> The afternoon. Fluttershy > by RadioRadar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You softly knock a couple of times on the front of the great, wooden door leading inside Fluttershy`s cottage.You patiently wait for a response and stop yourself to admire the beautiful day that it was today. The delicate grass blades were still covered with tiny beads of fresh dew, for it was still a little early in the morning. The cool, gentle breeze blows lightly against your mane. A few birds chirp their early morning melodies in the distance, and you find them so joyful you cant contain yourself but to do the same. Still waiting, and whistling, you take the chance to slowly close your eyes and let yourself get embraced in nature. The warmth of the sun beats down on your body, its a feeling so tenderly satisfying you shudder in glee. Suddenly, you can hear quick hoof steps inside the cottage, followed by the fluid, graceful voice you're so familiar with. An exquisite angelical voice that you could hear in the velvet depths of your dreams, sweet like honey and loving. The same voice that's calling out right know, so very quietly," Oh! Uhm, j-just give me a second ... i-if that's not a problem" Almost instantly, the wooden door is carefully swung open, and who is there to meet you, but your dearest Fluttershy. You let out a sigh, but she doesn't notice.There she is in front of you, the adorable, creamy-yellow-coated mare with the silky, pink mane that droops so elegantly by her shoulders. You could stare into those deep, gorgeous aqua-greenish crystalline eyes all day, but you are caught by surprise when , excitedly, she leaps forward and hugs you lovingly, recognizing instantly who you are.You let out an "Oof" for the sudden impact, but return the embrace, chuckling when she immediately apologizes. "Why don't you come in?" Her tone is definitely more confident when she's with you, but of course, you are her life-long friend " Would you like some herb tea? We have a lot to catch up on...i-if that's OK" "That would be lovely, thank you" You sit down on the long couch in the middle of her room, she sits in the one in front of you. Time with her really goes by like the birds you saw flying on your way here, Fluttershy does most of the talking, something she wouldn't do just with any-pony, the conversation is friendly and interesting, with the occasional giggles from you both. It was going just fine, but then she had to touch THE subject. "So have you got any mare-friends back there at your place?'" Damn, you cant tell her your feelings about her, it would ruin our friendship, I mean, if she doesn't feel the same about you. "No, not really, I'm just trying to find that special some-pony, you know?" Awkward silence, you got to break it fast. "So, how about you? Met the ideal stallion yet?" Her cheeks flush beet-red and she stares at the ceiling, stupid question of yours. When you first met her, you probably were the only colt she knew, and even before that, she could hardly address a word to any-pony. But you are really surprised when she starts sobbing. "I-I'm really sorry, I didn't kn..." but she stops you from finishing, "Oh, i-its not that, just *sniff* I-I..." She starts to lean closer to you. " I-if I tell you a secret, you promise you wont tell any-pony? You can almost touch muzzles now, "Cross my heart" "A-All my other friends, well, uhm, I-I am the only one that... that's" She takes some seconds to brush a tear away. Her cheeks are almost on fire" They make fun of me cause I-I'm the only one that's a-a-a v-v-v-vvv..." she dare not speak suddenly, it hits you, and you take the same shade of red that she has now. "Oh!, im really sorry, I didn't want you to be uncomfortable!" She stands up to flee, but almost as a reaction, you softly seize her by her arm, locking her in place. This action startles you both, and there's a moment of silence, but this time, its perfect. Your eyes are locked into each others. You stand there, admiring one another`s attractive physical features. Your heart is furiously fluttering (pun intended) Exquisitely simultaneously, Fluttershy and you lean so close, her lips, as smooth as a rose petal brush against yours, sending a flash of hot, electrical bliss to your wings and neither regions. You press tighter your mouth against hers, but carefully, so you dont upset her. She rests her hands on your chest, while you put yours against her slim waist, you suddenly feel in the tips of your fingers the necessity to finger her regions, but it still too early for that. You're in pure heaven, you still hold the oral bondage with Fluttershy, when you feel her tongue pursuing the entrance of your mouth. The two wet, fleshy tongues collide, dancing a steaming hot dance, when you break the kiss, making Fluttershy coo unexpectedly. A thin string of saliva connect your mouths.She shyly tugs you from your shirt and directs you to her bed, you obediently follow, giving away your excitement by the bulge inside your jeans. You lay there, Fluttershy resting on your stomach, still bearing her cute tone of red on her whole face, some sunshine glows through the window, shining life into her face, making you sigh again. You nip her neck, ever so carefully with your teeth, causing her body to tremble with ecstasy.You move your tongue up to her sensible ear, and while you lovingly nibble it, you now try to concentrate on pleasuring her through her wings. With, your thumb, you massage the base of the feathers, feeling her ligaments and muscles twitch with every little circular movement. Shes heavily breathing on your neck, and now has proceeded to put her hands under your shirt, feeling your muscles. All while she lets out the most adorable moans and passionate yelps of pure bliss. You cant stand the anticipation anymore, you swiftly turn yourself around, now with her on the bottom and long to take her skirt off and, and... Almost as if she read your mind, Fluttershy did like she was commanded, and left on plain sight her dripping wet pussy. Her wings are completely stiff now, and she gives you a pleading gaze for you to do what you need to. You place some sappy kisses on her belly, making her shiver, lowering with each one until you have her swollen, wet, cunt in front of your muzzle. You can smell the strong pheromone-packed aroma its giving off. You separate the two puffy lips, making her shout in lust, with no time to waste, you take a plunge into her sensible mare-hood and start working with your tongue. She drifts apart her legs even more and she's biting her lip, almost sticking her own tongue out. You give her clitoris a tentative suck. "AAAAGGGhhh!!" She is moving her hips up and down, almost humping your face. You try not to smile to hard, and move on to a new stragedy. You move your tongue in circles around her extremely sensitive flesh, and then stop, leaving her climax half-way. Almost like a torture. 2, 3, 4 times. Fluttershy`s flower felt like it was on fire, tingling intensely, drooling out her love fluids. you shoved your face out of her pussy, and rested for a while. But she still gave you that begging puppy-dog face, and, of course, you couldn't say no. You slide your hand under her blouse and instinctively, gently tugged at her nipples in circular motion. She finishes taking her blouse off and you push your mouth against the tip of her breast. More loud groans " Aagh... AAAaaagh!" And the moment you most wanted, to unbuckle your pants and penetrate her tight virgin plot. Fluttershy lays there, completely naked and anxious of what was about to happen. Your rock-hard erection prods the entrance to Fluttershy`s birth canal. She is now bursting out small screams of ecstasy, she's very close. You giver a kiss on the forehead a you are facing each other. "GAAAHHHHaaaaahhhHHHHH!!! OOOHHHHhh yes! " You stimulate the tip of her clitoris with your wing as you pump your shaft deep inside her. Your tails are tightly curled together. She can feel your athletic torso move into her at an incredible rhythm, a quick and stable pace. Thats when she cant take it anymore, the high level point of her orgasm payed off. Fluttershy let out a long, orgasmic scream as she melted away from climax,Fluttershy spilled her fluids over you, the fruit of your work, and her bed, while the walls of her inside were clenching your cock as tight as possible, as, you came too. Both of you collapsed into the cushiony mattress, exhausted. As you turned your head to Fluttershy, you could see she was already asleep. You laid in bed too, sleepy and thought to yourself, "This is going to be a great day"