> Fragile Bonding > by GrottMongo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The fortune in misfortune > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fragile Bonding By: GrottMongo Chapter one: The fortune in misfortune It was an early summer night and the moon had reached its highest peak and glowed beautifully over the apple trees in the orchard. Peace was lying over the land and a very soothing silence was resting over Equestria, the only noise that could be heard was a small breeze that was colliding with the leaves creating a rustling sound. “Ungh” Each and every pony was resting in their beds after a hard day of work, restoring their energy for a new tomorrow while dreaming of an adventure, of an unforgettable event, of their friends and family, of the one they love. “Ahh, ahhh” All except one. There was one pony that couldn’t handle her feelings and had to please herself to release all of her tension temporarily. Her orange skin was shimmering in the moonlight from the sweat she produced during her self-pleasuring activity; the sheets were on the floor because of the heat and due to her movements in her bed. She couldn’t quite control herself at the moment, her panting started to quicken as her hoof found her favorite spot. Applejack was the name of this one pony that chose to masturbate in the middle of the night instead of getting her rest like everybody else. “AAhh, MMmmh.” She bit her lip to reduce the amount of self-pleasuring noises escaping from her mouth. “R-Rainbow…” Her pace started to accelerate as she started to breathe heavily from her mouth, she dug her hoof as deep as she could to stimulate her needs as she imagined it was her best friend doing her. Damn, she couldn’t get her off her head; she was so in love with her. Every move, every inch of her body, everything Rainbow Dash did made her fall for her even harder. Applejacks tongue was hanging outside from her mouth as she continued to pleasure herself anyway possible. “Rainbow Dash… Why did ah fall for you?” Applejack moaned softly, her wet slit ached the more she focused on the details, her rainbow-colored mane and tail, her deep cerise eyes and that cute little mouth she wanted to kiss so badly. Her hoof finally found the nub and her emerald eyes flew wide open as she almost screamed of how sensitive her clitoris was. She laid her body on her side and continued to apply pressure between her now soaked hind legs; she slowly closed her eyes again so that she could focus on the prioritized needs. She put a part of her pillow inside of her mouth and tried to imagine that Rainbow was the one that gently played with her tongue, it didn’t taste as good as she hoped but it’ll do. Applejack gently massaged one of her teats with her other hoof to increase the pleasure. “Ahh, ahh, ahh.” Quick moans were made as she started to reach her limit and it didn’t take long before her body began to squirm. Her body began to shake and Applejack tried her best to reduce her cries from her strong ejaculation, her bed was soaked both from sweat and her mare juices and though Applejack is a strong and athletic pony. This session really wore her out. As her breathing rhythm slowly became more and more relaxing, the more she realized the mess she was in. “Ah really do love her, don’t I?” Applejack couldn’t believe it herself, even if it was her fifth night in a row now that she’d been pleasuring herself in such a way. A smile first appeared on the country pony due to that she finally found someone she actually loved, but that smile quickly turned into a frown as questions started to fly . “Does she even love me like ah love her?” “Is she even into mares?” “What if I get rejected? Won’t that ruin the great friendship we have?” What if, what if, what if! Those kinds of questions began to corrupt her perception until she finally stopped. Applejack lived in a stereotypical family, she’s the one who is going to take over the farm and when the time comes they expect her to have a stallion by her side to start a new generation of the Apple family. She shook her head and putted herself down in a more comfortable position to get some sleep, it was late after all. Applejack closed her eyes and the only sound she was making was the steady breathing the rest of sleeping ponies were doing. Once again a calming silence broke out as the only source of sound came from nature itself. The night would still linger for several more hours before the first glint of a new dawn would rise and since the approaching day was Applejacks first day off in several weeks, she could in peace take an extra-long sleep. She thought. CRASH!!! Applejack woke up from a dream of delight to hear a very loud noise combined with wooden planks and a large thud. The groan came merely seconds after, and a large one. Worried and afraid for the worst, the orange mare galloped quickly down the stairs and headed outside towards the center of the accident. “Ow ooh, ouch!” The stallion suffered in great pain as he was lying on the ground groggy and disoriented. Applejack approached her big brother worried but with a hint of anger. “Big Mac, are you al’right? Why did you do this on your own? You promised me we’d do it together, it’s ah two-ponies-job for Celestias sake” Her face turned fast from irritation to worry as she started to give her brother a quick examination. “Ah’m so sorry sis, I wanted to finish painting the wall since it would save us sum time. Guess my pride took the best of me” He smiled but gave an obvious sign of agonizing pain as Applejack had located the source of the damage. “This doesn’t look good; we need to get you to the hospital, pronto!” Applejack gave a look around herself as she soon spotted Applebloom running to their location, a smile formed on her lips as assistant had finally arrived. “Wha’ happened, is everything okay?” When Applebloom reached her older sister she could see how worried she was, she could even barely stay still, “Ah heard a large thud all the way from the hens nest so ah rushed as fast as my legs could carry me.” She was still panting and was waiting for her older sister to give a reply. “Big Mac decided to paint the wall from that height himself and unfortunate he slipped ‘n’ fell harder tha’n a rock, we need to get him to ah doctor so you need to help me load him on a cart. Get some hay and then come meet us. “Ah’m on it!” and the little filly vanished with ludicrous speed towards the barn, Applejack returned to her brother to prepare a cart to carry him with and a couple of seconds later she was ready. She joined her brother who was still in pain but stabile. “Sorry for all the trouble...” Macintosh muttered quietly. A grin formed on Applejacks face as she putted a hoof on his head and ruffled his mane. “Don’t ya worry big brother, Ah’ll fix this mess. You should just take it easy ‘n’ rest as much as you can.” The young mare gave a look around to see if Applebloom was in sight. “But don’t you dare climb up there alone to finish the job, you need to find somepony to assist you until ah can return. There is lots of work to be done at the farm and with Granny Smith out of town it’ll get troublesome.” Seconds later the stallion felt a hat on top of his head, his eyes wandered up to see a hat that he first gave her sister a long time ago. “Ah will not make the same mistake, I can assure you that I’ll find a partner to make this work out. You’ll also get my hat while you’re at the hospital for good luck.” Suddenly Applejack’s mind drifted off for a few seconds, “Partner” she thought. Somehow that word echoed louder in her head than it should have, she felt her cheeks heating up slightly but broke together with her daydreaming thought as soon as Big Mac opened his mouth. “Thanks’a bunch AJ” He smiled. “...and ther’ she comes!” He pointed a hoof at the cream-colored filly that was pushing two stacks of hay. Once she reached her older siblings she ran a hoof on her forehead to wipe off the sweat. “Boy, those hay stacks sure are heavy” The little filly approached her older siblings. “And not a moment too soon” Applejack smiled, she took one of the stacks and placed it on the cart, the second came shortly when Applebloom pushed it on top of the cart. The two sisters had to struggle for quite a while to get their brother in place, as heavy as he is and not wanting to cause more pain to than he already have, they had to take things slowly. So after some pushing and lifting with plenty of screams and hollering, he was finally in place. “Applebloom, go to Big Mac’s room ‘n’ get his belongings, he might be hospitalized for quite sum time. Meanwhile I’ll escort him to the hospital, meet us there when you’re done packing” The little filly gave a nod of acknowledgement as she trotted towards the farm house. “You ready?” Applejack turned her head to face her brother who felt quite embarrassed to be taken care of, still he smiled and gave a firm nod. Applejack strapped herself against the cart and began to pull, she had pulled many applecart’s before so the weight was not a problem. In a steady pace they reached the hospital within fifteen minutes, the female work horse told her brother that she’d be back in a jiffy. As the red-toned stallion saw her sister enter the hospital he gave a heavy sigh and tried to relax until the nurses would come, he glanced at his hind legs that still were in a severe amount of pain. His attention broke as he heard the front door open as Applejack together with three unicorn nurses came with a stretcher. “Just relax and take it easy and this will be over real quick” One of the nurses began. “We are going to levitate to that stretcher over there, okay? So it is important that you don’t move.” The other nurse said. “So, are you ready?” The third one asked for confirmation before they began. “Eyuup” He felt more comfortable as he knew that he would feel a lot better as soon as his treatment would be in place, the nurses began to channeling their levitation spell onto Big Mac and the magic began to grasp and surround him. Seconds later his body had left the cart and felt how he defied gravity, he reached his destination on the stretcher and the magic vanish into thin air. A big smile had appeared on Big Mac’s face as the procedure was perfectly painless. “Ah’m fine from here, AJ. Trust me you’ve done more than enough for me.” Applejack had a worried look on her face. “You sure ‘bout that? Ah don’t wanna leave you alone her while you’re being examined.” She said. “Don’t ya worry, Applebloom will be here soon. You have a farm to take care of while I’m gone” The mare turned her frown upside down. “Well alrighty then, as you wish. But you won’t be escaping from my visits tho’.” She laughed as she once again ruffled his orange-colored mane. “It’s a deal.” Applejack gave her brother a hug and saw him being carried into the hospital. She sighted loudly and took a deep breath. “Now where were we? Right, the temporarily replacement.” She began to make her way to the town square while she began to think which of her friends that could possibly help her at the farm for days. Or even weeks, she laid a hoof under her chin and gave it a thought or two. “Guess ah’ll start with asking Twilight, her magic could really come in handy.” Applejack changed her direction and took off to the town library, it did not take long for her to arrive to the tree library. She raised a hoof and gave the thick wooden door three knocks, she felt nervous for some reason, Applejack wasn’t used to ask her friends for help when it came to labor. But she swallowed her pride when she remembered last time Big Mac was injured and in her eyes was challenged by him to harvest all the apples all alone which became quite humiliating, but a necessary humiliation it was! The lesson she learned that day sure was invaluable. The door to the library open and caught Applejack off-guard, a tiny green dragon was the one who opened the door, his eyes met the familiar pony and a friendly smiled was formed on his lips. “Hey Applejack, what’s up?" Spike the dragon asked the one pony that looked like she lost the ability to speak, not even five second had passed before Spike lost his patience. “Hello? Equstria to Applejack, anybody home?” Applejack blinked a few times before realizing that she never opened her mouth. “Oh, sorry ‘bout that Spike, rough morning” “You got that right” Spike agreed “Apparently were going to Canterlot since Twilight agreed to lead some education on basic magic for starters. And I have to follow.” Spike’s irritation was obvious, he entered the library offering Applejack to follow. “She is???” Those words came out a few decibels louder than meant. “What’s with the ruckus?” A familiar voice was heard from the second floor, a door opened and out came the lavender unicorn “Oh, it’s you Applejack, how’s it going?” Twilight asked calmly as she approached the earth pony. “Well, long story short, Big Mac got injured quite badly after trying to fix the barn so ah got the whole farm to run by mah self since Applebloom needs to go to school n’all. So I came by to ask for sum assistance but it looks like you two are busy as bees.” “Oh my, is he going to be alright?” Twilight gave a worried look. “Don’t you worry Twi, It’ll be fine ‘n’ dandy, and he’s been handling with injuries since he was a young colt. He’ll be up and running in no time.” Applejack assured, she gave a confident smile. As Twilight just realized something, she slowly turned her head to face Spike who had been quietly observing the whole conversation. “Time? TIME!” Twilight panicked “The train Spike, hurry up and pack your bag, we’re leaving in twenty minutes!” The green dragon gave a deep sigh. “To a train that doesn’t leaves in one hour.” The unicorn narrowed her eyes and gave a sigh herself before calming down. “Fine, forty minutes. But go and back your bag, I really don’t want to run to the train station like last time, okay?” “You got it.” Spike said, who seemed to be in a better mood went inside the tree house, leaving the two mares to talk alone. “So, teaching magic, huh?” Applejack began, waiting for a reply from the pony in front of her. “Yeah, how did you…” She trailed off for a second. “Did Spike tell you?” Twilight received a steady nod from the earth pony. “Well, the Princess herself requested that I should participate in this “one-week teaching and learning class.” And I can’t really say no to knowledge and especially when it comes to learning other unicorns basic magic, it’ll truly be a special week.” “Well, Ah’m happy for you Twilight, you’ll be doing just fine and you make us all proud, sugarcube.” Applejack began. “And I’ve got a brother the make proud ‘n’ still have ah replacement to find.” The lavender mare lifted a hoof and placed it on Applejack’s shoulder. “Don’t you worry, as the honest and most hard-working pony I’ve ever known, I know our friends are there to help you, so you’ll find your replacement in no time. I promise you that.” Twilight was never short on words of encouragement as the orange pony’s smile grew even wider. “Thank a’lot Twilight, and ah wish the best of luck in your teaching. Even though ah don’t think you’ll need it.” She gave her mare friend a wink with her eye. “I sure hope so, I’ll see you in a week, okay?” Twilight gave her a hug. “We sure in sugar will.” She released from the hug and began to leave the library, she turned around and waved a hoof at her direction. “Take care y’all, ‘n’ have a safe trip to Canterlot!” Twilight began to mimic her motions “Thank you, and good luck with taking care of the farm.” Twilight laid her hoof back in place when Applejack was out of sight, she turned around to see Spike holding his suitcase over his head. “I’m done packing.” He said joyfully as the audible sound of gems came from the bag. “Did you only pack gems for your trip?” Twilight made a face of disapproval even though she knew the obvious answer to her own question. “You bet I did.” Spike started to giggle and the mare gave a sigh but began to laugh as well. They both entered the library to finish their last tasks before leaving with their train that was soon ready for departure. Applejack was once again trotting through Ponyville with the same objective as before, but this time it was harder to think of a friend who fits for heavy labor. Then it came like a flash of lightning, Rainbow Dash is a hardworking and loyal pony when she’s up for the task, she’s the perfect candidate. Seconds later came the nervousness, how would she be able to handle her emotions in front of the one she loves so deeply? “And it’s not like it would be for ah day or two, we’re talking about weeks here” Applejack thought, her mind was already sending impulses through her body as blood started to burn her cheeks slightly red. “Be professional…” She whispered softly to herself. “There must be somepony else that can help me.” She thought of her three remaining friends. “Rarity would refuse since she hates to get dirty and do general physical tasks.” The country pony made her way to Sugarcube Corner. “Let’s hope Pinkie Pie is available.” She said out loud. About a minute later she approached to the front door of the bakery, she raised her hoof but before she even could knock on the door she heard laughter, it was baby laughter. “Could it be?” Applejack thought as she gently knocked on the wooden door, she could hear hoofsteps moving towards her and seconds later the door opened and an unknown mare peeked out. Her coat and mane looked very thick and it was… White..? Her light blue eyes though were familiar. “Pinkie… Pie?” Applejack said suspiciously, suddenly the sound of crying babies took their attention as the white mare spoke. “Oh no, not again.” She rushed back inside leaving the door open, Applejack slowly entered and saw two small fillies, one unicorn and one pegasi, crying as the white pony tried her best to amuse the little fillies. It all made sense now, the empty flour bag putted all the pieces in place and the country pony was at ease. She walked up to Pinkie and laid a hoof on her shoulder. “Havin’ a tuff time?” She tried to make the situation better, and it worked. As the pony next to her grabbed a towel and wiped her face to reveal her pink and fuzzy mane, a smile appeared on her face. “No way, Jose. You see, once I reveal this special balloon right here.” She showed Applejack an ordinary balloon . “Minds will be blown.” Pinkie Pie had one hoof around the orange mare and the other one pointed towards the ceiling as a gesture. “Oookay, so you’re babysitting the Cakes’s little fillies?” Applejack tried to change the subject to reach her goal. “You betcha, they left me in charge to take care of these little angles one whole week from now.” Applejack dropped her jaw open. “Which means seven whole days, and each and every one hundred and sixty-eight hours is going to be fun-a-rific.” The pink earth pony had filled the balloon with air and attached a string to get the little ones attention. Applejack admitted defeat to herself, nothing isn’t going her way today. She still kept her mood up, the day wasn’t over yet and there is no reason to give up. “Fluttershy would be there for me, right? Kindness is her element after all.” She thought and raised her head to face the cheerful pony in front of her. “Ah’m might sorry if I seem to be a little off, it’s just that today hasn’t really been my day.” Applejack admitted, she tried to adjust her hat that wasn’t even there and then took a seat on her hind legs to tell her friend about her morning and why she’s here. Pinkie Pie made her best effort listing to Applejack’s story while feeding the babies and preventing them from crying. “Don’t you worry AJ, once Bic Mac is out of the hospital he’ll receive a congratulation-on-getting-better-from-that-nasty-accident surprise and you’ll see the smile on his face.” Pinkie patted her earth friend on her back. “If I had a clone I’m sure I could help you out while taking care of the babies.” She giggled and Applejack actually felt better. The work horse stood up and gave her friend a tight hug. “Thanks a’lot Pinkie, now ah better go move forward, the farm ain’t going to run itself. Ah see ya around!” Applejack waved her hoof as she began to leave the house, she was met by a cheerful smile and a hoof waving like crazy. “Good luck! Now don’t you go get hospitalized yourself.” “Don’t count on it.” Applejack assured, she now made course to a certain cottage. “Hey Applejack!” Pinkies high-pitch voice was heard several yard’s from her home. “Try with Rainbow Dash, she’s a hardworking pony.” Applejack nearly tripped on her own hooves after hearing that, she didn’t feel like yelling an answer back so she raised a hoof as an acknowledgement of what she said. The trip to Fluttershy’s cottage did not take as long as she had planned, the sun was high up in the skies and pointed that noon was arriving, a few clouds were visible in the clear blue sky and there was a slightly chilly wind in the air since the warm summer days still had to come. A familiar cottage was in sight, the area flourished of life of friendly critters of all kinds that was scattered all around the cottage and the birds chirped in their bird nests, creating a sort of soothing aura that made you feel at ease. The hatless mare crossed the bridge made of wood and advanced to the wooden door. “Third time’s the charm.” She whispered to herself as for the third time this morning to knock on a friend’s door. It didn’t take long before it opened and a familiar face peeked out, a smile appeared on her face. “Why hello there Applejack.” Fluttershy greeted, she opened the door and stepped aside for her friend to enter her cottage. Applejack took a step inside and faced the shyer pony “I’m just a teeny tiny busy at the moment, but make yourself at home and I’ll be back real soon.” The creamy mare went to her backyard leaving Applejack alone for the moment. “She seems to be rather busy.” She said to herself as thoughts of being denied again penetrated her concentration, an audible sigh was made and all she could do was to wait and observe the living room and its interior. It didn’t take long before Fluttershy returned to her guest that had waited patiently. “I’m so sorry that you had to wait so long” The shy pony began. “It’s just that these early summer days bring a lot of work, there have just been so many injured animals to treat lately.” She gave a worried look as for being concerned for her animal friend’s health. “Is that’ so? Gosh it does sound troublesome, did ya just treat an injured critter just now while I was wait’n?” Applejack curiously asked, the timid mare were just about to answer the question until a distant voice cut in between. “Hey Fluttershy, you in here?” The tomboyish voice could not be mistaken as it was confirmed seconds later when she made entrance. It was real, she was just as beautiful like in her own dreams. Everything suddenly went tunnel vision and the prismatic mare was the only object she could focus on. Rainbow suddenly noticed Applejack’s presence and took a few steps into the center of the room. “Hey AJ! What brings you here? Don’t tell me Winona is also injured.” She said but quickly continued to speak. “Tank suddenly decided to flip around on his helicopter and unfortunate he damaged his front legs, he’s got the guts but he really needs to learn how to maneuver in mid-air.” The cyan mare finished her sentence and awaited a reply from her friend who sat opposite from her, but not a word came from the country pony that was still in her daydreaming position. She was almost staring directly at Rainbow Dash until Fluttershy broke her absence. “Are you okay Applejack?” The timid mare asked in her low voice, Applejack shook her head and blinked a few times until she realized that she had been staring this whole time. She regained her focus and stood up on her four hooves, wearing a smile on her face. “Something must’ve slipped my mind, but I’m a-okay!” She tried her best not to sound too obvious as she started to scratch her head, she continued. “And don’t ya worry Rainbow, Winona is just as healthy as a rooster on an early morning. It’s just that today hasn’t really been mah best day.” Her two friends looked in worry and listened to what Applejack had to tell about her morning, the injury and that she is now one pony short when it comes to the farms daily routines. She came sooner or later to the point where she would ask for their assist, Applejack did not really want to show her weak points in front of the one she loves but it was too late for that now, she just couldn’t go back to the farm empty-hoofed. “It sounds very troublesome.” Fluttershy spoke, both of her friends looked at her direction. “And I’d love to help you…” Her words started to trail of in fear of Applejacks disapproval of her denial. “But it’s just too much going on here right now, there are animals to tend and several more to feed on a daily basis. It’ll just be too much for me to handle.” She made a sad face. She hated to not being able to help and to offer her kindness, but she’s only a pony. “I’m so sorry.” She finished and lowered her head slightly. “Oh come on Fluttershy, don’t ya worry. I can see that you already have your hooves full and ah appreciate your honesty.” She did her best to cheer the timid mare up, Applejack turned her head to face Rainbow Dash for a quick second, she closed her eyes and made a weak smile before she asked. “And you Rainbow. You’re busy with weather patrolling, arent’ya? But don’t ya worry girls, I’ll find a way to make this work.” She quickly assumed and made her way slowly towards the door. “No I don’t.” Rainbow made a quick reply and Applejack opened her eyes in surprise, she turned her head once again and made eye contact with the gorgeous mare. “You don’t? How come?” Was the only thing the orange mare could muster out, her head was filled with emotions. “Well, since it’s quite not summer yet. The weather is not prioritized, so there is really not much to do and instead of slacking I’d love to give you a hoof. You do need a strong and a loyal pony, right?” Her ego started to take off, but Applejack did not mind it at all. She did not expect a yes from Rainbow. As an impulse the grabbed the cyan mare around the neck and gave her a tight hug, catching the mare a bit surprised, she returned the hug. Applejack discreetly inhaled her scent before letting go. She had to be careful though, she did not want to rush anything. “So, when do I start?” Rainbow asked, feeling slightly enthusiastic to begin working with her body, she could use the training. “Motivated, aren’t we?” Applejack and Fluttershy smiled, she enjoyed the sight that both of her friends had found a solution. “Why don’t you come to the farm around noon tomorrow so ah can show you the basics, we can start there and see where it leads.” Applejack suddenly felt that she should rephrase that, but ignored that thought. “Sounds awesome! We’ll I should be heading out now, need to stretch these babies for tomorrow.” Rainbow raised her wings and gave a cocky grin to the earth pony, she then turned her head to Fluttershy. “ Could you take care of Tank while I’m gone? I would appreciate it.” She smiled to her fillyhood friend. “Oh don’t you worry about that, Rainbow. He’s in good care.” She gave a warm smile and waved her hoof in goodbye. “Thanks Flutters, I owe you one. See you tomorrow Applejack!” She said goodbye to her partner and the farmer pony waved her hoof in return. The two friends were the one remaining in the cottage as Applejack spoke up. “Well, ah should be heading back to Sweet Apple Acres and begin with my chores, got a’lot to catch up.” She gave the pegasi a smile and said goodbye before leaving her residence. For the last time today, Applejack found herself on the road again. But this time she had found the help she needed, and not just from anyone. Her mind started to wander off again to some more naughty thoughts. She opened her eyes as she began to realize. “Woah Nelly, what have ah gotten myself into?” A blush started to spread over her muzzle. “This’ll be one crazy bull ride.”