> Pride of the Pantheon > by PurplePolymath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prelude: Sanctuary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windigos, such mysterious entities that roam the skies, believed to be seen mostly during times of winter. It is still rarely understood where their source of strength comes from, these incorporeal creatures, which live among the clouds in luminous form, growing in strength from malice and mistrust; insinuating fear and the fiercest blizzards. This very power threatened to destroy civilizations so long ago, during the time when unicorn, pegasi, and earth equine only colonized with their own. During the time of Clover the Clever and the first Hearth Warming's Eve, the windigos found their defeat to the "Fire of Friendship", and were cast above the stars and clouds… disappearing without a trace. More than a century had passed, and the same warmth that melted the windigo's storms and sent them off had not faded from the ponies below, now all truly united. Without such malevolence left, the mysterious creatures slowly began to fade and die out. The last of the windigos, the ones left hanging on with their own hatred and shame of being defeated stayed behind, feeding from the slightest bit of bitterness that dare show itself. These now enraged-creatures turning on one another and blaming the other for such failure, the most furious of the five finally succumbing to their anger. The windigo that housed more anger than any other, the youngest, acquired the element of fire. The wisest, and second eldest, gained the element of wind and storms. The one most vain and fickle gained the ability to replenish, or so he believed. The gentlest one, between them, she took the element of water and aquatics. However, in this pantheon, there were two who felt different than the rest. They housed no hatred, none at all. One held compassion and questioned all things that took place. She took on the very essence of light itself. The other was quite reserved, and almost neutral to the defeat. He took responsibility, as well as loss without regret, taking on the element of darkness. Oddly enough, he had a hidden disgust; that repugnance being clear bigotry. The former four windigos found even more anger, and then suspicion, at the display of these two. They'd begun to believe one of them planned such folly from the start. Accusing the one of light first, utterly refusing to believe her words, they judged to cast her down below for her betrayal. The essence of dark refused to remain silent as they accused her of such things in blind rage and haste. In the end, she was cast down for her compassion and he for his chivalry… Unbeknownst to this lot, one had made their escape only moments before they became these preeminent beings. These windigos, now nothing more than gods, galloped through the skies leaving the two alone to fend however they may. The two left behind, their bodies were gradually given physical form as they descend and touched down upon the earth below, bestowed with elegant horns and graceful wings to complement them. Now they were to live as ordinary creatures, ponies. They looked to their surroundings, searching for answers. The broad and humble trees that stood taller than them; the wide pasture of green that gently brushed against their hooves with each step providing an unfamiliar comfort they'd never felt. The cool night air filling their nostrils as they took breath and filled their lungs for the first time, small pleasures one after another. The one of chivalry, he took note of the moon that shone so proudly before them, as tall and bright as it was; it was just as silent as he, one still symbol amongst thousands of others not caring to be heard. The one of compassion, she took note of the stars that blanket them both, each and every one, admiring their brilliance and wondered for a moment if she'd ever shown such a way in the same sky. Each and every little sensation and sight answering the compassionate mare’s questions she had held for so long when she called her place above the clouds home. The two gazed at one another as the cool breeze brushed against their coat, mistaking it as the other's touch for a moment before exchanging yawns. Falling from grace had made them weary. The two lay side by side for the first time without a word, feeling the other's warmth. One gave nuzzle and the other a nod, before the two succumb to sleep and discovered the majesty of dreams; their final first for the evening. There they lay, for who knows how long, many days had passed and fell into night as they slept. The two were finally awoken by a passing colt, one who had never seen ponies with such a large form, or manes so unusual. As if it were a transparent wavering silk, it looked as if their mane kept galaxies themselves held within. As the startled ponies slowly stood, the frightened colt that awoke them galloped for his life. If they had wished they could have stopped the pony with a simple levitation enchantment. Yet, both decided against it, still not fully awake or aware of the situation. Soon enough the colt’s burgundy coat and blonde mane were out of sight, the two pondered his strange behavior before dismissing the thought. They soon realized with a sigh that the only thing frightening in the area had to be themselves. They had watched the ponies for a time from their previous place among the sky, paradise... as some would have considered it, before the sanctuary became enveloped in the very epitome of what they drew strength from. Finally acknowledging that their appearance wasn’t a usual sight, the one of darkness took note of the direction the pony had headed and took lead. The one of light followed behind, making sure to keep pace with his wavering shadow. The two eventually came in sight of a small villa, one with crops that stretched for miles of corn, carrots, tomatoes and other various vegetables accompanied by trees that also bore fruits of the earth. Sadly, a moderate portion of the crops were rotting, or had already withered at some point or another. Oddly enough, a few miles from the crops and fields themselves sat a small steam surround by a beautiful green canopy of trees and plains; this being the last bit of curious beauty the villa had to offer. These earth ponies, their cottages were ordinary, giving off a rustic sense due to the wooden bark and planks that outfitted them. These creatures invested in the earth were pushing wagons full of food and other supplies to their shops and homes. Stone seemed to complement most things, along with the dirt road making it clear that technology was scare here. As the unnatural duo arrived, an unsightly storm could already be seen in the horizon as they crossed over the hill and entered the town with caution. They saw the ponies and it only reminded them of their own fate, now forced to live as they did. Still they had no idea how to do such a thing, no matter how many centuries they’d watched these souls wander... evolve. The lot of ponies went wide-eyed as the unusual pair trot by scanning the area, stares of confusion and others of fright met them both, judging them as anything but common. The storm itself was getting worse as it approached, causing the pony folk to take refuge in their homes; locking their doors to the newcomers without hesitation. The winds and rain grew fierce and lighting struck with the storm. The violent winds eventually took the form of a deathly tornado making its way toward the town. Tearing through everything in its path, uprooting and virtually destroying most if not all the crops, withered or not; carrying along anything not nailed or held down with stone nearby. The storm above raged even more as if not wanting to be undone by the force below it, it's breath becoming thunder and it's voice the very lighting. The wind's wrath continued and threatened to take home and hope as its rotation matured more and more. One with a quick or rather more paranoid wit would have assumed such a sudden storm was intentionally brought in a devious haste. The one often reserved stood toward the storm and channeled his will, as he often did whenever a pony's mind or heart was threatened by shadows, and to his surprise his untrained horn began to glow instead. Though he’d always held the ability of magic itself he’d never had nor needed a horn to produce power before. As his might came forth, a cerulean radiance spilled down and ensnared the tremendous threat. It was gone in seconds within a burst of blue, along with the rain and gray clouds that accompanied it. Several minutes passed before the village ponies peeked from their homes due to the sudden silence of the storm, slowly gathering outside and staring at the now clean, inviting skies and sunshine. They were all left wondering what brought about such a marvel, this sudden miracle. All they saw were the queer pair that had arrived in what seemed only seconds ago, and wide-eyed once again they were. Soon after things settled, the compassionate one looked to the withering crops left and ruined, this was the first time she'd felt sympathy since her descent. Her heart ached and she wished as hard as she could, silently. As a windigo she'd never had the power to help or heal, no matter what she desired. To her surprise, life had begun to sprout once more in the dying field. That what was left of the withered was healed in a matter of moments and with it came the first warmth she'd ever felt from her horn. Drawing collective gasp from the pony folk as she brought forth a white light trimmed, bathed in an alluring gold essence that washed over the fields. The villagers rejoiced and welcomed their new confused and humble saviors. The two were given dinner and bed from the small village in return for their feats, it was the most they could do. The one of compassion smiled, truly happy that she could bring so many smiles with just one gesture. The one reserved simply dropped his darkened demeanor, a first, realizing he no longer had a need for caution here, his muzzle could “almost” be mistaken to hold a smile. The two left the small village after a few days’ time and the ponies waved goodbye to the pair of travelers, pointing them in the direction of civilization. They made certain to follow the instruction the townsponies gave them, heading strictly east. Along the way, the two met a small forest, their first one up close. Being above the sky, alive as long as they had, they knew this one was still young, its thicket still thin. Still it was quite a sight, everything so calm, the gentle sound of the forest and its creatures cooing in their ears. The verdure seemed like a new world to them, everything appeared completely free, how the two wished it would stay like this forever. Such unspoiled beauty, it reminded them of home in a sense. Given their time on this earth, in the few days spent traveling and searching for answers, it was only natural these two became home sick. The castle within the clouds, that supposed sanctimonious sky kingdom they once proudly called paradise. The two had been born there, no matter how crude the current residents had become, they couldn't sully the memories they collectively shared. Despite what they wished the forest was too small, it would need to time to grow, as all things require. As the duo exit the forest they were met with plains yet again, would this truly be their new life, expeditions across empty lands? No, it wouldn't, not if they could help it. The two stood side by side, and gathered their gracious memories of every moment they enjoyed home. Their entire bodies lit as they became enveloped in the same hue as their horns, both touching, allowing their desires to intertwine and dance among the air until they burst. Sorely they wished to see, to feel the warmth of home again, both heads and hearts beginning to bring them a pain too agonizing to ever truly describe and just as the two couldn't take anymore… they collapsed. It wasn't long until they gained consciousness once more, and both were met with the same surprise, a castle, not just any castle, but home. The duo galloped to the massive golden front gates, breathing in the scent of the air, the one of compassion galloping the halls till she arrived at her favorite place, the library. Which kept record of all the truly life changing endeavors that history had caused and endured, pony, windigo, or otherwise. The one of chivalry held just as much excitement as the other, through his stride and lack of smile refused to show it. He chose to trot down the opposite hall, feeling the tapestry, the familiar structure of stone. Continuing onward the colt eventually came to his favorite path, the hall of hooves, he shook hoof with one. He liked to believe these hooves belonged to past heroes of the earth below, warriors that were worthy of being in the world above the clouds. It wasn't long before the one of chivalry sighed, removing himself from the castle, to his surprise he found the one of compassion had already been awaiting his arrival, apparently... she'd realized it as well. Whatever became of their bodies was now blasphemy. These entities could never hold things before, hooves nor books, so what had they felt? Before they were born without lungs, the scent… the air. All they’d experience was an atrocity mocking their newfound abilities. No matter what they wished, this was not home, not how it should be. With a heavy heart the two abandoned the castle in the dead of night, leaving it to stand, for any to see who cared to be shown where they'd fell from. More than a few months had come and gone, the two continued, now determined to meet every inch of this world… to truly learn how to live as they should. Passing town after town, the two lend aid wherever they went. They gained reputation achieving feats that would normally take one hundred, if not one thousand ponies to perform all on their own. The two brought peace, even rapture, wherever they arrived, if needed. Saving settlements and cities from tragedy, they were truly special, these souls… these vagabonds. After meeting as many cities to match the number of spells they were capable of casting, known and unknown to them, the two finally came to the largest hamlet in all of Equestria. And they'd come to do all they could to help, the pair once again being judged, by this busy landmark. However, this time they were judged as something else, something wondrous due to their ability, stature, and rumors to match. The two took refuge, staying here a full week, longer than any place else they’d ever been. And just as the two had prepared themselves for departure, the ponies pleaded that they stay and keep their town in such prosperity, reasoning with them, stating fact that this was the largest and most populated place in all Equestria, a place they would always be needed. This was the very city where the day and night were signaled and brought about. The two eventually agreed and finally as time went on the equines of the town decided upon an official position and honor for these extraordinary two, thus forming the first joint empire Equestria had ever known. A beautiful castle built of the finest stone and marble, all the strongest materials Equestria itself had to offer were fastened into this monumental estate. The roofs were kept and sewn with gold atop each structure, the traditional flags proudly waved from above even in the weakest wind. There were twelve or more majestic pieces of architecture lining the castle, all holding more than their fair share of rooms, the residence itself capable of housing more than two-hundred ponies. It was set near a valley, one still without a name, dressed in the lushest of plant life, some even thought to be extinct by most. Sparkling water washed down upon the valley itself, from who knows how high the waterfall touched, pouring into the purest spring that formed the moat around this marvel of a home. On the edge of the town, seemingly hanging along the edge of a cliff, sat the castle. Here, the new king and queen lived in a comforting peace with the ponies of the town, now referred to as subjects. Taking on tasks and duties whenever asked of them, without objection and taking pride in all they did for themselves and creatures that they governed, this had become their home. As a symbol of their gratitude, responsibility, and perhaps might, Compassion and Chivalry raised the sun and moon. Such a task had usually been done by the unicorns themselves, an immense amount, one multitude for sun and the other for moon. As these two took home, responsibility, and bed together... they grew fond of the other. Both feeling they understood one another better than anypony else, and given their past this could only be considered true. And as time went on the two gave the city more and more wealth, a bottomless amount of hope. The town grew into the metropolis, known as Canterlot today. As things grew, so did the citizens, in number… and in age. It was then that two, still humble even as royalty noticed their aging friends and subjects alike. Realizing they’ve not aged the same themselves... or at all even. This epiphany saddened them, every funeral forcing them to acknowledge... to witness the death of those so close to them. From then on the one of compassion keep numerous diaries of such records, of all that happened after her descent... and some before that hadn’t become a blur, only of what she could recall. She was gifted with a quill, a gift that matched her talented tongue. The chivalrous one kept only a single journal of his own, in secret, written amongst the stars. It only kept note of the things he cherished, there were far more than even he expected, the first on said list being obvious. Many years passed, centuries come and gone, time and time again. Eventually the lovers had noticed their lack of energy, each passing decade becoming slightly more tiring than the next, magic slightly more difficult to muster. It would seem being cast from their original home among the clouds was indeed having an effect on them. They knew then they would not last forever, and so they appointed the closest of companions as relatives, cousins to take the throne should anything happen. Unfortunately the light and dark, try as they may... were not able to bear a foal, for the time being. They called upon the ones most potent with magic, beckoned scientist from far and wide. And finally…something was born from science, one resembling pony. A creature coated in black fur and teal chitin over its mid-section, a crooked horn. Its hooves, entire form, outfitted with holes, eyes a feral teal and misleading fangs with a mane to match. This creature, born of the lover’s DNA, was cast out the same way it was brought into the world, in secret. Not by the appointed parents, but by its maker, a loathsome scientist... to nopony truly knows where. And as scripted as it were, time passed again... somehow, finally, the compassionate one was with child. The little one was born housing a pink mane, unlike her mother’s pellucid multi-colored spectacle. However she did match her mother’s pure-white coat. The pair raised the gentle foal with as much as love as they could give. A few years passed in peace and another miracle came to be, this one with fur to complement her father, housing a similar darkened mane to match, only a lighter shade. Both of these little miracles were blessed with a matching pair of wings and horn housed above their curious heads. The fillies were tended to, nurtured as they should be, their parents power still fading with each passing lustrum. During such a time the lovers refused to tell their children of their origin, perhaps it was for the best after all. The only thing they'd dare show their children was the former castle, the one of compassion made certain to hide all literature that would reveal what they once were. The first little one had a habit of snooping in the library, and the other had a habit of avoiding that eerie hall of hooves. Eventually the castle became a place of solace for the two sisters, it was the first secret they ever shared or kept. As the children grew, they were taught to fly as well as to and harness their authoritative magic, most of their time spent with muzzles pressed to scrolls. And of course they were told of the responsibilities that they would receive one day, ruling such a kingdom as copious as its responsibility, ensuring the happiness of the ponies, of every creature that came to them seeking aid. The two were also taught, mostly shown, through example and experience, that they would need to depend on one another as family should. The only difference between their responsibilities were the times of watch and rise, the princess resembling their mother most, taking the day and morn, raising the sun. The princess taking most after their father would watch over the night and eve, lifting the moon. These two were to take on the same task as their parents, and nothing more was to be expected of them. On one rainy summer’s night, both beings, one of compassion and the other of chivalry shared final moments on their deathbed. By now their oldest, Celestia, had taken on her mother’s weightless silken mane and tail. The youngest, Luna, not as small as she once was, had yet to take on a mane or tail quite like her dearest sister. Luna cried the loudest, tears spilling with confusion and sorrow. Her elder sister had tears as well for the same reason, although without the confusion, seeing as she completely understood the situation before them. In mother and father’s last hours they shared stories of when they first arrived in the city, now a prosperous metropolis. Even of the castle they built overnight. They began languidly singing their daughters' lullaby for the last time. The king and queen tried their best to let such precious daughters know how proud they were of them. How loved they’d always been. Within all the tears the two managed a smile, showing they understood mother and father. Their parents truly were proud as they gave weak, yet the strongest of smiles they could muster for their children. The two lovers held hooves and with a sigh, they began to break apart, shattering. Becoming shimmering dust until their entire essence was blown into the sky, forming stars that shone brighter than any other that night. The only shame they left behind was their lack of a name… In all their time here they had never thought to fabricate one. The ponies only knew them as “King” and “Queen”, and there were no others in this kingdom after their time of rule. Everypony loved them as they died… before and still after… > I: Sick of the Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They say everypony, unicorn, pegasi, and earthbound inhabitants possess the ability to grant a wish, magic of their very own. This wish however… comes with a price, their very talent, the mark that only they bear, earned by mysterious means. But there exist those who are able to transcend such sacrifice, one of these creatures, also seen as an abomination, even to those that have long since thought the beasts to have gone extinct. Known to very few the last was spared, saved in stone as a nonsensical sculpture, representing a warning, failure if nothing else. But this encased entity will have his time, sooner than you’d expect. "Come on, I won't ruin it for you, I promise!" "No, Rainbow Dash. I'm not making that mistake again." "Please-please-pleeeeeaaasseee, Twilight!? "For the hundredth time, no. If I let you read it now you'll just brag about the book and spoil the entire ending before I even get the chance to open." Twilight turned her back to her friend; the very friend who had been buzzing about her like a gnat for hours now, this was the third day this week she'd bothered Twilight about this particular piece of literature. And each day the weather worsens, if it weren't for the unforgiving heat Rainbow Dash could go last all day. Of all the places in Ponyville it would seem that the sun had chosen to shine, or rather "scorch" its pupil's place of residence. At the library there was no calm, no quiet. In this lack of silence books slept out of order, numerical, symmetrical, alphabetical, or otherwise. For the past few days or so you could come and behold the only contrary library Equestria has to offer, Golden Oaks. The purple polymath had read, proof-read, and triple-checked every scroll, book, and parchment in search of a remedy. All of her best friends were there beside her in her time of need, doing their best to read just as swiftly as she did, of course they couldn't, but it’s the thought that counts. There sat stacks of books, papers out of place, desk dressed in rows of documents. Everypony with their collective collections of literature that their eyes had already invaded what seemed an infinite number of times over. They believed persistence would provide them the answer, now all they had to do was prove they possessed enough of it. Rarity had finished the last of her jewel-encrusted orders days ago and refused to take on anymore after hearing the horrid news from her friend. Fluttershy was sure to tend to every creature of hers, big and small, leaving them properly groomed and left with plenty of food knowing she'd be gone for more than one moon. Against her better judgment she put Angel in charge while she was away, she hoped things wouldn't be too hectic in her absence. She knew how Angel could get if even the slightest of authority was given to him, but who else was to look after her precious critters while she was away? Pinkie Pie herself wasn't doing anything in particular. She'd already had her tenth party this week, and it was only Tuesday! And like every party she'd ever thrown, she never charged for a single one, which could have caused at least one of her dear friends to question her ever full cannon and seemingly endless amount of stocked supplies if not for the situation at hoof. Regardless, she was always willing to help a friend in need however she could, besides, there was always the possibility of an "afterparty." Applejack in all her honesty was just glad that this incident hadn't come up during zap apple juncture or some other season that beckoned the fullest attention of the Apple family. She'd left the farm in capable hooves, to her brother and dear Granny Smith, her sister was somewhere far from the barn at the moment. Although given the hog-sized problem presented, regardless of the season she would have stayed by her friend's side. The rainbow-mane mare had taken a short leave of the Wonderbolt Academy, she was as loyal as they come, truly, and not even her own dreams could outweigh this matter. Spike had just finished checking off the last item on the list, containing all the books read in all the days the friends had did their best with their noses in them, the obvious disappoint and sadness upon his face. After Twilight closed the last book, the heat that slowed the others pace finally registered with the librarian herself. This only made her worry more, the light from the sun, Princess Celestia herself... was deathly ill. She was suffering from an almost unbearable pain for days now, she'd also broken into an odd fever and the scorching sun was a signal to the scholar. The little pony took the sun's rising temperature for a thermometer, assuming Celestia's fever had grown, unfortunately she was correct... The castle and its guards would have been in chaos if it hadn't been for the orbiting moon to keep the order, and her sister's sickness a secret. Nopony knew exactly what was the cause of the princess' sickness, most had honestly forgotten or were just simply unaware the celestial mare was capable of carrying disease, known or unknown. All the girls gathered around the library's number one assistant as he made certain everypony had a full cup of relief from the sun, known as lemonade by most. The library remained an organized mess and the ponies all looked at their now empty glasses, exchanging glances and sighs. Considering the lemonade did little against the heat and the dire situation of a goddess fallen ill to some corrosive sickness, who could blame them? "Come on everypony, cheer up,” said the baby dragon while trying his best not to let the collective sorrow weigh upon his scales as well. "Besides, Apple Bloom hasn't arrived yet. Who knows, she might come through the door holding some funky brew that'll fix the princess right up.” Spike ended with a snap of his claws. This time it was Ponyville's most dependable pony that spoke, removing her hat as she did and placing it to her heart. "I reckon yer right Spike, my sis will come bargin’ in with just the right stuff for her majesty." The farmer put a friendly hoof over the dragon's shoulder in smiles, the room of friends exchanged a few of the infectious themselves, the final set all aimed toward their lovable bookworm. Twilight found her own smile in their support, she was about to speak words of appreciation to her wonderful friends, but just as she readied her tongue, a knock came upon the door, Twilight restlessly approached. She manipulated handle and lock with an unspoken aura, she opened the door, and surely enough it was the youngest filly from Sweet Apple Acres. The librarian's smile was bright, it remained lit... until she saw the filly's expression, and her heart sank as the little one shook her head, she wouldn't dare raise her head to meet what she'd imagine as the saddest student she'd ever see. And just like that the same melancholy atmosphere that once threatened to swallow the library came once again. That was until the little apple finally stepped inside and handed the unicorn a parchment from her saddle bag. The unicorn readied her eyes for the news, levitating the literature into her line of vision as she read it silently to herself, gasping to everypony's surprise and flinging the parchment to fall anywhere other than near her. "Twilight, what's the matter!?" asked her assistant, as he saw his best friend's eyes widen to an unhealthy size. The hatchling latched to her leg as natural instinct and desire to comfort her consumed him. The stricken mare left the room, teleporting with a magical burst, only to escape the reality of the letter itself. The student of the sun had never felt such a heat build inside her, excluding that one fiasco with Pinkie, but this was far worse. Her rage rapidly increasing, allowing her earlier sorrow and frustration from the crisis itself to merge, augmenting her anger. She had only gone to her bedroom, the calmest, safest place she'd known since her decision to stay with her friends in Ponyville. But the solace that usually surrounded the room was on the verge of being devoured, instantaneously as the librarian and unintended assistant entered. "What's it say?" Rainbow Dash asked hastily. Her robust wings already keeping her afloat as she had been only seconds away from going after her friend, before she happened to realize she had no idea where the egghead had gone or why. Rarity being the curious one, nosy to some, cast the parchment from the floor, bringing it to her side with her own magical ability and adjusting it for all to see. In the end she decided to simply read it aloud. As everypony was invading her personal space, in that oven of a library, their perspiring pony faces threatening to leave her fur and mane matted for even a moment was too dreadful to bare. And the dressmaker would have no such thing, not with her supplies at Twilight's stay already running low. After finding her space once more and ignoring Applejack's glare only a few feet away, she cleared her throat and read the parchment aloud. Dear Twilight Sparkle, I apologize to you and your friends. I have tried my best, every book and brew, but I cannot find a cure, a remedy, nothing here will do. I will still continue my research, but read carefully dear for this is no joke. I feel the princess may have been poisoned; perhaps you should interrogate some pony folk? Sincerely, Zecora The room fell silent then, after the collective gasp, as one might expect. At that moment they all had their sure impression of why Twilight had left so abruptly as she did, they could all sympathize with her earlier display. A few more moments passed, as the surprise from the shock personally registered within them and the lot finally finished exchanging wide-eyed glances, and thus the collective comments began to fill the room. The first was a lady like, "Oh My!" "Goodness!” "Well who in tarnation would…?" And followed by a crude, “What the buck?!" And the loudest gasp Equestria had ever heard coming from the pink party pony, one could assume not only from the letter but also due to her friend's colorful language. Every proclamation came after another, seemingly interrupting the previous and thus not receiving a response. All questions came and went, without answer of course, as there were none to be found in this room. The friends contemplated in different furies, the fashionista spotted the intense glow coming from Twilight's room, revealing her present location. The flashes of light becoming violent, being a unicorn herself Rarity knew all too well the danger of frustration and swelled magic all being contorted and constricted to a single place, namely the horn. She signaled her friends as they all rushed upstairs to the door. Spike was indeed still clung to Twilight’s leg, pleading she'd calm down and at least explain the contents of the parcel. But just as far from reality as she was with her face in the books, she couldn't hear a single word from the dragon. The unicorn's horn was emitting a brilliance that filled the entire room, her assistant could see the intense strain and frustration on her face, he could also feel the heat brimming from her coat, and she’d never been so warm. At that point spike had no idea how fortunate he was, for the heat she was radiating could have easily singed a pony's coat or skin, not fully but severe enough to cause a burning bruise. A knock came from outside the door, "Twilight dear, are you alright in there?" beckoned the marshmallow pony, her words couldn't reach the purple polymath either, but the knocking still persist. Her anger was reaching its limit! Just as her own rage was coming close to rival the sun itself, the little dragon belched forth an emerald flame. Charring the mare's muzzle black and cooling her wrath, a scroll hitting her in the face and dropping carelessly to the floor. The knocking ceased as the company outside noticed the violent light-show from within the room came to a halt. "Yo, Twi, you okay in there?” Rainbow Dash waited, and still there was no answer. The librarian had her face planted in the scroll, locked with her eyes. More than a few minutes passed in silence outside Twilight's room, and there was an ear pressed to ever notch and frame of her door. As the silence had lasted too long, the rainbow mare was processing the thought of bucking the door down, and if not her, Applejack had undoubtedly been debating the same thought. Just as her friend’s patience had run dry, the door abruptly shot open causing everypony, and dragon, to collide with themselves and the stairs as well. Twilight found she’d make it down the stairs quicker than might have imagine when she first walked through the door, regardless she found her way from underneath the dog-pile containing the elements, blueprints rather, of harmony itself. She emerged with a smile, one mimicking her success when she'd just mastered a new spell, and also the first "true" smile her friends had seen from her in days. To their surprise they watched the frantic mare gallop here and there, equipping her side with star-imprinted saddle bag and only practical supplies. She held the scroll housing the royal seal up high with glee as she brought her friends up to date, to the cure Luna had found amongst the royal chamber's library. And with that she told her friends to prepare. The six mares left the library in full gallop, the pegasi in flight, their party having two less than before. Spike was left to clean the library, it’s true that Twilight believed in organized chaos, but after their spill from before, the library was left in any adjective "but" organized. At least Spike was able to read the scroll before the girls left so he was at least aware of the new development. Apple Bloom was told to go straight to the farm and help watch over her granny Smith, Big Mac couldn't possibly watch her all day with his chores, seeing as he had almost twice as many now that his dependable sister wasn't there. And that was that. The six were off to meet the lunar princess' guardsmen. They were appointed as escorts, at the point and time told, only a few miles outside of Ponyville and far from the Everfree. She didn't want them seen directly at Twilight's residence, least to avoid any suspicion, unnecessary questions, query or eyes. Luckily everypony was told before they arrived at the polymath's place to bring their bags and essentials just in case, the word essentials meaning something completely different to Rarity as she brought not only her saddle-bag but, her designer bag, blankets, umbrella, conditioners, dresses, shoes, and soaps of a different variety, most of which was now under Spike's watchful, appreciative eye. Just as they arrived at their destination, the sky darkened and thunder crashed as lighting pierce the sky, and the carriage pulled by not only two, but three of Luna's intimidating guards shot down below. Their blue, almost jet black armor appeared to cover them in night itself, no matter the time of day. With darkened coats blowing in the wicked wind that somehow seemed to be brought by them against the very weight of their wings, as if the storm were the source of a coming nightmare. The death of a sudden storm usually marked they descent, rarely did these guards ever smile, but when they did you were sure to see fangs and feral eyes that gave the glow of a predator when a meal was marked for certain. The girls had all grown accustomed to such an arrival, no longer cautious of the lunar knights. That was clear as they made way for the guards to clear their landing, the guards gave the girls only the most necessary, mandatory greeting and salutes. One by one they all entered the carriage, except for one pegasus who was yet to be seen since the first crack of thunder came down. The carriage was about to take flight until Pinkie shouted in what they assumed never seemed like shouting to her. "WAITTTT!" she proclaimed, the other four turning to address whatever issue she had, some with covered ears. "Where's Fluttershy?” she inquired. With that, the rest began looking every which way for the shy cottage owner. "Oh! Oh! There she is! She must have forgotten something in those bushes." The pink pony pointed and sure enough there she was with butterflies, hooves, and tail flailing in view, the other half doing its best to get the rest of her into the bush. "Come on Fluttershy.” The braver pegasi tried to reason with her, before finally taking her friend's trembling tail between her teeth and carrying her to the carriage. Dropping her flatly as usual, but with enough concern to make sure the fall didn't injure her. "I'm sorry everypony, the thunder just shot down and umm... I—“The pegasi was met with a hoof to her muzzle, and a reassuring "It’s alright." from Rainbow Dash who'd brought her back to the carriage. The others, now alongside her, gave reassurance as well, in the form of nods. "Now, is everypony ready and accounted for?" Twilight asked her final question before the departure. As the collective and familiar check came six times over, they were ready for take-off. With a motion of magic and a final nod, the guards took flight into the sky and the best friends were on their way to Canterlot, to learn of the cure the moon had found… and to see the condition of the sun. > II: Mourn With The Moon,Not For Her > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It didn't take long for the girls to arrive at the busy and beautiful capital that was Canterlot, coming into view underneath the clouds as they passed over. Sadly there was no time for sightseeing, not when the castle could already be seen over the horizon. Still, no matter the situation, it was impossible not to take in all the majesty the castle offered upon arrival. It was ever breathtaking, regardless of the time, day or night. The wind blowing feverishly between feathers, fur, and manes finally began to fade as the escorts and carriage began to descend, slowly at first. Though, as the castle came closer, the more it looked as if they would crash. Luna's guardians always seemed to blitz toward the earth, they'd thought it was for show, purely done as Luna herself proposed with entrance. The six would soon learn that wasn't the case. The clouds darkened as their descent abruptly increased, the thunder roared as their bodies thrust, the recruit's wings going rampart as they rushed toward what seemed certain doom upon castle doors. "Slow down, we're headed right for the gate!" shouted Twilight, her and her friends all latching onto one another, luggage huddled in the center. The strong winds stirring them with fear as lighting struck past them and shot toward what appeared to be the direction their drivers were darting toward. The girls screamed, shutting their eyes as they waited for the bloody end to come. The carriage shook... and then there was silence all around, and something poking at their eyes. It felt as if were the same as sunlight, in fact... it was. As the lot opened their eyes, they were greeted with furrowed brows and eventually rolled eyes from their escorts as they stepped from the carriage with crimson cheeks, now looking toward the high and humbling double doors that towered above them. Rainbow Dash scoffed. “I knew we’d be alright.” Brushing herself off, or rather the image she tried to make certain was never bruised. “Uh-huh. Course ya did.” Applejack flatly replied, the sarcasm spilling off her southern accent. She grabbed her saddlebag in teeth and headed toward the castle doors. The others did the same, only they kept their disbelief to themselves. A new set of guards stood at both ends of these door, they of course were guardians of the sun, their pure white coats and golden armor shining proudly in the light of the setting sun. Standing with unwavering eyes, unyielding stature as they saluted. The stern guards looked to the group of mares that approached the doors. "We're here to see Princess Luna," said Twilight, trying her best to hide her worry as not to gain any suspicion from the guardians. And of course the stallions before her knew of the sun's student, it would have been rather hard to gain their suspicion even if she tried. If she'd been thinking clearly, head without so much concern, she'd have known how unnecessary it was to address why she'd come if she was the one summoned to appear in the first place. The duo bowed their heads and the enormous doors opened before the six. The herd entered the castle, stepping lively as their hooves met the familiar silk red carpet, its sides trimmed in gold, stretched out at the center of the doorway. The carpet lead them to the royal throne, as it always had. The humbling throne stood in all its glory, giving as much as it received. Under the throne sat a small pristine pool, pouring pure water from Celestia knows where. Tall, eloquent windows lined the castle's interior, only the two closest to the throne stained, in this chamber at least. One with the smiling sun showing its brilliance and underneath it the three cycles of day, morning, noon, and after were represented. It stood next to its opposite, this window stained with the moon and its gracious glow, giving its all to the world below, both surround by a spectrum of stars that showed how small both truly were in such a universe. The translucent ceilings were held high with pillars, keeping such perfectly sculpted symmetry that stood as foundation throughout the entire castle. And last but not least the pure white walls were outfitted with flags from all over Equestria, every country that had come together in peace, it was quite the sight, no matter how many times the group had come. There were usually guards, one pair, and two princesses complementing the canopy, however, today there were none. "Ah, finally thou hath arrived, Twilight Sparkle." Spoke the lunar equine in her ever formal mannerism. Standing in her tall stature, with her ever-flowing mane housing its own shifting set of stars and constellations, she gestured the friends to follow. They bowed one by one, paying their respects to the princess before moving their hooves toward the halls. Luna made certain to hide her own hurt, for you see, she’d just left her sister's royal chamber. And she didn't wish to give anypony, least of all Twilight Sparkle, anymore worry. "Guards," beckoned the princess. And with that the mares had their bags carried to their room, each guard taking one in teeth from the throne room floor, it took round trips to acquire all Rarity's luggage. "Come, we shall show thee what we have found in regards to the remedy we spoke of.” Luna beckoned as she led them in majestic stride to her chamber door. "Wait! ...What about the princess?" Twilight despondently cried, as she reached out a hoof, grasping at whatever hope her heart dare think to let go. Luna kept her back to her guest as she spoke, "Our dear sister does not wish for visitors, for obvious reason, least of all you... Twilight Sparkle.” The princess' head hung as such words came to an end... they sounded so cruel. She wish she could have simply lied to the poor mare, but anything less than the whole truth was unbecoming for one fit with crown. And seeing such a sight would only make her sister and her pupil worse. It’s only natural that Twilight felt even worse, not only unable to help, but also unable to see her mentor only a few doors down. Out of concern, rather desperation to be blunt, she was tempted to teleport to her favored teacher, but Luna had already placed barriers should anypony try such a thing (particularly Twilight) to reach her ill sibling. The librarian's friends saw her seemingly broken heart and wished they could do exactly what she'd just thought themselves, but even they knew such a thing wouldn't do them any good in the end. "Come on Twilight, the sooner we get the cure, the sooner you can see her highness right?" reasoned her cyan companion as she pat a sympathetic hoof against her friend's back. And one by one the herd followed the mare of the moon across the hall and into her chambers. Luna's chamber was just what you'd expect from a princess, aside from being extremely spacious. The color itself could be assumed as personal choice, the décor a Victorian Gothic. The room was outfit with marble floors as most of the castle was, only here it was a far darker color, and your own reflection on the spotless floor was a sign of cleanliness. To the ceiling above them, sat a glowing galaxy of stars, Luna loved how safe… how small the stars made her and her worries seem. The room kept only one couch and cushion, just her size, as well as an equally elegant chair that suit Luna the very same. She kept a desk for parchments and other official documentations; all stationed neatly in rows and stacks, and some holding her seal and signature, others she outright declined. Her posh bed sat in the center of the room; it housed veils on each corner that mimicked curtains, each side showed a constellation, particularly a pattern of creatures. All the room was a darkened hue like her, except for the bed; it was black, onyx to be precise, frame and all. It was more than three times her size, and the size of the pillows upon it were no better. In the farthest corner of the room sat a stand, outfit with cushion for her crown. It was true the large room didn't keep much, a few rugs, and of course shelves for many of her favorite books, along with royal records and tomes. Also a few shelves for games, although, Luna didn't do as much gaming as some ponies believed. In another corner of her room sat a large curtain, and past that curtain lay a balcony, one with a captivating view of Canterlot, almost every inch of it could be seen, truthfully this was where Luna did the least of her thinking. This was where she came to find solace, to mount the moon amongst the shelf of the sky. Out amongst the balcony stood vines entangling the edges of this structure, the vines held a flower that only bloom and glow during a full moon, unfortunately there was no such thing about, as the sun had only set not too long ago. The mare of midnight shut the door behind her guest and locked it with a sound proof seal, her horn still encased in aura as she brought a scroll to the royal stand, and the girls gathered in a perfect circle as Luna unravel the parchment and showed them a map of something quite ancient. After she was certain everypony had put an eye or two to the map she cleared her throat and began in her ever regal tone. "Here, Twilight Sparkle is where you and your companions shall find the cure." She proclaimed as she placed a hoof to the "X" on the map. It took Twilight all of ten seconds to memorize the map, regardless of its size. The group was unaware, but now they had two maps instead of one. "In these ruins sits a marvel encased in its final fond memory, as the maps states.” “Its power is foretold as a forlorn miracle and is the only cure our books have informed us of," the princess continued, until she was given a question. "And just where are these ruins located?" asked the student as she rubbed a pensive hoof against her chin, such a place looked anything but familiar. "The location is far within the depths of Saddle-Arabia. It is known as the Rancorous Ruins, as the records have shown." "W-why is it... c-called that?" questioned the now curious, quivering Fluttershy, as she'd finally spoke her first words since they'd arrived. She already didn't like the idea of going into some dangerous, dusty, decaying ruins. She honestly hoped the name would give her some insight, a peace of mind. "We do not know." The princess shook her head, as she truly didn't. Twilight did, definition of the word alone was enough for the imagination. However she kept it to herself, knowing it would only cause Fluttershy more fear. Luna herself was just glad that nopony asked the origin or creator of the map, that none took note of its familiar signature. She had expected one to recognize or take some notice of her sister's seal stamped at the edge, as she was the one who made the map after all. Celestia was also the one who gave the ruins their name. But such details would only cause more concern, and luckily Luna was certain her sister would never venture anywhere too dangerous, or so she thought. After all had been discussed, location and travel at the very least, Luna bid farewell and pleasant dreams to the small group as she removed the seal from the door and off to her balcony she went. It wasn't long before she leapt with an unspoken manner of grace into the night, her beautiful wings unfurled to carry her toward the blank blackened sky, to begin the rise of the moon. As the chamber door opened, there awaited the two nocturnal guards that kept watch of Luna's domain, the two kindly escorted the girls from the chamber. The preparations had been set and the group would be leaving in the morning, after breakfast of course. The lunar guards lead them to the guest chamber, it was almost as extravagant as the one they'd just left, there were only small, key touches missing here and there. Just as the previous chamber, this room's marble floors kept a copy of all who enter, with a lovely reflection for each. "Oooooh!" came from the mare who mocked cotton candy, as she took notice of her double with eyes and smile as wide as her own, taking in the rest of what the palace offered its guest, her quick curiosity taking her here and there in a flash all about the room. The room was roughly the same, just as large, but lacking any theme. The room was simply regal, fit for royalty just as well. The bed seemed to stretch for miles, it was as wide as a pond, and it was shrouded with translucent veils glistening in an inviting pattern. Is this really ah' guest room? Thought Applejack as she made her way inside with the others. She removed her hat instinctively as she suddenly thought it rude to keep it on any longer within the castle. Her jaw had already dropped as she did her best to comprehend how anypony would need this much room to themselves. "Woah...!" was all that came from the cyan pegasi, as she hovered inside the room. She didn't notice the similar structure of the floor, being who she was her eyes had been more concerned with the ceiling as she was the only one to see her likeness tower toward what she almost believed the sky. Pillars lined the edges of the room here just as they did Luna’s, the sisters truly were gracious and generous, as well as humbling to consider this a place for guest. Rarity was still under the weight of the situation. She finally realized where she was once the lunar guards spoke in unison, “Enjoy your stay." And as they took three steps backward and bowed, the immense door slowly shut before everyone's eyes. The fashion designer took note of every flattering detail, it was all so beautiful, so inspiring. She noticed the bowls of assorted fruits and wine, some fresh, others aged to perfection as they dressed the tables. One could easily hold a soiree in a room this size without worry of running out of room. She also took note of the lovely reflection underneath her as she primped her mane with a hoof until it was "proper" again. She had never seen as much of the castle as she had this evening, let alone had the honor of such a room, it was absolutely astonishing! YES! The designer screamed in her delighted little head, as she was so thrilled she'd begun prancing in place. So many wonderful things came to mind, a royal sleepover with all her friends in one setting, what more could she ask for? Though, all her gallop left her as she saw the others concerning themselves with their friend, apparently she'd been the last to realize that Twilight had taken bed before any other. Her worry worn for all to see, the rest of her friends already circled the bed, slowly entering the sheets one by one to rest beside the bookworm. Rarity's ears tucked with a wince as she realized how absent minded she'd been, it was so unbecoming of her, with her friend being in such a state. She looked to the window and saw the placement of the moon, as it was now the only source of light in the large room, its massive light peering down upon them all. By the time she'd realized her folly, the moon had silently fallen and it was half full, as it'd been so for almost a full week now, such a thing had become the norm around the time Celestia first showed signs of turning ill. She looked to the order of her friends, Pinkie and Fluttershy had taken the spots closest to Twilight. They'd said the least the whole day through, they were at a loss for words really, although Pinkie made sure to keep her smile, even if it did soften at times. She swore to keep the smile as bright as the sun for one of her best friends. Fluttershy had done her best to shake any fear as she had silently given Twilight all the support she could. Her gentle wings engulfing, shielding the mare with her earnest feelings, all of which she was ready to shelter, rather, display when the time came... just as the others were. Rarity took a regretful place amongst the sheets, and she truly was hard on herself, harsh even. She wondered if Twilight saw her earlier display… perhaps beginning to think less of her now, she thought impossible things that night, in her shame. She vowed to focus her attention fully to her friend until Celestia was cured, and she was going to keep it. With the worry slowly being force from her mind, she shut her eyes and eventually she'd succumb to sleep, like the others. Unknown to her and four others, one friend remained wide awake, she quickly teleported from the sheets with barely a sound. She followed the same pattern as she made her escape from the room the same as she did the bed sheets. Twilight didn't wish to wait till morning, as something had crossed her mind when Luna informed them they'd be exploring ruins… that and her own worry. The student knew the castle inside and out... most of it anyway. She began her venture evading the nocturnal guards, which took more effort than she expected, though her magic made the intended mission a little less difficult, but their coats blending in and complementing the night castle wasn't all that helpful to her. In a matter of minutes, there she stood, in front of the sun's chamber, so close to her corrosive sickness, possibly contagious... in the dead of night. > III: Judge A Book By Its Cover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The apprentice of sunlight took one small step, then another, and one more just to be sure. Her very breath increased with every passing second, as it desperately tries it’s best to keep pace with her racing heart. Twilight stood inches away from her mentor's door, now her unsteady breathes brushing against its frame. She put a single hoof to it, the door itself was unnaturally warm, if she’d kept her hoof there long enough it might singe. Is she really in there? She'd felt her presence from the room, from the moment she arrived at the castle in fact, though the sense she felt now wasn't as vibrant… in short, she already knew the answer to her question. "Maybe... it’s just because she's asleep," Twilight whispered to herself. The unicorn gasped, "That or she's..." Before she could finish her frightening notion, another creature, equally as terrifying, if not more so stood. An immense shadow had cast over the shoulder of the little pony, the creature cleared its throat, a sound all too familiar to her as she turned to meet the very princess that thought she'd made it clear that her elder sister wasn't in the condition for visitors. Her furrowed brow and stern expression only made Twilight regret her decision even more. The goddess' stature and still, enigma of a mane, made her appear even more fearsome engulfed in shadows. "Twilight Sparkle... is there anything we can help thou with?" The night watcher inquired. Twilight hung her head in defeat, knowing full well she should have simply stayed in bed with her thoughts, her fears... and her friends. "Come…" Luna beckoned, before she received answer. She headed through the halls, and her guest followed along without a word. For whatever reason the structure looked far more spacious at night, the moon intruding inside every room within the castle, it always paid scheduled visits. As the two made their way across the halls, Luna’s form, every inch that the moon caressed was illuminated, it was as if she were born to be seen in moonlight. It was almost as if the stars themselves were guiding the librarian through the halls, perhaps because at times Luna's form would seemingly vanish when there was little light, the night effortlessly complemented her coat so. Twilight couldn't help but catch Luna's vision; such a sight easily took her eyes from the floor, as she'd been previously pondering her mistake during their venture. As the two finally approached the guest chamber, Luna did not cease in stride, she continued on, which caused the polymath to do the same. After all, she truly did have something she wished to ask of this princess, soon enough they approached Luna's room once again. Before the door opened, Twilight spoke, "Luna, I'm really sorry I—“ her apology was brought to a halt as the princess raised her hoof in objection. " 'Tis fine," the princess sighed and gave a smile showing sympathy. "We understand such concern… how could we not?" The door was opened with a glow of her horn, and she gestured for the little pony to step inside, and so she did. In all of Equestria if there was another who could come close to feeling the same agony as she did regarding her elder sister, it was this unicorn. It was the very reason she had been awake after all, and happened to find Twilight in front of her sister’s chambers, her being caught hadn’t been a remarkable coincidence. The door shut behind the room's resident as she entered after the other and made way toward her bed, even her venture, along with entrance to her bed was elegant as she laid head and form down to rest. Twilight was a bit confused, as she stood at the center of the room for several minutes. Luna's horn gave a glow and a section of the sheets lift, after she'd made herself comfortable. "Come Twilight Sparkle, ye shall rest with us tonight. At best we can at least keep an eye on thee." The librarian cautiously made her way toward the bed, minding the veils as she gently brushed them aside and slipped between the sheets, this was the last thing she had expected. At the very least she had anticipated a bit of scolding, a stern tongue, a lecture even, but not this. She took her place near Luna, and to her surprise once more, she was met with two hooves and warmth, given all her stress and worry, both were quite welcomed. And again, Twilight was reminded of the others stature, she felt safe and the awkward mood that resided only in her mind before, had set itself down to rest as quickly as she did. It was then that the librarian remembered she had matters she wished to discuss with the one she'd apparently be sharing a bed with tonight. "Princess," spoke the purple polymath in a whisper, as didn't want to wake the other, had she already fallen asleep. "Yes," answered the other in a gentle tone. "About tomorrow, the ruins… we’ll need a guide." This was true, Luna hadn't thought to give them such a thing, as the lot had always crusaded as the six saviors, never did they need a guide before. "You have somepony in mind then?" asked the princess with shut eyes. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I’m sure this pony will make our journey a hundred times easier." The unicorn smiled. Indeed Luna was curious, as Twilight truly had confidence in this one. "If you wish, we shall send for them in the morning.” The lunar equine yawned against her hoof. "Thank you, princess.” These were the last words said, before both succumbed to slumber with less worry than before. As fate would have it, morning came, the sun still somehow making its debut right on time. The castle cooks themselves had finished their morning routine of preparing breakfast for the castle, as they arrived extra early this morning, seeing as there were more housed than its usual two. They were also given specific instruction to prepare a feast. Elsewhere two ponies had done the same, being early to rise as these very two had also been the last to arrive at the table, Celestia excluded of course. The dining hall's lavished table stretched nearly a mile long, because of that, it was rare that anypony sat at its ends. The tables had been set with silverware, napkin, knives, forks, spoons and of course the silver platters kept with domes, which made their banquet a mystery. The friends freshened up and all arrived at the table one by one, taking their seats across from the other, exchanging glances left and right, the same as they'd done while being escorted to the halls. It appears they'd lost a friend, thankfully Luna had given the guard notice of her and Twilight's scheduled tardiness, or else the lot would have skipped breakfast altogether and searched for their friend in misplaced concern. Even with the guard's notice, it didn't mean they couldn't worry. Though, their worries were put to rest as the two entered the hall sharing smiles. Her friends finally had comfort once again, all giving sighs of reliefs, some wiping sweat from their brows, before returning the gesture they'd just received. The two took their seats, alongside the others, everypony giving morning greetings before tying the napkins around their neck. "So, where were the two of you?" Rainbow Dash furrowed a brow. As she was the last to fasten anything around her neck, but the first to ask the question on all her companion’s mind. "At the library," said Twilight, giving a bit of a giggle as she knew her surprise would excite the cyan pegasus just as much as it did her, if not further. “The library?" her expressions still the same, this time getting only a nod from Twilight as confirmation. All she did was shrug, as she'd finally fastened her napkin. She dismissed that last of her worry with a final notion. Eggheads will be eggheads. The trip the two took to the library wasn't as quick as you'd believe. Upon their arrival, Spike shrieked at the sight of the foreboding visitor, he’d honestly believed he was having another Nightmare Moon Nightmare though that didn't stop him from darting up the stairs. Twilight couldn't help but be a bit embarrassed by his display when such company came. "You'd think he knew the difference by now," she said to herself as she shook her head and went upstairs to retrieve him. It took some time to calm the dragon down, and to pull him from underneath the bed. After things had settled, he apologized to Luna and in return she apologized to him, as she honestly wished her form was less intimidating to her subjects. Twilight had come in search of a book of course, and still, even though she’d always been one to set the order and structure of books in the library, it was usually… Spike… or somepony else who swiftly acquired the book Twilight was in search of. Spike had no idea why the mare had been so excited, almost giddy to get her hooves on that book, she’d held it for two weeks now and as far as he could remember she hadn't even read it, however she had spent hours caressing the cover with a more painful sigh than her usual infatuated one. Luna furrowed a brow, "'Tis not the book we acquired for thou a fortnight ago?" Twilight hugged the book. "Yes, it is... I couldn't bring myself to read it. Daring Do's last book, a month before its initial release... her last, adventure. I'm really grateful, thank you Luna." Luna still couldn't understand, the unicorn had tears forming her eyes. "Have we... gone against some tradition, by acquiring the book sooner?" "It isn't that Princess Luna, I've just never been good with endings. The author says this is the last book she'll ever write, but she hasn't said why... but it's clear she means it, Twilight hugged the princess, "It's alright, I'll be fine. The author said that this book would change Daring Do forever, that she gets something special at the end; it'll give all her fans closure." Twilight wiped her eyes and fit the book in her saddlebag, putting on her best smile to assure her traveling companion she was fine now. "Come on Luna, we've got work to do." "Indeed Twilight Sparkle, we have one final duty to attend to while you prepare for the journey ahead ." Before their discussion had even begin, Spike yawned and stretch, the baby dragon dismissed the herself and assumed it was just far too early in the morning and he himself, far too tired to understand why the book was needed. Before he retired, Twilight hugged her number one assistant, thanking him for the book and cleaning the mess she and her friends had left for him. Both wished him pleasant dreams even when the dawn was nearly an hour away. Twilight left a note for her weary assistant, and the two made their exit. ----------------------------- As every mare was finally accounted for, ponies, as if on command appeared in lines and rows into the dining hall. The chefs of course, coming in white coats to present their culinary delights, they all placed a hoof atop the domes that hid their dishes and began revealing them one after the other, proceeding in a wave. There stood apple and oranges some sliced, diced and others peeled; eggs, bagels and haystack pancakes; French toast and other various grains flowers assorted for feeding, all herbivore's choice. Luna had instructed them not to prepare anything too heavy or fattening before their journey. Such things could take place upon their return. The meals themselves seemed to sparkle, perhaps just reflecting off everypony's wide eyes. It truly was a feast, and while everyone had a shield around their necks, there were three who didn't take well to sword, silverware if you were aware of your etiquette. Pinkie herself was one of them, aside from anything requiring class such as the offered wine and morning beverages she never did have the best of manners at the table. Truthfully she believed they would only slow her down. Applejack herself hadn't been too familiar with fancy forks and knives, neither was her competitive companion as the two carefully ate what their teeth could hold. Pinkie mimicked the two, she’d restrained herself from jumping into the table, as she wasn’t a slob, but that didn't mean her muzzle was any cleaner thanks to the syrup left at her side. Luna simply smiled at their display as she was glad her guest were being themselves, it was rare that she or her sister ever had guest at such a time, in the morning. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, expect Ms. Rarity who soon softened up herself, she’d come to enjoy her friends after all, despite how uncouth they could be a times. And Fluttershy was just relieved she had nothing to fear in this pleasant morning, the chirping wildlife and running fountains that sit beside the castle windows easily but her at peace. Although she thought for a moment that there might have been some form of meat in such an enormous feast, but her kind eyes caught no sign of such a thing. It didn’t take long for everyone to have their fill as they didn’t eat all that often. Upon removing their shields and praising the meal, the group removed themselves from their seats and made way toward the exit. The girls noticed their things already neatly gathered at the entrance, it was time for them to leave as scheduled. They were ready to depart, after a long night’s rest and bountiful breakfast how could they not be? Everyone gathered around their saddlebags and lined themselves in front of the large door. Luna had taken a different route than the others and no pony knew where the princess had vanished to so quickly. Though, it wasn’t long before she returned in all her majesty. As she approached, a hovering, shimmering chest could be seen beside her stride, a familiar looking one at that. The mare of dreams stood before them, the jeweled box and her horn giving the same glow. The miniature chest opened, revealing the elements that echo within the very fiber of friends that stood before. "We thought it best that thou bring these along, thy capricious journey with undoubtedly have a higher chance of success with them.” Luna lifted each saddle-bag and made certain they were securely fastened before putting each element in its proper place and being sure to place the map within Twilight's bag, raising a hoof after to signal the guards to open the door. The girls turned toward the door for the last time as it opened, allowing the warmth of the sun to shower down, and bathe them in its glow, it was inviting as always. The girls faced out into Celestia’s gift, everypony wearing their masks of determination. The guards bowed and Luna waved them farewell. "Take care of thy escort and she shall do the same for thee." These were the princess’ final words, as she silently wished them all the luck she could. The friends all looked to Twilight, as she was the only one to wave when Luna said such a thing. "We will princess." She smiled with glee. "Uh, escort? What's she talkin' bout Twi?" Applejack asked with furrowed brow. "You'll see." Twilight vibrantly reciprocated as they made their way to the familiar air balloon, fully prepared for take-off. To her friend's surprise, there was a pony already inside, as she slowly came into view as the girls trot toward the aircraft. The pony became more and more familiar to Rainbow Dash quicker than the others as they came closer. And as they finally reached the contraption, the cyan mare froze, she couldn't believe it, it was… impossible. "No way," she said in a whisper. The mare was looking to the sky, her star-compass cutie mark in full view and her trademark cylinder hat atop her gray scale mane flowing in the gentle breeze. As they approached she turned and smiled to greet everyone, allowing them room to enter. The librarian put a friendly hoof over the shoulder of their escort, now grinning ear to ear. "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet, Daring Do. She will be helping us navigate throughout our expedition." Twilight couldn’t help but beam a wide grin. Rainbow’s jaw dropped, it just couldn't be her, she was a fictional character after all. "Huh... but I thought she was just a pony in those books you're always reading?" Pinkie Pie questioned as she raised her hoof like a foal in a classroom. "Right you are Pinkie. Thatwas the case before, but Luna and I went back to the library this very morning for this special occasion and she used a very particular and powerful spell, (one Twilight couldn't possibly cast or she'd have done so quite some time ago) to bring her here to be our escort." The lot of mares were all familiar enough with the Daring Do series, or how capable she was in the thicket of jungles, forest, pyramids, and ruins as that's where most of her adventures lead her. If Twilight hadn't already made certain they knew of her then Rainbow Dash surely had, countless times. Rainbow Dash was still in shock, “The" Daring Do was talking and breathing, right next to her! This was the only pony cooler than she was, of course now she couldn't admit it since she'd always claimed to be the most awesome pony alive. Twilight couldn't help but giggle at Rainbow's display, she knew she'd act this way from the start, she was more or less the same way herself when Luna first brought her from the book. Strangely enough, only Applejack noticed how familiar, or rather similar she looked compared to Rainbow Dash as she squint an eye, it was as if they could be sisters, twins. It took all of the rainbow's pony’s will not to squeal right then and there, as she covered her muzzle with a hoof as quickly as she could. After all greetings and pleasantries were given, everyone boarded the balloon and Daring Do, released the rope. Off they went toward the radiant sun, to Saddle-Arabia. Luckily it wasn't too far from the kingdom, and with the coordinates and map Luna had given them, they'd land near the ruins in no time. And time was of the essence. Twilight clenched her hoof. "Princess, I promise I won't return without that cure." And she meant every word of it as she set her eyes outward to the beautiful skies before her. And just then, a certain pony lost the last of her dying will, letting loose a squeal of delight that all would have to Pinkie Promise never to speak of. > IV: Remembered in Rhyme, Ruined in Ruins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls had finally passed into Saddle-Rabia, they couldn’t make out much without a telescope, which Twilight had thoughtfully brought along, and she happily handed the device over to Daring Do. It had been carried along in case Luna intended to leave a message among the stars. Stargazing, it always calmed her nerves despite any crisis, but the telescope was of no use to the librarian in her current state. She and Rainbow Dash had been gazing toward a single star all morning, noon, and into the approaching eve. The sun was setting over the sandy horizon, the desert stretched for miles and miles, mocking the ocean itself. The balloon was lowered slowly as they approached a town coming into view, this was the second town they’d come across. Unlike the first town, this one held a glorious palace, with its giant golden towers, lush, exotic plant life lining the corridors and beautiful oval fountains flowing from the elegant equine statues; immortalized, posed in the Ardha sword and dance positions. Unlike the palace and its glory, the town and its ponies were a bit more difficult to see in the swaying sand. Though they seemed friendly enough, the ones they could make out. Some were waving and smiling, others simply in awe at the sight above them. They made a bit of a spectacle as they went by, it couldn’t be helped, everypony above returned the same gestures of waving a hoof, not expecting such a warm welcome. And as Rarity pointed out, it seemed that most every local dressed in robes and vests just as some housed turbans as well; one would assume for the heat. And some others, as she referred to as “gaudy” jewelry. Still, she sighed as she looked at their clothing’s material, she knew she wouldn’t have time to acquire any considering their reason for venturing thus far. During her fashion inspection, a shimmer in the sunlight caught her eye, she zipped to Daring’s side; lightly taping her shoulder with a hoof to get her attention. “May I borrow that for a quick second, pretty please” she said, batting her pleading lashes. The excavator only furrowed a brow, a bit taken by the sudden advance, but she complied and gave Rarity the device hoping she would be as quick as she claimed. The unicorn rushed back to other side and caught sight of the precious ruby that caught her eye, it was, ‘Divine, dazzling, I MUST HAVE IT!’ she thought to herself. She was actually contemplating how long the drop it would be. But her previous display in the palace brought her back to her senses, she was here for Twilight and so she would remain. With a sigh, she returned the telescope, receiving stares and concern as she’d just with through so many motions and expressions in a matter of minutes. She sat down, and began sulking, almost pouting at the loss, she knew previous promises and priorities came first. “You alright sugarcube?” asked the farmer, the question her friends wondered as all eyes fell on her. There was a slight pause in her sentence as she stood. “No need to worry darling… I’m perfectly fine.” She smiled and set her eyes toward the setting sun. There would be plenty of gems and emeralds alike, but only one pair of companions like these, they outweighed any silly stones. Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Rarity and embraced her with a smile of her very own; she was always her happiest when her friends were. Fluttershy, still refusing to move from her spot, crouched within the basket, flashed a smile herself. Unfortunately she was missing the cool breeze that had been blowing ever since they came into town, the same wind that raced through their fastest flyer‘s ajar wings, and she loved every second of it. Daring returned the pleasant gestures the ponies have given them as they were finally flying away from the town, her mind had been a bit preoccupied, having her sights set on further matters. Their objective was to reach the ruins before night fell. They’d all had their rest and refreshments earlier…well… most of them. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and she never did shut their eyes. The two kept asking so many questions, and she was just as excited and nervous as they were, for a different reason, but still excited nonetheless. The adventurer kept her spirits high, it’s what she lived for after all and the other two were just pleased to have her about, which in turn gave her even more vigor. Daring had never personally been praised for her exploits before. She looked over the horizon once more, the town itself almost completely out of view. Daring suggested the two finally get some rest and refreshments of their own before they reached their destination. Fatigue finally registered as the pegasi reminded them they’d been up since morning, noon, and after without rest. The two friends exchanged yawns and slowly fell against the other, soon enough succumbing to sleep, and avoiding the breeze of sand as Fluttershy had done the entire trip. The shy mare only managed to glance down twice, curiosity had gotten the better of her from time to time. Unfortunately the two mares didn’t have much time to rest as the ruins came into view, along with the aged stone pillars and platforms that decorated the exterior of the ruin itself. The sun was at its final hour as they land, the two recently who’d enjoyed their catnap still a bit groggy as they were the last two to exit the basket. Daring took the thick rope she received from Applejack and secured the balloon as it were. The girls seemed to be having quite a bit of good luck that day, so it seemed as the pathway leading to the depths of the ruin were already available. It was as if somepony had already been here, perhaps even inside still. s “Well that’s a bit strange,” Daring said aloud, as she brushed the ruin’s steps with a hoof. “This is a little too easy, usually there’s a password, some sort of pattern to reveal the path.” Daring pondered this for a bit, keeping her hoof stretched at the entrance to let the girls know it wasn’t entirely safe to enter yet. However she didn’t have too much time to ponder as a sudden storm approached, it was quick and fierce. And in all honesty, it appeared rather too suddenly. But there was no time to think, she signaled everypony inside, having them at least venture onward till they were safe from the storm. Daring was the last to enter, and also the one to see the balloon fly off withouts them. A rope of that caliber snapping made her question just how strong the storm was, that or if someone had simply cut the rope long before. How could they, so quickly? She thought to herself. “We have a problem, we just lost our ride. The storm blew the balloon away.” There were collective gasp all around. “But we just saw ya tie it down tighter than two ponies during a three-legged race!” Applejack proclaimed, as she held on to her dear hat as the sands twist and pollute the raging wings outside. The storm seemed to be trying to wage its way down with them, sending manes and sand swaying within the ruin. Twilight quickly stepped in front of the entrance and cast a translucent shield in front of the entrance to prevent the storm from progressing any further, and suddenly… the sandstorm ceased. It was clear that someone didn’t want them to enter unharmed, and since they had, their only option left was to make sure they never escape. “That sandstorm seemed quite… selective for a coincidence, some sort of spell no doubt.” Rarity accused aloud, growing in concern that such a powerful spell was cast by a creature after their hides. Daring Do motioned a hoof to silence the group. She began eying their surroundings, waiting for any unnatural sound or vibration. Nothing came to her ears, other than the sound of Fluttershy shielding herself behind Rainbow Dash, who already had wings in upstart position and ready to oppose any threat that dare try to strike them. Pinkie had frozen completely still as Daring signaled their silence. She even kept her sandstorm face, with mane and tail blown backward, it really was a wonder no one questioned such things. Twilight would have, but she’d finally learned her lesson the last dozen times when it came to questioning the queer mare she called her friend. The silence was finally broken as the explorer answered the previous question. “I doubt it was a spell, desert storms are like that. However, that rope was cut, someone doesn’t want us here.” Daring dust herself off, removing a bit of the sand the storm had left upon her clothing, and patting the remainder from her hat the same as Applejack did. “Who would in their right mind would do such a thing!?” shouted Twilight. She stamped a hoof in her frustration, anxiety growing and showing on her face, she couldn’t think of any good reason for anypony to wish her mentor remain in such a state. The farmer put a sympathetic hoof over her friend’s shoulder. “Now don’t you fret Twilight, we’ll worry about that when the time comes. The quicker we fetch this cure, the better,” the farmer smiled as she gently pulled her toward the path ahead. “She's right, let’s get what we came here for,” said Daring as she took the lead and ventured along the narrow path. The others followed behind, keeping cautious as they made their way down the unknown halls. The architecture itself was mostly composed of stone, there were nothing but markings all about the walls. Marking that only looked familiar to Twilight and Daring, the librarian had done a bit of studying on archaic languages and hieroglyphics, and the other herself was simply a natural at deciphering such things after so many explorations, it was part of her character after all. The floors held a hexagon pattern, each pony stepping lively as they didn’t want to trigger any traps and have the walls close in, or a cliché of spikes to skew them. They’d only just started after all, and time was of the essence. The ponies passed rusty clay pots and fastened spears, all part of the décor, the chipped corners and loose equines statues displayed in all their glory complemented the authenticity all too well. The walls were lined with cob webs, luckily none were their size. But there was an abundance of dust, Celestia, how Rarity loathed all the dust and dirt. She’d spent a short spell already trying to brush off what the storm had left on her pearly white coat and conditioned mane. Despite knowledge, Pinkie had been the one to point out the paintings along the walls. Poking and prodding them with her hooves and eyes, she giggled with her bit of curiosity. “Wow, I wonder who left these crazy paintings all over the wall?” said the party pony, still pestering the illustrations. “Umm… Pinkie, I don’t think you should mess with those. I’m sure they were left here for a reason,” Fluttershy reasoned with her friend. She was honestly more afraid Pinkie would trigger something she shouldn’t, and she’d read her far share of Daring Do. She had skimmed enough to know there was danger at every turn before she slammed the book shut. Pinkie ceased her prodding, she didn’t have any notions of a curious cat or consequences, and she could just see she was making her friend uncomfortable. And if there was anything she felt she understood it was her friends and their tendencies. The two soon caught up with the others, they’d manage to trail a bit behind, not as far as Rainbow Dash of course. She had assumed her position to watch from the rear, but as her eyes wandered she realized how similar these ruins were to an actual Daring Do, book number twelve to be exact, Quest for the Emerald Eye. The pegasi had nearly forgotten of the recent sabotage, she was so thrilled to be here with her hero. Twilight would have been the same if it weren’t for her trying to cope with someone intent on seeing her teacher killed. And the rainbow mare soon remembered the situation at hoof and she shook her head, snapping back to her senses. Narrowing her eyes to her narrow surrounds, no one was getting past this pony’s watch. She gently flapped her wings as she made her way down the hall, catching up with the others. After everypony arrived in the first room, Twilight pulled the map from her saddlebag, she kept the map magically afloat for all to see. But the map only showed one path, oddly enough, they were met with two doors. Meaning the map wouldn’t be of much use, unless they choose correctly. As Daring proceeded further she came across two switches, and along with a warning above them. She read it aloud. “Pull either lever, both will lead to pain, one for you and the other for us. Each opens a path, they will lead you to the end soon, as one brings about quick death and the other certain doom. There will be five tests following this one, I feel it’s better to tell here than to show. You weren’t clever to come, but you’d be clever to go.” “Well, that’s encouraging,” said the fashionista, obvious sarcasm secreting from her tone as she furrowed a brow at the mention of death and doom. “Maybe there’s another way?” Twilight questioned, almost in a plea. She didn’t want anypony harmed, and from what she’d just heard, that was the only thing that would happen if any lever or switch in that room were pulled. And as nopony had an answer, everyone began prodding the floors, walls, and corners for clues of another route. Everypony except Daring Do of course, she knew full well that warnings weren’t written and kept unless they were necessary. She knew one was the way out, despite what she’d just read, that’s how it always was. Sadly, there was little to decipher, one switch a light hue and the other much darker. After the others had finally given up, they all turned to Daring, noticing she hadn’t moved. “What do you think?” asked Rainbow Dash, as she flew to Daring’s side. She’d been having a staring contest with the two switches, apparently the one of a darker shade had been putting up the best challenge as her eyes locked with it once more. “My gut tells me it’s this one,” said the navigator, as she pointed a hoof to her opponent. “Are you certain!?” Rarity asked their guide, as she wasn’t sure of the other’s certainty. As far as she could tell there was nothing to base her guess upon, no clues or helpful captions. Rainbow Dash flew to Rarity’s side, playfully nudging her side with a hoof. “Don’t worry about it Rarity, Good ol’ Daring here would never get us into danger she couldn’t handle.” Rarity rolled her eyes at the remark, before giving a sigh in defeat. “I honestly hope your faith isn’t misplaced Rainbow Dash,” she said as her worried eyes fell upon their guide. “Couldn’t we just pull both!?” Twilight asked in as her aura wrapped around both levers in her building fright. “Now calm down Twi, ya’ll aren’t thinking straight. None of these here levers sound too friendly, so you and I both know pulling one is better than both. It’s best if we just sit back and let Daring do her thing, she’s the expert after all,” Applejack put a hoof over her friend’s shoulder, she had been slightly shaking since the storm lead them in, the same as her confidence. Twilight took a few deep breaths, she knew Applejack was making sense, it was simple logic. So simple that she almost couldn’t see between her concern and confusion. Her horn’s glow faded as she finally caught her breath. “Thanks Applejack.” The unicorn smiled. In all the fuss, Fluttershy found her voice, still somewhat quiet of course. Her eyes had finally stopped shifting and she’d finally stopped shivering, she swallowed hard before she spoke. “I… I definitely believe in Daring Do, I kn-know she won’t let us down.” She fluttered to Daring’s side, both now sitting between the levers and exits through of the doors. This was how she gave her support to her who needed it more than ever, she was honestly terrified on the inside, convinced that either lever would be utterly horrible. And still stayed her ground, she gave Daring a nod with a face of confidence, one she wasn’t even sure was just for Twilight’s sake. Unknown to the two unicorns and the lot, there was a rule to ruins, it was the very reason Daring was so confident. Everypony prepared as she put her hoof to the left lever. It was nerve racking to watch as the adventurer took her final deep breath and returned Fluttershy’s gesture. The lever was pulled… and to everypony’s surprise, nothing moved, a thick silence filled the room. It was too quiet, truly unsettling as eyes shift in search for any sign of /doom/ fit to befall them. A was calm, until a violent fit of shaking stirred the room, shattering the silence. “Twitcha-twitch, twitcha-twitch.” Pinkie and her senses had been set off, her tail couldn’t sit still. And neither could the room they all reside in, as it also became to shake. The door on the left slowly began to open as the violent shaking only got worse. The door slowly rose, accordingly too slow to Twilight as she quickly cast her will upon the lever and pulled it from the across the room. All eyes shift to the librarian as she acted so hastily, however the door to the right didn't seem to be the same as the one on her left. It opened far faster than its counterpart. Twilight also seemed to be the only one who didn’t realized the magnitude of the shaking almost instantly increased after she took action. “Everyone, toward the door!” shouted Twilight as she ran toward the only door that seemed to being opening on time. The two pegasi were already afloat the moment the earth shook. Unfortunately not everyone knew which door she meant as the other was almost open, it was only until she made a break toward the right exit did anypony move. Fluttershy flew toward her friend, the rest had yet to act, and in the midst of the crumbling scene Rainbow Dash waited for the others; she had no intention of leaving them behind, even as the dust and stones fell, even as the roof shook. Pinkie wasn’t able to move at the moment, seeing as she hadn’t stopped twitching, and Rarity could only look on in horror as the situation before her took hold. Applejack held on to her dear hat, as the dust pouring from the ceiling was covering more and more, splashing in her vision. Fluttershy and Twilight were almost to the door, both in a state of distress. The farmer was preparing to dart toward the sound of her friend’s voice… that was until another voice shot through her ears. “Stop, both of you stay away from the entrance!” Daring shouting as she darted toward the two, luckily the Pegasus had come to a halt, but Twilight had her eyes ajar as she charged toward the exit, shielding herself from the sand pouring from above. And at that moment it seemed her ears were blocked the same. “Huh!?” The unicorn finally opened her eyes as she about to breach the exit. Her eyes seemed to grow three times their normal size as she saw a boulder ten measures the size of her eyes, intent on meeting her at the foot of the door. Her friends all called her named in unison as they had only just seen the immense, incoming danger. Twilight shut her eyes as all sense had left her, even if her legs stopped now it would be far too late, she’d also lost the time necessary to cast the teleport spell and knew at this point she’d end up smeared against the surface. The book pony clenched her teeth, as she braced for impact, one she was destined to meet. Twilight immediately felt her entire body recoil, the sensation of whiplash and the loud crash that came with the collision. A collection of gasps resounded as the boulder met the wall exterior and Twilight felt herself atop something other than the floor, onto what felt like a… feathery cushion? If she’d kept her eyes open she may have just seen the boulder run by, barely a few inches away. Twilight cautiously opened her eyes, blinking to be sure she was seeing the truth. She saw the trail the trap had left, and measured her distance, knowing full well she didn’t dodge it on her own. The librarian’s eyes then fell to backside, it was then she understood how she bargained her escape. The cushion underneath her was in fact the explorer herself. Twilight’s savior smiled to her, even in her current pain, she’d sprained her wing. The shaking however never ceased, if anything the boulder’s collision with structure only make it worse. And Pinkie’s tail had yet to stop twitching, even so she and the others made their way to aid the two. All except for Applejack, she herself had been uncomfortably close to the being on the receiving end of that rock as well. What truly bothered her was how close she’d just come to the loss of one of her best friends, she looked at the boulder in horror, the one now impaled within the walls of the room, envisioning the sight that could have been. “S-something’s a-about toOoO fall,” said the twitching mare. “I’ll bet the sapphire stone, it’s the ceiling.” Daring winced, doing her best to stand after Twilight rolled off and stood to her feet. “Come on, we’ve got to leave, now!” Their guide gave the order and the girls helped the guide to her hooves. And just as her senses foretold, something did indeed fall. The bet had been won, and sections of the ceiling feel, a large layer falling upon all who came to help. There were screams as the section gave way so suddenly, wreckage falling and surrounding them, and then a loud crash and an enormous slab of rubble came down. Everything had gone dark around them, and then after a quarter of the roof had fell, silence did the same once more. It was terrifying this time, the ponies all opening their eyes one by one. To their surprise, they were all very much alive... or so it seemed. All but one questioned why, upon vision returning they saw the light brimming from the unicorn, the one straining herself to keep the massive slab from killing them. Applejack had managed, or at least done her best to fit underneath the very boulder than almost mowed her down moments ago. Taking refuge there had spared her any broken or sprained limbs. She left her cover once things were calm, and saw the wreckage that took place all in an instant. The pebbles and sand cascading off the mess of stone before her. The levers were in shambles, the warning was all but worn out, and the right exit was blocked by broken rumble and stone. She removed her hat and brushed it with a hoof, blowing on it for good measure. She looked around and hoped to Celestia that her friends were alright. It was around the same time that everypony realized they were missing a key part of harmony. “Where’s Applejack!?” Rainbow Dash was the first to start poking and prodding for her friend with the little light they had. The others soon followed suit, expect Twilight of course, she was dealing with the weight of more than eight-hundred pounds of stone and rubble as well her regret for causing such anarchy. “Applejack, where are you!?” shouted the girls one by one in a state of panic, except now there were two who were unable to move, the other being Fluttershy. She was terribly claustrophobic, her breath had already hastened two fold. As the herd had finally searched every inch of the small space, they continued shouting out to their friend. In the midst of all the shouting Daring spotted the yellow pegasi and her heaving chest, she approached her with caution. “Are you alright?” Fluttershy spoke as clearly as she could, the deep breath between her words making her issue obvious. “I’m-fine-we’ve-got to-find Applejack.” “Please, give her some space,” said Rarity, her tone now sympathetic for obvious reason. And Daring quickly complied, she had seen such a thing only once before herself. “Our poor Fluttershy has claustrophobia, and given her condition this is the worst, possible place she could be.” She sighed with concern in her eyes, as she gently brushed the pegasus’ mane. Pinkie and Rainbow both knew it was best to give their friend her space during such rare moments, though they refused to sit by and do nothing. And so the cyan pegasi began trying her best to budge the section roof that sat meters of above them, she flapped her wings as hard she could in that space and pushed with all her might, unfortunately she had no such luck. Pinkie began digging, but her hooves only irritated the surface at best. The two began shouting once again to their friend, this time they received a response. “Girls, I can hear you. Where are ya?” “Applejack, we’re trapped underneath a pile of rock. Follow the sound of my voice,” Rainbow Dash clasped her hooves as she did her best to make her voice project through the slab and rubble. The farmer followed the voice of her friends, tapping a hoof against the floor, and her companions did the same, playing a game of hot and cold with other until she was certain of where they were. Applejack put her ear to the heap of stone, now able to hear the footsteps of her friends. “Just sit tight, I’ll have ya’ll outta there lickety split,” she shouted through the stone. Earth ponies were born with an abundant sense of strength and stamina from birth, with Applejack being the apple herder she was, she had strength quite few could match. She aligned herself to what she assumed a soft spot against the slab, giving her back to the stone and bracing herself to buck. “Here I go.” Applejack load her legs, and fired with all the force she could, causing the stone to shake and pulse a bit. In the end she barely manage to crack the stone. And so she continued to fire, left then right until it became routine. She grit her teeth and she fired the final shot, giving the spot her last buck. When she looked to her handy work, she saw that the crack she’d initially made was considerably bigger, although that wasn’t saying much considering the actual size of the slab itself. The girls heard and felt every impact, all were a bit disappointed when there was still no light peering through after Applejack had put forth such vallant effort. “Do hurry Applejack, Fluttershy isn’t doing too well down here,” the designer called out to her friend. Fluttershy was gasping for breath under the pressure of their situation. “I-I’m really sorry everyone… this is all my fault,” Twilight groaned, straining herself to speak and keep the spell all at once. “I p-promise, nopony is getting crushed b-because of my misapprehension.” All went silent then, as no one really knew what to say, it honestly had been her fault and they all knew patronizing her wouldn’t ease her guilt. “You’re darn right nopony is getting crushed because of mis-misappre… whatever you just said,” the cyan mare approached the light illuminating from the unicorn, standing by her side with the usual smirk she wore when she with courage. She lift her hooves to the ceiling above, and the others followed her example as they formed a circle around her and also became pillars of support as well, in more ways than one. Fluttershy always seemed to forget the situation when the /feelings/ of her friends were at stake, very, /very/ slowly she became a pillar as well, the warmth coming from Twilight’s horn also seemed to calm the pegasus at the present time. Applejack had already gone off in search to find something that could help her get some leverage. She rubbed a pensive hoof against her chin as she pondered what could be of use, her eyes waltzing every which way about the room. She couldn’t see anything useful, and so she galloped from the room and into the halls they’d come from. She happened to see the pots and marking, webs, and finally she managed to spot just the tool she needed, a spear. She took the weapon into her hooves, it wasn’t her favorite choice, but it would have to do the trick. She brushed the head of the spear with a hoof, it was rusted of course, but the wood seemed to be strong, perfect and sturdy enough for what she had planned.