> Your Smile > by destinedjagold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Outside Sugarcube Corner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “A'right, sugarcube,” Applejack chuckled as she and her dearly beloved little sister finished washing the dishes. “Ah think Ah can handle things here,” with a hoof, she pointed at their farmhouse's door, which was now being opened by three familiar figures from outside. “Ah don't want to keep ye from yer friends.” Blinking, Apple Bloom turned towards the door and smiled at her three best friends: Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Spike. Huh, she always wondered why she was the only one whose name didn't start with an 'S'. Oh well. “Thanks sis,” she hugged her sister before she ran towards her friends, and started whispering about their most awesome adventure of discovering their cutie marks ever. Applejack rolled her eyes and chuckled lightly before walking towards the corner to grab the broom. “Now, now, Applejack,” Granny Smith, who just came down from the stairs, called, “shouldn't you be headin' towards town to meet up with yer friends?” Applejack was about to complain but Granny Smith held a hoof to stop the very first word to come out from her granddaughter's honest mouth. “It's a'right, Applejack. Ah still have the gears to grind fer this old barn o'ours to sparkle bran' as new.” She laughed. “Now, go on. Shoo~!” “You really didn't have to walk all the way here just to get me, Rarity,” Fluttershy said shyly, hiding underneath her long pink mane. “Oh, nonsense Fluttershy,” Rarity threw a hoof in the air with a smile on her face to dismiss her dear friend's concern. “It's no trouble at all. Believe me.” She then looked at herself with disdain. “You could say that I could use the exercise...” Hearing that made the pegasus curious. She removed her face from her mane to look at her friend fully. “Oh? Why is that?” Fluttershy closed her cottage's door behind her and the two ponies began walking towards town. Fluttershy noticed that Rarity shivered with a look of disdain. “Ugh, I was still finishing up an order for Sapphire Shore's concert in Las Pegasus, you see, and I was really almost done with it when Sweetie Belle asked me earlier if I could walk her to Sweet Apple Acres. I did tell her that I was almost done, but she was rather impatient and...” Rarity trailed off, stopped dead on her tracks, looked at every possible direction, spotting if there are any other ears in the vicinity, called Fluttershy to come closer with a hoof, and whispered to her friend's curious ears, “...Sweetie Belle called me fat...” Rarity gasped at the last word, quickly looking around. If it were Rainbow Dash, she would have already rolled her eyes, but Fluttershy, being a gentle and kind-hearted pony, gasped. “Oh dear... You know that isn't true, right Rarity?” She shook her head and flashed her unicorn friend a supportive smile. “You're not fa—” “Sshhhhh!” Rarity cut her off, “someone might hear you!” she said, still looking around in panic, making her pegasus friend to actually roll her eyes with an amused smile. “Pinkie Pie is writing a journal. Or was it a diary?” Rainbow shrugged. “Meh, whatever. She's at Sugarcube Corner.” Rainbow Dash's arrival was, as usual, through the open window on the second floor of the library tree. Twilight should have been annoyed by her sudden appearance, but she got used to it anyway. Twilight smiled and nodded her thanks. “Thanks Rainbow.” She turned back to her table, where a stack of books she's going to read later were perfectly arranged. “I could use a break from all the reading.” Though she really wanted to stay some more to arrange the books. Today is suppose to be the day where she's going to rearrange the books into another set of order. It was even written in her schedule! But, friends do come first. “Heh,” Rainbow smirked, “ya think? Now come on!” Today, like every other week that has passed, Twilight and friends would go to Sugarcube Corner for a friendly little tea party and to keep their beloved Pinkie Pie company. The pink party pony was sitting on one of the stools around a round table outside of Sugarcube Corner, and she waved a hoof at Carrot Top who just exited the bakery. After an exchange of waving hooves, Pinkie Pie went back to her opened notebook on the table. She wanted to start writing already but, she did made a Pinkie Promise last week. Oh, she could wait. Any minute now and all of her friends wou— “Heya Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash greeted the pink mare as she quickly took a seat beside her. She then noticed the book, and quickly leaned forward to catch a glimpse of what was written. Her ears drooped. “Still blank, huh?” Pinkie Pie chuckled. “Silly Dashie. You know I don't break my own Pinkie Promise.” Rainbow Dash smiled. “Heh, good point.” She then looked at the town's earthy road. “Where are they, anyway?” Rainbow asked impatiently. “Oh,” said Mrs. Cake who just came out from the bakery to check up on Pinkie. “Hello Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow smiled back. “Hi Mrs. Cake. We'll have our usual, as usual.” Rainbow snorted and chuckled. Mrs. Cake smiled and nodded before heading back inside. “Sheesh, Rainbow,” Twilight said as she took a seat beside Pinkie Pie, “would it hurt you to slow down a bit?” Rainbow Dash smirked. “Look on the bright side...” “Howdy everypony!” Applejack greeted her friends as she took a seat beside Rainbow Dash. “You aren't the last pony to get here today.” Rainbow continued. “Is that a good thing though?” Applejack's smile was gone and replaced with confusion as she stared at her athletic pegasus friend. Rainbow turned to her with a frown. “I was talking to Twilight.” “Don't worry, Applejack,” Twilight spoke with a smile, catching both her friends' attention. “It wasn't anything important anyway.” Rainbow smirked. “It is to you. At least you won't be bugging us if you ever missed anything. Hahah!” Rainbow laughed a bit, contrasting Twilight's annoyed frown, though she immediately flashed a smile at her two other friends who just arrived. “Hey Rarity, and hey Fluttershy!” Twilight greeted the two newcomers. “Good morning Twilight,” Fluttershy greeted her back as she took a seat beside her. Rarity then sat in between Fluttershy and Applejack. “Hello Twilight, I'd say, it's nice to see that you're actually getting back into your punctual self,” Twilight frowned, “not that you're late in anything important from our previous tea parties, that is.” Twilight's frown went further down as Rainbow and Applejack snickered. Rarity, not noticing her unicorn friend's expression, turned to Pinkie Pie. “Hello Pinkie Pie. So how are you today?” Their other friends turned to her, and Pinkie Pie flashed them all her signature bubbly smile. “I'm great, thanks for asking, but...” she frowned as she looked at her large tummy. “I sure miss being able to run and hop around though.” “Aw, don't feel sad, Pinkie,” Applejack spoke, “it's been what...uh...” “Ten months.” Applejack nodded with a smile. “Right. Ten months. Thanks Fluttershy. Anyway, you've come this far, so how hard could another month of waiting be?” “Yeah!” Rainbow chimed in with a few flaps of her wings. “I mean, it's boring not to be able to move and not being able to walk straight or go arou—” “Not helping, Rainbow Dash...” Rarity interrupted. “Er... Yeah...” Rainbow scratched her head. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she resigned her head on the table. “Yeah, I got nothing...” Pinkie Pie chuckled. “It's all right, Dashie. I know you're just trying to cheer me up.” “Which she did miserably...” Applejack whispered to Fluttershy and Rarity before snickering, earning herself an angry stare from the cyan pegasus. “Order up!” Mr. Cake called as he came out from the bakery, expertly balancing a tray of baked cookies and crackers on his back. He walked towards the table of the six chattering ponies. “Thanks Mr. Cake.” Twilight said as she used her magic to levitate the tray and placed it on the center of their table. “Now, the tea will be ready in a few minutes.” Mr. Cake turned his head back at the bakery. “Pumpkin just needed to check on the twins and all.” “Oh, it's no problem at all!” Rarity said with a smile. Mr. Cake nodded his thanks before walking back inside. “Okay!” Rainbow Dash suddenly sprang back to life and quickly fixing her gaze at Pinkie Pie. “Story, now!” “Normally, I'd disagree with Rainbow's forwardness, but forgive us dear, for we have been dying to hear that story.” Rarity smiled. Fluttershy nodded her agreement. “If it's not too much trouble, that is...” “Heh, I've been wanting to hear it for quite some time now, to be honest.” Applejack said with a smile. Twilight nodded and smiled. “I could say that we're all eager to hear the story, Pinkie. And who knows? Maybe it'd be a perfect letter for the princess!” Pinkie Pie stared at her five friends' smiling faces, and she is more than willing to share it. Not because she made a promise, but because she know that she has been selfish enough to keep it for herself for too long. Pinkie nodded. “You want to hear a story?” Pinkie asked excitingly, earning eager nods from her friends. “Are you sure you want to hear it!?” Eager nods, plenty this time. “Nah, maybe next week.” Her friends' features dropped and they all groaned in unison. Pinkie Pie chuckled. “Kidding! Just kidding!” She then picked up her quill with her hoof and stared at her notebook with a warm smile. “Okay ponies, ready your ears and brains.” She looked up at her friends. “Well, you do need it so you can imagine the scenes of the story and the colors of the ground, and flowers, and the sky, and the clou—” “Pinkie...” Rainbow frowned. Pinkie Pie smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I'll start...now.” She then started writing on her notebook as she spoke. “It was a beautiful day in Pony—oof!” She turned her attention on her tummy with a glare. “Hey, mommy's trying to write here!” Pinkie whined playfully as she rubbed her tummy with a hoof. She then returned her attention back to her five friends. “Sorry. Junior gave me a sudden kick. Now where was I...” She stared at her notebook in thought. “Oh, right. Anyway, it was a beautiful day in Ponyville, just like this one. And there I was, happily humming as I bounced around town until—” “Tea anyone?” Mr. Cake announced, making the five ponies groan. Mr. Cake's smile became a confused frown as he blinked twice. “Did I do something wrong?” He blinked again. > New Pony In Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful sunny morning in Ponyville, where the birds flew lively and cheerfully in the heavens above, and where the ponies around town trotted to their destinations with smiles plastered on each of their faces. Pinkie Pie was the local party mare. She's pretty well known to make everypony smile. She hummed a song to herself as she merrily hopped around town to...nowhere in particular. She just goes around town and helps anypony who needed her. That's what good friends are for! She stopped on her tracks after she heard a distant whistle of a train. Blinking, she found herself in Ponyville's train station. Huh, her Pinkie Sense must have brought her here. She turned and stared at the tiny train from the distance. “Oh!” She jumped with glee. “It's coming this way! That means there's going to be a new pony in to—!” She gasped long and hard, receiving curious looks from nearby ponies. She didn't mind them...or probably didn't notice them. A huge toothie grin has stretched her smiling mouth. “Or maybe even better! Maybe a lot of new ponies will come to town today!” She giggled in excitement as she waited for the train to arrive. ‘Oh, this is going to be so so perfect!’ She thought as another whistle from the train was carried by the cool summer air. ‘I'm going to patiently wait here, on this very spot!’ She sat down on the earthy ground. ‘And then I'm going to wait for the train to arrive.’ She started imagining a train arriving right in front of her, and stopped, where conveniently, the train's door was in front of her. It slid open, and lots of new but frownie-faced ponies were inside. She stretched her smile wide while in reality, the train was already pulling to a stop. ‘And then I'm going to sing them a song,’ the train has stopped, and a grayish-ash steam escaped from the engine car. ‘And there's going to be dancing,’ the train whistled loudly, but it wasn't even enough to snap the grinning pink pony back to reality who was sitting a few hooves in front of the train's door. ‘And then there's going to be cookies, pies, muffins, and cakes!’ The door slid open. ‘Oh! And punch!’ She finally blinked after her perfect plan has been all planned out, and now she found herself staring at ponies who are eyeing her with great confusion. “S-see honey?” a unicorn stallion chuckled as he turned to his fiancé, “I told you the ponies here are very welcoming.” “Uh, yes, quite...” the unicorn mare responded that was full of doubt while Pinkie forced herself to smile as she sweated. ‘This is so not part of the plan...’ She thought bitterly, but she was here, and, ‘time to improvise!’ She puts her grinning game face on as she stood up. ‘I have no idea what I'm doing...’ “Hi!” she nervously greeted the unicorn couple, “welcome to Ponyville!” And she greeted the other ponies who came out, and the next ones, and the next ones, and the next ones, until she finally greeted the last pony who got off the train. “Phew...” she sat, raised both her front hooves in front of her face, and stared at how wrinkly they were. “Shaking hooves with seventy-two ponies sure is hard work...” She then stood up, took a deep breath, and sighed with a victorious smile. “Well, at least I greeted everypony! That's better than throwing them a cake from my party cannon.” Her smile became an angry frown as she crossed her hooves on her chest and sat down again. “Which I still think is a better way of greeting new ponies, but noooooooooooooo. Rarity and Twilight says otherwise...” Her ears drooped as she sighed. And then she sprang back to life as she got to all four hooves. “Well, I'm sure they're right for whatever reason.” She started humming as she hopped away, but instantly stopped after she heard sets of hooves from the train behind her. She turned around and saw a brown earth pony stallion with black saddlebags, and with a semi-messy darker brown mane and tail. Pinkie smiled as she walked towards him. ‘I guess I missed one. Tsk. Pinkie, you need to focus more from now on! I mean, what would happen if I already left and didn't notice that there was still one pony left in the train that I needed to greet!’ She already stopped in front of the stallion, who was arching an eyebrow at her. Realizing what she just thought, her smile vanished so suddenly and gasped as if something was about to eat them. Shivering, the earth stallion quickly turned around to see what made the pink pony gasp. ‘Oh my gosh! That would be a disaster! Everypony will be smiling except for one pony! And it's going to be my fault! No! I won't let that happen!’ She shook her head viciously, making the brown earth stallion start to worry if this pony is still sane or is already on the edge of losing it. Pinkie then took deep breaths. The stallion took that as his chance to ask. He cleared his throat. “Uh... Are y—” “HI!” Pinkie shouted as she bounced, startling the stallion. “My name's Pinkie Pie, and welcome to Ponyville!” She had a huge grin on her face as she took a step to the side and extended a hoof towards town. “And I'm going to make sure that you won't be that pony who's going to be forever wearing a sad-face while everypony else are all wearing smiley-faces!” The stallion took a cautious step back as he eyed the weird pink pony with massive confusion. “R-r-right...” “So what's your name?” Pinkie cheerfully asked as she cheerfully took a step forward. “Er...” the stallion tip-toed to the side, “nopony...” another tip-toe. “Yeah, I'm nopony, so uh, have a nice day...” he awkwardly bowed his head slightly at her before trotting towards town in a pretty fast pace with no reason at all. Nope. Pinkie blinked, and blinked, sat, blinked again, and puts a hoof on her chin as she thought about it out loud. “He's Nopony? That's a weird name. And a pretty sad name too. Wait!” She gasped, startling the cyan pegasus who was hovering above. “That is a sad name! Then that means he's a sad pony! And that means his life is sad! And that means he has no friends, because friends don't like it when ponies are sad! So if he is sad, then nopony likes to be friends with Nopony!” She gasps again, making the cyan-coated pegasus to roll her eyes as she lands in front of the pink pony. “Pinkie,” Rainbow spoke with an arched eyebrow, “what are you gasping about?” Pinkie suddenly grabbed both Rainbow's shoulders with her hooves and pulled her face to hers. “This is bad, Rainbow! Somepony's sad and I need to fix it!” “Right...” Rainbow easily pulled herself away from her weird friend. “What a—” “No time to explain, Dashie!” Pinkie then stood on all four, determination written all over her smiling face. “I've got a pony to be unsaddened!” Rainbow shook her head. “I am not an egghead like Twilight, but I'm pretty sure...” Pinkie Pie was already cheerfully hopping towards town. “...that's...not...a...word...? Ah, forget it.” She flapped her wings and hovered towards the heavens. “Maybe Applejack has something interesting going on...” > Leave Me Alone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie was hopping around town as she hummed a song to herself. Though it was unusual for her to have her eyes open as she hopped around town. She did so on purpose so she could spot that brown earth pony to start her quest of unsaddening the sad pony with a sad name that probably has a sad life and has no friends and so Pinkie will have to make sure that he will befriend him so at least he could have one friend and that is better than none and he could also start from there to make lots and lots of friends so his life could finally be brighter than what Pinkie is thinking and the narrator needs to stop talking like Pinkie Pie. ...phew... She hopped by Sugarcube Corner, taking a quick glance through the glass window before hopping awa—she rewinded her tracks and stopped in front of Sugarcube Corner. Sure enough, she found her target purchasing some plain bread. Pinkie sticks her tongue in disgust. Who'd want to eat plain sweetless treats anyway? Oh! He's about to turn! “Thank you, and have a nice day!” Mr. Cake said as he nodded his thanks. The brown earth pony stallion took the brown paper bag with his mouth, nodded back with a smile, turned to the exit, and stopped after a cloud of dust was formed just outside the door, with curious ponies staring at it. The dust cloud settled back down, and everything went back to normal. The stallion shook his head and headed towards the door. The stallion took a step outside, and smiled as the sun gra— “HI!” “Gah!” The stallion yelped as he jerked back, throwing his purchase in the air. He then turned his head up, his eyes following his flying bag, but a pink hoof managed to catch it. The said hoof was...from the same pink pony...who was standing on his back. “Got'cha!” Pinkie said victoriously as the brown stallion turned his head over his shoulder to get a better look. Pinkie then stood on three hooves, seemingly an expert in balancing. The brown stallion glared. “Could you get off of me, please?” “Oh! Whoopsie!” Pinkie smiled sheepishly, and bounced off of him, and landed in front of him. She then turned and gave the bag. “Here you go!” The stallion frowned as he bit the handle, nodded slightly, and started walking away. He was about to sigh in relief until he noticed the pink mare bouncing beside him. “So I was thinking of showing you around town and let you meet with everypony so you could get to know everypony and you can be friends with them so you will have a friend like me to talk to and so your life won't be full of sadness and—” Pinkie turned to see the stallion, but he was gone. She stopped and turned back, and saw the stallion entered Ponyville's Horseshoe Hotel. Pinkie smiled as she hopped towards the building. ‘Well, duh! Of course he needed a place to stay! He's new in town and I doubt that he already has a house here, unless of course if he has a relative to stay with, but why would he go to a hotel if he does have relatives staying here in Ponyville?’ “Do you have any relatives here in Ponyville?” Pinkie suddenly asked the stallion who just finished signing the paper that was handed by the clerk. The stallion eyed her annoyingly until the clerk levitated his room's key. He grabbed it with a hoof, nodded his thanks to the bored-looking clerk, and walked towards the stairs, completely ignoring the pink mare, who decided to follow him all the way to his room on the second floor. He stared at the number on his room's door longer than he wanted to. He sighed frustratingly, placed the bag of bread on the floor, and faced the pink mare, who was still smiling as lively as ever. “Why are you following me?” Pinkie bounced once, startling the stallion a bit. “Because you didn't answer my question yet, silly.” ‘And here I thought that this is a quiet town...’ The stallion sighed. “And that question is...?” Pinkie looked shocked and surprise at the same. “Oh my gosh! You forgot?” She then leaned way ahead, while the stallion leaned back, but Pinkie somehow managed reach his forehead with her own as she worriedly eyed the stallion's eyes. “Do you have amnesia or anything? You still remember me greeting you back in the train station? Wait, maybe—” A brown hoof pulled her away. The stallion wiped a sweat on his forehead and sighed. “I don't have any memory issues,” but he looked away for a moment. ‘Though I do tend to forget things sometimes...’ He stared annoyingly at the worried pink mare in front of him. “And what do I have to do for you to stop following me?” Pinkie stared at him for a few seconds before speaking. “Are you sure you don't have memory problems.” “Of course I don't.” “Really?” “You're really starting to annoy me...” The stallion inserted the key on the keyhole, twisted it, and opened the door to peace and quiet. Before that however, he needed to go through the pink mare who was suddenly standing inside the room, looking at him worriedly. The stallion blinked in confusion. He turned his head to where the mare was previously standing, but she was no longer there. “Well, if you're really sure that you don't have memory problems, tell me my name.” The stallion took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Look, pink pony—” “Close enough!” Pinkie bounced excitingly. The stallion grinned. ‘Heh, thought you'd startle me again, huh?’ “Why are you smiling?” “Ugh...” the stallion rubbed his head with a hoof. “Because I remembered that butterfly pony I saw outside...” Pinkie gasped. “There's a butterfly pony outside!?” A strong gust of wind made the stallion close his eyes in reflex. Opening them, the pink mare was completely gone. Sighing in the greatest relief, he picked the bag of bread with his mouth, entered his room, pulled the keys, closed the door. Finally, some peace and quiet. He took his wonderful time staring at his hotel room. It was quiet small, but it was the way he likes it. There's a comfy-looking bed, a pretty table, some chairs, and a window. There's also a tall wardrobe, another door that probably leads to the bathroom, and a bedside table with a flower vase on top. The flower looked withered though, which saddened him a bit. He puts his bag of bread and his saddlebag on the table, and he was about to jump on the bed when his room was suddenly filled with knocking sounds from the door. He sighed as he opened the door, and on the other side was a frowning pink mare. “I must have missed it...” The stallion arched an eyebrow. “Missed what?” “Aha!” Pinkie shouted as she pointed a hoof at the blinking stallion. “So you do have memory problems!” The stallion shook his head. “Could you please leave me alone?” He didn't wait for an answer. He quickly closed the door shut, and locked it. ‘That was rather rude of me...’ He turned and gasped in surprise after seeing the pink mare right in front of him. “How'd you get in here!?” He looked back at the closed door. There weren't any holes for her to go through. Pinkie simply shrugged. “Dunno, but maybe you should go and have a doctor to check on you.” “I don't nee—ah, whatever!” the stallion angrily opened the door wide, took a step to the side, and gestured for Pinkie Pie to leave. “Get out.” Pinkie blinked, but smiled and hopped out soon after. “Okie-dokie-lokie,” she stopped outside, spun around, and stared at an angry-looking stallion. “But you need to turn that frown up-side-down! Oh! I know! Want me to show you around town?” “Yes! Whatever! Now leave me alone!” And the door slammed shut, creating an air that blew Pinkie's mane back for a short while. The door then slowly opened slightly, and the brown stallion was poking his eye to look outside. “I'm just making sure you're outside.” And the door closed once again. The door opened again. “Could you leave already?” Pinkie smiled and hopped towards the stairs. “Okie-dokie-lokie! See ya this afternoon!” “Yeah, right...” the stallion closed the door and sighed in relief. “Ain't happening.” He walked tiredly towards the bed, climbed up, and let himself be drowned by the comfortable bed. He smiled dreamily as he let out a very satisfied smile. And before he knew it, he fell asleep. > The Invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derpy Hooves is the town's well-known mailmare. She is a pegasus, with gray-colored coat, and a golden-yellow mane and tail. She is also cross-eyed, but she is trying her best not to make her condition a hindrance. And she has proven that so many times, with little to no reward, but she's a happy and good-spirited mare, and a reward is something she doesn't expect for doing her job. “Muffins!” ...except for muffins. It was quite unknown of where her addictiveness to muffins ever came from though. Many have asked, but they landed to no clear answer, and hence why everypony in Ponyville left it as one of the greatest mysteries in life. Derpy excitingly accepted the deliciously-looking muffin from Pinkie Pie after delivering her large box of party supplies. “It's on the house, Derpy,” Pinkie Pie smiled as she handed the mailmare a box of heavenly goodness...for Derpy at least anyway. Even Pinkie Pie isn't sure why she likes muffins so much. After finishing off a muffin, Derpy happily nodded her thanks and bit the handle of the box of goodness. “Feynk vvyuu Ffinki Fvay.” She then flared her wings and flew to her next destination. “My my,” came Mrs. Cake's voice who just went out from the bakery store. “Looks like somepony's going to be busy today.” Pinkie easily lifted the box, threw it up in the air, and landed on her back with perfect balance. She grinned. “It's just some party supplies for my party later tonight.” She then happily went inside the bakery store. “And oh! I still need to make some invitations! Gotta run!” And she ran upstairs to her room with the box stuck on her back like it was glued. A knock on the door rose a brown earth pony stallion to wakefulness. He blinked a few times before another set of soft knocks echoed around his room from the other side of the door. He took a deep breath and rose up. He approached the door with a hoof still rubbing his tired eye. He then opened the door with the same hoof, and on the other side was none other than the pink menace of annoyance herself...with a basket hat full of letters. “Hi!” Pinkie Pie bounced excitingly, making the letters on her basket-hat to fly up and land back, except for one letter that slowly hovered down in between the two ponies. Pinkie Pie took it with a hoof and extended it towards the frowning earth pony stallion. “I'm throwing a party later tonight for the new ponies who arrive in town, and that includes you!” The brown stallion took the letter. It was pink, obviously. “Also...” Pinkie Pie bounced in place again, catching the stallion's sleepy attention. “Don't forget that later this afternoon I'll be showing you around town.” She received a groan as a response. Pinkie smiled widely. “I'll take that as an ‘I can't wait for this afternoon, Pinkie Pie! I'm sure it's going to be really fun and I'm really excited to meet the ponies around town and make friends with them’!” she said with a voice impersonating that of a male voice. The stallion just stared at her awkwardly. “Uh...” “Great! See you this afternoon!” And the pink pony hopped towards the stairs leading down to the ground floor of the apartment. The stallion kept his gaze on the stairs, even after the pink mare's already gone. He shook his head, closed the door, and stared at the letter on his hoof with a sad smile. He took a breath and sighed through his nostrils. “M-maybe it's time I should change the way I live my life...” He stared out the window after hearing cheerful giggles from outside. He walked towards the window and down on the earthy path, he saw three foals of different pony races excitingly talking to each other. “...I've been living a lonely life for far too long...” He slowly lifted his gaze up to the blue cloudless sky. He took a breath and sighed with a smile. But after a few seconds, his smile slowly turned into a painful frown. “...that won't change anything...except to hurt those near me...” he spoke to the wind, softer and quieter than a whisper. Pinkie Pie, after hoofing two invitation letters to the unicorn couple she met back in the train station, said her goodbye. After the door closed, she turned around with a smile. Her gaze fell on the brown stallion staring at the sky from his room's window. The apartment was only a few houses away from where she was, though. She shook her head with a frown. “Tsk. That pony really does have a sad life if he stares at the sky like that.” She then straightened herself up and puts on her determined smile. “But I'm gonna change that! After I deliver all of these letters.” She started humming a song as she bounced towards her next destination. Derpy flew towards Sweet Apple Acres. She landed in front of the farm's mailbox. She puts her box of heaven on the ground before looking for the mail inside her mailbag. She found it and pulled it out. She opened the farm's mailbox, inserted the first letter, and the second one, and the third one, and she then closed the mailbox. She pulled the flag up, smiled, bent down, bit the handle of her box of heaven, flared her wings open, and turned her gaze at the sea of apple trees in the apple orchard after hearing Rainbow Dash's loud voice. “Aw... Com'on AJ!” Rainbow pleaded as she hovered around the orange farmpony mare, who gave a tree a kick that made the apples fall to the ground. “This will only take a minute, I promise!” Applejack, after picking an apple with her mouth, stared lamely at her pegasus friend for a while before rolling her eyes. She puts the apple on a nearby wooden barrel. “Sorry RD,” Applejack began as she took another apple, “but Ah'm just busy today, harvestin' apples an' all.” Applejack's not great at lying, but she's been doing good at making up stories which aren't all truth and lies. It's true that she needed to harvest apples, but it wasn't really all truth that she needed to busy herself with it. Rainbow Dash groaned as she landed beside the farmpony. “Ugh... Com'on, please?” Applejack lifted her head to put the apple inside the barrel, and after hearing her friend's pleading, she wanted to turn her gaze away instantly, but she caught a glimpse of her pouting face, and it was too darn difficult to get her gaze stare elsewhere. Not with those big and sad and sparkling eyes and those sad pouty bottom lip of hers. Applejack grumbled before sighing in defeat and hanging her head low. “Fine fine...” The instant the words left the farmer's mouth, Rainbow Dash leaped in the air excitingly. “YES!” Applejack could only roll her eyes, and threateningly poked a hoof on the pegasus shoulder as soon as she landed on the ground. “But only for a minute, got that?” Rainbow simply shrugged it off. “Yeah yeah, I promise. Now com'on!” > Town Hall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The brown stallion glanced at the clock hanging on the wall opposite to his door. It was twenty-two minutes passed noon, and he hadn't even touched his purchased bread yet. He was just lying on his bed, and he shifted his gaze on the ceiling. He took a breath and sighed. ‘I need a job. If I am to continue living here, I need something to do to earn myself some bits and to take my mind off of things. Huh, but I don't know where I should go to start looking for one. Hm... Maybe that pink pony could help me. What was her name again? Pinkie? But, that'd mean I'd be spending time with her.’ The stallion took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and sighed slowly. After a second or two, he opened his eyes again and kept on staring at the ceiling. ‘I need to stay away from other ponies' lives as much as possible. That way, I could easily go and won't leave any marks on any ponies' lives.’ He nodded to himself. He has told him this far too many times now. ‘Anyway, maybe there's a town hall here...’ There was a knock on his door. And then another, and another. The stallion groaned as he rose up and crawled out of the bed. He went to the door and opened it. And as he thought, it was the pink mare again, but she was panting so hard that she's even sticking her tongue out, though he didn't expect the air to smell sweaty. She was sweating, and her mane was messy — messier than usual — yet she was flashing him a smile. “So are—you rea—dy to—go ar—round town and—” she said in between deep breaths, and then she took a deep breath, “—meet every...everypony?” and she finishes it with a big toothy grin while still breathing hard through her nostrils. She just finished delivering all the invitation letters around town under the hot sunny weather, and went straight there to fetch the stallion. The stallion only stared at her with a bored look. “I think you need to head home,” he eyed a sweat running down on her face, and jumped to its doom to the floor. He blinked as he returned his gaze to her, “and you need to take a shower.” “Oh, that's a great idea!” Pinkie sprang back to her usual self, her mane went back to its normal poofy look and sweat on her face disappeared like magic. “So, how's that?” The stallion arched an eyebrow in confusion. “How's what?” “You said that I needed to go home and take a shower!” She lifted her front hooves happily in the air as she excitingly announces, “and I did just that!” The stallion narrowed his eyes in confusion, doubt and disbelief. He sniffed — unintentionally — and the air was no longer smelling sweaty. He blinked in confusion. She actually smelled...cottony...and he has no idea if that's a good thing or something to worry about. “So, you ready to go 'round town?” Whatever the mystery is surrounding this weird pink pony, he didn't want to know. He shook his head slightly. “Look, since you're here, I might as well ask for directions of where the town hall is?” Pinkie suddenly stood beside him and wrapped a hoof behind his neck. “Why won't I just walk you there while I show you around town!” She then stood in front of him and brought her two hooves on the edges of his lips, and lifted them up so it curved into a smile, though his eyes were as annoyed as ever. “And then I'll introduce you to everypony in town and be friends with them so you can finally have something to smile about, Nopony!” The stallion grabbed both her hooves and threw them back on the ground. He shook his head, walked outside his room, closed the door behind him, and walked towards the stairs. “Hey! Where are you going?” Pinkie asked behind him. He shook his head. “None of your concern. Have a good day.” And he walked down the stairs. Pinkie stared blankly at the staircase before smiling to herself and hopping towards the stairs. Outside, she manages to catch up on Nopony, who was asking for directions with an old mare. Nopony nodded his thanks and trotted on the earthy path towards the town hall, and did his best to ignore the pink bouncing pony that was following him. His eye twitched in irritation, but he said nothing. Upon reaching the town hall however, he could no longer hold his patience. He groaned, stopped, turned around, and glared at the pink mare. “Would you please please pleeeaaassseee stop following me?” he hissed. Pinkie smiled at him. “Following you?” She shook her head. “Nope, I wasn't following you.” She then turned to the large bulletin board standing a few hooves from the entrance of town hall. “I was showing you where the town hall is, and,” she extended a hoof and pointed at the board, “if you want to get a job, you can search for one here!” She then focused on the board, scanning every paper pinned on the board. “Hm...” Nopony blinked twice. How did she knew that he was going to find a job for himself, anyway? No, he shook his head, he has no time to trouble with her. He took a breath to calm his nerves. She did tell him that he could find a job at the papers on the board. He might as well thank her. “Hey uh,” Pinkie Pie regarded him with a side-glance, “thanks,” he nodded, a bit forcefully, “now could you please leave me be? I need to get a job...” She faced him and smiled brightly. “Okie dokie lokie~♪” and she bounced away to...wherever her hooves will take her. Nopony sighed in great relief now that she left him alone. He then turned his full attention on the board and read all the papers pinned on it. > White Crush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nopony walked out from the town hall with a fresh smile. He never thought that the mayor of this little town is friendly, and very accepting, too! He was instantly hired to be an encoder, whatever that was. He walked in front of the bulletin board and read the job's description once again. ‘Huh... It says here that it's mostly about doing paper work and stuff...’ he shrugged as he turned around and walked towards the fountain. ‘It sounds boring enough. Too boring for ponies to notice me.’ He didn't like the idea of having a boring job, but he smiled nonetheless, for at least it'll be easier for ponies to ignore him. He'll just have to blend with the background and all. He stopped by the fountain. He leaned forward and stared at his reflection, though, it wasn't his reflection that he was staring at. He frowned and sighed as a pink pony head emerged from the fountain. “So?” Pinkie chirped, hopping out from the fountain and shaking the water off of her. “How was y—uh...” The brown earth stallion was soaked, and his wet mane completely covered both his eyes. “I'm going to be stuck with you for the rest of the afternoon, aren't I?” he lamely inquired as he pushed his mane out of his eyes with a hoof, and stared tiredly-angrily at the pink mare who was stifling a giggle. Pinkie snorted. “S-sorry, anyway. Lemme make it up for you!” Nopony sighed. “Are you—by any chance—accepting a ‘no’ as an answer?” Pinkie shook her head cheerfully. “Nope.” The stallion sighed again. “Figures...” He hung his head and simply stared at the ground below him. He noticed the constant drops of water from him. He felt angry that the pink mare soaked him wet. He wanted to say something, but an idea popped into his head, making him smile mischievously. Slowly, he rose his head back up, wearing a sly smile at the pink pony. Pinkie smiled. Finally, Nopony was starting to smile! That's a plus for her! “Okay, so I was thi—whaaaa!” The brown stallion shook the water off of him viciously, as he held his smile and his gaze on the flailing pink mare. As he felt all of the water on his coat was gone, he stopped and smiled at his hoofwork. Pinkie Pie stared back at him with a shocked expression. Her mane and coat were slightly wet. The stallion chuckled. Pinkie blinked and giggled. Nopony chuckled again, and started laughing a bit. Pinkie Pie started giggling like mad. And she snorted here and there. The two ponies were laughing at the fountain, completely ignoring the confused looks of the ponies in the area. “Y-you're funny,” Pinkie Pie said after her giggles died down a bit. “Y-yeah? We-well, you're crazy,” Nopony shot back and chuckled. “Yeah? Well, you're boring!” Pinkie stuck her tongue out at him. Nopony felt a bit offended from her remark, and stuck his tongue out at her with angry eyes. Pinkie Pie furrowed her brows. “What in the wide wide world of Equestria are you two doing?” Nopony and Pinkie blinked and quickly shuffled their tongues back inside their mouths before turning their attention at the white unicorn mare a few meters from them. Her white silky coat glittered in the sunlight. Her perfect horn glowed a brilliant blue aura, holding her shopping bags suspended in the air behind her. Her stylish purple mane and tail held beautiful curves and fall majestically down. Her confused eyes were perfect orbs of beauty, and her arching eyebrow held so much perfection. “I—ah, we—ah, uh...” Nopony mumbled, his brain a complete wreck at the moment. And oh, he had a hard time breathing. “Hiya Rarity!” Pinkie bounced and waved a hoof at the newcomer. Rarity eyed her friend with a sweet smile. “Hello Pinkie Pie, uh,” her smile turned into a confused frown after noticing her slightly wet and messy mane, “l-lovely new mane style...?” She then turned to the stallion, who was still at a loss for words. “And who might you be?” Pinkie turned to him, and waited for him to reply, but she arched an eyebrow after the stallion's opening and closing mouth only had “buh-uh” and “nuh-uh” and other mumblish things that made the pink mare giggle. “Oh, he's new in town,” Pinkie turned to the white unicorn. “We were just checking if our tongues were still working, but his clearly isn't working properly yet...” “I... see...” Rarity said slowly as she slowly took a step back, too concerned that maybe he's one of the ponies who already lost their sanity after spending some time with Pinkie. “W-well, it was lovely to see you Pinkie,” she nodded to her friend with a smile, and then turned to the stallion with a concerned frown, “and uh...” “He's name's Nopony,” Pinkie said happily. Rarity arched an eyebrow yet again. “Right... Well, it was nice to uh...know you, Nopony...” she flashed him a concerned and awkward smile before turning to the pink mare. “...but I must rush back to my boutique. Such an awful lot of dresses I needed to make!” Pinkie nodded her understanding. “Of course! See ya Rarity!” she waved a hoof at the retreating unicorn. “Don't forget the party this evening!” Rarity stopped and turned over her shoulder. “I'll be there, Pinkie! I could use one of your Pinkie Parties to relieve this stress I'm having. See you later darling!” and with that, she was gone. Pinkie waved a hoof a few more seconds before returning it back down on the ground. She then turned back to the stallion beside her, and poked a hoof on his shoulder. “Whoooo...” she batted her eyelashes slyly, “somepony's got the hots for Rarity, I see.” That woke him up. “Wait, what!?” he quickly turned to the pink mare. “That's a lie!” Pinkie leaned closer and continued batting her eyelashes teasingly. “Sure it is... I bet that pink cheeks of yours are only mirrors reflecting my color...” she giggled. Nopony scrambled as he took a few safe steps back—giving him distance from the pink pony to hide his blushing face. “N-n-no! You got it all wrong!” Pinkie rolled her eyes and giggled. “Yeah, well, you keep telling yourself that.” She then bounced towards him. “Com'on, I'm gonna show you the rest of the town!” Nopony grumbled, and sighed as he nodded his head. Pinkie giggled and poked his shoulder again. “First stop, the white unicorn angel's boutique.” The brown stallion's face turned bright red. Pinkie Pie giggled. “See? I told you you're funny!” “A-and you're crazy! I-I don't like her! I am not attracted to her!” Nopony shot back as he turned his gaze away, only making the pink mare giggle some more. ‘Somepony please just kill me now...’ > Run-Away Wagon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Care for some carrot cake or apple cake or strawberry cake or chocolate cake or vanilla cake or strawberry-with-chocolate cake or double-layer chocolate cake or double-layer strawberry cake or double-layer apple cake or double-layer carrot cake or hay cake or choco-hay cake or—” Nopony winced as Pinkie Pie talked on and on and on as she showed him various cakes on her hooves that she took out from behind the counter inside Sugarcube Corner. He doesn't even understand where those cakes are coming from, since the only items displayed inside the glass container were bread and muffin products. Mr. Cake, who poked his head out from the room behind the counter, also winced at each cake being displayed before the brown earth stallion. He tried his best to flash him a supportive smile, mentally telling him to endure the pink mare's energetic bubbly rambles. Of course, neither of the two earth ponies were telepathic. They're not sure if Pinkie Pie was or wasn't, though... “—or the cookie-coated chocolate cake or the cookie-coated vanilla cake and oh we also have vanilla ice cream cake and carrot ice cream cake and apple ice cream cake and—” The different types of ice cream cakes being flashed before him started to spread a cool air around the bakery, though it still didn't help him from wincing however. He remembered he and Pinkie were walking on one of the many paths of the town when the stallion's stomach finally reminded him that he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and it was already a few hours past noon. Luckily, or scarily, depending on how a pony looks at it, the two of them were in front of the bakery when his stomach set off the alarm. “—aaaaaaaaaaand—” Pinkie took a deep deep breath while the silence was broken by a sound of a drum roll somewhere. “—we have the ultra-mega-super-delicious...MMM...” the pink mare's closed and smiling lips stretched further than normal as her eyes twinkled like the stars in Luna's night. A full minute flew by in silence. Three ponies stood there, moving nothing but their breathing. Finally, it was over. The brown stallion smiled, but as he let out a sigh, the damn dam broke again. “And that's only our cakes! We also have muffins like blueberry—” “Pinkie...” “—muffins and strawberry muffins and chocolate-coated muffins and—” “Pinkie...” two stallions spoke in unison. “—apple-flavored muffins and zap-apple muffins—” “Pinkie...!” “—and I'm pretty sure we also have that sapphire-coated muffin—” “Pinkie!” “—but I'm not sure if a pony could eat that kind of muffin though...” Pinkie stopped and brought a hoof on her chin to think about that information. The two stallions were about to shout their lungs out, but stopped, their screams got stuck in their throats, when they noticed that the pink mare became quiet. Pinkie then shrugged. “Meh, I'll go and ask Twilight about it later.” “Please, for the—wait...” the brown stallion blinked, “d-did you say that Twilight lives here?” Pinkie regarded him with an arch eyebrow, but she nodded. “Twilight? You mean the Twilight Sparkle?” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Well, duh... Who else would I be talking about?” she smiled at him. The stallion could not believe it. “Get out of town!” Pinkie blinked. “Why would I leave the town?” She frowned. “That's not a nice thing to say, you know...” The stallion blinked, and shook his head. He smiled apologetically at the mare. “N-no... It's a figure of speech. It means...aw what the heck... Can I meet her?” Pinkie smiled, and was about to reply, but she was interrupted by a loud grumpy tummy. The stallion blinked and smiled sheepishly as he blushed. “Y-yeah, after I eat something, that is...” “Okie-dokie-lokie! So watcha havin' today?” Pinkie beamed as she produced a plate-full of chocolate-chip cookies. The stallion's pupils shrunk. He didn't like where this was going...again... “We have some choco—” “May I suggest—” Mr. Cake bursts out from the room behind the counter, and quickly shoved Pinkie away, “—that since the poor colt here's hungry, that he'll be having one of our finest, freshly-baked plain breads?” “Bleayk,” Pinkie stuck her tongue out in disgust, while the brown stallion mouthed the words ‘thank you’ at Mr. Cake. “Who'd want to eat such a boring and flavorless bread, anyway?” Nopony stared at her with a deadpan expression. “Why, the boring and flavorless brown earth stallion, of course...” “Well, we're gonna work on that during the party later this evening,” Pinkie bounced as she followed the stallion towards one of the bakery's tables. “I don't think so...” Nopony sighed as he sat on the stool and brought the bread on the table. “Anyway, can you uh...walk with me...” he cringed slightly at what he just asked, “...to Twilight...?” Pinkie smiled and nodded. “Sure!” “—and then there's gonna be lots of games that we could play with other ponies in the party later!” Pinkie explained to her unfortunate tourist as she gave a casual wave of a hoof to the ponies the two of them pass by as they walked and bounced their way towards the large oak tree on the edge of town. “Oh! We could play ‘pin the tail on the pony’ and—” “GET OFF THE ROAD!!!” A powerful loud voice boomed, making each pony in the area stop on their tracks. Soon, a loud rackety sound of squeaky wooden wheels echoed louder and louder. “WHOA!!!” “Stop that wagon!” another voice called as Pinkie and Nopony looked back, and gasped as a fast-approaching wagon was heading straight towards them. The said wagon however had a cyan head of a pony with a rainbow-colored mane that was stuck on the hole on the wagon's front. Ponies jumped to the side to evade the fast wagon that threatened to flatten them. Nopony screamed in panic and started running ahead, the wagon getting closer and closer. “Wheee!!!” Pinkie Pie squealed cheerfully as she stood inside the wagon. “This is fun!” “Pinkie Pie!” the cyan pegasus cried, “a little help here?” “Huh?” There was a loud thud. “Gah!” The brown stallion's back was pressed against the wagon as it carried him along for the unwanted and unexpected ride. “How you we stop this thing!?” He flailed his hooves in the air in panic. “Tree!” Pinkie cheerfully announced. “Huh?” Nopony and Rainbow turned their heads at the pink mare in confusion. Pinkie Pie happily pointed with a hoof at the large majestic tree growing bigger and bigger in seconds. The two ponies followed her hoof, and saw the library tree straight ahead. “Oh, that tree,” the two said in unison in a calm voice before letting out a scream. “What in Equestria is all of that racket?” Twilight Sparkle asked while she wiped a book with a cloth with the help of her magic. It was the last book that she and his faithful assistant needed to clean that day. “I dunno...” Spike said, growing concerned as the loud noise was getting louder and louder. He was on top of the ladder that leaned on the bookshelf. He just finished placing a book on its rightful place in the library. “B-but I got a funny feeling that...it's not gonna be funny...” The loud racket was then accompanied by screams, and screams were accompanied by a thunderous explosion of wood as the library's door became splinters. Twilight yelped and Spike was startled, as the wagon continued its journey towards the stacks of books dead ahead. Applejack stopped in front of the library's door, if there was one anyway. She winced as she heard low and painful groans from inside the library, where everything was covered by dust. Curious ponies started to crowd a few hooves behind the farm mare as she cautiously took a step inside the library. “Is everypony okay?” Applejack called, coughing a bit. “Wheeee!” was her answer, as a pink blob jumped out from the sea of books and dust. “Let's do that again!” “Is anypony else okay in there...?” Applejack called. Several ponies, and a dragon, groaned in response. “Ah'll take that as ah...maybe...?”