Dance Like Nopony's Watching

by MidnightCrew

First published

Twilight Sparkle's POV of the time she met the love of her life.

Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. What is it like to feel it? I'll tell you. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my story. You might want to sit down, this will take a little while.

Twilight's POV of my Crossover, which can be read with or without this one.

Hit the Floor

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I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a warm summer afternoon as I was walking without a care in the world. Spike had suggested I take a relaxing break from the library, despite my protests. I'm so glad that he forced me out. As I gazed at the park's scenery, I heard it. A small voice called "hey, hey miss!" in my direction. I slowly turned to see the oddest thing ever to behold. Small frog-like creatures half my height!

I was astounded. The leader was green, like any other frog. But the little one that called to me was a deep navy blue with tadpole-like features. Next sat a red, angry one and a light blue one with a gray mask. Only...the yellow one with the thick glasses...intrigued me...I couldn't help thinking he looked cute. I closed my agape mouth and choked out, "oh my gosh."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my party-loving friend Pinkie Pie spring along in her usual manner.

"PINKIE! OVER HERE!" She acknowledged my presence and bounded over.


I heard the crimson one mutter, "I hate this one already..."

Typical reaction. The green one (I assume was the leader), started running towards us. I probably tensed up. We had no idea what they could do.

“Yay! Parties!”

I guess they weren't a threat. Hopefully. But what creatures were these? I hesitantly picked the navy tadpole up from the head. "Strange body structure..."

And...he fell. Now I'm holding an empty hat. His mane is red? In an afro style? How peculiar! Oh, I still have his hat.

“OOH! YOUR MANE IS RED!” Pinkie squealed. Yeah Pinkie, we know.

“Mane? Wha- oh.” Such bizarre creatures! Who would know about them? Oh...why do I still have this hat...anyways, I dropped it, then had an inspiration. “Maybe Fluttershy knows about them. Let’s go to her cottage,” I said. I started walking, and four of the five started following. The red one, however, stayed in place with his arms crossed.

“No way! Let’s go home!”

Home? What home? Where is their home? The yellow one paused.

“About that, we fell on it and it broke. Ku ku ku.

I was about to ask what broke, when the red one had steam coming out of where his ears would be. “WHAT?!" He was shaking with rage. Why was Pinkie walking over to him?

“Aw, come on, saddy face!” She exclaimed, picking him up and on her back. So off we went to Fluttershy's.



“Smile, smile, smile!” Pinkie sang loudly. Great, now I had a headache.

“I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!” the hot-headed one yelled. Sure, go ahead and double my migraine. Oh, we're at Fluttershy's house. I carefully knocked on the door, saying her name. It opened just a crack, enough for me to see the orb that was her eye.

“Y-yes Twilight?”

“Can you explain what these guys are?”

Zoom. I was dizzy after she buzzed right past me.

“Yes! They’re the most adorable froggies ever!” Well that made a lot of sense.

“Yep!” the leader beamed. Okay, not a threat, and some species of amphibian. Got it. Now what? Oh. Mental facehoof.

”We need to get everypony else.” I announced.

An annoyed voice sarcastically muttered, “oh joy! More ponies to gawk at us! Yay, woo...”

Well, Cranky Doodle strikes again.

It didn't take that long to round up all my friends. Now maybe we could at least learn these creatures' names. “So,” the leader began, “I am Sergeant Keroro Gunso. This is First Class Private Tamama Nitohei.”


“This is Corporal Giroro Gocho.”

“I hate pink!”

“This is Sergeant Major Kururu Socho.”

“Ku, ku, ku,”

“And this is Lance Corporal Dororo Heicho.”

“He remembered me!”

Kururu...didn't 'kurukuru' mean 'round and round' in Japanese? They must be Japanese! I wonder why his glasses are so thick...gah, what am I doing?!

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Um, so, where will they stay?” Ponyfeathers!

“I forgot about that. There isn’t enough of them for each of us,” I stated matter-of-factly.

“I’LL TAKE GIRORO!” Pinkie shouted.

Giroro had a panic come over his face as he backed up slowly. “N-no..I’ll go live...under a rock...” He disliked Pinkie that much. Looks like she was squeezing the life out of him.

“NEW FRIENDS PARTY! I think he said something, but it was hard to tell since he was being crushed. Okay, all that aside, I must do research! No! I need to be normal and nice to them! What do I do?!


Silence. Augh, stupid, stupid brain! Now I look like a foal in front of everypony! Kururu snapped his eyes up. I guess. It was hard to tell.

"Great, ku ku ku." Why does he say 'kukuku' all the time? Meh. My mind slowly drifted off, but I could make out Applejack saying, ”ah could use the green feller.” Tamama also screamed to Rarity “I CALL HER!” Well, the fashionista with the tadpole. “I, um, guess I’ll take Dororo, if you don’t mind...” Fluttershy said, barely above a whisper.

Wait. So that means... "I guess you don't have one," I said to Rainbow Dash.

She looked at the ground. “Th-that's okay. I like Giroro’s attitude...” Okay, that was weird. Was she blushing?! No, no. I must be seeing things.

“Um, okay then. Let’s, uh, go home.” I slowly watched Kururu out of the corner of my eye. He didn't seem too concerned that he wasn't supposed to be here. He caught me staring and pretended to look at the sky. Whatever. Finally arriving home, I pulled up a chair for him to sit in. What do I do now? Oh, wait, I got it!

“So, what do I need to know about you?”

Kururu raised his head and relaxed in a lazy pose, arms behind his back. “I am ranked higher than Keroro, but they find me annoying so I am an intelligence officer, Giroro is annoying, I don’t care about anything, I’m an inventor and hacker, you can call me Kululu, I love curry, I was blue, but Keroro made a big bowl of curry that I fell in and got dyed yellow. Oh, and ku ku ku.”

No way he was that prepared to open up like that! Did he truly not care about anything, or was his mind saying that?

“Uh...thanks.” I said carefully. Now the next part I swear was on accident. I only meant to pat Kululu on the head reassuringly, but...his glasses...well...fell off.

"Megane, megane (my glasses, my glasses).” he said as he crawled on the floor. How embarrassing.

“This could’ve gone better.” I awkardly said. Kululu found his glasses and put them on. Silence for a while.

"So...have anything useful for inventing around?"

Invent? He's an inventor? "Uh, yeah, actually. If not, I can use my magic to...why are you staring?"

He stopped looking at my eyes for a moment. "N-nothing..." Around then Spike came downstairs. Ah, perfect timing.

"Twilight, who's that?" he asked. Kululu looked offended.

"Oh, that's Kululu, he's staying here" I muttered.

Spike leaned in, looking at his face."What are you?"

"I am a Keronian. What thing are you, Lizard Boy? Ku ku ku." I didn't feel like interfering until Spike got upset and stole his hat. "Give me that." Kululu didn't sound angry. Spike's eyes widened, however.

"Dude, your hair is purple," I blinked and looked. It was! It was a nice shade of purple, too-oh, stop it! Bad Twilight, bad!

"So what? You don't have hair. Ku ku ku." I started to slam my head into the bookshelf. Maybe if I hit it hard enough, it'd kill me.

"Spike, stop it. He's a guest, and I want you to be on your best behavior." He grumbled a response, then somepony knocked at the door.

"I'll get it," said Kululu. He opened it and looked my way. "Twilight, it's Giroro and his new girlfriend. Ku, ku, ku."

Two perfectly synchronized "I'LL KILL YOU!" 's came from the doorway. Rainbow Dash and Giroro? No, he's got to be messing around, right? Now why would they be here? Oh.

"Hi, Rainbow. Cloud-walking spell?" I asked.

Rainbow shifted uncomfortably. "Uh, yeah." I concentrated, building up power in my horn. Then I let it all out.

"There, he should be able to live up there now." Both mumbled a thanks and left. Spike went upstairs to be lazy and sleep. Again. So just me and Kululu. I pulled out a History of Equestria book and started reading it, but I felt eyes on me. I slowly looked up. Why was Kululu staring at me?

"S-sorry...." he muttered. "I-I like your eyes..."

What. The. Buck. I just mumbled gibberish and said "go invent something..."


One week had passed, and that week had been very interesting. Kululu must not know how to put a wrench down. I was making breakfast when there was a loud explosion from the den. Then the door opened with Sweetie Belle standing there. “Hi Spike! Is-what happened?!” I slammed my head on the table.

“I was used as a guinea pig.” Spike grumbled.

“Ku ku ku” Kululu laughed. Sweetie Belle left after that.

I walked in, barking "alright, what's going on?!" Spike turned around with blackened color on his face. Kululu had a ray gun thing.

"I was testing it," he said innocently. I narrowed my eyes.

"If a single thing is out of place in this library from stupid inventions, I will personally kick your flank to the moon so hard ponies will wonder why there is a shooting star in the sky."

I would've said more, but a voice screamed "YAY! PARTY FOR RAINBOW, GIRORO, FLUTTERS, AND DORORO!" Oh. So apparently we have new couples. I just scraped the burned toast outside and flopped on the couch.

"I need a vacation...Pinkie being Pinkie."

So Kululu was on my watch list. He had been acting strange lately. “Spiiiike,” I heard from the kitchen. Oh joy...

Another explosion, they had become more frequent. I couldn't wait to see what happened this time. "Twilight! Help!" I slowly turned my head to see a light purple Keronian with a light green hat on! Who is-wait...


A high-pitched "KU KU KU!" rang out.


He slowly stepped out, hands up. "Whaaaat? Not MY fault." Yes, yes it is your fault! Dear sweet Celestia!

"Just fix him before Pinkie's party!" I screamed, then muttered, "...or else I'll throw you out into the street." I really regret saying that. I didn't mean it, I was just so frustrated, and he looked hurt by it. My yelling impacted him pretty hard. Kululu's normally so emotionless, I'm glad he doesn't hate me for it. So, it was nighttime, and guess who was a Keronian? “You okay, Spike?” I asked.

“No, I’m a frog.” he deadpanned, face showing pure disgust. Poor guy.

“Kululu! Spike still isn’t a dragon! Pinkie’s party is in fifteen minutes!”

He poked his head in the room. “I‘m working on it! What the frog is your problem? Ku ku ku.” Again, felt bad for yelling. Never mind that. We all went to Pinkie's party, knowing the reactions to Spike's 'transformation' wouldn't be good.

“S-SPIKE?!” Rarity shrieked at the sight. See, what did I tell you? I didn't feel like explaining.

"It's a long story, and it’s all thanks to Mr. Genius here," I poked him for emphasis.

Kululu looked innocent. “Nope, not me.” Thus the party went off with a bang.

Let me just say it was a blast, Pinkie really outdid herself. The Dj was amazing, there was Pony Rock, Equestria Girls, Polka is Magic, you name it. But what made the greatest impact on me was right after the polka when Pinkie had to go and play a slow song. So yeah, RD and Giroro, Fluttershy and Dororo, you get it. But Kululu had his eyes on me. Literally. I was still a little angry about that morning, but I at least owed him that much.

"Fine," I muttered. And yes, it was fun. So the others were getting all lovey-dovey, and I'm with Kululu. But there is one part always sticks with me.

“Guess what?” he asked out of the blue. What could he want?

“What?” I asked, still confused. I will never forget this.

He did what I least expected him to do.

Kululu kissed me.

Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh is what my mind said. Er, screamed. It wasn't long, just kind of short, but he still took me by complete surprise. No, I didn't try to get away, it was...nice. At least until Spike the frog screamed “SICK!” as loud as he could.

“YAY!” Pinkie shouted.“When can I plan the wedding?”

I lead the chorus of “PINKIIIIE!” Then everything shifted back to normal, Pin the Tail on the Pony, that kind of stuff. Until...

"Hey Rainbow, wanna help me make more cupcakes?"

"Not good at baking."


"Okay, but I'm not gonna make good food."

Pinkie smiled and headed for the basement as Rainbow followed. They were gone a long time. "Are they coming back?" Tamama asked, stuffing a cupcake into his mouth. We waited a while until we heard a scream.

"You can't do this to me, Pinkie! I'm your friend!"

"Of course you are, silly. That's why I'm so excited to have you here. We get to share your last moments together, just you and me."

"OH NO!" all of us yelled. We heard this story before...

"Well, that's enough reminiscing. It's time to begin."


"HOLY FROG WE GOTTA GET DOWN THERE!" Giroro cried. No kidding!

Kululu looked a little worried as he peered down the dark basement and called "Rainbow?"

"Hope you don't mind, I think I'm gonna wing it now."

With that, Fluttershy and Rarity fainted, of course.


"WE'RE GOIN' DOWN THERE!!!" I yelled, as all of us did that after reviving Rarity and Fluttershy. So, what would we find next? It was very dark. Then a light came on.


What a twist. We were all like "WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY HOW?!" Well played, though. Really good prank. Then Keroro shouted
"RESONACE! Kerokerokerokerokero..."





We were all confused, so we decided to just leave them be. Pinkie wouldn't stop talking, which was driving Kululu bonkers. Very logical, if you think about it. But she upped the ante by singing 'Giggle at the Ghostly', which caused his glasses to break and for him have a meltdown, but everything turned out alright.Then they got in an argument, and Giroro's comeback was "KULULU HAS A PONY GIRLFRIEND!" Did he really have to go there to humiliate ME in the process?

I just didn't make direct eye contact and said "he does not."

So the Kululu pipes up with "Oh yes I do, ku ku ku"

I muttered "shut up, wise guy." The party was ending right around that time, and it was time to go home. But what about Kululu? What Think Twilight, think!

"I need to think about this, you can stay with Pinkie for a while." I saw his composure slip slightly almost instantly.

"N-no problem," he choked out. I felt really bad, but me and Spike went home, and I locked him out of my room and cried. Just cried into my pillow for hours until morning. What else could I do? The only time I got up was to take a picture of a Sonic Rainboom Rainbow and Giroro made. I was happy for them, really, but why did it have to be so difficult?

Anyways, Kululu ran in the next day, yelling “I'll fix him!" Spike, however, wasn't convinced.

“HOW DO I KNOW YOU'RE NOT GONNA TURN ME INTO A-A-uh....FLY OR SOMTHING?!" Really, Spike? I listened to them argue for a bit.

“I'll test it on me, ku ku ku."

“Whatever. Twilight, Crazy Frog is here!"

“Watch it, or you'll be stuck on a flyswatter."

I did not need this. Not today. Kululu explained that a potion would cure Spike, and we'd have to make it. I asked if he knew the ingredients. “I got one, changeling DNA,” he replied, holding a vial up with green liquid.

“How did you get..." And everything turned black.







What was that infernal beeping?! I slowly opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. I turned my head to the left, seeing a heart rate monitor hooked up to me. Kululu sat in a chair on the right, sound asleep. His glasses were missing, too. I shifted ever so lightly, and excruciating pain jolted through my left hind leg. I yelped a little too loudly, and Kululu's eyes snapped open. Seeing those emerald green eyes for the first time and hearing that cry of joy made me come alive. He was over to my side in a speed that would make Rainbow jealous, and shouting “I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!” Me? Dead?

“All I remember is...the changeling taking me...”

Kululu shook his head. “No one can hurt you now,I won’t let them." He...won't? "I love you, Twilight Sparkle.” H-he just said...

I smiled the best I could despite the pain. “ you too.” We leaned in, and we were going to-!




Well, that was...amazing. Kululu told me everything, how the changeling burst in, how it bit and took me, how he beat up all of them by himself, how Applejack wrestled with the changeling to save me, and how he tried his hardest to treat my bite wound. It's all I didn't remember any of it. The 'yay-Twilight-is-okay-party' was spectacular, I danced with Kululu, and had a lot of fun. Even Derpy was there. All fun aside, Kululu got the potion ready. Except when he tested it on himself, well, he turned into a pony. He then turned all his friends into ponies, then got the correct potion, so Spike was normal.

“Why, Kululu?” I asked, staring at pony Tamama levitate him around. His response?

“They like it.” He was right though, and Pinkie yelled how we could all be PBF's now. Then, my door was thrown wide open.

“Where is that toad?!”

A h-human? Yeah, human, with pink hair was there and angry, along with her brother and mother. I later learned they were Keroro's former caretakers. After sorting that out, I gave the potion to Kululu and told him to turn his friends back. And guess what he did? Threw the potion all over the girl, Natsumi. Was she mad...


I stepped in front of him. “Relax, it’s easy to fix, and he was just-”

Annnd...she bucked me, aiming for Kululu. I was attacked by a wall in the process, so they started clashing heads as I saw stars. Pinkie shouted that friends shouldn't fight, but Natsumi said he was NOT her friend. Everything was chaos until Fluttershy yelled “STOP IT!” and grabbed a potion and poured it over Natsumi, making her human. Then she hit the new ponies with the Keronian gun. Kululu ran over to check on me.

“Are you okay!?” he asked.

I just groaned "she's strong..." as Natsumi started apologizing. Then she stared Kululu in the face.

“Why do you care about her, anyways? No offense, Twilight.”

“Because I love her.”

“Wait, what?! You!? WHAT THE HECK! THAT’S SO STUPID, A FROG WITH A PONY!!” Giroro and Dororo just awkwardly coughed. “Wha- you too?” So...everything eventually calmed down. But then, a decent-sized portal sucked all the Keronians in, right in front of us!

“KULULU! Where did they go?” I asked, looking around.


"No, no, no, no, NO! I DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!!!! AAAAUGGHHH!!!!" I stopped tossing books around and slumped over. Rainbow put a hoof around my shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll find them."

Applejack looked over. "Can't y'all send them a letter with Spike?"
I shouted "AJ, YOU'RE A GENIUS! But, we have only a few drops of ink left. We'd only be able to write about one word, but what word?"

Natsumi raised her hand. "Uh...looking?"

Pinkie bounced up. "OOH! WRITE THAT, WRITE THAT!" Spike grabbed the quill and wrote the word, then he got ready to burn it.

"Wait!" Rainbow shouted. "Hold on. Rarity, do you know how to make blankets? Like, rainbow ones, maybe?" She nodded and pulled one out of nowhere.

"How did you do that?" Fuyuki asked.

"Simple, I was prepared." Spike took both items and burned them up.


It took days, but a turquoise pony knocked on my door and introduced herself as Deanna Troi. I immediately realized that it was all my fault she was a pony. I apologized about a million times, and she allowed us to open up the wormhole to get our friends back. It was incredible what happened, but that's a story for another time.







But if you can't figure out what happened next, then that's okay,

Because believe me, it was a happy ending.