg.

"Welcome to the herd, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash wrapped everypony into a huge group hug.

For the first time in my life, right then and there, I felt loved. I felt like I belonged.

Chapter 4~The night is mine Part 1

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A crisp breeze waltzed in through the open windows of the clubhouse and caused the curtains to flap gently. The scent of late fall tickled my nose. It was three in the afternoon on Friday, just an hour or so after I had been truly accepted into my new group of friends.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash lounged on the large rug in the center of the room. The three mares were engrossed in what seemed to be a very intense game of cards. Rarity was sitting behind me on a cushion, humming gently to herself while magically running her jewel-encrusted brush through my mane. I shivered as the fine bristles poked at the nerves on my neck.

"Has anypony ever told you what a lovely mane you have?" The unicorn asked as she pawed at my blush-pink tresses with her hoof. She continued without letting me respond.

"It's so relaxed and silky. Not too curly and not stick-straight, either; just perfect for styling!"

"Thank you, I don't really bother doing much with it, though."

"Oh! That reminds me, Fluttershy, would you mind stopping by the boutique over the weekend? I have some manestyles I want to practice and I can't really see the full effect they have without a model. I've tried to persuade Applejack and Rainbow to help me, but you know how they are. And Pinkie Pie, well....."

Rarity and I both turned out heads simultaneously to glance at the bubbly earth pony. Pinkie's mane was in her usual messy poof that reminded me of the candy floss I ate at a carnival once. I could never imagine her without it. Her mane was her trademark, just like her upbeat attitude and sugary coloring.

I had really been looking forward to a couple quiet days alone with my animals, but I was definitely not about to turn down a chance to help one of my friends.

"I would be happy to help you, Rarity. Should I come to Carousel tomorrow morning?"

The white mare gasped and clapped her hooves together in delight.

"That would be perfect! We could have breakfast together and even go to my favorite spa afterwards! We'll have the best time together, Fluttershy, just you and I!"

Rarity wrapped her forelegs around my neck and hugged me from behind. I giggled as she withdrew moments later. The unicorn resumed treating my mane with long, even strokes, and picked her song up right where she had left off.

The stillness of the afternoon was disrupted by cries of triumph coming from Applejack, followed by an annoyed groan and thump as Rainbow Dash fell backwards, letting her hand flutter to the floor.

Applejack chuckled at the defeated pegasus in front of her.

"Aw it's okay, Rainbow, it ain't gonna kill ya to lose just one measly game of cards, now, is it?"

"But I hate losing." Dash sighed. She was now laying on her back with her forelegs folded across her stomach, frowning at the rafters.

"Ooh, ooh! Can I lose too? Can I?" Pinkie Pie dropped her cards as well and mimicked Rainbow Dash's position on the rug.

"That's...not the point of the game, Pinkie. You have ta actually try an' win." Applejack glared at the earth pony, unsure of exactly how to respond to her strange behavior. Then again, with Pinkie Pie, nothing could really be considered strange.

"Well, DUUUUH!" The pink mare rolled her eyes.

"I just didn't want Dashie here to feel lonely!" Pinkie smiled and reached over to pat the mop of multicolored mane beside her.

"Yeah, thanks." Rainbow Dash rolled over onto her stomach and settled her chin on her hooves.

"Anypony know someplace we can go hang out? I'm gettin kinda bored being cooped up in here." The pegasus looked longingly at the wide, spacious skies and fluffy clouds that were showing through the open window.

Pinkie Pie popped up suddenly, grinning from ear to ear.

"I know a great place we could go!"

Rainbow's rosy eyes lit up and she bolted up from her spot on the rug, hovering just over the earth pony's head.

"You do? Where is it? Do we know anypony there?"

Dash's eyes were already gigantic ovals from her excitement, but they seemed to widen even more as she gasped and placed both her front hooves on Pinkie's shoulders.

"You're not gonna take us to see the Wonderbolts, are you? Well, I kind of hope you are, but how would you get tickets? Their entire Equestrian tour is sold out already! But just imagine it, everypony in the stands watching with anticipation. All would be silent. And then, out of nowhere, WOOOOSH!"

Rainbow Dash flew a loop around the clubhouse at daredevil speed.

"The Wonderbolts would come flying in! And with Spitfire as their fearless leader, they would perform stunts that ordinary pegasi can only dream of pulling off! They might even do their legendary Starcross routine! I've never seen it, but I heard it's amazing!

The excited pegasus preformed a string of aerial loops flawlessly before descending back onto the shaggy rug, her face beaming as her imagination flew free.

Applejack tapped Rainbow's muzzle playfully.

"But did Pinkie actually say that she had Wonderbolts tickets?"

The happiness and wonder on the cyan mare's face was quickly wiped away and replaced by a crestfallen expression.

"No, not really." Rainbow mumbled.

Pinkie Pie giggled and began bouncing in circles.

"Well I think you'll all have lots of fun there, I know I always do!"

I felt Rarity's brush pause in mid-stroke, then pull its way out of my mane, guided by the telekinesis radiating from her horn.

"But where exactly is this, ah, 'fun place' of yours, Pinkie?"

"I can't tell you, silly! That would ruin the surprise!"

Rainbow Dash stood up and trotted towards the door.

"Well, we better get going! Don't wanna be late, right, Pinks?" The speedy pegasus was in her usual hurry.

Pinkie Pie bounded across the room and blocked Rainbow's path.

"Not so fast! It's still too early to leave! Besides, we need to get ready!"

Dash shrunk back and glared at Pinkie.

The pink mare turned to address Rarity, who was busy packing her brush away in her saddlebags.

"Do you think you can help us, Rarity?

After long hours of tedious work at Carousel Boutique, we were all finally ready. Rarity, as instructed by Pinkie Pie, broke every single one of her fashionista's rules as she brushed, powdered, accessorized, and readied all five of us. We stopped outside the boutique in the dim twilight, admiring our reflections in the large windows.

I stared at the translucent, butter-colored mare that seemed to be a ghost trapped in the glass. I smiled at her, and she copied my every move. Her pink mane, now straightened, seemed to flow like a river out from underneath the black beret perched atop her head. A skinny, neon green scarf had been wrapped around her neck, stylishly paired with a string of hot pink beads that overlapped it.

The feeling I experienced standing there was new to me. My reflection seemed like an entirely different pony; a pony who was sure of herself, a pony who had confidence, a pony who could let go and have fun without worrying about anything; the pony I had always wanted to be.

As I turned around, my mane fanned out and followed my movement. I galloped towards Rarity, who was forcing Rainbow Dash against a wall, levitating a compact and brush in front of her.

"No no no no no! It's fine, it didn't smear. It's perfectly fine!" Rainbow cried out desperately.

"Nonsense, Rainbow Dash! There's an enormous streak of blush running clear from your eye to the corner of your mouth! Oh, and all that dreadful fallout, ugh!" The unicorn clucked disapprovingly as she swirled the bristles of her large brush into the rosy pigments. Her hoof rubbed vigorously at the pegasus' left cheek, the numerous bangles around her foreleg jingling as she did. Using her magic, she then dusted a small amount of makeup in the same place. Rarity squinted and pouted her lips in concentration as she surveyed the rest of Dash's face.

"Well, I guess that will have to do for now."

Rainbow Dash grimaced and took to the sky before Rarity could do anything else to her face. The unicorn whirled around and flashed a grin when she saw me standing behind her.

"Fluttershy! Terribly sorry to keep you waiting! Was there something you wanted to ask me about?"

I returned her smile and shook my head.

"No, I just wanted to thank you for doing all this. I feel amazing; beautiful, even!" I spoke breathlessly as I wrapped my dear friend into a quick hug.

"Darling, you don't need me to be beautiful." Rarity pulled back to look me in the eyes. I felt a lump forming in my throat and tears threatening to spill. I sniffled quietly. No pony had ever called me beautiful before. Happiness stirred inside me and made my heart glow.

"Is that how we're s'posed ta feel? Cause I just feel kinda....frou-frou." Applejack, having overheard our conversation, walked up beside us. She adjusted the glittering cowpony hat sitting awkwardly on top of her braided pigtails.

Rarity rolled her eyes at the tomcolt mare.

"You're lucky I'm in the right mind to not attempt to stuff you into a corset." The unicorn smirked as she teased Applejack.

The orange earth pony put on her best sarcastic face and gasped.

"Lady Rarity, are you callin' me fat?"

"Not at all, dearest Applejack. I just wouldn't want to have to rush you to the Ponyville hospital because you had passed out from the excessive tension around your middle."

"Yea, that oughta get ya nice 'n sweaty." Applejack smacked Rarity's wither playfully.

After gently pushing the farm pony away, Rarity looked back at me and brushed a stray strand of my mane back behind my ear. Her face softened as she noticed my eyes glistening with wetness.

"Now, now, don't get all teary or you'll end up ruining my hard work!" Rarity's soothing voice brought me out my state of shock and almost unbearable joy.

I giggled and wiped away a few tears that had escaped. Rarity winked at me before strutting back inside the boutique to put away her makeup.

"Shhhh! Everypony quiet!" Pinkie Pie instructed us. The friendly conversation floating in the air was immediately silenced. As the evening fell quiet, Pinkie lowered her head to the ground, as if she were listening to some underground melody the rest of us were deaf to. Rarity shifted her position, causing her bangles to chime. Pinkie Pie snapped her head up and scowled in the unicorn's direction before returning her ears to the ground. After listening intently for a minute, the pink earth pony's giggles broke the blanket of silence and she began shaking her rump and bobbing her head.

"Come on, girls, let’s go!" Pinkie Pie began galloping towards the town square. The rest of us all shared a flush in our cheeks, that was not the effect of Rarity's makeup, but simply exhibited our overpowering curiosity and wild excitement as we ran at a steady gait to catch up to our pink leader.

As our pack progressed deeper into the heart of Ponyville, our canter slowed to a bouncy trot. Our hooves struck the road, and a steady clopping echoed through the air. My eyes must have been the size of robin eggs, for there was so much to look at. All the familiar buildings and landmarks appeared entirely different under the glow of the moon. It was as if the night was a costume they wore to disguise their diurnal counterparts.

I was so enveloped in gazing at my surroundings that I didn't notice our group had come to a halt until I bumped into Applejack. I started to apologize, but she cut me off and jerked her head in Pinkie Pie's direction.

Pinkie had stopped in front of a small building. It looked to be a residential building of some kind, the same size and general shape as all the other Ponyville condominiums. What made it look rather odd, though, was the fact that pieces of black tarp were nailed across each and every window, providing no clue as to what lay inside.

Pinkie Pie tapped her hoof on a wooden plank leaning against the outside wall. The plank shifted and was pushed to the side, revealing the massive hole its purpose was to cover. A large, grey stallion came out through the opening, his expression impassive. I tried to avoid looking directly at him, but I could still feel his cold stare piercing through the private walls of my mind. The stallion skimmed his gaze over all of us before narrowing his eyes into two smoky-blue slivers and speaking.

"Who are you, mares?" The stallion's voice was low and rough, which made him sound like an old dog barking at strangers in his territory. Nopony dared answer him. I glanced around for Pinkie, frantic. She was hiding around the corner of the building, trying to stifle a laugh while not looking the least bit worried.

"Well, who are you? Show me your marks!" The stallion had come closer. The edge to his voice told me that his seemingly short patience was nearing it's end. I could feel my brow sweating and my heart pounding in my breast. I was afraid this stallion would fall into a rage any moment. I hoped, no, prayed to Celestia and all else that is holy for Pinkie Pie to come out of her hiding place and save us.

"Oh, Stroke, you take this whole thing way too seriously!" Pinkie trotted back around the corner, giggling uncontrollably. The stallion's expression softened and he turned around to face her.

"Mena, is that you?"

"I don't know, is it?" Pinkie Pie smirked as she lifted her puffy pink mane off of her neck. The grey stallion walked around to her side and appeared to be examining the spot where she had pulled her mane up. As he did, Pinkie made it her business to finally introduce us.

"Brush Stroke, these are my friends, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, this is Brush Stroke. He works as a bouncer here, and is a very good friend of mine."

Brush Stroke had finished looking at Pinkie Pie's neck and let her mane return to its original spot.

"Hey. Sorry you guys had to see my mean side first, but duty calls."

"Terrifying, isn't he?" Another brief gale of laughter escaped the pink mare. Brush Stroke gave her a gentle shove.

"Why don't you ladies come inside, we need to give you your marks." Brush Stroke motioned towards the hole with his hoof. Rarity chewed on her lower lip. Applejack fiddled with her hat. We were all intimidated by the strange place Pinkie had taken us. Apprehension and a flickering spark of paranoia lined the edges of our thoughts and transformed our wild eagerness into reluctance and fear. All four of us lingered there, staring nervously into the deep hole.

"Come on, girls, what are you waiting for?" Pinkie Pie left Brush Stroke's side and trotted over to where we were standing, looking concerned.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong?" All traces of Pinkie's bubbly smile and playful attitude had disappeared, replaced by uneasiness. Her eyes bounced back and forth between us, trying desperately to coax a response out of somepony. Pinkie Pie stepped closer and lowered her voice to a whisper.

"You do trust me, don't you?" I still swear to this very day that I saw her mane deflate just the slightest bit.

Even though it had been merely hours before then, I had sensed a strong presence of reliability in my friends from the moment I had met them. I felt safe and loved, which was something I had rarely gotten the chance to experience as a filly.

I stepped forward and wrapped my forelegs around Pinkie's neck.

"Of course we do, Pinkie Pie. You're our friend, for Celestia's sake! Now, let’s go in there and have a good time."

She nodded at me, her smile returning, and galloped back towards the entrance. We began filing in, one by one, with Pinkie at the head of the line.

"What was that all about, Mena?" I heard Brush Stroke ask Pinkie Pie as discreetly as he could.

"Girl stuff, you wouldn't understand."

"Of course not."

The edges of the passage were rough and jagged, and scraped my back as I walked through. Normally, I would have turned around to check that I wasn't wounded, but I was too distracted by the contents of the small room we had just entered.