Dog days.

by Shadowstalker

First published

Everypony finds out Twilight is actually a lycan. How will she react to knowing nopony knew?

Twilight's ready to tell her friends a secret she's kept hidden.

For the past 400 or so lycan years.

So, how will they react? How will she react? How will Ponyville react?

This is a different MLP universe, Crimson Moon existed 418 years later, Twilight Sparkle is now. OC's shall replace characters, except for the princesses. For once I'm getting Celestia to stop eating cake and be useful.


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1582 A.N.B.

A lavender mare ran through the forest, crying, panting and afraid.

She could still see her father's castle in the distance, smoking with what she had always know as home. Her family was dead, her home destroyed and now she was alone in a forest she didn't know.

"What have we done to forsaken this upon ourselves?" She asked to he moon.

"What is it thou seeks little one?" A gruff voice answered.

She uncovered her eyes, looking around she charged her horn.

"Show thyself!" She ordered. "Who dares to approach us?"

"I am but a friend, one who offers his gift to you."

"We want nothing but to slaughter the ones who killed our father." She said hatefully.

"Then, I have what is needed to do so. Something more powerful than any spell, sharper than any sword and more dangerous than a basilisk."

Before Crimson could answer, the bushes behind her moved and a large canine creature came out.

It was the shape of a thinned pony, it face was more canine but still had a ponies original shape. It's fur hung on it in silver patches, his front hooves were turned into paws with jagged nails, he was nearly four times her size. yet he seemed so peaceful to her.

"What art thou?" Crimson said, staring it in the eye.

"I am a lycan." He replied. "You have requested my gift, but be warned, it shall also be thy curse. Does thou accept?"

"If it means we would have vengeance upon our enemies, then aye. We shall see them fall."

Before she could react, he leapt forward and bit into her shoulder. She yelled out and as quickly as he appeared, he vanished into the wilderness.

She gritted her teeth, feeling the pain dissipate to be replaced by a sudden cold.

The pain was instant, the muscles on her belly retracted in on themselves, she shut her eyes and forced her mouth open in a howl of pain as her teeth shifted and grew.

She got up only to vomit from the pain. Her bones widened and lengthened, her front hooves split to form paws, the only part of them left were the claws that came out. She arched her back as the vertebra grew and lengthened. Her back hooves grew larger and heavier. She fell back on the ground as her organs twisted themselves, some even ripping before healing themselves.

Her muscles ripped apart, stitched together again and ripped apart again four times before her skin started to thicken.

Her muzzle grew longer, the bones splitting and healing as the final stages of the transformation finished. She opened and eye to the world, looking around as if it were day.

Spitting blood up, she got up and fell back into the dirt again. The cracking of the fire, burning away her memories reached her and she got up with a deafening roar. bats flew from the trees, she got up, fueled by adrenaline.

"Finally, they will all pay for their misdeeds!" She yelled hoarsely.

She pushed her way through the trees, tearing them from the ground in a mad frenzy as she ran back to the castle. She stopped when she heard a thunderclap, she growled as the rain began to pour, soaking her in the half frozen liquid.

"Get back! Get back!" A guard yelled as they dragged a line of shackled ponies down the mountain. "Get back in line!" He cracked a whip at a small filly.

She jumped away crying from the cut on her side and ran back behind a mare.

"All of thee have been charged for treason against the high king," the guard said. "As punishment, it shalt be a quick death."

Below, climbing the base of the mountain, Crimson could hear a pin drop from a mile away. She let out another roar, causing a few rocks to break free and hit her. She slid before digging her claws deeper into the hard rock.

Her first claw that made it over the edge, was struck by a whip and then a sword. She gave a yelp before putting her other claw on the top and pulling herself up. She looked at the frightened prisoners, her friends and family. And at the front was her father, bloody and bruised, staring at her sadly.

She turned back to the guards, pulling the sword from her paw. She lit her horn with a crimson aurora, causing a spiked wall of stone to come up from behind them. They readied magic bolts and fired.

She brushed away the flames, ignoring the ice as it crept up her legs and let the electricity flow through her. She crushed the first guard in her claws and slashed another in half.

She bucked one off the cliff, his armor bending into his chest as he fell with a silent scream. Now it was only her and the last guard.

She turned and saw him with a knife to her fathers throat, her eyes widened as she growled.

"I know who thee is, this peasants spawn." He sneered. "I'll take great pleasure in killing this one here. Thou may kill me, but it will be for naught, thy empire has fallen and thy blood has been tainted. Thou have been cursed by a lycan, thou shalt be killed at the stake for if another knows of thy horrid truth."

Time slowed down as the knife slid across her fathers throat, the charcoal stallion fell, his short purple mane covering his eyes as he hit the ash covered ground.

Crimson jumped and pinned the guard beneath her, with a trembling lip, she slowly crushed him. Watching as blood came out from his mouth, hearing the bones crack as his chest plate bent. Once his head fell to the side, she got off and approached her father.

She knelt down, crying as she looked at him. She turned back to the others and set them free with a spell, they all stood in attention, staring at her and their fallen ruler.

"We will never forget thou, father, not until we breath our last breath in this world of death and life. We shall always remember.." She gave a howl to the moon before letting her tears flow freely.

1897 A.N.B.

Hay Trough put her fore-legs on the rail on the front of the ship, watching as the waves went by. The salty air blowing freely through her lavender mane.

She sighed, brushing a lock of hair out from her eye, she got off and trotted below deck.

The small quarters were nothing but the regular. The wood was stained, old and slowly splintering away. She always flinched when she stepped on one particular board. Today was no different, it was always the same routine. Get up, eat an apple, correct course, think of father and then sleep.

With a sigh, she laid down in her bed, the foul smelling sheets she had grown used to didn't bother her anymore. She pulled the small blanket over herself and closed her eyes.

"Why must sleep be cast away from myself?" She asked herself as she got up. "I need no sleep today, for the sun has yet to fall."

She threw the blanket off and quickly went back up to the deck. The light momentarily blinded her, she put a hoof to her eyes before they adjusted.

She looked at the sea once more, seeing nothing but the blue waters she sighed and went to see if her course had changed.

She went to the back of the ship, opening the shaky door, hurting her ears she quickly slammed it, causing a small peace of glass to fall out from the pane.

The small room, filled with maps, ink wells, quills and parchment were only lit by a lantern hanging above the large table or through the dirty windows on the back wall.

She pulled out the chair and began to roll out the map in her hooves.

She squinted at it, tracing the latitude and longitude, looking at every continent and body of water. She looked at the compass, laying on the table from the corner of her eye and then back to the map.

She raised a single eyebrow in her direction.

"Equestria, hmm?" She said to herself. "It sounds suitable enough."

1980 A.N.B.

Twilight Sparkle traveled the streets of Canterlot, every other pony around her seemed soft to her.

As she trotted, she saw the stares she was getting and returned them with only a glance. She had gotten many over her long lifetime, so it didn't bother her anymore.

She had no feelings for them, 'why should they mean anything to a stranger?' She thought.

She passed through many streets, no direction in mind. She listened to nothing, tuning everything out, alteast until something caught her attention.

It was crying.

Curious, she hid in an alleyway and watched as a stallion and a mare, the mare crying into his shoulder. She perked her ears up and honed in on them.

"Just one is all I'm asking for...!" The mare cried. "All I want is a child, somepony to call our own."

"I know dear, maybe next time well get lucky." The stallion said. "Come on, why don't we go home and lay down for a while? I'll even make you some of that rose soup you like. That sound good?"

"Y-Yes... That would be nice." The mare sniffed.

Twilight watched them go, in a city of selfishness, they wanted nothing but one of the least selfish things. Something that she herself had lost. A family.

She felt sad for them, blinking a few times, a thought came to mind. A simple illusion spell not even an alicorn could break, not even the Draconequus that terrorized her lands at one time could break, yet, was simple enough for any unicorn to know. She knew it wasn't possible, it was before even their time, hidden away in her families archives. The only thing left after the fire, locked away in a metal chest. Her chest.

She cast the spell quickly and fluently, looking down after the sudden flash she saw her hooves had shrunk down to the size of teacups.

She peeked out from the alleyway, making sure no one had seen her, she picked up a box and dragged it with her. She followed the couple for hours, hiding in a corner or under the box if they glanced back.

They arrived at a large house, it was white, two stories and had a small flower bed on the left bottom window. After the door closed, Twilight waited until the sun had start to set before going up to the door. Climbing into her box, she used her magic to knock three times.

As the door opened, the mare came out, she looked around before seeing the small filly.

"Dear, come here!" She yelled. "Somepony left a filly on the doorstep."

"What?" He came up behind her and his eyes widened. "I don't believe this... Do you think she was left for us?"

"Maybe our prayers have been answered." The mare said. She picked Twilight up, holding her with her foreleg. "Such a sweet little thing, isn't she?"

"She is." He smiled. "What do you suppose her name should be?"

"Twiwight Spwarkle." Twilight said, trying not to blow her cover.

"Now isn't that just adorable, Twilight Sparkle. I like it; welcome to your new home, Twilight."

Twilight smiled, but internally she frowned.

'Father would be proud. Giving one's happiness to make sure others are happy.' She thought. 'I still haven't forgotten you father, and I never will.'

Moving on.

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Twilight sighed, watching her foster home disappear amongst the other buildings of Canterlot.

'I made them happy once, now they've got a son. As for me, they won't miss me.' She thought, looking at the ground. 'Nopony ever did.'

She sighed, looking down at the cobblestone street. The grey of it not helping her mood as her thought's drifted back to her exam. She hatched a dragon egg. One of the most magic resistant creatures in existence, and as a filly, she made it hatch and become an adult in seconds. Since then, her life and curse had been harder to keep in control.

It was the wolf making it the most difficult.

It tried to take over her during the day, that sudden surge of magic wasn't her but it; it was desperate, angry, hungry. It was a horrible thing, it grew just as she did. Keeping itself and her alive with each victim it devoured. Animal or sentient.

She quickened her trot, wanting to put as much space between her and the old memories behind.

The train station loomed ahead, a welcomed sign to her. The smoke billowed up into the clouds obscuring the sun light, the train releasing steam onto the nearby ponies. The amount of chatter from the station was immense, blocking out even the train.

She got in line and waited, trying not to make eye contact if she knew any of them. Luckily, no one did take notice of her.

Why would they? She thought. I'm just another unicorn to them, a simpleton, a lowlife in their perfect city.

She bought her ticket and got onto the train, making sure to give the ticket collector her's before entering.

She took a seat in the second car, just by the back door. The car was stuffy, making her eyes itch. The red paint on the walls of it was new, but she could see blemishes under it, created from other passengers. The windows had a clean shine to them, reflecting what light could be permitted through the train's smoke into her eyes.

She sighed, looking out the window as the train began to move.

The sun was just starting to rise, just barely peaking over the Everfree's trees. The town was illuminated beautifully, the morning fog casting a peaceful mystery to the small town and the hills behind it.

"They should be waking up now." She said to herself. "Wondering why their little girl isn't home, and instead going to Ponyville. Their adopted little girl."

"Your adopted?"

She blinked once before looking up, or rather down at the voice.

"Excuse me, shouldn't you be with your mother? Or whoever your legal guardian is?" Twilight asked the small yellow colt.

"I should, but you seemed sad. What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's... Nothing." She smiled. "I'm just going down to the town to help organize the summer sun celebration, and complete a little project I've been working on."

"A project? Like a science project?" He said. "I love science!"

She faltered slightly, a small tremor racking her body.

"Y-Yes... A science project." She said. "Why don't you go back to whoever it is your with? I'm going to need my sleep, you know all the work that I'll have to do. You wouldn't want me to fail, would you?"

"Oh no! I wouldn't want that!" He said. "Bye!" He trotted back to his seat where a peach colored mare hugged him.

Twilight looked back at the approaching town, frowning as she saw the sun move a few inches downward.

'If I'm right, then I should be able to finally find him.' Twilight thought. 'To end this bloody curse, to kill him and end his entire... Our,' she winced. 'Kind.' Licking her lips, she gave a small snort before resting her head on an arm rest.

A small flash of light made it's presence know and Twilight looked over at the walkway. Spike stood there, brushing some ash of his shoulders as he glared at his adopted sister.

"You left me at the castle!" He yelled. "I know you were in a hurry, but you totally forgot about me! I had to ask the princess to send me here like I was some scroll. Do you know what I had to do, just to talk with her? I had to singe a guard and walk in during a meeting."

She smiled faintly at him before he sat down. He crossed his little arms before following her gaze, he smiled down at Ponyville.

"Hey, Twilight, cheer up. Today's the night of the festival, and your supposed release of Nightmare Moon." He chuckled.

"Not supposed, I know she will." Twilight said. "And I have every intention of finding her."

"And what? Stopping her? An immortal, ancient, archaic goddess?" He said. "I know your special talent is magic, but defeating an alicorn? That's over your league entirely. No offense."

'What I need is her help.' Twilight thought. 'And soon, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep the wolf under.'

"And to find the Elements of Harmony, to stop her from bringing eternal night. They're the most powerful artifacts to have ever existed." Twilight said, the faintest trace of a frown showing on the corners of her muzzle. "I just can't believe it's today, or rather tonight that it has to happen."

"Twilight, are you alright?" He asked. "If it's about the yelling, I'm sorry. I'll help you look for your nightmare if it makes you feel better."

"No, it's just... A personal problem. Something I need some help with. A mares help."

"Ah, gotcha. A mares issues are no place for any male to wander." He curled up into a small ball, wiggled into a more comfortable ball before speaking. "Wake me when we get there, ok?"

"Sweat dreams Spike." Twilight said. 'Because tonight's going to be filled with a nightmare... Possibly of two kinds.'

She winced as she felt her teeth lurch forward, with a few mental struggles, they went back to their original spots. She wiped a bit of blood away, wiping that onto the red wall with a hoof.

As the train went through a tunnel, she saw the faintest glow reflecting off the window. She summoned a mirror and pulled down an eyelid.

I can't do much about that. She thought. I hope there will be enough lights at the ceremony to hide it.

She lit her horn and watched as the glowing faded. With a sigh, she tried to close her eyes, wanting to sleep the rest of the way.

She opened her eyes and sighed, she wasn't tired and she knew it. She looked behind her seat and saw no one watching. With a small smile, she pulled down the book she brought with her.

'A book filled with lies.' She thought staring at the worn leather cover. 'How to kill a werewolf.'

She gave a small smile as her hoof traced the silver wolfs head. She opened it and began reading, even in the dark or in the light of the train it was as clear as day.

A whole new Nightmare.

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"Ok Spike wake up." Twilight said, shaking him gently. "Spikey-wikey, wake up. Were off the train and going to the first pony."

He stretched and yawned, scratching his tail he looked around.

"So, this is Ponyville?" He asked. "I like it."

"Well good, because you might have to stay. For a while." She frowned.

"Stay? Why?"

"If what I'm after is in reach, then you might have to stay behind for quite a while." She said. "Don't ask, but it has a partial bit to do with Nightmare Moon."

He groaned before falling back on her.

Twilight looked around, scanning the scenery.

The sunlight was dotted on the ground, casting a shadow here and there while other bits were clearly lit, the homes and businesses looked as if they were colored with sharpie's, the cobblestone was surprisingly soft and gravely under her hooves. The suns warmth helped ease her nerves, taking in a breath of fresh air, she closed her eyes before opening them.

All she saw were two large blue circles with a smaller black one in the middle.

She blinked before backing up and seeing a vibrant pink mare.

"Um, hello?"

The mare gasped and jumped into the air, holding her position for a second before she vanished in a dust clone. Twilight merely stood there in shock.

She shook it off and continued on, squinting as a ray of light hit her int he eye.

'Alright, let's see who we have to go to first.' She thought as Spike belched her list up. 'Applejack, she's in charge of food. Where to find her, Sweetapple Acres.' She shrugged and followed the map on the back.

As she went, she began to notice the sun descending even more now. The town was slowly shrouded in an orange glow, giving the place an almost eerie feeling.

Sweetapple Acres

The trip was only an hour in itself, but her legs hurt, not only from the walk but from the bones wanting to break and regrow.

'I hope it doesn't become too bad at night.' She thought as she stumbled a bit.

She came upon a small house, a small sign welcoming her. The smell of apples was everywhere, apples littered the hills behind the house and partially by the sides. At one tree was an orange mare, bucking furiously.

"Excuse me, I'm Twilight Sparkle and I'm here-"

"Well howdy there Twilight!" Applejack trotted up with a grin. She took the lavender unicorns hoof in her own and shook her relentlessly. "We here at the farm just love makin' new friends! So, what brings ya down here?"

"I'm just here to make sure you have the food ready for the celebration. So, is it done?"

"Ya know it!" She grinned. "Now why don't ya... Hey, are ya feelin' bad? Your shaking worse than the back end of a rattlesnake. Maybe ya should get some tea..." Applejack said with worry in her voice as she reached out to the unicorn.

"No!" Applejack flinched. "I, mean, not thank you. I just need to check on the other few things and then go take a nap. I'll be better afterwards, bye."

"Bye! Now ya come back now, ya hear?" applejack said as she picked up the buckets of apples.

"She seemed nice." Spike noted as he woke up. "You weren't very friendly is you ask me."

"I just need some rest, that's all." She said, her voice almost straining. "You know just as much as I do what tonight is. You know how I get during the end of the month."

"Full moon, right." He nodded. "So, who's next?"

She lifted the list again and raised a brow.

"A pony named Fluttershy. She's in charge of the music."

He remained silent, his eyes switching back and forth on the page. He turned his head slightly, narrowing his eyes.

"Hey, Twilight, why don't you get her and I'll do the other two?" He suggested.

"No Spike, I couldn't." She nearly fell onto her knees when a tremor shook her frame.

"It's a good thing it wasn't a suggestion." He said. "I feel like I'm riding a mechanical bull. Now, you go check Fluttershy, and I'll get the other two. When I get to the library, I want to see you in the bed with an ice pack over your horn. Otherwise, I'll burn your breakfast."

"Oh no, burnt toast." She rolled her eyes. "Such a tragedy."

"Not toast," he shook his head. "Your entire breakfast. Toast, jam, hay bacon, pancakes. The whole pantry if I have too. Now," he jumped down and grabbed the list. "March."

She stared at him for a second, dumbfounded that he was giving orders to her.

'I can't believe this.' She thought. 'A princess one day, an unstoppable hunter the next, and now I'm being bossed around by my dragon hatchling assistant.'

As she hung her head low, he walked next to her, whistling merrily.

After a short walk back to town, Twilight had passed a few buildings before getting lost.

"Forget it, I don't have time for this." She said as she charged her horn.

In a flash, she appeared in the park. The vibrant greens stuck out against the brown of the tree trunks. Foals and other ponies played. A certain couple was sitting by the fountain, enjoying each others company.

The comforting melody of song birds filled her ears. The pony half of her wanted to stand and listen while her other half merely wanted to eat the birds. She shook her head clear of those thought's before passing through some bushes.

A butter yellow pegasus with a pink man was instructing a branch of birds. They stopped and looked at her, before the mare turned to look at her, she turned around, sensing the mares nervousness.

"Um, hello? Miss? C-Can I ask you to move... The birds can't do it with another pony around." She asked.

"Actually, I'm here to see if the song for the summer sun-ugh!" She gripped her head in a surge of pain. A low growl came from her throat, the pegasus backed away. "Celebration!" She spit out. "Is the music going just as instructed?"

"Y-Yes..." She replied, eyes wide at what she heard. "D-did you just growl?"

"No! I mean yes, but no. I'm just hungry, that's all. I need to get going, need to rest."

She left the bushes, leaving a slightly scared pegasus behind.

"I need to feed." She growled as her brow bunched and her lips peeled back. "No, I need to sleep." She reassured herself. 'To wait for the right time. Stupid wolf, stay down until tonight!' She ordered mentally.

The pain subsided, she stood there, awestruck. She looked at her hooves and noticed the holes weren't in them anymore, her legs felt sore but didn't hurt to walk on, and her teeth were flat and unmoving.

Not wanting to be in the open for when it strikes again, she disappeared and teleported away.

She reappeared on a wooden floor, the light's were out but she could see plain as day. She looked around in shock and surprise. Ponies were everywhere, smiling and looking in her direction. There was a large banner and a cake sitting on a snack table.

"I can see you all." She said. "Especially you next to me, can you step away? I'm not in a good mood and I'd prefer to get some sleep."

There was a gasp and the lights flashed on. The guests looked at her, she glared at the pink mare in front of her.

"How did you know we were here?" She asked. "Did somepony tell you?"

"No, I saw you all when I entered. Now, explain to me why you all are in my home and breaking four different rules in here?" She asked harshly.

"Were throwing you a surprise party!" She said blowing smiling. "Were you surprised?"

"No, but do you know what I am feeling?"

"What!?" Pinkie asked excitedly. "Tell me! I'm dying in anticipation!"

"The urge to start shooting fireballs and see if you can out run a lightning storm." She said flatly. "I'm going to bed, if your not here to get a book, please leave."

"But you cant leave! The party hasn't even started!" Pinkie said getting in her way.

"Listen," she gritted her teeth. "I am not feeling well, I have been very stressed lately and I still have a very large, and important project to take care of. The last thing I need is a party, or any loud noise." She said. "And, I'm just passing through, I'll be leaving tomorrow. Now goodnight."

"So, no party?" Pinkie tilted her head.

Twilight lit her horn and picked the pink mare up. She carried her to the front door and opened it, gently setting her on the porch, she shooed her away.

"No party." Twilight said. "All I need is some sleep. My head hurts, my legs ache and my mouth feels like it's being torn apart by the gums. Please, just go."

"Okey-dokey-lokey!" She grinned. "Pack it up! We've got another party at my place!"

The crowd of ponies nodded and packed everything away in a blur of hooves. In a line, guests carrying various items exited, Pinkie shut the door with a wave.

Twilight sighed and was bout to go up the stairs when she realized something.

"It's night?" She said aloud. "But... How? Did I mess my spell up?"

"Actually, my little pony, I did that."

Twilight turned around and bowed. Celestia undid her spell and she became visible again, with a tender smile she laid down.

"Princess, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked. "Shouldn't you be at the town... I'm supposed to be there!" She face-hoofed herself.

"Be calm Twilight," Celestia said. "You shall be fine. What I want to know, is are you ready?"

"Ready? Ready for what?" Twilight asked in mock curiosity.

"Nightmare Moon." She said. "I've read over your notes, an you haven't been studying about the Elements of Harmony. You've been studying magic dampening spells; you know only an experienced unicorn or even an alicorn has the strength to cast those. Why would you attempt at trying to cast them, and on a goddess?"

"I...I can't say. It's personal." She sighed. "Can we go to the celebration, it should be starting now." She gave a small smile as she felt the wolf begin to emerge again.

Celestia nodded and in a flash, Twilight was in the middle of a large crowd. She looked around and saw pillars wrapped in ribbon, a large banner over the balcony and Fluttershy up above with her birds.

She felt something jump on her back and saw Spike grinning. She smiled back before letting the wolf back in streams; she was going to need it's raw strength.

"Ladies and gentlecolts!" Rarity yelled from atop the balcony. "It is my great pleasure to have the princess here, to have us witness her raise the sun for the longest time of the year. If you would, here she is!"

The curtains opened and the crowd gasped. Twilight looked at the moon and saw the mares head, disappear in a shine of light. She grinned, letting the sharp teeth reflect the moon light.

As the ponies talked amongst themselves, a lightning storm filled the room. Appearing on the balcony in a cloud of purple magic appeared and split to reveal the dark empress.

"Oh our beloved subjects," she said, her voice motherly but filled with molten brimstone. "It has been so long since we have seen thy subjects faces."

"What have you done with the princess!?" Rainbow Dash yelled.

Before the dark mare could speak, a flash of bright light filled the room. The ponies bowed and moved back as Celestia made her way forward.

"Nightmare Moon." She said.

"Sister." Nightmare responded in tone, gliding down to meet her. "We had not to expect thee to present thy self."

"I am merely here so my student may retrieve the Elements." She stated calmly. "Twilight, leave and find them. I will keep her at bay."

"No, I need her."

The crowd looked at her, both of the alicorns looked at her in surprise.

"What use doth a simple wench, require our assistance for?" Nightmare asked.

"To help find a pony," she let her fangs show, her eyes glowing slightly as her horn began to glow a bright lavender. "Wench."

She fired and Nightmare raised a shield, the spell merely absorbed the magic and struck the dark mare. After a few convulsions, she then laid still.

"Get up, were going to the library." Twilight said.

Nightmare coughed before shakily getting up. She glared at the unicorn, charging her horn for a spell. She faltered and it fizzled out.

"What hast thou done to us!?" She shouted, the sheer volume of it making winds inside the room.

"I used an advance magic dampening spell." She said, letting her features return to normal. "I'm what you, yourself would call, moonblood."

Nightmares eyes widened before a fanged grin spread across her muzzle.

"Defeated by moonblood, how fitting." She said. "Very well, take us with thee. Thou has bested us in combat, we shalt help thee in thy quest."

"Just come on, Celestia, you too. I really don't want to lose control now." She flinched and gave a audible growl, the crowd backed up as she looked at them. A primal hunger in her eyes.

"What? You've never seen a werepony before?"

The crowd stared at her, she gave one snap and they fled out the doors. She smiled hatefully before teleporting the two goddesses to her library.

Bestial anger.

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The two alicorns and twitching unicorn stood in silence in the library.

"So, you two are sisters?" Twilight asked.

"Aye." Nightmare said. "Before she cast us away, to be locked within our pride. Our night."

"You wanted to bring eternal night." Celestia stated calmly. "The lack of sunlight would have killed every crop, frozen the land and would have also brought Discord back faster. And he would have surely defeated you."

"Defeat us? Neigh, we think not." She sneered.

"Would you two stop!?" Twilight yelled before wincing. "You sound like your yelling." Twilight groaned, rubbing her head. "You both have your reasons, but for now, could you stop to help me?"

"Yes," Celestia said. "Why would you need the help of a being who posses such dark magic? I have no idea."

"I said I need help finding a pony." She gritted her teeth. "So I can kill him."

Celestia's eyes widened, her face paled to an even brighter white.

"It's not what you think." Twilight said. "I've been tracking him... For-"

She gave a yelp of pain as the libraries door was slammed into the wall. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came in.

"Alright, we want answers!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "And we want-"

Twilight shot up and pinned her against the wall before releasing a roar shaking books, the windows cracked and every living being inside the tree went quiet. Rainbow Dash froze, whimpering slightly as she looked at the snarling unicorn.

Twilight got off and shook her head. She looked back and frowned.

"Sorry, it just hates loud noises before the change." She said. "My head is killing me..."

"The wolf blood within her is strong." Nightmare chuckled. "Yet, she resists it? We art most curious as to why."

"I don't exactly feel like tearing ponies apart." She coughed hoarsely. "Now, a-as I was saying. I've been tracking a pony, the one who did this to me. Cursed me."

"Doth thou know of his name?" Nightmare asked.

"I've been able to get a name." She growled. "Excuse me, I-I need to see if Spike is here."

As if on cue, the dragon came down the stairs. He stopped when he saw Nightmare and face-clawed.

"So, your the infamous Nightmare Moon." He said in a bored tone as he looked up at her.

"Art thou the one know as Spike?" She asked. "A dragon apprentice to moonblood. Thou art strange for thy kind."

"And I thought you'd be taller." He replied with a roll of her eyes.

"How dare-"

"Save the theatrics moon butt." He said. "Did you need something Twilight?"

"C-could you go prepare some tea, a-and make the guest bed?" She asked. "Princess Celestia, could you take me to my room in Canterlot? I-I need some things from there."

Spike groaned, Celestia nodded and teleported them both to Canterlot.

"Alright, until they get back." Spike began. "Not a single one of you touches a thing. Got it? It took me all day to organize the books."

"Thou do not-"

Spike let loose a small torrent of flames, singing her mane.

"When I say something, you will listen. I may be smaller, but I have teeth and jaws made to crush diamonds. And my fire, isn't just for scrolls. Now sit down while I make tea."

All the ponies sat down, amazed that he was commanding a goddess. Nightmare took off her helmet, letting her ethereal mane fall down past her shoulders.


Twilight found herself in her room again. She looked around for a second, remembering the position of the books and even taking a glance outside. The large window was fully open, letting the room be bathed in moonlight. She snorted before closing the curtains with her magic.

"What are you looking for Twilight?" Celestia asked.

"A chest. I hid it well enough so that only I could get to it." She replied, lifting a rug up. "Here."

She shot a small trail of silver light down onto the floor boards underneath. They began to shake before rising up, a shot of dust hitting her as they stopped and a large chest was lifted up. It was a large iron chest, the edges made from steel and a single lock made of gold. She wiped it away from her eyes and put her horn into the lock.

It gave a click before opening; inside there were only three things. A hooded cloak, her fathers crown and a large tome. It was stitched together, the brown surface lighter and darker in some areas, the pages looked yellowed and had bits of paper sticking out. She took them out and nodded toward the princess.

She lit her horn again and teleported them back to the library. What they saw made them stop and blink in confusion.

Spike was sitting next to Nightmare, both of them looking over a book. The other ponies were at the other side of the room, shaking.

"Are we interrupting?" Twilight asked as she set the items down.

"No," Nightmare forced out. "Was that correct young drake?"

"Yes." He smiled slightly. "You're a fast learner. I can't believe you're learning within seconds."

"Learning?" Celestia said. "Learning what?"

"The hatchling is teaching us how to speak properly, in this era's way." She said. "We art having slight trouble."

"Really? Why would he be doing that?" She eyed him warily. "She has not tricked you, has she?"

Before her half sister could respond, Twilight gave another growl. All eyes turned back to her as she opened the tome.

"Nightmare, I brought you here not only for help, but to make a deal." She said. "You help me find and kill my target, I let you take my body as a new host."

"What use would that do us?" She asked. "We control an alicorn, what greater power is there?"

"If you didn't notice... My cutie mark is magic." She said. "I represent magic itself."

Nightmare's eyes widened, her jaw hanging slightly.

"We... Agree with thy conditions." She said. "Now, who is the target?"

"His name is..." She clutched her head for a second. "Ah! F-Fluttershy...?"

"The yellow one?" Nightmare looked at the shaking pegasus. "Very well."

"No!" Twilight yelled. "F-Fluttershy, could you take a shower. A-And use a heavy scented shampoo? I-I can smell the animals on you." She gave a bark, scaring Rainbow Dash. "And it hates animals."

Fluttershy blinked once before rushing up the stairs and to the bathroom.

"H-His name, Nightmare," she began again. "Is Shirley Silver."

"Shirley... Silver...?" She said hollowly. "That traitor!" She yelled; she stomped a hoof letting her eyes flash white. "We will gladly kill him for thee. He was the first moonblood, the only to betray us, and if he still breathes, he shalt no more when we find him."

"Wait, hold up," Rainbow spoke up. "Your like a thousand years old, and if he's still alive, how old is he? And how old is Twilight?" She asked.

"Each moonblood," Nightmare began. "Is not only granted the gift of wolf's blood, but an eternal life. So long as they kill each full moon."

"She's right." Twilight said. "I don't remember much from when I was first cursed, but I know it was a very long time ago. It, the wolf, has killed so many, and I let it, just so I could live to track him down." She scowled. "And once he is dead, I can finally die as I want. As a pony." she smiled as she picked up the silver crown, rubbing a hoof along the smooth surface. "Just as father would have wanted..."

"H-How old are ya?" Applejack asked.

"What day is it?" Twilight asked.

"The twentieth of June." Rarity spoke up.

Twilight's expression fell, and turned to one of regret. "Four hundred and eighteen years of death." She sighed. "This has to end this year. I-I can't live like this any longer."

"We will come with thee on thy quest." Nightmare said standing up.

"No!" Celestia said. "You will not go anywhere with my student!"

"This is my choice." Twilight cut in. "But you can't go like that. It would draw too much attention. Why don't you chose another host?"

"Another? But who?" Nightmare asked.

"I volunteer myself."

Every resident int he room turned and saw Spike standing int he doorway to the kitchen.

"And I'm going with you, Crimson." He winked at Twilight. "Like it or not. So, do what you need to do and make it quick. I still need to get Crimson in her cage for tonight."

Nightmares fur and mane, slid off like a fog. When it left, a small blue alicorn was left, panting on the floor as she dropped with a thud.

Nightmare went up in the air and shot into Spike's nose, his eyes widened slightly before he gripped his throat. He fell to the floor in a coughing fit, just as the last of the wisps disappeared. He sucked in a deep breath before sitting up.

"I-I don't feel any different." He said looking at his claws.

He gripped his head once before his purple scales were covered in steel plating, each of them bending over each scale. The scales on his belly turned pitch black, and his spines and eyes turned a deep purple. He sucked in a breath, exhaling a plume of smoke; she grinned, chuckling.

"Interesting," Nightmare spoke. "We have not inhabited a dragon before... Ti's most interesting."

"C-Come on... We can continue in the morning. A-After I don't have to worry about tearing all of your throats out." Crimson said, shaking. "Oh, a-and Princess Celestia?"

She merely glanced at Twilight as she hugged the smaller alicorn in her white wings.

"My name is Crimson Moon. I'm tired of being c-called a lie." She said.

She snapped at a shelf and tore a chunk of wood out. She quickly hurried down the steps of the basement, Nightmare in tow.

The basement was an open area, except for the large cage in the middle. Roots dangled won, catching Crimson as she nearly ran down.

The cage had no bars but instead thick walls. A circular wheel was the only way in, unless the one inside were to push the walls apart.

Nightmare looked inside and saw the walls were covered in a clear gem. Chains glowing slightly poked out from the walls, all of them too large for the mare as she slipped them on. And standing in the back, in a smaller corner bent in, was a small deer.

Nightmare stared at it for a second, blinking as it stared at her almost pleadingly.

"A-Alright, close the door and lock it." Crimson said facing the deer; she slipped the chains over herself and let loose a howl. "Now!" She half yelled, half roared.

Nightmare closed the door and let Spike lock it. as soon as they did, Crimson screamed out and the cage began to rock back and forth as she bashed against the walls.

When she went back up the steps, she saw everypony flinch when a roar pierced through the cage and floor. Their faces were blank, even Fluttershy had come back down and was motionless.

"Relax," Spike said. "She and us are in no danger." He said. "This isn't the first time she's had to do this."

"But what if she gets out?" Rainbow asked.

"It... Wouldn't be the first time." He chuckled dryly.

The first lead.

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Spike stretched and yawned, sitting up he scratched his back as he lazily looked around.

"We were waiting for thee to awaken, young drake." Nightmare said.

"Nightmare? Where are you?" He asked glancing around. "Oh right... I'm letting you stay in me. Do you want to wake the guests or should I?"

"We... Would think it best for thou to awaken them. The two alicorns do not care for us." She sighed.

"Two... Alicorns?" He said. "Wait, that blue one, who was she?" He asked getting out of his bed.

"Celestia's sister, Luna. She was the one that made us from her greed, anger, and hatred towards the mortals when they slept through our night. She resented them, seeing them frolic and play in Celestia's sun, while we got nothing in return." Nightmare hissed.

"Hey, that's not true." He replied sternly as he went down the stairs. "You and her give everyone something Celestia can't."

"And what would that be?"


"Thy lying skills need improvement." She said bluntly.

"I'm serious, in dreams you let ponies see dead family members, live their wildest fantasies, even confess their love to another. You and her gave them what they always wanted, you should be proud."

She remained silent as he traveled further down, seeing the lobby full of sleeping ponies he groaned.

He crept up on Pinkie and shook her shoulder, she turned a little before springing up. She grinned and sat patiently.

"Pinkie, could you wake the others while I go get Crimson?" He asked.

She saluted before taking out a air horn. Spike rolled his eyes at her before going downstairs.

Halfway down the stairs he heard the surprised screams of six mares, he almost tripped from one of them rattling the foundations. He rubbed his head spines in annoyance from the noise.

He stopped short of the bottom, his eyes widened as he looked at the cage.

The front had been blown, or rammed away. It was imbedded in the wall in front of the cage, shakily he made his way over to look inside.

The inside was even worse, blood covered the floor and walls, a few pieces of fur were in the back from the deer, the diamonds on the walls had been shattered. He gulped when he saw the chains were missing the shackles.

"Everyone!" He yelled up as he ran. "If you see Crimson, don't-"

A scream broke out through the panic already put in place, he made himself go faster and nearly broke the handle off the door as he entered the lobby again.

Fluttershy was wiping something crimson off her fore-head. Her pupils dilated as she looked up, every pair of eyes following her.

"Crimson!?" Spike gasped.

She was up on a rafter looking down at them groggily. She yawned before jumping down, she passed a glance towards Fluttershy as she passed.

"I need to go wash that deer off my teeth, I'll be right out." She said as she went upstairs to the bathroom.

"D-Deer..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Yeah," Spike said getting all eyes on him. "She may have broken out last night, or this morning." He grinned nervously.

"Gee, we didn't know." Rainbow huffed. "It's not like we found out when I started, Oh I don't know, yelling at her when I saw a pair of red eyes looking at me."

"Rainbow, ya screamed louder than Rarity." Applejack said. "It was just as loud as, um, what's ya name again?" Applejack asked the blue alicorn.

"Luna." She replied simply.

"Yeah, ya screamed just as loud as Luna this morning." Applejack chastised.

"We found it unnecessary, that thou had to use..." Luna stared at Pinkie, mulling over her words. "Thy small can."

"As did I."

The blue alicorn snapped her head towards Spike, her eyes widened in fury as she saw him with purple eyes.

"Nightmare Moon." She growled. "Stolen another's body, we see."

"Actually," she said with a smirk. "He let us take his body willfully."

"Ti's not possible." She said. "What scatter headed pony would take thee?"

"A non-pony apparently." She smirked inspecting a claw. "Or, a goddess."

Luna stood up, her short blue mane falling loosely around her head as she charged her magic.

Nightmare rolled her eyes before letting Spike have control again. He shook his head before focusing on Luna. He dived out of the way as she fired a bolt of magic at him. He felt his head spines get singed as it passed and scorched
the wall behind him.

"Hey! It' me!" He yelled as she was readying another spell. "Stop It's me, Spike!"

She stopped and squinted at him before giving a snort and turning her nose up. He sighed, slumping against the wall as he rubbed his temples.

"Alright everypony, I'm sorry about this morning." Crimson said as she came down with a red towel around her neck. "Especially about the blood dripping on you Fluttershy."

"T-The deer..." She muttered. "W-Why the deer...?"

Crimson frowned and sighed, she shook her head in thought.

"If I haven't said it once, I'll say it now. I have no choice but to kill. So, it was either you all last night, or the deer."

"Yeah, why didn't-"

Crimson gave another roar towards Rainbow Dash. Rainbow stopped and sat behind Celestia. Luna went wide eyed before tentatively getting up, she walked up to the unicorn and stared for a moment.

"Thou art moon blood?" She asked. "Interesting, we thought them to be killed off. But it appears they live..." She put a hoof under Twilight's chin and tilted her head up before feeling her throat with the other hoof. "Fine vocal cords," she looked at Twilight's side and nodded. "Physically well. Thou art the most intriguing one that hast crossed our path."

"Thank you...?" Crimson said glancing over at Spike. He shrugged in response. "So, your Princess Luna, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Crimson gave a small smile, showing a row of canines.

The other ponies in the room gasped, Crimson ran her tongue over her teeth before grinning sheepishly.

"Sorry, some of the effects after the change remain momentarily throughout the morning. I should be normal looking again in an hour or two." She said. "Besides, it's not healthy forcing myself to change back."

"Thou art most unusual." Luna spoke again. "Thou knowest of Nightmare Moon inhabiting thine young drake?"

"I was there. He still hasn't told me what happened after I left." She looked over at him. "Why was the floor partially scorched when I got back? And why Nightmare Moon's mane also, had burn marks?"

"I told them not to touch anything." He admitted. "To be honest, I don't know why I was so grouchy that night... I just felt a sudden urge to start yelling, even burning anything in my way. Oh, that reminds me," he turned to the ponies and cleared his throat. "I'd like to apologize for being an ungrateful host."

"Parden us," Nightmare said. "We do not have time for talk, Crimson has given us a task. A small quest if thou will."

"That's right!" Crimson said. "I was busy picking fur out of my teeth that I forgot!"

Fluttershy shuddered as she turned a shade of pale green.

Crimson looked around the room before spotting the tomb resting by the bust of the horse head. She threw the towel to the side and opened the book up, skimming through the pages she stopped near the back and pulled out an object wrapped in cloth.

"Would you be able to use a piece of him to track with?" She asked holding it in her telekinetic grasp.

"Aye, he would have nowhere to run then." Nightmare replied.

"Good," she unwrapped the cloth and the room gasped. "What? He is a male, he was bound to have larger teeth." She said as she twirled the large canine around. "Impressive, isn't it? He showed me, not on purpose mind you, that if a lycan were to lose a piece of themselves, such as this tooth, then it would remain in this state. It remains like this because the contaminated blood is no longer flowing through it, but instead sitting in it."

She gave the tooth to Spike, he looked at it for a second before his eyes turned purple. He put both claws over it and a black light began to flow out from between his claws.

"it is done." She said opening her claws. "We could not find him directly in our weakened state, but we have enchanted his tooth. Where he is, thou may point towards his direction and it will turn black, turn it away, it turns white. A simple spell really."

Crimson took the tooth again and began moving it around the room, when it faced the back wall it turned blacker than sin. She turned it away and it turned into a eye watering shade of ivory.

"Thank you," Crimson said as she put the tooth back on the book. "Now, all we have to do is find atleast what area he's in."

"We can be of assistance." Luna said. "We art a fine tracker."

"Thy sister's guards do not count." Nightmare smirked as Luna blushed.

"Ti's the same thing. Only we art looking for a pony of a different era in this one."

"Oh good, that narrows our choices down to three ponies." Spike said. "You, no offense of course, Crimson and Silver." He spat the last word. "If I wasn't cold blooded I'd say his name makes my blood boil."

"Crimson, may we see the tooth?" Luna asked.

Crimson nodded before handing the tooth over to the second Lunar princess.

Luna wrapped it in her own blue aurora, letting the tendrils of magic examine it. With a small smile, she let go and handed it back to her.

"He is four thousand, three hundred and four feet North. Past a large body of water and in a city." Luna gave a toothy grin. "Is that enough?"

"Yes, that's plenty." Crimson grinned, her teeth looking much duller. "Because that means he's in Londmane. Spike, or Nightmare, go pack your things. We've got a long journey ahead of us."

"Um, Crimson, how are we going to get across sea without a boat?" He asked.

"I can provide a boat." Celestia said. "I can have it ready for you within-"

"Actually," Crimson interrupted. "I have my own boat." She grinned at their expressions of shock. "What? I am a princess, did you honestly expect me not to have something like that?"

"Thou art a princess?" Luna asked. "Who was thine father? What land did thee control? We may have know him."

"He was king Artharius Highborn, one of the three and only remaining elders of the Highborn clan. He controlled a vast amount of land, unfortunately," she frowned, a memory resurfacing. "Mother did not survive when I had been born. Father had told me she was a beautiful so young looking thou would mistake her for a poppet. We had been next to him when our empire had fallen, watched as our father was murdered and left to stand in the ashes. But, thou would have known him not, for thou had been imprisoned long before."

"We art... Sorry to hear of such tales." Luna bowed. "Thy Equish is very well spoken."

"Huh? Oh, was I speaking in middle Equish? That happens when I... Remember." She turned back to the small hatchling. "Spike, are you done packing?"

"Crimson, all I brought with me here was a tooth brush, a pillow and blanket, toothpaste and a lampshade." He said holding the toothbrush and paste in one claw while he held the blanket in another. "I'm leaving the lampshade though."

"Fine, let me pack and we can be off." She said as she placed the tooth back inside the cloth.

I'm on a boat!

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"You never mentioned you had a boat." Spike said staring at her.

"I never had to mention it," she replied. "I never thought he would have left Equestria. He knew I was here, yet he left, why?"

"Maybe he knows you want to kill him?" Spike suggested. "I'd start running as soon as possible if I was him."

"Yeah but..." Her eyes slowly widened. "Oh by StarSwirl's beard, I know why he was there..." She slowly faced the small group. "Last night was the full moon, and that's when we both have to feed..."

"So, that means that brute, ate somepony?" Rarity asked turning whiter.

"Yes," she nodded. "To him, a city is an all you can eat buffet. He's probably going to leave soon to cover his tracks. So we need to hurry, pack lightly, and time our leave. Spike, do you have everything ready?"

"Yeah, I've got what I need. I'd ask Nightmare, but technically were going to be sharing the same things." He shrugged. "So, where to? I'm kind of nervous about any boat you'd own." He said looking around.

"It's by the harbor positioned next to the Everfreeing Mountain's a few miles west of the Everfree." She said getting a gasp from Fluttershy. "Do... You know where that is?"

"That's your boat?" Flutterhy asked. "Oh, I thought somepony had left it there. It looks like it had been sitting there for decades... No offense." She quietly added under her mane.

"That's because it is a few decades old." Crimson replied. "I bought it from a griffon fisher in a small town away from the shore." She sighed. "I kind of liked his company too... It's a shame he was eaten by a shark. But, that was to be expected when he went fishing in the shallow's. Come on," she said lighting her horn. "I'll teleport myself and Spike over, Princess Celestia, could you follow the trail of magic left over?"

"Of course, we will appear shortly after." Celestia nodded.

Crimson flashed out of existence, Spike waving as he too disappeared along with her. After they had left, Celestia lit her horn and the group disappeared.

Everfree shore.

Crimson stood on the grey gravel, looking at the wooden ship, giving a relaxed sigh that formed from the cold air. She gave a small glance at the flash from behind her as it flashed across the rock wall to her left.

"So, this is it?" Rainbow asked. "Can it even sail? Or even float for that matter?"

"All it needs is a bit of... Repairing." Crimson said lightly, stepping forward she gave a small smile.

"Crimson, that thing needs a replacement if it-never mind." Spike said staring at the boat as it was wrapped in a crimson aurora. "Magic. Why not?" He rolled his eyes.

The boat before was nearly rotting through every board, the paint that had been on had chipped away, the sails were torn and stained, and the windows were broken, cracked, or just missing.

As the magic flowed onto the ship's shell, the paint returned to it's former glory, the wood returned to it's former age, the sails became white and whole again, and the sound of windows remaking themselves could be heard from below.

"This is it," Crimson said. "Our ride to Londmane. And after we make landfall, we'll have to hurry as fast as possible to him. Spike," she made a plank fall down from the side. "Get on and help me raise the sails."

"Hold on," Rainbow said. "Your not going anywhere without us!"

"Ad may I ask, how are you going to stop me if I choose to take only Spike and Nightmare?" Crimson asked.

"Well, uh," she looked at Celestia. "Can't you make us go, or something? Like a royal order?"

"It is her decision, and only her's to make." Celestia said. "I will send word to Londmane immediately about recent murders or death's. Good luck Crimson, and god speed to you."

"Thank you Celestia," Crimson nodded from atop the deck. "Spike! Hang onto something, were about to get going! And everypony, I'd suggest that you all move back, this could get wet." Crimson smiled at the ponies below.

She turned her head to the rock wall next to the ship and began to charge her horn. In seconds it was too bright to look at, she sent the ball flying; it smashed into the rock with a deafening bang, rock flew down in splinters, boulders still smoldering and others just charred fell into the water.

The boat rocked forward by the waves and began it's journey across the sea.

One hour later. Equestrian sea.

Crimson had the tooth in the place of a compasses neddle, as it began to turn white, she turned the wheel and it became darker again. She smiled, resting her head on the renewed wood, breathing in the saltiness in the air, or just listening to the waves.

She felt at peace.

That was quickly broken when Spike dragged himself up the wooden steps. She looked at him in shock as he sat himself up against the rail.

His tongue was hanging out from his mouth, his head scales were drooping to the side, he was clutching his belly and he had a strand of drool coming out from the corner of his mouth.

"Crimson, I don't feel so good." He said. "Could I get a bucket?"

"You poor thing, hang on, there should be one below deck. I'll be right back, try not to fall of the ship." She smiled gently trotting past him.

She quickly trotted down the stairs and turned the corner to the lower stairs. She opened the door and lit her horn, casting a gently crimson aurora around she squinted in the dark.

She ran her eyes over the dusty objects and other trinkets, she stopped and looked at one thing before watching it roll forward. She quickly caught the canon ball and set it back in place, as she was doing so, she noticed what it had been resting on. She took the bucket and set the canon ball down.

Crimson quickly shut the door behind her and returned back to Spike. She quickly put the bucket under him as he began coughing and finally throwing up.

"Don't worry," she said rubbing his back. "You just need some time to get your sea legs. After that, it won't be as bad."

He merely raised a thumb in response.

Getting thy sea legs.

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This is the author's note for this. Because I don't like having to explain things that should be explained after you have read it. It's irritating. So, this is a Spike/Nightmare chapter. Who really wants to read about Crimson reading maps? Really?

Spike was leaning over a bucket, his face had a green tint to it. He coughed slightly, letting a strand of drool fall he didn't bother with it. He didn't care about it, all he cared about was getting the vomit in the bucket and not on himself

"Thou must keep yourself clean." Nightmare said. "Ti's not healthy."

"I don't feel healthy." He said. "Inca-Incase you haven't noticed..."

Nightmare came out from him, sending shivers across him as her wisps slid over the underside of his skin. She looked down at him, a neutral frown displayed.

"C-Could you not stare?" He asked looking up.

She still looked down at him, shaking her head she went and laid down on the other side of the deck. Staring at him, she waved him over with a hoof.

"What?" He asked. "What do you want now?"

"We want to help thee. Now, do as instructed. Come to us." She said.

He merely glanced up at her, shaking his head he hacked some more partially digested gems up. When a thunder crack came out of nowhere, he jumped and looked around in shock.

"Come to us, we only wish to help thee." She said again.

"F-Fine..." He sniffed getting up with sore arms. "And what do I get in return?"

"Your legs." She said grinning. "Your sea legs."

He face-clawed before taking his first step.

Which ended up with him tripping on his bucket.

Getting up with a sour taste in his mouth, he glared at her as she snickered into a hoof. Wiping crystal's from his chest he took another step. He wobbled from the ship and his illness but held his ground. Smiling slightly, he then began taking more steps towards the misty mare of the moon.

He slowly made his way towards her, wobbling from time to time. As he was halfway across, another thunder-crack rang out startling him. He fell on his tail and just saw Nightmare's eyes become aqua again. She gave a wink as he snorted a small amount of smoke.

"Y-You were doing that before, weren't you?" He said. "To scare me?"

"Aye, I did." She grinned. "If you were to come over here, you could surely punish me for such a heinous act." She grinned.

He stood there, letting the words process in his mind. After a few seconds, he began to laugh much to her confusion and frustration.

"What? What?" She asked glaring at the laughing drake. "What hast made thou laugh?" She asked. "Did we miss the jest?"

"It's just what you said," he said getting up. "It's nothing. Just the tone you said it in."

She stared at him, mulling over her own words. Slowly her jaw opened and her ears splayed back.

And just as soon her lips peeled back as best as a mist-made, carnivore-like goddess could do and shot herself at him. Hitting him, she quickly went into his lungs and into his bloodstream again before entering his brain.

He stared down at his chest in surprise as it turned a menacing black, and his arm, including his claws, became a steel blue before he realized armor was forming. He looked at the morphed appendage in fear.

It lifted up and slapped him across the cheek before Nightmare spoke.

"Do not make a jest of our words; remember, we do not need thou, we only desire to kill Silver. And nothing shall stop us from doing so," she whispered almost as if she was by his ear spines. "Nothing will get in our way, lest they wish for an early death."

"I-I was only trying to lighten the mood." He sputtered rubbing his cheek with his other claw. "Your the one who agreed to using me; you do know I'm still technically a hatchling? Yet you chose me, why?"

"There is a hidden strength withing thee, we respect such a thing." Nightmare said. "Especially from a young drake, daring enough to stand against a goddess. We respect thee even more for that."

"But respect will only take me so far?" He said bluntly.

"Thou truly is intelligent." She laughed. "Ti's good to have found a worthy host of spirit and mind. Crimson is worthy to have thee by her side."

"I guess..." He shrugged. "But I'm still just a dragon," he muttered. "One who doesn't even have wings."

"Dost thou wish to experience flight?" Nightmare asked.

"You know I do. But, I was hatched as a fire-breathing lizard. Some life I got, huh?" He said going back to his spot under the railing.

"We... We may know of a spell to grant thee flight." Nightmare said.

"Nightmare, that's not funny." He said hotly. "I'm depressed enough thinking about it, and now your offering something that cannot be given. And you told me my trust was worth something."

"We know of a spell to give thee wings, and thou refuses it?" She inquired.

He stopped, listening to her words he felt uncertainty begin to form alongside hope.

"Your serious?" He asked. "You really know how to get me wings? Actual wings that can lift me off the ground and let me fly? Wings attached to me?"

"Aye. But it will be at-"

"Will it kill me?" He asked interrupting her. "Turn me into something else other than a dragon?"

"No," she said sighing. "There will be pain. Much pain, but thou shall get your wings. And your dreams of flight."

"I... I might need to ask Crimson about this. Just to see if she's alright with it, you know? She is like a sister to me, and I'd be a bad little brother if I didn't ask for permission."

"Siblings..." She said. "There is no true point to them. What does it matter if they art brother or sister? Thou is your own, and thou alone. Thou is intelligent enough to make your own choices." She said with a huff.

"Um... But she is the one who gave me life." He said taping his caws together. "And she is the one I trust the most. I don't want her not to trust me."

"Trust." Nightmare spat. "That is what the ponies of mine era gave us not. That is why we wanted to bring eternal night."

"But, wouldn't that have killed everything off? Things like plants need sunlight to grow, and-"

"We did not say what form of eternal night." Nightmare sighed. "We would have a blood moon shown, to honor our faithful guards, the night's strength, the night's care. It would have symbolized the shield that the night is for the innocents of Equestria. Not the sword to slay them all... Our blood moon would have spread it's magnificent light all across the land, daring our enemies to enter our domain. We would have ruled just as Celestia had; without greed, anger, benevolence. The land would be no different to what it was."

Spike was stunned. He looked down at the wooden planks and then back at the wheel where Crimson was staring out to the sea. With a sigh, he spoke.

"I... Fine. I'll take it. But, could I get something to bite down on atleast?" He asked impishly.

"Aye. Thou may. It will be needed."

Looking back up at Crimson, he thought he saw her glancing down from the side as she inspected a map. Shaking his head he went down below deck and started to rummage around.

He quickly pinched his nose when the smell hit him. It had the heavy odor of salted fish, mildew, gun powder, and vegetables that were originally left from the ships last voyage. When he stepped on the first plank, he made a face feeling the wet wood under his foot.

There were multiple crates and barrels, some leaking foul smelling substances from the bottom of them. He looked around, his eyes glowing a slight green as he let his vision wander around the darkened cargo room.

"Do you have any idea what I could use, Nightmare?" He asked. "Maybe a rag?" He suggested.

"A piece of iron would do better, your teeth would tear through cloth easily and thou would only injure yourself." She said. "There, by the... Pray tell, what is that contraption? The one of metal guarding the wall."

Spike looked over and his eyes widened. Running, he almost tripped over another bucket before reaching the wooden wheel of the canon.

It was crafted, as far as he could tell, in a bright silver metal. The mouth was in the form of a dragon's while the rest of the body was crafted further down its length. The wheels were larger than him, the rungs, six on each side, were thickly made from a dense stock and painted a dark red. After peering at it, Nightmare spoke again.

"Spike, what is this thing of metal and wood? Dost thou know?"

"Yeah I do!" He said grinning. "This is a three hundred year old canon from the griffon changeling war! I think it's an authentic, it's said you can tell by the way the dragon's teeth were made. If there bent back, then it's not real. But if their bent forward, then it could have been used in the war or made for it during the time."

As he pulled over a crate, she studied it from his eyes. Going through his memories, finding the canon it opened a new flood of memories.

Spike was trilled beyond belief, as he got up he immediately noticed how the teeth of the dragon were bent outward. Not from force, but by craft. Biting his hand slightly he got off and noticed the fuse on the end.

As he stared at it, something else caught his eye. A rag laying on the fuse itself. He hopped slightly and pulled it from its perch.

"Wait, no. I couldn't." He reminded himself throwing it behind him.

A crash quickly echoed around the room, followed by a series of what he could assume were fragile objects. Finally, a crate, stacked on two others shifted and fell spilling it's contents.

He cocked his head, picking the iron ingot up he flipped it around in his hands before shrugging.

"Nightmare, I've got some metal. And look, it's iron."

"Aye. Tell me," she said mischief lining her voice. "We did not know thou were interested in so many fine weapons."

"What? Hey, were you looking in my memories?" He asked angrily. "Now see, you talk about trusting me, but how can I trust you? That's my personal space, my private area. Being intrusive isn't helping you at all you know."

"We... Apologize. We only meant to search for the memory of the weapon. When we had found it, we saw many more. There were weapons that had not existed in our era. it excites us to know of such inventions."

"You know, I could tell you about them some time. All you need to do is ask." He said. "So, where should we do it?"

"Pardon us?" She asked.

"I-I meant the spell!" He sputtered glancing down at his arm again. Seeing nothing he sighed in relief.

"Good, now, go to the back. There should be cots there. Make haste!" She yelled the last.

"Alright! Alright! Just don't yell!" He whined rubbing his head. "It's a lot louder considering your actually in my head."

He wandered quickly through the crates and barrels, looking forward he saw a row of cots. Slowing down slightly he quickly felt his legs and arms go numb. Looking down in surprise he saw them become covered in blue steel. Groaning as he ran on all fours, he looked down and saw the ingot still clenched in his claw, a few dents were made though.

'She must be stronger than she looks. She's bending solid iron! And in my claw!' He thought. 'I hope it doesn't hurt me.'

"Do not worry yourself, ti's only us who holds the metal." Nightmare said. "Pardon us for reading your thoughts. We cannot help but hear them."

"It's... Alright. Just don't answer my thought's please." He said arriving at the cots. "So, now what?"

"Grab a blanket, a bucket, and place the ingot in your mouth." She said.

He looked around and saw a bucket, placing it in front of him he reached for a blanket. He stopped, staring at it, he saw it was the only unmade one. Curious, he leaned forward and sniffed the edge of it.

He jumped back with a gasp, swallowing heavily he merely stared at it before running a claw over it.

"This was Crimson's cot... Wow." He said in wonder. "She actually slept on a ship. I wonder what that was like."

"Spike! Get a blanket and step into the bucket!"

With a start, he grabbed a different blanket and immediately stepped into the bucket, ingot in mouth.

"Now, wrap the blanket around yourself. After that is done, we will begin."

He spit the ingot out, speaking again.

"Is that the royal we or the me and you we?" He asked.

"What?" She asked.

"Were you referring to me and you, or yourself?"


"Was that the, you and me, or just yourself us?"

"Ourself." She said. "Know, place the ingot back in your mouth."

He nodded, putting the metal back in his mouth he wrapped the blanket firmly around himself. Closing his eyes, he felt sweat begin to form on his brow and sending cold streaks down his back. He froze momentarily when he felt her magic begin to spread over him.

It began as a small tickle on his back, right below his shoulder blades. It soon increased into a feverish itch, and soon it was biting into the ingot from the pain as he felt his muscles tear and finally his scales part allowing the flesh to split and stream blood. As the blanket was soaked in blood, it flowed down into the bucket where it began to puddle at his feet.

In a moment, he felt his entire body freeze as if flash frozen. He couldn't breath, he couldn't see, he couldn't feel. He was nothing in his own thoughts. All he saw was black, all he knew was black, all he felt was nothing, all he thought was nothing.

As Nightmare worked diligently and quickly, she could sense he had passed out.

"Good, it shall be easier for him then." She said lightly. "I shall have Crimson prepare a cold bath for him."

Trust clarification.

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"Ok... So, two degrees North and one degree West." Crimson said looking from the map to her compass. Turning the wheel the ship turned slightly until her compass's needle faced the right direction.

Letting out a relaxed sigh, she leaned against the wheel. Letting the sun warm her coat, she relaxed and closed her eyes. Taking slow, small breathes she felt herself slowly going to sleep.

"Crimson. Crimson we require your assistance." Nightmare said rising from between the wooden boards.

Getting off the wheel with a huff, she turned to the misty goddess with a interested, but flat stare.

"Yes, Nightmare?" She asked. "Is there something wrong? You look slightly distraught." Crimson said studying the alicorn to the best of her abilities.

"Ti's Spike," she said slowly. "He is not well; blood drips onto the floor, and his body is as cold as stone."

Crimson's eyes slowly widened as she processed what Nightmare had said. Once it caught up with her, she bolted to the rail and jumped off. With a spurt of magic, her hooves dug into the the wooden boards; she quickly ran and threw the door open with another spurt of magic.

"Spike! Spike!" She yelled galloping through the cargo hold. 'Please don't let him be dead!' She thought frantically. 'Not him! Anypony but him!'

As she scanned the way ahead, she made out a small shape standing out against the cots. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw it was Spike, motionless, wrapped in a bloodied blanket. She quickly, but carefully approached him, tears already welling in her eyes.

"Spike...? Spike, a-are you alright?" She asked gently taking the blanket off from his stiff arms. "Oh Spike... Please no..."

The blanket caught, slowly he pulled it back over his chest again. His head, slowly and snappishly in moments, turned to look at her. He gave a small frown, his eyes opened showing a little glow of green as he stared at her.

As she went to put a hoof out to his forehead, his eyes rolled back and he fell forward. She caught him in her magic before lifting him up and out of the bucket. When she glanced in it, she nearly keeled over.

There was a significant amount of blood in it, sitting in the edge of it all was an ingot.

Putting Spike into the closest cot, she took off the blanket he had on and threw it aside. Taking another blanket, she went back to put it on him but stopped. Frowning, she looked down by his arm seeing something poking out from under it.

She lifted him up again, making sure not to disturb his position, her eyes widened as she saw the pair of wings underneath his shoulders. Setting him gently down on his belly, she made sure to spread out the blanket as much as possible around the two new, blood covered wings.

Stepping back, she fell to her haunches and merely stared at him, watching is back rise and fall.

'Spike,' she thought. 'How did this happen? How could this have happened?' She thought before an answer sprung up. "Nightmare."

"Yes, Crimson?"

Crimson's head snapped tot he ethereal goddess, glaring she sent a hoof through the mare's lower jaw in a desperate attempt to injure her.

Seeing Crimson's glare, Nightmare wilted before speaking. "Crimson, we art to blame for this. We should have-"

"You did this to him!" Crimson yelled letting a feral snarl escape. "He's nearly dead because of you!"

Nightmare wilted even more, hanging her head she nodded.

"We know that," Nightmare said with some resentment. "But he had asked us for this. Even so, we must take responsibility for this."

"Wait, he asked you for this?" She said. "Why would he ask you for this?"

"He... Felt... Alone." She said slowly looking at him. "Upset that he was the only one of his kind to not be able to fly. We mentioned a spell to give him wings, he told us to cast it. And cast it we did."

"But-But why didn't he come to me!?" She said looking back at him. "He should have atleast told me..."

"He knew thou would not let him proceed, because of the risks." Nightmare said. "He knew the risks, and took them himself, not wanting to tarnish your trust of him."

"He... Why wouldn't I trust him?" She said in disbelief. "I would have let him get wings, I would have been there to comfort him! Why would he think I wouldn't trust him?" She said laying her head onto the edge of the bed.

"At times," Nightmare said letting herself flow over Spike. "The best decision, is one made alone. He is growing, in mind and body. Just know he is proud to be your assistant, but he is still his own."

"It-It's true..." Spike said opening his eyes slightly. "Hey Crimson..." He tried to smile but only managed to lift the corners of his lips slightly.

"Spike!" She said putting a hoof to her muzzle as a few tears escaped. "I thought you were dead..."

"No... I'm way too tough for that." He said making a better attempt at a smile. "I'm sorry I didn't ask you about this..." He said closing his eyes momentarily.

"Spike, you don't have anything to be sorry for." She said running a hoof over his head. "You're smart enough to make your own decisions, I'm proud of you if anything."

"T-Thanks... Can I roll over now? Nightmare is helping heal me..." He said turning on his side. "It's still sore, like after a good run, but it doesn't hurt as much now." He said sitting up with a slight huff.

"Easy Spike, you just had two new, magically made wings tear out from your back." Crimson said. "How are you feeling? Overall that is."

"Like I lost most of my blood." He smiled. "Oh, I didn't even notice I did. Can I get that back?" He asked pointing at the bucket. "Or was it supposed to be refrigerated?"

"Nightmare, he lost too much blood!" Crimson hissed through a smile. "If he dies, I will personally kill Silver, and then you."

"He will not die," Nightmare assured her through Spike own voice. "He is strong, he merely lost a few drops."

Crimson felt a few hairs in her mane go out of place when the dark mare had finished that sentence. She took in a deep breath before relaxing.

"Spike," she said. "Did you really think I wouldn't trust you?"

"Y-Yeah." He said. "Do you?"

"Of course I still trust you. If anything, even more since you made your own decision. But, I'm certainly not helping you preen those things." She smiled.

"I know that." He said smiling back. "I feel tired..." He said yawning. "Is it still day outside? Or did Luna raise the moon, yet?"

"It's late evening as far as I can tell." Crimson said looking at a crack in the wall where a small sliver of light shone through. "I think it's time we all get some rest," she said climbing into her old cot. "In the morning, we should be in Londmane's docks. Nightmare, please don't mutate Spike anymore, I don't know if he can lose anymore blood."

Spike raised an armor covered claw in a thumbs up. She lifted her own blanket over herself before closing her eyes.

As she fell asleep, Spike sat back up and stared at the bucket full of his own blood. He barely noticed it when the blood acquired a faint glow when the dimming light outside hit it. Instead, he fell face first into his pillow, Nightmare's magic was quick to drape the blanket over him.

Nightmare, she didn't need to sleep, and the bucket of glowing blood had caught her attention. She came out from Spike and swirled momentarily around the bucket before taking shape. She leaned down, eyes narrowed as she put her muzzle to the bucket.

"Nay, ti's not possible..." She said letting her eyes widen slightly. "He cannot be... He is cold blooded."

She looked back at Spike and saw him resting comfortably, looking back at the bucket, she went back into Spike and remained there.

As a cloud passed over the moon that night, the glow in the bucket faded and finally went out before a wave hitting the ship spilled it. It stained the boards and only the ingot was left. A large bite had been taken out of it, unnoticed by all but Nightmare who occasionally came out to keep watch over her draconian companion, or to think.


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Spike opened his eyes slowly, feeling the drain of blood loss he sat up slowly. Taking the blanket off, he looked around and saw he was still in the cargo hold, looking to the side, he saw Crimson wasn't in her cot.

He laid back down, ignoring Crimson up above as her hooves clacked against the boards.

Up above, Crimson, still sleepy herself, was looking out to sea squinting at a large mass coming up. Rubbing her eyes, she saw shapes start to appear in the mist; buildings, docks, and standing above the rest was a large tower.

"Finally," she said smirking. "Progress. Spike! Spike, get up!" She yelled.

Putting an ear up, she listened for the sound of bed springs rising, hearing none she rolled her eyes before taking a step back. Taking in a deep breath, she pulled back her lips before throwing her head forward and roaring. Lifting an ear again, she heard the bed springs finally rise, followed by a light grumbling.

As she turned back to the wheel, the docks came into better view. There were a few ships, but not many. On the dock of one were a group of guards clad in gold and blue armor. Seeing them, she turned the wheel and straightened it as the ship made a turn towards the dock.

Nearing the dock, she felt Spike poke her in the back leg, looking down he narrowed his eyes before turning to walk away. Turning back to the task at hoof, Crimson straightened he ship more as it slid between the docks.

Looking down, Crimson saw the guards quickly be put into action and tied the ship to the dock's supports.

"Atleast they know what to do. Spike, were docking, come on." She said.

The small dragon quickly hurried back to her and jumped on her back. Lighting her horn, she set a rope ladder down from the railing and briskly went to it.

Peering down, she used her magic to move a few guards around so they wouldn't be staring directly up at her. She got her hooves onto the first rungs and descended quickly, listening to the sound of armor turning, she heard nothing and let the magic in her horn die down.

Putting her hooves onto the sea stained wood, a Solar guard came up, he saluted her before standing in attention.

"By orders of Princess Celestia," he said. "I am here to protect you at any cost including my own life if need be."

Crimson merely stared at him. Biting her lower lip she began to laugh, it started as a small snicker but before long, it turned into a full out laughter.

"Ma'am? Is there something wrong?" The guard asked feeling slightly insulted and confused.

"N-No, nothing at all." She replied wiping a tear from her eye. "Did the princess really send a guard to protect me?"

"She did."

"Oh, I can't blame her," Crimson shook her head. "She doesn't know. Tell me," her voice quickly took on a cold edge. "Do you know how to use a sword? Have you ever torn an enemies throat out or lacerated a hydra's throat from the inside?"

"N-No, ma'am." He replied.

"Then you would only be used as bait if I confronted Silver." She said. "Come along, we need to check into an inn close to a recent murder. There has been a recent killing, hasn't there?" She asked.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Then that's where we will go first. Inspect the scene, and then see if we can find any clues as to why he was here," she said trotting past the guard. "To see if he has an alternative motive other than feeding. And knowing Shirley, there always is an alternate motive involved."

The other guards dispersed leaving the lone one to follow Crimson. Spike and Nightmare both stared at him, he didn't glance over but they could tell he was nervous around them.

Crimson inhaled, letting the morning air soak into her lungs. Looking around, she smiled at the buildings lining the cobblestone streets, how the ponies wandered about without a care.

And then she got a sudden copper scent, ears perked up, she took another sniff and felt her mouth salivate on its own accord. Trotting quickly, she followed the scent and soon, she heard a chorus of noise. A group of ponies all huddled together, and for a reason she knew why.

Turning a corner, she and the guard saw a small ring of ponies with guards holding them back. Trotting closer, the guard went ahead and showed the others a scroll he had pulled out from his helmet. They nodded before dispersing the crowd to let Crimson through.

Looking down at the brown cobblestone, she tilted her head before looking further up at the body that had been mutilated. Raising an eyebrow, she leaned forward and looked inside the empty chest.

The body, had nearly all the flesh and other meat stripped off, two of the legs were missing and the head had been torn off. Dried blood stained the ground and the victim's teeth. The chest was completely empty, all the organs, bones and everything below had been torn out and were missing.

Crimson untied the small pouch she had, taking out the tooth it turned a bright ivory as she set it down towards the corpse. Putting it to the neck vertebrae, she let it slid in-between a series of cuts imbedded in it. Doing so five more times, she put it back before taking another sniff of the air.

"This is his kill." She said. "The tooth, the lack of meat, missing organs, and the brutality," she shook her head while keeping a small smile. "Only he could have done this. And now, I'm much more closer to finding him than I ever have. Guard, with me, we need to check into an inn so we can rest."

The guard saluted before following her.

They left the crowd behind, even to the point where Crimson couldn't hear them anymore. Stopping, she saw a nearby local looking at her. As she looked at him, he turned away. She began to go towards him, he merely kept walking as if nothing was happening, or about to happen.

"Excuse me, sir?" Crimson said making the stallion stop. "Do you know where I may find an inn to stay at?"

He was a light orange with a brown mane and bushy mustache. On his flank was a picture of a small cookie with orange marmalade coming out from a bite.

"U-Um, yes, of course," he replied. "Just down the street. Big Ben's inn. You can't miss it."

"Thank you," she said giving a smile. "You just saved me the trouble of searching for a few hours."

He gave a polite nod before continuing on his way. Crimson slowed down to a saunter and enjoyed the scenery as she went. Nodding to the locals as they passed and greeted her, she found herself in the front of the inn at no time.

Opening the door, she stepped into a well lit room with a scratchy carpet. Looking ahead, she saw an aged mare behind the desk, the mare in turn stared directly ahead at them with a small smile.

"Welcome to Big Ben's inn, I'm guessing you two would care for a room?" She asked reaching up with a shaking hoof to grab a key. "We get a lot of lovers during this time of the year. It's always nice to see such young love out and about."

"No ma'am," Crimson replied with a faint laugh. "He was sent to guard me, by orders of Princess Celestia. He's here to help me track down a ruthless murderer."

"Oh, well that's nice deary." The elderly pony said giving Crimson the key. "Now, be safe and wear a sweater when you go out, it gets chilly at night."

Nodding, Crimson and the guard went past. Spike returned a wave as she caught sight of him.

"What a nice old mare, don't you think Night-"

"And make sure to tear his head off when you catch him." She called out.

Spike shut up and spared one last glance at the smiling elder before Crimson began up a flight of stairs.

Tale of the widow.

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The room was fairly sized; a yellow painted ceiling hung overhead while the walls were painted a light orange. The rug was softer and colored in a crimson. The two beds had a pair of green blankets and a pillow on each.

"Spike, why don't you take my bed?" Crimson said setting her things down on the bed. "I never really cared for them anyway."

He got off her back and immediately crawled into the blankets. getting comfortable, he put the pillow over his head and wrapped himself in his own blanket.

As Crimson was straightening the blanket at the end, she noticed the guard staring ahead, not moving. Sighing she went up to him and took off his helmet, catching the scroll when it fell, she set the items on the other bed.

"Ma'am? Permission to speak freely?" He asked.

"Would you just drop the military attitude already?" She asked sighing. "It's making me feel strange just having to glance over at you, and just see a pony staring at a wall."

"Uh, yes. Of course." He replied sitting.

As he looked around the room, Crimson went to the window and looked out to the city. Seeing the ponies mill around, talking or just saying a greeting when they passed brought a faint smile to her lips. Resting her head on her fore-hooves, she began humming.

Her ear flickered ad she stopped humming when she heard a bed's sheets move. Smiling she looked over at Spike who was looking at her with some curiosity.

"It was an old lullaby I made up for myself," she said. "It was about Shirley. It's not supposed to be a good one, but just humming it makes me feel better."

"Do you remember the words?" He asked. "I'd kind of like to learn a few things about your past."

"Sure, why not?" She replied softly going over to the bed and climbing to his side.

She began humming, gently putting a fore-leg around him. He shifted his shoulders and looked at her before she started to sing slowly. "One two, howlin' at the moon. Three, Four, the townsfolk are gettin' scorned. Five, Six, his curse is like a hex. Seven, Eight, better not walk by the lake. Nine, Ten! Here comes the lycan!"

"It was... a bit short. for a lullaby." He said.

"It wasn't meant for sleeping, it was meant for stress." She said. "It always helped when I became really stressed, like when my first husband died."

"You were married?" Spike asked in surprise. "When? How old were you?"

"It was a few months after I killed the enemy empire." She said. "I met this handsome, charming noble. He recognized me from a feast my father had hosted for a dragon slaying." Spike shivered at that. "He took me in and later, after we conversed, he proposed to me. And I accepted." She said letting her ears droop.

"W-What happened to him?" He asked.

"I outlived him." She said. "Only, it wasn't a natural death that killed him." She suddenly grit her teeth as fresh tears strained for emergence. "It was that dammed Shirley!" She hissed. "He said that I would outlive even the alicorns if I kept killing as I did. By the time he left, I discovered a note on my husbands corpse... Or what was left of it. That's when I decided to hunt Shirley down."

Spike, seeing his own mother-figure tearing up, leaned forward and wrapped his small arms around her neck. She leaned on his shoulder and let the tears sizzle away on his scales.

"A-After that," she said sniffling. "I married three more times. The best one, out of them all was a stallion in Canterlot; atleast two to three hundred years prior of me moving there. He was a baker, a very good one. While I was under a different ruse, I was working as a maid to Celestia at the time. I met him when he had accidentally tripped with a cake. The odd thing about him though, was the fact his Cutie Mark was a scroll... I never did figure out-"

"Was his name Scroll Sorter?" Spike interrupted as he sat up with a grin.

"Yes. How did you know?" She asked staring at him with a warming heart.

"Because, that's Prince Blueblood's great, great, great grandfather." He said. "You know, that snobby white and blonde stallion with the compass on his flank. The one that always complains over the smallest thing?"

"Well, it's nice to see my bloodline not dead." She sighed. "Unfortunately it's him that will most likely end it." She said sticking out her tongue.

"Ma'am, I mean no insult towards your lineage but... Blueblood is a real pansy." The guard said.

"That he is, sir. That he is." Crimson nodded in agreement.

"If I were any older, I'd say what I really think of him." Spike said. "I'm waiting to where I'm atleast the size of a cart to where I could just roar at him."

"You know, I could just roar at him for you." Crimson said smirking. "I could be crawling on the wall, hang over a doorway and then once I see the tip of his horn jest bellow out." She laughed. "I still never figured out how he became a noble though."

"I can answer that," the guard said climbing onto his own bed. "When he was a young colt, the princess saw him hornfencing, so, she had him train the guards in it. But, now with a few minor threats to Equestria, she had to implement more military like training."

"I can imagine. You know, my father actually had a peace treaty with the changelings and dragons at one time." Crimson said staring into space for a moment.

"Really, now?" The guard had his ears perked up and was leaning forward slightly. "Could we hear about it? If it's not to much trouble."

"None at all," she said. "Well, during some wars since the lands were very dangerous those few hundred years ago, we would assassinate a noble of an enemy nation and have a changeling replace them. After infiltration, they would find out what they could, and then, alert the rest of the hive to invade. Many died, but the prisoners they took fed them and the hive."

"Huh... What about the dragons? What did they do?"

"We let them have three fourths of the treasure whenever we attacked a wealthy nation." She shrugged. "We even had one living under the mountain where the castle once was. He stayed there to protect the town and castle. But, when he passed away... A month later is when there was a direct attack on the castle. The day I was cursed, and the day when my father was murdered." She said shaking her head.

"Crimson... I..." Spike was at a loss of words. "I... Guess I know where your coming from. I never even knew who my parents were, or what happened to them if anything did happen. I can sort of relate to you." he said twiddling his thumbs.

"I know, and you shouldn't have to not know." She said. "Hey, after this is all over, why don't we go on our own little quest? We can see if we can't find your parents. There's no reason you shouldn't know who your parents were."

"Yeah, that does sound kind of nice." He said before yawning. "Hey, I think Princess Luna is raising the moon." He said leaning back. "If any of you wake me, I'll roast you where you stand."

"He will." Nightmare said coming out from underneath the pillow.

The guard quickly grabbed his spear from his armor and put it through Nightmare's throat. Crimson face-hooved while Nightmare looked questioningly at the stallion.

"You're kidding? You're kidding, right?" She asked.

"Ma'am, please leave while I-"

"Relax my brave knight." Crimson said rolling her eyes. "She's with me."

"Nightmare Moon, is helping you?" He asked incredulously. "Of her own free will? The evil alicorn of the night and reaper of nightmares?"

"Aye," Nightmare said. "We want to kill the traitor Shirley Silver for his crimes against us and his lycan brethren."

"Traitor? He was under your service?" The guard said taking his spear out from her throat. "How old is this killer? Is this 'Shirley Silver' even the killer? Or is there another lycan running about?"

"Aye, he was one of the first of his kind. When Celestia fought us, we had called upon our lycan's to fight for us when the regular soldiers would fall to quickly. He though, betrayed us when he poisoned the others and fled such as the coward he is."

"So... He's extremely old?" The stallion said.

"Aye, he is aged." Nightmare said glaring at him. "What would we be then?"

"Wine. Aged like a fine wine." The guard said before going back to his bed.

Nightmare just stared at him, slowly, a smile formed on her ethereal face. Soon she was laughing, and eventually he began laughing too.

"We favor thee." She said. "We have not encountered a stallion with such true words spoken so bluntly to us. This era is-"

"So, how old are you then? A few thousand years? Maybe a million?" He asked with a roll of his hoof.

She stopped and merely stared at him again. He glanced over at his armor before carefully putting on his helmet. Putting up his hooves, he made a sign of defeat as she was readying her magic.

"We will push him from the window, thou shall say twas an accident." Nightmare whispered to Crimson.

"We are not killing him." Crimson whispered back. "I might need him as bait."

"Would you all be quiet?" Spike said lifting the pillow. "I need my bed rest, and you all flapping your gums isn't helping me heal any faster."

Crimson nodded before getting comfortable on the carpet, the guard got under his own covers and Nightmare slipped into his body with a feint chuckle.

Hours went by, Crimson was listening to Spike's slow breathing and the guards small grunts. As she laid in the moonlight coming from the window.

Feeling the electric chill of the lunar magic coming from it, she gave a soft purr. Turning on her side, she stretched her legs out trying to get as much as it in as she could; stopping, she laid there in a suitable position. Letting the cool air move away from her, she felt herself almost sink into the carpet.

She shot up with a scream caught in her throat when a shrill, almost unheard noise cut through the air.

Looking towards the window, she saw nothing on the rooftops of the buildings. Panting with a hoof on her chest, she gulped and laid back down. With one eye open, she kept watch on the manes of glass before the sandmare took hold of her.

Ground floor. Big Ben's inn.

"Hello sir," greeted the elderly pony. "Would you care for a room?"

"Why yes," he said letting an Maretalian accent slide off his tongue. "That would be splendid." He smiled.

"Well, I have a key right here." She said taking a key off its hook and holding it out. "Enjoy your stay, the bill will be sent directly to your room in the morning."

"Thank you, madam." He chuckled lightly before kissing her hoof. "Goodnight. And please, make sure that the door stays locked, I think he may be some wild animal howling outside. It didn't sound very friendly either."

"I will," she said. "Goodnight, Mr... What is your name?"

"My name?" He said stopping in his tracks. "You may call me Silver. And I'll make sure to pay up front in the morning, I need to leave to prepare a little gift for a friend also staying here. But don't tell her, it's a surprise." He chuckled.

As he left, the old mare quietly laughed to herself. Leaning back, she sighed a sigh of a content pony.

"Young love," she laughed. "Such a strange little thing."

Who was that?

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Crimson stretched, yawning like a small puppy. Rolling around for a moment, she got comfortable, but the light from the morning still got through her clenched eyelids. With a sigh, she got up with her joints popping like burning wood.

Looking around, she saw the sun just rising over the horizon, Spike sleeping comfortably in the bed, and her guard kicking his legs in the air while in a cold sweat.

Ignoring the guard, she glanced over at the door to the bathroom, rubbing her eyes some more she went in and locked the door firmly behind her.

Spike snorted from the noise and forcefully opened his eyes to the burning light of the morning sun. Sleeping in on many occasions, the sun hadn't bothered him that much. It was the heat that warmed his blood and woke him up that annoyed him; especially whenever he tried to get some sleep after securing Crimson in her cage every month.

"Why can't Celestia just dim the thing? Or make it less hot?" He asked aloud to nopony in particular. "Doesn't she know about her subjects that aren't warmblooded?"

Sitting up, he glanced around the room and noticed steam coming out from under the bathroom door. Seeing the guard sweating in his bed and kicking his legs, he rolled his eyes before getting out of his own bed and going to the guard's. Leaning up, he pinched his nose until he slowed.

Snapping up in the bed, the guard took in deep breaths, eyes switching around frantically.

Spike looked at him questioningly before a trail of black smoke came out from his nose. Swirling around on the floor for a moment, Nightmare flushed herself from his system, Spike glared at the swirling mass of black and sparkles before looking at the guard who, was staring with anger, awe, and confusion.

"That was you!" The guard said obviously miffed at the dream goddess. "I thought you actually pushed me out the window!"

"Nay," she said forming her ethereal form. "We have tried to do so before, it was unsuccessful." She frowned.

"Did you really need to let me see myself splatter though?" He asked shooting her a bemused expression. "Seriously? Where do you get... Um. Morning ma'am!" He gave a quick salute toward Crimson as she stepped out from the bathroom, a complimentary towel around her neck.

She glanced over at them before frowning and teleporting Spike and the guard out. The guard's armor followed him shortly after, appearing on his body.

They both looked at each other before Spike shrugged it off and burned out a deck of cards. The guard nodded silently as the draconian began to shuffle them out.

Inside the room, Crimson was drying herself off while Nightmare merely made her helmet fade from sight to let more of her mane spill out. Looking over at Crimson, she smiled and soon Crimson also had one.

"I'm not just going to let some guard see me out, fresh from the shower," Crimson said. "I'm not interested in him."

Nightmare laughed lightly before disappearing under the door.

"Enough," she said, pausing her drying. "But still enough to use as a meat shield." She snickered hearing a gasp from behind the door.

Setting the towel aside, she fixed her mane with a quick spell and had on her saddle bags. Pausing at the door, she looked back and gathered Spike's things too.

What she saw made her pause momentarily. Blinking slowly, she saw spike with a small pile of bits and her guard leaning against a hoof. Spike had been quickly picking up the cards at the sight of her, when he saw her staring at them, he dropped them and pointed at the guard. He gasped and Crimson quirked an eyebrow at him.

"I swear, he robbed me of my hard earned bits." The guard said. "These aren't even mine."

She rolled her eyes before gathering them herself, Spike gave back the guards bits back, but gave him a wink. Nightmare's eyes flashed through Spike's as she gave a needle thin smile. The guard merely glared at her before sticking his tongue out.

"Are you three done yet? Or do I have to leave you all here?" She said making the group snap to attention.

With Spike on her back, the guard following close behind with a blank stare, they all quickly went to go down the stairs, but before they could, a door opened in their way.

A silver coated stallion, his jaw was sharply cut, his white mane slicked back with numerous hair gels, and his Cutie Mark hidden by the black business suit he wore. He saw them on the other side and quickly closed the door.

"Sorry about that," he said. "I noticed you... Inspecting, the body yesterday." He said with a slight Maretallion accent. "Are you a detective?"

"No sir," Crimson replied staring at him. "Do I know you? You look like somepony I once knew, but I can't place my hoof on it..."

"Please, I tend to get that a lot." He chuckled, walking with her. "So, what are you doing here? Business perhaps? A friend?" He glanced a the guard. "A special evening?" He winked.

"No, I'm just keeping him around as a meat shield." She smirked casting a glance at the wounded guard. "He'd probably be able to choke the one I'm after. Hopefully."

"After?" The stallion said shocked. "Are you after that brute who killed that pony?" He asked. "Was it even a pony? Or maybe, I mean no offense towards your companion, but a feral dragon?"

"No, he's... Part pony, part wolf." She said slowly. "A lycan."

"A lycan?" He said. "So they do exist," he said nodding. "Fascinating. What are you doing chasing after him though? Isn't that a job suited for the guard? Or, meat shield as you call him."

"Believe me, if the guard could hurt him, I would have gotten them already. But he's taken so much from me, he ruined me emotionally and physically."

"What!" He let out a gasp. "He... Oh I am so sorry about that. If you need somepony to talk to, my office is down the street. I've dealt with many victims of sexual attacks."

"What?" She asked looking at him. "No, no. He... He didn't do anything like that. He's just... A monster. A killer that I will see dead."

"Oh, I see." He wilted. "It's good I suppose he didn't do anything like that, but killing... Horrible." He shook his head in distaste. "So, where are you going?"

"I figured since he hasn't shown any sign of activity." She said. "Other than... I think that was him howling last night." She said nervously. "Well, I'm assuming from the direction the head of the corpse was facing, he'll be going that way."

"Which way was it facing?" The stallion asked blinking.

"To the North." She said. "After that, its really only country and then abandoned forests. Nothing to bad, a few hydra's, manticores... Maybe even a TImberwolf pack or two. Nothing too bad." She shrugged.

"Yeah, because having things around that could tear us limb from limb isn't so bad." Spike said sarcastically. "What would be bad? Traveling with one?"

"How about no gems for the rest of the day?" She snapped back.

He shut up as they got into the lobby. The elderly pony was already watching them as they descended, but was giving a glare towards the mystery stallion of the group.

Going up to the mare, Crimson handed her the key and bits. With a kind nod, she took them before giving a cold stare towards the stallion as he approached.

As he was putting his key and bits on the counter, she brought out a cane and hooked his neck. Pulling him in, she put her lips to his ear.

"If you hurt her, I'll shove this cane so far up you flank I'll knock your teeth out, understand? I heard your little ramblings last night while I was locking up."

"Of course," he replied taking the cane off from his neck. "Why would I dream of harming her? I'm just checking up, that's all."

He pulled away and turned back to the group, Crimson had a calm face while Spike and Nightmare looked at him suspiciously. He merely smiled back. As they turned, he looked back and let his eyes go slitted momentarily before following them.

Exiting with a fresh breeze, Crimson looked around. Scanning the chimneys of the buildings, further down the road or by the sewer grate, she took her first steps onto the cobble. The guard followed closely after, he scanned the same buildings and street.

"Well, I must say," the stallion said coming out. "It has been a pleasure meeting you. I do hope-"

"Sir, would you mind if I show you something?" Crimson asked keeping a complete royal poker face. "If you're interested, interested in seeing how I'm tracking the killer?"

"Sure, that sounds... Oddly enticing." He said. "What is it?"

She lit her horn and pulled out her pouch, bringing out the tooth wrapped in a cloth she let him take it in hoof. He stared at it, feeling its shape over from under the cloth, licking his lips he took the cloth away revealing the white tooth. His eyes widened as he turned it, showing the root of it.

"Is this...?"

"Yes, the killers tooth." She said. "If you point it towards his direction, it turns ivory like that, if you turn it away, it turns black."

His ears perked up, smiling he began to turn it.

Spike leaned forward, eyes narrowed and arms wrapping tightly around Crimson's neck. He looked down and saw her own muscles tense, and slightly ripple. Cocking his head, he saw a few places under the skin bulge slightly more than normal.

He stopped, the point of the tooth almost facing his shoulder. He turned it back towards Crimson with a smile, a smile with a red tint to it.

Crimson charged forward with a roar, but he merely chuckled as he quickly jumped to the side. Turning around, she saw his suit begin to rip and blood drip from his mouth.

"You know," he said, his accent now gone and his voice scratchy. "I must thank you for returning this. New teeth are always so irritating, never quite like the original, wouldn't you say, Crimson?" He said putting the tooth in his mouth. "Don't worry, you'll get this back in due time. Remember, go North."

As he was speaking, she grew to nearly his mass. Her hooves became padded with claws, her muzzle elongated and fangs grew out from it, her eyes slitted becoming a crimson red, her ears pointed up in place, her mane and coat grew out and her muscles grew to four times their original size.

The guard, seeing the grey lycan, took his spear and charged with a cry. He laughed triumphantly as it connected with the old lycan's eye. His eyes widened as Silver turned his head slowly, his lips peeled back. Leaning forward, he barely managed to nick the guard before getting his mouth clamped shut by Crimson's biting down on it.

Getting a good swipe, he knocked her away before he had to deal with a new problem.

Spike shot out a wave of flames, scorching his fur and melting the end of the spear. he reared back roaring in pain before looking towards him again. He froze before pulling what was left of the spear out and running.

"Coward! Traitor!" Nightmare yelled using her own magic to increase Spike's wings to her own size. "We will find thee, and kill thee for thy crimes against the Nocturnal Empire!" She yelled sending a fireball his way.

He stopped to scale a wall, looking back he saw Crimson already on her way. Grinning, he got to the top and seemed to just sit there, staring down at her like a hawk.

Crimson got to the building he was on, she put her claws into the stone and began to climb with leaps. With two good leaps, she had made it to the top, just as she was about to lunge and bite his head off, the stone gave out and she suddenly felt herself falling.

He ran away, seeing the rubble and dust surround her as she hit, he grinned before going to the next building.

Down below in the rubble, Crimson stirred. A large gash had been made on her head, one of her hooves felt like it was sprained and the rest of her was covered in multiple cuts and bruises. Seeing the last sign of Silver, she snorted before shrinking back down. Spitting some blood out, she looked over and saw smoke still coming out from Spike's mouth, and the guard laying on the ground but moving.

She tried to hurry over, but fell on her side when she suddenly felt a crushing pain. Laying there, she charged her horn and teleported over.

Appearing with a slight puff of dust, Spike turned to her and gasped.

"Crimson! Hey! Come on speak to me." He said placing a claw on her cheek. "Please?"

"...Magic..." She whispered.

"Magic? W-What about magic? I could go get-"

"Need... Lunar magic... Healing to lycans..." She said staring up at him. "Now."

"Right, Nightmare, can you help her?" He asked.

She didn't respond but merely kept his claw in place as it began to leak a white mist. It spread across her, tiny sparkles appeared wherever a scratch was, soon, she managed to stand. The mist still covered her and she took a labored breath drawing some in. She froze, coughed for a bit, and then sighed before breathing again. Holding up a hoof, the mist vanished and she was left panting.

"S-Silver..." She sneered. "H-He was right there! Right in front of me!" She yelled smashing a few bricks out of a wall. "How could I be so stupid!? I let him get away!"

"No ma'am, I let him get away. I failed in protecting you."

She turned fuming, but soon her eyes widened in a moment. She went up to the guard, he was sitting up against the wall holding his right fore-leg. He frowned as she stared at the steady stream of blood coming out from the puncture in his armor.

"W-What... Did he... Did he scratch you?" She asked kneeling in front of him. "Did he scratch you?"

"No, that mutt bit me. Not too bad, but not too good either." He winced as she took his hoof off. "It's still tender..."

"I'm... I'm..." She leaned forward and hugged him. "I'm so sorry..." She cried.

"Sorry about what?" He asked. Looking at Spike, he saw his face in despair, confused himself, he looked back to Crimson. "Ma'am, what's wrong?"

"Nightmare, could you help him?" Crimson asked taking herself off him. "D-Do you know how I was turned? How I was cursed?"

"Er, no? Why? What does..." His eyes widened. "Oh buck my life..." He groaned hitting his head on the wall. "I'm infected too, aren't I?" He sighed.

"I-I'm afraid so..." She said.

"Well, plenty more reason to kill him then." The guard shrugged. "So, while we go track him, maybe you could-"

"Track him? Track him!" She said angrily. "We've just lost the one thing that could help us track him!"

"Nu uh," he said shaking his head. "He said you'd find him up North. Has he lied before? Like in a note or anything?"

"N-No..." She shook her head.

"Then, why not? It's not like I have anything left to lose." He said getting up. "Well, maybe this armor here could go." He said letting the leg piece fall away. "Hey, you know, were kind of like a pack now. Two lycans, chasing after another for the same reason."

"Our reasons are different." She snapped. "We have nothing in common."

"Well, how about the fact that he has, officially, ruined our lives by cursing us? I know, that's only one, but he also broke my spear. That was actually a gift from my own parents."

"No. You have to be sent back to Canter-"

"Ma'am, the only way I'm leaving without taking his other eye out, is in a body bag." He said forcefully. "So, unless any of you are going to do me in, do it. Because I'm going with you, as orders from my Princess. So, am I going, or am I staying?"

Crimson looked at him, he stared straight back with a glare and smirk. She smiled before punching him in the jaw.

"Ow!" He said getting up. "That hurt!"

"Get over over it," she said. "I just had a wall collapse on me. Now," she turned to spike and set him on her back before fixing her saddle bags again. "As the pack leader, I say it's time we do some hunting."

"Now were talking." The guard said. "So, maybe along the way... You could tell me some things about being a lycan? I've only read some books in the royal archives. I doubt their authenticity though."

"And you'd be right to doubt it." She said.