> Beyond the Everfree > by Hawthorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Into the Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the small town of Ponyville, there was a light turquoise unicorn. She had tousled cream-light turquoise and white hair, yellow eyes, and a Lyre as a cutie mark. She was known as Lyra Heartstrings. Lyra was trotting to Sugarcube Corner for a snack. Although, lunch wasn’t all on her mind. Lyra was very interested in these creature called 'humans.' They only walked on two legs and stood up straight. Lyra found this very interesting. She had been doing some research, and had an idea on where she would find these ‘humans.’ “Hey Lyra! What can I get ya today?” an overly hyper Pinkie Pie said as Lyra walked into Sugarcube Corner. Lyra sighed, and as she did so some of her mane fluttered up from her breath. “Hey, Pinkie. How about the special today?” the pink pony zipped into the kitchen, and Lyra sat down on the stairs to wait. She had also stopped by Sweet Apple Acres to pick up some apples and whatever else happened to be on sale. After this she’d tell Bon Bon and her other friends goodbye before she goes. A few minutes later, Pinkie Pie came out with the biggest cupcake Lyra had ever seen. Lyra stared at it and said, “Wow Pinkie, you really outdid yourself on this one!” “Well, it looked like you were going to be gone a while, so I made a super-cupcake just for you!!” “Thanks Pink- hey, wait. How did you know I was going somewhere?” Lyra got up and walked over to Pinkie. “Well, you do have a pretty big saddlebag, bigger than any I've ever seen. I figured big saddlebag plus slightly tired eyes means long trip.” Lyra just looked at Pinkie Pie and levitated the big cupcake into a bag, and placed them into her saddlebag. After making sure it was safely placed so that nothing got ruined, she turned around to leave. As she left, Lyra said over her shoulder, “Thanks again Pinkie Pie!” Lyra walked past the farmers’ market that came every saturday, when she bumped into a tan stallion with a dark rustled mane and tail, blue eyes, and an hourglass cutie mark. The stallion knocked out Lyra’s book on the Everfree Forest. It just so happened that it fell open on the page that mentioned an old pony getting zapped into another world, where verything was like an advanced Everfree Forest. “Oh I’m so sorry miss! Pardon me.” His eyes fell on the book. He looked at Lyra, who was still slightly dizzy from being knocked over. He picked up the book and put it in her saddlebag. He stepped aside and slowly walked away staring at Lyra and her book. “Nice book by the way.” He walked away with a Grey pegasus following him. “Okay... Some ponies are so weird,” Lyra said as she walked away. She spotted a blue unicorn and walked over to her. “Hello Colgate!” Lyra said to a blue unicorn with dark blue and white mane and tail with an hourglass cutie mark. She was called Colgate, or Minuette. Colgate was her nickname. “Hey Lyra! Where are you going?” “I’m going to the Everfree forest to...” Lyra couldn’t finish her sentence. She was afraid Colgate would think she was weird to search for the 'humans.' “Are you going after your creatures in the Everfree forest?” Colgate asked. Lyra blushed, for even she knew it was weird. “Yeah. I just wanted to stock up just in case I’m gone for a while..” Lyra walked away as if to leave, but Colgate blocked her. Lyra tried to leave again, and yet again Colgate blocked her path. “Would you like something, Colgate?” Lyra asked, already knowing she would say yes. “Could I come?” Colgate’s eyes were so bright and expectant, Lyra couldn’t say no. “Oh thank you Lyra! I’ll be as helpful as I can be! I’m only going as far as Zecora’s place though. Anything beyond that is too creepy for me.” Lyra rolled her eyes and walked on, with Colgate merrily trotting not far behind. They walked past Twilight’s library, where they met Bon Bon. “And where are you two going?” Bon Bon asked before Lyra could say anything. “To the Everfree Forest to-” “To gather some poison joke for a test Twilight wanted to try! Ha, Isn’t that right Colgate?” Colgate was not pleased for being interrupted, but she caught on. “Uh Huh..” They said their farewells, and walked past Sweet Apple Acres, to Fluttershy’s cottage. Even past this, though, is where they met the Everfree forest. “Here we go!” Lyra said happily as if she were going to a birthday party, instead of wandering into the scariest forest in all of Equestria. The two mares walked in and they headed off toward Zecora’s house. They watched the scenes, so very different from the flowers and trees from Ponyville. They walked on and on, until they reached a twisty tree with a door and some windows. It had a few Exotic-looking masks and some bottles and packets hanging from string on the branches. “This is Zecora’s hut,” Colgate said. “Mind if I go in to ask Zecora something? Then I can wish you good luck and all.” “Sure. I’ll come with you. Maybe Zecora has something helpful for me,” said Lyra as she walked into the hut. When the two mares entered the hut, Zecora was working over a simmering pot of something pink. Not wanting to interrupt her, Colgate and Lyra quietly stood by the door, watching as Zecora stirred and added something to the pot. When Zecora turned around, she noticed the mares for the first time, and was startled. “I am so sorry, little mares. You two gave me quite a scare. I did not see you by the door. What is it you come here for?” “Well Zecora,” Colgate said, walking farther into the hut. “Lyra is going farther into the Everfree to find these creatures called ‘humans,’ and I escorted her here.” “Off to chase your dreams, I see. Do you have a theory?” Lyra waited, not realizing Zecora was talking to her. Colgate nudged her. “Oh! You were talking to me,” Lyra said, now embarrassed. “Yes, I do have a theory. I was reading some book on mythical creatures, and it said, ‘Most creatures unfamiliar to ponykind can be, or were found in the Everfree forest, or possibly beyond that.’ So, I thought, ‘Lyra, if you really want this, you’ll go looking in the Everfree!’ So here I am! I also read an interesting story about a mare who walked into an alternate universe.” Zecora walked over to a shelf, and picked up an orange packet. She walked back to Lyra and gave it to her. Lyra grabbed it in her magic with a confused look. “This may help you on your journey, but you must be sly. Using it wrong may make you cry. It will make you look like everyone there. Use it fast, do not beware. ” Lyra accepted the explanation, although it wasn’t very helpful. She put the pack in her saddlebags. Colgate and Zecora were looking expectant so Lyra said, “Well I’ll be on my way now. Thanks Zecora. Bye you guys!” She walked out of the hut and started walking north, where her research said the end of the forest would be. Lyra wasn’t careless. She was excited, but she managed to keep an eye and an ear out for trouble. She trotted along at a brisk pace, impatient to get to her destination- wherever it was. It was early afternoon by now, and Lyra was warm in the slight sunlight through the trees. She looked around as she walked on. She thought out loud, “It sure is a weird place. It’s dark, even in the middle of the day. Bushes are teal, and even the trees are kind of teal. I’ve heard about creatures like the Timberwolves, and Cockatrice and Manticores, and I sure don’t want to run into them.” Lyra stopped. She heard something. She froze in her tracks. Please don’t be a Timberwolf. Please don’t be a Cockatrice. Please don’t be a timberwolf. Please don’t be a Cockatrice! She thought desperately. A bush rustled, and Lyra closed her eyes tightly. She heard hoofsteps softly stepping behind her. > Out Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “BOO!” Lyra felt a tap on her shoulder. “Ahh!” She screamed. She turned around and saw Colgate on the forest floor laughing crazily. Ha! You should have heard yourself!” Lyra rolled her eyes. “Okay, two things,” Lyra said calmly. “One. Are you crazy!? You should know not to ever sneak up on a pony alone in the Everfree Forest! Two. What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with Zecora?” “I was, but I got worried. The Everfree forest is a dangerous place you know. I couldn’t just let you wander out here on your own, so I just had to come with you.” “Fine. But don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. I.. don’t know what awaits us.” The two ponies walked along silently side by side. They were looking around at the trees, watching out for Poison Joke, or looking for, whatever it was that Lyra was hoping to find. It began to get a little windy. “Lyra?” Colgate said. “Do you feel that breeze?” “Yeah.” Lyra replied. “Its kinda weird. I don’t see how a breeze could even dream of starting, much less actually blowing through all these trees.” “Are you tired? Should we find a place to stay the night?” “Maybe.” Lyra stopped walking. She looked around for a place to stay. No caves, she thought. Too high a chance of meeting an ursa. Maybe under a low tree so we’re covered. She looked around again and walked around searching the area cluttered with trees of all sizes. Lyra finally found a suitable spot and called to Colgate, “How about over here?” Lyra pointed to a low grassy spot almost completely hidden behind a low tree. Colgate nodded and walked over there. They agreed that they would take turns sleeping and looking out for timberwolves and such. Lyra kept watch first. Colgate didn’t even pretend it was hard to sleep. Almost as soon as she settled down, she was asleep A few hours later, Colgate took over. Lyra watched her and silently said with her eyes, “If you dare fall asleep, you won’t wake up.” Colgate stood rigid, watching the forest until Lyra fell asleep. Colgate let her guard down just a little bit. She let her eyes wander from the stars to the trees, and back again to the black night sky. Lyra could be here all night, perfectly awake. But not me. Colgate yawned, loud enough she feared Lyra would wake up. If I could just stay awake... Colgate could no longer keep her eyes open. She fell to the ground with a small thud. When Colgate woke up, she realized for the first time she had fallen asleep. Trying to look like she had been awake all night, she shook her head vigorously. She glanced up at the sky. “It’s a lovely morning,” Colgate thought out loud. Lyra stirred. “Colgate,” Lyra mumbled. “Yes?” Colgate asked, startled by the sudden noise. “Did Zecora give you anything to eat?” “No, but she did give me this book on edible plants, but I’ve never seen them anywhere.” They looked through a book filled with various berries and herbs that they’d never seen before. Lyra shook away the last remains of sleep. “Oh well,” she said, standing up. “I guess we can have an apple or two. I’ve got twelve left after this.” Lyra gripped two shining apples in her magic. They floated one to Lyra and one to Colgate. Colgate nodded her thanks. They ate quietly, feeling but not aware of the gentle breeze ruffling their manes. They agreed to walk until the sun was in the middle of the sky, eat lunch, and continue walking. Walking on and on, the endless forest floor and trees passing them by, the sun finally made it’s way to the middle of the sky. Lyra pushed on, only willing to stop when Colgate said something. Both Lyra and Colgate’s bellies rumbled. “Perhaps we should eat now,” Lyra said reluctantly. Colgate nodded. The two sat down on the forest floor. Lyra pulled out a large apple fritter she bought. She split it in half. Colgate took her half and Lyra did the same. After lunch, they continued walking. They did not notice the gentle breeze getting stronger as they continued. As suns do, the Equestrian sun fell lower and lower in the sky. It became dark much later than Colgate wished. “Lyra, I know you want to keep going, but it’s dark out, and my hooves are more sore than I ever recall them being. I am going to look for a spot to stay if you will not.” Lyra let her look. When she found a suitable spot, both the ponies let sleep overcome them. When Lyra awoke, she was puzzled by what she saw. A whole different world, where the sky was purple and the ground was teal. She looked down at herself, and thankfully found herself to be normal. Colgate was nowhere in sight. “Colgate?” Lyra timidly called. When she received no reply, she walked on to explore. Suddenly, a strange creature that had two legs, four arms, and stood up on it’s two legs appeared. Lyra ran and screamed. “Colgate! Help!” Lyra galloped at full speed away from the creature. Her eyes opened suddenly, and she sat bolt upright. Lyra realized that she had been dreaming. Her face was coated with sweat. She set herself back down on the ground. She looked up at the sky. The sun was just about to rise. Groggily, Lyra walked over to her saddlebag to examine the remaining food. Colgate yawned. To Lyra, it looked like she had just had the best night’s sleep she had ever had. Not even looking at her, Lyra shoved half of a second apple fritter to Colgate. “Yeesh, what’s got you so uptight this morning?” Colgate said with her mouth half full of fritter. Ignoring her question, Lyra said, “Did you sleep well? You sure seem happy considering the sun is just barely over the... trees.. since the horizon is hidden...” Colgate decided to keep her mouth shut and eat. They ate in silence. When Lyra got up to continue walking, Colgate shoved the rest of the fritter in her mouth and ran to catch up. They walked far into the forest, farther than they’d known existed. “Strange...” Lyra said. “According to this map, we either should’ve been sucked down a porta, by now, or we should be in Dodge City...” “Woah!” Colgate slipped off her feet. “Lyra! The wind! Help!” A large gust of wind took both the ponies off their feet. Lyra scrambled to find something to hold on to, and Colgate clung to a tree branch. “The wind is getting stronger! Lyra?” Colgate turned her head to find that Lyra was gone, and behind her was a huge vortex trying to pull her in, too. The wind got stronger every second. Colgate couldn’t hold on any longer. Her grip slipped, and Colgate plunged into the multi-colored vortex. > Dimension Traveling is Dangerous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colgate fell out of the sky, landing on a pine tree. “Ow...” The blue mare delicately found her way to the ground, avoiding needles to the best of her ability. She was covered in them despite her efforts. She looked around, taking in the scenery. She began walking around when she noticed something missing. “Lyra? Lyra! Where are you?!” Frantically running about, Colgate was desperate to find her friend. After galloping around in every direction, she finally gave up. She heard hoofsteps coming from behind her, and turned around to see Lyra walking toward her. “Lyra! I’m so happy to see you! Where are we?” Ecstatic to see Lyra again, and terrified of this strange new world, Colgate stuck to Lyra like the tree sap that was all in her mane.. “Colgate, I’ve got something to show you!” Lyra led Colgate into a clearing, where a small tent was placed. A dirt path was ahead of the clearing. The two mares walked into the tent, and Lyra pointed to a human girl unconscious on the floor. “I landed on it when we fell out of the sky!” Lyra was positively beaming. “Oh, you landed on a human. Wait.. You landed on a human?! Oh no...” Colgate was not beaming. She wasn’t excited at all. In fact, she was less than so. In other words, Colgate was upset. “Lyra... You realise that we... we are ponies in a human world...” It was more to clear her mind than to make sure the teal unicorn understood the situation. Lyra nodded blissfully at first. As she gave herself time to think about where she was and what situation she had gotten herself into, her nods became slower and less excited. “Oh...” Lyra was not happy anymore. Thinking clearer now, Lyra realised what was happening. Then, Lyra froze. Her gaze was on the middle of the tent. From Colgate’s point of view, Lyra seemed to be under some magical spell of some sort, forcing her to become a living statue. She was barely even breathing. “Lyra?” Colgate walked around the mare. She shifted her own gaze to match Lyra’s. “Um... Hello?” Colgate managed to mumble. The previously unconscious human girl was now sitting up, staring at candy-colored miniature horse statue, and the other, alive, candy-colored, miniature horse. “Hi!” The human girl said rather loudly. “My name’s Maria! You must be Colgate, aka Minuette.” Colgate stood dumbfounded. She had never met this girl -or any human girl for that matter- and yet she knew her name, and the name of some other pony that must bear some resemblance to her. “It’s just Colgate, actually. Most ponies tend to call me Minuette for some reason, though...” The girl, grinning ecstatically, nodded. Colgate set aside her thoughts about Maria, and gently bucked Lyra on her side to snap her out of the trance. Startled, Lyra jumped, and no longer was a statue. “Lyra, this is Maria. Maria, Lyra. Now that you two are acquainted, we must be going.” “Colgate! This is my life’s dream! We can’t let it slip between our hooves! How about we...” Lyra was cut off, however by the sound of a car approaching. “Oh no!” Maria sprang to her feet, looking out of the tent. “My parents and friends are coming! Hide!” Maria shoved a pile of sleeping bags onto the surprised mares, and as casually as possible, rested her head on them. Lyra tapped the girl. “Maria,” she whispered. “Zecora gave us this powdery stuff. Could you get us some water to activate it?” Maria nodded, and as calm as possible, slipped out of the tent. A few minutes later, Maria returned with a bottle of water, and two girls about her age. The last one in zipped up the tent. “Ladies, you can come out now. These guys are my friends. I have your water.” Lyra rolled out from under the sleeping bags, while Colgate tentatively crawled out. Two gasps from behind Maria, followed by three grins, two confused, but happy, and one satisfied. Lyra and Colgate chose to ignore the eyes that followed their every move, and retrieved the water. Colgate tore open the package with her magic. Inside it was an orange power that smelled like oranges. She then dumped the contents of the package into the bottle. “Looks, um, delicious?” Lyra commented. “Well, cheers!” Lyra stole the bottle, now filled with orange slush, and took a sip. Colgate took the bottle and did the same. She barely managed to screw the lid back on before collapsing on Lyra, who collapsed onto the sleeping bags. The three girls watched them as they lay for a while. Well. Maria, care to explain why there are ponies in our tent?” Katie asked after a few minutes. Allison turned her attention to Maria, also wanting to hear the story. “Okay, okay, so I was just laying here, minding my own business, trying to shove down nausea, when all of a sudden, a heavy object just falls out of the sky on top of me!” Maria relayed the rest of the story to her friends while two mares slowly disappeared, replaced by humans. ---------------------------------- A few hours after that, two girls sat up. One was blonde with bright yellow eyes, and she was wearing a shirt that was green, teal shorts, and teal flip-flops. The shirt had a picture of Lyra confidently smiling, with a caption that said, “Anthropology.” The other girl had brown hair, blue eyes, and a blue and white shirt that had a picture of colgate with a toothbrush. It said, “Brushie Brush Brush.” They opened their eyes. It was darker in the tent than it had been last. Allison woke up as well. She opened her eyes, and was surprised to find a blonde, yellow-eyed girl a few inches from her face. She jumped back. “Sorry,” The blonde blushed. Allison blurted quietly, “L-Lyra?” The confused girl nodded. “Lyra, you’re a human. And that means..” Alison sat up to look for Colgate. Instead of a pony, in Colgate’s place was another human girl. Allison nodded slowly, taking this in. She looked back at Lyra and whispered, “Okay, Lyra. Go back to sleep. We can figure out if you can walk and help you get used to being a human in the morning.” Lyra crawled back to her spot on the ground, and fell asleep.