> Fields of Gold > by Flareice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > As We Walk in Fields of Gold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tear formed at the corner of Rainbow's eye. She had never thought this moment would come. How could she, of all ponies, cry? She was supposed to be unimaginably cool, unfazed, untouchable. She was supposed to be the most confident filly in all of Equestria. Rainbow tried to hold it in. Don't cry, she thought. Hold it in. You're the coolest pony in all of Equestria! You can't be cool if you cry. You're strong! Crying is weak! You're strong! You're strong... You're... strong... She was now racked with sobs, her lithe shoulders hunched, her head low, as she shook. Her trembling legs could barely support her. With a comparatively quiet wail of her cracked voice, she collapsed to the floor. Rainbow shuddered uncontrollably as her tears fell to the ground, pioneering glistening trails across the bridge of her muzzle as they voyaged to the floor. She felt as though her heart had cracked in two, each end taking separate memories of one particular pony. She felt as though nothing could ever light a smile on her face again. --- Fluttershy sat contentedly amidst the sea of barley, holding on one hoof a beautiful kestrel. His plumage was nearly as amazing as Pastel's mane, with the upper parts of his wings a dull burnt-sienna and red mix, while the lower area was a dull yet light blue. They were speckled and tipped with black. The top of his head and all of his tail, which was also black-tipped, were a dull red. His chest, golden, and speckled with black akin to his wings. He truly was a sight. Like Pastel, she thought. A rustling in the golden scenery caught Fluttershy's attention, and she giggled softly. He's so clumsy! "Hi, Flutter," came a muffled voice from within the Barley. "Hello, Pastel!" Fluttershy laughed. The kestrel took flight, confirming the other pegasus's location by alighting upon his head. A white hoof appeared between two stalks of barley, being followed by a matching body as Pastel Blitz walked heavily into the clearing in which his creamy-yellow fillyfriend sat. Fluttershy frowned. Something seemed... off about him. Pastel smiled as though he knew her thoughts. "Don't worry, Flutter. I'm fine, but how are you?" Fluttershy shook off her uneasiness and concern, grinning shyly back. He could take care of himself. "I'm doing well." "Then let's go!" he replied as the kestrel spread his glorious wings and took flight. They began their evening walk through the barley at a slower pace than usual, savoring the golden atmosphere the setting sun played out through the fields, as though coating it in a layer of stardust. Their hoofbeats matched, hoof for hoof, as they went, weaving in between the stalks of barley but never leaving each other's side. Fluttershy closed her eyes contentedly. This is how it should be. Maybe it will be this way forever, she thought. She opened her pretty blue eyes again and looked back at him. Her concerns from earlier washed over her again. His rainbow-colored wings appeared to be in a mild state of disarray, and both his pastel-bright rainbowy mane and tail were slightly bedraggled and unkempt. His usually snowy-white coat seemed to be losing its luster, fading into a light shade of gray. The sparkle that usually lit his reflective, rainbow eyes had dimmed, giving them a dull sheen as if they were colored steel. "Are you sure you're alright?" Fluttershy inquired, her concern for Pastel seeping through into her voice. Pastel's gaze flashed towards her before he looked away again, appearing nervous. "Pastel, what's wrong?" Fluttershy's eyes were wide with worry, and desperation to know why he seemed so different from his normal self saturated her question. He took a deep breath before responding. > I Never Make Promises Lightly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I never make promises lightly," Pastel continued solemnly, "and there have been some that I've broken. But I swear, that in the days still left, we'll walk in fields of gold." Fluttershy's eyes misted as tears threatened to spill over, but she held it in. She had to be strong for him. If he... If it was really going to happen, she shouldn't make him sorry for her. If he was going to die, he shouldn't hate himself for leaving her. She stifled a sniffle, trying hard not to let it all out in front of him. "It's alright," Pastel whispered to her. "Cry. You don't have to be strong for me." Fluttershy couldn't hold it in any longer. In his arms she fell, as her hair came down, spilling down in front of her face as tears carved moist trails down her cheeks. Together they collapsed, landing heavily beside each other among the golden fields, crushing stalks of barley as they hit. Pastel caressed her gently, brushing her mane out of her face as they lie in the field of stardust. Tears dripped from Fluttershy's cheeks as Pastel cooed softly to her, telling her it was all going to be alright. The setting sun no longer seemed beautiful to her. The only thing that mattered was that she was going to lose him, she was going to lose him soon, he was going to be gone. He would be dead to her, she would never see him again, they would never hold each other, they would never roam these gently rolling, golden fields together again. And it was all going to happen soon. She shuddered uncontrollably, trembling in his arms as they lay together, seemingly inseparably. Everything was so right... yet so wrong at the same time. She had him, her love, her heart, her special somepony, the one she loved most... But he was going to die? He was going to leave her? But she loved him, she needed him... "Hey, it's alright..." Pastel whispered to her, leaning in closer. "I'm here now." "I know," Fluttershy sobbed wretchedly. "I know. And I need you now. But when you're gone... when you're gone... What am I going to do without you? I need you now, by my side, I need you always. You're the only one I can open up to, the only one that I love. I love you..." She was miserable. Her voice was cracked and she shook uncontrollably, giving emphasis to her desperation. "I know, I know," Pastel replied softly, brushing her soft, spring-pink mane out of her tear-streaked face. "And I love you too, Flutter." "But what about Dashie? How can you leave her? She's your sister! She's probably home, crying, leaving salty pools on her floor..." "Yes, I love Dashie too. And that's why I want you to take care of her. I want you to help her until her grief ends and she can stand on her own four hooves. Because I know that you, out of everypony in Equestria, know how best to make her feel better, help her move on." And then he kissed her, embraced her tenderly, as she sobbed brokenly into his shoulder.