> Red Handed > by Bolt Magnet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Red Handed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack sighed. She felt incredibly refreshed as she exited the bathroom, her towel draped around her shoulders, as her long, damp hair partially clung to her neck and down her back. A faint cloud of steam trailed in her wake, as she quickly switched off the bathroom light – mindful of the rest of her family, who would surely be sleeping at such a late hour. Applejack sauntered down the now dark hallway, her eyes slowly adjusting to the blackness. Gently pushing the door to her bedroom open, she hastily ripped the towel from her shoulders and carelessly tossed it atop the large, wooden chest of draws that was placed along the nearest left wall of her bedroom. As she brushed the excess perspiration from her freckled arms, she gazed briefly around her room. As the light from Princess Luna’s moon shone delicately through parted curtains of her windows, Applejack noticed that something was wrong. Well, not wrong so much as ‘missing’. She glanced at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table, adjacent to her Queen double sized bed. The dull red numbers of the clock emitted an eerie glow, in direct contrast with the gentle white illumination of the full moon. 11:57 The clock read. Applejack frowned, and quietly stepped back into the dark hallway. Standing silently in the darkness, Applejack shot a quick glance down either side of the hallway. At the very end of the walkway, to her right, she could see the faintest glow coming from under the closed wooden door. Applejack quirked an eyebrow, and slowly made her way towards the light. The old wooden floorboards creaked and moaned under the weight of the tanned, blonde woman. Understandably so, Applejack was a big girl, and I don’t mean big as in overweight. Applejack was tall, easily taller than most women, she even put some men to shame. And she was strong, too – which was really no surprise, living and working on an apple farm her entire life. Although, she knew this floor like the back of her hand, and so it wasn’t hard for her to avoid the louder floorboards as she crept her way down the hall. She reached the closed door with ease, and pressed her ear to the cool wood. Through the door she could hear the muted whirring of a computer motor. And above that, she could just barely make out the sound of moaning. Applejack blinked, and shook her head. Surely she must be hearing things, right? Carefully, she grabbed the doorhandle, and stealthily opened the door. Without the hardwood door to muffle the sound, Applejack could hear much more clearly, and now she was certain that her ears did not deceive her. Over the much more predominant whirring of the computer motor, Applejack could clearly hear someone moaning softly through a closed mouth. A sly grin slowly spread across Applejack’s mouth. This was too perfect an opportunity to waste – directly in front of her, no more than a few feet away, was a large brown office chair, the back of which was facing her. Light poured over the edges of the chair, as it blocked and sheltered both the occupant of the chair, and the computer monitor from her view. Applejack could barely contain herself; if she played her cards right, this could potentially be the most hilarious and embarrassing escapade the likes of which the recipient will never forget. Taking a brief moment, Applejack squared herself up. “Rainbow Dash, is that you?” Applejack asked, as she closed the door behind her with a quiet thud. Applejack had to fight the urge to grin like an idiot, as Rainbow Dash responded by swearing under her breath, and rapidly clicked the computer mouse in her hand. A second later, Rainbow half-turned the chair to face Applejack. Sweat rolled down the small, athletic, rainbow-haired woman's face, as she gazed up at her tall friend with high brows and half-lidded eyes. “Oh hey, AJ. What’s up?” Rainbow asked, her voice shaky. Applejack shrugged, she strolled across the room, and draped her left arm over the top of the brown swivel chair, turning the chair back towards the computer monitor. Applejack noticed that the Mozilla Firefox icon along the toolbar was surrounded by a white box, which meant that in her brief moment of haste, Rainbow Dash had only minimized the internet window she was viewing, as opposed to closing it completely. Applejack cupped her right hand over her hip and smiled down at Rainbow. “Aww, you know, not much. Ah’s actually lookin’ fer you. So, uh… watcha doin’?” Applejack asked nonchalantly. Rainbow blew out a dismissive sigh, and rested her hands atop her head, “Not much. Just killin’ time, you know?” Rainbow replied cooly as she reclined back slightly. Applejack narrowed her eyes, as Rainbow Dash undertook great lengths to avoid eye contact with her. As the element of Honesty, Applejack could never tell a lie. It had proved – in some circumstances – to be a major inconvenience, however, the flip side to her element had essentially turned Applejack a Human lie detector. That perk, coupled with the years of friendship between her and Rainbow meant that she could read Rainbow’s facial expressions like an open book. Applejack pursed her lips as she rested her hands on her hips, “Is that so? Well, Ah guess ya wouldn’t mind if Ah just, clicked on that little window there, hmm?” Rainbow Dash didn’t respond immediately, instead she shot a puzzled expression towards Applejack. Applejack nodded toward the computer screen with a smirk. As Rainbow glanced at the screen, a look of panic washed over her face, briefly, before she caught herself and tried to recover her composure. Rainbow Dash shrugged. Applejack quirked an eyebrow. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash lunged forward with wide eyes and gritted teeth. Fortunately, Applejack was not caught off guard by this unexpected action, on the contrary, she was expecting Rainbow Dash to pull something like this. And she was more than prepared. Applejack shot her right hand straight out, from her hip, and grabbed Rainbows hand before she could reach the mouse. While Applejack’s pressed her left forearm against Rainbow’s throat, and pinned her to the chair. Rainbow Dash struggled against Applejack’s firm press. With a furrowed brow, and a fiendish grin, Applejack increased the pressure of Rainbow’s throat. Rainbow’s eyes widened further, and realizing that this battle was already lost, she ceased her struggling and soon became limp under Applejack’s hold. Once she had stilled, Applejack spoke, “Now, what could possibly have ya rope all in a twist so bad, hmm?” “N-nothing!” Rainbow pleaded. “Really?” Applejack traced her right hand down Rainbow Dash’s arm, and placed her large, calloused fingers over those of Rainbow Dash’s slim, slender ones. Holding Rainbow’s hand in her own, Applejack placed both of their hands on the computer mouse, “Then Ah guess you wouldn’t mind us findin’ out, together.” Applejack forced Rainbow to inch the mouse cursor closer to the minimized window. “N-no, wait!” Rainbow cried. Applejack stopped, and glanced down at Rainbow Dash, “Yes?” “I…” Rainbow sighed, and averted her gaze, “I-I… I was looking at porn, okay? Are you happy now?” Rainbow glared up at Applejack with flushed cheeks. Applejack shook her head, and clicked her tongue, “Tsk, shoot, Ah already knew that, sugar cube. But now Ah’m curious, what could possibly be so embarrassing, that you don’t want me to see?” The colour drained from Rainbow’s face, as Applejack made her mover the mouse cursor over the minimized internet window. “N-no, AJ – don’t!” Click. Applejack glanced at the computer screen. It took her brain about two seconds to identify the picture that Rainbow had been previously pleasuring herself to, and another five seconds to actually comprehend that picture. However, as the wheels in Applejack’s mind began to turn, she quickly became very aware of two blatant facts. Number one: Rainbow Dash was in fact not looking at pornography, she was on Facespace - arguably the biggest and most popular social media website in all of Equestria. Number two: she looking at pictures of Applejack on Facespace, or more specifically a picture of Rainbow Dash and herself, taken a few weeks ago, during their summer break. Applejack stood on the right side of the picture, wearing an extremely revealing bikini in her favorite color, while Rainbow was on the left, wearing a slightly covered some set of swimwear. They were birthday presents, given to each other as a contrast to their regular apparel – you see, not many people were aware that Applejack and Rainbow Dash shared a birthday, granted, more than a few years apart. And while Applejack is not a shy girl by any means, she does prefer to avoid revealing clothing. And thus, Rainbow’s gift was exactly what AJ feared it would be. Although, to be fair, Applejack’s gift – the blue swimwear that can be seen adorning Rainbow’s body – was just as revealing, however skimpy clothing was more of a defining characteristic for Rainbow than it was for Applejack. Slowly, Applejack turned back to Rainbow, confused, “Rainbow… were you touchin’ yaself to that picture?” Rainbow Dash, wide-eyed and uncertain, slowly nodded. Applejack nodded, “Okay… and were ya… looking at me or you while ya were doing it?” Rainbow Dash gulped, “You.” “Ah see…” “Why would I be looking at myself?” Rainbow questioned. “Well…” Applejack frowned, “Ah mean ya are pretty boastful-” “Yeah, because I’m awesome.” “Well, yeah but… you know…” “Wait,” Rainbow shook her head, “AJ, do you think I jerk it to pictures of myself?” Applejack scrunched up her face, “Uh…” “Wow,” Rainbow deadpanned, “Seriously?” “Hey, Ah ain’t got no problem with it, you know, whatever makes ya happy,” Applejack grinned sheepishly. Rainbow continued to stare at her, flatly. Applejack cleared her throat, “So, why are ya here anyway?” “Wadda mean?” “Well…” Applejack leaned closer towards Rainbow – their faces barely touching – and moved her left arm from Rainbow’s throat, to the nape of her neck, “Why are here, alone?” She fluttered her eyelids, “If ya were feelin’ horny, ya should’ve just told me,” Applejack moved her right hand from the computer mouse, and slipped it inside Rainbow’s already wet panties. Rainbow Dash inhaled. Jolts of pleasure rippled through her, as Applejack’s large, calloused hands slid over her moist, hot lips. Applejack traced her fingers delicately up the length of Rainbow’s sex. Rainbow Dash’s breathing elevated, and she squirmed in her seat. Applejack leaned closer to her face, and pressed her cheek against Rainbow’s. “Mmm,” she cooed, “You feel so good.” Applejack pulled back, and traced the length of Rainbow’s lips a few more times – earning soft, muted moans from the small, lean woman – before she craved more, pressing her middle and ring fingers together, she parted Rainbow’s lips, Applejack and gently thrust her fingers inside Rainbow. Rainbow moaned loudly, and squirmed as Applejack slowly flexed her fingers back and forth. Rainbow’s hot juices soaked Applejack's fingers, and the tall blonde could already feel her own privates moisten. Applejack thrust her fingers inside Rainbow as deeply as she could, and pressed the palm of her hand firmly against Rainbow’s clitoris. Rainbow’s head flew back, as her chest arched forward. “Fuuck!” She breathed. Applejack grinned, she slowly circled her palm over Rainbow’s clitoris, as she arched her fingers upwards, and dragged them back towards her palm. Rainbow’s panting increased as the sweat rolled down her body. Applejack bit her lip, as she slowly withdrew her fingers, and slid them up the length of Rainbow’s lips, flicking her fingers upwards as she brushed past Rainbow’s clitoris again. Rainbow Dash groaned loudly, and bucked her upwards, as the pleasure jolted through her. Applejack grinned broadly. As she inserted her fingers into Rainbow for a second time, she leaned closer to Rainbow, and planted a feather light kiss on her cheek. The hot feeling of Rainbow’s flushed cheeks on Applejack’s lips, served to further moisten her nether region, and she could already feel the wetness on her panties. Applejack quickened her pace, gently thrusting her fingers back and forth faster than before. She was enjoying this almost as much as Rainbow, and just like her counterpart, she was already anticipating the end. Rainbow’s breathing was harsher now, as Applejack continued to thrust her fingers back and forth; she also pressed her palm more firmly against rainbow clit. The pleasure built in intensity as it rippled through her lean petite body. Rainbow began rocking her hips back and forth, to match the rhythm of Applejack's thrusts. Applejack’s breathing picked up, as she worked her fingers back and forth. Sweat rolled down her brow, as she revelled in spectacle of Rainbow Dash moaning and panting before her. Rainbow was reduced to little more than pudding her hands, at her complete and total mercy, and Applejack loved every second of it. Rainbow’s body began to quiver around Applejack’s fingers. She smiled, not long now… she thought to herself as she continued working her fingers at a consistent pace. Rainbow furrowed her brow, and she arched her head back, “A… AJ, I… I-I think I’m gonna…” Applejack frowned, “Already? Ah was hoping ya’d last longer…” She grinned mischievously as she slowed her thrusts, and pulled her fingers back. “No!” Rainbow’s eyes bulged as she lurched forward, “P-please!” She pleaded. Applejack quirked an eyebrow, “Please? Please, what?” Rainbow grabbed Applejack’s left forearm with both of her hands, “Please, AJ, I’m begging you!” Applejack removed her fingers, and traced them lightly up and down Rainbow’s lips, “What?” She asked coyly, “What do you want, Dashie?” Rainbow groaned, with a look of hopelessness on her face, “I-I’m so close, just let me come, please!” Applejack frowned, and glanced away. She loved it when she could reduce rainbow to begging. For Applejack, when it came to making love, she preferred to journey, rather than the destination. And she absolutely loved it when she could stretch Rainbow out as far as she possibly could. She glanced back at Rainbow with a smirk. Rainbow stared back at her, pleading with her crimson puppy dog eyes. Applejack rushed forwards and kissed her, firmly pressing her lips against Rainbow’s. Applejack slipped her wet fingers back into Rainbow, causing her to moan against Applejack’s mouth. Applejack broke the kiss with a smile, “Alright, but only ‘cus Ah love ya so much.” Rainbow moaned as a goofy smile spread across her face, she fell back in her chair as the deliciously familiar waves of pleasure rolled over her again. This time, Applejack increased her speed. She thrust her fingers faster, and pressed her palm more firmly than she had before, she did have to make up for lost time, after all. Rainbow Dash didn’t mind, though. In fact, she welcomed it, she was so close the brink now, she could almost taste it. Jolts of pleasure shot up through her, as her body began to quiver around Applejack’s fingers once again. This time, however, Applejack showed no sign of slowing or even stopping. She thrust her fingers faster, and harder inside Rainbow, and Rainbow squirmed and moaned at every movement of Applejack’s thick fingers. It was the final stretch now, Rainbow knew, and so did Applejack. Rainbow rocked her hips faster, to match Applejack’s speed, as she pushed harder, and harder into Rainbow’s hot, wet crevice. Rainbow couldn’t take it any longer, her head flailed left and right, as the pressure that had been building inside her, came crashing down all at once. Applejack thrust her fingers one final time, deep inside her, as Rainbow was pushed over the brink. Rainbow tossed her head back, and cried out as a tidal wave of bliss exploded through her, she arched her back as her body quivered, and twitched. Hot juice surrounded Applejack’s fingers, and squirted from Rainbow’s lips, spilling past Applejack’s hand, and onto Rainbow’s panties. As Applejack watched the ecstasy wash over Rainbow’s face, her heart beat hitched, and she shuddered as a small leak sprouted from her own moist, sex. As Rainbow’s shudders subdued, she melted back into the leather chair. Sweat covered her entire skin, giving her a glossy shine in the dim light of the computer monitor, and her nipples had perked up from beneath her tank top. Applejack removed her fingers from Rainbow’s panties; her musky juices soaked Applejack’s hand, and ran down her forearm as she pressed her two fingers onto her tongue. Applejack clasped her lips around the base of her fingers, as she slowly pulled them from her mouth. The sweet, tanginess of Rainbow’s juice tickled her mouth, as she swallowed her mouthful and licked her lips. “Mmm, skittles,” Applejack breathed as she grinned down at Rainbow. Rainbow was still recovering, panting and grinning like an idiot. After a second or two, she calmed herself, and glanced up at Applejack, “I freaking love you, AJ.” Applejack chuckled, “Ah know.” Rainbow huffed as she fell back in her chair. Applejack wiped her hand on her singlet, and glanced at the screen behind her. It still held the picture that Rainbow was pleasing herself to, and that made Applejack more than a little curious. “Hey, Dashie?” She asked as she faced Rainbow, “What were ya looking at that fer anyway?” Rainbow opened her eyes with a blissful smile, “Wadda mean?” Applejack shrugged, “Well, Ah mean… why were ya looking at that picture while you were touching yaself? Why weren’t ya looking at – oh, Ah don’t know – actual porn?” Rainbow cocked her head to the right, “Because you’re practically naked?” Applejack rolled her eyes, “No, Ah mean… why were ya touchin’ yaself ta that picture of me, when ya coulda been getting’ off on anyone – or anything – else?” Rainbow furrowed her brow, “Why would I be jerkin’ it to someone else? Have you seen you? You’re freaking hot!” Applejack felt her cheeks flush, “Sugar cube…” “If I could,” Rainbow continued, “I’d have sex with you, like all day, every day.” “Rainbow…” Applejack smiled. She leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Rainbow’s cheek, “Ah love you too.” “But if ya really feel that way-” Applejack continued, as she turned off the computer, “-Why are you here, and not in mah bed?” Rainbow shrugged, “You had a long day today, I know that, and I didn’t think you’d feel like it. I’m honestly surprised that you’re still up.” “Ah’m still up, ‘cause Ah was lookin’ fer you,” Applejack pushed the computer chair away, and in a swift motion that was surprising for her size, she snatched Rainbow up in a cradling embrace. Rainbow yelped with surprise, and gazed up at Applejack, wide-eyed. “’sides,” Applejack continued, “You should know by now, Ah can hardly keep mah hands off ya,” Applejack cooed. Rainbow smirked, “Well, yeah… I guess I have that effect on people.” Applejack grinned, as she slowly carried Rainbow out of the computer room, and back into the darkened hallway. As she slowly walked towards her bedroom, Rainbow cradled in her arms, another thought popped ungracefully into her mind. “So, ya don’t fantasize about anyone else?” She blurted out quietly. Rainbow glanced up at her, and blinked. “Well… no.” Applejack narrowed her eyes, “You hesitated.” Rainbow frowned, and pulled a face, “Well… uh, I mean… there may be this one thing that I sometimes fantasize about…” “But?” “But… I can’t really do it by myself, it’s a two person thing…” Applejack smiled, “So, how come ya ain’t mentioned it before?” “Well…” Rainbow glanced away uncomfortably. Applejack quirked an eyebrow, “Dash?” Rainbow glanced up at Applejack, “It’s… kind of embarrassing…” Applejack sighed, “Just tell me, already. Ah won’t laugh at ya, Ah promise. And besides, it can’t be that weird or kinky.” Rainbow swallowed, “Okay…” She leaned up and whispered in Applejacks ear. After Rainbow had explained herself, Applejack jerked away from her, “Really?” She asked with a surprised look. Rainbow shrugged sheepishly, “Heh, yeah… so… wadda think?” “Uh…” Applejack began, “Ah… don’t see why we couldn’t do it.” “Yeah, I didn’t think so- wait, what?” Applejack smiled, “Ah said, Ah don’t see why we couldn’t do it.” Rainbow blinked, “Seriously?” Applejack nodded, “Sure.” Rainbow smiled brightly, “Oh, awesome! You’re the best, AJ!” Applejack clicked her tongue as they reached the partially closed door to her bedroom, “Tsk, yeah, Ah know it.”