The Town Pony and the Country Pony

by jacklelantern

First published

Applejack and Rarity go to Manehatten to find AJ's fillyhood sweetheart. But what if he just isn't the same?

Once again, Applejack finds herself in Manehatten with Rarity along for the ride. But this time, instead of spending time with her Aunt and Uncle Orange, she's headed there in search of a stallion she once knew as a filly. Will he be the same charming comedian as in AJ's old photos, or will he have changed? And what about Rarity?

(Tagged "sex" for some suggestive themes)

You Can't Possibly Go Without Me!

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As always, the sun was shining warm and iridescent above Equestria. The ponies all owed their thanks to Celestia for another beautiful day like this. Pinkie was helping the Cakes with some treats for a grand party in Canterlot, Fluttershy was tending to her animals while Dashie practiced some new tricks, and Twilight was doing what she did best- studying! Luckily for Rarity there was no dressmaking to be done, and so she was on her way to Sweet Apple Acres to check up on her most uncouth friend.

Applejack's hind legs were just about to smash into another tree when she heard Rarity calling. "Yoo-hoo! Applejack! How are you today, darling?" The applebucking pony set her legs down to rest despite the little time she had to finish up all her farm chores before her trip. She tried her best to shoo Rarity off.

"I'm just peachy. Got a lotta work t' do on the farm, what with Granny being sick 'n me goin' on a little vacation."

"Ooh, a vacation! Sounds like fun. Wherever are you headed?"

Maybe telling Rarity about her plans wasn't the best idea. Knowing her, AJ would be wrapped up in a conversation like a fly stuck in a spider's web. (She didn't dare say anything of that sort out loud- not because it was rude, but more because any mention of spiders or flies was enough to set Rarity off.)

"Er... nowhere really, just catching up with some old friends, maybe my aunt 'n uncle..."

"Oh my! Could you be going to Manehatten to visit your Aunt and Uncle Orange? Oh my, oh my, oh my!"

"Well. I guess I'd be lyin' if I said I wasn't."

Rarity squealed. Manehatten was such a beautiful place, and she had always wanted to travel there. "You simply cannot go to Manehatten without bringing moi along." Sensing her companion's hesitance, she added, "I can design your clothes for you, if you'd like. There is no way I will let you wear your 'old work duds' again, after what happened with Hoity Toity! You cannot make a bad second impression on these 'old friends'."

"I s'pose not. But, 's a really, uh... special friend. Actually, he- er... they don't know that I'm coming."

"A surprise visit for a STALLION? Who is he? Do tell, do tell. I must know, daaaarling."

With a sigh, Applejack sat down. "I don't even know anymore, sugarcube. It was so long ago... Gonna be mighty hard findin' him, that's for sure." Her tail drooped in sadness. "I mean, really. How'm I gonna find a pony whose name I don't remember?" Rarity nodded. It would be a challenge.

"Oh! I have a marvelous plan." An idea had struck the mare, and she hastily spilled it to Applejack, practically exploding with excitement. "I will help you look for this fillyhood sweetheart of yours if you bring me along to Manehatten. After all, you can't possibly expect me to find him if I'm stuck here in Ponyville!"

The farm pony groaned. "All right, since you're such a good friend 'n all. Come into th' house, I'll show y'all some photos of him." Another squeal slipped through Rarity's lips as she followed her friend, and AJ sent her a dirty glance. "Sorry," she whispered sheepishly. As Applejack gestured her hoof towards an open door, the prim and proper pony next to her saw why she had to be quiet- Granny Smith was laying in her bed, sleeping, trying to get over a sickness. "What on earth is the matter with your grandmother?" She was met with a shake of her host's head.

"Dunno. Big Mac 'n I have been tryin' to fix her whatever way we can, but it ain't turnin' out too well." Applejack began to choke up, eyes watering. "I just dunno what we're going to tell Apple Bloom if... if... if she doesn't... make it." No. She couldn't cry right now, AJ told herself, and wiped away the budding tears.

"Here it is, the photo album," she announced, leading Rarity into a dusty old room. The higher-class mare by her side sneezed as quietly as she could (no hard task for a lady with as much practice in politeness as her) and opened up the book, taking a gander at the aging photographs inside.

Rarity gasped. "Is that him? Ooh, he was so cute as a filly! He must be stunning now!" While she fawned over the stallion's younger self, Applejack answered, "Yes'm. Don't be gettin' yourself too attached to him, now. Remember, he's mine." "Oh, yes, yes, of course." But it may have been a tiny lie on Rarity's part- after all, the two ponies hadn't seen each other since they were so young, who was to say she didn't have a chance at the mystery man? It was no matter now, though. It was time for her to leave, and AJ knew it. "I don't mean to be rude, but I gotta finish my applebuckin' for today... Big Macintosh says I gotta work extra hard doin' my part if I'm gonna be chasin' after my heart in Manehatten. So, what I'm tryin' to say is-"

Rarity was already almost out the door. "I must start planning our clothing for the trip! Oh, and Winona would look simply darling in something chic as well!"

"No, no, this simply will not do!" Rarity cried in displeasure, toiling over her desk. "Applejack and Winona cannot be seen in such... country-inspired attire. I don't know why I ever thought that was a good idea! We shall all don more formal clothing, and I shall pay no mind to any protests on her part." She lifted up the sketch of a dress, enveloping it in a blue aura, and tossed it behind herself. Maybe a southern belle style would be better, the mare mused to herself, but I suppose it might be pushing my dear friend too far. A sigh was let loose. Well, there can't be anything wrong with a little country flair. Maybe an apple-print bonnet for Winona... and some boots, too. As for me, though... Oh, I just can't wait for Manehatten!