Paradox, Spirit Of Time (A short story)

by Chris-Cross13

First published

The TIME has come for a new villain. That was a horrible joke, i'm sorry.

(Note: The following story takes place after the Chrysalis Incident and before Princess Trixie's Revenge) Nice going Twilight, you accidentally summoned an evil time spirit. Well, shoot. This ought to be fun!

Paradox, Spirit Of Time

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The weather in Ponyville was absolutely perfect! The sky was blue, the clouds were white, and… Twilight and Christian were yelling at each other again. Perfect. You would think they would have other things to do other than bicker about each other. But no, they keep arguing at each other like a debate team. We start off with these two as they yell at each other while walking to town.

“Well at least I’m not purple!” Christian shouted at the unicorn.

“It’s mulberry! And it’s way better than light pink!” Twilight protested.

“My skin is tan! What are you colorblind? Christian retaliated.

“No, but I may need glasses. I looked at an x-ray of your skull, but I couldn’t find you brain!” Twilight was trying to think of a clever comeback.

“Oh you want to go there! I’m WAY smarter than you! At least my brain is bigger than a walnut!” Christian stated. He brushed up on some facts about ponies before he came to Equestria today.

“Maybe on Earth! I know way more than you!” Twilight has studied her whole life. She knew she had a higher IQ.

“Maybe in magic! You don’t know a thing about Earth! At least I study the planet I’m the ambassador of!” Christian has also been studying Equestria now for a few weeks.

“I know a lot about Earth!” Twilight protested.

“Like what?” Christian knew Twilight didn’t know anything about Earth.

“Uhh…It’s…round and mostly water.” Twilight

“Oh yea, you know A LOT about Earth!” Twilight and Christian kept bickering as they walked along the road. Unbeknownst to them however, a mysterious figure watched from the shadows.

“Hmm, a human, the perfect mold for my being. I didn’t want to become a pony anyway.” The figure said before he suddenly vanished.

“Well, there are no books about Earth here.” Twilight pleaded.

“Ok, you got me there.” Christian admitted.

As Twilight beamed with her small victory, her ears perked up. Twilight looked around suddenly. She thought she heard some sort of rumbling.

“Christian, do you hear that?” Twilight kept looking for the source of the sound. Christian rolled his eyes. He didn’t hear anything. “I think it’s the sound of NO ONE CARIN…UGH!” Christian stops mid-sentence.
Something struck him so hard, it felt like it went through him!

“Christian?! What’s wrong!?” Twilight turned to see that her frenemy was somewhat paralyzed. Suddenly, a black aura burst out of Christian. He fell like a stone; flat on the ground and writing in pain. Twilight ran over to him.

“Christian, are you ok?” Christian slowly got up, holding his stomach. He looked over at Twilight with a bitter anger.

“Yes Twilight, I’m fine! I’m only feeling the worst pain I’ve ever felt! Other than that, I feel great!” Chris said sarcastically.

“Oh, don’t worry. The pain should subside in a few minutes.” A voice from above them said. The voice sounded ominous and dark. It sounded like Discord, but much more evil.

“Whoever said that better be ready to…” Christian looked up to see the figure. His eyes grew wide when he saw the figure.

“You…look…just like me!” the human exclaimed.

“Indeed human. I copied your body perfectly!” The creature said.

Twilight eyed the being. The figure was floating above them. Indeed the creature was wearing a red shirt and black track pants with a red stripe down the legging with black and red sneakers, exactly what Christian wore. However, the being had no skin. Instead, the black aura formed his arms, hands, and legs. He had Christian’s long, blonde hair, but his head was the same black aura. With yellow, evil looking eyes, shaped like two big slanted half-circles.

“Yea, you right. Except for the whole black aura and yellow eyes thing.” Twilight said.

“Oh really Twilight, I thought I had yellow eyes and was surrounded in a black aura.” Christian said sarcastically. He then realized he was getting off topic. “Anyway, who are you?” He said to the flying being.

“You do not know me? I am Paradox! Spirit of time! You must have heard of me!” The being boomed.

“No.” Twilight and Christian responded plainly. They looked at each other, each giving the 'What the heck is with this guy?' look.

“WHAT?!” Paradox yelled at them, even louder than Luna’s Canterlot voice! He then, shrugged it off. “BAH! It doesn’t matter. You and this world will know me as “Lord Paradox” Soon enough.” He said with a snicker. Christian laughed at this little comment. “Right, and I’m the Queen of England. A. My name is Christian not “human”, and B. Where the heck did you come from?” He said with slight curiosity.

“I came from a rip in the time space continuum. From a tear in the universe, is where I originated.” Paradox stated.

“In English, Paradork.” Christian said with slight urgency.

“A time paradox has summoned me to this plain of existence!” Paradox shouted.

“A time paradox? When was the last time someone time traveled here? These ponies don’t even understand how lightning works!” Christian said, eyeing Twilight with a smirk.

“Oh? Then go ask your little unicorn friend about what she did a few months ago.” Paradox said, probably with a grin, if he had one.

“What are you talking about?” Christian said. He turned quickly to Twilight. “What did you do Twitlight?” Twilight looks angrily he disgruntled frenemy.

“I didn’t do anything!”

“Oh so you didn’t time travel to the past to warn your future self about… What was it? Something pointless!” Paradox said to the small unicorn.

“I…uhh… forgot about that.” Twilight said, stuttering and looking down.

“Wait, you did what now?!” Christian shouted. Twilight started to step back in fear.

“That’s right human! This world will be mine, and it’s all thanks to your stupid purple unicorn friend.” Paradox boomed.

“Over my dead body!” Christian shouted at the spirit.

“I’ll keep note of that. Well if I am going to take over this world, I’m going to need some help. I wonder where you ponies put Discord. You know, spirit of chaos? He and I have a lot of catching up to do.” Twilight eyes Paradox again. She notices Paradox didn’t copy Christian's entire body.

“Hey Christian, he didn’t copy your necklace.” Twilight stated as she pointed at Paradox’s “neck”

“What the?” Paradox looks at the gold necklace with the red guitar pick hanging from Christian’s neck. He looks down to see that one is not around his neck. “Hmm, odd. I could have sworn I copied your entire body. Never mind that! I have things to do! See you later, lesser creatures! Paradox takes out a staff with what appears to be a stopwatch on top and with one, swift movement, he vanishes. Christian and Twilight look as Paradox vanished. Chris then quickly turned toward his lavender frenemy. Twilight looked at him with a slight nervous smile.

“Heh heh heh. Funny, right Christian?” Twilight said nervously. Christian snarls angrily at the mulberry unicorn as he shoots Twilight with a dart from his crossbow. Feeling the effects of the tranquilizer, she falls down like a rock seconds later.

“No, but that was! Have fun sleeping for the rest of the day Twitlight!” Christian looked at the sleeping mare. “Well, better go tell the princesses about this. And ask when Twilight is getting sent to the dungeon.” He picked up Twilight’s forehooves and started to walk toward Canterlot, dragging Twilight’s unconscious body behind him.

Meanwhile, Paradox appeared by Discord’s stone statue. Paradox was trying to bust it open to free his friend.

“Curses! This stone prison can only be destroyed with magic! Curse my lack of power! I can only slow down time! If I’m going to free Discord, I need a student. I need… a unicorn!” Paradox thought for a second. He could get any unicorn in Equestria to help him. But that human was going to tell the princesses about his appearance. Paradox grows angry as he realizes his plans are going to be ruined, before he even starts planning! “Stupid human!” Paradox floats away from the Discord statue. As he floats over Everfree forest, he tries to make a Plan B.

“I could kidnap the one called “Twilight Sparkle” and force her to do the spell or I would threaten to destroy everything she loves. No, that won’t work. What about…” Paradox was about to say something, when he hears someone talking. “What was that?!” Paradox looks around to spot a light blue unicorn walking through a forest.

“Stupid Twilight and her stupid friends!” She mutters as she walks.

“Who is that?” Paradox uses his staff over the unicorn to reveal a book. The book opens to reveal information on everypony in Equestria. “Hmm, Name: Trixie Lulamoon, Type: Unicorn, Specializes in: All magic, Hates: Twilight and friends. Interesting! She could be a valiant ally to me! However, I feel as if things may turn up for her. Time itself is telling me that a plan for revenge will be made by her within a few days. I shall wait to see what happens.

“Hmm, rivers always point to a source of water. I should follow this to see where it goes.” Trixie says as she changes course to follow the river upstream.

Back at the castle, Christian just finished explaining what happened a few minutes ago to Celestia, Luna, and the other five.

“And that’s what happened. Crazy time spirit… thing.” He said, breathing heavily after the onslaught of words that explaining the whole ordeal.

“I see. Do you know where this “Paradox” is now?” Celestia asks.

“He vanished into thin air. The last thing he said was something about Discord.” Celestia gasps.

“GUARDS!” A group of guards rush into the main chamber. “I need you to watch Discord’s statue at all times. This Paradox could mean bad news.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The guards rush off to guard the statue.

“By the way, when is Twilight getting sent to the dungeon for conjuring an evil time spirit who can do who-knows-what to Equestria?” Christian asks with a certain urgency.

“Where is Twilight?” Celestia asks. Christian moves to the left to reveal the unconscious Twilight, still sleeping from the dart.

“Figures. Christian, Twilight had no idea time travel would conjure this… thing!” Celestia says, rolling her eyes.

“Oh, alright fine! She doesn’t have to go to the dungeon this time!” Chris picks up Twilight’s body again. “I’ll take her back to her house. Girls, a little help?” Dash and AJ take Twilight’s body. The others follow to leave.

“Christian, wait!” Celestia yells. Christian looks back at the white alicorn.

“Be on the lookout for Paradox. Who knows what he could be up to?”

“No problem, PC! The moment I see anything weird, I’ll come to you first!” He shouts as he runs out of the castle and after the girls. Celestia gets up from her throne and goes to walk upstairs.

“Celestia, do you know anything about Paradox?” Luna asks.

“No, do you?”

“His name does sound familiar. I think he came to me when I was Nightmare Moon. I can’t remember what for though. All I can remember is that I ended up casting a spell to destroy him when he got too greedy with power. Luna said.

“Well, it looks like he’s back. We better stay on guard, who knows what he could be up to?” Celestia goes to walk toward the castle library for more research about this spirit of time.

“All I know is it can’t be good.” Luna finished. Celestia looks back at her sister and nods in agreement.