> Teeny Weeny Spikey Wikey > by VanillaBeam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Normal Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Normal Morning Spike got up and out of his bed with a nice, long stretch. He had a pleasent sleep, and couldn't wait for the party tonight. Pinkie had been planning this party for a while now, and Twilight would usually not approve of it taking place at the library. But it was different this time. Princess Celestia sent a letter, saying that her sister, Princess Luna, was coming over to Ponyville for a visit, and was so excited to actually see Twilight and her friends again. This, for Spike, meant that he had to do everthing in his power to make sure that everything would be ready at the library for the party. "Morning sleepy head." said Twilight, carrying some party supplies in her bags. "I hope you got plenty of sleep, because we gotta get things ready for Luna's party, and I know you'll want to stay up with the rest of our friends." "Yeah, and I know how hard it must be to have to host this kind of a party." said the little dragon. "I mean, this is one of the princesses we're talking about. This party is going to be great." "Yes I know, but what if something happens, and the part becomes a disaster?" Twilight stated as she started to panic. "It won't Twi-". "And what if Celestia found out about it, and then ends up being very disappointed in me?" "She would nev-". "And what if I end up making her so mad that....... I won't be her student anymore?!" "TWILIGHT!" Spike finally snapped. "None of that is going to happen. You have the others to help you, especially Pinkie Pie. She will help you with all the party activities, props, and keep it fun and safe." "Oh Spike, you always know how to cheer me up and calm me down." Twilight says as she rubs his head. Indeed he is always a good friend to Twilight. She has raised him since he hatched, and he has always been her number one assistant, and friend. Although he never will admit it but...... he really does love her, as a close sister. "Aww, I know it racks your nerves Twilight, but you'll do fine, I promise." Spike then hugged Twilight, ensuring her that it will be fine............. for her. "Thanks Spike." said Twilight. They both then went down stairs, and into the main room, where Twilight holds her books and various powders. "Hey, what's this one?" Spike said as he pointed out to a new jar of powder. "Oh, that's something I got from Zecora today. It's shrinking powder. I figure it could help me with my studies later on. But be careful around this, any pinch of this could shrink anything a couple inches. Even more, could make it really small." "Gotchya." said Spike. Then Spike got his broom, and went to do his daily chores to prepare for the party. "Oh darn it." exclaimed Twilight. "Here I wanted to make sandwiches for the party, and I didn't get any bread." Spike giggled at the remark, and Twilight sort of did as well. "I guess I'll have to go to the market, AGAIN, and get some, and maybe a few other things while I'm at it." Twilight then emptied her bags and started heading out. "You can watch the library for a couple of minutes, can't you?" "Does a pegasus fly?" Spike asked in a jokingly tone. Twilight just giggled. "Oh you. Alright, I should only take a half an hour. See you when I get back." "Okay, I should have the floor sweeped up by then Twi." Spike said as he began to sweep the floor. Twilight smiled and trotted out the door and shut it behind her. Spike just went on with his sweeping and thought happily on what will happen at the party. > The Accident > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Accident Spike started seeping the floor, all excited for the party that would take place later today. But even though it was going to be fun, there is going to have to be a lot of work put in to prepare for this party. So Spike was going to have to put some effort into his chores, and sweep a little faster. "Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hm Hm Hm Hmmm Hm Hm", Spike hummed to himself as he swept the floor to the beat of his own song. He was sweeping in such a groovy motion, that he even began to dance a little bit. Ponies outside could see him dancing, and couldn't help but chuckle. He was really a mediocre dancer. Then, while Spike was dancing, he closed his eyes, focusing more on dance sweeping, then actual sweeping. He wasn't looking where he was going, and knocked over one of Twilight's pots with his tail. It fell to the floor with a *crash*, which snapped Spike out of his dancing trance. "Oh no nononononono no" he said after looking at the mess he made. "Oh great, Twilight's gonna be so mad. I-I gotta hide this, now!" Looking all around, he couldn't find a single place to put the broken pieces. Anyplace he would put it, she would find it. Or maybe Owlicious would rat him out. Either way, time was running out. Then Spike glanced over at another pot, the pot full of shrinking powder. This gave the little dragon an idea. "Maybe, if I use just a little of this powder, maybe I'll be able to shrink it just enough to hide it under the rug, and no one would be able to feel it if they stepped on it." Spike then looked at himself in the mirror. "But, you would still have to explain why it's gone in the first place." "True..... hmmmm........... maybe I'll just say someone borrowed it, then see if I can make a new one." ""Make a new one"? How will you do that?" "I'll think of something." "Me, you're a genius." "Thank you, me." With his self conversation over, he grabbed the jar, and sprinkled just a bit on the jagged pieces of the once pot. It worked very well. After a few seconds, the pieces shrunk into very tiny crumb-like pieces. "Perfect." said Spike as he brushed the crumbs under the carpet. And he put the jar of powder back where it was. "Now, to get back to cleaning. No fooling around this time Spike." he said to himself as he continued on sweeping. Spike still felt very terrible for what he did to Twilight's pot. It was very beautiful, and Rarity gave it to her. Oh boy, that made him feel even MORE terrible, knowing it was one of Rarity's fine potteries. But he shouldn't focus on that right now, right now he needs to get to his chores. As he continued sweeping, he bumped into the table again, this time, knocking over the Shrinking Powder jar. He caught it just before it fell off the table, and put it farther back on the table, so it wouldn't fall off. Little did he know, is that when he caught it, a lot spilled out............... onto him. "Whoa, that was WAY too close." he said with relief. And then, after he placed the potion back on the table, he started to feel a weird tingling in his belly. He thought it was hunger at first, but then he started really feeling weird, like his muscles were tensing up. "H-Hey, wh-what's going on?" he asked starting to get scared, then his body did something really weird: it started glowing. It glowed a kind of orange ora, and he noticed something really odd. The room was getting bigger. The broom he was holding was escaping his grip, and he had to let go. "Why is the library getting bigger?" he thought, but soon it hit him..... hard. "Wait..... no........... I'M SHRINKING!!" he finally said with fright, and he was shrinking fast. He was getting smaller, and smaller, and SMALLER, until finally, he stopped. He looked around at his new, huge surroundings, and saw that he wasn't just small, he was tiny. He was no bigger then a half an inch tall, or so he thought. "Oh no, this..... this is very, very bad." he thought as he paced around nervously, almost as Twilight would do. > Now, The "Smaller" Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, The "Smaller" Dragon Spike began pacing around like Twilight would when ever she panics. He needed a way to get an antidote, or better yet, let somepony know his situation. He was so small, he was the size of an ant. "Oh man, Twilight is gonna be so mad once she finds out I messed with her shrinkng powder." Then all of a sudden, there was a huge booming noise that pierced the tiny dragon's ears. "SPIKE, I'M HOME!!" Spike recognized that booming noise instantlly. "Oh good, Twilight's home!" said Spike with joy, but it then quickly turned to fear. "Oh no, Twilight's home." He then heard a loud creeking sound, that being the door opening and closing. He then heard various booming noises, which followed with the ground starting to quake. And it got bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER. Finally, she rounded the corner and into his sight. She was god-like. She must be standing above him at like 500ft, or at least at his point-of-view. Then, the titaness unicorn began to burst his eardrums again. "SPIKE, ARE YOU IN HERE? SPIKE? HEH, MUST BE OUT GETTING STUFF READY." "TWILIGHT! I'M RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! I NEED HELP! HEY!" the little dragon tried to yell, but it was no use. Twilight's ears couldn't pick up his tiny cries for help. And what made it worse, she started stomping his way, making the earth beneath him shake more and more as she got closer. "TWILIGHT! WATCH OUT!" he screamed, and even though she didn't hear him, her massive hoof stopped right in front of him. The impact of the step pushed him back a few feet. Once she was right above him, she looked even bigger than before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight then looked around and saw that the little vase that Rarity made her was missing. "Huh? Where did my vase go?" she asked herself as she went to investigate. She stopped and thought to herself again, "That's going to have to wait until later. I have to get ready for the party. Princess Celestia is counting on me, and I have no time to waste." She then took a look around, and saw that the floor was barely swept. "What the hay?" she said out loud. "I thought Spike was supposed to sweep this place up. This is the party room of all places, and yet he doesn't finish this room before getting something else ready? Ugh, I guess I'll have to finish it myself." She then levitated the broom, and began to sweep the rest of the floor. Little does she know, it is causing utter chaos for the tiny world below her hooves. > Swept Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swept Away Spike just stood at the hooves of his now gigantic care taker and just tried to cover his ears as her voice boomed to him. "I need to find some way to get her attention, but how?" Spike pondered. "Her ears are like, 20 miles from here, I'm never gonna make it." "UGH, I GUESS I'll HAVE TO FINISH IT MYSELF." Twilight boomed. Spike quickly snapped out of his self questioning when he heard that. He looked to the broom and saw a purple ora lift it into the air. "Nonononononono. TWILIGHT! DON'T SWEEP HERE!" the tiny dragon cried. But once again, his voice was just too tiny for it to be heard. There was only one option that Spike had left to do in his little predicamant......... RUN FOR HIS TINY LIFE!!!! The broom touched down with a huge THUD, and proceeded forward in his direction. Even though Spike has ran longer ways to carry long messages to his friends, and to escape perills, he couldn't really run that fast. The giant bristles of the broom closed in, but then lifted up. Spike had a quick sigh of relief, until it was ended when the broom landed in front of him again. So now Spike ran in the other direction. "TWILIGHT! PLEASE! STOP!" he cried, loosing his breath. There was really no where he could turn. Everywhere he ran, Twilight seemed to stop him where ever he was going. Dust was clouding his vision as it was being swept up. "Oh, why didn't I just sweep the place and do my job?" he thought as he once again had to change directions as he was running for his life. As he ran, he could swear he could hear Twilight humming over the sound of the broom rubbing against the floor. "Gee, at least she's happy." he thought, trying to get his mind off of his situation. That would prove to be a big mistake. While he wasn't thinking of running, he ended up tripping on a crack in the floor board. "OOF!" he said when he fell. Then as he looked up, he could see his doom approaching fast. The broom was closing in on him, and it was too late to get up and run again. He screamed with such terror, and he never screamed like that before, as he was engulfed into the bristle prison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twilight began sweeping the floor, knowing that she really had to do this fast, becuase she needed to get the others to help her decorate, cook, and do what they can to get the place ready for the party. "It's okay Twilight." she thought to herself. "Nothing is going to go wrong. Everything is as it should be, and everyone will do there parts to help out. Spike is out probably spreading the word to the others on what I need them to do, and I know that Rainbow Dash will be here in an hour to help me with watering the grass and planting some nice flowers. Everything will be fine." Twilight then began humming a little tune to herself to get her mind off of the work. "Hm, I guess Spike did do a lot of the sweeping, I'm already done." Twilight said. "Ew, but I should probably shake this off. Don't want any of this to be in the house during the party." She then went outside, and beat her broom over the lawn. "Once Rainbow makes it rain, this should all wash away." "OH! I need to go over to Pinkie's place, NOW!" she said. She then threw the broom back inside and ran off to get Pinkie Pie to help her with baking the food. > The Front Yard Jungle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Front Yard Jungle Spike felt very woozy, after taking the longest and wildest ride ever, then just thrown to the ground. Luckily, he landed on some grass blades to slow his fall before hitting the dirt. When he finally got to his feet, he examined his surroundings. There was nothing but towering grass blades and miles of dirt in every direction. He had no idea where he landed, or if he was even in front of the library anymore. "Wow, this place looks bigger from down here." Spike said. "Oh, what am I saying? Of course it is, everything is." He had to get a better view, so he climbed the closest blade to him, and took a look around. He saw that he was only on the front lawn, and was close to the library, for a normal sized pony. But now, it's gotta be at least a 10 mile walk to get to the door. Spike sucked it up though. "Okay, even if I don't make it in before the party, I could probably catch a ride on the other ponies who do come. Gee, I hope Rarity doesn't see me like this. It's so embarrassing..... great I'm turning into Twilight, now I'm talking to myself." After another one of his short conversations with himself, he slid down the grass blade, (it was really fun) and hiked on through the grassy jungle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight finally made it to Sugarcube corner, and with no time to loose. She entered the shop and low and behold, Pinkie Pie was there to greet her with one of her tight Pinkie hugs. "OOF! Pinkie *grunts* what did I tell you about hugging me like that?!" Twilight said loosing her breath. "Oh, sorry Twilight. You just know how good it makes me feel to wrap my arms around a good friend." Pinkie replied as happy as always. "Yeah, I kind of figured." Twilight said rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I came to ask for your help with the food for the party." "OH! Already taken care of!" stated Pinkie, as she disappeared from Twilight's sight. Then she came back with a mountain of sweets, treats, and all sorts of goodies. "These are just the appetisers." "GOOD CELESTIA PINKIE! I think that'll be enough for ten parties!" exclaimed Twilight. "OOOOO~ even better!" Pinkie replied. "Ugh." Twilight moaned. "Well, I'm glad Spike got here and told you ahead of time to make the food. It saved me a lot of time." "Spike? I didn't see him today." said Pinkie. "You haven't? Strange, I haven't seen him since I left to go to the market. I thought he might have swung by to tell you about the food." "Nope! I made these ahead of time, for whenever there is a surprised party sprung out." "............. Pinkie, you really do sometimes confuse me to no end." Twilight stated. "Awww~, thank you." replied Pinkie. "Never mind, let's just take these and go to Applejack's to get more apples." said Twilight. "Okie Dokie Lokie!" replied Pinkie. Then they both took the huge cart of goods, and headed off to Sweet Apple Acres to see Applejack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spike was getting really tired. He felt like he had walked a mile, which is what he did actually. But to a normal point of view, he only walked about a foot. All he could do was walk on through, and listen to the distant booming of hoofsteps, and talking. "Ugh, I wish I had someone to talk to." Spike said to himself. "All I've seen for the past twelve minutes are grass, dirt, more grass, and more dirt, and more grass, and........................... MORE GRASS!" He then took a seat on a little pebble, and thought about what he should do next. Just then, the ground started to rumble. He already heard booming from hoofsteps, but these were getting closer, and closer. This caused the ground to shake more and more. He saw that he was sitting next to a daisy, and began climbing the stalk. He got to the top, then saw what was causing the ground to quake so much. Rarity stopped over to help Twilight with the decorating, and Spike then remembered that. Just then, she knocked on the door. "TWILIGHT~, ARE YOU THERE? IT'S RARITY~" Her now huge voice boomed in his ears, but Spike still seemed to be lovestruck, and didn't pay any mind to his problem. "She's so big, yet still so beautiful." he thought. But he quickly snapped out of his trance, and saw this as an opportunity to finally get some help. Without knowing what a toll he was putting on his legs, as he bolted toward Rarity. "RARITY! DOWN HERE!" he screamed. Just as weird, she turned around and began to step toward him. But, she didn't hear him, she was leaving the front step. "I GUESS SHE'S OUT GETTING THE OTHERS." she boomed. Spike saw the hoof coming toward him, turned tail, and ran the other way. He made it just enough as her hoof touched down behind him, pushing him forward. Rarity then looked down for no reason, and saw the tiny bug running toward her, and she didn't like it. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" she screamed, making Spike's ears close to bleeding. She then started stomping around in one place, and Spike had to dance around in as well. The ground was quaking a lot as Rarity tried to smash him. "GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY!" she said. "RARITY! STOP IT! IT'S ME, SPIKE!" he said, but she kept stomping at him. He had one last resort, dive back into the grass! He swerved and dodged her hooves, and made it back to the grass. Rarity just ran away, screaming. "Gee, that was close." Spike said. "................................... but she's still beautiful." > Watering The Flowers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watering The Flowers Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, and saw Applejack was already at work bucking for apples. "Uh, Pinkie, make sure Winnona or any of the other animals don't get into the food, okay?" Twilight asked. "Okie Dokie Lokie! And if any of them do, I'll just make them a treat instead." Pinkie replied with a huge smile. Twilight just shrugged it off and trotted over to Applejack. "Hi Applejack." "Howdy Twilight. Ah already know bout that lil' party fer the princess tonight. Ah already got a head start on the apple buckin'." Applejack was always a hard worker, and would always lend a helping hoof for her friends. "Oh that's great. That looks like it should do the trick for tonight." Twilight said pleasantly. Then she remembered something. "Hey Applejack, you didn't by any chance see Spike come by did you?" "Haven't seen hide or scale of the lil guy. What's up?" "I haven't seen him since I left to go to the market. I went home and he wasn't there. And he didn't stop by Pinkie's either." "Oh, ah'm sure he probably paid Rarity a visit." Just then, another thing hit Twilight. "RARITY! Oh my goodness, she and I were suppose to decorate the library. I got so caught up with you guys, I forgot about my other plans." Twilight began to panic again. Then Pinkie came out of nowhere and wrapped herself around Twilight. "Ugh, thanks Pinkie." Twilight said in annoyance. "Anything for a friend." Pinkie replied with glee. "Hey, why don't you and Pinkie head on over back to the library and get Rarity to help ya'll decorate. Ah'll get Fluttershy and we'll be there later, okay?" "Yeah, I guess that does sound like a good plan." Twilight sighed. "Alright come on Pinkie, y-you can let go now." She did so. "Let's go before we're more behind schedule. See you later Applejack." "See ya Twi!" Applejack waved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spike continued into the grassy jungle. He had traveled for over an hour now. But luckily, thanks to his............. unlucky encounter with Rarity, he was three quarters of the way there. He couldn't wait to get back inside. After the Rarity encounter, he was nearly trampled on by a stampede of ants. They, surprisingly, were the size of ponies to him. "Whew, at least I'm almost home." he said. "I can't wait to at least get out of this place. Who knew the front yard could be a very dangerous place to play in?" He continued his journey through the dirt and grass. Then he noticed it start to shadow up. "Oh no, someone else is coming." he thought. But there were no big tremors coming toward him. This confused him, so he decided to climb a grass blade and check it out. No one was coming. He looked around when he saw the cause of the shadow. There were little patches of clouds hovering over the lawn. And he even saw Rainbow Dash putting them in place. He didn't even bother to call out to her, she was WAY too high to catch his ears. "Well, that outta do it." Dash said to herself. "This should give the flowers just enough water to grow." "Well that's nice of her." Spike said. "Wait........ WATER?!" He realized he was in grave danger. "WAIT! STOP! NOT YET!" Too late. Dash gave the cloud one back kick, and the rain slowly started coming down. Spike suddenly heard the sound of bombs crashing down. He quickly slid down and made a run for it. Every explosion brought a cloud of water pushing him over. No matter where he turned, the rain was coming down hard on his tiny head. "I gotta find shelter, FAST!" said said. He examined the area as he ran, so he wouldn't get hit. Then he saw it. Three pebbles that made the shape of a cave that the water didn't hit. Spike made a bolt for it, occasionally slipping due to the ground starting to get wet, and finally dove for cover. He was finally safe for now. Spike just watched the giant raindrops fall, and as he sat there, some sad thoughts crawled into his mind. "I screwed up. This is what I get for playing around instead of doing what I was suppose to do." He shivered and thought of nothing but how bad he must be to Twilight. He broke her vase, got himself shrunk, and is setting the plans for the party behind. "I don't even know if they will ever find me, *sniff* or if they want to find me." Spike just sat there with tears in his eyes, as he listened to the rain fall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow just sat on Twilight's front step and waited for her to come back. After a few minutes, Twilight, Pinkie, and even Rarity came back. "Hey Twi. I've been waiting for you forever." Dash said acting all tired. "Silly Dashie, it's only been ten minutes." Pinkie exclaimed. "I was kidding Pinkie." Dash replied in a sarcastic tone. "Never mind that." Twilight said. "Since you're here. would you mind coming in and helping us decorate and set up?" "No prob." Dash said. They all went inside and of course, Twilight had to pop the question. "Hey Rainbow, by any chance did you see Spike today?" "Uh uh, not at all. What, is the little guy off sending messages to us all?" Dash asked. "None of us has seemed to see him at all today. I'm starting to really get worried." "Oh, I'm sure Spikey Wikey is just out playing with the younger fillies today. You know how he is, being a child." Rarity said as she started placing the decorations in, in her mind, the right places. "Yeah, you're probably right." said Twilight, as she too began the decorating. "Pinkie, you set up the tables. Rarity and I will organize, and Dash, you hang up the banners and streamers." "Ai Ai captain." Dash rebutted. And they all went to work. > Gentle Giant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gentle Giant Rainbow Dash trotted into the kitchen to get a glass of lemonade, when she saw Pinkie Pie looking around. "Hey watchya looking for Pinkie?" Dash said in confusion. Pinkie turned to her, but what was weird, her eyes were full of tears. "Oh, trying to find someone." she said. "Are you okay Pinkie? You're crying." "Oh, this is just another one of my Pinkie Senses. If my eyes fill up with tears, that means that someone is crying near by." Pinkie said. "But, I can't seem to find anyone really crying." "...................... you weird me out Pinkie." Dash said as she left the room. "I love you too!" Pinkie said. Then all of a sudden, she just stopped tearing. "Oh, well who ever was crying stopped. That's good." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike finally stopped crying and stepped outside. The water bombs have ceased to drop, but the damage was done. Miles of grassland were destroyed in the battle, their were bugs sprawled all over the place, and tons of bloodsh- WAIT A MINUTE!! This is just the front yard. "Oh wow. It looks so bad out here, but nothing happened up there. Oh well, might as well continue." And then Spike continued on. After about another ten minutes, Spike's stomach began to rumble. He hadn't eaten in a while, in fact, since breakfast. "Oh, I wish there were come crystals down here." Spike said. Just then, he smelled a familiar smell. It was the smell of gems. He followed the scent, and on the sidewalk, was a broken piece of a gem, right next to cake icing. These must have dropped out of Pinkie's goodie cart as they went inside. With no second thoughts, Spike dashed to the gem shards and munched away. He wasn't alone though. There were ants that started to swarm all over the icing. So as they all sat and ate their fallen foods, and Spike even started a conversation with the ants, though they never really answered him. He enjoyed the company at least. Then as they ate, the tremors began to build again. Someone was coming, and a shadow began to loom over the gang of the ants and Spike. "THESE BUGS HAVE GOTTA GO!" boomed the voice. Spike covered his ears to avoid them front bleeding. But there was something familiar about this voice. It had a sort of............... southern accent. Spike looked up even higher and saw the gigantic appearance of Applejack. "AH'LL GET RID OF 'EM MYSELF." Then the titan raised her hoof above the area Spike was in. "Oh Bocce's balls, RUUUUUN!!" Spike yelled to the ants. And they all began to scatter and scramble away, and just in time. Applejack's hoof hit the ground with so much force, everything around it was pushed away. Then it lifted again, and came down again, and again, and again. As Spike ran, he tripped again, and was looking straight up at the hoof of his best friend. Just before she threw her hoof down, another booming voice came up. "APPLEJACK, STOP THAT!" it said, and this voice also sounded familiar. It sounded very soft, but still booming. It was Fluttershy's voice. Sure enough, she stomped next to the other giant. "WHAT, AH'M KILLIN THESE PESTS SO THEY DON'T MESS WITH TWILIGHT'S PARTY." "YOU SHOULD NEVER KILL BUGS. THEY ARE SO SMALL AND HARMLESS, NOT TO MENTION PROBABLY SCARED FROM YOU MAKING THE WORLD SHAKE FOR THEM." Spike listened to her and she seemed to be the only one who cared about his safety. HE saw his chance. "FLUTTERSHY! DOWN HERE! PLEASE HELP ME!" he screamed.............. nothing. None of them could hear him. "FINE, YA'LL DEAL WITH THEM PESTS. AH'M GOIN INSIDE TA HELP. DON'T SPEND A LOT OF TIME OUT HERE." "DON'T WORRY, I'LL ONLY BE A SECOND." With that said, the huge orange pony began stomping away, making sure not to step on the bugs below her. But Flutteshy stood above them still. Spike just stood there in awe. Fluttershy is normally a kind and gentle pony, and she still was. But looking up at the now gargantuan pegasus, put a sense of fear in him. She could easily squash him, but knew she wouldn't, but he was still very scared of her size. "IT'S OKAY LITTLE ANTS. I WON'T LET ANYONE SQUASH YOU." she said with a gentle smile. Spike started to calm down, then got a little more tense as he saw Fluttershy's face getting closer. "WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP!!" once again, she couldn't hear him. Her face then was practically on top of him....................... but it didn't squish him. He was under Fluttershy's maw............. and he liked this. It loosened his nerves, and calmed him down. It felt very furry and warm under there. Also, it was the first time that he had anyone comfort him since he shrank, even though Fluttershy didn't know it was him. She had a bunch of other ants under her maw, and she didn't mind. Then she began moving back and forth with her maw. She was nuzzling the tiny bugs below her. Spike felt so good being in this position because it felt so soft, warm, and very soothing. But it didn't last long, for she lifted back up, and stood over them again. "ALRIGHT, TAKE GOOD CARE NOW." she boomed as she began stomping away. Spike noticed her tail dragging and thought fast. He ran for it and was careful with avoiding her giant hoofsteps that still shook the ground. Then he made a dive for it and landed into Fluttershy's dragging tail. He was finally taking a regular pony ride again....... well, almost regular. And was heading back to the library. > A Little Game Of "Pony and Tiny Dragon" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Little Game Of "Pony and Tiny Dragon" "Okay girls, thanks so much for helping out getting ready for the party." said Twilight "I know that we can have this party without anything going wrong." "We told you that, about fifty times." Rainbow Dash stated. "Well, I'm glad you did." Twilight replied. "Any minute we should start having guests over, especially our very special guest." Everyone who was coming knew that Princess Luna was going to show up at the party, well...... the party is for her after all. Just then, there was a knock on Twilight's door. "Oh, I wonder who that could be?" she said. She opened the door, and saw that it was Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo. "Hi girls, come in." Twilight said, as all three of them came in. "Hi Twilight. Can we stay here and play a bit?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Well, okay. Just make sure you don't mess anything up." Twi replied. "Okay, we will." said Scootaloo. "Oh, by the way, did any of you girls see Spike today?" "Not at all, Twi." said Apple Bloom. "Why do ya ask?" "I haven't seen him all day. I figured he was playing with you girls." "Sorry, haven't seen him." said Scootaloo, and all three of them started playing. Twilight went back to being worried. "Oh my goodness, this is bad. I hope nothing bad happened to him. Girls, I'm going out to look for Spike. He should've been home by now." "I'll go with you Twilight." said Fluttershy. "Thanks a lot." said Twi. They both ran out of the library and began to look for him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fluttershy's tail was so soft and warm, Spike couldn't help but take a nap in it. It was a short nap though, as he heard the booming voice of Twilight all worried again. "Oh come on Twilight, you can't even let me sleep for twenty minutes?" he said. "I'M GOING OUT TO LOOK FOR SPIKE. HE SHOULD'VE BEEN HOME BY NOW." she boomed. "I'M RIGHT HERE!" he shouted, but not heard. "I'LL GO WITH YOU TWILIGHT." boomed Fluttershy. Just then, the force of Fluttershy running out threw him out of her tail, and onto the cold, hard floor. "Ouch! That really hurt." he said, brushing himself off. Just then, a huge shadow loomed over him, and as he turned around, another scary sight beheld his eyes. The shadow was Scootaloo's flank, and it was coming down on him. He quickly moved out of the way, as a loud THUD! shook the tiny world for him. "SO WHAT HAVEN'T WE DONE AS FAR AS CUTIE MARKS GO?" boomed Scootaloo. "AH THINK WE'VE GOTTEN THEM ALL, AND WE'RE PLUMP OUTTA IDEAS." replied Apple Bloom. "COME ON GIRLS, THERE'S GOTTA BE SOMETHING WE HAVEN'T TRIED." Sweetie Belle suggested. Spike just sat there and listened to the fillies discussed ideas with each other. He always laughed at the crazy ideas they came up with. They had heart, but no sense. Then, Apple Bloom looked over at Spike without him knowing, and said, "HOW ABOUT A CUTIE MARK FOR BUG EXTERMINATORS?" They all looked at him, and smiles perked on their faces. "YEAH, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!" Scootaloo boomed with glee. "NO! I'M NOT A BUG! IT'S ME SPIKE!!" he thought they would hear him cause they were smaller than his other friends, same result, nothing. "CUTIE MARK BUG EXTERMINATORS! YEAH!" they all boomed, nearly deafening Spike as they all hoof bumped. They then all raised their hooves, and began stomping away. Spike tried for his life not to get squished. Everywhere, he saw giant walls of orange, yellow, and white. The earthquakes weren't making it any easier for him either. These were his close friends, since they were his age, and they were trying to squish him. He was saddened at the thought, but didn't have time to dwell on that. He then saw an opening, the entrance to the kitchen. He made a life or death bolt for the kitchen, while the crusaders were still stomping in the same spot. He was very lucky, as he made it safely to the kitchen unharmed. "HEY, WHERE DID THE BUG GO?" asked Sweetie Belle. "MAYBE HE FOUND A WAY TA ESCAPE." said Apple Bloom. "SPLIT UP." stated Scootaloo. Then they all stomped off to find the bug, and their hope for a cutie mark. > Kitchen Horrors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchen Horrors Spike had to find a way to get off of the floor, because the kitchen wasn't empty. There, standing above him like a goddess, a giant pink goddess, was Pinkie Pie. There was no thinking of what she could do to him at this size, even if she did find him. He had to stop thinking of that, for here comes the giant hoof. BOOM! It crashed beside him, pushing him back. "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!" she sang to herself. Spike pondered what he could do, but was later covered by another large shadow. He braced to move, but what ever was falling, was too close. "Good bye cruel tiny world." he said covering his eyes. When the thing hit him....... he survived. He opened his eyes to see a white, cloth world around him. "Oh I get it." he said, "This is a napkin. Pinkie must have dropped it." He was right, and of course since she dropped it, she was going to pick it up. Spike suddenly felt pressure squeezing him all around. He couldn't escape, then felt himself being lifted in the air. He was scared out of his mind. Just then, the pressure was loosened as he began slipping out of the napkin sheet. "HEEEEEELP!" he screamed, but it was too late. He began falling, to what he thought was his death. When suddenly......... *SPLASH!* He fell into some sort of liquid, and he was so relieved that he wasn't dead. But at the same time, he wanted to know where he landed. So in a little bit of instinct, he drank the liquid he was in. It tasted............... fruity. He tasted again........... fruity. He must have landed in the punch bowl. This pleased him, because he absolutely loved fruit punch. And at this size, there was a lake sized punch bowl he was in, and all he could ever drink. So he enjoyed a little swim, and drank away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guests were starting to arrive, and Luna was sure to arrive soon as well. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy were still out trying to find Spike, when they saw the party starting. "Oh no!" exclaimed Twilight, "What am I going to do? Spike is still missing, and the party is starting. There's no more time!" Twilight panicked and pranced in place. "I'll continue to look for Spike, the poor little guy may be lost. You handle the party." suggested Fluttershy. "Oh thank you so much, you really are a true friend." said Twilight as she hugged her. "Please find him soon." "I'll do my best." replied the pegasus, as she flew off, Twilight took a deep breath as she saw a dark shadow zooming across the sky. The shadow then took the shape of a horse drawn carriage. Twilight knew who it was, the princess had arrived. > The Royal Welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Royal Welcome "Okay Twilight, this is what you've been preparing for all night." Twilight said to herself. "All is going to go right. Fluttershy is finding Spike, and the rest are tending to the guests. I'll just make the princess welcomed here, and get the show on the road." Twilight stood at her door as she watched the dark carriage touch the ground. The princess of the night stepped out of her chariot of darkness, and stepped toward the little unicorn. Twilight took a bow. "Greetings Twilight Sparkle." Luna said with a smile. "Welcome Princess Luna. I just hope that everything is up to order for you. We have made this party the best that you will ever attend. N-Not trying to be over exaggerating, but we just want you to have a good time." "I understand. You have obviously been working very hard to prepare for my arrival, it has been a long time since I have visited Ponyville." "Not since Nightmare Night princess." Twilight said. "And that night, I said it was alright if you just called me "Luna"." she said. "Oh right, sorry." Twilight said with a nervous smile. Luna saw that her friend was very nervous in her presence, and gave her a hug. "Please Twilight Sparkle, calm thy nerves. I am here, the party looks nice, you have nothing to worry about." "Well........... there is something else on my mind." Twilight said. "What would that be?" Luna asked. "All day I've been running around trying to get the party ready for you, my friend Spike has been missing all day today. I left to get some things at the market, and I didn't see him after I came back. Fluttershy is out looking for him right now, so I guess everything is fine." "Let me help you. GUARDS! Help the pegasus Fluttershy, help her find the little dragon." "Yes your highness." they said in unison and flew off to find Spike. "That should make your search a lot faster." Luna assured Twilight. Twilight just smiled. "Thank you pri- I mean, Luna." "You are very welcome. Now, let us begin the celebration." Luna said, and they both went inside. They were suddenly bombarded by guests who wished to see the princess, each bowed in her presence, except for one. One quickly gave her a big hug after not seeing her in a while. Luna hugged back and gave a big smile. "It is nice to see you too Pip." she said. "You want some punch, Luna?" Rainbow Dash offered. Twilight didn't really like her rudeness. "Some punch would be lovely, thank you miss Rainbow Dash." Dash nodded and went to get the princess her beverage. > Quick Swimming Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Swimming Lesson "Ahhhh, now this is the life. No ponies interrupting my rest, a giant bowl of punch to supply me for..... well the rest of my life, and no more worries about being squished. Now that's what I'm talking about." Spike just laid on the surface of the punch, not caring about anything else having to do with the giant world outside the bowl. He was finally at peace for the first time today. Just as he was about to sleep, something hit in his mind. His nose began to tingle, his eyes began to water, and he softly began to cry to himself. "But I miss Twilight, and the rest of my friends." he said. "I'm so close to them, but yet they can't see me. It's so hard to try to get them to see me again, and they didn't even bother to try to look for me at all. *sniff* I guess they were too busy worrying about the party to worry about tiny little me *sniff*." As he cried, a shadow loomed over the bowl. Spike quickly turned around to see the giant cyan pony hovering over the punch bowl, and seemed to look down at him. "RAINBOW DASH! THANK CELESTIA YOU SEE ME! QUICK GET TWILIGHT....... HEY!" she didn't hear him. It turned out, she wasn't looking at him, but more of the punch that he was floating in. As she looked at it, she had a kind of nervous look to her, like she was trying to do something bad, but couldn't follow through. She looked left, then right, then behind her. Then looked back to the bowl, this time with a devious look to her. "D-Dash, what are you doing?" Spike said. "I KNOW LUNA IS SUPPOSE TO GET THE FIRST TASTE OF THE PUNCH, ACCORDING TO TWILIGHT." Dash boomed. "BUT I DON'T THINK SHE'LL MIND IF I JUST HAVE A LITTLE TASTE." Wh-What?!" Spike said in shock. Then out of no where, Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue and slowly approached the bowl of punch. "WAIT! DASH! STOP!" No use. Her tongue dipped into the punch, causing waves in the bowl. Then Dash lifted it back up out of the bowl, taking Spike with her. Spike was stuck to her tongue and needed to get off before she put her tongue back into her maw. Spike clawed and struggled, until luckily, he unstuck himself from the moist muscle, and fell back in the punch. "MMMM MMMMM, THAT DOES TASTE GOOD." Dash said. "YOU ALMOST SLURPPED ME UP!!" Spike said, outraged. Suddenly, Dash began lifting a giant metal object. It looked like....... a ladel. She quickly dipped it in the bowl, taking Spike as well, and poured it into a cup. "Well, might as well give the princess hers." Dash said, as she flew back into the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash gave Luna her beverage, and flew off to mingle with the others. Luna smiled at the wonderful service and started drinking. Before she finished, Twilight came by to have another conversation with her. "Hi Luna, I hope that all is well here for your party." "Oh it has been a festive evening so far Twilight Sparkle. I have not attended this fun of a party in decades." she said. It was turning out to be a really fun party, Applejack was bobbing for apples, Rarity was busy having ponies admire her dress for the occasion (and, making sure it doesn't get ruined), Rainbow Dash was busy talking to the other pegasi on her goals of becoming a wonderbolt, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were busy looking for something small, and Pinkie Pie was busy........... being Pinkie Pie. All seemed to be fine at the party. "Yep, all is well.." Twilight said. Luna just smiled and trotted off to talk to the other ponies. Twilight looked down, still thinking about Spike, and how she was so worried about him. He has never been away for so long, and she feared something might have happened to him. But nothing was to be worried, as Fluttershy and Luna's guards were looking for him. Everything was going to be fine. "Ew, a bug." Twilight then said, looking at the floor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was getting sea sick from the movements Dash was making carrying the cup. 'Who was this for? What am I going to do? How do I get out of here?' Spike thought. The cup finally stopped. and he saw from the top that Rainbow Dash was leaving the cup. "Whew, am I safe?" he asked himself. But then suddenly, he felt the cup moving, and so was he to the side of the cup. And to his absolute horror, he saw the gigantic face of the princess looming over the cup, but he only saw the top of her head. And even worse, the punch was starting to drain, into Luna's royal mouth. Spike had no choice but to swim, and swim for his life. As the cup tipped more, the punch flowed more rapidly, almost like a river. He saw the cavern of Luna's maw closing above him. He believed it would be the end. He needed to think of something fast, and that's when he saw an opening in the corner of Luna's maw, and the edge of the cup. Spike then saw the cup starting to tip back, so Spike had to hurry out before he would be trapped again. He lunged and luckily made it out of the cup, but he was dangling from the rim of the cup about 150 feet above the library floor. He quickly thought about it, and leaped off of the cup, and grabbed hold of Luna's neck fur. It worked! "I made it! I MADE IT!" he proclaimed with joy. "Now I just have to get down." "OH IT HAS BEEN A FESTIVE TIME TWILIGHT SPARKLE." Luna boomed, hurting the tiny dragon's ears. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" he screamed. He was right next to Luna's vocal cords, so it was terrible to his ears. He then decided to climb down from Luna. He let go and free fell most of the way, then latched back on to her shoes, and slid down the rest of the way. He took one look up and her, and fell over. She was HUGE! Even bigger then the other ponies. He shivered at the thought of seeing Celestia at his size. Then the floor really shook, as Luna stomped off to see the others. Then Spike began to hit himself. "WHY DIDN'T I CLIMB UP?! I COULD'VE SCREAMED IN HER EAR!" he shouted at himself, ashamed of his self stupidity. Then he saw the best sight he could see at any time. Twilight was standing right above him. She was just looking around, not even paying attention to her hooves. "TWILIGHT! PLEASE! I'M DOWN HERE! I WANNA GO HOME! I WANNA SEE YOU GUYS AGAIN! I WANNA........ I WANNA........... y-you can't hear me." Spike finally realized he was just too small for them to hear. He could do nothing else. Nothing........... but sit there and cry. He looked up with teary eyes, and heard Twilight boom something that would crush his heart at that moment. "EW, A BUG." > Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discovery Twilight saw a bug on her floor, but thought nothing of it. "Ugh, I'll just get rid of it." she said. Twilight then proceeded to raise her right hoof over the bug. She was interrupted by Pinkie Pie, who had tears dripping down her face. "TWILIGHT! WAIT A MINUTE!" "What is it Pinkie? And, why are you crying?" Twilight asked. "It's my Pinkie sense. I've been crying since the party began, and nopony else is crying. Do you mind if I see if this bug is crying?" "Uh, sure. But bugs don't feel emotions. It's scientifically proven, but, be my guest. As long as you dispose of it when you're done." "Okie dokie lokie!" With that said, Pinkie pulled out her magnifying glass out of her mane (it happens), and proceeded to see if this bug was the source of Pinkie's uncontrollable sense. Twilight also gave a look because she had nothing better to do. When the glass hovered over the bug, and it was in their sights..................... Twilight let out a gasp............ and began to cry herself. "S-Spike? Is that you?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike could do nothing but look up in horror and sadness as he saw his best friend lifting her hoof overtop of him. "UGH, I'LL JUST GET RID OF IT." she boomed. Spike could do nothing but wait for his death to come, for he knew it was unavoidable. There were many ponies who would crush him, so he wouldn't be safe either way he could run. "Bye Twilight......... I love you." he said to his giant friend as he covered his head and cried. But just before her hoof could come down, he felt a massive earthquake, and an ear piercing voice. "TWIIILLIIIGHT! WAIIIIT A MIIINUUUTE!" boomed to what Spike could decipher, was Pinkie Pie. "WHAT IS IT PINKIE? AND, WHY ARE YOU CRYING?" boomed Twilight. Spike saw that she was crying, but why? After that, Spike had to move, for a tear drop nearly drowned him. Spike was too busy with his own sadness that he didn't pay any attention to what the two giants were talking about. "OKIE DOKIE LOKIE!" boomed Pinkie, as Spike saw her pull out a magnifying glass. "*sniff* That happened." he said. The two looked into the magnifying glass right above him, and he looked up too. Was Twilight..... looking at him? He then saw her tear up. "S-SPIKE? IS THAT YOU?" she asked the tiny dragon. He jolted up in tears of fear and joy. He was finally discovered. "YES! I'M HERE TWILIGHT! I'M RIGHT HERE!" he cried. Twilight brought her ginormous head down and rested it on top of Spike, making sure not to crush him. They were both crying a lot. "SPIKE, I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU, AND......... I ALMOST CRUSHED YOU. I'M SO SO SO SORRY SPIKE." Twilight boomingly cried. "IT'S ALL MY FAULT, I GOT INTO THE SHRINKING POWDER AND GOT SOME ON ME. IT'S ALL MY FAULT. I'M THE ONE WHO'S SORRY." Spike cried back, trying to get Twilight to hear him. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU RIGHT NOW SPIKE, BUT I'LL FIX YOU.................... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SPIKE." she boomingly cried. Then she began moving her maw back and forth on top of him, like Fluttershy did. The giant nuzzled Spike, and Spike just cried and hugged close to his best friend. She levitated him into her mane. "YOU'LL BE SAFE IN HERE." she said. She looked over and saw Pinkie still crying. "This isn't my sense. This is very beautiful." Pinkie said. > Figuring Out A Solution > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figuring Out A Solution Twilight brought all over her friends into the kitchen to tell them of her finding. They all didn't believe her at first. "Come on Twi, ya'll can't be sayin' that little ol Spike became littler." Applejack said. When Twilight levitated the tiny dragon out of her mane, and placed the magnifying glass over him, their eyes got big in shock. "Ah believe ya now." "What happened to Spikey Wikey?" Rarity asked, looking at him with concern. Spike blushed a bit at that comment. "Well, the only explanation I have is that Spike ended up getting some of my shrinking powder on him. Or by looking at his size, a lot." "Um, why do you have shrinking powder Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "To help me around the library. But that's beside the point. I need to figure out a way to restore him to normal." The girls talked amongst each other, while Spike did nothing but watch. He noticed something weird though. Applejack never seemed to lay her eyes off of him, as if she was really concerned. "So, we've all agreed. Pinkie Pie and I'll go see Zecora to get a cure, while the rest of you watch Spike and keep this party going. I don't want Luna to know there is a problem." said Twilight. "Right." they all said, almost hurting Spike's ears. Just then, Twilight bent over and gave a gigantic nuzzle to Spike. "Be safe Spike, I love you." she said. Her friends all "awwww"ed at this little moment. "I LOVE YOU TOO." said Spike. Then Twilight broke this nuzzle, and headed out with Pinkie Pie to go see Zecora. Spike didn't know what else to do until she got home, but he wouldn't be bored at all. Even at that time, Rainbow Dash would be the first to speak to the tiny dragon. "SO, HOW DOES IT FEEL BEING TINY? IS IT AWESOME?" she boomingly asked. "OH COME NOW RAINBOW DASH, YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HEAR HIM AT THIS SIZE. BESIDES, I'M SURE SPIKEY WIKEY IS SCARED TO DEATH." Rarity replied. Applejack just stood there as if she felt like she did something wrong, and felt really sorry for it. "What's up Applejack?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Oh, uh, n-nothin' Dash." she replied. Spike saw she was hiding something. It's like she remembered almost stepping on him outside earlier. But without any warning, Applejack leaned down and nuzzled Spike, as if she wanted to comfort him. "YA'LL GIRLS GO BACK TO THE PARTY, AH'LL STAY HERE WITH SPIKE." Applejack boomed. "You sure you wanna do that? I mean I could watch him too." said Dash. "Same here." Rarity also said. "WE COULD TAKE TURNS THEN. AH'LL WATCH HIM FOR TWENTY MINUTES, THEN DASH, THEN RARITY, AND JUST ALTERNATE." "SOUNDS GOOD." boomed Dash. "VERY WELL". Rarity said. And they both left to tend to the party, leaving Applejack alone with the miniature Spike. > Applejack's Turn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack's Turn Spike sat there and looked up at the towering orange farm pony, who in turn, was looking down to him. She really seemed to look very guilty of something. "SPIKE, AH UNDERSTAND YOU AND I HAVE BEEN VERY CLOSE SINCE WE BECAME FRIENDS. YA'LL EVEN WENT AHEAD AND SERVED ME BECAUSE AH SAVED YER LIFE IN THAT TIMBERWOLF INSIDENT HEHE." Spike just sat there and nodded, knowing he wouldn't be heard by her huge ears. He noticed something weird with Applejack, he noticed that she began to tear up herself. "AH WASN'T EVEN THIS SMALL WHEN I SHRANK THAT ONE TIME. YOU'VE BEEN SMALL ALL DAY, RIGHT?". Spike nodded again. "WERE YA'LL INFRONT OF THE LIBRARY, IN A LITTLE CAKE PILE?". Spike nodded again, as in she knew about how she almost crushed him earlier today. "*sniff* AH THOUGHT SO, SPIKE, AH'M SO SO SORRY. AH ALMOST CRUSHED ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS. *sniff* AH FEEL SO ASHAMED OF MYSELF, YA'LL MUST HATE ME NOW." Tears rolled down her eyes and made huge splashing noises as they hit the ground. Spike had never seen Applejack this sad before, especially over him. He wanted to let her know it was alright, and that she didn't know. Spike thought not too long, and decided to do something she would see, and know what to do. Spike just lifted his arms, and spread them out wide. Applejack looked down at Spike, and saw his arms out toward her. She sniffled and gave a little smile. "AH DON'T WANNA HURT YOU, BUT AH KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO DO." She slowly extended her hoof out and watched the tiny dragon climb up. To Spike, climbing onto her hoof was a little hard, but not too hard. Her body fur helped him up, and her hoof was not to hard at all. He walked to the center, where Applejack slowly brought her hoof close to her. She stopped it at her chest, almost knocking Spike over, and Spike could finally do what he let Applejack know what he wanted to do. He spread his arms out, leaned forward, and hugged the giantess. "*sniff* THANK YA SO MUCH SPIKE. AH'M GLAD YA'LL UNDERSTAND." She then slowly brought her other arm across the hoof she held Spike in, and hugged him back. Spike only saw the world around him get dark, and he could feel nothing but warm fur all around him. It felt pretty nice, but a little scary too. Then he heard Applejack say the sweetest thing she has ever said to him. "AH LOVE YOU SPIKE. AS MUCH AS EVERYONE ELSE." she said. Spike finally felt at ease. He was in the arms of the one pony, other than Twilight, who could protect him from anything. She cared so much for him, and now she finally showed it to him, in the form of the biggest hug that Spike ever had received. For a long time, they just sat in there, while the party went on. Applejack would just talk to him, about her issues, her family, and how she basically was living her life. When all of a sudden, Rainbow Dash came into the kitchen and was prepared to take her turn. "Okay, AJ. Go on and have fun, I'll take it from here." she said. "Okay. Now ya'll behave now. And please, be careful with him." AJ warned. "Don't worry, you can count on me." Dash replied. "Alright. Now ya'll take care too, Spike." she said, as she gave the tiny dragon a quick nuzzle, and set him down on the table. Applejack then proceeded out of the kitchen, leaving the cyan pegasus alone with the ant-sized dragon. Spike looked at Rainbow as she stomped her way toward him, with every step she took sounding like thunder. Spike was very intimidated this time. > Rainbow Dash's Turn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash's Turn "SO SPIKE, YOU GOT YOURSELF SHRUNK HUH? IT WOULD BE KINDA FUNNY IF IT DIDN'T SEEM SO COOL." Rainbow boomed. "Huh? Cool?" Spike thought. "EVERYTHING MUST LOOK PRETTY AWESOME FROM DOWN THERE." Rainbow then crossed her arms and laid on the table, creating a massive earthquake for Spike. "EVEN ME." Spike was really starting to get scared, due to Dash looking even more intimidating to him now then usual. And without warning, Dash scooped him up into her hoof, and gave him a quick little nuzzle. "YOU ARE JUST SO CUTE NOW AT THIS SIZE.......... TELL ANYPONY I SAID THAT, AND I'LL DENY IT." Dash said. Spike nodded and blushed a bit. "YOU KNOW, I WANNA TRY A LITTLE GAME OUT. DON'T WORRY, I'LL TRY NOT TO HURT YOU." Spike got really scared now. Dash then set Spike on the floor, giving him a very scary view of Dash standing over him like 103 feet tall. Dash saw how big she was to him and laughed, making the floor shake. "OH, THIS WILL BE FUN, I KNOW IT. OKAY, LET'S PLAY A GAME SPIKE. I'LL BE A HUGE GIANT, AND YOU'LL BE THE LITTLE PONY, OR DRAGON, TRYING TO GET AWAY. AND DON'T WORRY, I WON'T TRY TO CRUSH YOU." Spike was really sweating. She can't do this, can she? but I might as well do it, I really can't say no to her. And with that thought, he waited for her to start this game. "READY............ SET............ GOOOO!" Spike started to run for his life, as Dash began to stomp her way toward him. "RAWR, YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME. I SHALL CATCH YOU, HAHAHAHA." Dash said, trying to act like a giant like in one of those stories. Spike made a sharp left, and Dash slowed down, giving him a fair chance. "FEE! FI! FO! FIKE! I'M GONNA CATCH YOU, AND EAT YOU SPIKE! HAHAHAHA." she boomed. It got Spike a little more nervous, but he guessed it was all part of the game. Spike turned and looked to see the rainbow giant slowly, but effortlessly, drawing nearer to the tiny dragon. Then, she jumped in the air, and landed in front of Spike, pushing him back a few feet. Dash just boomingly giggled. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE FASTEST GIANT IN EQUESTRIA! HAHAHAHAHA." she said as she reached for the tiny dragon. She quickly grabbed him and brought him up to her mountain-sized face. She let out a big, but kinda soft, "RAWR!" Spike was shivering in her grasp, as she began to speak again. "NOW, TIME TO BE MY SNACK." she boomed. Spike could only watch her mouth opened to reveal a moist cave. Her tongue stuck out, and she plopped the dragon onto it. "Not again." he said to himself, as she brought her tongue into her mouth and let him just sit in there for a couple minutes. After that, she stuck her tongue out again, and took him off of her tongue and put him on her hoof, where............ she gave him a tiny kiss. Huh? A kiss? "I'M A GENTLE GIANT NOW." she said as she nuzzled him again. She then slowly put him into her mane, which when he entered, was soft and warm. And it even smelled like the cool autumn air. "WANT TO TAKE A FLY?" she asked. "TOUCH MY EAR ONCE FOR YES, TWO FOR NO." Spike tapped it once. "OKAY, HERE WE GO." She started to fly around the kitchen, and only in small circles, being it was big enough. Spike had never gotten a ride on Dash before, and it felt very nice. It was the first time Dash had ever done anything this nice for Spike. The flight though ended after five minutes, with the sound of Rarity "awwwing" over the sight. Dash quickly landed on the floor with a blush. Rarity knew he was in her mane. "Don't worry, I won't tell anypony." Rarity said. Dash smiled and hoofed Spike over to Rarity. Spike had lots of fun, and gave a salute to Dash, who gave one back to him. "Have fun." Dash told Rarity. "You too." Rarity responded, and Rainbow Dash left the kitchen, leaving Rarity to take her turn. > Rarity's Turn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity's Turn "NOW, HOW'S MY LITTLE SPIKEY WIKEY." Rarity boomed. "FINE, OH DEAREST AND HUGE ONE." Spike responded. But alas, she couldn't hear him. "YOU KNOW, I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU. HAVING TO DEAL WITH THE WORLD DOWN THERE. EVERYTHING MUST BE SO MUCH MORE FILTHY AT YOUR SIZE." Indeed it was. Spike was covered with dirt, hair, icing, punch, and more recent, Dash's saliva. "DON'T WORRY, I'LL CLEAN YOU UP AS BEST AS I CAN." she said. Spike felt so excited as Rarity stomped toward the sink. "Rarity......... is going to give me...... a bath?! Best....... day........ EVER!!" Spike said to himself. He watched as Rarity levitated a bowl into the sink, and filled it with warm water. She then put a little bit of dish soap in the bowl, to make it look like a bubble bath. Rarity was being so nice to him, and he was finally spending some time with the pony he loved. And even a little better, she was huge. Rarity slowly lowered Spike into the water. It was warm, but not too warm. Spike then began washing himself, kind of embarrassed that Rarity just sat there and watched him. "I BET IT'S EMBARASSING THAT I'M WATCHING YOU. DON'T WORRY, I CAN BARELY SEE YOU IN THERE, SO NO NEED TO FEEL ALL TIMID. ALTHOUGH............ YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE SPIKEY WIKEY." Rarity then put on a big smile, making the little dragon blush. As Spike continued to wash, Rarity playfully made little splashes in the bowl, making big waves for Spike. Spike was splashed, and he felt kind of annoyed. Rarity just giggled, and Spike kinda did too. "ARE YOU ALMOST DONE DEARY? SPLASH ONE FOR YES, TWO FOR NO." Rarity looked closely, and saw one splash in the water. "OKAY, I'LL GET A NAPKIN FOR YOU." Rarity stomped off, causing more rough waves. She came back with a napkin, again, rough waves. She then levitated him out, tore a piece off the napkin, and put them both on her back. "GO AHEAD. I DON'T MIND YOU ON HERE, I CAN SEE YOU BETTER FROM ON MY BACK." she said. Spike began drying off, not at all feeling cold. Rarity's back was so warm, he actually rolled around on her body fur to get dry, and best part, she didn't even feel it. Rarity just looked at Spike and chuckled. "YOU'RE SO CUTE SPIKEY WIKEY." she said, as she just smiled. She then just leaned closer to Spike, and Spike knew what was coming, and he prepared himself. She laid her lips onto him, and gave him the biggest and best kiss he ever received from her. His vision filled with nothing but hearts, and her beautiful face. Spike was so caught up in the excitement of the time he was having, that he began to yawn. Since her fur was the warmest place he could stay, he burrowed underneath it and used it as a blanket. Rarity saw this, and couldn't help it. "AWWWWW~." she awwwed. Spike just laid there with the strong scent of perfume hitting his nose, as he slowly drifted into a nice sleep. > The Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nightmare Spike just simply rested in a nice deep sleep. Things at the party seemed to be dying down. Guests were leaving, and only the CMC's, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and the Princess were still there. The CMC's were still trying to find that gosh darn bug. Dash and AJ were sharing a couple of yucks and giggles, and Luna looked for Rarity. When she found her, she was laying on her belly on the floor. Luna was confused about this and Rarity explained it all, how Spike had shrunk, and all of her friends had to keep an eye on him until Twilight and the others would return with the antidote. "He's asleep right now. I didn't want anything bad happening to him, or waking him up, so I decided to stay for a while." Rarity said. "You have done very well Miss Rarity." Luna stated. "I am glad to hear that the little dragon was not in trouble. Or, at least he isn't anymore." Luna and Rarity shared a chuckle, then Luna laid next to Rarity. "If you wouldn't mind at all, I would like to spend some time with the tiny dragon. Don't fear, harm shall not come to him." Rarity nodded, and gently levitated Spike onto Luna's back. Using the magnifying glass, Rarity placed Spike under Luna's body fur, and made it seem like he wasn't moved. "Thank you so much Luna." Rarity said. "You are very welcome Rarity." Luna replied. Rarity then went off to talk to the other girls, while Luna looked at the tiny dragon sleeping. "I have an idea." she said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike rustled and turned within the furry blanket he was under. He was having trouble staying asleep. "SPIIIIKE! YOU BROKE MY VASE!" a booming voice said, startling Spike. He awoke to see Twilight Sparkle standing over top of him. She had a very angry look to her. "I-It was an accident! I'm sorry!" he said to her. "YOU MADE YOURSELF SMALL, AND I HAD TO MISS THE PARTY I SPENT ALL DAY PREPARING FOR, LOOKING FOR YOU! I KNEW I SHOULD'VE NEVER KEPT YOU! YOU DO NOTHING BUT CAUSE TROUBLE THAT I ALWAYS HAVE TO FIX!" Spike heard all of these words boom out of Twilight's mouth, and it brought him to tears. "Twilight......... I......... I'm sorry." "ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH THIS TIME! NOW I CAN GET RID OF YOU NOW, AND NO ONE WILL CARE!" she boomed. Twilight then raised her hoof over Spike and had a sinister grin on her face now. "BYE BYE PEST!" she said. "NOOOOOOO!" Spike screamed as her hoof crashed down on his tiny body. He could hear his body being crushed, as Twilight proceeded to finally rid herself of the dragon once and for all. Spike just cried in the breaking of his bones, and his heart. Suddenly, all was silent, except for Spike's crying. As he weeped, he felt himself still being pressed, except on something soft......... and furry. It was dark too. He looked up and saw the enormous face of Princess Luna, holding him close into a big hug. "IS THIS WHAT YOU ARE AFRAID OF? THAT TWILIGHT THINKS YOU ARE A BURDEN?" asked Luna. "Well............ yes. I ruined her pot, her powder, and her plans. I ruin almost everyday for her in Ponyville, and she has to clean it up too. I don't deserve to be her best friend. She shouldn't bring me back to normal." He softly cried some more. "NEVER EVER LET THOSE THOUGHTS SEEP INTO YOUR MIND." Luna boomed. She might as well be doing her royal canterlot voice, because it sounds like it. "SHE LOVES YOU VERY MUCH SPIKE. SHE HAS ALWAYS LOVED YOU, AND SHALL CONTINUE TO LOVE YOU. YOU ARE A CHILD, AND ARE LEARNING AS YOU GET OLDER. TWILIGHT KNOWS THIS, AND ACCEPTS YOU FOR YOU. SHE WOULD NEVER IN A THOUSAND YEARS THINK OF EVER GIVING YOU UP, OR LETTING YOU GO. NEVER FORGET THAT SPIKE, OKAY?" "Okay *sniff* I see what you're saying Princess. But.... I'll just see how it goes." he said. "VERY GOOD. AND ALSO REMEMBER............. CALL ME LUNA." she said. "Okay Luna. By the way, how can you hear me if I'm so small?" "THIS IS A DREAM. I CAN DO WHATEVER IN HERE." "Oh, hehehehe, right. I'm so glad I have someoone to talk to after all day." "I HOPE I DIDN'T DISAPPOINT YOU." "Not at all." They both snuggled with eachother and talked while Spike slept. > Pink Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pink Forest Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, all came back from their trip, and looked around the library. They saw that it was an absolute mess. There were cups on the tables, napkins on the floor, and it was just plain filthy. But, Twilight really didn't mind the mess at all. All she wanted to do is see that Spike was okay. "How did everything go Applejack?" Twilight asked. "Oh it was fine. Everypony enjoyed themselves, and the princess had a great time too." AJ replied. "....... and how is Spike?" "We had such a fun time with him. Ah think he had a great time too." "Oh that's wonderful. Where is he right now?" "In the kitchen, with the princess." "She knows?" "Ya. She's sleepin' in there with him. She must be very tired." "Or..... being she's the princess of the night, and comes into our dreams, she must be talking to him. That is great. Now we'll be able to hear what he is feeling." Twilight stepped into the kitchen and saw Luna curled up as if she was asleep. Twilight looked around, and finally found Spike burrowed in Luna's back fur. He looked so cute to her. It was actually pretty late, and Twilight was dead tired. So she even decided to curl up next to Luna, close enough to see Spike, and started drifting off as well. "Goodnight........... my little Spike." Twilight said, right before she went to sleep. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was slowly woken up by movement on his bed, or back more like. The giants back was swaying from side to side almost like it was trotting. "Hey! Whoa! What's going on?" he said out loud. He sat up and realized something was very different. Luna's back wasn't............... pink. It hit Spike really fast. "I'M ON PINKIE PIE! How did I get here? What am I gonna do?" He looked up and sure enough, it was Pinkie's poofy mane. It's scent was strong with cotton candy. Must be her shampoo. "I need to get her to hear me, I gotta get to her ear." he said. He grabbed a hold of Pinkie's mane, and started climbing. As he climbed, he looked around and saw that he wasn't in the library anymore, they were at the market. Pinkie then began to skip along, making the ride very very bumpy for Spike. "STOP IT PINKE! I'M GONNA BE SICK!" he said as he continued up. After a while of bouncing, and loosing his grip three times, he made it to the top of her head. He could see nothing but a humongous pink jungle, with nothing but pink vines all around him. The scent of cotton candy was so strong up there. "Oh great, how do I find her ear." he thought. "I'LL TAKE TO PLEASE." Pinkie boomed, as she seemed to be buying something. Of course, she's at the market. "WOULD YOU LIKE THESE IN A BAG PINKIE." asked the cashier. Pinkie nodded, creating a massive earthquake for Spike, throwing him all around like a ragdoll. When Spike landed, he saw the huge cashier from Pinkie's mane. "I must be near her forehead." he said. "Maybe I can't get her to hear me, but I'll get her to see m- WHOOOOOA!" All of a sudden, Pinkie started bouncing around again, but she was actually bouncing. Spike held on for his life onto Pinkie's mane, hoping he wouldn't loose his grip, and fall and be trampled on. He listened to every earthquaking bounce she took. She seemed to be humming a tune in her head as she bounced. When she stopped for a second to look around, she saw Spike hanging from the front tip of her mane. She boomingly giggled. "SPIKE, I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE AWAKE. TWILIGHT WAS BUSY MAKING YOUR POTION, AND SINCE, WELL, I DIDN'T GET ANY TIME WITH YOU WHILE YOU WERE SO TWEENY WEENY, I WANTED TO TAKE YOU WITH ME TO THE MARKET, SO WE COULD HANG OUT. I GOT YOU A CRYSTAL TOO, FOR YOUR LITTLE APPETITE. HEHEHEHEHE, MY TEENY WEENY SPIKEY WIKEY!" she continued to giggle........ Spike was afraid more than ever. Pinkie took him off her mane, gave him a quick huge nuzzle, and put him back on her back with the shard. Spike nibbled away, and Pinkie trotted back to the library, making sure his ride was more safer, and stable. He liked this pony ride much better. > The Talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Talk Pinkie Pie trotted back inside of the library, as everypony was busy doing something. The crusaders were still............... they really should get over it. Rarity was talking to Applejack about decorating for the next Apple Family Reunion coming up in a month. Rainbow Dash was talking to Fluttershy on how she can teach her to be brave. And Twilight Sparkle was at the cauldron whipping up the reverse potion for Spike, and surprisingly helping her, Princess Luna. "Hiya girls. We're back." said Pinkie. "Oh good." said Twilight. "You didn't miss much, considering you were only gone twenty minutes. The potion needs two hours to churn, then it should be done. You'll be back to normal in no time Spike." Pinkie put her eye very close to Spike to see what he was doing. Being she was so close to him, he gave a nervous smile. Pinkie just gave a big smile, and turned to Twilight. "He's happy." she said joyfully. "Thank you for keeping him occupied, but....... could I have him now? I need to speak with him." she said. "But eh, you do know you aren't going to be able to hear him, right?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry Rainbow, I just really need to speak with him." replied Twilight. She then proceeded to levitate him from Pinkie's back, to Twilight's mane. "Luna, would you watch the potion for me?" "Of course Twilight." Luna replied. Twilight smiled, and trotted upstairs to their sleeping area of the library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was a little on edge as he was being carried by Twilight to their room. He heard every booming step below him, as she went up the stairs. Was this where he would meet his end, like in his dream? He could only think, and clam up. He saw the bed coming, as Twilight climbed ontop of it, almost making him fall off. He then felt Twilight's purple ora surround him and lift him up out of her mane, and put him in her hoof. Her hoof looked to be the size of a hoofball field to the tiny dragon. Spike looked up at his gigantic friend, as she began to speak to him. "SPIKE, I'M SO SORRY THAT THIS ALL HAPPENED. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SCARED OF THE ENVIRONMENT, THE BUGS, OUR FRIENDS, AND MORE THAN THE OTHERS........... ME." Spike was brought back by this comment. How did she know about this? "I KNOW THIS, BECAUSE LUNA WANTED TO TALK TO ME. THAT'S WHY I SENT YOU WITH PINKIE EARLIER. SHE TOLD ME THAT YOU HAD A NIGHTMARE LAST NIGHT. THAT I WANTED TO CRUSH YOU NOW THAT YOU ARE SMALL, THAT I WANTED TO CRUSH YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE A BURDEN AND THAT I WAS TIRED OF YOU CAUSING TROUBLE." Spike began to feel tears building up as Twilight continued to speak to him. "SPIKE, REMEMBER IN THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE, WHEN I SAID I WAS NEVER GOING TO SEND YOU AWAY? I MEANT IT SPIKE. YES, SHE ALSO TOLD ME YOU BROKE THAT POT, AND IT WAS FOOLISH OF YOU TO TRY TO HIDE IT FROM ME. AND YOU PROBABLY WOULDN'T BE IN THIS MESS IF YOU DIDN'T JUST TELL ME. BUT SPIKE, YOU ARE ONLY A CHILD, AND YOU ARE LEARNING AS YOU GO ON WITH LIFE." By this time, tears were rolling down Spike's cheeks. "NOT EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT, AND IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE, IT'S OKAY, WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES. IT'S HOW LIFE WORKS. BUT I WOULD NEVER WANT TO SEND YOU AWAY, AND NEVER EVER LET THE THOUGHT OF ME HURTING YOU EVER CROSS YOUR MIND. I WOULD SOONER END MY OWN LIFE THEN TO EVER THINK OF HURTING YOU." Twilight then began to tear up. "YOU WERE MY VERY FIRST FRIEND THAT I EVER HAD, AND MY BEST FRIEND AT THAT. YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME SPIKE, AND I LOVE YOU, AND I ALWAYS WILL." Spike was just breaking down into sobbing. "I LOVE YOU TOO TWILIGHT!" he screamed and cried. Twilight heard a faint squeeking, but knew what he said, and slowly hugged him and cried. She began rocking him back and forth, and Spike felt like his tiny baby years, where he was an infant, and his mother figure Twilight would comfort him when he cried. "IT'S OKAY SPIKE, IT'S OKAY, I'M HERE, AND I LOVE YOU, SO MUCH." Twilight cried and rocked. They didn't know it, but all the ponies downstairs were crying too. Even Rainbow Dash was hugging Pinkie close as they both cried. > The Remedy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Remedy After what seemed like hours of crying and happy times with eachother, the counter potion was finally ready to be used. Twilight bomingly trotted down with Spike in her mane, as everypony was waiting downstairs. Spike still had some tears in his eyes, seeing how much everyone of his friends cared for him. Rainbow Dash took Spike out of Twilight's mane and put him on her muzzle. "HEH HEH, I'M GONNA MISS HAVING YOU AS A TINY PLAYMATE." she said with a blush. "YA, ME TOO!" boomed Pinkie next to her, making Spike cover his ears. "BUT IT AIN'T LIKE YA'LL ARE GONNA CHANGE FOR US." AJ said behind him. "WE'LL HAVE THE SAME FUN WE HAD BEFORE." Fluttershy said. "BECAUSE YOU'LL STILL BE OUR TEENY WEENY SPIKEY WIKEY." Rarity happily said. "OKAY GIRLS, LET'S DO THIS." Twilight said, as she levitated Spike back onto her mane. "NOW SPIKE, YOU JUST HAVE TO DIVE IN, AND YOU'LL GROW BACK TO NORMAL." Twilight stomped toward the cauldron with the potion, and it looked pretty normal water. Spike was a little scared to jump from such a high height though. Twilight thought of that, and lowered her muzzle a bit so it wasn't as long of a fall. "THERE YOU GO SPIKE." she boomed with a smile. Spike saw his chance, and dove straight in. He stayed underneath the water, and felt all sorts of tingling throughout his body. Suddenly, his arms and legs began to grow. After that, the rest of him too. After a few minutes, Spike breeched the surface of the cauldron, a normal sized dragon. All of the ponies cheered and hugged him tight. Spike began to cry again, and ths made everyone else too as they hugged him. He was so happy to finally be able to talk to his friends again. He told them everything that happened: being swept out, rained on, nearly stepped on multiple times, took a ride on Rainbow, and his nice dream with Luna. "I'm so glad to finally not have to strain my neck looking up at you girls." he said with a chuckle. The others laughed too. "Hey, if you want a really cool ride, just let me know okay?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Totally." replied Spike. After a long day, everyone, even the princess, finally went home. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike went to the carpet and rumeged under there until he found the little tiny shards of the pot he broke under the mat. He then showed it to Twilight. "Here is the pot Raity made for you, I'm sorry I broke it." he said. "Well, I just wished you would have told me this before, instead of trying to hide it like you did." "Oh, I'll never do it again after this incident, that's a fact." Twilight then gave him a big hug. "I'm just glad you're home safe and back to normal. I love you Spike." "I love you too Twilight." They both hugged eachother for a long time. "Hey, you think I could be tiny again, so I can get another one of those furry big hugs? And have gigantic chrystals to eat?" "Spike~" "Hehehe, at least we have the potion to put me back right after we're done." "Maybe another time Spike. A LONG time." They both giggled, and went into the study hall, where Twilight wrote her latest letter to Princess Celestia, and Spike wrote it for her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dear Princess Celestia, During the events of the party that we threw for your sister, Princess Luna, my faithful assistent Spike bumped into my shrinking powder and knocked it onto himself, making him as tiny as an ant. We didn;t notice him until we went through with the party, and thankfully, we restored him to normal. We all had such a great time together, and we all showed how much he means to us. Spike learned though, that we all make mistakes, and that we all learn from them as we live our lives. Whether we are young, or old, it's how life works. And no matter what mistakes he makes, he will learn from them, and I will always love him. And I plan to continue to love him as long as we both live. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And whatever happened to the cutie mark crusaders you may ask? Well, they gave up on the bug extermination, and are trying out cattle wrestling.