> Long Overdue > by Jubilancy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Long Time; No See. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Hoof Records is an intimidating building on the outside. What with its grey color, giant bold letters, and not one non-steel door to be seen. The winding path leading to it from downtown Las Pegasus is just as lifeless. Short, sun-baked grass tinged the edges like a frame. The inside, however, is a total contrast. Inside, everything is vibrant and colorful. The walls a pretty eggshell blue, the floors are a stunning white tile, in some places carpet. On every wall there are pictures of motivational things and happy-go-lucky sayings. You couldn’t walk in with a bad mood and stay in one. You also couldn’t walk in without hearing my musical voice coming from Hall 2b. Now I don’t mean to brag, but I am a sight for sore eyes. Pastel, multicolored mane and tail. Shimmering white coat and piercing green eyes. I tell ya, it’s a wonder I’m still a virgin. “...and it is plain for you to seeeeee…. Just how muuuuch… Youu meeaan toooo… Mmmmeeee!” After finishing my latest song, I waited quietly for the mixer behind the glass to give me the signal that I was clear before speaking. “How was that, Rubes?” I spoke in a voice that one might hear in Canterlot. Ruby Shine, my red-and-pink manager, stepped forward and pressed a button on the sound board. “That was great, Sweetie Belle! This album’s gonna be a hit just like the last one.” I smiled and lit up my horn, wrapping the door knob in a green aura. I trotted over to it, my hoof-steps nearly thunderous in the large empty room, and opened it, sliding in with ease. “That reminds me; you’re accompanying somepony on their Equestrian Tour tomorrow, remember?” I shut the door behind me and looked at Ruby. I am? Oh… “Oh, yeah. Who is that again?” Ruby lifted her clipboard and peered through her thin, wire-rimmed glasses before replying. “A gentle colt by the name of Pipsqueak. Lived in Ponyville, attended school taught by Miss Cheerilee…” Her voice trailed off as she continued to read silently. “These are practically your credentials. Do you know him?” I nodded as I led the way out of the studio. “Yeah, we went to school together. Handsome, small, white.” Freaking sexy, hunky, adorable… “That’s him.” “I wonder if he’ll even remember me.” “Oh, I’m sure he will. You’re one of the biggest names in music, now.” I sighed and put my hoof on my dressing room door’s handle. “Yeah. I’m gonna freshen up, Rubes. See ya tomorrow.” I escaped the hallway without waiting for the Pegasus to answer and closed it. I leaned up against the door and slid down with a sigh. I used my magic to flip the switch and the room instantly lit up, revealing my things. A few pictures sat on my make-up table. A few of them depicted my loyal fans and I, but most held family. My sister, my sister’s friends. My gaze studied them all and rested on a picture of my friends and I. This was last years at Applebloom’s eighteenth birthday party. Her red mane was tied back in a messy bun, her tail looking no better, yet it still gave her a feminine look. Scootaloo’s mane was styled as it had always been: spunky and rough. As much as I had tried to get her to try a new style, the stubborn Pegasus had said no. Although I didn’t really get why she wouldn’t try something new, I did approve of how the style looked. It was just the right mixture of “I’m a girly-girl” and “I could easily put you into a coma”. With a smile, I got to my hooves and walked over to my mirror and sat down on the leather-padded stool. I tapped my hoof restlessly on the top of the desk and narrowed my eyes. I looked about the room, looking for something to do. “Ugh, I’m so boooredd!” I gave an exaggerated sigh and slid my hooves down my face like I used to do as a filly. I wanted to go out, but there was no way I could without being mobbed by paparazzi. I’d nearly got into trouble after “accidentally” bucking a news reporter in his happy place. Sure, I’d apologized profusely, though not honestly, to him and went about my business. I sighed and groaned, then dropped my head onto the marble top of the table with a thud. Fame and fortune wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Sure, I enjoyed the parties and the caviar, yet I just wished she could cross the street without having a microphone shoved into my face. Taking a deep breath, I raised my head and stood up, then leaned down to check myself in the mirror, before exiting the room. I clicked the door shut and trotted down the hallway and out the door into the city air. I fixed my curls to where they would cover my face from the sides and began walking around the city. Las Pegasus was scary for a pony who’d never been there before, but I was experienced. You had to be if you wanted to get somewhere without being noticed. There was a hidden diner down Bridle Ave. that was known only to the famed of the city called Well Known. A bit of an ironic name, but it suited what was needed. It was a small diner where celebrities weren’t celebrities. Just your normal, everyday pony. The bell clanged as I strolled in and a quiet chorus of greetings arose in the atmosphere. I smiled and waved to the other celebs and took my usual place at the counter. “We-he-hell if it ain’t Sweetie Belle herself!” I giggled and placed my hooves on the cool granite. “Hiya Coal. How ya been?” The elderly black stallion grunted and rolled his blue eyes. “Eh, ya know. The usual. What about you, I hear ya gettin' ready to put a new album?” I nodded. “That’s right. Ruby said it’s gonna be a hit like the last one.” Coal smiled and turned away from me to begin preparing my unordered drink: hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. He turned back with the saucer and cup in his mouth and set it down. I licked my lips and smiled at him. “Thanks.” “Yeah, yeah. I hear ya goin’ on tour with some new artist… Pipsqueak right?” He rolled his eyes good-naturedly when I nodded with the cup levitated to my mouth. “My daughter’s obsessed with that kid. Posters everywhere, CDs, magazines, and whathaveya.” I smiled as I set down my cup. “He’s a sweet stallion, really. I knew him in school. I guess you could say I had a bit of a crush on him.” Coal’s eyes widened at that. “Really? Huh.” The clanging of the bell made the chatting ponies and I look up, and I swear my jaw would’ve hit the floor if the counter top hadn’t been in the way. The stallion I saw was tall and white with splotches of brown on his coat and beautiful brown eyes and… Holy shit, it was Pipsqueak. “Sweetie Belle, is that you?” Dat accent. “Pipsqueak! Oh my gosh, hi!” I got up from my seat and ran over, wrapping him in a huge hug. “I thought I wouldn’t see you until tomorrow.” I said, pulling back to look into his brown eyes. Pip smiled and scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, me too. I thought maybe I could grab a cup of coffee when I saw this diner and saw you in the window. Freaked me out.” With a smile I went back to my seat and patted the one beside me. “Well, come on!” We chattered for hours, reminiscing about school and the clichés. I nearly shot cocoa from my nose after Pip told me about Diamond Tiara’s almost shitting herself when seeing my first album in a store. Oh, how I would’ve loved to have been there. But if it meant giving up talking to Pipsqueak, then it could wait. I’d forgotten why I’d liked him, and now it was starting to come back me. He was charming, funny, and definitely not hard on the eyes. He was sweet, Celestia was he sweet. “Could I walk you home? It’s nearly midnight.” My laugh was cut short by Pip’s voice and I looked behind him over at the huge window, surprised to see only the glimmer of moonlight shining on the streets. “Oh.” I said with a frown. “Yeah, sure.” I got off my stool and lead the way to the door. I lit up my horn to levitate the door open, only to have Pip open it for me. “Beauty before age.” He said with a smile. Sweet Luna, I swear my whole face must’ve turned red. “Well, here we are. My humble abode.” I said, walking into my apartment. I turned to say something, only to have my words stopped by a pair of white lips on my mouth. I was shocked, putting it mildly. My eyes snapped open, my knees shook, and my hormonal teenage instincts took over. I closed my eyes and let out a muffled moan and felt myself stumbling backwards as I was pushed farther into my living room. Pip shut the door with a kick of his back leg and refocused himself on trying to part my lips. I thought about keeping them closed and teasing him, but what if that turned him off? What if he got the wrong message? What if… Oh, buck it. I opened my mouth and tilted my head, relishing the moan that Pipsqueak released into my mouth. I was scared, I’ll admit. I’ll also admit that… this was my first kiss. I had no idea what to do. Should I push my tongue into his mouth? Or maybe I should, eep! I squeaked as I fell backward onto something soft. The kiss broke at last and I was stunned to find that we were in my bedroom, and now on my bed. Pip had his fore hooves on each side of my head and a thin string of saliva was dangling from his mouth, connecting my mouth to his. We were both gasping and I felt a hot stir between my legs. Sure, I’d felt it when masturbating, but it was never this intense. Pip’s brown eyes widened. “Sweetie, I’m sorry. I just—“ I put my hoof over his mouth and took a deep breath. “It’s okay.” “It’s just I’ve liked you for so long and… I mean I wanted tonight to end with a goodnight kiss, but this? I never… I mean, it’s too fast it’s—“ I silenced him by raising my head and kissing him again. He hesitated before kissing back and he laid his chest on mine. The heat from the south was really intense now; I guess you could say it felt as if it were actually burning. I squeaked into his mouth when I felt his hoof on my cutie mark and broke the kiss. His brown eyes were focused, but I could see the lust in their depths. “Sweetie… Is this what you want?” I blushed and turned my head away. I smiled a bit before answering. “Yeah. I’m positive. It’s just,” I looked back up at him. “I’m a virgin.” The statement came out as a chuckle. Pip’s white cheeks reddened. “Oh, er, really?” “Really-- Wait we are talking about the same thing right?" "I certainly hope so." His cheeks blushed even deeper. "Sex, right? "Yeah." “Ah." Talk about awkward. I looked into his eyes and gave him a reassuring smile. “Pip, I want you. To be my first, I mean.” I said quickly. I squirmed beneath him, feeling something prod my stomach. I chuckled and shifted around. “Geez, Pip. Is that your hoof?” Pip’s eyes widened and he diverted his gaze away from me with a sheepish grin. “Um… no.” Oh… OHH. Well, this was… new. “That’s your...?” “Uh-huh.” I blushed and giggled. “Is that a good thing?” “Depends on how far you want this to go.” Pip said nervously. Huh. Well, that certainly escalated. After finding out that Pip’s erection was embedded into my stomach, we kind of had no choice about where this would go. He slid his hooves down my body as he descended, leaving trails of wet little kisses on my stomach. I squeaked and eeped at every touch, but every time he stopped I complained about it. It’s not that it didn’t feel incredibly hot; it just felt different and incredibly hot. He was slowly making his way down to my thighs and when he got to just above my sex, he took a deep breath. “You smell amazing, Sweetie.” Oh, hurray. My school crush just told me my vagina smells good. That was… reassuring. I moaned and bucked my hips a bit. I gasped when I felt his warm tongue tracing where my thighs met my pussy. He licked and kissed everywhere but where I needed it most. “Sweet Luna, Pip! Stop teasing.” I panted. I closed my eyes, not expecting him to listen, but lo’ and behold I just about screamed when his rough tongue penetrated my folds. And holy shit, did it feel good. My eyes snapped open, my legs widened and my hips bucked. I have never felt this kind of pleasure before. With a moan I threw my head back and began panting again as I felt his experienced tongue work all along my wet sex. The tip teased my entrance and circled all around my clit. He moved his head forward a bit and clamped his lips down on the nub, causing my back to arch and all control over my motor skills to vanish. He suckled on my clit, and he wasn’t being gentle either. He released the death grip and forced his tongue inside me and I groaned my approval. I moved my hooves down my body and ran them through his mane, softly murmuring his name and moaning other incomprehensible things. Now, I believe I mentioned that I’ve masturbated before, right? Well, I’ve never done it to a climax before. I got to where it was too much to keep my hoof going and just waited for the feeling to disappear, which it did. Now I was at the point where I would stop, but Pip was beyond my control. I was close and he could tell. He rammed his tongue in and wriggled it around; bringing a hoof to my clit and rubbing it with jerky moves. My coma of ecstasy deepened and I lost what little control of my body I had left. Since I’d normally stop here, I had never been this much pleasure before, I didn’t even know this amount of pleasure was possible. A small, gentle bite on my clit was all I needed to finally push me off the edge. It’s hard to describe a first climax. Well, for one thing I think I saw sparks. The feeling travelled from my legs to my brain in a second and I jerked as if I were having a seizure. I moaned long and loud, and the octave rose into a scream. I could feel liquid rushing from my passage and then it finally subsided after a few more seconds. I fell limp against my bed, panting and motionless. I couldn’t hear anything except for Pip lapping up my fluids. Pip crawled up next to me, and I felt his stallionhood rub against my leg. “How was that, Sweetie?” I shook my head and closed my eyes. “Amazing.” I’ve never pictured myself giving a stallion head, but that was exactly what I was about to do. I was kneeling on the floor while Pip sat on my bed, his legs hanging over and a bit of a nervous smirk on his face. He’s so adorable. His member though was, to say the least, impressive. I mean, I don’t know how long they’re supposed to be, but his was above average I’m sure. I extended a tentative hoof and lightly stroked it with a child’s curiosity, and it earned a moan to escape the stallion’s lips. Feeling a bit bolder, I sat up on my knees and gave it a lick. It tasted salty of sweat and excitement, yet it was strangely delicious. The head was covered in sheen of pre-cum and I nearly quivered at the prospect of tasting it. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and wrapped my lips around the head before sinking down onto it, letting my tongue wriggle along the length. After a moment I felt the tip hit my uvula and gagged a bit. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see that a good two inches were still left, but there was no way I could fit it in without puking all over the place. Yeah, that would kinda ruin the mood. Pip didn’t seem to be complaining though. Moans and gasps tumbled from his mouth before he could stop them, and it only drove me wilder. I could feel the heat moving into my nether region once again and every sound my lover made just made it better and hotter. I put a hoof to the remaining inches and bobbed my head and hoof in time slowly. I waited until his cock was about half out of my mouth before slowly sliding back down. I felt a pair of hooves rest on my head and press gently into my mane. Pip was no longer moaning, but he was panting and breathing rapidly. It worried me, so I removed my mouth and looked up at him. “Pip, are you okay?” Pip grunted and stood on his back legs, before falling back into a mount position to where his fore hooves rested on my flanks. “Sweetie, p-put your mouth back on.” A bit bewildered, I once again took the head of his pride into my mouth, but before I could begin to bob my head back and forth, he thrust forward. I squeaked in surprise and sat still, unsure what to do. Was he… was he rutting my mouth? Sweet Celestia yes he was rutting my mouth. He was rutting the shit out of it. I coughed as he stubbornly shoved the last dry inches in and the head forced its way down my esophagus. I spluttered and gagged around it, but that seemed to add even more pleasure to him. I moved back a bit so that it wouldn’t happen again and blinked happily when I felt the tip just barely reach the tip of my uvula. As his thrusts became quicker, so did his breathing. He was groaning loudly, and I felt my cheeks flush at the thought of one of my neighbors hearing him. “Sweetie… I’m about to—“ About to what? I had no idea what he was talking about. Then it hit me. I went to remove my mouth but I was too slow. A warm gush filled my mouth at the cue of a loud, raw-throated groan. The sticky liquid rushed into my mouth and I threw my head backwards and coughed it up. It tasted sweet. Not unpleasant, but I wouldn’t exactly put in my coffee. Pip’s chest heaved as a few more spurts of his… juice… spurted from the tip of his dick. Some of it spattered on to my fur and for a brief second I contemplated on how hard it would be to get it out. But the heat in my loins quickly took my mind off. I was feeling really hot, and almost unconsciously began to grind my needy sex against my rough carpet. I whimpered at the sensation, but it wasn’t doing anything. Surprisingly, Pip’s dick was still erect and perky, and it bounced proudly between his legs. He took a deep breath and grinned at me. “Sorry about that.” I smiled. “Don’t worry. It was worth it.” I said honestly. Pip gave me a curious look and watched with a hunger in his eyes as I grinded into the carpet. “I know what you need.” He tackled me to the ground and I grunted as I landed. I gasped as I felt the tip of his dick rest against my folds. I blushed and looked away from him. Pip frowned, concern alight in his eyes. “Are you having second thoughts?” I shook my head. “It’s not that, I’m just—I’m scared.” Pip leaned down and kissed my lips gently, letting his tongue trace my lips. He pulled away and smiled. “There’s nothing to worry about. I promise.” I took a deep breath before nodding. “Okay. Put it in, I’m ready.” “You’re sure?” “Positive.” Pip eyed me before leaning his hips upward and I felt the head penetrate my folds, and it slipped into me easily. I had expected pain, but I hadn’t expected pain and pleasure. It was agonizing and orgasmic. It was rough yet blissful. I gasped in pain and gritted my teeth, praying for him to hurry and bottom out. Pip grunted when finally all of him was inside. He let out a breath. “Sweetie?” “It hurts, Pip.” I said in a shaky tone. “I know, but it’ll get better. I promise. If it hurts too badly, just tell me and I’ll stop.” I nodded. “Okay.” He braced himself on the floor and pulled out a bit, causing me to wince as I felt my inner walls clinging to him. When he was about halfway out, he plunged back in with increased speed. I moaned as I felt his balls slap against my skin. It hurt so good. He repeated the process time and time again. Slow pull, quick plunge, loud moan. It felt so incredible. I felt complete as he pumped in and out, gradually picking up speed. Actually, to say it felt “incredible” would be an understatement. There really were no words to describe it. All I know is that with each thrust I felt myself being lost in the pleasure. I raised my hoof to one of my nipples and rubbed it gently, crying out in pleasure. Pip’s brown hair was sweaty and pressed to forehead. His eyes were closed and he was gritting his teeth. He opened his mouth and leaned his head back. “Ohhh, Sweetie Belle. You’re amazing.” Amazing. I’m amazing. I reached around his back and held him closer. I tucked my muzzle into the space between his head and neck. My moans were broken each time he jerked into me and my mouth was agape while my tongue lolled out. His speed increased once more and he moved my head back a bit. I gasped at a new sensation on my horn. Oh my stars, he was sucking my horn. I squeezed my eyes shut and cried out as I felt his tongue twirl around the sensitive appendage. I’d never had my horn touched by another pony and the pleasure sent me into waves of orgasmic pleasure. I could feel the heat in my loins reaching beyond their peak. As much as I wanted to hold off, I couldn’t. I screamed loudly and bucked my hips in time with his thrusts as I rode out my second orgasm. That didn’t slow Pip down. If anything, he only got wilder and jerkier. He pumped into me about five more times before I felt a warm gush enter my body. He groaned and bucked his hips spastically. His thrusts slowed gradually and before long he collapsed on top of me. Our sweaty bodies were pressed together warmly and our chests heaved as we fought for breath. He rolled over and slid out of me with a wet pop before lying beside me. He propped himself up on an elbow and took a deep breath. He looked at me with intense meaning in the brown depths of his eyes. “Now what?” I looked at him through a lusty green gaze. “I was thinking along the lines of a shower.” Pip smirked and shook his head. “No. I mean us.” I smiled. “I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind meeting for some dinner some time.” Pip laughed. “We’ve gotta go on tour tomorrow.” “Oh. Well, still the bus could provide us with all the romance we need.” I smiled at him and snuggled on his chest and under his chin. “I don’t know if what just happened was because of teenage hormones or lust, but I do know the feelings were real and heartfelt.” I blushed as I thought about how cheesy that sounded. Pip squeezed my shoulder and sighed a long happy sigh. “That makes two of us.”