> Flaris the Pegasus > by DPheonix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- His eyes were sore but he couldn't wipe the dust out. His black mane blowing backwards from sheer speed. He wove through the trees he had found himself among. His vision was blurry as he came out of the orchard. He hadn't blinked since he'd been teleported and he would have normally just flown over. "But thats not part of the test." he thought "I have to stay at max 5 feet off the ground." by now he was rocketing through the town at high speeds and it was taking every bit of his flying skill to dodge the ponies on the ground. "I bet that the others got nice flat grasslands. Well i guess that's because I'm their most promising..." Flaris opened his eyes, his vision not as blurry as before. Realizing his mistake too late as he met with the window breaking through barreling over one surprised lavender pony before slamming back first into a shelf of books knocking them all off their shelves. As he hit the ground and the books started to land on him. "Cra...." his thought cancelled as a particularly heavy encyclopedia hit his head knocking him out cold. ... Flaris woke refusing to open his eyes. "I hope he's alright." He opened his right eye a sliver to see the cutest looking mare he had ever seen looking at a clock nervously. He closed his eyes again and groaned. "I died, didn't I. Dammit I haven't even written a will yet." He opened his eye slightly as he heard the mare leave. "Maybe. If I'm not dead. Then I could still make the deadline." He shook his hoof as fast as he could and sighed. "No the deadline would already be passed. And besides his wings hurt to much to fly. It's totally not because I like the mare. Even if she was so cute. Dammit I need to get back to Canterlot. I can't get distracted because I want to spend time with the cutest mare ever. I need to get back and to succeed. Celestia herself is relying on this program working." Flaris turned himself over and looked at the old bookshelves beside him. The first book he saw stood out to him. Snow mare "I've never read this. Maybe I should." "Maybe we should take him to the hospital." said an unfamiliar voice "I suppose we should." the pony which Flaris recognized as the lavender mare was walking in He closed his eyes and dropped the book letting it hit the floor "Huh. What? A book. It opened itself when it hit the ground." said the mare. "Hey maybe you should do what it says in the book." said the unknown voice. Flaris heard a gulp "Hope he doesn't mind strangers." said the lavender mare as she leaned in and kissed him. Flaris eyes opened to look at the mare before he fainted with a wide grin on his face. ... When he came to again he saw a mare glowing red from both anger and embarrassment "How long were you awake and just pretending?" she asked. "Uhhh.. About an hour maybe," he said nervously. "Well do you know what you've done?" she asked angrily "damn straight. I just got a kiss from the cutest mare around." A stupid grin appeared on the his face as the mare blushed making her even redder. "Look I'm sorry about that. I wasn't exactly expecting those results." Flaris continued "I haven't exactly read that book." "What! You've never read snow mare?" she exclaimed. "Well I guess that maybe I can forgive you." Flaris laughed "Sorry. The kiss thing did wake me up I guess." the lavender mare giggled "I guess it did." "Even her laugh is cute!" He thought "I was expecting you to read it to me. Hey I don't know ya name yet." "Twilight Sparkle." she replied. "Well Twilight nice to meet you. I'm Flaris." he got up and looked at himself in the mirror as he checked himself over. He was relatively unscathed his black mane and orange coat were messy but not covered in blood his hetrochromic eyes, one blue. One green, were sheepish but not blood shot. There was a bump on his head but when he looked at his wings his spirits fell. They were wrapped in bandages keeping them trapped against his body. "Uggh." He moaned. "Whats wrong?" asked Twilight. "I'm supposed to be at Canterlot right now. I've failed the test." Flaris bowed his head as his ears flattened "Mind if I ask what test?" Flaris just sighed. "I guess I have to tell you. I owe you that. I'm apart of a secret program run by Princess Celestia that is designed to make an elite unit of pegasi using enchantments." "But couldn't that kill you?" Twilight cut in. "Yes. But we signed up for it. Most of us had no families or friends. Some of us had lost them. Others never had them." Flaris continued, "There's about six of us left. And we each have a different kind of enchantment skill." "What was yours?" asked Twilight. "Flame manipulation. I've got to get back to Canterlot. They are probably waiting on me." Flaris stepped to go outside but Twilight held him back. "WAIT! Uh i mean maybe I uh should show you around." "Sure i could do with some procrastination." Flaris laughed. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter two "What would you like to order sir?" "I'm sorry what?" Flaris wasn't ready for the question. He was used to getting a meal and being told to eat it. No matter how disgusting it looked. "What would you like to eat sir?" the waiter was obviously agitated. "Two dandelion sandwiches." Twilight cut in before Flaris annoyed the waiter again by not knowing how a restaurant worked. Flaris just watched as the waiter wrote down the order then left the two alone. "When you said you'd never been to a restaurant I didn't  think you were serious." Twilight was smirking. obviously finding humor at Flaris' awkwardness around the restaurant.  "Look I don't usally get asked what I wanted to eat. Part of my training is you have to be able to cope with any food imaginable. So asking what we want doesn't matter." "Oh ok." twilight frowned but instantly perked up as their meals arrived. Instead of eating Flaris just looked at his meal. It looked alright. He took a bite but frowned as the pollen-like taste filled his mouth. Not wanting to make a scene he quickly ate his meal and skulled his whole glass of water. He looked at Twilight who thankfully hadn't noticed his disgust with the meal. "You must have been hungry." She smiled at him. She herself was only a quarter of the way through. "If your still hungry eat mine." Twilight passed Flaris her sandwhich. "Uh okay." Flaris gulped as he looked at the sandwich and Twilight who just sat there smiling cutely. "When you finish I'd like you to meet my friends." ...  "Oh no." Flaris stared at the boutique.  "Come on in." Twilight beckoned. "Oh no." "Come on Flaris." Twilight pulled him in with her magic. Flaris' eyes were wide in pure horror of the torture that would have taken place in the hell hole. He looked to where Twilight was leading him. There were two mares and a stallion. One was white fitting a suit on the stallion. The other was a pink mare smiling at the stallion. Flaris assumed he was her Colt Freind. As Flaris looked into the stallions eyes he saw a look of fear. A look that said please save me. Flaris squeezed his eyes shut refusing to watch more of the torture that was taking place.  "Rarity." Twilight called.  "Oh Twilight darling. Go out back. I'll be round as soon as im done here." After a short walk Twilight let go of her hold on Flaris and he dropped to the ground. He carefully opened his eyes to see what hell surrounded him. He was in a design room that doubled for a bedroom. It wasnt as bad as the previous room but he still didnt like it. The room still housed the pent up screams that almost all of the stallions who had entered the building had felt. He could now count one as his own.  "Ah hey Rarity. I'd like you to meet Flaris." Twilight was still smiling. Flaris turned to see the torturer who had just entered the room. It was the white mare who was just fitting the stallion beforehand. "Hello my name is Rarity. It's nice to meet you. Err. Flaris." "Its nice to meet you too tortur. Uh I mean Rarity." flaris watched as the she-devil eyed him. Flaris could have sworn she had two red horns poking out the sides of her head  "Anyone up for a cup of tea or coffee?" Rarity asked politely "Yes please." Twilight perked up, "Oh and Rarity I have a favour to ask." "Yes darling what is it." Rarity asked as Twilight leant in to wisper in Rarity's ear. Flaris watched on as as his brain racked through the possibilities of what was being said. His eyes wide with fear. A bead of sweat dropped off the tip of his mane as Rarity and Twilight grinned as Twilight stooped speaking. "Ready for some new clothes?" Twilight asked. ... "Twilight. You realise i'm never going to wear these again. And even if I wanted to I wouldn't have anywhere to put them right." "Why wouldn't you?" Twilight looked at him her eyes closed and  she was smiling "Well there is at least six different bags here. I only have a small chest where I keep all my stuff and I dont go out where I would wear them. Not to mention I am a part of a military unit. A cowboy outfit doesnt really fit." "Aww but thats the best one." Twilight moaned. Flaris just rolled his eyes. "I also think that the dinosaur outfit was a bit unnecssesary." Flaris looked at Twilight who had started giggling like a filly at the thought of the dinosaur costume he had been subjected to wear by Rarity. [i{It was a quick change of mood. He observed giving him the impression that she just wanted him to feel guilty at rejecting Rarity's gift. "come on." She said bounding ahead "I want to go home and get you to put the dinosaur outfit back on." "really?" Flaris wasnt really to keen on putting on the costume again. Espacially becuase it had thermal padding for winters. And it was the middle of summer "please." Twilight just looked at him with hope.  "alright fine." Flaris decided he'd just go along with it as he saw it made Twilight happy.  "Yay. And afterwards Ill read you Snow mare." Flaris smiled at the thought. > chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flaris couldn't sleep. His brain was riddled with thoughts and would not shut off. The day had gone so fast. He had been kissed by his new favorite mare. He had been to hell and back. Not to mention he still wasn't in Canterlot yet. He got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. "So anyway she tells me to get out of the house for the rest of the day. I bet she was spending the whole day snuggled up to him. You can tell she's got a crush." Flaris had remembered the voice from before. He peered around the corner to see a bright pink pony and a purple baby dragon. Both were eating cupcakes. "So Twilight's got a new ColtFreind? I can't believe I haven't met him yet!" The pink pony looked like she was having a fit. She was breathing heavily. "Calm down Pinkie. I don't think he's left the house yet." The purple dragon was trying to calm down the pony Flaris now knew as Pinkie. He was watching the scene in silence. Trying to not make a noise in case he wasn't meant to hear any of that. Flaris' stomach growled loudly and his eyes widened. "Well that plan ended quickly" the Pinkie's head snapped around to face him. "oh no." Flaris Took a step backwards as Pinkie stared at him. His head hit the ground as she jumped on top of him. "I haven't met you before. Whats your name?" Pinkie's smile going from ear to ear. "Uhh my name's Flaris." His head was a bit fuzzy from the impact of getting tackled. "Oh you must be the pony Spike was talking about. I can't belive I haven't seen you before." Pinkie was clearly an energetic pony but also seemed very insane. "Uhh no I don't think so. Didnt you guys say she had a crush on the mestery pony?" "Oh thats right. Well I've got a welcome party to organize. Seeya." Pinkie left the room leaving Flaris on the ground and confused. "What just happened?" "Pinkie Pie." The baby dragon replied. ... "So what are we doing again?" Flaris yawned sleepily. "Were going to Fluttershy's for lunch." Twilight spoke moodily. "Are you still upset because I put you back in your bed and slept on your couch?" Flaris stretched his neck out and cracked it moving his head from side to side. "I'm upset because you need to spend the night in a comfortable bed not out on the couch. Why couldn't you have stayed there and left me on the couch?" "Because the bed is to big for me. It feels like there needs to be somepony else in there," Flaris looked at Twilight. She still looked as cute as ever. Even though she was moody. "What is that supposed to mean Flaris?" She looked at him as he tried to redeem himself from thee question. "I uh ummm. The couch was very comfortable and you looked cold." Flaris scratched the back of his head laughing nervously. Luckily Twilight was satisfied with the answer. Flaris looked around the area they were in once again. Absorbing the happy nature of the place. The birds singing in their trees. All kinds of furry creatures playing in the grass and flowers. The warm sun shining down to the path. Twilight started giggling as Flaris closed his eyes. "I wonder what she's laughing about. Probably a couple of animals playing." Flaris opened his eyes as he ran into the tree. He'd wavered off path distracted by the warmth, the sounds and the smell of the area. "You have a thing with running into trees." Twilight giggled. "Come on. We're here." ... Fluttershy was adorable. Flaris still thought Twilight was cuter. But Fluttershy was defiantly adorable. With her sweet voice and elegant frame. She was shy and meek at first. Blushing a lot whenever Flaris spoke to her. But as they talked she got a little more confident and relaxed around his. Flaris sipped at his warm cup of coffee. It was his favorite blend made perfectly and he planned to savior it. He was glad that Fluttershy had some coco powder to spare as well. He was finding his eyesight drawn to the strangest lamp he had ever seen. It was curious and it looked like random bits of animals were just stuck together randomly. He had to admit he'd buy it if he saw it in a store. "So how long have you been dating?" That was the downside to the lunch. Rainbow dash. Flaris found her arrogant and loud. He knew of course that he himself could be the same at times. So he was willing to be patient. "We're not dating. We're just friends." Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow "Sure your not." Rainbow chuckled as Flaris and Twilight both let out a moan of exasperation. "Rainbow stop hassling them. It's not nice." "Okay Fluttershy. You ruin all the fun." Flaris was about to say something about Rainbow being controlled by her MareFriend but then thought better of it. I don't know that. And I don't want to hurt Fluttershy's feelings. Even Rainbow was kind of right I suppose. I wish I was Twilight's ColtFriend Flaris shook his head he'd zoned out in the middle of the conversation. He took another sip of his coffee. It was cold. He'd have to warm it up if he wanted to drink it at it's full potential. "Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed your meals." the sweet voice of Fluttershy brought Flaris out of his trance "Thank you the meal was wonderful." Twilight replied. Flaris realised it was time to go nodding in approval before downing the rest of his coffee "it was one of the best meals I've had in a long time." Flaris smiled at Fluttershy who was beaming back at them. "Hey what about breakfast? Remember I made your favorite dandelion sandwiches." "I uh. Hmm I." A small bunny started ushering them out the door and Flaris was thankful for the interruption. Fluttershy was about to say something but the rabbit slammed the door closed before she could. "Come on let's go back home." Flaris started to walk back to the library before he realized what he said. "No way." Twilight giggled "We have to go talk to Applejack." she started trotting off. "Home huh." Flaris smiled to himself before trotting after her.