The Book of Nightmares

by A Green Notebook

First published

After a series of strange events, a group of Royal Guards are called upon to deal with a rising problem in the Everfree Forest.

When reports of ponies disappearing into the Everfree Forest, the Royal Guard sends in five ponies into the darkest denizens of the unexplored forest. Upon entering, the group attempts to find the source of what is causing ponies to turn up missing, but unravels a new mystery along the way, one that will test the will of each of the guards.
(Teen for language)
(Damn writer's block got to me on this. Might be a while before I update it. Sorry.)

1: Vacant

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Chapter 1: Vacant

“...Am I losing you?”

Five guards.

All of us sitting in the typical Royal Guard dispatch wagon. Big rectangular steel box without the top portion. Intricate designs that the engineers made with the spare gold that wasn’t used on Celestia’s very own chariot. Wheels that could help us break the sound barrier, should we need carry out our missions on land, which at the moment, probably was the most viable thing. I didn’t like being hit in the face by rain.

Pacifist, the pegasus who was flying us through the clouds and rain, thought it was a good idea to fly while there was a storm ravaging the land. Well ravaging a town that goes by the name of Ponyville. Then again, the report was very urgent, and we did have to arrive as soon as possible to figure out the missing pony mystery.

“Peacekeeper,” The blood colored stallion at the head of the wagon, commonly known as Illusion, called. “You okay?”

Illusion was the group’s wise diplomat (should it prove useful in a situation). He was as big as an oak tree, big muscles for a unicorn. When we first met, I was so scared of him, I seldom talked to him, save for the times the whole group was together, when he actually tried to make a conversation with me. His unnatural black mane was actually a hair dye he used to cover up his real mane color, as I had found out about a week ago, one week after I joined the guard. Only once, i’d suffered the true arcane abilities of a unicorn, and after said experience, I don’t think I’ll rummage through ‘my locker’ ever again.

“I’m fine.” I responded simply, continuing to stare at my golden helmet, the one every Royal Guard (unless you were a Lunar Guard) received. “We almost there?”

The electric blue pegasus who was flying us to our destination just nodded, and began his painfully slow descent. My intestines were floating inside, trying to see if they could sprout wings and fly. All of my organs were in a levitation state, like a unicorn wanted to do a levitating trick, only to find out that they’d been tugging at the pony’s innards. I slammed my helmet onto my head and gripped onto the edge of the wagon, almost forcing a dent into the metal.

The female Lunar Guard ahead of me chuckled at the sight of me. I must’ve been pitiful in her eyes, and I instantly wished that I was back at the armory, or at the Canterlot Castle doing typical guard duty.

Actually, screw guard duty, I thought. Who wants to stand by a door the whole day, staring off into space, and probably could fall asleep standing up at any moment.

“Hey, Rookie.” The mare ahead of me began to inquire. “You sure you're okay?”

This Lunar Guard was one of the two that was carrying out the task given to us by the captain. Nocturnal was her name, at least that’s what I thought. Every pony in the group called her something other than it, ranging from Moonshadow to Blue Moon. When I first met her, she called herself Nocturnal, but I don’t know if that was her true name or not, being that every pony called her something different. Probably one of the most nicest pegasus i’d ever met, Nocturnal taught me how to use the blade, and lectured me on Equestrian law and order, and what to look out for when on patrol.

“Positive!” I yelled over the howling winds. Rain pelted my eyes, forcing me to squint, but to no avail. Pacifist was probably having a field day flying into the clouds, probably doing it on purpose trying to piss me off. For a pony whose name meant ‘peace loving’, he sure as hell loves to cause conflict.

“Are we almost there?” I asked desperately. I could feel my stomach inching its way into my throat. A shade of green was probably consuming my silver coated fur. My sandy mane kept making attempts to creep into my emerald eyes.

“Keep calm, Rookie,” The other Lunar Guard at the head of our vehicle called. Shade was his name, and that I knew for sure. Unlike his sister Nocturnal, this guy was a complete hard ass. He was a blue earth pony, pushing the squad for excellence. Real dick sometimes, but it was understandable. He did want what was best for the group, and took our mistakes as his responsibility. “We’re almost there.”

“Closer than you think.” Illusion pointed ahead of Pacifist. There it was; the village of Ponyville. “Visual contact.”

“Finally!” The silver mare beside me exclaimed. “I thought I needed to give the Rook my barf bag.”

A small chuckle ran through the wagon. My ears fell, and my face lit up. Leave it to Jester to embarrass me like that. Again.

The mare’s hoof wrapped around my neck and she pulled me closer to her. “Aw, lighten up Rookie! We’re a family here! A big, nice, happy (and angsty) family!”

“What was that last part?” Nocturnal inquired.

“Nothing.” Jester spoke, the same grin she always kept on her face spreading onto Nocturnal’s.

Our descent began to slow down, and my intestines began to drift back to their original positions. I looked over to the side, staring down at the troublesome town. In the center, the town hall was erected, the wooden tower overshadowing a portion of the marketplace. Ponies ran in and out of the cylindrical wooden structure, mostly entering the building, for reasons I will soon find out. The town hall acted as the intersection that divided the whole town into different sectors. At least to me it did.

The western section seemed to be the marketplace, numerous stands with ponies selling fruits and vegetables standing about, going on with their day. Ponies seemed to act as though there was nothing wrong, as far as I could tell from up here in the slowly dying rain. Buildings stood tall, each one with a variety of attention grabbers, be it a bold sign or a pony outside of the store beckoning others to enter. One particular building didn’t need a sign to grab even the most aloof pony’s attention. It looked like a shorter and remodeled version of the town hall. Silver exterior, with violet trimmings, and a group of mannequins at the tip of the Canterlot-like structure. It seemed to glow like a star in the night sky, radiating a brilliance that was capable of being spotted in Canterlot’s ‘fancy’ stores.

Another shop grabbed my attention. I may not have been inside, or anywhere near entering it, but my mouth was watering from the way the building looked. Imagine a cupcake about the size of a three floored building. Now just imagine all of your favorite frostings and toppings stacked on top of one another, or on the verge of sliding off the side. Now carve in some glass panels and a door, and there you go; there was the most delicious building I’ve ever seen. It was worthy of being labeled a Princess’s birthday cake, unlike the actual plain birthday cakes given to Celestia this past year.

To the eastern side of the village lied the residential area. The shops that couldn’t fit in the marketplace had all been given a small portion of land in the residential area, which was probably a good thing, depending on what the buildings or stands sold. Ponies wouldn’t have to trek all the way to the farthest part of town to get food, or any other miscellaneous supplies should the vendors sell them.

In the center of the residential area stood a tree. Yes, a tree. Trees aren’t so astonishing to me, but the only thing that separated this one from the others in Equestria was that there was some pony living in it! Who would've taken the time to hollow out a tree, fill it up with furniture, and begin living in there their whole lives? Probably a pony who was in dire need of a home and couldn’t afford to buy one or too lazy to build one from scratch. Actually that doesn’t make any-

“We’ve arrived to our destination,” Pacifist announced. “I hope you all enjoyed the flight, and I wish you luck on that assignment!”

“Thanks for the lift.” Illusion appreciated.

“Yeah, yeah.”

I unboarded the wagon, eager to step off the rickety vehicle. For something made out of mostly steel, the damn thing flew like it was made of wood, like it would fall apart at any given moment. If there was one thing the group knew about me, was that I couldn’t stand sitting in that wretched wagon. It was unbearable to me.

“Alright guys,” Shade began, stopping us all. “I want to make this quick, so lets get to the entrance.”

“Wait,” The unnamed mare stopped. She was an earth pony, a golden shine to her body, except for her mane, which was as crimson as blood. I’ve never really noticed her presence, just from her being so silent all the time. Her impromptu arrival all the time, during my first week of guard duty, always made me think that she was a higher rank than Shade. It was until she actually spoke to me on my fourth day, her voice was very quiet, like she didn’t want to be heard, but was making a poor attempt in doing so. She wasn’t shy, but was very focused on other things. “Aren’t we supposed to meet some pony first?”

“Yeah,” I spoke. “Didn’t Reporter say something about a...What’s her name?”

“Twilight Sparkle.” The golden mare answered.

Shade thought for a moment, then regained his vague memory of the mission briefing. “Right. My money says she’s at the entrance to the Everfree.”

Before beginning the trek to the forest entrance with my fellow guardsmen, I glanced back at Pacifist. He didn’t seem to be bothered by our leaving, but did glance over at me. Something made me want to go back to Canterlot. Maybe it was the fact I was going to enter the Everfree forest. Whatever was bothering me, was pissing me off. I just wanted to go through the mission, find the missing people, and leave. Probably find the source of the missing persons too.

“Rookie!” Shade called. I trotted over to the group, trying my best to catch up to them, but also blot out my worries.

The edge of the forest was a frightening sight. A dark hallway made of vines, trees, leaves, and bushes led to the darkest denizens of Equestria. In front of the entrance stood a lavender unicorn. Her mane was simply done, no curls or waves, but instead very plain dark blue mane, a pink streak going down the left side of her mane. Her lavender eyes carried worry as their primary expression at the moment. Drifting down to her flank, was a cutie mark of a star (at least thats what I think it is). Her horn levitated an umbrella, small, but large enough to prevent her from taking a single droplet of water to any part of her body.

She spotted the five of us, and let out a sigh of relief. Shade was the first to greet the lavender mare, introducing himself and the rest of us.

“I’m Shade,” The stallion gestured towards Illusion and the other ponies. “This is-”

“Illusion.” The crimson stallion cut off.

“...This is Jester, my sister Nocturnal, and-” Shade pointed at me. “-Our latest addition to the family, we just call him Rookie.”

“Twilight Sparkle.” The violet unicorn shook hooves with our Lunar Guard leader. “I’m so glad you all came. I just wish you could have been faster with your arrival.”

Illusion explained the turbulence problem we were facing on our way to this town, and unlike a Canterlot pony, who if you said anything, would complain about something, Twilight completely understood our dilemma. I was glad that ponies outside of the capital city of Equestria were different, and better yet: more polite and appreciative.

Illusion began to inquire when the mysterious happenings started. My money was on cultists. Ever since that incident with Nightmare Moon and Discord, some shady characters were found worshiping the damn supernatural beings. Discord cultists were found more often than the ones for the Mare of The Moon. I guess since Luna was back, Nightmare Moon was becoming 'outdated'.

“Well, it began a few days ago.” Twilight began, anxiety in her voice. “At first, it was just pets going missing. Posters were set up all over the town, everywhere you look. It was two days ago when ponies began to go missing though.”

“Was there any trail?” Nocturnal questioned. “You know, like to where the pony was taken?”

“The second pony, Reporter said,” Shade answered “The second pony resisted against something, although we still don’t know what.” The stallion turned back towards the lavender mare. “Can you identify the ponies that were taken away?”

Twilight’s ears twitched. As did mine. I averted my attention to the entrance to the dark supernatural forest. Illusion put his helmet on, specially made to match his size, and custom made with a face plate to match his intimidation value.

There was a faint sound radiating around the entrance, the sound almost impossible to describe. It was like a little filly’s whimpering, but mixed with a mare crying in pain too, but there was no form in the dark entrance approaching us. If there was another thing that scared me the most about venturing into the Everfree Forest, it was the chances of never leaving and joining the songs of agony I was hearing now.

“Jester, Rookie,” Shade began to order. “Scout out ahead. Jester gimme your map.”

The mare complied with the stallion’s order and revealed a paper, diagrammed with the known locations of the Everfree Forest. Who ever went through the trouble of making such a map must have been paid a fortune to venture in the most dangerous and unpredictable areas in Equestria. Jester set an arcane way-point on the map, a small circle highlighting a small portion of the map, about a few hours away from our current position.

“We’ll regroup in that clearing at the evening. Don’t stray too far from the trail, in fact, Rookie, you get that communication spell to work?”

“Well, I was still working on it before we left, but as long as we’re not too far from each other, Jester and I can keep in contact.”

“That’s what I was hoping for.”

Without another word, Jester and I stood at the gates of grass and vines, the gates that would lead us into the depths of the hazardous, and spine-tingling forest. I could hear Jester’s breathing getting more intense as we took our first steps into the forest. My breaths did the same, becoming shorter, and although nothing was said, there was the sound of fear exiting through my exhalings.

Sweat sluggishly made its way down my forehead and around my eyes. I turned back hoping to see the light of the entrance, but it seemed like the vines and leaves covered the entrance, forcing the rest of the group to have to take another route to regroup with us. The slightest movements the forest made caused me to jump, and neither my willpower or Jester’s presence helped subdue the fear that was accumulating with each step that I took. The rustling of the leaves sent shivers down my spine, even with the wildlife making them come into contact together. The wind howled like a wolf, increasing my paranoia and anxiety. Every movement I made was followed by either a small jump, or trying to get Jester to keep moving forward.

The light drizzle had passed, but the clouds still blotted out the sun. The muddy path that we followed seemed to attract all kinds of nasty little creatures, ranging from spiders to roaches, probably looking to infestate the village of Ponyville. Jester stop and let out a loud ‘eek’ when introduced to an insect or whatever other creatures roamed the forest floor. I would start to make jokes about her fear of nature, but I knew how that would end; with me requiring a medical team, probably needing to replace one of my ‘prized jewels’. Jester was a dirty fighter, and being a unicorn helped in most situations.

Both of us stopped when the spine-tingling ambient sounds resonated through the forest walls surrounding the path. It was closer now, competing with the wind’s howling; the same sound of the filly whimpering, and the mare’s cries were replaced with a kind of chanting. Each strand of hair on my body stood up as the chanting seemed to become more audible, except that the words were incomprehensible.

“Let’s try that communications spell Rookie.” Jester suggested.

“Right.” I focused energy into my horn, trying to establish a connection with the mare. My vision slowly blurred, and my head was beginning to ache.

“Should I try and find..uh..well, you?” The silver mare questioned in a manner that sounded almost like a joke, but had a bit of sincerity in it.

“That would be much appreciated!” I managed.

It was like searching for a pony in a crown in Manehattan. In order for the spell to work, both Jester and I had to focus on making a ‘channel’ I’ll call it, to be able to speak through a form of telepathy. For the channel to work, both of us needed to ‘link’ our thoughts as best as we could.

“I could feel something!” Jester announced, struggling to speak her words.

“That’s my horn.” I staggered. I was about to break away from the spell, my head on the verge of exploding. Right before I released my contact, I felt a surge of energy course through my body. The spell had worked!

“Are we good?” I spoke in my mind, testing to see if my arcane prowess proved to be useful.

“Wha-! Oh shit, the spell worked!”

“Good.” I said, speaking out loud.

“Yeah. wanna split up? Test the field range?”

“Yeah, but let’s make it quick. I hate this place already. I'll let you know when to come over.”

I walked further down the path, occasionally speaking to the mare through the spell, saying ‘testing’ or ‘echoes’. Jester responded each call, up until I seemed to be about a mile away from the mare. When I came within the maximum distance I ordered Jester to follow the trail over to me.

No answer.

“Jester? You still there?”

No answer.

My heart was racing, and so was I. My hooves moved faster than I thought they ever could. water was slowly accumulating in my eyes, and it wasn’t from the returning drizzle. I didn’t know if I were going the right way or not, but soon enough I found the area Jester was supposed to be staying until I gave her the all clear. Her hoof prints were still on the ground, but there was no Jester standing there. Just me, analyzing the hoof prints to see if anything could tell me where she was.

“Jester!” I called, my voice’s echoe the only response I gained. My heart rate increased, and questions began rushing through my head, Should I get back to the group and tell them I lost Jester? No. What would they think of me then? Maybe the mare needed some privacy? There were no restrooms out here so that would be logical wouldn’t it? No, that wouldn’t restrain her from responding to me. Where was she?

I called for Jester, but to no avail. When silence reigned the forest, the ambient sounds I was hearing with Jester were getting louder, almost like a wall was blocking the ponies who were crying in agony. The problem was the familiar voice I was hearing along with the others. It was Jester, joining the songs of the damned. It was ahead of me, from the sounds of it.

“Jester? Jester I’m Coming!” I dashed into the bushes, and beyond, into the woods and wilderness, in hopes that I would run into the silver mare with golden armor. Desperation stole all other emotions as I traversed through the wilderness, tears in my eyes as I tried to look for the one friend that I had to accompany me, and the only true friend I had since joining the Royal Guard.

2: Lost Not Forgotten

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Chapter 2: Lost Not Forgotten

Once fearless and brave, a realm passed away,the ghosts of yesterday.”

“Jester!” I called numerous times, but to no avail. My calls just resonated through the dark damp forest. The drizzle that had ended earlier had returned, this time as a shower, blanketing the land in water, and made the temperature seemingly drop to a winter-like condition, minus the snow. The tears that used to represent my desperation were now gone; desperation replaced by determination. Determined to find Jester and ensure no harm comes to her.

The voices were getting closer, and more intense with each step that I took through the wilderness. Vines tried to grab me, and the bushes seemed to dart away from their roots, trying to eat me like a snack. The trees loomed overhead, the branches each trying to grab me, but to no avail. The grass began to appear in patches, dirt and mud forming in the places without the emerald blades.

“Some pony help!” I heard.

“Jester!” I called out again.

“Peace!” The mare called out again. It was her. It had to be. She, and the rest of the group were the only ponies that knew my name.

I headed towards the source of the location, to my right. Trees blocked my way; their branches acting as gates that never opened for any pony. A little chat with my blade seemed to move them out of the way though. I kept slashing at the vines and branches, listening to the chanting, hoping that no harm had come to Jester. If she was gone, then Celestia knows who would replace her. Probably a pony more stern that Shade, which was almost impossible to imagine; a pony who took their job more seriously than Shade.

A blood curdling scream that could be heard from miles away was what alerted me that I was getting ever closer to Jester’s location, though I hoped that it would be soon that I found the silver unicorn. My determination reverted back into fear and desperation, and no matter how hard I tried to push those emotions aside, they always returned, worse than the last time they were with me. The rain continued to fall, a cliche sign that something bad might have occurred already, but I continued the journey to find the friend I had cherished more than family (or what’s left of it).

The chanting was coming to an end, but Jester’s agonizing screams continued. The rain and my hooves splashing into the muddy ground the only other sounds along with Jester’s ambient cries. My heart was racing, almost bursting out of my chest trying to look for the mare itself.

I stopped behind a bush when I saw Jester. She was alone, on the forest floor, stripped of her armor, and blood dripping from her mouth and nostrils. I checked around the area, and emerged from the bushes when I saw nothing other than the forest and the mare clutching her stomach, blood emerging from a wound that would have proved fatal. Her bags were tossed on a tree branch, hanging until I approached closer to the wounded mare. The bag fell to her side, still getting rained on, but not as much as when it was when it hung off the tree’s arm.

“By Luna!” I gasped, kneeling down next to the mare. I reached into my packs and searched for anything that could help with the wounds. “I got you! Don’t worry!”

The mare groaned in pain as I continued to search for something to patch up the silver mare’s wounds. My heart skipped a beat when I managed to find the bandages in my pack. My face lit up with such joy, but Jester kept her pained expression, beckoning me to hasten the healing process. I was no medical expert, but I take pride in what I can do to heal some pony.
I wrapped the bandage around Jester’s wounded midsection. Another, smaller bandage, sat on the bridge of the mare’s bloodied nose. Tears welled up in her eyes, either of joy of finding me, or from what happened to her earlier.

“I’m so glad you came!” The mare said giving me a tight, surprising hug. “I didn't think I’d see any pony again!”

“You’re welcome Jester.” I spoke, breaking free of the mare’s caressing. “What happened? I looked everywhere for you.”

“We were testing the spell, but something was wrong.” The silver mare began explaining, trying to stand on all fours. “I could hear you, but I don’t think you were able to hear me. It was about that time when I saw... My little sister. She ran into the bushes, so I followed her, calling out to her, but it was like she wasn't really there. I was attacked by... Celestia, I don’t know what it was that attacked, but it’s still in here somewhere.”

I assisted Jester on all fours, listening to her story as she tried to get her bearings. Confusion blanketed my mind. She said that she saw her sister, but she never responded to Jester’s calls. It was when she arrived here when she remembered something about her little sister.

“...She’s been there for six years now.” Jester said, the tears still streaming, but her voice still calm; no quivering or sorrow in it. “There’s no way she could have come back without the help of necromancy.”

I shivered at the thought of a pony being brought back to the land of the living after living in paradise for six years. Necromancy was a subject of magic banned ever since Dark Winter tried to enslave a griffon city almost a thousand years ago. Necromancy, although now practiced secretly, is one of the most well known dark arts of magic, the others being... well I don’t know what the other dark arts of arcane abilities are, but they are probably just as bad as raising the dead or summoning spirits.

“Do you still have the map on you?” I asked, to which Jester levitated the tattered piece of paper out of her pack.

“I got what’s left of it.” Jester unfolded the map, revealing the vast Everfree Forest. Using her magic, she pinpointed our location on the piece of paper. I was shocked that she knew how to reveal our location, but not know how to activate our communication spell. “Here we are.”

The clearing we were supposed to arrive in to regroup with the others was a long way from here. We’d get there at least ten at night, when the forest began it’s mysterious happenings. We could have gotten there quicker, but with Jester’s injuries, there was no way we could move any faster than we were already going.

The leaves rustling didn't help fortify my mental fortitude. Paranoia became a factor in the trip through the forest. Black beings moved out of the corner of my eyes, and the most subtlest sounds were as loud as the roaring thunder overhead. The Rain began to get heavier, pelting my back so hard, as if a hoof were slamming against it. Jester grunted as I began to pick up the pace, and she was forced to hobble alongside me.

“Celestia, slow the buck down!” Jester begged. “My hooves aren't as good as they used to be!”

“Jester,” I responded. “I want to get to the rendezvous point as quick as possible. And that would require your full cooperation.”

“Screw cooperation,” The silver mare stopped trotting with me. “We need a shelter! Look, I intend on surviving! I can’t keep up with you like this Rookie. I need proper medical attention. Forget the bucking map. Other than shelter, we need to leave here!”

“But the mission Jester, we-”

“Forget the mission.”

The mare and I stared at each other in an awkward silence. On one hoof, she was in dire need of medical attention, and I was no expert on the subject. On the other hoof, there was the mission we had to worry about. But on the other hoof, Jester was right. And I hated it when she was right.

I wasn't sure if it was Jester’s rapid movement to my side, the roaring thunder, or the rustling of the bushes behind me that made me draw my silver blade. I looked around, hoping that the thing stalking us was just a small woodland creature and not a beast that would not be able to take damage from my blade. Jester’s shivering body didn’t help with my cautious approach as I began to shuffle towards the bush ahead of me. My sword was pointed towards the small shrub, in case of anything hostile wanting to chew at my flesh.


I landed on my back from the impact of an unknown force. Jester cried out in pain when she hit the ground. I felt a being pounce on my body, but kept my eyes shut to avoid seeing what would be the cause of my inevitable death.

“Peacekeeper? Jester?” A familiar voice questioned. It was the form on top of me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was. I almost wanted to hug her, but refrained from doing so. It seemed like an eternity since I last saw the face of another group member.

Nocturnal’s eyes contained intensity, and so did her facial expression. She was missing her Lunar Guard helmet, and had a bandage wrapped around her forehead, a second one covering her left eye. The rest of her armor was still equipped, but the center of her chest plate was dented and cut. A deep stab wound found its place on her right fore-hoof, and another one right below the rib cage.

“I’m so glad to have found you two!” The mare said, her voice quivering and tears in her eyes as she assisted both Jester and I. “Oh by Luna, I thought you had died!”

“What made you think that?” I inquired.

“When the group followed the trail trying to get to the clearing we were supposed to meet up at, We saw the both of you. Or...”


“What was left of you.”

I recoiled at the statement. What was left of us? What in Tartarus did that mean? Was the forest making us all hallucinate? That could be the only possible explanation for what we were all seeing. The only thing on my mind was how Nocturnal arrived here.

The Lunar Guard seemed to read my thoughts and provided the answer. “About midway in our journey, there was a...Oh Luna, I don’t even know what it was. The thing was black, and had the eyes of a demon. It had no real form, but it spawned these twisted, contorted... Things! I don’t even know what they were! I think.. I think they were the ponies that were missing.”
A groan rang out from somewhere, but the groan sounded like something out of a horror movie. A slushy noise reverberated throughout the vicinity. Something walking. Or hobbling considering the rate at which the steps repeated after one another. I willed my heart to beat at a regular pace when I saw the distorted figure’s shadow.

The hairs all over my body stood up, as the being emerged from the fog. Skin was peeling off, like paint in a condemned building. Patches of fur hung on to whatever skin was left on the living dead pony. Its head tilted to the side, remaining in that position as it limped towards us, and an eyeball hung, the muscle holding it all together about to snap. Cracks revealed rotten brain matter and the rotten muscle tissue barely held the being together. Saliva drooled from the monster’s dry mouth, and it’s teeth were on the verge of slipping out of their places.

I should have realized that the beast wasn't groaning or making any strange noises (although it was indeed making strange sounds), but instead it was trying to speak. The voice was dry and raspy, and the words it tried to speak all but failed to exit the rotten mouth properly. I couldn't make out what it was trying to say, but I don’t think it really mattered. As soon as I saw it scuttling towards me, my blade couldn't have been any quicker.

I slashed at the being, severing the right hoof’s knee. I expected blood to rush out of the wound, but instead of the crimson liquid gushing out of the laceration, a black liquid slowly rushed out. I made every attempt to avoid the liquid with each cut that I made. My heart’s beating was out of control. Sweat covered my brow, and my breathing became more intense as I dealt the final blow to the monstrosity. It had stopped its advance on me, but convulsed on the ground before shriveling up to the size of a child. I pawed at my eyes, to make sure what I had just done was real and not a part of my imagination.

Cautiously, I approached the dead body, for reasons beyond me. It was just a heap of flesh, like there was an actual pony wearing that torn up flesh bag as a costume. Nocturnal and Jester both carefully stepped next to me. Both mares were breathing at a rate faster than mine, although I was the one who had slain the beast.

“Is that the thing you were talking about?” I inquired.

“No. The things we encountered were black. Not... This.” Nocturnal answered.

Jester was still hyperventilating. She fell on her haunches, backing away from the both of us, eyes full of fear, and sweat covering her head. Either sweat or the droplets of rain that managed to fall through the forest ceiling.

“She’s having a panic attack!” Nocturnal pointed out. She dove down to the silver mare’s side. I did the same, trying to calm her down. The silver mare kept moving in reverse, until she got on all fours, turned away from us, and let out a moan, that was cut off by bile fluids leaving her mouth.

“Not...a...panic attack.” Jester spoke solemnly. She stared at the ground blankly, lost in her thoughts. “Fear. A natural reaction to something like...That.”

I looked back at the shriveled up heap on the forest floor, expecting it to hop on all fours, and start its terrifying approach. It was still laying on the ground, dead and it was going to stay that way for all eternity.

“Peacekeeper.” Nocturnal called. “Look. Another path.”

I stared at the ground searching for said path, but found no evidence of its existence. After Nocturnal’s hooves redirected my head, the faint dirt path revealed itself to me. I looked back at the two ponies. I don’t know why I did. I guess I was trying to ask for their permission to follow it without opening my mouth.

Jester, although healed nicely, stayed at my side, her fur against mine. I could feel her shaking from her experience earlier. Nocturnal however, was at my side, but not making contact with me other than keeping visual contact.

Trees continued to grow, but leaves began to separate from them, despite fall being another four months away. Bushes began to disappear, leaving only the skeletons of the ones that had failed to grow any leaves. Soon enough, the trees began to stop growing, leaving us in a spherical shaped clearing, blanketed with fog. The circular clearing sent chills up my spine, despite being in the presence of two other ponies. The path continued to stretch ahead of us, but eventually stopped at a natural podium. Vines and branches helped create this natural podium, with a tree trunk cut in half as the base.

Torches were set ablaze recently. The fresh scent of overcooked meat filled my nostrils and made me cringe in disgust. With each step I took, the scent grew stronger, and my heart beats quickened.

Jester clung closely to me, while Nocturnal stayed at my side, but not making any contact, her sword drawn as we walked closer and closer towards the natural podium that stood at the center of the fog filled clearing.

“Is that... a book?” Nocturnal whispered to no pony in particular.

Upon further examination of the lectern, a book sat on the rest. It was old, and dust, as if no pony had opened it in years, hell maybe even decades. An emblem of a moon corrupted with darkness was inscribed onto the cover of said book. A dark aura seemed to emanate from the mysterious volume, and with each movement I made, the motions seemed to blur, and time seemed to go slower and slower.

Aeons of walking eventually led me to the book, the energy it was giving off full of evil and dread. My eyes felt heavy, my mind beginning to shut down on me.

“Peacekeeper?” Jester inquired, now at Nocturnal’s side other than mine. “Are you alright?”

“I’m...fine.” I lied. I was tired, and all my willpower was focused on keeping myself awake, and so far, the book’s magic was making all attempts in vain.

“Put the book down.” Nocturnal warned. I disobeyed her demand, checking the back of the book for no reason. “Dammit, put it down!”

Jester’s magic tugged at the book, but I held a firm grip with my own arcane abilities. It was a game of tug o'war between an old black book, one that could explain whatever is happening around here.

“Let the hell go!” Nocturnal pleaded, smacking my horn with her hoof. I fell on my rear end, rubbing my horn, which was so focused on trying to get the book back that it caused me to gain a thunderclap headache. I shut my eyes, and gripped my head, in a cruel attempt to stop the ache.

“Luna, what the hell is wrong with you?” Nocturnal questioned. “What’s so special about that book?”

I struggled to find the answer, although it was fairly simple. The pain was sluggishly receding, and I was recovering, getting on all fours.

Jester held the book in front of her, unopened. It didn't tempt her to open it, at least physically she didn't look tempted. I still wanted that book, but refrained from trying to take. So instead, I’ll use my devilishly good charms to talk them into giving me the book. Just note; I have no devilishly good charms.

“I don’t know what happened exactly.” I answered, leaving the idea of ‘charms’ out of the conversation. “The book, it felt like it wanted me to open it.”

“Maybe it has the answers to whatever’s happening around here.” Jester suggested.

“I don’t want to risk it.” Nocturnal said.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m the superior and I order you to keep the book closed.” The Lunar Guard spoke sternly, looking down at me. “And you. Keep yourself in line you hear?”

“Message received.” I looked around, confused as to what we were going to do now. “So what now?”

“I dunno, uh...Jester, you still have the map on you?”

The silver mare placed the book within her saddle packs, and continued to search for the map. Her simple task turned into panic as she started rummaging through the leather pack. “What the hell? Where the buck is it?”

My heart sank deeper in my body. My eyes shut and I dragged myself over to the podium where the book was once sitting. I slammed a hoof into it, either in anger, or some other emotion I couldn't pinpoint. Now we were lost in this forest, and there was almost no way out.

I cursed so loudly, I swear, the town of Ponyville would be able to hear it. Jester recoiled in fear, probably thinking that I would do something to her. I knew that I wouldn't do anything to her though. Nocturnal knew that too.

“I’m sorry.” Jester apologized, keeping her head low to the ground. “I really am.”

“It’s fine.” Nocturnal said, patting the mare on the back, trying to comfort her. I could hear the slight bit of anger in her voice though.

“Well, maybe we could try and signal the others.” I suggested. “They have a map too right?”

Nocturnal looked uncomfortable. I could just see it in her eyes. The answer was staring me in the face, but I was too stupid to realize it.

“Well... About that...”

“Forget it.” I sighed.

Nocturnal and Jester shuffled around, trying to think of a way to leave the forest, although there was three of our fellow guardsmen left in the forest, probably staring death in the face. I tried to think of something, anything that would help us leave the forest.

“The book!” Nocturnal exclaimed in unison with me. We both looked at each other silently until the mare decided to speak. “Maybe it’s a spell book! Maybe there’s a teleportation spell inside!”

“No chance.” Jester spoke. “I’m okay with the book, but I can’t cast teleportation magic. And I don’t think Rookie over here knows how to cast it either.”

“Well...Then read it.”

“It’s not that simple.” I broke in. “When given a new spell to learn, a unicorn can take days, weeks, months even, to learn the spell. And teleporting three ponies, well that’s like adept level spell casting.”

“Damn. We could still try right?”

I looked over at Jester, but she gave me one of her popular ‘let’s talk in private’ glares.

What is it? I contacted, remembering our communication spell was still working.

Are you really supporting her on this? The mare responded. Wasn't she the one that ordered us not to open it?

Yes, but now she’s going to command us to open it.

What if this is a necromancy book? We could be playing with-

Look at the cover of the book. Does it look like anything related to necromancy?

The mare examined the book and faced the ground. No. I just don’t have a good feeling about this.

Let me take look at it then. I got it. Don’t worry.

I grabbed the unholy looking book, setting it on the podium. Upon opening it, my vision began to darken. I felt drained, both mentally and physically. My willpower began to divert itself to keeping my eyes from closing.I felt Jester’s warm hooves lay on my back, and upon looking, her face seemed blurred, and every movement she made was slower than her normal pace. When she spoke, or at least what I thought was her speaking to me, no words came out, just her mouth opening. I glanced to Nocturnal, but found myself staring at a blank mare. It wasn’t Nocturnal, but it was somepony else. If her face weren’t so blurred then I would be able to make it out better.

I glanced back down at the book, but my consciousness was slipping away into a catatonic state of mind. I fell on my knees, then on my side. My eyes began to darken, only a dim light ahead of me, the only source of light now. Now.

It’s gone.


It was amazing that I could see despite the darkness of the room. The paint on the ceiling was peeling off, and a musky smell drifted through the room. I lay on an operating table, though I wasn’t strapped into it like other ponies were in the Canterlot hospitals. The only source of illumination was from a dim lamp on the other side of the room. In the denizens between me and the desk with the lamp, were other operating tables, blood on each one, and some still fresh with the crimson liquid.

The tiles on the walls and floor were stained with century old blood and other liquids I couldn't quite describe. The hairs on my whole body stood up, as I set all four hooves onto the ground. It was wet. And not with blood. It wasn’t water either.

I took reluctant steps through the urine covered room, the disgust building up with each step I made. As slow as I went, I was making progress over to the lamp, almost as if it were moving towards me.


As disgusted as I was the sudden surge of energy that shot through me made me dart towards the desk with the lamp. Upon reaching the desk I almost completely knelt down to the ground before realizing, not only was I stripped of my golden armor, but I was about to put majority of my body in a puddle full of urine mixed with blood and other less desirable fluids.Steps resonated through the room, and shadowy figures appeared from a hallway.It was do or die!

I dropped to a low crouch, as low as I could go without my body touching the ground. I tried to will my heart to slow down, but my whole body was shaking, and I was hoping that I could keep this position without falling into the liquids. As the steps got louder, my heart pounded faster.

“You heard that right?” A raspy voice spoke. It sounded slightly muffled, as if the thing talking was wearing a mask.

“No. Unless you meant the bing?” Another voice spoke, just as raspy as the other one. this one had no muffle to it, but for some reason, it struck fear into my heart.

“Yes, you fucking idiot!” A loud smack echoed through the room followed by a yelp of pain from one of them.

Sweat covered my face, and sweat dripped from my chin into the muck puddle. I gulped, as my muscles began to shake, tears welling in my eyes as I began to descend from my position and into the murky waters underneath my body. The steps resonated, getting closer and closer. I could see their lantern lights shining on the wall and under the desk.

Oh please Celestia! I begged. Luna! Hear my prayers! Help me from this hell, smite these beings and please ensure no harm comes to me! Please!

The lantern lights came ever closer, and my heart was on the verge of stopping.Disbelief filled my mind when the voices went further away. Celestia and Luna have heard my prayers! Thank them both!

I poked my head up first, not before my body willed itself to stand on all fours. The creatures were gone, whatever they were. i took a single step and out of the corner of my eye, one of the operating tables rolled on its own. There was nothing there though. Sweat still covered most of my head, and my body still shook from either the intensity of hiding, or not being able to sustain most of my weight so low to the piss and shit filled ground.

I walked through the vast room, wandering aimlessly. The operating tables shifted on their own from time to time, but never did anything happen. I let out a sigh of relief when i reached the end of the room. Across from me was a door labeled: ‘Emergency Room’. Looking to my left, there was a long and endless hallway, No pony was down there. The coast was clear for me. Might as well-


I fell on my back (Bucking disgusting!) and landed in the pool I so desperately tried to avoid. Overhead were two figures, both with parts of their skin hanging off, like they in the process of turning into one of those monsters I’d encountered with Jester and Nocturnal. One wielded a steel pipe in his mouth, while the other sported a Royal Guard helmet, crudely made with scraps of metal, and a humorous attempt in making a mask that could cover his whole face. The stallion must have given up on making the mask sometime during creation, because he just took a curved metal piece and just slapped it on the helmet, covering his mouth at an angle.

“I knew it!” The masked stallion exclaimed, despite his partner’s dull and boring expression, showing no interest. “New blood!”

The other pony dropped his weapon and picked me up, although I was still dazed from his concussive attack. The masked stallion shoved me forward, before turning me to the right. Another endless hallway. This one more cluttered than the other, full of trash and blood stained walls and other various objects.

“Start walking!” The masked pony shoved again, and I began to make the journey to the unknown denizens of this realm. Was this even Equestria? If it was then where the-

“Ahh!” I yelped. An shock coursed through my body, and upon looking behind me, the two ponies were gesturing for me to enter into another dark room. Their lanterns were the only source of illumination in this dreaded place.

I walked as commanded, but not before being stopped by the masked pony. Another narrow hallway, except that the end was right in front of me and that another room was on the left wall, a light illuminating both that room and the end of the hall. No piss covered floors (Thank Celestia for that), and boxes were spread about, as if some pony were trying to leave in a hurry.

The masked unicorn looked around,but averted his attention back to me. He ordered his friend to investigate the rest of the dark room, while he watched me. The other being left to carry out the task, leaving me with this pony stained with various liquids, most of which had a distinct and pungent odor.

He looked at me with the dirtiest grin I’d ever seen. “Wait till ya meet the big guy. She’ll just love you!”

“Don’t you mean ‘he’?” I corrected.

“No!” Another shock came from his unseen horn. “I meant ‘she’. Wait until you see her. You’ll probably die of fear.”

I looked around, hoping that wouldn’t earn me a shock either. The destroyed ruins of this old hospital honestly scared me. Well of course it did. It probably would scare you too. The worst part about this place wasn’t anything I was seeing now, but instead the thoughts that ran through my head here.

I wanted to go back home. I wanted to back with Jester and Nocturnal, Illusion and Shade. I didn’t know that there was a place worse than the Everfree, but now I guess I found it. Nothing ever in my life has ever made me want to go back to the Royal Armory so bad. Nothing ever made me feel homesick before, and now all the feelings I never experienced before, all began to accumulate inside and was killing me on the inside.

A glint caught my attention and hope was restored. A weapon! The steel pipe the pony dropped! Brilliant!

I looked towards the door we had entered from, and asked “Did you hear that?”

“What?” The masked stallion got up, his horn glowing despite the helmet covering it, and edged towards the door. I slowly grabbed the pipe, hoping that the enemy wouldn’t hear me standing on all fours.


“Didn’t hear that now did ya?” I joked scornfully. “Dick!”

The stallion groaned as I hopped over the body, and grabbed the lantern in my mouth. I made sure to squeeze an ‘accidental’ kick in the head, despite the helmet. When I heard his boyfriend coming back to investigate the racket, I began to run back down the hallway, towards the direction we came, and would continue until I ran into the end, or the next door. Wherever I go, I don’t care, as long as I can escape from these wretched ponies.

3: In The Presence Of Enemies (Part 1)

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Chapter 3: In The Presence Of Enemies (Part 1)

“I can free you from this hell and misery, you should never be ashamed my son.
I can give you power beyond anything, trust me you will be the chosen one.
I can lead you down the path and back to life, all I ask is that you worship me
I can help you seek revenge and save yourself, give you life for all eternity.”

They were gone.

Given up their seemingly endless search. The room, like all the others was dark, but it was atramentous unlike the others. My lantern’s light refused to travel five feet from my position, but I didn’t care at the moment. All that was on my mind was focusing my weight on the door so the two stallions wouldn’t bust the door down. I heard them speaking to each other when they were right outside of the door. Only a few words escaped through the door, although muffled, they didn’t sound so good.

When I was sure that they were away from the door, I stood on all fours, trying to examine all I could in the five foot radius the lantern lit up. The walls beside me were scribbled on, starting off as sentences like ‘save me’ or ‘she draws ever closer to arrival’. Whoever ‘she’ was, I wasn’t so sure if I wanted to find out. She sounded like a real powerhouse, judging from the scribbles on the wall. The writing soon turned into random lines and little squiggles, like some pony gave a foal a pencil and asked them to do something.

Aside from the peeling paint on the ceiling, and the cracks on the tiles on the floor, everything else seemed to be in order. No junk on the floor or bodily fluids sprayed across the floor or walls like a foal decided to toss paint around. At the end of the lengthy hallway, I turned my head both left, then right. There it was again. Blood staining the walls, thankfully not with urine or any other pony excrement. The ambient sounds of crickets chirping and insects buzzing rang in my ears, although the sounds were coming from outside. A window, shattered open revealed no light, except of that of the moon.

My hooves clopping echoed through the deserted room, as I approached the cracked window. My vague reflection stared back at my silver coat, stained with the waste from the deserted room I was in prior to my arrival here. My sandy mane was still the same though: straight, but mildly unkempt.

I had to focus on keeping my mouth from dropping when I saw the small town in the distance. The wooden structure once erected in the center was toppled over, the top stacked above the rest of the shattered wood under it. Other buildings had the misfortune of being scavenged by the ponies who attempted to capture me, about twenty of them at most. It looked like a war had ravaged the land.

How did I end up in this hell? Was it even hell? Celestia, I had so many questions, but it seemed that no pony had time to answer them. Not that there were many ponies around me, save for the ones trying to hunt me like an animal.

I picked up a wooden two-by-four when a bang resonated from the door beside me. I edged closer to the door, cautious of my surroundings. No one could come in through the window; my location in the abandon hospital was on the third or fourth level. The door I’d entered from was still closed, so no pony came in from there, unless they were so fast that by the time I blinked, it slithered right past me. A broom fell in front of the door, and I jumped as well as made a little shriek.

My magic on the piece of wood hovering in front of me was wavering, shaking almost uncontrollably. I kept (at least I tried) my composure, trying to look as intimidating as possible. My whole body was shaking, and my mind was still questioning itself, thinking if it were a good idea to investigate the noise, or to let whatever it was pass. I reached the door frame, waiting for something to pop out, but upon jumping into the deserted room, nothing was there to greet me, or scare me.

I relaxed, still gripping the wooden piece I was going to use as a weapon. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. As soon as I opened them though, a blunt force slammed into the back of my head. I stumbled over onto the ground.

“Oh, Luna!” A feminine voice praised. “Another normal pony! I’m so sorry.”

The mare lifted me up from behind, but I was still dazed and confused. I turned to see a green earth pony, her mane covering most of her eyes, and reaching down to her shoulders. Tears streamed from her eyes, and a wide smile reached from ear to ear. She looked like she hadn’t eaten in days. Hell she probably didn’t.

I lifted the piece of wood closer to me, getting ready to make a hit, but my blow never came to her. The mare cowered, using her hooves to shield her head from the blow that never came. I dropped my 2x4, and the emerald mare slowly, and cautiously stood on all fours.

“Sorry,” I apologized. “you caught me off guard.”

“It’s my fault, I hit you first.” The emerald mare extended a hoof. “Sage.”

“Pleased to meet you. I just wish that it wasn’t under these circumstances” I said “I’m Peacekeeper. Latest addition to the Royal Guard.”

Sage’s eyes widened. “You’re a guard? That’s even better! Look, through that door-” the mare pointed behind me. There it was. a door with the exit sign hanging by a strand of a wire above the doorframe. “-there’s something in there, and I... Well I was too scared to go inside, but maybe you can! Please! That could be our only way out!”

I contemplated for a moment. Not thinking if I should go inside or not, but if I should bring the mare with me into said room. She seemed traumatized from something, not to mention that she was starved, brittle and weak. She was very reluctant to go through. Then again, she probably did attempt to traverse the denizens of the hospital.

“You should come with me.” I finally suggested.

“What?!” Sage exclaimed. She glanced at the door when rapid scratching occurred from the other side of the door. I jumped and shivered when I heard the being on the other side scream, either in agony or in anger. I grabbed the wooden plank again, ready for the being to bash the door down. Nothing happened. My whole body was shivering now, and I was on the verge of leaving by exiting through the window. There was no way I’d be any part of this. I glanced back to the mare, who was cowering in fear again. I felt sorry for her when I saw her tears.

“Yeah, I guess I’ll clear it out.” I said, reluctantly approaching the door.

“I’m so sorry.” The green mare apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. How many beasts can there be anyway?” I only opened the door slightly and then-


“Whoah!” I was slammed into the ground, forgetting that I had no armor to absorb any blows. I opened my eyes, and gasped at the sight of the beast. The eyes were long gone, but the sockets were filled with skin, and not from the eyelids. It was so skinny, one would mistake it for an anorexic pony at a distance. The skin was rotten, a pungent aroma surrounding it. Patches of fur were scattered around the body, and the spots not covered with fur had skin either ripped open revealing the maggot ridden muscle tissue, or had skin so tight it could pass off as a tight leather jacket. It belted out a horrifying scream as its hooves, sharp as my blade in the real world, started clawing at me.

I screamed like a little filly trying to get the demon off of me, whacking it with the piece of wood, but to no avail. The numbers of the beings increased, soon a massive group was trying to claw at me. Sage let out a scream, either in fear, agony or both. Whatever it was, I was going to make an attempt to save her. As soon as I could get out off this damn pile up.

I shot arcane blasts, killing two, but one always took the two’s place. More blasts shot from my horn until I was almost mentally drained. Sharp pain appeared in my shoulder, then another on my ribs. I grit my teeth trying to kick the beasts off, but my attempts were in vain.

“Get... Off of me!” I bellowed, slamming another with the piece of wood, almost about to shatter into two pieces.

Sage bucked two of the beasts, grabbed my hoof and lifted me up off the ground. She pulled me through the door and slammed it shut. Whatever those things were, they were pissed, and I didn’t want to buck with them again. The kept scratching at the door, and I assisted Sage, using my magic to prevent the door from swinging open.

“By Celestia!” I exclaimed, trying to stop the bleeding in my shoulder as I held the magic barrier. “They don’t give up!”

“Shh!” Sage shushed. The scratching eased, and then came to a stop. The emerald mare eased herself off of the door and made silent steps towards me. “Are you okay?”

“Just a few scrapes and cuts.” I replied, using a hoof to try and stop the bleeding.

The green mare’s eyes were filled with tears. Her coat was covered in blood, a gash opened up on her left side, cut from the natural bones of the beasts. She suffered a cut below her mane, the blood slowly leaking out around her eyes.

“We need to patch those up.” I said worried that she would soon lose all her blood.

“I’m sorry, but-” The mare showed her right hind hoof. It was wrapped with bandages, and her flank had a small foal’s band-aid covering most of her cutie mark. “-I used all the supplies I had. There are other supplies, but they’re on the other side of the building.”

I looked around the room we were stuck in, hoping to find a medical kit for the mare, but my search was in vain. There was no source of illumination, my lantern stuck on the other side of the door with those things. I cursed under my breath, even as I followed the mare through the dark room.

“Do you have an illumination spell?” the emerald earth pony questioned.

“Sorry. No.” I looked ahead of the green mare, noticing a blue light illuminating the hall beyond the door. I gestured towards it, and put myself in the lead, walking towards the door frame. I shivered in fear when I heard whispering coming from the other side. I braced myself for a fight with the two stallions that had tried to capture me earlier, but there was no pony.

Ahead of me was a blue aura emerging from the ground, blocking off the hallway. I looked towards Sage, but she proved to be of no use. She shivered and shaked crazily. I didn’t blame her. I was pretty scared too, but I wanted to give her reassurance; that a ‘brave and strong’ Royal Guard would help her out of here.

“C’mon.” I spoke gesturing for the mare to come to my side.

“I’m not sure this is such a good idea Peacekeeper.”

“It’s okay. I promise you I’ll keep you safe. Whatever is on the other side of this arcane wall won’t hurt you. I promise.” I tried my best to sound like I was a seasoned veteran.

The mare blushed, smiling at me.


“Ahh!” Sage screamed. The door flew off its hinges, and the monsters we thought we had trapped in the other room poured in, screaming their demonic screams. The mare dashed towards the blue aura rising out of the ground, and I followed trying to catch up with her.

“Sage wait!” I called to the mare, she only slowed down by a fraction, and disappeared into the blue aura. My eyes widened and I began to pick up speed. It was when I reached the aura, I felt the world distort around me, and my whole vision was picking up only an indigo color. I felt weightless, as if I were in a free fall.

“Woah!” I yelled as I began to soar through the air. A warm breeze greeted me, although I was flying through the air, and approaching the ground at a tremendous amount of speed.


I groaned in pain after landing in a grassy area. My eyes were shut as I clenched my mid-section. I rolled onto my back and back on my side. A kick added to the pain in my sides. I opened my eyes and saw the same stallions from the hospital. They gave me another one of their dirty grimy grins.

My body willed itself to stand on all fours despite the pain. I stopped when I saw them. Numerous ponies, corrupted by this realm’s darkness just like the two stallions in front of me. All glaring at me. My rear bumped into something, and when I turned around, it was Sage. She was shaking uncontrollably, and I was with her on that. These ponies were violent and brutal. They all approached us, slowly and menacingly.

“HALT!” A grand voice bellowed. The ponies all stopped their advance, and I walked in front of Sage, trying my best again to reassure her that I would help see her out of here.

I felt a force, push me down to my knees, and it kept pushing, like a bag of bricks magically appeared on my back. I looked up trying to find the source of the sudden push. Upon looking as far up as I could, I couldn’t believe it.

A mare, as tall as Celestia herself stood before me. Her obsidian coat reflected the moonlight, and her mane blended in perfectly with the star covered sky. Azure armor covered her hooves, and chest. The insignia of the moon embedded onto the armor. Her eyes glowed an azure color, looking right through me.

“By Celestia..” I heard Sage gasp.

“And who are you,” The mare of nightmares spoke, her voice echoing throughout the whole forest clearing. “To come before me? You wear the symbol of the sun, like those heretics.”

She pointed a hoof towards the tree on the far left of the glowing clearing. Ropes were tied to the strongest branch, each one leading to...

The missing members of my squad. Shade, and the crimson mare. My shock made my body beg for air. That was Nocturnal’s brother hanging there. How was I going to tell her? W-would she even believe me if I said anything about it? And the other mare. I barely even knew her, and my regret of not even trying to get to become her friend weighed down on my heart.

“By Luna, what did you do to them?!” I snapped, despite my fear.

“She’s saving them!” A more masculine voice answered. The crimson stallion emerged from the steps and onto the stage formed by the nature around us.

“Illusion, you backstabbing bitch!” I yelled, willing my hooves to charge at the stallion, not before another force began to crush my body in an immense weight. I groaned in pain, trying my best to resist.

“Welcome, to my realm.” Nightmare Moon spoke. “In here, Luna nor Celestia can protect you. All of your nightmares come true.”

“How did I get here? How do I get out?” I questioned, fully aware she might not answer the question.

“The book you found.” Illusion answered. “It was the one, how should I say, ‘quick portals into this realm’. Sure, anypony can come here, but Luna can help a fraction of the ponies that come here. The others lost in their nightmares stay here until they ‘wake up’.”

“I-I don’t understand, a pony doesn’t dream about nightmares every time they sleep. We dream of-”

“The book implants a spell to those who read it, as do other artifacts of her's. Whenever they sleep, this is where they wake up.” Illusion explained. “As for the ones who never read Nightmare Moon's book, their nightmares would occur like any other, except, it would be just a vague memory. With the spell implanted in your mind, you can stay here for as long as you’d like, though it is not recommended.”

I felt the magic weight ease off of me, and I was able to freely stand on all fours successfully. I felt Sage rush to my side, holding me tightly, almost suffocating me.

“I’ll give one chance.” The onyx alicorn began. “Join me in the quest to take the throne. You will be more powerful than ever!”

“Do it Peacekeeper.” Illusion suggested. “Every soul taken under her wing will help her inevitable return! Think of the power we can wield! Look at what we can do!”

The stallion lifted one of the cultist soldiers and flung him around like a ragdoll. When the soldier thought he was going to be let down, Illusion’s arcane grip slammed him into the ground, making a puddle of blood and entrails.

I recoiled at the sight of the explosion. Sage kept her grip on me, and both Nightmare Moon and Illusion kept their gaze on me awaiting my answer.

“No. I’m loyal to the Royal Family and I will stay loyal to my country.”

Illusion shook his head. The Mare of Nightmares did the same, except she seemed more tolerant. “You’re a fool for believing the leaders of your realm. Nothing will stop my return, not even your silly ‘magic of friendship’.”

"I will never join you." I said, trying to keep confidence in my voice. "Nothing you have could possibly make me want to join you."

“You foolish unicorn, wait and see. When our realms begin their fight, you shall see. Your resistance will only make your deaths inevitable. Begone mortal. Such a shame, a stallion with your kind of willpower doesn't come to this place often.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but the words never left my mouth, instead I felt my whole body begin to tingle. My vision turned black again.

I opened my eyes. The night sky greeting me, and the moon hanging over the wildlife and all ponies in Equestria.

I gasped for air, not that I was running out of it, but because the shock in my body stole all the oxygen from my lungs. I was back into the real world. My armor was back on and my blade was in its sheath still. Thank Celestia! The only thing is, I was still in the forest. I step on all fours, and lifted my head up. A blade almost stabbed me in the muzzle.

“You just stay right there.” The hooded figure commanded. I looked behind the figure, and glanced to the ponies behind him. Jester was still there, and Nocturnal stared at the ground. Cultists. Ones loyal to the mare of our nightmares.

“Finally awake I see.” Above me stood the backstabbing stallion. I cursed when I saw him.

“Illusion, you backstabbing cocksucker!” Jester yelled. I recoiled from the mare’s sudden burst of verbal rage. The cultists did the same. I looked at the crimson stallion, rage in my eyes, wanting to lash out at him. I could do it too, but the other cultists would probably stab me into submission.

“Now now Jester, you and Nocturnal shall not be harmed, that is to say if you join me.” Illusion outstretched his hoof towards the two mares. Nocturnal looked up, and spit on the stallions hoof. I turned away when he smacked her, and when she yelped from the sudden blow. Illusion turned towards Jester, and she looked petrified, looking to me and Nocturnal like we had the answers. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words left. Illusion looked disappointed, like he was left all alone in a cruel cold world. Probably because he was.

I mustered the courage to stand on all fours, despite the blade aimed for my throat. I glanced at Jester and Nocturnal, who were both looking at me like I’d grown a second head. There was only four cultists, each of which probably not so bright, judging by the fact they were in a cult. If Jester and Nocturnal could break free of their submission, then we could deal with all these ponies. Shit, then there was Illusion. He was as skilled with a blade as he was with magic. Not only that, but Nightmare Moon enhanced his arcane power.

The hooded stallion in front of me forced me to sit on my haunches, my anger rising.

Illusion gestured for the stallion in front of me to do something. He lifted his blade, and then threw it towards my chest. I made a poor attempt to dodge the incoming blade. Instead of the sharp sword piercing into my heart, my stomach took the pain. I grit my teeth and shut my eyes when the stallion removed the blade.

“You idiot, that’s not what I wanted you to do!” Illusion yelled, stunning his fellow cultist. “I simply wanted you to bring him to me!”

“Sir? I-I apologize, I didn’t-”

The crimson stallion removed the blade from the other pony, and stabbed him with said blade. I felt my eyes widen when the hooded stallion fell to the ground, blood spewing from the wound in the neck. I struggled, trying to get away from the crimson stallion.

“Where do you think you’re going hmm?” Illusion picked me up off the ground. He threw me down onto the ground next to Jester, laughing as he did so.

“Leave him alone!” Nocturnal pleaded. “He’s just a recruit! He doesn’t deserve this!”

“It won’t matter who you are, if you choose not to side with the Living Nightmare, then death shall take you.” He gestured to the cultists behind Jester, Nocturnal and I. “You three. Deal with them.”

The stallion turned his back, his horn glowing. A blue and silver light appeared in front of him, and Illusion disappeared into the dark vortex. I was surprised at the spell he had just managed, but then again, Nightmare Moon buffed up his arcane abilities.

The hooded pony behind me grabbed me by the mane, snapping me out of my trance. I yelped from the pain of my mane almost ripping out of my scalp. The pony let go and kicked me in the rib. I groaned, and clutched the spot where I was hit. I looked up at the mare who was about to end my life. I think that was the worst part about this situation. That a mare was going to be my undoing. I wondered if I were still in the realm of nightmares, because this was one hell of an experience: having a mare take my life. She raised her blade, but was too slow to bring it down.

This is your only chance! Take it!

I suppressed the impact of the blade, and only felt a little pinch on my chest, My magic grabbed the blade from her grip and I pushed her over onto the ground. She grunted, as she hit the ground and I darted up. I glanced over to the stallions about to kill Jester and Nocturnal.

“Before you die,” The stallion standing over Jester spoke. “I should have some fun with you first.”

I walked weakly over to the stallion, laughing in my mind that he didn’t notice me approaching him. I raised my new sword and stabbed weakly at the hooded pony’s back. Blood gushed from the wound I made, but the stallion still stood, and turned towards me. He made a weak attempt to lunge at me, and although it was weak and pitiful, I jumped about five feet back, expecting him to actually pounce on me and try and kill me, despite the wound I’d made on his back. Jester leaped up into the air, and grabbed the stallion about to have ‘fun’ with Nocturnal, despite her constant kicking, and screaming.

“Let go of me heretic!” The stallion kicked in mid air, held in Jester’s furious arcane grip.

Nocturnal stood on all fours, picking up a sword in her mouth in the process. She glared at the angry hooded stallion, looking with such malice, it was as if she was going to kill him a thousand times. She probably would given the chance.

“You anna ‘ve vun?” Nocturnal spoke through the sword in her mouth. She gave a quick turn with her head, and sliced the pony’s stomach. He desperately tried to stop the bleeding, frantically trying to cover the wound with his hooves. Jester slammed him against a tree trunk numerous times.

“Jester!” I yelled disrupting the mare’s fun. She glared at me, hanging the stallion upside down from a tree branch using his dark robes. Jester was a fan of old Equestrian torture methods, and it somewhat pleased me to put it to use. Probably because I wasn’t her test subject this time.

“There’s another one alive over here!” Nocturnal called.

Both Jester and I rushed over to her, examining the mare I’d knocked out like foals discovering an insect for the first time. The hooded mare was knocked out, having landed on a rock after I pushed her to the ground.

“Kill her?” Jester questioned.

“No. Wake her up.” I suggested, slapping the mare in the face. “Wow, that felt good.”

I slapped again. Each time getting harder, until it turned into punches and kicks.

“Hold up.” Nocturnal stopped me. “She’s waking up.”

The hazel mare’s eyes slowly opened, and she jolted up in shock, giving herself a minor whiplash. I pinned her back onto the grassy floors, and stared into her eyes.

“Where to start?” I asked rhetorically.

“I won’t tell you anything heretic!” The mare spoke.

“You’re at a disadvantage.” I spoke again. “I suggest you shut up and answer our questions.”

“No! You all will die! The mare of the night will rule-”

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”

My horn glowed its grey color, ready to blast the mare’s face if she spoke another word until I asked her a question.

“Look at the Rook!” Jester remarked, changing her demeanor, and regaining her cheerful, joking composure. “Learning from the experts!”

I shot her a look and the mare’s smile slowly faded away.

“Keep it together you two.” Nocturnal commanded, being the mother of the group, or what’s left of it. “We don’t need her. Just her map.”

The mare glanced up at Nocturnal giving a hateful glare. Nocturnal just stepped on her as she pushed me out of the way to grab the downed mare’s map. “Thank you.”

Nocturnal unsheathed her weapon and plunged it into the mare. She gasped for air, trying to kick the Lunar Guard off, but to no avail. She became weaker and weaker until she was unable to move.

"What was the point of waking her?" I questioned. "I thought we'd need questions answered."

“Let’s go.” Nocturnal commanded ignoring me. “We need to find the others.”

My heart stopped. Even as the two mares brushed passed me, I was unable to move. Should I tell them about Nightmare Moon? Should I tell Nocturnal that her brother was Killed by Nightmare Moon? Oh Celestia give me the courage to tell her! Please!

“Peacekeeper!” Nocturnal called.

I turned, looking the mare in the eyes. Could I find the strength to tell her what had happened?

The Lunar Guard approached me with questioning eyes, trust also glowing in them. “What’s the matter?”

I sighed shakily. “I’m sorry.”

The mare raised an eyebrow. “For what exactly? Um, sorry, but I’ve been meaning to ask you: what happened when you opened that book? I got so worried I-”

“Where is the book now?” I questioned.

“With that backstabbing stallion. You didn’t answer my question though. What happened?”

Again I sighed. Most of my will was averted to keep my watery eyes from leaking, and Nocturnal could see that. She turned to Jester and ordered her to wait. I couldn’t keep eye contact with the mare, and slowly I found myself sitting on my haunches like I always did when I was on the verge of tears.

“When the book opened, I-I was taken someplace else,” I explained, my voice quivering. “It was, it was a different realm. I saw... I saw...”

“What? Look if it’s important for this investigation, then I need to know what it is you saw.”

I gulped, and tried to get the words together. How could I say it to her? She had so much faith in me, and I was afraid of losing all that faith. I didn’t want her to think of me as a coward, even though there was virtually nothing I could have done to save them.

“They were dead. She killed them.” My eyes overflowed, releasing the tears I had so desperately tried to keep back. “Nocturnal, I’m sorry. I wish I could have done something. I really do. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.”

“Who killed...” The mare’s sudden realization hit her like a runaway train. I could see it about to happen. Jester walked over, and held her tongue before saying anything she knew she would get in trouble for.

I never liked to see anypony cry, least of not one of my friends. Tears streamed down the Lunar Guards face, still trying to comprehend what I had just said. I couldn’t bare to see her like this. This was a seasoned veteran in the Royal Guard, and it was strange to see her cry; a grown mare who was in the most disciplined squad in the Royal Guard, breaking down in tears. I edged over to the mare, and gave her my shoulder to cry on.

“This is all my fault.” The mare’s lament was rubbing off on me. “I should never have encouraged him to take this mission.”

“You couldn’t have known.” Jester tried to comfort.

The mare stayed silent, crying on my shoulder, and I sat patiently waiting for her to finish, trying to comfort her myself, but to no avail. A rustle behind a few bushes frightened me, and forced me to stand on all fours. I took out my blade and awaited for the beast, whatever it may be, to reveal itself. Jester unsheathed her blade, and Nocturnal weakly stood up, but didn’t take her blade out. I didn’t care though. After what she had just learned, she wasn’t mentally fit to do much fighting.

A shadowy figure emerged from the bushes and leaves. What it was was beyond me, but I knew one thing: It was too big for the three of us to fight. A bulky mass acted as the body, armored with plates like the chitin of a crab. Two arms sprouted from the massive body, each one as big as the body, but only chitin plates covering the shoulders. Whatever was behind it was unable to be seen, due to the beasts large body mass.

What I presumed to be the mouth was just a vertical slit along a bump on the top of the body, and glowing golden eyes. The beast roared, like thunder in the middle of the night. The beast approached us, using the arms as its legs, and was deceptively fast.

“By Celestia, move it!” Jester demanded, as she grabbed Nocturnal out of her trance. The ground rumbled wildly as the massive beast chased us out of the clearing. Jester and Nocturnal ran, tears still falling from the Lunar Guard’s eyes.

I caught up with the two mares, running like my life depended on it. No pun intended.

“That thing is freaking fast!” Nocturnal remarked.

The beast let out a deep gravelly sound as if to respond to the mare’s remark. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, feeling the massive monster approaching me, the ground’s trembling getting more intense. I turned for a quick look to see the armored creature chasing me; not focused on the others, but just me. It was ignoring the two mares, it’s bulk forcing it to strain itself.

“Oh Celestia turn! Turn!” Jester screamed.

I hadn’t realized what the mare meant, turning my head not my body.

Celestia’s ovaries!

The ground beneath me crumbled, and I fell, plummeting at speeds that would match the Wonderbolts’ flying skills. My backside slid down the rocky wall, the beast falling behind me. I failed to keep my eyes closed, trying not to look at how far down the fall was.

“Rookie!” Jester and Nocturnal called in unison. I wanted to look up towards them. See something good for the last time before I died. Instead, I kept my eyes on the ground, so far away from me, and yet so close to me.

The beast falling behind me roared as it dug it’s arms into the rocky walls, and slowed down it’s speed. It was then I realized that two lower arms replaced its legs, and that was what stopped me from my fatal descent.

Oh Luna! I’m gonna fuckin’ die!

Our descent had come to a stop, the beast saving my life, only to end it itself. The monster’s chitin reflected the moon’s light, adding an eerie effect on the beast’s obsidian shell. The vertical mandibles opened up, revealing sharp razor-like teeth, and a pungent odor. I tried desperately to free myself of the beasts, trying to punch the arms with my hooves, and slicing it with my blade, but nothing worked; the chitin was too strong!

I neared closer to the mandibles of the monster, still trying to find out how I could free myself. I prayed hoping that the next point I stabbed would be a weak point, but my unnecessary flailing deterred every attempt.

I don’t know what made it tick, but the thing roared, destroying my eardrums, and was loosening its grip on my small fragile body. I tried to find the weak point on the body, but to no avail.


Again I hit something that pissed it off and loosen its grip on me. I punched the small arm keeping hold of me, and tried to wiggle my way out of the clutches of the monster. The beast growled and by the time I managed to get most of my body out of the callused hands, my right hind hoof was stuck in the beast’s tight grasp. I grunted, trying to get my sword to hit the unknown ‘right spot’, swinging all the while. This thing was pissed! I had hit it to the point that my eminent death was approaching at a faster rate, the thing trying to jam me into the vertical slit it called a mouth.


The exoskeletal plate on the arm holding me cracked, and the beast roared violently, whipping me about like a ragdoll before throwing me away towards the ground like I was garbage. I screamed, trying not to think about how hard the ground would be when I hit it. The dirt covered ground was so far away, it felt like it would be an eternity before I-


I groaned, having landed on my stomach. My vision was blurred and hazy. I felt my eyes getting heavy, like I wanted to go to sleep. The only problem was that I wanted to stay awake; go down with a fight, you know? I didn’t want to die like this: stuck not being able to defend myself against a beast the size of a chariot. A sudden jolt kept me from closing my eyes completely, not one of a unicorn, but by a realization. If I close my eyes, I’d have to enter that realm again.

My body ached, as I mustered all my might into getting on all fours. Blood trickled down my muzzle, and the wounds I had endured on my back during the slide down the rocky wall. I could hear the beast roaring, but just barely, as it seemed to have torn my ears off. I could feel it coming down to face me, the surrounding area vibrating from its heavy steps.

This was one hell of an arena to fight in. A valley with trees, grass and other various vegetation, all of which placed just right so that way we had a clearing for both the beast and I to duel. The walls of the chasm composed of rocks and roots that dug their way out of the ground. On the cliff high up to my left was the remnants of what could have been an ancient castle, probably the time of Nightmare Moon. Thinking about it now, knowing how cliche villains are, I was probably going to end up battling it out with the Living Terror, or whatever Illusion called her, in that obsolete castle. I could just see it now.

To my right was the monster slowly descending down the naturally formed wall, not as far of a fall as I had remembered. It’s chitin plates glimmered from the moonlight, and it’s roars echoing through the whole forest. I shuddered knowing that I was going to have to fight the beast as soon as it reached my level. A misty shadow loomed over a spot in the ground, a couple of yards away from me. It consumed most of the forest floor, but kept its distance away from me. The violet fog began to gather making a figure. A pony.

“What... do you... want.” I managed.

The form had formed to make the Mare of the Night Realm. Her misty mane blew with the cool breeze of the night. The mare may have been vile and evil, but she was more majestic in person than what the books had depicted.

“This is a disgusting and putrid world you live in,” The mare spoke, her voice taking on different octaves at the same time. “I come to give you one last chance for you and your friends to join me.”

“I already gave you my answer.”

“Why do you continue to resist? I can give you power beyond your wildest dreams! There will be fame! Fortune! Eternal life! Mares.” Nightmare Moon said that with a seductive tone in her voice and an enthralling look in her eyes. “Do these things not entice you?”

I struggled to find the answer. Of course power would come to me with years of experience, but what kind of power? Money sounded good, but it was the root of all evil as they say, and money definitely can’t buy me happiness. Eternal life would have been nice, if the world developed at my kind of pace, but everything natural in Equestria has to be slow; develop for a long period of time. And I hate slow.

Mares? Now there was something I’d be interested in. I mean who wouldn’t? They were the key to repopulation for the whole equine race, and they were one of the key components for a stallion’s....well, pleasure. But that’s beyond the point. I wouldn’t need a whole orgy full of mares, but instead just one. Some pony I could be with forever and some pony who I knew would love me as much as I loved them. I wasn’t like other stallions, who dream of other mares, married or not. I actually wanted somebody and wanted them to be as loyal to me as I am with them.

“I...” I struggled. “...Can’t join you.”

The Azure Princess’s smile disappeared. “If that is your choice, then so be it. You are foolish mortal. Die here, I hope my pet shall keep you entertained.”

The beast dropped from the wall, making the mist that formed Nightmare Moon’s hazy appearance vanishing. It let out a roar, one that could rival a dragon. I gritted my teeth, as my wavering magic reached for my blade on the ground. Despite my pitiful state, I was determined to fight the beast; ready to die knowing that I tried my best to prevent the Living Nightmare from ruling over the world.

Oh Holy Princess, may my blade be quick and my mind wisdom be unmatched by my opponent, whoever or whatever it may be. Celestia grant me power, and I shall grant you my devotion as the protector of the people and your throne. May you be my guide and shepherd through my time of need. Upon my honor, I swear my undying loyalty to my Princesses Luna and Celestia, my life devoted to the protection of their empire and their prosperous people. If I fail in my duties, may Celestia or Luna bless me with eternal life in the afterlife, where I shall remain loyal to the land of Equestria, and the Princesses that rule over the land.


I raised my blade, ready to die should the beast prove to be too powerful for me. The razor, engraved with the insignia of the Royal Guard, reflected my bruised and bloody image. A looked of determination spread across my face. The chitin protected monster charged towards me. I did the same, giving my best battle cry as I charged blindly into my last battle.

4: Home

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Chapter 4: Home

“I remember the first time she came to me, She poured out her soul all night and cried. I remember I was told there`s a new love that`s born, for each one that has died.”

I don’t know what shocked me the most: my blade managing to pierce the beast’s chitin, or it’s deafening roar of anger. The monster lifted it’s bulky arm to smash me, but had it been lighter, it could have hit me. I dug the blade deep into the un-armored part of the arm, and earned myself a smack by the smaller, more agile arm. It was hard enough trying to hit something that was about ten times bigger than you and trying not to get hit at the same time, but it was harder when that thing you’re trying to kill had armored plating enough to take hits from my most powerful spell.

Although I was weak from the the abuse I had taken earlier, I felt moderately rejuvenated. Energy was slowly being restored in my body, and my thinking became quicker. My senses were getting better, and my magic was slowly regaining its strength. The bleeding in some areas didn't stop though, like the wounds on my back. The heavy Royal Guard armor I had equipped earlier was cracked in the chest area and one of the shoulder plates had fallen off. It was the armor on my sides and chest that was taking the most abuse though, and soon I would have to brave the fight without any kind of protection other than my magic.

The beast lifted it’s arm and swung it like a wooden bat. I took the blow, soaring back about five yards. Dirt flew around me upon impact, my back stinging from the drag on the ground. I looked up to see the armored beast charging towards me, limping though.

I shot a blast of magic at the monstrosity, staggering its approach. I jabbed my blade in a crack in the beast’s chitin plate, and tried to lift the cracked plating off with my magic, but to no avail. I was too slow, and ended up on the ground again. I groaned, suffering a blow to the stomach from the monster’s bulky arm. The thing roared as if it were trying to gloat, but I slashed it in the mouth, jamming my blade as far as I could into it’s mouth.

I yelped when I was grabbed by the tail and flung to the other side of our arena. I smacked into a tree of oak variety, my armor amazingly holding itself together, despite the impact. I slid off the natural structure, dazed and struggling to regain my posture. I glanced over at the armored monster, who was trying to rip the blade from its mouth. There was about six different spots in which I could blast off, and strike with my blade, should I ever get it back. My sword may be in the beast’s mouth, but it was still ready to dance.

When my body’s strength returned, my hooves willed themselves to charge at the struggling monstrosity created by Nightmare Moon. As the monster neared me, I became more aggressive, charging up a spell and aiming it for the beast’s chest chitin.


There we go! One well placed charged arcane bolt pierced the armor plating and blew it to bits (The armor plate not the monster unfortunately). My magic gripped the blade and jerked it out of the obsidian shelled beast, stabbing at the chest as many times as possible. Obsidian liquids spilled out of the wounds, but didn't seem to have any effect on the creature.

“Ah!” I dropped my blade, and fell on my stomach, my back suffering an impact from the monster’s massive arm. My hind legs were grasped in the massive hands, and I was up in the air, screaming for dear life.


I felt like a bug being crushed underneath the hooves of a pony. I felt helpless and afraid. Afraid that this would be my last few moments in Equestria.

I was dragged along the ground, and then lifted up again. I heard the monster growl, trying its best to laugh at me for making such a pitiful attempt to fight it. I could smell the foul breath as the monster opened its mouth and edged me closer to the vertical opening. The sharp fangs dug into my fore hoofs as I tried to resist being eaten alive, blood slowly seeping from the wounds. The dark denizens of the beast’s mouth tried to consume me along with the beast itself. I was too focused on trying to keep the mouth open to try and do anything else.


I’d used it before, but why hadn't I thought about using it now? That’s right: I’m a little too focused trying to survive. Well Peacekeeper, its now or never. Focus on the horn or on the hooves. Choose now!

I strained myself, and slowly relaxing my hooves to the best of my abilities. The jaws of death were literally closing in on me, and I was busy trying to do something else. Focus all your willpower, c’mon! As I focused on my spell, I tried to think of something witty and cool to say, just to add some kind of effect, although nopony was watching. Probably the cheesiest line came to mind, but I never got to finish it.



This, you dick.

I found myself sitting on my rear end, covered in an obsidian liquid. The impromptu spell cast had earned me a headache strong enough to manifest into its own being. I closed my eyes and rubbed my head trying to make the pain subside.

“By Celestia!” I heard some pony exclaim, astonished at the scene. “Rookie did you...?”

I turned my head, to see who the pony was, but my vision was blurred. Judging from the voice, it was probably Jester.

“Damn Rook!” Another, more upbeat voice admired. Definitely Jester, the first one had to have been Nocturnal. “Who taught you that arcane pulse spell?”

“About a days worth of reading a book.” I answered, half jokingly, yet half truthfully. “I’m surprised it even--ah!”

I felt the mare’s hooves on my back, the wounds stinging from both her touch and the sudden realization that there was shrapnel from the chitin plates of the monster that had tried to eat me. I opened my eyes and was glad to see two familiar faces.

“Rookie, by Celestia, are you okay?” Nocturnal questioned, acting like my mom again. This time though, I was thankful for it.

“I need to sleep. I think that would be the only thing I need at the moment.”

“I was thinking the same thing kid.” Jester agreed. Both of the mares assisted me with walking through the clearing and towards the way they had come.

“There was a trail over here that led to the same direction of the town, but we had to find you first.” Nocturnal explained. “We also should wait until morning. We don’t know how long it is until we actually get to the town.”

During the time it took for us to walk to our unknown destination, I explained to the mares what was happening. From the Nightmare Realm to Nightmare Moon trying to come back, but in her own corporeal form. Illusion had planned to help the Azure Princess in her mission to return and engulf the world into an eternal night, and as long as he had the book, he was in control of everything. I was the only one who could get that book back from him, and when I am finally able to do so, it will go straight to Luna. She has to know what is happening. She could probably get the Elements of Harmony to completely destroy Nightmare Moon.

Once we made our way to a small clearing we all stopped in our tracks. Nocturnal crafted a fire, large enough to keep us warm without having to huddle up close to it. We all removed our armor, earning myself a lecture from Nocturnal about not to watch a mare remove her clothes or armor, and set it down next to the spots where we’d sleep, at least Jester and I. The fact that there was no beds made it harder for us to sleep. Especially me, since when I slept I’d be taken someplace else. I shuddered at the thought of leaving my friend’s company once again. Then again, there was Sage there to greet me, and she wanted--no, she needed my protection. I closed my eyes about five minutes after Jester had began to snore and Nocturnal began to patrol our perimeter.

“Peacekeeper?” Nocturnal spoke, ripping my eyelids apart from each other. “Earlier you said something about another realm?”

“What about it?”

“What is it like?” The mare’s eyes were full of worry. “Between Nightmare Moon trying to convert you into a follower, and the monsters that roam the realm, how do think you’ll deal with the problem?”

“Illusion still has that book,” I answered, edging closer to the fire between us. “I intend on getting it back. Nightmare Moon may have upgraded his magic, but I can figure something out to get the book back from him.”

“Is there any sign of the missing ponies from the town? Any pony who had either been indoctrinated by Nightmare Moon or just a straggler?”

My thoughts went to Sage. An innocent mare who deserved none of what is happening to her right now. I hoped that she was still intact, both in body and in mind. There was no sign of any other ‘normal ponies’ though. The ones taken under Nightmare Moon’s wing were horrifically deformed, either suffering from famine or just a disease that had only cosmetic effects.

“There’s only one pony that’s actually sane in that disgusting world. Her name is Sage. I think she’s stuck in there like me; having come into contact with one of the artifacts of Nightmare Moon. She might be one of the missing ponies. When we get back to Ponyville tomorrow morning, we should ask around about it.”

“Right. Look, since you sleep out here, and wake up in there, you should ask her if we can find her body out here.”

I lay on the ground, closing my eyes waiting for sleep to take me, that is until Nocturnal spoke to me again.

“Oh and also,” I sat up again, though I don’t know why. “Be careful in there Peacekeeper.”

The mare had a tone of despair in her voice. My ears perked up when she called me by my actual name. No pony, at least in the Royal Guard, had called me by name. I smiled at the mare as I lay on the uncomfortable ground, next to my armor. I shut my eyes, hoping to Celestia that Sage was still alright without me.

I woke, but not in the forest, nor the hospital. Instead, I found myself in a prison cell. The tiled floor wasn’t covered with a pony’s body fluids this time, but had more grime and dirt than actual color. The steel bars ahead of me were rusted, and ahead of me was a pony sitting on a chair, asleep, hooves on a small desk. The pony wasn’t like the others; no patches of fur or missing teeth. Just a regular cultist like the ones who tried to kill me earlier. Beyond him was a door, an exit sign hovering above it. If I could escape from this prison cell, then I could sneak past the sleeping stallion, given my sneak skills would prove sufficient enough to keep the stallion asleep.

I lifted my head up, sniffing the cold atmosphere, a strange, damp scent entering my nostrils. The dim white light above me did nothing to illuminate the room I was trapped inside. The stallion at the desk had a lamp that just flickered on and off, but did nothing more than that. To my left was another cell, full of rotting and decaying bodies. I guess I found the source of the odor. Bodies of numerous ponies piled up, some bodies reduced to skeletons, while others were fresh. I’d estimate the newest bodies added to that pile were tossed in about two days ago. I shuddered at the sight of each pony’s twisted expressions. Some died in terror, others literally died of laughter.

Blood was splattered on the walls in the cells, and the sight made me shudder. Some stains tried to spell out words, while others were hieroglyphs of some kind. I couldn’t find the strength to lift my whole body up off the ground, which was probably a good thing since I’d most likely wake the pony who was supposed to be guarding the door.

“Oh Peacekeeper!” A frail feminine voice whispered in excitement. “You’re awake!”

It was Sage, eyes full of tears, just like the first time we met. Her mane was sticky with the blood that dripped from her forehead and down to her muzzle. The gash she had endured in the hospital had been covered by a alabaster bandage, crimson on the spot of the gash. Sage’s smile still remained silver, which I was thankful for. A beautiful smile for a beautiful mare.

Sage lifted me off the ground, my right hind hoof barely able to keep itself up. I sat on my haunches when the leg gave out. Sage tumbled next to me, and sat up as quick as she had fallen. The emerald earth pony wrapped her hooves around me, caressing me tightly. I felt my face heat up as I tried to maintain my ‘tough Royal Guard’ posture.

“I thought you had died.” Sage spoke, almost choking on her words. “When Nightmare Moon shot that spell at you, your body just fell.”

“I’m sorry I worried you.” I spoke to the emerald earth pony, holding her as she held me. “When I lost consciousness, I only woke up in the real world.”

Sage pulled away from me, and looked at me with shock. “Y-you were in the real world?”

“Yeah, I thought when you sleep in here you wake up out there.” I don’t know what made me think that. It was true though wasn’t it? “That’s not how it works here?”

“When I dream, I’m taken someplace else, like I’m transported to another part of this realm. I see... names. I’m stuck in a room, with nothing, but names of ponies who died in this realm. I look around everytime, scared that I might find my own name on the walls.”

My mind went back to what Illusion had said. ‘You can stay for as long as you’d like’. If I ever wanted to leave, all I had to do was sleep here. The spell encrypted into my brain allowed for me to do that and me only. However, Illusion did say that it wasn’t recommended. Maybe when other ponies are stuck here for a long period of time, they begin to become part of this realm? Would they stay here, dream, but end up only in a different part of the realm? Did the ponies who stayed here without going back become one of the beasts I had battled? Or were they permanently stuck here, their real bodies transformed into hollow shells, their minds wandering this realm for all eternity?

If that was the case, maybe it was too late for Sage to be let back into the real world. I hoped that that wasn’t the case for her. She didn’t deserve to get stuck here.

“So... how is the real world?” Sage questioned, keeping her eyes away from me.

“Crazy.” I responded. “Canterlot has seen better days. The ponies were scared, saying Luna wasn’t doing her job as a princess. Not guarding the night, and letting their nightmares flow free. Obviously now I see, that wasn’t the case. Luna seemed secluded from the rest of civilization, as if she’s hiding something from the rest of Equestria.”

“How about Ponyville? Is every pony there okay?”

“I’m not sure. If I were to wake up in the real world, I’d be in the Everfree. Last time I was in the town though, every pony was scared, hoping not to be sucked into the Everfree.”

“And Canterlot?”

“It’s... different there. Before the reports of missing ponies near the Everfree Forest, Ponies in the city were just too tired to do anything. They complained about Luna not doing her job at night; defending the dreams of ponies. Ponies in the city were deprived of sleep, saying they encountered their most terrible nightmares, and were starting to see them during the day. I’ve only met Luna once throughout my time in the Royal Guard, and even she was worried about something. I couldn't quite tell what it was, but it obviously scared her.”

Sage shuffled around a bit before standing on her hooves. I managed to stand up, my hind leg wobbling as I got the rest of my legs to stay standing up. I don’t know why I stood, maybe to follow Sage’s plan, if she had one.

“Look Peacekeeper,” The emerald mare pointed to the desk at which the stallion was sleeping. He seemed to be awfully calm for someone who was at a different part of the realm at the moment “The keys to the cell.”

“Way to change the subject.” I said, trying to spot the keys. As far as I could see, there was nothing but a silver desk with no-

“Ah!” I gasped. “I see it.”

“Do you think you can get it?” Sage asked, a tone of hope in her voice. “Without waking him up?”
“I’ll try.” I spoke, approaching the cell door. My hooves clopped along the tiled floors, Sage’s hooves echoing along with mine. I didn’t feel secure; thinking that I would wake the sleeping stallion. I looked at Sage with uncertainty, but the mare had a hopeful glint in her eyes, and I’d hate to bring her faith in me down.

I searched along the desk for the golden key, and upon spotting it, the stallion’s hooves moved from one position to the next, blocking my view of the only way we could exit the cell. Again, I glanced at Sage, whose faith in me was slowly diminishing.

My arcane abilities worked at it’s own pace: fast. Doing something differently with it was more of a chore for me than a simple task. I could feel the cold metal of the keys, and tried my best to raise it up slowly. My azure aura cast a shadow on the wall and the pony’s body, signifying where I was currently lifting the keys. When the stallion shuffled around, I stopped, my heart pounding and sweat covering my brow. When he stopped and settled on a position, I continued lifting the golden object, focusing all my willpower on lifting the golden object slowly rather than my normal moderately fast pace.

“Would you hurry up already?” Sage complained.

“You wanna try getting the key over here?” I asked rhetorically. “I’m not used to stealthily maneuvering myself with my magic. So unless you are, I suggest you let me work at my own pace.”

The mare grew silent, letting me focus my willpower on getting us the keys to our cell. The light that acted as my guideline had finally revealed the object it was gripping. The keys jingled as silently as I could make them. I levitated the object closer to me, hoping that the jingling wouldn’t wake the stallion from his deep slumber. After my first bust in Canterlot, I found out that the most subtle noises could wake the most aloof pony in Equestria.

“Yes!” I whispered, excited that I had managed to control my arcane abilities from doing it’s own thing. I sifted through the keys looking for the right one, despite the fact that there was only three. The first key I jammed into the lock fit inside, but refused to turn. I cursed under my breath, attempting to use the second key, but to no avail.

I was just about to get to the third key when the stallion began to shift his hooves off of the desk. I stopped instantaneously, freezing in my position. The stallion shocked himself awake, and yawned, not noticing the keys in my arcane grip--not noticing me or Sage at all. He blinked a couple of times, trying to wrap his head around the scene he found himself in. After a stunning realization, he jumped up on all fours and approached the cell door.

“Hey!” The stallion shouted. “Put that back heretic! I’m not going to ask-”

I removed the third key from the ring as the stallion went to grab all three of them. Stunned, the stallion went to grab my key, but I slipped it between the bars, forcing the stallion into the steel beams. I took the other two from his mouth and quickly averted them towards his eyes, not piercing them yet.

The pony stopped in his tracks, and I turned my head away, closing my eyes at the same time. I could feel the blood spurting on my coat, giving me a new crimson paint job. Although I didn’t like my silver color, I began to appreciate it as the blood slowly splattered onto me.

“Oh my...” Sage gasped. “Y-You killed him!”

“I-I know.” I may have killed out in the real world, but in the fashion in which I had just taken a life, I couldn’t be any more disgusted with myself. I stepped over the body, my hooves shaking with each step. I glanced over at Sage, who stared at me with disbelief. “What’s the problem?”

“You killed him.” The mare spoke silently. “A pony. Not a monster like the ones in the hospital, but a pony.”

“Okay?” I turned my whole body around, moving the dead body out of the way, trying not to get any more blood on my fur. “Better?”

“No!” The mare hopped over the puddle of blood that had quickly manifested on the already stained floors. “You’re a Royal Guard! You’re supposed to incapacitate him or something, not kill him!”

“You don’t know what it’s like being a Royal Guard.Everything you see me do to the ponies in this realm will be from my training. One that taught me that survival was key, and I had to work if I wanted to live, or if the life of another pony was at jeopardy. Even if it meant the death of another pony or whoever. I was trained to keep ponies like you safe, no matter what. I’ll kill every other pony in here if it meant keeping an innocent safe. So don’t you ever tell me how to do my job.”

The emerald mare stared at me, the same expression of disbelief on her face. She tried to find the words to respond, but could find none.

“So are you coming or not?” I questioned, standing at the doorway that hopefully led to the exit. The mare hesitated at first, but then followed behind me, though not at the distance she used to. The hall seemed to go on forever, our hooves clopping as we went along, and an unknown source of light illuminating the path. I occasionally looked behind to see if Sage were still following me, and to see if we were being followed by anything.

After aeons of walking down the endless halls, a light seemed to appear at the end, shining bright, as if the sun were blocking the way out. I looked back at Sage, who seemed to get rid of her fear of me, and ran to my side, clinging on to me. I could feel her body heat radiating onto me, which felt nice and reminded me of my bed in the real world: nice, warm, and very comfortable.

The light dimmed as we approached it, revealing a door, worn out and rusted. I tried to look through the glass panel, but it was too cracked to allow proper vision. My attention averted to Sage, who I commanded to step back just in case anything that popped out from behind the door tried to kill us. Most likely it would try and kill us, knowing this realm.


“Not what I had in mind,” I said, stepping over the fallen door. “But hey, at least we’re out of that claustrophobic space right?”

“Right.” Sage rushed back to my side, glancing around the room. “Peacekeeper, I’m scared. This room is too dark.”

“Quick to forgive huh?”

“Excuse me?”

“I just finished yelling at you before, and now you act like nothing ever happened.”

The mare didn’t realize that we were moving about in the room, only illuminated by candles set up on the floor. I wasn’t paying attention to my environment, but on the mare, not breaking eye contact. Except to watch where I’m stepping. From the brief conversation we were having Sage had a really forgiving personality. She stayed close to my side, and continued speaking, though I had know clue what she was talking about. I was too busy looking into her eyes. Sparkly, and full of..something. I couldn’t quite come up with the emotion I saw, but something was there.

When Sage had finished speaking, she began to realize that her hooves were making her walk with me.

“Hey! You forced me to walk with you!”

“Ha! No, I didn’t.” I looked behind us, getting the feeling that something was creeping up behind us. “You just started talking, so I started walking.”

The mare blushed, but kept her pace in sync with mine. We remained silent. trying to spot anything that looked like an exit, but that did no good. The room was too atramentous for us to see anything within five feet ahead of us. I picked up one of the candles, hoping that our vision would improve, but I was too nervous to put the wax stick ahead of both Sage and I to find a path. My plan was to walk in the darkness and have the candle farther ahead of us, just to make a dim light to show the path.

Aha! Idea!

I did the unthinkable. My magic grasped a second candle from the ground, and lifted it close to me, while I levitated the other one about ten feet ahead of both Sage and I. Not exactly what I wanted: A light barely visible to my eyes. I dropped the farther candle in frustration, and just carried on, the wax stick beside me bobbing along with my every movements.

“Celestia, how big is this room!?” I yelled to no one in particular. Then again, Sage was the only pony there, so I guess it could have been directed towards her.

Before Sage could speak, I saw a blue square shaped light shining dimly ahead of us. I shushed the emerald pony, approaching the light, at the fastest pace I could without making a lot of noise. I seemed to make it at the light in no time at all. It was a doorframe, no door or anything, just a frame. I glanced back at Sage, who looked worried, and then glanced back out of the frame.

It was the exit, leading to Ponyville, though no pony roamed the abandon town. Buildings were ravaged; stripped of anything that could make any kind of weapon or shitty shelter. The structures that managed to stay standing were unfortunate, having to stand in a weak state for all eternity. Or at least until this realm is destroyed. Upon further examination, there were no signs of any monsters roaming the area, a good thing since I was in no shape (or mood) to do any real fighting.

I gestured for Sage to come closer, though she didn’t seem too thrilled with the idea of leaving the shelter of the abandoned building we were in. I took the first step outside, a chill running up my spine. The azure sky had no stars or clouds, but instead was a spinning vortex. A black hole, the size rivaling the whole city of Canterlot, floated in the middle, being the center of the vortex.

“Oh Celestia.” I gasped, staring up into the night sky.

“What, what?” Sage asked, rushing back to my side. She looked at me, and then at the sky. “It’s scary isn’t it?”

“Ow!” I fell on my stomach, as if I were dropped by something carrying me. Soon enough, a pain developed in my leg. I looked around, trying to spot what could have made me lose my balance. Nothing. Sage was shaking, trying to spot the unknown creature.

Sorry Peacekeeper.

No way. It shouldn’t have stunned me as much as it did. I shoot up on all fours as quick as I had fallen. My mind was full of excitement. Finally, a voice that was familiar (other than Sage’s of course)!

Jester! I spoke in my mind. I felt my body jump up. There was no response though. Jester, can you hear me?

“What are you doing?” Sage asked, still looking around for any threats.

“When I was out there in the real world, I managed to get a communication spell up with one of my squadmates. I just heard her speak to me, so I’m trying to talk back.”

“Oh! So you communicate mentally?”

I was taken back by the mare’s knowledge. Smart AND cute. “Yes.”


Ah! Jester! That wasn't directed towards you.

How’d you get the spell to work while you’re in the realm? I didn't even try and establish a connection.

I checked around to see if there was any other place for both Sage and I to rest. I pointed towards a house at the edge of the town, near the Everfree. I followed Sage, who was shaking as she ran towards the house, explaining to Jester my theory on how we were able to communicate.

The spell didn't wear off yet, though I’d give it a few more hours. Also since I’m ‘awake’ I could just talk with you, hell, I could probably do it in your sleep.

Right. That’s nice. So You could fill both Nocturnal and I in on the happenings in the realm?

Sure. That could work. I’ll be back soon.

Got it. And Peacekeeper?


Be careful in there.

I’ll keep that in mind.

With that, our conversation had come to an end. I spotted Sage as she approached the house. When she got to the front door, I regrouped with her. Being the nice Royal Guard that I am, I let the mare re-attach onto me, clinging on to me like her life depended on it.

Using my magic, I slowly opened the door, the creaking echoing in the silence. A quick peek inside and afterwards I entered first (of course I did) and scanned the room. It was like any other house I’d been in. Except it was old, and everything seemed to decay with time. The things that time managed to ignore were taken apart by the savage ponies of this realm.

A circular golden rug was spread across the floor in a neat manner, only to have been ripped apart by whatever was in here last. A crimson couch only stood on two legs in the corner of the small room, the other two legs ripped off, and broken apart. The paint on the hazel walls were peeling, as was the silver ceiling. Numerous pieces of wood were scattered about on the floor, mostly near the walls, so they weren't going to be in my way.

Sage walked around the house, examining everything about it. She glanced at a picture sitting on a shelf, rotting and on the verge of falling off the wall. I thought nothing of it when the mare shed a single tear, thinking that she had sympathy for the family that had once lived here, if this world used to be a peaceful place until Nightmare Moon returned and laid waste to everything here, making the realm in her own image.

I glanced around, hoping that this place would be stable enough to provide us with shelter until I came back. See, my plan was to sleep here and enter the real world, so I could navigate back to Ponyville, and once there, I would hopefully get to sleep in the hospital of the town. After sleeping in the hospital, I’d wake up here with Sage, and continue the search for Illusion. Once I get that backstabbing stallion, I’d get that book from him and see if I could reverse the spell the book had implanted into my brain. I could also see if I could do the same for Sage.

All I had to do now was to inform Sage of the plan I had conjured up just moments ago. I glanced over towards the mare, but held my tongue when I saw her staring at the picture, forcing back tears, and depending on her willpower to keep herself sitting down. I slowly approached her, not knowing of what words could console her.

By the time I had reached her, Sage had turned away from the picture and towards me, the tears still building up. “This is my old home.”

The emerald mare looked me in the eyes, a faint feel of longing emanating from them. She missed the real world. I never gave much thought as to how long she had been trapped in this realm. It made me think about the possibilities of never finding an end to this Nightmare. Sage had been in here so long she didn't know anything from the real world. I felt sorry for her.

Sage lay her head on my shoulder, staring at the wall, while I was stuck sitting beside her, trying to find the words to comfort her. My attention averted from the mare to the picture. It was fairly old, though not in black and white. It depicted Sage, a filly at the time, wearing glasses and a saddle bag. Her first day of school. It amazed me that even the most innocent of all ponies could be tossed into a world so full of pain and misery.

“Peacekeeper.” Sage spoke, breaking the eternal silence.


“Promise me you’ll help me get back home.” The mare lifted her head from my shoulder, and looked me in the eyes. “Promise me that you’ll always be there for me in my time of need.”

“You have my word. I’ll do my best to keep you safe from the horrors of this realm. But first, I’m going to need to do something in the real world. I’ll be back soon. Do you think you can wait for me here?”

The emerald earth pony frowned, but then managed a smile. “Okay. But be quick. I don’t like the feel of this place.”

“I’ll try.” I looked around, hoping for a comfortable spot to lie down. Nothing comfortable, but there was the couch. I guess that the pillows would have to suffice. I used magic to grab four of the largest pillows off the couch, and onto the floor, making a makeshift bed for both me and Sage.

“I’ll be back as soon as possible.” I tried to bolster Sage’s resolve, but it didn't seem to work. Before shutting my eyes, I swore that a tear rolled off of the mares cheek. I felt her nuzzle next to me, her warm coat giving me that one comfortable feeling I was looking for.

My eyes opened slightly, this time a muddy surface greeted me. My body bounced to the steps of the being carrying me on its back. I struggled to raise my hooves, and my head was still pounding from the spell I had cast. I knew it was out of my league, but when I was desperate, I can honestly say that is when I am at my most idiotic moments. I thought it a pretty good gift, being able to think quickly, although most decisions weren't so brilliant, but managed to get me out the most dangerous situations.

At the moment though, I was too tired to try and get myself off of the back of the pony carrying me. The cutie mark was that of a plain grey mask with a cheerful expression. As I suspected, it was Jester lifting me from point A to point B, wherever it happened to be. I felt bad for having her haul me in all of my armor, making me weigh more than a ton probably. The mare’s panting only made my heart sink deeper in my body. From the corner of my eye, Nocturnal was limping, her front hoof suffering deep, fresh wounds, most likely from a blade. Her face contained so much worry, as if she was about to lose some pony again. After the feeling of something trickling down my leg, she probably was about to lose someone else. I began to shake, fear consuming my whole body. The blood that was slowly seeping out of the old and recent gashes was washed away slowly by the oncoming rain, stinging the cuts.

When have I suffered these new wounds? Was it when I was in the realm of nightmares? Maybe that would explain the my sudden drop when I was with Sage, and the pain that shot up my leg. Was there a fight and did my friends almost lose their lives trying to defend me from our attackers? I glanced over towards Jester’s face. If any one of us needed medical attention, it was definitely her. A cut nearly sliced her eye out, the mare keeping it closed as she walked. Her body still had the gashes from her experience with the monsters when I lost her upon entering the forest.

I made a weak attempt to lift myself off of the mare’s back, but my body’s energy was so focused on casting the arcane explosion spell that it had to use every last bit of strength and willpower. Jester felt my movements, but didn't stop walking down the muddy path: the one that would hopefully lead us out of this cursed place.

“You’re finally awake.” Jester spoke, her voice raspy and silent. “We’re almost out of here Rookie. Finally, some good news right?”

“How long were you guys walking?” I asked weakly.

“About two hours.” Nocturnal answered. “And if we’re going down the right path, we should be back in another twenty five minutes.”

I could sense the hurt and concern in the Lunar Guard’s voice. I wanted to stand and walk on my own, but after the information given to me about earlier events while I was asleep, I thought that it would be wise to stay laying uncomfortably on Jester’s back.

When Nocturnal and Jester were getting ready to set out for Ponyville while I was in my slumber, We were jumped by a pack of timber wolves. Judging by what Jester had said, the fight was pretty hairy and if they hadn't been terrified of one of Nightmare Moon’s more... ‘evolved’ creatures, we would probably never had made it out. The only problem was that the abomination was still lurking around in the forest and could attack us at any given moment.

My body shivered at the thought of not being able to fight the beast with my fractured knee; not being able to defend my two friends was probably the worst feeling I had ever come across in my whole entire life. The thing is, as much as I wanted to impress Jester, Nocturnal and the rest of the squad before their massacre, I could no longer do that, but instead I had to be the group child and get myself into trouble again and again. It was as if I were a defenseless colt who couldn't live without the assistance of his parents. If his parents were two experienced Royal Guards who actually spent time with him during his time of need.

Jester gasped in excitement, as did Nocturnal, scaring me. Was the creature here to finish us off before we could reach civilization?

“Oh Celestia!” Nocturnal exclaimed. “There’s ponies over there!”

“By Luna,” Jester panted. “We made it. We made it Rookie, can you believe it?”

I was too tired to say anything. But I did manage to glance over to my left and there it was: the exit to the Everfree Forest. The place we had entered. A single group of ponies stood at the natural gate, each one’s outline apparent to me, seeing as the mist obscured the view of most of them.

The first real pony to come into view was Twilight, the lavender unicorn still holding her umbrella and a lantern. Her eyes sparkled from the lantern’s light, containing worry and sadness, hoping that the Royal Guards would come out alive. The other ponies came into view, each one waiting as we approached.

Twilight’s face was the first to light up as Jester, Nocturnal and I came into view. The miscellaneous ponies that had gathered around all held expressions of shock, and some were happy. Others, probably family of the missing ponies, were still depressed that their loved ones had returned. The fillies and colts that had gathered around that once held expressions of excitement, either to see us Royal Guards or the hopes of us having their parents with them, had lost their smiles and regained their tears and frowns.

As the entrance approached us, I felt my eyes getting heavy, almost going back to sleep. Maybe I would wake up in the other realm again. Hopefully I would. There was the possibility of never waking up from my slumber though, and I had desperately tried to keep my eyes open after coming to that conclusion.

“Oh Celestia!” A pony exclaimed, making my eyes whip open.

“They’re alive!” Yelled another.

“What happened to them?” I heard Twilight mutter.

Jester almost fell on her knees when we had emerged from the exit. A cool breeze blew through the air, and I let out a sigh of relief. I was overjoyed when I glanced around, though I had hoped the towns ponies would be happier to see us out other than no pony at all. The lanterns were the only source of illumination, aiding me in seeing the faces of many depressed ponies, others with a relieved demeanor.

The sounds of ponies approaching made my ears perk up, and my body floating up into the air shocked me, but I had little energy to do anything against the magic. I glanced over to Jester and Nocturnal, who were being taken by the ambulance ponies, before a mare blocked my view of the two Royal Guards.

“We’re gonna get you to safety.” One of the ambulance mares reassured me. “But first we need to put you under a sedative.”

My body experienced a sudden shock when I heard those words escape her lips. Sedative? Then again, I guess that I could go back to Sage, and inform her of the good news. But then again, this was a needle we were talking about here. What if the thing had pierced an important vein or something?

A shake coursed through my body, getting ready for the needle. I jumped when the damn thing pierced my skin, and a wave of drowsiness came over me, and clashed with all other feelings. Before my vision darkened, I could see the chariot of another Royal Guard group about to enter the Everfree. I struggled to command the doctors to warn the new group of guards to refrain from entering the forest. The only words that left my lips were “Don’t... Go...”

“Shit!” I vocalized, almost before I fully woke up in the worn out house. The emerald mare beside me jumped, soaring in the air before landing back on all fours.

“What, what what?” She asked rapidly.

“My squad managed to get me back to Ponyville,” I explained. “But the awakening was short lived as you can tell.”

Sage glanced around the room, as if she were looking for an answer to a question. “Well, what now?”

I thought for a moment. We could wait for me to sleep again, but I was too... awake for that. Time was also slipping away from us, as Illusion is still in this realm roaming around somewhere. I had no clue how vast this realm was. I probably could scour all of Equestria, but could have only explored a minuscule fraction of the whole realm. Just thinking about it was like thinking about how many stars were in this universe.

The only way I could really think about where Illusion might be is thinking about where an evil villain in a realm parallel to that of the real world would have a central hub. The seat of power in the land.

“Canterlot!” I exclaimed.


“That has to be where Illusion and Nightmare Moon are!” I paced around the room. “That’s where they have to be! Think about it: Nightmare Moon wants to take control of the throne, but can’t do that without the aid of her cultists. I don’t know how she’ll do it, but she’ll get back to the real world in her own form right? If that’s the case, then she’ll bring all the nightmares from here into Equestria and take over the throne in one swift surprise invasion!”

“B-but we can’t fight her!” Sage’s pessimistic side coming out “She’s like a goddess! And she has an army of monsters and cultists at her side! How do we fight that?”

“I don’t know.” I admitted. Sage made a good point. We couldn't afford to dwell on problems while time was ticking away. “We’ll figure out sooner or later.”

Sage examined me, like I had suffered an injury. “Look, we can get the book and get us back to Equestria right?”

“Yeah, but then who knows what will happen next. We could wind up back home, and Nightmare Moon would be free to do whatever she pleases here without any interference. If we can manage to get the book from Illusion, then we could destroy it. It is the only way Nightmare Moon can get back to Equestria right?”

Sage was on the verge of tears, though I had only explained to her why we needed to defeat Nightmare Moon here instead of waiting for her return in Equestria. “I-if I agree to go with you... you’ll protect me from whatever she throws at us?”

“With my life.”

Sage let a slight smile spread, and only let a few tears drop. She walked to me at the entrance of the house.

A cool chill met me as I opened the door, sending shivers down my spine. The dirt underneath my hooves felt colder than they did prior to us entering the home. The vortex that had loomed over the land was still there, though it was swirling at unfathomable speeds. Thankfully, it was so far up that nothing was being sucked into the azure cyclone in the sky. I glared further at the vortex, as if I were trying to examine a class pet.

By Celestia, the monstrosity of a vortex did increase in size. The massive black hole in the center consumed all light around it, and the clouds that swirled around the circular chasm were sucked into it, seemingly making it increase in size. Among the clouds, contorted figures roamed the sky, faces of lost souls lost in this realm molded onto the heavens. I shuddered as I glanced back down here on the land with Sage.

So that’s how she was doing it. I mean I guess that’s how she was going to do it. All the souls who had sided with Nightmare Moon were stripped of their souls without even realizing it. That just had to be it. It might explain the monsters in the realm. Ponies who had joined her ever since her banishment; their souls were stripped, and would help create a portal. Oh Luna... If that black hole was the portal to Equestria, Nightmare Moon could have come to Equestria in her own corporeal form, but she was so busy amassing an army to rival the Royal Guard. I sent a shiver down my own spine with that conclusion. Though it was all theoretical, I couldn't help but to feel like I had just solved the worlds greatest mystery.

I began walking, Sage following behind me. The worn out homes passed us by, the ambient sounds of their creaking ringing in my ears. The mist that had once blanketed the town had left, gone to some other place to bother some other pony in this realm, if there were other ponies roaming around here. During the venture through what I’d guess is the town’s marketplace, a rumble shook the ground, vibrating under my hooves, but I managed to keep my hooves on the ground, almost barely. Sage, however, fell on her stomach, staying there until the rumbling had subsided.

“What was that?” Sage questioned.

“If I know this realm right,” I spoke, searching for the source of the noise and sound. “Then it might be something really big. I don’t care what it is, but I want no part of it. Lets move out of here.”

“I ain't gonna argue about that.”

As Sage and I passed the town hall, another rumble came along, Sage holding onto me for support. A violet mist appeared, while the quake continued. I knew what was coming. The mist had converged on one spot on the muddy ground, and slowly morphed into a figure. It was Nightmare Moon. Fuck, of course it was.

The starry mist from her mane flowed eternally, and soon another form manifested. It took the form of a broad armored pony. The chest plate of said armor was bulky, sharp with intricate designs. It surrounded the pony up to the midsection, azure lights glowing from the shoulder plating and parts of the front. The fore-hoof plating was the same as the Azure Terror’s, with the exception of the spiked points that pointed up from the knee. A blade sat in its sheath; a wicked looking thing. Though I couldn't see it, I could tell it could cut a week into fourteen different days.

Upon further examination of the pony, I took note of who it was.

“Peacekeeper.” Illusion greeted, giving me one of his smug grins.

“Illusion.” I responded, adrenaline pumping in my blood. If he was here to fight in front of the Nightmare, then I would be ready.

Nightmare moon stepped up, not speaking a word, but instead of words exiting her mouth, she extended a hoof, but not directed to me.

“I know not who you are,” The mare of the night spoke to Sage in an unusual soft and gentle tone. “Death should not be your fate. You are young, and you deserve a chance at life in our new world.”

Sage departed from me, taking one step forward.

“Sage, don’t listen to her.” I commanded. “She’s indoctrinating you.”

“No fool. Not indoctrination. Reason. If... Sage joins me, she will die a mare with all her desires.” The Azure Princess’s eyes seemed to sparkle when she said that, giving me her most aggravatingly ‘holier-than-thou’ grins. “Along with Illusion, she could become one of my trusted advisers. Sage; you could actually mean something to some pony. Be it me or a stallion of your dreams.”

The emerald mare took three more steps to the Azure Princess’s outstretched hoof, but I blocked her with my magic.

“Sage, don’t do it. She’s just trying to use you to hasten her return!”

“But... I could actually mean something to some pony.” A smile came across her face, as tears began to stream down. The mare was an emotional wreck; torn between me and Nightmare Moon’s ‘generous offers’. “I... want to be a part of some pony’s life. I could be safer with her.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Sage was actually considering joining Nightmare Moon. I was being betrayed, and by the pony that had put all her trust in me. I felt my heart about to snap, and my eyes were dams getting ready to break. I needed Sage. I didn't want to lose the one mare who I swore my life to.

My magic barrier wavered, allowing Sage to pass through and approach Nightmare Moon. She was getting closer to the Azure Princess. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Think of something!

“Sage!” My voice rang out louder than I’d like, but it made the mare stop and turn. She stood between Nightmare Moon and me. “You already mean something to some pony,” I extended my own hoof. “I already sworn my life to you. Don’t make it count for nothing.”

Sage was at an impasse. She was torn between the love of a friend, or the love of a goddess. My hoof trembled at the thought that the mare would betray me. Beads of sweat rolled down my head, and my eyes almost released its waters. Nightmare Moon could see the hurt in me, and she gave me a devilish grin.

“He will lead you to your death.” The Princess of Nightmares spoke. “I will lead you to the path of life. One with your talents shouldn't succumb to death. Come with me, and I will grant you anything you desire.”

“Don’t do it!” I yelled, trying to gain Sage’s attention. “C’mon, don’t let it all go dark! I can get us back home! Just come back to me!”

Nothing, the emerald mare slowly approached the spectral form of Nightmare Moon.

My horn flared and shot an arcane bolt directly in front of Sage’s hooves, stopping her from her approach. My whole body was shaking, ready to fight should I need to do so. Illusion stepped forward, only to be stopped by his new master. Illusion glared at me, but I ignored. My attention was on Sage, who was looking back at me, uncertainty in her eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, a massive roar deafened my ears, and made me cringe. I tried not to tremble any more than I already was, but I had failed horribly. I was terrified, and wished that Sage would make the correct decision before whatever it was roaring found us. The mare was midway from Nightmare Moon and I, though she was drifting more towards the mare of nightmares. I could see that the mare was thinking about coming back to me, but she was still torn between living under the rule of a tyrant that was most likely going to kill her anyway, or the chance to escape this realm and enjoy life like this had never happened.

Sage bit her lower lip, trying her best to decide what was best for her. I knew that Nightmare Moon was using some kind of indoctrination technique, but I had failed to see what it was. Sage had to break free of it, whatever it was.

“I...I...” Sage stammered. “I don’t know. I... I just want to live. That’s all I want. Nothing more.”

Nightmare Moon went to speak, but I cut her off, gaining dominance over the emerald mare. “Sage, you want to mean something to some pony, and you want to live? I can make it happen, just give me a chance!”

Sage, slowly returned to me, Nightmare Moon gazing in amazement that her tricks hadn't worked. Was Sage breaking through Nightmare Moon’s influence? I certainly hoped so. Sage was about three quarters of the way to me when Nightmare Moon spoke.

“If you wish for death as your fate, so be it.” She spoke coldly. “If you survive here, prepare yourselves for my arrival.”

5: A Nightmare to Remember

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Chapter 5: A Nightmare To Remember
A nightmare to remember,I'd never be the same
What began as laughter,so soon would turn to pain”

Sage rushed to my side when the spectral form of Nightmare Moon faded, not before speaking to Illusion. The adrenaline that had once pumped through my veins was now gone. Sage had tried to find a place to take cover, as she had an idea of what was about to happen. Although the limitless energy I was feeling had vanished, my body was still tense, ready for any kind of beating I’d receive from the one that had helped in my arcane training.

An azure light glowed in front of me, causing me to raise a hoof up to block the blinding the light. Illusion stepped through the portal and appeared in his true physical form. His crimson body was unusually thicker, as if he’d been lifting weights, his new nightmarish armor adding to said thickness. The stallion’s annoying smug grin had disappeared, now holding a more serious expression. I had rarely actually feared a pony, but looking at the one person who was once a good friend, I had trembled at the sight of him. His armor’s rectangular shaped azure lights on the chest plate and shoulder would have added more intimidation value, if it were his signature crimson color, but the armor from hell had enough of that.

My mind reeled, trying to think of ways I could defend myself without the use of a blade. I had my magic, but I could only guess how much fuel Nightmare Moon had added to the fire. Illusion was a master in the arcane arts, and with Nightmare Moon’s enhancements, he could be capable of power that rivaled Starswirl The Bearded, or even Celestia herself. I could use the environment. There was plenty of debris laying around, and if I could manage to get Illusion’s stamina low enough to slam the rubble on top of him and acquire the book should he even have it. No that would be too long. Magic might not be the only thing that has been enhanced for him.

“Maybe after this skirmish,” Illusion spoke, tossing a blade to me. “You’ll reconsider your decision to resist and join the true ruler of Equestria.”

My magic grasped the sword. It was that of a Royal Guard, golden hilt and silver blade. “You’re pretty cocky. You may have skills in magic, but how’s your swordplay?”

“We’ll see about that.” The stallion unsheathed the wicked blade, a black aura radiating from the grey blade.

I glanced back at Sage, who was hiding in a house almost caved in by the second floor. She had an expression of terror, but I knew that somehow I would prevail in our deathmatch. I looked back at Illusion who was standing, as if waiting for me to deal the first blow. My body tensed as I approached the stallion, stopping about four yards away from him.

“Be lucky I am to show only a fraction of the power bestowed upon me.” Illusion said like he was the most powerful being that ever roamed Equestria. He would be soon enough if Nightmare Moon completes her mission. “I could kill you in an instant if I-”


Damn! Illusion’s wicked blade deflected the surprise blow I had in store for him. I slashed again, hoping this time would be different and that I’d actually hit the pony. Another deflection. This time my blade struck the ground, and I had to pull it out before Illusion used a massive force spell that knocked me back half a mile. At least it assisted with getting my blade out of the ground. I grabbed, my body jolting from the sight of a leaping mass flying towards me.

My body rolled out of pure reflex and suffered from another shockwave from Illusion’s impact on the ground, leaving a crater where I once was. The stallion looked at me, then proceeded to attack. His blade met mine, my mind still trying to piece together the fact that Illusion flew at me. Another swing from the stallion had earned me a quick cut on my fore-hoof, and the swing I had finally managed to hit him with just nicked his armor.


I had hit Illusion right in his side, but his armor took the blow. I stood, baffled that such a powerful blow was absorbed by the stallion’s azure carapace. A wave of magic came over me, draining me of my stamina. I tried to lift my blade, but it felt like lifting lead. Illusion pushed me back again with another force wave, and shot me with an arcane bolt. I recoiled from the shot, staggering back, my head about to burst. The hilt of Illusion’s wicked blade hit my muzzle, and a sudden wave of his blade earned me a gash on my chest.

Strength returned to me, though in tiny portions.I just had to focus on defending myself, and then when I had the appropriate amount, I could probably begin the attacks of my own.

My sword raised, blocking Illusion’s swift barrage of attacks. Like a ball player, I kept my eyes on the stallion’s blade, never letting it out of my sight. Illusion, however, was obviously bored. I could just see it in his eyes, and the malicious way he looked at me.


“Give up, Peacekeeper.” Illusion spoke calmly. “You know that this battle is out of your league.”

I grunted, trying to resist the wicked blade’s push. “Your offensive magic may be better than mine. But, how’s your defense?”

Illusion looked shocked at first, but then regained his aggressive demeanor. Upon pulling his blade away, my horn shot a force blast at the stallion. For the first time, I actually had the advantage against my mentor. I sliced him in an unprotected spot of his armor, crimson liquid staining his crimson coat. Illusion went to attack me, but I raised an arcane barrier, bouncing the stallion back a few feet.

I ducked from a swing from the onyx blade, and tackled the crimson unicorn. Illusion covered his face with his hooves as I attempted to pummel his face with the hilt of my blade.


“Oh shit!” Wind blew past me as I soared through the air. Illusion appeared from the crimson smoke from the massive force spell. I could only imagine how this battle was going to end. Would I die at the mercy of my own mentor? Was this even an honorable way to die?

A hoof increased my descent, and no matter how hard I tried, Illusion’s hoof stayed in its position on my chest. I could feel the ground approaching me.


I gasped desperately for air. The warm touch of a pony attempted to calm me down. I was transported into a white room; the Ponyville hospital. I was on a table, though not one of operating variety. My chest was pounding, my lungs not operating correctly. Sweat covered my body, and multiple cuts were stinging, as if the battle wounds from my battle with Illusion had been transported into the real world.

My eyes were wide with fear, as I tried to catch my breath. The hooves tried to subdue me, pulling me back to the table, but I resisted every attempt to get me down. I glanced to my right, Jester calling a doctor from the bustling hallway or so it seemed. I couldn’t tell whether or not the doctor was in the room before or if she was part of the muffled riff-raff out in the halls. A hazel mare rushed in, searching for something on the counter behind Jester. She had a bandage that wrapped around her stomach and head. When the grey mare opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Only muffled sounds registered in my ears, the upbeat voice of Jester trying to gain the doctor’s attention. The doctor’s attention was on the counter, and the drawers, looking for something, probably something that would calm me down.

It had taken me awhile to realize that my hearing was impaired, and was slowly crawling back to me. Jester’s voice became more audible. The doctor stumbled over to me, a needle in her mouth. I panicked more, doing my best to avoid getting stabbed.

“Calm down Rook!” Jester voiced. I disobeyed my superior, shoving the doctor away from me each attempt she made to try and inject the needle into my body. I kicked the mare, thankfully not in the face, but in her shoulder, but at a price.

The sudden meeting with the floor left me bewildered, and my chest on agonizing pain, this time, feeling something definitely wrong with my lung. My breaths were shorter and my vision began to darken. A sudden pinch in my back made my eyes widen. The pain was still there, so what was the shot supposed to do exactly?

“Get him back up on the table!” The doctor commanded. Jester’s arcane grip weakly lifted me up and onto the cold metal table. My breathing was still being obstructed by something, and I hoped that the doctor was aware that I needed to breath in order to survive.

“Rookie,” Jester spoke, levitating a crimson vial to me. “Drink this. It won’t heal everything, but it should heal your breathing problem.”

I snatched the vial from the mare’s grip, and gulped down on everything inside, the sweet strawberry-like taste running wildly in my mouth. I could feel the invigorating effects of the healing poultice taking place. My breathing came out at a calmer rate, and my hearing was actually coming back to its full potential. The agony in my chest was too unbearable for me, leaving me speechless as another pony trotted into the room. I glanced over to my right, where the doorway was, and saw a battered Nocturnal.

It pained me to see the two mares like this; my best friends beat to a pulp, just because of a simple mistake I made. That damn book. It made me open it, and now Nightmare Moon is ever closer to returning and possibly conquering all of Equestria.

“What’s happening?” Nocturnal questioned. “Is everything okay?”

“Peacekeeper had an episode.” Jester responded, before the doctor could give the medical explanation of what happened. “Its under control though.”

The hazel mare in the white lab coat looked shock. “Under control?! When I was in here two hours ago, this stallion was fine! Just a few cuts and bruises, but now look at him! He just started shaking and then his ribcage just burst! You call that ‘under control’?!”

I was too hurt to even retort. Jester held her best poker face, while Nocturnal tried her best to resist yelling at the hazel mare. I could just see it in her face. Jester turned back to me, leaving Nocturnal and my doctor to have a ‘friendly chat’ out in the halls.

“You know she’s right.” The grey mare spoke to me. “You were doing just well a while ago. Next thing i know, you get broken bones out of nowhere. Then you wake up gasping for air. What the hell happened?”

I tried to form words, but instead let out a wheezing cough. Blood spluttered from my mouth, and the throbbing in my chest resumed, this time in a more intense state. I clutched the spot that was in agony, only making it worse. Jester handed me another vial, but I refused. As much as the taste was addicting, there was only one problem with it. It was addicting. Repeated use of the health poultice could result in an unhealthy addiction. It might be easy to get rid of, but I don’t anything on my records about a silly health poultice addiction. That would probably prevent me from getting promoted in the Royal Guard.

The turmoil in the halls grew louder, forcing Nocturnal and the hazel earth pony back in to get out of the other medical ponies’ way. On the stretchers were a group of, what I assumed to be the townsfolk; all of which were cut and/or injured pretty badly. Were those the Royal Guards sent in to the forest earlier? Probably not. Judging from their build, or as much of it as I could see since they passed by so fast, they were probably townsfolk.

Nocturnal glanced at me, more worry in her eyes. The doctor who had mended most of my wounds paid no attention to me, as though she were scared of me. Jester put down the vial of restoration, and walked over to the Lunar Guard, leaving me on the metal table to try and learn how to speak again. The two mares whispered to each other, trying to reach a compromise with the doctor, as it seemed. From what I could tell, the doctor was refusing to let me leave without the proper medical care.

Jester didn’t move a muscle, except for her mouth. Nocturnal, towering over the hazel earth pony, was using an extreme amount of effort to resist letting her anger flow. When Nocturnal got mad, just imagine the meanest and toughest mare in your neighborhood. Now imagine said mare on her estrous cycle. It is probably the scariest thing I have ever experienced, although I wasn’t the one who made her mad.

I sat upright on the table, the pain in my chest beginning to subside. My hearing came back in its full strength, and I was able to listen into the mares’ conversation.

“I can’t allow him to leave.” The hazel doctor said. “Not in that state anyway. You’re going to have to wait until his broken bones are almost completely healed.”

“I gave him a health potion.” Jester informed. “It won’t fully repair his ribs and chest, but once in Canterlot, we can get him the proper treatment. This is important Royal Guard business.”

“I don’t care what kind of business this is. My job is to make sure ponies can live once they are done here. Your mission can wait right? I mean, its not like the fate of Equestria is in a balance or anything, right?”

Jester glanced over at Nocturnal, an uneasy expression drawn on her face. Nocturnal didn’t say anything. Instead, she let her expression speak for her.

“Oh...” The hazel pony looked frightened. “Well, you two can leave, and I can keep him here? He’s in no shape to fight, or travel such a long distance-”
“We have a pegasus, ready to take us back to Canterlot.” Nocturnal said bluntly, probably the first thing she said the whole time I was listening.

“Is it that ‘Pacifist’ character?”

The Lunar Guard’s eyes widened, but then returned to their normal size. “Yes. Is he okay?”

“Umm...” The mare looked at the two Guards with uncertainty. Oh, I couldn’t wait to hear this! Where was the popcorn when you needed it? “He’s okay. So to speak.”

“So to speak?” All of us spoke in unison.

“He’s suffered.... a broken wing.”

“What!?” Nocturnal bellowed, though not directing it towards the hazel mare. “Oh, that dumbass! What did he do to earn that?”

The hazel earth pony looked uneasy. Here it comes! What could the pegasus have done to compromise a mission this time? Ooh, maybe he got drunk again? A bar fight? Oh, the suspense was killing me, what did he do to fuck up this time?

“He... well.... he fell. And a couple of shady characters took his wagon.” The mare cowered, as if she were about to get beat by Nocturnal. The Lunar Guard’s fuse was too short and she ended up blasting all her anger.

“We are leaving!” Nocturnal’s voice raised. She grabbed the medical mare by the collar of her white coat. “Patch him up as quick as possible! We are Royal Guards, and our duty is to protect ponies like you! If you want to live the rest of your life, I suggest you do what I tell you and let us leave as soon as possible. I’ll deal with Pacifist.”

There was only one time when I had seen Nocturnal’s demeanor change from calm to infuriated. Jester still kept her poker face, only moving back to me once Nocturnal stormed out of the room, taking the door along with her. With Jester’s aid, we watched the Lunar Guard wreak havoc down the silver halls, the door to my room managing to stay on her back. Surprisingly, the wooden door only cracked in half, but had managed to stay on the mare’s back, and she only shook off one half. Doctors glanced down the halls, watching Nocturnal search for Pacifist, kicking the broken wooden door back at them when she took notice.

“She’s a little pissed.” I spoke, returning to my position on the table. The hazel mare trembled as she approached me, grabbing bandages as she shifted along the floor.

“Don’t worry about me.” I said to the mare, trying to reassure her that I was very level headed at the moment. “I don’t have as much of a bite as she does. Just get me patched up and we’ll be on our way.”

The mare didn’t speak, but instead she began to wrap the cloth around my midsection, and the other various wounds I had suffered during my time in The Realm of Nightmares. Jester sat back in her seat and gave the doc assistance when it was needed.

About an hour later I was healed up, despite my ribs still being cracked. The doctor suggested I take a bag full of healing vials for the trip to Canterlot. If Pacifist were able to get in the air, we could be at the golden city in about two hours. Now that we had to travel by foot, it might take us double the time. Unless we have a wagon, the travel time won’t be so long, but it will still take a while. We just had to wait and see.

Nocturnal returned after I had come back from my bathroom break. Man, I’ll tell you, it is not good to bottle up all of your urine like I did. You’ll be stuck in there for at least two hours. Nocturnal, going back to the story, was a lot more calm. I hoped she had good news, but knowing my luck, there was none.

“Pacifist is going to have to stay here awhile.” Nocturnal informed, Grabbing Jester and I to leave the building. As we went down the crowded halls, the Lunar Guard explained the game plan. There was a wagon at the border of the town, from what the ponies said. She also went into further detail as to what happened to Pacifist. Apparently, a group of Nightmare Moon’s cultists stopped by, and shot the stallion out of the sky before he could escape. His condition was... poor, but I knew that he would make it somehow.

When we had entered the lobby, ponies were screaming bloody murder. I did my best to avoid bumping in to anypony, all attempts successful. Out of the doors I got an idea of how long I was out. Dark clouds hung over the land, as did the silver moon. The raining that had occurred earlier had stopped, thankfully. I hated when my coat got wet, the damn thing taking an eternity to clean. Though in our current situation, I think I would have taken my chances and walked outside.

“Somepony help them!” A voice called.

Jester, Nocturnal and I bust the glass door open, a cold nightly chill blowing against my soft coat. High pitched screams filled my ears and echoed in the town, sending cold chills down my spine, and making each strand of fur on my body stand up. I glanced around, but there was no source of the cries for help. Ahead of us was Ponyville, the hospital perched on a hill overlooking some of the village.

“You three!” A voice called out to my right. It was Twilight Sparkle, the lavender unicorn we met before entering the forest. “You have to help those ponies!”

The mare gestured for us to follow her towards the town. My eyes could vaguely see the black forms that were ravaging the town. Were those the things that had attacked Nocturnal when we entered the Everfree?

All six of them were tall, lumbering over the townsfolk on two bleeding legs. Their arms were long, almost reaching the ground they limped on. Just guessing here, but I had a feeling that the beings were pretty tough in a fight, and should not be underestimated. They just walked around, glancing around the town, but not attacking any particular pony. They just observed, their glowing yellow eyes like flashlights, casting beams of light wherever they looked.

No pony looked at the monsters, but instead rushed past them. Only one pony was being attacked, viciously being beat, the black mass using its fist to pound the mare into submission. No wait, there was a second pony, an older stallion, being smacked around as he was hung by his tail.His face was bruised, and severe cuts were scattered about on his body. It was amazing he was still alive. Then again; it was amazing I was still alive.

Wind blew past me, as I struggled down the hill, my chest and ribs beginning to ache again. Jester looked back at me, obviously concerned, slowing down to keep up with my pace.

“I’m fine,” I managed. “Help those ponies!”

Jester bit her lower lip, trying to decide whether she should assist the civilians, or assist me. Shaking her head, the mare dashed for the town. I was only able to watch before I could actually reach the town.

Nocturnal slammed into the creature attacking the mare first. She knocked it down, using her blade to stab the creature, but her acts of violence had no effect. The monster just grabbed the Lunar guard by the tail, and flung her into a nearby tree. With a loud thud, the grey mare recovered from the intense impact in a matter of seconds, dashing at the shade, using her wings to gain more speed.

A massive roar surged from the beast Nocturnal was attacking, making her stagger and cover her ears as she flew. With a simple smack, the pegasus was launched into my direction.

“Catch me, catch me, catch me!” The pegasus pleaded. My horn flared, and the highest level of telekinesis I could ever muster helped cushion the mare’s fall. She landed with a grunt and got back up obviously dazed from the impact.

She gave me a look. I wasn’t sure if it was anger or appreciation, but whatever it was made me smile sheepishly and give a nervous laugh.

“Good enough.” The mare rushed back to the battle. The mare who was once being beat by the black shade was now running for her life, Twilight shooting arcane bolts at the monster, trying to slow its approach. Nothing worked, the beast was taking hits, and was going through the crowd of ponies, trampling some, slamming others out of the way, or tossing others, trying to kill the mare it was chasing. Whatever the earth pony did, it pissed it off really bad.

“Peacekeeper!” Jester called. She was trying to defend the battered stallion, using her magic to force the shade back.“I need a healing potion!”

Now, I assumed it wasn’t her that needed the potion, but instead it was the stallion. I rushed over as fast as I could, my levitation not having the best range. I kneeled down beside the stallion, trying to find the potion in my pack, and fed it to him, only allowing him two big sips before I was knocked out of the way.

Now there was some good news and some bad news. The bad news was that my broken bones were now aching more than ever, and that my breathing was coming out in short gasps. The good news was that I may have landed on my wounded back, but not on my pack full of healing solutions.

I strained to get a potion from the leather pouch, my mind not really focused on my magic, but instead trying to concentrate on my breathing. Once I had managed to down a sip of the potion, a force pulled the ground from underneath me. I closed my eyes, and screamed at the same time, my hooves wiggling around, as if trying to run. When I had found out death didn’t take me, I opened my eyes and saw the battle raging on. I glanced up, looking to see who had picked me up. A cyan pegasus had saved my life, a look of determination spread across her face. At first I thought it a rainbow following us, but it turned out to be the mare’s tail.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight yelled. She was obviously talking to the mare carrying me. “Get him to safety, and then get the others!”

The others? There were more rainbow pegasi? Was it like a small town Wonderbolt impersonators? Well, that didn’t matter, at least not now. I had just been saved, and now wasn’t the time to ask questions.

The rainbow maned mare dropped me only a few yards from the battle, making me roll around on the ground upon landing. My ribs and chest exploded, an agonizing scream leaving my mouth. Tears welled up behind my closed eyelids, as I tried to rub the pain away. Hooves echoed through the town, either the steps of fleeing ponies, or new ponies entering the fray. I struggled to open my eyes, but when they managed to open, five ponies, including Rainbow Dash, were approaching me.

Holy shit! I thought. That fast? Talk about super heroes! That is straight out of a comic!

The rainbow maned pegasus dashed over my head, practically breaking the sound barrier. When I glanced back up, Rainbow dash had slammed one of the tall lanky figures into the ground, though that didn’t have much of an effect on the black creature. The ponies that had appeared rushed past me, each ready to lend a helping hoof.

A silver unicorn, with a mane that would make any mare in Canterlot jealous, shot arcane bolts, making the forms do nothing more than stagger. I had to give her credit for moving so elegantly as she shot the bolts, and dodged incoming swings from the beast. She managed to do well, though not as good as Twilight, who was using higher level arcane shots, even excelling up into super charged arcane scattershots. The beasts only shrugged off the hits it took.

An orange earth pony, sporting a brown rancher hat, as if completely embracing the fact that she lives in the country. She had a lasso, trying to get the rope around the beast, but to no avail. The monster thrashed when the rope managed to get around its body. Was her rope made out of steel; because the beast was having trouble getting it off. With a loud, thunderous roar, the beast managed to rip the rope apart, but ignored the mare completely. Instead, it was heading towards the stallion it once held and beat.

“Applejack,” Twilight yelled. “Keep it away from him!”

“Already on it!” The orange mare spoke with a heavy country accent. I darted out of the way as fast as I could when the black monster ran my direction.

“Peacekeeper!” Nocturnal called. I averted my attention to the pegasus, who was fighting against one beast, but pointing a hoof to another. “Don’t look them in the eyes! That’s what--oh fuck!”

A long slender arm extended and grabbed her by the wing, which was already damaged enough. Jester trotted over, only to get smacked out of the way. The monster gripping the Lunar Guard punched the mare in the gut, and slammed her against the ground. Energy flowed through my horn and a massive force blasted the monster on its rear-end. The thing got up as quickly as it got knocked down. I shot another force blast at it, trying to think of the right spell to use that could possibly damage this foe.

“Arcane bolts slow them down!” Twilight yelled to me, fighting her own monster. I charged up the shot, waiting for it to reach maximum power. While I was busy charging the spell, the monster was getting back on its feet.

“Shoot it now!” Nocturnal ordered, startling me and making me blast the unready bolt.


“Damn Rookie!” Jester admired. I didn’t get to see the damage done, as I was focused on regaining my stamina, and recuperating from the agonizing pain in my chest. “Shit, It’s coming back!”

The black form rose up from the ground, its eyes glowing a crimson shade. I shuddered at the sight of the being, unable to move. Fuck, I was under a form of paralysis!

“Peacekeeper.” Nocturnal managed. “Hit it again.”

My horn charged, though with not enough speed. The beast broke into a rapid sprint, screaming in the process. It came closer, and despite all of Jester’s efforts. I was almost there! Just a little more!

“Rookie!” Jester called, breaking me out of my concentration.


“Ah crap!” I said, rubbing my head. Rapid spell changes were not my strong suit. And that fucking sucked. Hey, at least the deflection field worked. At least that’s what I thought I used.

I opened my eyes once more, examining the situation. The beasts; they were fleeing!

“Where are they going?” I heard one of the townsfolk ask.

I glanced at the beasts, watching them as they walked sluggishly into the mist that was beginning to blanket the town. Ahead of them was the entrance to the Everfree.

“They’re going back into the Everfree Forest.” I said. “Probably to get more creatures of some sort.”

“Luna, I hate those things.” Nocturnal sighed, standing up, and assisting me onto my hooves.

“You know what those were?” Twilight questioned. The lavender unicorn and her friends had gathered around Jester, Nocturnal and I.

“When we entered the Everfree a day or two ago, my group encountered one of those things. There was only one, and we managed to only cut it once. They can take hits like they’re made of bricks or something.”

“We need to get the Royal Guard here.” I suggested. “We need to get to Canterlot, and fast.”

Jester and Nocturnal agreed, though there was no way of sending a message at this time, especially when the need of reinforcements was as urgent as it was now. If there was a unicorn that could send messages as fast as I could puff out a spell, then we’d be in luck, but as far as I knew; no pony in town knew how to do instant messaging spells.

“We need to warn the princess.” Twilight spoke, gesturing us to follow her. “Celestia or Luna will know what to do.”

“Right.” I muttered.

The massive tree I had seen during our descent into the town had turned out to be what I suspected: a home. The best part about this place was that it was a mix of a house, and a library. Candles were lit, recently too. Twilight had done her best to move around, without making any noise, as if she was afraid of waking someone up from their sleep.

While we had been waiting for Twilight to fetch her things, I had gotten better acquainted with her friends. The silver unicorn was Rarity, the town’s fashionista. Judging from her boasting, although the timing could have been better, she took great pride in her work. The orange earth pony was Applejack, one of Ponyville’s best athletes, according to Rainbow Dash (who I did thank for saving my life. She only brushed it off, and said ‘Aw, it was nothin’ really.’). Applejack’s family owned Sweet Apple Acres, a farm I only heard about in the news. According to the news around Canterlot and Ponyville, their cider was legendary.

A pink pony, conveniently named Pinkie Pie, was probably the craziest pony I had ever come across. I had suspected some kind of drug, like the new ‘happy powder’ kids used, in use, but there was no real sign of that. During the dark times we were facing, she had managed to stay so happy and cheery, as if the inevitable end of the world was a thought that she thoroughly enjoyed. I sure as hell didn’t know how she managed to stay so enthusiastic, but I wished I had the same ability. The only problem was that her mouth was like a motor engine; she never shut her mouth once you got her to start talking. With the aid of her friends, we managed to get her to quiet down, though I had the feeling she’d start talking to herself, once everypony else was occupied with each other.

“Who’s that?” I asked, pointing at a scared looking yellow pegasus. Her wing had bandages wrapped around it, but she had managed to move it around normally. Rainbow Dash hovered next to her, as if trying to console her, but her attempts looked futile.

All the mares looked back at the two pegasi.

“Why that dear,” Rarity spoke. She had a very formal way of speaking. “Is our friend Fluttershy. It would probably be for the best to leave her alone until we could get this all sorted out.”

I nodded, glancing around. I wish that I could grab all of the defensive spell tomes in here, should Twilight own any, and bring them back with me to Canterlot and study up on the things I haven’t learned. It fascinated me that Twilight had so many books, but only a handful of them were spell books, ranging from the basic telekinesis, to advanced object morphing. There were colorful books, and just plain ones. I never knew that there were over fifteen different encyclopedias, each one practically talking about the same thing; Equestria’s history.

“Ooh, what is this?” I managed to get a book out of a tight little space. The cover of the book was plain, only containing a few words. Intermediate Magic: Alteration.

“Nice.” I said, opening the book. While we wait for Twilight to send her letter to Celestia, at least I could learn something while I waited.

Or not. This was something else for me. What the hell is transmutate? Oh Celestia, I have a lot to learn. Way too much to learn. I think I’ll focus on my defensive magic.

“Alright.” Twilight spoke, trotting down the stairs, a small figure following her. “I’ve sent the-”

“Is that... a dragon?” Nocturnal asked, caution in her voice.

“Yeah, and a sleepy one.”

I’d never seen a baby dragon, and I never thought I’d ever see one, but now that I have... well I’m at a loss for words. I was expecting a baby dragon to be at least bigger and taller than the tiny, grumpy, purple scaled dragon I was looking at with awe right now.

“Don’t worry,” Twilight whispered to Nocturnal who was examining the small creature. “Spike’s always like this when I wake him up this time of night.”

“It’s alright.”

“Anyway, I sent the letter to Celestia,” Twilight continued. “She’s sending The Royal Guard, along with Luna’s Guards too. We have to make the trip quick, but the trains don’t run to Canterlot at this time of night.”

“Then what do we do now?” Applejack asked.

“There’s a wagon just outside of the town,” Nocturnal suggested. “It might be able to hold all of us.”

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Well, lets go check out that chariot. If it’s still there. C’mon girls.” The lavender mare glanced at me and smiled sheepishly. “And guys.”

Subconsciously I stuffed Twilight’s book into my saddle pack, along with my health vials. A cold chill went down my spine as I exited the giant tree, the mist that had appeared in the town moments before had become thicker. My visual range was about five feet. I could barely make out the mares’ shadowy figures through the thick mist.

“Fuck, I can’t see a damn thing!” Jester yelled in frustration.

“Ah!” Rarity gasped. “Language!”

“Gonna have to get used to that.” Nocturnal chuckled. “Royal Guards’ top priority is to protect civilians, not to watch their language.”

“Oh,” A timid voice, almost like a whisper, spoke. “I-I should g-go home and check up on the animals. S-sorry to l-leave so soon.”

“Fluttershy,” Pinkie Pie spoke. “Your animals will be fine! Those mean ol’ monsters were only attacking ponies, not animals, remember?”

“The gleeful way in which you bring that topic up, disturbs me.” I said. “Is she always like this?”

An outside force stopped me in my tracks. I opened my eyes, to see Nocturnal’s rear end staring at me. The pegasus turned, her face visibly heating up. She shuffled to her left, standing shamefully next to Jester, who was laughing inside; I could just see it in her eyes.

I stood on all fours, glancing around to make sure that all the mares were still with us. Fortunately for me, they were. Ahead of me was the wagon that we would be riding. It was... well, it was pretty big. The wooden transport was spherical in shape, and was recently painted silver, matching a chariot a Canterlot noble would ride. The rails that assisted ponies into the chariot were made of gold, as were the rims of the wheels. There was enough space for about eight ponies to sit inside, and two seats on the top of the wooden vehicle.

A single stallion sat on a step of the wagon. He was playing with a twig, making art on the dirt. His emerald coat managed to reflect the light of the seemingly non-existent moon. He looked depress, as if he had just lost someone he cared about. We would have been in luck, if this stallion were a pegasus, but as a Royal Guard, luck is never on your side.

“Excuse me sir?” Twilight spoke, cutting Nocturnal off. Spike was asleep on the lavender unicorn’s back, completely knocked out.

“Yep.” He replied, the stallion’s voice was deep, making my chest shake slightly from the bass in his voice.

“We’d like to hire your carriage.” Nocturnal finished. “If you can travel at this time.”

The stallion thought for a moment. “I guess the boys and I could make another trip. Where to?”

“Canterlot.” Twilight answered. “I don’t mean to rush you, but when need to get there as soon as possible.”

The stallion ignored that last comment, instead, he opened the door to his grand wagon, revealing three ponies, each one asleep. the emerald earth pony slapped each of them awake, and like cadets in Royal Guard training, the ponies left the vehicle, and began to strap themselves into position to pull the wagon.

Twilight entered the carriage first, Rarity next in line. Nocturnal blocked her way though.

“I apologize, but this is Royal Guard business only.”

“But Twilight’s not a Guard, why can she go and not me?”

“Twilight is Celestia’s student, and her efforts could prove useful for our mission.

Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but closed it, only looking at Twilight. “Let them on board.”

“Sorry Twilight, but like I said-”

“With respect, I heard what you said, but the Princess ordered to see me along with my friends.”

“Why would the princess want these ponies?” Nocturnal asked, without the typical Canterlot condescending tone.

I wondered the same thing though. I mean, there was nothing wrong with them, except maybe Pinkie Pie, but what was so special about them? Rarity had a smoking hot body, one that would make all the mares in Canterlot jealous. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had the combination of stamina and strength. Pinkie Pie... well, I don’t know, maybe drugs? Fluttershy... that’s a mystery too.

Twilight sighed, frustrated with Nocturnal’s successful attempts to keep the ponies off the wagon.

“We, are the Elements of Harmony.” I heard the lavender mare whisper in Nocturnal’s ear. Suddenly, the pegasus jumped up and out of the five ponies’ way.

“Apologies.” Nocturnal spoke bowing her head. Both Jester and I did the same. It was a true honor to be in the presence of ponies with such a status. “Had I known who you were, I wouldn’t have done that. It’s an honor to be in your presence.”

“Oh, don’t worry ‘bout it none.” Applejack forgave. “We’re wastin’ time, so let’s get a move on.”

Jester climbed inside the carriage before I could, so I had to sit up on the top of the wooden vehicle, the thing creaking with each step I climbed.

“Ready?” The emerald stallion asked.

All of us simultaneously said yes, and we were off. The bouncing of the wagon bothered me, giving me that stomach churning feeling again. Oh Celestia, why did I get sick easily. A pony could be given the stupidest flaws sometimes, I swear.

Nocturnal pat me on the back, asking if I was okay. A simple nod acted as my answer, though, in truth, I was obviously feeling like shit. My stomach was lurching, and my head was beginning to feel lighter. I shut my eyes,getting ready to go back to Sage, and make begin our trek to Canterlot in the Nightmare Realm.

“Oh shit!” I whispered to myself.

“What?” Nocturnal asked.

“I can’t go back there. Fuck, after what Illusion did to me, I’m risking death going back to that place.”

“You said it yourself; whatever happens in there happens out here. So if you die in there, let’s say right now, you would die out here. I mean you can go back and hunt for Illusion right now, which I highly suggest, but you’re going to have to make it quick. Once we get into Canterlot, we’re going to have to get you to Celestia or Luna, depending on when we get there.”

“I’d rather we get to Canterlot first. When I find that book, we would be in the safety of the Royal Guard and the Princess’s, not to mention the Elements of Harmony. Once I get that book, then we’ll figure out what to do with the book.”

“So, what is your ‘mission anyway?” Rainbow Dash questioned, hovering beside me. “Or is that ‘classified’?”

“Our mission was to search for the missing ponies in your town.” Nocturnal answered. “The rest is just a long story. Peacekeeper here would have to tell you that story.”

“Well can he?” Twilight asked from inside the carriage. Rainbow flew back inside of the wooden vehicle, I guess to avoid wasting more energy than she already did.

Nocturnal glanced at me with a questioning gaze. I sighed. I started off from when Jester and I left to enter the forest. I explained to them the book’s compelling aura, and how it got me to open it. Recalling my first hour in the realm was like actually reliving them; having deformed ponies chasing me through a derelict hospital. Then I told them all about Sage, the scared mare that was so glad to see me.

“Wait,” Rarity paused me. “Sage? As in the herbalist?”

“Oh goddess, I don’t know what she did prior to entering that realm. I just pray that she’s okay.”

“Green earth pony? About my height? Azure mane?”

Check on all of that. For some reason I felt a bit of relief that somepony out here knew Sage.

“She was a pretty mare, worked as an herbalist, and she was such a sweet girl.” My ears twitched when she said ‘sweet girl’. “Ah, and she would sometimes drop by into the spa! I didn’t know her too well, but she was a real polite mare. She used to come into the spa with me, but then she stopped coming in two weeks ago.”

My ear twitched again when the mare said ‘two weeks’. Did that mean Sage had been trapped in the Realm of Nightmares for two weeks, but just didn’t remember it? Oh Celestia, what happened to her real body? Was it rotting away somewhere? My worries became worse and worse the more I thought about it.

I continued my story, though I was more focused on Sage’s well being at the moment. Nopony said anything when I mentioned Nightmare Moon. Everyone stayed silent as if trying to wrap their heads around what I had just said.

“Ah don’t understand.” Applejack finally broke the silence. “We used the Elements on her right? It changed her back t’ Luna, Nightmare Moon is gone. At least she should be.”

“I think it’s more complicated than that,” The first thing Jester said ever since leaving Ponyville. “From what the Rookie saw and heard, Nightmare Moon is trying to come back, though in her own form. How she does it, is still up to speculation.”

“You’ve got yourself in a sticky situation,” Twilight said sympathetically. “We’ll try our best to help in any way possi-”

“Halt!” A stern voice spoke, making the ponies pulling the wagon... well, stop. I turned my head and turned right back around when I saw the ponies who had ordered our halt.

“Fuck, they’re cultists.” I whispered to Nocturnal.

“Play it cool, don’t do anything unless you need to.”

The pony leading the group was big, like he’d taken some kind of muscle enhancing pill. An illegal one. He was wearing a black cloak, a blade sheath strapped around his waist. As big as he was, what would help me was his moderately slow movement. There were four ponies behind him, each one pulling a large wagon full of unicorns, each one wearing their hoods, in a poor attempt to cover their horns. I was only glancing, barely able to see how many unicorns were behind us exactly.

Nocturnal twisted her whole body around to see the cultist, and frowned. Knowing her, she would want to deal with only a few ponies, not a whole death squad full of unicorns. That was the tricky part of being a Royal Guard, and that was deciding if you and your squad could take on a group of hostiles, and when they were all unicorns, it became trickier. Nopony could ever guess the powers a unicorn could wield; the only way to do so is with another unicorn, but sometimes even another unicorn can’t measure one of their own race’s power.

From what I could tell, only two of them knew the most basic magic; like the level of a foal. The others were different, each blocking my power detection.

Jester, I managed, trying to see if our spell had worn off.



My heart began to beat faster as the cult sub-leader stepped to my side of the wagon. I continued to look at Nocturnal even when the stallion called for my attention.

“If he does anything, end him.” Nocturnal ordered.

I nodded. Still not taking my gaze away from the mare. I was too scared to turn around. We were outnumbered by at least a dozen of ponies who could throw projectiles at us, with a single thought. I closed my eyes and gave a quick prayer.

“I’m speaking to you!” The stallion grabbed my shoulder, whipping me around. His eyes widened once he saw my face. Before he could say anything to his comrades, I threw a hoof at his face, my chest pained when doing so. With a sound thud, the stallion fell to the ground,recovering quickly though.

“It’s the heretic!” He shouted to his fellow cultists. The first bolt fired, signaled the ponies to run pulling us to run. The cult followed us down the dirt path. Wind blew through my mane, and stung my eyes. Leaves from trees and bushes plotted against us, finding their way into our eyes, and obstructing our vision. The forces of nature wasn’t our only problem though. I was dodging arcane bolts, some brushing past my head, others missing completely. Twilight screamed when one bolt penetrated the wood of the vehicle, making Spike scream himself awake.

“Whoa!” Spike exclaimed. “What’s going on?”

“Keep yer head down!” Applejack commanded. “Let them take care of it!”

Jester opened a latch to access the roof of the vehicle, though she only poked her upper body out. She began shooting magic of her own at the cult. An arcane shot came towards Jester’s head, but I raised up a barrier, enough to deflect the weak shots.

“Keep the barrier up!” Jester demanded. “Can you make a hole for me to shoot out of?”

I complied, effortlessly making a small rectangular opening, enough for the mare to shoot, but enough to give the cultists a hard time to aim for her face.

Nocturnal couldn’t do anything except for watch our struggle, and occasionally duck down to avoid getting hit.

Jester shot a more powerful bolt at the unicorns, surprising all of them.


“Oh Celestia!” Twilight screamed. “You killed that pony!”

“Get used to it honey!” Jester spoke above all the screams. A bolt rushed past my head, and I ducked down next to the grey unicorn, extending the blue barrier to accommodate myself.

“Shoot the ones pulling the wagon!” Nocturnal ordered.

Jester stopped firing, charging another powerful shot. Beads of sweat rolled down her face as she struggled to get maximum power. The unicorns firing at us were charging a spell of their own up. A turquoise blade appeared in the middle of the air. Then another. And another.

“Oh Luna, she’s using a blades spell!” I shouted.

Jester was still conjuring her spell, as was the mare on the other chariot.

Fuck it

My barrier fell, and instead, my horn had mustered the power to shoot a small lightning bolt. Damn! I missed! Another charge up, and I shot again. Another miss. The bright blue blades appearing out of thin air became more than enough to stab all angles of the wagon. The sight of the blades didn’t fortify my patience to kill their drivers. The unicorn next to me shot out her supercharged spell and sent it towards the mare charging her blade conjuration.


“Chain lightning baby!” The mare boasted, watching her own work with such pride. Each pony on the enemy wagon spasmed as light coursed through each of their bodies. The ponies stopped their trots and stumbled over, the ones in the wagon falling out the rear of the wagon and piling on top of one another.

“Oh dear Celestia!” a frail voice, who I assumed to be Fluttershy, screamed. “I-I can’t do this!”

“Stay calm,” Nocturnal tried to reassure the mare. “We’ll get you guys to Canterlot. Just bear with us.”

“It could be worse.” Jester stated. “We could have the monsters from the town coming at us.”


Keeping herself situated between Nocturnal and I, Jester continued to look out for any more cultist ponies. The forest that we were traversing out of Ponyville had disappeared, replaced with a great valley, green and teeming with all kinds of wildlife. Train tracks leading to Canterlot coursed through the various caves and zig-zagged around the valley. If there were no ponies chasing us, trying to kill us, this would be a more tranquil sight to me rather than just an average natural occurrence.

Other dirt paths connected to the main ‘highway’, the one path we were traveling on. When we took off from Canterlot, there were numerous ponies traveling to and from Ponyville.This was one of many routes to the Golden City, and probably one of the safest. In our current situation though, these roads were one of the most dangerous; cultists able to ambush us at any intersection. At the rate we were traveling though, we would arrive at Canterlot in another two hours.

If there was a wagon in Ponyville available, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy could have flown us to Canterlot and get us there in half the time it took to get there on foot. The problem about flying was cultists trying to shoot us down, which would be easy if Rainbow and Fluttershy couldn’t get the right coordination and successfully evade all the cultists attacks. I don’t know Fluttershy all that much, but if we were under attack in the air, we might all die. And not from the cult.

“There it is!” The emerald stallion pulling the wagon said, slowing down. “Finally!”

“Don’t get your hopes up.” Jester said plainly. “It may look close now, but it’s pretty fuckin’ far.”

“Really!” Rarity gasped. “Do improve your language!”

“Yeah, I’ll try.”

I chuckled a little, fully aware that Jester would continue using her foul language. I know I was. Using ‘bad language’ was part of my programming and I’ve been cursing like a sailor since I was in the third grade.

“Is that another cultist wagon?” Jester pointed to a rapid moving light coming down the same path we were. I had desperately hoped that the thing behind us was nothing more than a courier pony with an illumination spell.


“Yeah that’s a cultist wagon,” I said, narrowly dodging a lightning bolt. “And there’s more unicorns.”

“Heads up!” Nocturnal pointed a hoof at the path beside us, another wagon on its way to us. “We’re being flanked.”

“Aw, damn!” I raised a barrier around the whole wagon when the carriage to my right came within knocking distance.


The wagon slammed into the barrier, earning the ponies on it a good bounce, some even falling off and making a heavy impact on the ground. The ones behind us shot rapid bolts of lightning or just pure magical energy at us. My blue barrier remained, taking the impact of both, the ponies shooting us from behind, and the ponies slashing blades on our right.

“We need to lose these guys!” Rainbow whinnied. “Let me out there, I could crash their wagons!”

“Too dangerous!” I yelled over the sounds of the cultists attacks. “Stay in there!”

“No way, I can help!” The cyan pegasus opened the door, only to have it shut in her face by Jester’s magic.

“If you want to live, keep your head inside and don’t be an idiot. Peacekeeper, give me a place to shoot out of!”

I reduced the size of the barrier, limiting it to Nocturnal, Jester and I. Like before, I left a small hole where the grey unicorn could shoot the ponies. The only problem was that my barrier was wavering; taking too many hits in almost all directions.

“Hey, we could use some help here!” One of our driver ponies yelled. She was getting rammed into, and tried her best to avoid contact, without sending us off the road. I turned to Jester, who just nodded and went back to fighting off the unicorns behind us. I turned my attention to the wagon riding next to us.

“Die heretic!” A stallion swung a blade at me, making me fall back on Nocturnal. I shot a small force wave at him making him stagger, giving me time to get up and grab his own blade.


Blood poured from the stallion’s new wound, falling, blade still in his chest. Another pony, a mare this time, took his place, slashing at my chest area. Searing pain erupted from the exposed flesh, making me cringe. Another force blast, this time sending the wagon veering off into a tree. With a loud crash, both blood and wooden shrapnel flew at us, some of the crimson liquid getting into our carriage making the inhabitants scream in fear. We ended up having to slow down, the ponies driving getting things out of their manes and eyes.

“I’ve had enough of this!” Rarity cried. “Get them away from us already!”

“Workin’ on it!” I replied above the yelling and terrifying screams. I turned to the back, watching as Jester shot numerous destructive spells, only to miss the ponies, due to the constant motion of the carriage.

“Keep it the hell still!” The frustrated mare demanded.

“We’re running out of energy!” A mare said. “We need a break!”

Jester turned, and created four emerald spheres about the size of a golf ball. She shot each orb at each pony cantering, and suddenly, they broke into a fast sprint each going the same pace. It amazed me, the amount of magic Jester was capable of. But now was not the time to think about the mare’s arcane ability, we had to focus on surviving this fight.

“Wow!” The emerald stallion admired. “Re-energized! Let’s go guys!”

Another arcane blast smashed into the wagon, though not hitting anyone.

“Ahh!” Twilight cried.

I opened up my saddle pack, taking out a healing poultice and levitated it into the small space in the wagon. “Drink it!”

An opposing grip took hold of the vial, and I let go, going back to the problem at hand. The glass viale dropped, though there was no curse, clueing me in that the lavender mare managed to drink the potion before dropping it.


Damn those lightning bolts! I put up another barrier, this time with a more personal flare to it. A strike hit my barrier, the arcane wall absorbing the shot, and then spitting it back out, with twice the power. Jester glanced at me with amazement with eyes that said ‘teach me that spell when this is all over’. More shots came to me, though the wall kept reflecting each shot, though the accuracy could use some work.

My mind slipped from the arcane wall spell, making it disappear for a split second. That was enough time for an arcane bolt to pierce into my chest.

Blood poured from the new wound, an agonizing pain erupting from the spot. Tears flowed from my eyes as I tried to ignore the pain, though my attempts were all in vain. I couldn’t even focus on getting the health solution out of my pack, instead I fell on Nocturnal, who was panicking and trying to reassure me that I was going to be fine. She rummaged through my pack, looking desperately for a potion. I glanced up at the city ahead of us. A little while longer and I could get into the hospital. I prayed to Celestia to keep me and my friends safe from this hell.

“Aha!” Nocturnal fed me the solution,and almost instantaneously, my chest and ribs were relieved of the pain. I looked again at the Golden City.

“Oh Celestia!” I exclaimed. “It’s the Royal Guard!”

Flying from the city were four wagons full of ponies in both golden Royal Guard armor, and Lunar Guard armor. One of them, I managed to spot, was pointing his hoof to our left, and screaming something at us. I wasn’t able to hear him, but instead of trying to listen, I averted my attention to my left.

“Oh sweet Celestia!” Nocturnal exclaimed. “Stop the wagon! NOW!”

An enemy wagon in flames was charging at us from the other road, and was going to meet up with us at the intersection. The ponies pulling our carriage tried to come to a complete halt, their hooves digging into the ground trying to stop.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I screamed in terror, my heart pounding with enough force to rip my chest open. “Everypony keep your heads down!”

Jester closed her little hatch, and I clutched Nocturnal’s hooves, the mare doing the same to me, bracing for the inevitable impact.

Celestia, Luna! I prayed. Please, I beg of you, let us live from this! Keep us alive at least until our mission is over! I pray to you asking for forgiveness should I die from this!

6: Beneath The Surface

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Chapter 6: Beneath The Surface

"Until one day I stopped caring
And began to forget why I longed to be so close
And I disappeared into the darkness
And the darkness turned to pain
And never went away
Until all that remained
Was buried deep beneath the surface"

Blood dripped down my mouth and nostrils, the damage done to my body more intense than I had realized. I screamed in agony when the pain in my chest erupted like a volcano. Lightning lit the sky, followed by the massive roar of thunder that always came after. My ears were unable to take in any more noise, as my screams and thunder muffled everything that tried to enter my ears. Rain may have hit the ground, but the fires that consumed the wagon--the one that collided with us--was still burning, the rain preventing it from spreading.

Destruction, pain and death swirled all around me. The wagon wreckage did so much damage to everything. Cultists lay dead on the ground, one making a pitiful attempt to crawl to his weapon before dying. Pools of blood were washed away by the oncoming rain, still not able to drown out the fires. Moans of both, cultists and allies sounded in the area. Two wagons burned in front of me, both of which belonging to cultists. The carriage I had rode in was behind me.

Glancing to my left, there was a crashed Royal Guard wagon, the guards all dead; bleeding from various wounds and burns. One of them slumped over and fell on her stomach. She coughed out blood, but the way her body raised and lower made me feel better knowing that she was still clinging onto life.

I rolled over onto my back, howling in pain as I did so. Tears rolled off my face as I just lay still on the muddy ground. Thunder roared again, making me jump in fear. Another eruption of pain shot through my chest, tears beginning to form in my eyes again.

“P-Peacekeeper.” A voice wheezed. I picked my head up, trying to find the source of the voice. It called again, this time closer, but weaker. I was too pained to ready my horn for any kind of defensive magic. I was too pained to be able to do anything, really. I tried to find the power to roll back over and begin crawling to the source of the voice, but to no avail. My hooves could barely move, and if I were to do anything more to my chest and ribs, there was a chance of probably dying of internal bleeding, should one of my ribs puncture a lung.

Wet hoof steps sounded nearer and nearer, though not in a regular trotting rhythm, instead they came as limps. I glanced over to the source, and my heart almost stopped. It was Nocturnal. The mother of my squad. Well, what was left of it. She had suffered numerous cuts and bruises, and her right hoof was twisted in a strange position, making her drag her hoof along the ground as she walked. Her left eye was closed, the bandage that once covered it now gone. Blood slowly poured out of the mare’s closed eye, and from the other cuts she had endured during the crash.

“Oh, thank Celestia!” The pegasus limped over to me, and dropped beside me, grunting as she did so. She shook her head as tears streamed from her eyes. “We lost everyone Peacekeeper.”

My heart skipped a beat. “You mean...Jester and...the Elements..?”

“No, I...I haven’t found them yet.” The mare’s voice quivered. “All the guards. They’re gone, the damn cultists shot them out of the sky. Dammit,their wagons are scattered throughout the wreckage. Dead, all of them. I knew them... They didn't deserve this.”

I turned my head to the mare in Royal Guard armor to my left. She was still breathing, and was trying to get on her hooves. I tried to speak again, but the attempts were all in vain. Instead, Nocturnal saw the struggling mare, and hobbled over to her.

“There we go.” The pegasus said, resting the earth pony onto a broken part of a wagon. “Can you tell me your name...Private?”

The mare groaned trying to get the answer to form. “I’m...I’m Paladin. Wh-where are we captain?”

“Just outside of Canterlot. Can you stand?”

“I’ll try.”

The pegasus in the Lunar Guard armor assisted the earth pony in traditional Royal Guard armor. With Nocturnal’s help, Paladin stood on all fours. The two mares looked at me, and then at the wagon full of Royal Guards, each one suspected dead. One stallion was missing a leg, another had wooden shards piercing his body. Out of all the Royal Guards, I think that there was only one pony that could have survived, but I couldn't tell.

“Paladin, do you think you could help me search for health vials?” Nocturnal rummaged through the Royal Guard wagon, not daring to touch the soldiers, but working around in the wreckage around the dead Guards.

“No need for that.” The silver earth pony reached into a small pouch attached to her armor, and balanced one health vial. “Enchanted glass; doesn't break, no matter what you do. For your friend there.”

Nocturnal took the potion and brought it over to me. After feeding it to me, she limped back to Paladin, who was downing her own potion.

I wasn't feeling the effects of the health vial, my chest still throbbing with pain. Instead, strength returned to my body in short portions. My breathing came in a normal rhythm, instead of gasping desperately for air. I was able to move my hooves, but they still took most of my effort just to raise them. The cuts and bruises I had endured during the crash had not healed though, despite the amount of the potion I had drank. To add to my problems, a sick feeling rose in my stomach, making me want to throw up.

Nocturnal’s twisted hoof cracked back into position, the mare grimacing as it did so. I could only imagine what happened to my ribs and chest. A mental picture of bones and muscle snapping back together and reconstructing itself, making me think about how a simple liquid was able to heal with such power.

Groaning as she walked over to me, Paladin helped to get me on my back, the throbbing in my chest beginning to intensify. I groaned as I leaned on the ruined wagon, my back burning from the scrapes and gashes I had just learned about. The rain washed the blood away, and left me shivering hoping for warmth.“Look, you’re too weak to move and fight on your own.”

“And so you want me to stay here.” I finished. “I know, I’ve been in this situation before.”

“Then you’ll know to stay quiet and defend yourself.”

Paladin just stood up and joined Nocturnal, standing by a wall of wrecked wood. She shifted the plates and let Paladin exit first. The pegasus glanced back at me, as if wondering if it was a good idea to leave me behind, even if it was for a few minutes. I didn't care though. I only had the fear of a cultist stumbling upon me. My magic wasn't strong enough for me to do anything.

The two mares left, blocking off their exit, encasing me in a circle of wreckage. There were only a handful of entrances to my current position, but I had a feeling that I was only in a fraction of the aftermath. Whatever the case was, I leaned my head back on the downed wagon and shut my eyes.


“Fuck!” I yelled over the sound of the explosion. Smoke poured into my eyes, and my ears were ringing. My breathing stopped, replaced by coughing.

“Rookie?” An slightly upbeat voice whispered. “It’s me, Jester!”

“What’s the point in whispering after all that noise?” I remarked.

The smoke cleared in an instant, revealing the grey mare, still sporting her armor. It was heavily dented, some looked like they've made a dent in her flesh and bones. Blood crept through cracks in her armor, and from a gash below her mane-line.

“Sorry about that. Cultists would have got to you though if I hadn't done that.” Jester waltzed over to me, as though she wasn't even hurt. She looked to the wagon full of dead guards; grimacing as she looked away. “By the goddess. Why do we have the misfortune of living through something like this? Look, Rookie, I need to find Nocturnal; any idea as to where she is?”

“She just left to find you and the Elements.” I responded. “Were they with you prior to finding me?”

“Yeah, they were. Fluttershy was hurt pretty bad, as was Twilight. Our drivers, though? Dead. Lost somewhere in the wreck. I need to get you back to Twilight and her friends.”

Thunder cracked through the sky. I was in no position to argue. Nocturnal may be surprised to find me gone, but at least I would be safe with The Elements of Harmony, wherever they were.

Without warning, Jester threw me onto her back, and hauled me out of the circle of death. My chest’s pain vanished thankfully, and I subconsciously closed my eyes, tired from the pain I had endured. My body began to relax as the unicorn carried me through the rain. I didn't care if I woke up in a hollow shell, since I might be dead in Nightmare Moon’s realm. The one thing I’d regret is failing to save Sage from the tormenting realm.

“P-please!” Sage whimpered. The sound of a blunt hit sounded the dark room. “I’ll go, I’ll go!”

“It’s too late for that!” A more masculine voice spoke up. “You had your chance and now it has gone!”

Another hit resonated from the room, making Sage cry out. I felt renewed; as though my body had been healed and revitalized. The only problem was that my body could barely move, despite my new healed state. I glanced over to where the torturing was coming from.

Sage was on the floor trying to stand up, but a large grey stallion stood over her, dealing punches and kicks to the mare. She was beat bad too. Blood poured from her mouth and nose. Bruises and cuts were scattered around her body, some new, but most old. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and fear was the only emotion in her eyes.

The stallion standing over her kicked her back to the ground. Laughing as he did so. Anger flared up in me, and adrenaline pumped through my veins. I tried to muster the will to stand up, but to no avail.

“Just... Just wait until he wakes up...” Sage spoke in between pants. “He’ll kill you just like your friends.”

“Shut up!” The stallion kicked her, forcing her to the ground, and even then stomped on her head, and punched her in the gut, making the mare cough up blood.

“Ah! P-please!” Blood came out of her mouth. “N-n-no m-more!”


The stallion yelped and staggered from the unexpected arcane bolt, and turned back to me. Thankfully, I had full functionality of my magic now. The stallion stormed towards me, and slammed a hoof on my stomach. I groaned in pain. Adrenaline still coursed through my veins, and I was about ready to kill this pony.

“You stay still while I deal with your-”

I lunged at him, using my magic to force me off the table I found myself laying on. The stallion tried to kick me off, but I kept myself situated on top of the grey earth pony. I struggled for a second, but then the first strike came. Slightly disoriented, the pony kicked and struggled again, but I threw another hoof at him. And another and another.

At first it was just my hooves making purposeful ‘soft’ hits, but when I saw Sage, I threw each one harder, until I used my magic to enhance the blows. The stallion’s struggles were futile as each blow became deadlier and more powerful. Skin tore away at first, making cuts along his broad face, but then bruises appeared. His eye began to swell, and blood sputtered profusely from his new wounds.

“Peacekeeper that’s enough,” Sage spoke shakily. “He’s stopped resisting.”

My ears registered her words, but my brain ignored them, making me tune them out. My hooves pounded the stallion, until his every movements stopped. The last hit made a gut wrenching splat as the crimson liquid escaped from torn flesh. Blood covered my silver hooves and belly like paint on the wall. My body was.... better from the experience. All that bottled up stress and anger, finally able to be let out like that just made it...perfect.

I turned to Sage, who was on the ground, staring at me, fear in her eyes. Honestly, I didn’t think she would be this freaked out about me killing somebody. I mean, she practically watched me stab a pony in the eyes with his own keys.

I moved to approach the mare, but she kicked me away.

“Ow!” I rubbed my chest, which was perfectly fine, as though it had never been broken. “Sage, I’m trying to help you.”

“I’m.... I’m sorry,” The mare apologized, trembling as she stood on all fours. “I just.. I just need to be alone for a minute.”

“Not until I get you healed.” I protested.

“But--okay.” Sage slowly sat on her haunches as I approached, magic ready to heal (to the best of its ability anyway.). She suffered numerous cuts, like she’d been tortured and then was given the misfortune of being put in the hooves of that evil stallion. Bruises covered her body, and parts of her mane were cut short.

“Oh Luna,” I gasped as I examined the wounds. “How long was he at this?”

“Just do what you gotta do.” The mare hissed. “I’m in no mood for this.”

My healing was basic, but it should prove sufficient enough to help her. The bruises began to disappear, and the cuts sealed. She grimaced when I mended to her gash, which didn't seal up completely.She turned to look at me, avoiding eye contact, tears still streaming down her face.

“Hey, you can talk to me.” I tried. “Look, for what its worth, I’m sorry. I meant to come back, but things out in the real world... things are beginning to get crazy, and we were almost there; to Celestia, but it’s going to have to wait. Look, I hate to leave you, but I promise you, it will all be over soon. Would you mind explaining to me how we got here?”

The mare kept her mouth closed, but her expression shifted from anger to.. just depressed. She opened her mouth, but only air escaped it. I decided not to press her, as I’d hate to piss her off, especially after what she’s been through.

I managed to heal the small wounds, only partially sealing her major gashes. She got up and turned to look away. I had desperately wanted to do something to comfort her, but I risked hurting her even more. I don’t know how, but i had a way with doing that to ponies.

I didn't leave the room, since I hadn't a clue as to where we were. Sage sat in the corner of the dark room, a small, dim lamp illuminating her position. She was crying. And I was just standing there watching her like an idiot watching paint dry. My heart pounded when I began to take steps towards the mare.

Sage was sobbing into her hoof, leaning against the wall. I tried to search through my vast vocabulary to find the words to say. The emerald mare paid me no mind, either because she didn't know I was there, or because she was just ignoring me. I struggled again, still trying to do something. I moved forward hesitantly, then moved back, then forward again, this time not questioning in my mind that if I was doing the right thing.

My hooves wrapped around the mare, my chest acting as a sponge for the mare’s tears. I stroked her mane as she cried, trying to be as comforting as possible. The mare looked up from my chest, but still avoided eye contact with me.

“Peacekeeper.” The mare poke in a quivering voice. “We’ll be able to get through this right?”

“Yeah...” I answered, trying not to sound lost. “We’ll get out of here. I’ll make sure you leave this place, even at the cost of my own life.”

Sage gripped me tighter, and I did the same to her. Even though I had only known her for a short time, I felt as though Sage were a pony a knew since we were kids. Whenever I saw her, I was always nervous, though not to the point I couldn't speak. I was nervous because I wanted her to be safe, and since this realm was full of all kinds of creatures and twisted ponies, I always longed to stay at the mare’s side. Sure, I did have thoughts of trying to be more than just a defender for the mare, but I was a Royal Guard doing my duty, not some random stallion who happened to be looking for love.

I hated to put my feelings for the mare aside, but as my duty as a Royal Guard, I was supposed to just protect her, not fall in love with her. I savored this moment like it would be my last; clutching the mare in my hooves, and feeling her warm, soft body against my average, rough body. My heart wanted this moment to last forever, and there was no questioning that Sage was thinking the same thing, based on her body language and how tight she was clutching me.

7: The Root Of All Evil

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Chapter 7: The Root Of All Evil

“Take all of me
The desires that keep burning deep inside
Cast them all away
And help to give me strength to face another day.”

After our intimate moment, sage and I exited the small shack that acted as our torture chambers. It was a crude structure; made out of simple steel plates nailed together in a sloppy fashion. A sign with words far too scribbled out for me to read. The shack was behind a small house, which was full of different ponies, all of which hostile. I had no plans to quarrel with them, unless I had to. Lights moved back and forth from the windows, as though scanning the surrounding area constantly.

Sage and I were stuck in sompony’s backyard; full of weeds and all kinds of dying plants. I would think, for a realm full of nightmares, that I’d find someone in here weeping over the fact that they can’t cut all the weeds, as they’d grow back as soon as they were cut down. A fence stood in my way, when I turned to exit the premises. Tall, steel and enough to keep one of Nightmare Moon’s brutes at bay.

Fuck, I thought. Nothing ever goes my way, huh?

I turned to Sage who was shivering in fear, despite my presence, and our caressing earlier. I told the earth pony to stay close to me and to stay low. We traveled along the steel wall surrounding the house, making sure to make use of the weeds and dying plants. Whenever the light came our way, we would just duck down and stay prone until the light went off to scan some other part of the garden.

“Peacekeeper,” Sage whispered. “There’s two guard ponies out in the front of the house. I don’t think we can sneak past them.”

“Thanks for letting me know,” I replied, ducking down to avoid the spotlight. “I’ll deal with them.”

We approached nearer and nearer to the house, sneaking past the side of the house, though taking longer than I had expected. Ponies were having a normal conversation, like they were in the real world, and if Sage and I were to go back to crouching position then they’d probably spot us.

“You hear?” A stallion with a deep, gravely voice spoke. “Five days and the ponies here in Canterlot, and those crazies, are makin’ it out to the real world!”

My heart stopped, as did my movements. Sage followed my same exact movement; halting, though waiting for me to continue.

“Really?” Another voice spoke. “Nice. From what I hear, it’ll be a real light show. The sky may be dark now, but once Moon get’s that portal up, all kinds of weird shit’ll happen.”

I glanced up as far as I could. My eyes widened once I saw that the sky vortex had grown bigger, seeming to cover the whole world we were trapped in. The sight of the sky made me want to hasten our journey, and arrive in Canterlot within a few hours. Nightmare Moon had a few days to prepare, but I had mere hours before I could acquire her book, which I’d assume to be how she’ll come to the real world. Not only can I delay, if not, stop Nightmare Moon, but I could also free Sage of this hell. And the sooner I do that, the better. We won’t have much time left, or we’ll both be stuck in this place.

Sage moved beside me once we reached the corner. In front of the door to the derelict house, were two stallions, clad in makeshift armor, almost trying to mimic the Royal Guard’s standard issue golden armor. Instead it was rusty scrap metal made into a lightweight raiment. I couldn’t tell if these guys were cultists or just some crazy ponies who roamed this realm. Whoever they were, they were packing enough weapons and supplies to start a war.

“There they are.” Sage whispered. “How do we get around them?”

I thought. How would we get past them? I could use magic, but then there was the problem of alerting the ones in the house. And I didn’t want to deal with them, nor run away for what could be hours. Some ponies had persistence and would chase you for hours trying to get what they want.

I looked around the surrounding area. Ah, I recognized this place! The small town was perched on a hill, acting as a guard outpost. This town was like my old home in Manehattan. Houses and three story apartments were dotted along the blocks, most of which leaning on each other for support. The ones that weren’t on the verge of collapsing were inhabited by cultists (or whoever these ponies were. They sure as hell aren’t cultists). Sage and I were on the part of the town that was perched on top of a hill.

The streets were littered with debris and papers, all of which turned to a brownish color, due to old age. The streets were cracked, some cracks wide enough for water to begin forming inside them. It puzzled me how rain could even exist in a place without clouds. All there was in the sky, was the giant vortex, and the faint faces of the damned. I didn’t know what it was like; having your soul torn from your body, but I did know what it was like to have something and someone taken away from you.

“Oh Celestia...” Sage gasped. “Look at that.” The mare wasn’t referring to the vast amount of cultists approaching, but at the infinite amount of otherworldly beasts that were roaming the left side of the town. They all were varied, but the ones that stood out the most were the onyx shades I had encountered in Ponyville. I remembered what Nocturnal said about them: don’t look them in the eyes, and they will leave you alone. Among them were four legged beasts, though they were too far for me to actually make them out completely. The disfigured ponies were there too; bones jutting out of their hooves, acting as blades. Their shapes were barely visible, but I knew those silhouettes too well.

Beyond those monstrosities, there was a shady outline of the ‘Golden City’. Canterlot was close, but we just needed to escape from this nightmare town and then we’ll set course for the city. If the mare of Nightmares was actually someplace else, then we’d all be in trouble. Judging from the lights emanating from the massive metropolis, there was a chance that Nightmare Moon was huddled up there, hiding behind an army of cultists, and her new general, Illusion.

“Damn,” I said, keeping a close eye on the cult. “We need to wait for them to pass.”

“Peacekeeper,” Sage said, crawling up to my side. “Look: the cultists aren’t attacking the other ponies.”

I glanced to the front entrance of the house beside us. She was right. The stallions standing in their scrap armor were just standing around like nothing was happening. “You’re right. Who are these guys?”

The cultist battalion marching by were heading towards Canterlot’s direction. So far, my suspicions of Canterlot being the main hub for Nightmare Moon were being proven as a fact. Why else would a massive number of cultists be headed in that direction?

“Argh!” I yelped, holding my ears. A deafening roar echoed through the land, all of the ponies in the surrounding area having been affected by it. It was deep, with a shrill harmony roaring with it, creating an outcry of seismic proportions. A sudden burst of pain rose up in my head, and in my side.

“Thought you could sneak out huh?” The stallion wearing the scrap metal Royal Guard armor said.

Ahead of me, the cultists were busy trying to find the source of the noise; thankfully it was still impairing them. I could deal with these ponies and they hopefully wouldn’t notice. The stallion raised his lance, wincing in pain, being afflicted by the roar.

A small force push slammed the lances into the stallions’ jaws and they staggered back. With all the swiftness I had, I pounced on the biggest stallion, who was unable to fight back due to the roar, reaching a volume unfathomable. My mind was almost unable to slip the knockout spell, The other stallion was barely able to get up, as was I.

Fuck, what is that!?

I shot a blue bolt at the stallion, speeding right through him. He dropped with a loud thud, None of the cultists noticed, being too focused on trying to get the sound out of their heads. I didn’t think about hiding the bodies, instead, trying to their best to pry the deafening scream out of their heads.

I glanced at Sage, who was still on the ground, holding onto her head. She was gritting her teeth, and pretty hard from the looks of it. I didn’t bother to warn her, so I just picked the emerald earth pony us and slumped her on my back. At first, Sage began slamming her hooves onto my back, and I’ll tell you, she can deal some pretty good blows given the motivation. With a gentle nudge with my hoof, the mare opened her eyes, saw me, and stopped her resistance.

My mind hadn’t exactly developed a plan completely, but I had a general idea of what I was going to do, no matter the risks. As far as I knew, the battalion of cultists had no unicorns, so they’d have to chase us down, instead of being able to shoot at us.

“Hang on!” I ordered. I didn’t think Sage heard me, but there was no time to check and see if she did. That ear destroying roar began to subside, now echoing through the realm.

We do this now or not at all. I bolted from the dirty house’s lawn and onto the street, raising an arcane barrier around me, strong enough so it could take hits, but light enough for me to maneuver and not drain me of my energy. Cultists gasped as they saw me rush past them with Sage; each one still trying to recover from the deafening roar. I wasn’t immune to the roar or anything, I just had a tolerance for sounds that could tear your eardrums right out. I could thank Jester for that.

“Apprehend him!” A stallion ordered.

My hooves clopped along the cracked pavement, and the religious nuts tried to leap onto me, but could barely lift their own bodies off of the ground, trying to ignore the pain in their heads. I’ll admit, I actually thought that Sage would be heavier than what I was carrying. I honestly thought she would weigh as much as the average pony, but instead, she was like a filly. I moved swiftly, despite the mare on my back, and I managed to avoid many of the attacks the cultists threw at me.

It hit me like a train when I realized that I was heading towards the no man’s land. There were monsters of all sorts everywhere. My heart pounded as I hauled Sage with me across, what seemed like miles. The cultists hooves clopped along the ground as they chased me, but their disorientation worked to my advantage, giving me an edge in speed. My arcane barrier never faltered, even when one of the ponies got bounced off the shield, an addition to my barrier spell. The downhill slope had helped with my speed; giving me a terrific edge in evasion.

Not once, did I look back to see if my followers were still after me. My vision was focused on the rest of the deserted and destroyed town in front of me. There were almost no buildings to shelter us, as they were all almost destroyed, on the verge of collapsing or just too rickety for my taste. The problem was, the monsters were getting closer to me with each step that I took. Well, on the bright side, none of them had noticed me yet, or the cultists following me, if there were any.

“Peacekeeper!” Sage yelled. I quickly turned and sped into an alleyway. It was dark; stuck between two brick structures, each of which vandalized with graffiti and broken glass. Trash piled up at the end of the alleyway, filling my nostrils with a pungent odor, but one that I was able to take in.

I put the mare on the ground, and peeked my head out of the alley, checking the road ahead of us, and behind us. The cultists had long since stopped following me, retracing their steps to the higher part of the town. I turned back to Sage who was shivering, either from the cold winds, or out of fear.

“Keep it down.” I whispered to the mare.

“I’m sorry,” Sage apologized. “I got scared when I saw those things further down in the town. Is there any way around them?”

I peeked my head around the corner again, trying to spot a possible exit route; one that was safe enough for the both of us to travel in. Nothing. There was a brick building ahead of us, but the entrance was caved in, though considering the scale of the structure, there was bound to be another entrance somewhere close by. I didn’t want to risk being spotted by the monsters though. If I alerted one of them, then surely others would come over to attack. Another building proved to be a viable location to use for shelter; the entrance still intact. The beasts seemed to be avoiding that building, which was fortunate for Sage and I.

“How about that building down there?” Sage pointed a hoof at a structure standing in the middle of the downtown area. It was in good shape, despite half of the structure being collapsed. From the looks of it, the building was that of a newspaper company. I couldn’t tell which one, with the sign having fallen off; the glowing letters scattered around the ground in pieces. The only reason that Sage could have pointed this building out was because it may have been the safest way to exit the area. on the highest level of the building was a scrap bridge, placed there by mistake. It led to another building, which was blocked from my view by the apartments and stores in the street.

I didn’t like the idea of entering the newspaper publishing building. It was too big, and we were susceptible to getting ambushed inside. Assuming we didn’t get lost inside the structure, even if we did get to that scrap bridge, where could we go from there? If it led to the rooftops, then we could travel up from there and out of the town, if the roofs were close enough for us to travel from one to another.

In all honesty, I thought we were better off staying on the ground, and trying to sneak our way around the beasts. We could probably navigate our way out of the town faster than moving inside of a building we’d never even been in, and trying to find our way out of said building, via bridge made of scrap metal. I also felt uncomfortable just staring at that shitty bridge.

“I don’t know Sage. There’s an awful lot of nightmare Moon’s pets between us and the building.”

“We can make it if we run right?” The mare gestured with her hooves. “I mean, you had your shield orb spell, so you can always use that.”

“Right, but then we’d have the whole downtown area after us. I don’t want to be on the run from here to Canterlot. I might be able to fight them off, but I’m saving my energy for the real prize.”

“And that would be?”

I glared at the mare. “You know who. I have a score to settle with an old friend.”

Sage took another peek from the corner, glancing at all the obstacles in our way. The monsters were plentiful, spread out not too far, but just enough to be able to apprehend us should we not pay attention to our surroundings. It was as if they knew we were here, but did nothing other than maneuver themselves so they could try and trick us into a trap that we couldn’t see.

“Look, it’s just a straight run from here to there.” Sage kept pushing. “Just keep your barrier up and we could knock any of those beasts out of our way.”

“Fine.” I sighed. “We’ll go with your plan. But: stay within the barrier’s radius, and keep up with me; I’ll be sprinting there and if you fall behind, I might not be able to get back to you.”

Sage recoiled at the last statement. “Wha-why not?”

“See those?” I pointed at the tall, skinny, yet powerful shades with their eyes shining lights on the ground like flashlights. “If either one of us does so much as look them in the face, one of us will undoubtedly end up dead. We can take the chance, but I wouldn’t really want to risk losing either one of our lives.”

“Damn. How do we get out of here then?”

I looked around. There were other places we could go, and make a ‘skip’ in the form of a zig-zag: go from one building on the block to another on the other side of the street. The monsters on the street probably wouldn’t notice. But I still didn’t want to risk it.

Sage let out a short shriek, followed with a painful groan. With swift movement, I shoved Sage out of the way, to come face to face with a grotesque husk of a pony. It was like the first monster I had experienced in the Everfree. Skin was peeling, revealing the stained skull, and patches of fur scattered around the beast’s body.

“Get back!” I ordered Sage, narrowly dodging a swing from the monster’s razors. I ducked when another strike came as quick as the first one came. Two of them!

A bolt of light flashed in my eyes, causing my vision to only convey a green hue. Not my magic. A hoof wrapped around me, as the terrified screams of Sage. My hooves seemed to move on their own, despite my current blind state. Blasts of magic resonated in my ears, almost blocking out Sage’s noise. Cultists managed to get unicorns on their side!

“Look down, look down, look down!” Sage repeated to herself. The screeches from an unknown source sent fear down into my heart, and made my spine tingle. We must have been traversing through the minefield full of monsters and the shades that freaked out when you looked at them must be pissed at something. If Sage was really looking down at the ground while she ran with her three hooves on the ground, then the beasts must be pissed at the unicorns unfortunate enough to met their gaze.

I hadn’t a single clue as to where we were in the town, but I anticipated the moment we would enter a shelter and I could actually try to get my vision back. Wind howled past me, as did arcane bolts, and judging by the sound and the rumble they brought with them as they past us, they came pretty close to hitting us. Sage was breathing heavily, and even almost choked on the very air she breathed in.

The green shade that was once in my eyes had begun to subside, but now darkness had replaced it. I repeated the same process of opening and closing my eyes, but to no avail, save for colors beginning to return to my eyes thankfully.

“They’re getting away!” Somepony yelled.

“Don’t look them in the eyes dumbass!”

“I didn’t, I--Argh!”

I didn’t see it happen, but I felt it and heard it. The sound of flesh being ripped apart, as well as the agonizing screams from the cultist.

A sudden smash into a hard surface, and an impact onto the hard ground, littered with small pebbles and glass fragments digging into my skin, made me bolt back up on my hooves and made me keep running.



Wall. Unfortunately, I had made a literal run-in with it. Thank Celestia, Jester wasn’t here to see such an embarrassing moment. Instead, I had Sage to witness it, and unfortunately, I think it ruined the whole ‘tough rookie’ act. I was crying like a foal, rubbing my bleeding muzzle and wounds from the glass shards and pebbles that had scraped away my skin and fur. Oh, and it’s just when I smash my face that my vision began to return to normal.

I opened my eyes after an eternity of rubbing the pain away, and was greeted by nothing but darkness. I struggled to get an illumination spell, and when I managed to get the dim light through my horn, Sage’s face greeted me, startling both of us.

After we got our bearings, we both stood on all fours and examined our environment. Despite ramming the door open, it had managed to seal itself, locking us in the eerie newspaper publishing building. The walls were cracked, paint peeling, some holes in the walls, revealing some of the wooden frames of the walls. A beige color once layered on the walls, now, the layers were destroyed, some parts even burnt. Junk littered the floor, which was tiled, even though most of said tiles were missing.

Portraits were spread across the hall, various newspaper clippings inside each one. I tried to read a few of the clippings, but the words were too faded for me to read. Sage alongside me, I walked down the ruined hallway, examining every single newspaper headline on the walls.

“Sage,” I spoke averting my attention from the clippings to the mare. “I’ve been meaning to ask you; how did we wind up out here?”

“Oh, right,” The mare blushed. “After your fight with that other stallion, I uh... went back to my old shop in the town, and got some ingredients. There was no time to mix them up properly, but I managed to get you to drink most of the potion. From that point on I... hauled you on a small wagon, like the ones for fillies and colts.”

I smirked at the mare, causing her to blush even more. “Why are you blushing like that? It’s alright, it’s not like anypony can hear us.”

“I...A...At first, I didn’t know what to do with you after that fight. I...I was devastated. I was crying my eyes out. I went up to your body and did the first thing I thought was right. P-please don’t judge me when I tell you this.”

“You have my word.”

“I....I,” The mare’s face lit up and was almost actually illuminating the hall. “gave you mouth-to-mouth. At first I was actually trying to get you to breath, but then...”

“Wait; trying to get me to breath and then wha..”

I stopped myself. It hit me like a freight train.

“It became more than just simple mouth-to-mouth.” Sage spoke, looking down at her hooves, tears falling from her eyes. “I thought I’d lost you Peacekeeper. I didn’t know how else to handle the situation.”

I put my hoof on the mare’s shoulder. “Well, for what it’s worth, I guess I appreciate the honesty, and... what you did for me.”

The mare smiled as I pulled her closer to walk down the hall. For a Royal Guard who was trying to avoid a relationship with the mare he was supposed to defend with his life, I was doing a pretty shitty job so far.

As we progressed through the dark path, the newspapers became less of a challenge to decipher. Each one made my heart skip a beat. There seemed to be nothing, but bad news hung up on the walls.

Death in the Aegis Manor. One headline read.
The town’s mayor was found dead in his house, after being missing for several days. Skipping ahead a bit. Ponies are worried, as this is the fourth murder in the town. More Guards have been called to the town, by Luna’s orders. The massive manhunt for the murderer continues, though the townsfolk are beginning to have doubts about their safety.

I moved along the wall, examining the other newspaper clippings, my heart pounding, trying to find out more about the town’s origin.

Four ponies go missing after search for missing colt. Another headline read.
Shady characters in the area suspected to be the cause of disappearance, and the townsfolk are starting to point hooves as to who is to blame for their pain and suffering. We sent one of our reporters to interview the characters, but they replied with this: ‘We have nothing to do with the disappearing ponies, but our Mistress may hold the clues.’ Upon further investigation, we have yet to find out who ‘their mistress’ is.

Cultists behind the murders and disappearances!
Royal Guards were stunned when Wristwatch, a mare who had just moved into town, was found, battered and cut half to death outside of their station. Before losing her life in the hospital, Watch revealed the location of what she believed to be the location of where the ponies who had gone missing were located. Once Royal Guards have located the house, they were too late to disrupt the murder already taking place, but they have taken the cultists into their custody. Ponies in town are pleading for a death sentence for the cultists, though the Royal Guards have not made the decision yet. According to a Royal Guard sentry, trial will begin ‘when we have enough information as to what these ponies were trying to do.’ The same sentry later spoke, saying that ‘justice will be swift, and we will be sure nothing like this happens again.’

The murders continue, but who is behind them?
It has been three month since the town’s tragedies, but now it seems that they are returning. This time, Royal Guards were the targets for the murders. Eyewitness accounts report a ‘shade’ entering and leaving the town’s borders, taking the remains of somepony with it.

The rest of the paper was burnt, and beyond reading. so I turned to the next.

Shades confirmed to be the cause of murders!
Eyewitness reports tells of shades moving in and out of the borders of our once peaceful town. Five ponies are reported to be dead by looking at the shades too long. A reporter from outside of town had given us pictures of the shades, but we cannot allow the public to see those images, nor can we post it in these papers after the disaster in town hall. Royal Guards are said to be coming into town this Friday, bringing excessive force to rectify any problems they might encounter, and to protect the terrified ponies in town.

“By Celestia...” I gasped. These clippings date back to two years ago. How had I not heard about this at that time? Then again this was local news, but still, this had to reach out to Canterlot news. I moved on to the next portrait, pictures of balloons and confetti, obviously drawn by a foal.

Attacks cease! The town is safe!
After a large influx of extra protection, and transformation of this town into a Royal Guard civilian outpost, the attacks have stopped coming in. The town is beginning to boom with life again, and now we could all go back to our normal activities. Royal Guard, Silver Blade, had suggested building a memorial for those who died during this act of terror, and that is just what the ponies here are going to do.

“Oh my...” I gasped again, Sage reading the same clipping. “Sage, do you know what this means?”

“Is this..?” The mare paused, trying to comprehend what she had just read.

“I think... I think this is where Nightmare Moon began reforming herself. I mean look at this, Cultists? Shades? That’s exactly what’s happening out there in Ponyville.”

“Oh Luna... Peacekeeper, we need to get back out there! I mean in the real world! Luna and Celestia need to know about this.”

“I’m sure they already do by now.” I pointed towards a previous headline, and showed Sage. “You see? ‘A large influx of Royal Guards.’ Celestia knows about this, and she has known about it for a while. The only reason why this could continue is if she thought the problem solved.”


I jumped from the sudden burst of movement at the end of the halls. Sage let out a short shriek, and huddled to my side like a filly hiding behind her parent. I had no blade to ready, and no armor to protect me, as it was stripped away from me. My horn was glowing, not just from my dim illumination spell, but from the energy stored inside, ready to come out.

“Shit!” A voice yelled, followed by growls of an unknown monster. A sudden snap, and the pony’s heavy panting was cut short. I recoiled when blood appeared on the wall, right in front of a doorframe. A high pitched bestial sound resonated in the same room the blood came from. I ordered Sage to stand close to the doorframe, but not to enter the room. My head careened around the corner, trying to get a glimpse of what was in the room.

A pungent odor triggered the first sense in me, other than the high pitched sounds that resonated through the room. I extinguished the light from my horn, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever beast may be in the room. Nothing. It was too dark for me to see anything, and I feared that if I remade the light, no matter how dim it was, I would disturb whatever monster was inside.

Fuck it.

A green light emanated from my horn, revealing a horde of atrocities in the area. They were the same beings from the streets outside of this building, except, they were the short nimble ones instead of the medium sized ones. Sage and I encountered them when I first met the mare. What were once ponies were now demons transformed by the ruler of this realm, and I was about to put them out of their misery.

I entered the room, my horn ready to blast anything that got in my way. One beast darted toward me, rushing along with three others. I shot the middle beast, a rotten brown liquid sputtering from the wound. The other two rotten ponies rose up in unison to attack me, but I used a quick force shield spell to knock them back. I ducked from an unsuspected slice from one of the beefier former ponies, and shot three arcane bolts into its stomach.

“Watch out!” Sage warned. I turned around, almost getting my eyes cut out by the blades made of bones. I charged at the being, tackling it to the ground. Upon impact, a loud snap resonated. These things were damn fragile!

Several more beasts ran towards me, and I put up my reflective barrier. Several audible screams sounded in my ears as each of the monsters bounced off the barrier and into the walls. Cracks and snaps came from most of the monsters, but only three got up and charged at me. As they did so, they groaned, as if trying to form words.

“!” One of them managed to say. I was taken back by the sudden gruff voice that the beast had managed to speak. I had barely managed to shoot the one that spoke to me. As he fell to the ground,he let out a relieved sigh, something I hadn’t expected.

The movement of the other two beasts snapped me out of my trance,but too late. A searing hot pain rose up in my hoof, and another in my chest.

“Fuck!” I yelled, letting out a force blast that shook most of the objects in the room. The beasts were reduced to crimson and maple splats on the walls, and most of the metal objects in the room were all dented from the force of the arcane push. All except for one metal cabinet. Blood was leaking slowly from behind the doors. I signaled for Sage to enter the room.

“How did you do that?” Sage questioned. “That was powerful!”

“Lots of practice.” I said. “There’s something in there, so stand back. Whatever it is might not be friendly.”

Slowly I approached the dented, bleeding metal cabinet, magic ready to kill whatever was inside. As I got closer, the muffled pants of a pony echoed inside, obviously terrified. I glanced back at Sage, who was standing beside a metal shelf system and a derelict desk, and averted my attention back to the cabinet. My arcane grip held the handle and my willpower was focused towards my horn, though I wouldn’t kill whatever was inside unless it did anything to me.

“Gotcha!” I yelled,opening the door. “Come out and....”

I couldn’t finish my warning. How could I? Sage gasped and ran to my side. Inside the dented cabinet on the lowest shelf, sat a small grey filly. She had been inside for some time. She was covering her head, and weeping, hoping I wouldn’t hurt her. I wouldn’t.... couldn’t do anything to her. Her coat was stained with blood, and the liquids from the creatures I had just vanquished. Tears had covered her cheeks, and she had suffered from a massive cut on her hooves. Her hazel mane was unkempt, almost like mine, though considering the circumstances, her mane wasn’t naturally like that. A wire was wrapped around her neck, with something attached to it.

The small pegasus in the cabinet just wept, and kept her eyes closed. She made no sounds, other than her whimpers, but that was all. I looked at Sage, and the mare did the same with me. The mare then averted her attention to the filly, and knelt down beside her, not taking her out of the cabinet.

“Hey, hey.” The mare comforted in a soothing voice. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. We’re here to help. Please. Just listen to me.”

The filly didn’t leave her position, but instead opened her eyes. They sparkled a beautiful sapphire color.

“It’s okay, you can come out from there. We’re not going to hurt you. You can trust me.”

The small pegasus relaxed, but stayed on her guard. She lifted herself from the uncomfortable position, and glanced at me, fear in her eyes. I felt bad--no, not even. I felt torn apart in the inside. I was supposed to be a role-model for fillies and colts, but this was the first time I had ever seen a pony as young as this filly ever be afraid of me. It was like I had betrayed my duties as a Royal Guard.

The pegasus approached Sage, who pulled the grey filly close to her and engaged in a comforting hug. The filly began to cry silently into Sage’s mane, the mare stroking the small pony.

“The monsters are all gone. I’ll keep you safe. Just take your time.”

I stood watching, trying to find words to reassure the small pegasus that I wasn’t anything to be afraid of. So far, I got nothing. Once the filly had stopped crying, Sage broke away from her, and looked into her eyes.

“Are we okay now?”

The filly nodded.

“Alright. Let’s see... can you tell me your name? I’m Sage. This here, is Peacekeeper. He’s a Royal Guard. What’s your name?”

The filly looked away, not opening her mouth to say anything. Was she nervous? Did she not trust us? If that were the case, she probably wouldn’t have hugged Sage. There was something wrong about her that was making her silent.

“Its okay; you can talk to us. Please, I just want to know your name. Can you tell me?”


I spoke up. “Look, I’m sorry for scaring you. Please, just trust us. I can get all three of us out of here.”

The filly just turned to show me the wire around her neck, and the piece of something attached to it. Letters were scribbled on it reading Dark Breeze.

“Dark Breeze? That’s a nice name. Look I don’t want to stay in here for any longer. How about you come with us? I made it this far with Sage, so I’m sure I can make it out of here with you with us. Please. It’s for your own well being.”

I extended a hoof to the reluctant filly, and gave an expression of sympathy. I wouldn’t let Nightmare Moon poison our youth, and turn their innocence into corruption,

With an encouraging smile, Sage got up and extended her hoof along with mine. The filly had a smidge of distrust in her eyes, but had inched closer to us. She seemed to be debating the thought if she should come with us or not. Slowly she reached out her hoof and made contact with mine. She relaxed more when I did nothing to harm her, and pulled herself closer to me.

“Come on,” I said pulling the filly onto my back. “Let’s get you out of here.”

8: The Ministry Of Lost Souls

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Chapter 8: The Ministry of Lost Souls

“Living in a world without love
(a burden to my soul)
Is living in a worthless world
So I will call on you...”

“How are we going to do this?” I questioned Sage. After what seemed like hours of traversing the desolate building, we had managed to make our way to the top, but there was only one problem in our way. The debris bridge.

It was a more menacing sight up close. It constantly shook, and pieces of rock and debris fell off and onto the ground. The iron bars that acted as supports into both our building and the other lower one, but I had a feeling that too much weight would make it tumble down to the war on the ground. Cultists were having an epic duel with the seemingly indestructible shades. The bridge creaked and was obviously on the verge of stopping the battle down below.

“Well,” Sage finally spoke up. “We can go one at a time. I mean, the distance from here to there isn’t that far if you think about it. Just slide down, and stop yourself every once in awhile.”

“Who’s going first then?” I asked. Instantly, Sage’s gaze fell upon me, and I was just able to feel Breeze’s. I let out a sigh, and let Breeze get off of me, and watched her rush over to Sage. I looked down at the bridge, knowing that the slope would require me to slide from one piece of still debris to another. I knew that somehow, I’d fuck it up. Again, I looked over at Sage, full of worry, but the mare only smiled and gestured for me to proceed.

Without the proper motivation, I felt helpless. Sage’s smiles and good looks always helped me through the short time I had been in this realm, but nothing was going to help me with my phobias. I took a single step onto the scrap metal bridge, and felt a sudden jolt go through my body. I flew back, thinking that the whole thing was about to collapse. Of course, it wasn’t going to do any such thing, but I had my suspicions. Another go at it, and I was standing on a perch of debris, looking down at the massive slope ahead of me. The amount of cracks and even some of the small holes on the concrete and metal bridge didn’t fortify my courage at all.

“Here we go!”

I jumped off of the perch and met with the concrete slope, sliding at a moderate pace. Pieces of debris seemed to make a path for me, letting me slide through with ease, aside from the constant burning of my hooves against the concrete.

“Peacekeeper Watch out!” Sage called out.

“Argh!” I yelped in pain. “Gah, fuck, my fucking knee!”

My leg had smashed into a broken piece of rubble, only damaging my knee though. I was starting to lose my balance, and was on the verge of falling on my side. Considering how much my hooves were burning from the drag along the concrete and the small pebbles, I could only imagine what my sides would look like should I land on them.

A lengthy piece of rebar stood from the bridge, and to stop myself, I wrapped my hooves around it, inertia making the rest of my body thrust itself forward, but I maintained my grip on the rebar. A disgusting feeling rose up in my stomach, and suddenly I became overwhelmed with nausea. My body remained on the piece of rebar, trying to keep hold, and the creaking of the rusted iron didn’t help fortify my faith in the support of the structure. How did a scrap bridge even form in between the news building and the neighboring apartment beside it? Must’ve been a Nightmare Moon placing thing for this realm, trying to make this place look as destroyed and deserted as possible. It almost worked for me, but then there was Sage, Breeze, and a shitload of monsters and cultists that wanted to do nothing more except for kill.

I glanced down at the slope, the damn thing appearing steeper and longer than it really was. Sweat began to form the longer I stared at the slope, but I managed to reassure myself that I was (hopefully) only a quarter of the way to the apartment’s roof. Just a little further and I wouldn’t need to endure anything as terrifying as this again, or anytime soon. I looked up to Sage and Breeze, who were both looking at me with confidence. I may have been the only way for them to get out of this realm, but right now, as a Royal Guard, I needed to protect the innocent and Equestrian youth.

“Sage!” I yelled. “Do you think you can get Breeze down here?”

The filly’s ears twitched and her eyes seemed to sink deeper into her skull.

“Why?” Sage asked for Breeze.

“I might be able to get her onto the roof of the apartment here. Just trust me!”

Uncertainty spread across the mare’s face. Obviously she doubted my arcane prowess, but I didn’t blame her. It was a pretty straightforward request I had just made for her. And I was asking for a lot of Breeze; trying to test her courage and faith in me. Honestly, I wanted what was best for Breeze, since she was a filly, traumatized to the point that she couldn’t speak, but even I was beginning to doubt myself, although just moments ago I was ready to go with the plan.

“I don’t think she want’s to go down by herself. I’m coming down with her.”

“Wait, just wait,” I spoke looking back down at the slope. “I-I want to get off this thing now.”

Almost out of fear, eagerness or both, I released my grip of the rebar, and slipped on down the scrap bridge. I screamed like a little pegasus filly falling off of a cloud and to her impending doom. I fell on my back, and began kicking, as if I were going to actually hit something. Once the land beneath me disappeared, I had practically strained my vocal cords; screaming, fearing that I would end up breaking a few bones and I would be unable to carry on with this journey.


“Well.” I groaned. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought.”

“Peacekeeper?” Sage called. “Are you alright?”

I opened my eyes, glancing up at the vortex in the sky. I sat up, my rear end and back throbbing with pain from the impact. “I’m still alive! You coming down?”

There was a brief silence.

“A-alright! We’re coming down!”

I backed up along the roof, making sure that I didn’t stumble over the edge of the rusted railings, and obtained a visual of the mare and filly. Shaking as she approached the edge, Sage almost dropped Breeze from her back numerous times, but the filly managed to cling on. I braced myself to catch them from the seemingly long slope. In truth, the slope was pretty short. The only reason I took so long going down, was because I was falling at such a painfully slow rate that everything seemed longer.

Sage took one step on the small slope, but instantly lost her balance and fell, dropping Breeze onto the ground. They both didn’t gain much speed coming down, mainly since Breeze was using her wings to try and fly back up to the top of the slope, and Sage was trying to grip onto the various objects around her, but her shaky hooves wouldn’t allow it. Now that I thought about it, the scrap path down to me was moderately long.

Breeze’s wings gave out and suddenly, she found herself zipping past Sage, managed to dodge one of the holes on the bridge, and came down like a highly energized pony on drugs. I barely had enough time to use magic to catch the filly, which resulted in us tumbling over, though I only staggered, while Breeze fell flat on her face.

“You okay there?” I asked the filly, then repeating the question to Sage when Breeze didn’t answer. The emerald earth pony was hanging on to a piece of rebar--the same one I was hanging onto.

“A-a-am I a-almost down?”

“Just let go,” I suggested, bracing myself again. “I’ll catch you. Magic, remember?”


I heard the mare speak to herself, and suddenly, she came down to me, at half the rate of Breeze, but she still managed to catch me off guard.


Again, my shattered form lay on the ground, beaten by two of the most clumsiest ponies I’d ever come across. Upon returning to my hooves, I was drawn to the edge of the rooftop by the tormented screams of the cultists below. Sage and I glanced over the edge of the roof, and down towards the battle raging below.

The battle wasn’t really that far down from us. Just a couple of floors down and that was it. Thankfully, Sage, Breeze and I could easily pass through the battle, by jumping from roof to roof. We could literally jump around, and exit the town completely unnoticed. It was a slightly ingenious plan.

The monsters, amazingly, were beginning to retreat from the cultists’ attacks, but only the tall skinny shades stayed and tore the cultists apart. Literally. Ripping limbs off of their bodies and using the dismembered limbs as weapons to kill the ones who were too stupid to realize that the more you bothered the shades, the more pissed off it got.

I could care less about the ponies getting killed. As long as it was no one that I knew, then I was almost alright with it. These ponies were cultists and deserved no mercy for doing what they’re doing. If somepony just joined their organization, then it was their fault for believing that Nightmare Moon had the better way, and Celestia wasn’t the rightful ruler of this land. If they died, they only had themselves to blame.

“Let’s get moving.” I suggested to the Sage and Breeze, both still watching the battle down below.

“Let’s move it!” I yelled.

Both Sage and Breeze were snapped out of their trance and trotted behind me, ready to journey through the whole neighborhood by the roofs. Just jump over the small gaps. Piece of cake right?

I glanced back at the emerald mare and grey filly, and back at the other roof, littered with trash and debris, probably due to the events with the trash bridge that connected the news building with this small apartment complex. It was time to finally get out of here and get into Canterlot. If we managed to get out of this town, then we could sneak into Canterlot through the city’s sewage system. As disgusting as it sounds, there was a catwalk around in there that overlooked all the liquids, and hopefully Nightmare Moon didn’t destroy that. Trekking through all that mucky waters... ugh. Fucking disgusting. A total nightmare for me.

“Alright, let’s get out of here.” I stepped back, and got a running start, though it was unnecessary. I jumped, and felt as if it were a big leap of faith. I found that the roof I landed on was closer than expected. I turned back to Sage and Breeze, both of which snickering at me. Well there goes my self-esteem.

A simple trot over the short gap and the earth pony and pegasus made it over the roof and next to me. Now it was time to repeat the process about thirty more times.

And that was exactly what we did. Well, I jumped around. Breeze and Sage kept walking over the gaps, and sometimes Breeze even glided over some of the gaps that actually required effort to go over. Again, what remained of my self esteem was now gone, as a filly was able to jump the roofs of this town with more courage than I; a Royal Guard. It was a little heartwarming to see the once depressed Breeze seemingly having fun just by jumping around.

Although I had endured a rigorous training routine as a colt who just joined the Royal Guard, all of this roof jumping was taking a lot out of me. My breaths came in short pants, and my jumps became short skips over each gap. My phobia of heights didn’t exactly help me with this either. Once the sounds of pain and death had stopped ringing in my ears, I slowed my pace.

“Damn this is one hell of a workout.” I sighed upon jumping on the tiled slanted roof of somepony’s house.

“Well it is for you,” Sage remarked. “You’re jumping from one rooftop to the next. You didn’t even need to jump the whole time, you could have just walked over the small gaps.”

“Where’s Breeze?”

Sage opened her mouth to speak, but the small grey pegasus appeared, seemingly out of thin air, right behind Sage, grinning at me. Probably laughing to herself that she had more balls than I did when it came to heights. Hell, she was a pegasus after all.

“Are we almost out of the town?” Sage questioned.

I glanced over the gentle slope of the roof to see how long we had to go in order to leave this town. The borders weren’t far off. Just two more buildings in front of us, and then we’d have to make a descent onto the streets below and continue from there. There were more homes ahead, but to jump from our height down there would break our legs.

“Just a little more and we’ll-”

“Ah, Peacekeeper!” A disturbingly majestic voice called.

Fuck me.

Sage and Breeze both ran over the slope of the roof, leaving me with the stallion clad in his nightmarish armor.

“I had hoped that I hadn’t been...” The stallion pondered as he hovered in the air, using his magic to create a platform in the air. “Too rough with you.”

“What do you want?” I kept a stern tone in my voice, trying to mask my fear.

“Nightmare Moon has a plan for you. She-no, we know what you’re doing, and I’m going to make sure you don’t achieve your goal. You two are coming with me.”

Illusion glanced at Sage, and recoiled in surprise at the sight of Breeze. “Ah, and who is this?”

Illusion’s arcane grip wrapped around Breeze and he lifted her up off the ground and closer to him, examining the little filly. “Hmm. And what might your name be hmm?”

The filly shook her head, not saying a word to the stallion. Illusion said nothing, and plopped her back down next to Sage. He fixed his gaze back onto me.

“This is between us, and us only is it not?” Illusion lowered himself so he was at my level. “Let’s keep it just between us shall we?”

His horn flared and everything went black.

My eyes opened, but I wasn’t in any place I’d ever seen before.

In front of me was a grand structure, one that rivals the size of Canterlot Royal Palace. Columns supported the structure, and about a thousand steps lead to the base of the columns. I hate stairs. The obsidian building had statues perched on top of the stairs, both of a different species--a pegasus and a griffon. The edges of the building and the stairs were trimmed with a golden material, and a violet aura emanated from the whole structure.

Illusion was nowhere in sight. Neither was Sage or Breeze. It was just a forest with dead trees. And cracks in the ground, some wide enough to practically be considered a natural moat around the grand building. The sky still had the twisted faces of ponies and the vortex in the center. Still, nopony in sight.

I turned my body back to the grand structure, recoiling when it happened. I never wanted my body to make the movement, but instead, something made me move.

“Magnificent isn’t it?” Illusion’s smug tone spoke.

The stallion appeared beside me. “I found this out here not too long ago. Come, walk with me.”

My hooves moved on their own, going up the steps with Illusion by my side.

“You see,” The crimson stallion spoke. “When Nightmare Moon came and possessed the Princess a thousand years ago, she wanted to have, not only eternal night, but to rule in a perfect society without any opposition. Of course, her sister opposed the idea, and well, Celestia tried to make a compromise. you know about that right?”

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Instead Illusion continued to speak.

“Oh! What am I saying, of course you know! Princess Celestia suggested to have both of their celestial objects in the sky at the same time. You know what that created? The infamous eclipse. Nightmare Moon relished the idea for a time, but as greed returned to her, she decided that it would be night forever, up until Celestia banished her. That’s the short version. Luna, now, not then, can’t watch everypony’s dreams and protect them. With her own battle waging inside her head, there’s less focus on Equestria’s civilians. Eventually Nightmare Moon finds them instead of Luna, and the Princess of Nightmares recruits them into the cult, If she deems them worthy.”

“I don’t get it,” I managed. “What does the eclipse have to do with any of this?”

“I guess I did skip over that didn’t I? Well, it’s quite simple you see, when the eclipse occurs, both Celestia and Luna are at their weakest state. You see, they both have to raise their celestial bodies, but also have to part them too. When Luna is at her weakest... well, I’m sure you can piece this together.”

And that I did. When Nightmare Moon senses the weakness in Princess Luna, that’s when she’ll unleash her powers and try and take over Luna, this time erasing any opposition within. Shit, Nightmare Moon was going to take her own form... permanently! I have to warn the Princess!

We reached the top of the stairs, and continued into the building. There were no walls, just a perfect view of the environment around us, with the occasional columns blocking the view. It was as black as night, and the only light sources were from the torches that were lit on the columns and the outside.

I felt like a burden has been taken off of my back, and was able to move freely again. A sword appeared in front of me, a golden hilt and silver blade. The symbol of the sun was inscribed into the blade. A polar opposite version of this blade appeared in Illusion’s arcane grip. He levitated a black bag in front of me, the one that was a part of his armor.

“I’m sure that this is what you’re looking for. You can have it, if you can best me in the field of battle. If I beat you, then you’ll spend the rest of your days here in the Canterlot Dungeon.”

I shivered. I knew that my chances of winning were slim, but I needed to take this chance. “Deal.”

“Well then, shall we?”

Illusion dropped the bag, and raised his blade. I raised mine, and got ready for the stallion’s furious blows. My gut told me that this whole ordeal wasn’t going to end very well.

“Whenever you’re ready friend.” Illusion gave me another one of his smug smirks, which honestly pissed me off every time he did it. “No holding back.”

I attacked without warning, shocking the stallion, although he still blocked the attack, just barely. I cursed under my breath, and tried for another attack, but it was blocked again. Illusion’s blade came for another attack, but luckily, I managed to deflect the blow, and land a slick slice on his armor, but he seemed to have shrugged it off. I shot a blast of magic at Illusion, slightly disorienting him, and I jabbed my blade into the stallion’s side.

Finally! I’d managed to draw blood from this rouge! His armor was stained with dripping blood, but Illusion seemed unfazed by the stab wound, A blinding light flashed in my eyes, followed by what seemed like fire engulfing my body.

Shit, I was getting sliced and stabbed to death! A sudden heavy steel force slammed into my face, and I soared into the air, and upon impact, I squeaked along the floor. My body was on fire, full of pain from whatever damage had been done to me.

The blinding light was gone, and I regained my vision. Blood seeped through numerous little wounds and slices. It took all my strength to stand up on my hooves, and when I did, Illusion didn’t hold back.

His blade’s hilt slammed into my head, and a blast of magic burned into my back, shoving me back onto the ground, and a kick from Illusion made me slide across the slick ground. I tried to stand, only to be gripped by Illusion’s powerful magic, and lifted up off the ground. An arcane force smashed into my ribs, the familiar broken pain back in them, and another force into my chest, with the same pain returning. I dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

My breaths came in short pants, and my magic was weak. I tried to raise myself again, but the broken bones in my body wouldn’t allow it. Was there anyway to get luck and hit a weak spot on this pony? Maybe I could do what I did before, and try to disorient him, and attack with a barrage of my own attacks. Or maybe I could just stick to my regular arcane attacks and use the blade when he would least expect it. Damnit, why did the best battlemage in the Royal Guard have to be recruited in such a brutal cult? Why was it Illusion, my mentor and my superior, had to be a fucking idiot and join the wrong side at the wrong time?

A vial rolled in front of my eyes, cylindrical, with a crimson liquid inside. I glanced up at Illusion. it was obviously he, who gave it to me. I didn’t even care. My body was badly damaged, and I wanted--no. I needed to kill him. Illusion was the only thing standing between a safe and protected world, or a world ruled in a dark eternal night.

“Hmm, back for more?” Illusion spoke.

The wounds were starting to fade away, and my strength--both physical and mental--was starting to return. My vision became less blurred, and I gripped my blade again. It was time to whip his ass.

I lashed out at the stallion, actually catching by surprise this time. He fell from the sudden tackle and I rose my sword up to stab, but it was too slow. Another slice was blocked. Magic bullets rained from my horn, most of which impacting Illusion and his arcane barrier.

The shield broke, and my blade rose, ready and thirsty for blood. It lunged at him, only to crack the marble ground where his head used to be. Again, I rose the blade, but Illusion moved his head to the side. I shot a blast of magic at the stallion, stunning him, and rose my blade up again. A single stab to the head would have killed anypony, but Illusion just... just...


Into thin air.

“What the fuck?”

A force smashed into my back, throwing me across the room. Like a cat, I managed to stick the landing, and slid on the ground. Illusion did exactly what his name implied; create a duplicate and tricked me into thinking I was fighting him.

“Come on! The fun’s just beginning.”

I threw my blade at him, catching him off guard, and while he was busy blocking the tossed blade, my horn shot a barrage of bullets, all of which slamming against, and piercing Illusion’s armor. Blood appeared from the holes in his azure armor, but the stallion still stood, almost unfazed by the deadly attack. I was surprised by all of the blows he was able to take.

“Damn,” Illusion spoke through pants. “I didn’t think you’d be standing still. I’ll give you something to think about though.”

My heart skipped a beat. I remembered the last time he said that to a pony. I swore that I’d get that book back, but if this was only a fraction of Illusion’s abilities, then I don’t think that I would be able to carry out my task.

“Sorry Peacekeeper, but this is over.”

Illusion’s horn flared, and a crimson orb floated in front of him. Electricity flowed through the orb, and it gradually became larger, and seemingly more unstable. When it was about the size of an average colt or filly, Illusion blasted energy towards the orb, and on it came, heading towards me.

“Oh shit!” I yelled, rolling away from the ball that was hurdled towards me. It was just the last second, any moment sooner and I would be blasted and smeared across the ceiling.

I glanced back at where the ball and beam were heading.


My eyes widened once the orb disappeared, and a thick cloud of smoke blanketed the area. The material that made the column was reduced to a white-hot molten state, some even reduced to rubble along the ground.

Illusion shot another orb, and again I almost died. Another orb, and I rolled again. This time when I got up Illusion was no longer charging another attack. Fuck, he was doing the damn disappearing act again.

A sudden strike knocked the wind out of me, and another into my chest. I was on the ground now, still trying to catch my breath. Illusion’s shadow loomed over me,his hoof raised and incoming for a strike to my face.

“Gah,” I yelled in frustration upon waking up in the real world. “Fuck!”

I was in the Royal Palace, in the infirmary for the Royal Guards. The doctors had placed me on a table, steel, with a cushion placed on top. The walls were a beige color, and the windows only reflected so much light, it was amazing that it was actually the middle of the night. The doctors, nurses and even some of the patients were all staring at me, as if I were some kind of madman.

Beside me sat Nocturnal, and Twilight--both of which were covered in bandages and bruises, and were ready to subdue me should they have to. I calmed, trying to gather my thoughts. Illusion did it again: Whipped my ass and sent me back to the real world. I was so close though! If the fake Illusion were real, then I would have the book in my possession. But The battle wasn’t lost yet! Luna could still help me with this! All I had to do was inform her of the trouble we were in and she could probably find her way through the dream world. She could do that... right?

“Calm Rookie,” Nocturnal spoke. “What happened.”

“I need to get to Luna.” I replied. I hopped off the table and onto my hooves. The doctors and nurses came to me, wanting me to go back on the table, but I managed to get them to let me go.

“You didn’t answer the question.” Twilight said, following me out of the room and into the grand halls of the castle. “We need to know what happened.”

“I had the book. Damnit, I had it. Illusion and I fought, but he came out on top. Again!” I stopped in the middle of the hall, trying to figure out where I was, before another thought came to me. “Where are the others? Your friends and the Royal Guards?”

“Jester is fine, with Celestia, informing her of all that’s happened so far. Paladin is with her too.”

“Twilight’s friends? Are they safe?”

“My friends are fine,” Twilight answered, an expression of sorrow spread on her face. “Fluttershy though...”

My heart stopped. “Is she...?”

“She’ll live.” nocturnal answered. “She just needs to... recover. Mentally, I mean.”

I let out a sigh of relief and continued down the halls, looking for the throne room. We were one step closer to ending this mess. With the help of the Elements and Luna, Nightmare Moon could be defeated, but that would take some time, considering that I had to get that damn book back from Illusion.

“Before we fought, Illusion told me when Nightmare Moon planned to attack. Luna needs to know when so we can get the Royal Guards ready for an attack anywhere around Canterlot.”

“When’s the attack?” Asked Nocturnal.

“And will the Royal Guard be enough?” Twilight questioned, stepping ahead of me since I obviously had no clue where I was going.

I pondered the questions. I already know the answer to the first one. The Eclipse Celebration was supposed to be in a few days, maybe four or five. Would that be enough time for us to stop Nightmare Moon’s plans though? I haven’t earned a taste of her powers, but if she managed to give Illusion that much of a power boost, then I could only imagine what an Alicorn was capable of.

As for the Royal guards being enough, I wasn’t exactly sure of that myself. I didn’t even know where Nightmare Moon’s army would begin to attack. Plus if there was any other monster in her realm that she’d release and wreak havoc upon the land. There was a ton of things to think about before we began our attack on Nightmare Moon. Once I got the book, we had control of everything. Hopefully.

I still remember what Nightmare Moon said about the book. It was nothing but a portal to the dream realm--a way to get in and to do whatever you please. If you wanted to get out all you had to do was just sleep in the realm. It was a strange place, literally the same place within a different realm.

“Here we are,” Twilight spoke, gesturing towards the throne room--guarded by two Lunar Guards and two Royal Guards-- taking pride in her ability to navigate through the castle. “We probably shouldn’t interrupt the princess.”

“Jester’s already briefing the princess.” I said, stopping in front of the four guards. Nocturnal came beside me, and the four did a salute before opening the door. I was, in a way, surprised that Nocturnal had managed to ponies to salute her. illusion was able to come and go whenever he wanted, but never earned a salute. Hell, he was at least one rank higher, but never got a salute.

In the center of the room was Jester, beside her Paladin stood, armed to the teeth with a short sword on her hip, a broadsword on her back, and an axe on her right side, wrapped along her hip opposite of her sword. She donned a heavy armor; silver steel that encased most of her hooves and body. Beside her was another pony, a fiery red, with the same armor, but a blade that was forged with a wavy edge.

In front of them were the two princesses themselves. Luna, for the first time in a long time, seemed calm and collected, while Celestia was still trying to take in the information. This was also the first time I’d seen Luna’s hair just like her sister’s; almost misty, but instead of the rainbow colors, it was like a starry night sky had formed.

The room turned and looked at the three of us. Nocturnal and I did our regular bows to the princesses, and so did Twilight, but only for a short moment before trotting to the majestic silver Alicorn.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight whinnied.

“Oh Twilight!” The princess wrapped a wing around the unicorn and nuzzled her mane. “I’m so glad to see that you’re alright. Your friends? Are they okay?”

“Yes, yes, they’re fine! They’re in the public hospital, but the damage wasn’t too severe thankfully.”

The princess broke free from her hug, and turned towards Nocturnal and I, as did Luna. We both stood normally and faced the two Alicorns. Princess Celestia approached me first, smiling slightly. “So you are the one Jester was talking about?”

My mind went blank. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. How do I respond without making myself sounding like an idiot? “Y-yes sir--uh Ma’am!”

A slight chuckle came from the princess, but then she regained her serious composure. “Peacekeeper, is it?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Your friend Jester, fortunately, informed us of what happened in the past few days.” Luna spoke, fear apparent in her voice. “Please, tell us about what happened after you read the book.”

I glanced at Nocturnal, who just nodded and waited for me to speak. I sighed, and then began. I started off from when I woke up in the dilapidated hospital. The memories of the whole event seemed crystal clear, and each time I remembered almost getting caught, I swore that I was literally reliving the moment. The intensity was still there. I continued up to the point when I met Sage. I wasn’t sure if it was wise to tell of my growing feelings for the mare, but I did anyway, seeing it as an important part of my stay in that realm. She was the only ‘normal’ pony at the time of my arrival and my duties as a Royal Guard required me to protect her with my life.

My first mention of Nightmare Moon made only the stallion with the wavy sword jump. he must have entered around the late stages of Jester’s story. Celestia remained calm on the outside, but her sister shivered at the mention of her evil counterpart.

“...Illusion,” I continued. “Well, he’s part of Nightmare Moon’s regime. I fought him. Twice, and each time he displayed a new kind of power. What Nightmare Moon did to him was just incredible, to amplify his power.”

Princess Celestia turned to Luna. No words were being said, but I could tell that they were speaking with one another, just like when Jester and I used our telepathy spell. From Luna’s reactions, Celestia may have been coming up with a plan that obviously put my life on the line. Again.

The pony who stood next to Paladin trotted over to me quickly, as if to not disturb the two Alicorns. Maybe when this meeting was over he’d tell me who he was.

“Peacekeeper,” Celestia spoke finally. “You have shown great courage and devotion to your mission. It is unfortunate that Illusion has been so easily convinced to join the enemy. Before the Eclipse Celebration, we shall prevail and prevent Nightmare Moon from returning and wreaking havoc on this land. For what you have done and what you have endure, the only gift I can bestow upon you now is that of rank. Instead of private, you shall now be referred to as Sergeant Peacekeeper from now on.

“I suggest that you all get some kind of rest. If we are to try and prevent Nightmare Moon’s return, then we all need to be prepared for anything. Peacekeeper, if you can, do what you can in the Nightmare Realm tonight. If you decide to do so, then I expect a full assessment on your current situation in the realm. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good. As for the rest of you, you are all dismissed. I hope for the best for your friends Twilight, but with what has happened recently, I have a lot to think about.”

And with that, the princess of the sun left us all, her sister following. The stallion beside me nudged me, grabbing my attention, and extended his hoof.

“Pleased to meet you sir.” He said.

“Sorry, but who are you?”

“Ah! Apologies. I’m Flamberg, latest addition to your group. So is Paladin, my sister.”

Paladin and Jester joined Flamberg, Nocturnal, Twilight and I.

“Well, that was... interesting.” Paladin remarked.

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“I was expecting a lot more from Luna. Instead she said nothing. Nocturnal, Peacekeeper; you guys should talk with her. Find out what you can from her.”

“Interrogate the princess?” Nocturnal said. “I don’t think that’s very wise. It’s her business and her’s alone. She was quiet for a reason.”

“C’mon Nocturnal,” I spoke up. “Luna obviously has something she’s not telling us, and given the circumstances, we need to know why.”

The Lunar Guard looked uncertain if we were doing the right thing, but I knew deep down, that we were. We had to have been doing the right thing. We’re stopping Nightmare Moon from taking over the land right? I was also saving a mare and a filly from her evil clutches so that had to count for something. I still felt like I was doing something wrong though.

“C’mon,” Nocturnal said, reluctantly starting for Luna’s chambers. “The guards will let us in.”

I followed close behind my superior. Jester and Twilight followed, leaving Paladin and Flamberg by themselves. It was just the four of us. Walking down the mile-long hallway. I don’t know if it were just me, but I wasn’t so eager to speak with the princess. I was practically going to be prying into Luna’s personal life, all just to try and fight Nightmare Moon. This was for the right reason though.

Two mares, both equipped with standard Lunar Guard armor and lances, stepped to the side of the large double doors. Nocturnal gave a stern ‘thank you’ and opened the doors.

Being a princess has its perks. A luxurious bedroom was definitely one of them. Bookshelves were lined with tomes that probably dated back to one of the first sophisticated written texts. Each was categorized in every genre possible, except for a section labelled Oneirology. Lamps were lit up on various tables and podiums around the room, each one with at least three books open. Books were piled on top of one another on Luna’s bed and even on the floors around her mattress.

The princess herself was standing on the balcony ahead of us. Her eyes were glued to another book, and occasionally she moved to a telescope and wrote something down in a journal, and went back to reading. I let out an uneasy sigh, and approached the Princess of The Night. It was time for some answers.