La Vie En Roseluck

by HateMode

First published

Roseluck was never much for romance but after Lyra causes a magic mishap, she finds herself wondering why it hadn't happened sooner.

Roseluck is one of Ponyville's most prized florist, always working hard to provide fresh flowers for all. Unforunately, her love life always took a back seat to her work. After an accident, she finds herself recruiting the help of her friend Lyra Heartstrings but after her spell goes awry, Roseluck finds that it isn't just her garden that needs tending to.

A short but sweet story pairing Roseluck and her human female double.

By Any Other Name

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The summer sun was high over the Ponyville as ponies of all sizes, colors, and creed went about their business. The weather was comfortably warm for what had been an otherwise very humid summer and everyone outside saw it as a perfect opportunity to shop, farm, and in the case of three little fillies, crusade. The Cutie mark Crusaders were as unstoppable as ever in their quest for their titular Cutie marks and this time their latest endeavor had brought them earthbound in a scary but otherwise harmless landing. While one can argue that it’s hair-raising fun to fly and crash a large balloon one can only do so at the expense of another pony’s hard work.

“We swear we didn’t mean to crush your flower patch, Ms. Rose.”

“Yeah, I mean, how were we supposed to know that riding a hot air balloon would be so hard?”

“Ah reckon we should be apologizin’ instead ‘a makin’ excuses, girls.”

Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle bowed their heads and gave a sincere “I’m sorry” in unison. Roseluck was one of the more busier ponies in town and took good care and great pride in her crop which meant lots of time toiling in her garden. It also meant that it had been a lot of time gone to waste. To see all of her hard work destroyed in seconds was enough to drive her to tears out of sheer frustration, but she couldn’t bare to see three little girls be punished for what was essentially a freak accident. She could remember how impatient she was before receiving her own Cutie Mark and sympathized with them.

“How can we make it up to ya’?” Asked Applebloom.

“Yeah, say...” Sweetie Belle chimed in. “Maybe we can help you regrow your garden.”

“We might even get our Cutie Marks!” Scootaloo beamed.

“Cutie Mark Crusader Cultivators!” They shouted at once.

Roseluck gave a deep sigh and suppressed the urge to shove a hoof to her face. They were far too adorable for their own good. Still, some level of discipline had to be administered and so she agreed only to realize that perhaps their help would be more of a hindrance. Roseluck had a hard time tending the garden all by herself and despite being an expert in her field she doubted that the three could be much help to her. In the end she figured that sending a bill to Applejack and Rarity would be be better than forcing three little fillies into child labor. As for Scootaloo, she thought about coaxing her into asking Rainbow Dash for some personal weather changes to suit the extra water she would need for her garden.

“Just promise me that you’ll be back after first bloom, girls. I could always use a few extra hooves to help me out in the garden.” Roseluck said.

“Ya got a deal, Miss Rose.” Applebloom said as she mounted her friend’s wagon.

“Just watch, we’ll be the best garden-ponies you ever saw.” Scotaloo shouted as she sped off in her scooter, crusaders in tow.

Turning her attention to her mess of a garden she analyzed the damage that had been dealt. The balloon had done a number on her rose bushes and several other hedges that her friends Lily and Daisy shared in a sort of communal flower garden. She prided herself on her ability to grow and maintain a species of flower renowned for it’s delicateness but now she had to contend with re-growing her friend’s flowers as well.

“If only I had an extra pair of hooves.” Roseluck thought out loud.

As she cleared the debris from the garden the idea slowly took form in her mind until it nagged at her. All she needed was one very capable pony and it would pay off in the end. Removing the balloon from the scene didn’t take long and she quickly found herself at a very familiar doorstep. Ringing the bell brought her a kind of nervousness that was hard to explain since the unicorn she expected to meet was anything but normal. She gave the door a few more raps with her hoof and it didn’t take long until the aquamarine pony popped her head out.

“Rose! What a surprise, me and Bon Bon were just talking about you. How are Lily and Daisy?” Lyra asked with surprising enthusiasm.

“Hey there Lyra. Lily and Daisy are fine. Actually, they’re off attending a competition over in Canterlot so I’m all alone for the rest of the week.” Roseluck said in a calm tone, half-determined to lower Lyra’s always energetic mood.

“Is that so? I know how much of a troublemaker you can be when left alone, Rose. Anyway, come on in. Bon Bon just finished making cookies.” Lyra spent little time in pushing Rose inside her home.

The smell of chocolate chips and batter were heavy in the air and it made her hunger for some fresh baked cookies despite the warm weather. She shook her head clear as she joined Lyra and Bon Bon in one of the living room couches. She preferred to sit alone so she picked out a comfortable spot on a couch across from them. Lyra joined Bon Bon and slouched on her back letting her tail hang loose between her legs.

“Really, Lyra? I thought you were over that silly little phase.” Bon Bon accentuated her sentence with an eye-roll.

“I’m not a filly anymore you know. You mellowed out a lot since we started hanging out but sometimes you remind me of Rose over here.” Lyra popped a cookie in her mouth she floated off the coffee table in front of her. “Eshept Roshe never judgshesh me.” Lyra said through a mouthful of cookie.

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” Roseluck asked.

“Well, don’t take it personally but you can be a bit of a downer sometimes. I remember when Vinyl Scratch held that one party you were at. Sometimes I think you’re more interested in your flowers than anything else.” Lyra said in earnest.

“You still haven’t found a coltfriend yet have you?” Bon Bon asked suddenly.

“Or maybe you swing the other way.” Lyra’s smile shifted into a heavy grin.

Roseluck’s face turned a heavy shade of red as she felt the embarrassment rush to her head. “I do fine by myself thank you very much.”

“Oh really? I didn’t know you were into that.” Lyra teased.

“You know what I mean. I’m perfectly fine the way I am right now and I don’t need a stallion to feel better. Besides, I’m busy enough with my gardening which is what I came here to talk about instead of my love life.” Roseluck said, visibly distraught.

“Sorry, Rose. I was just teasing.” Lyra apologized.

“Yeah, Rose. You’re a very pretty pony so I’m sure when the time is right you’ll find your special somepony.” Bon Bon said.

“Thanks. Anyway, I’d like to change the subject. I wanted to ask you a favor.” Roseluck pointed at Lyra who was about to stuff another cookie in her mouth.

The two were quiet as they listened to Roseluck’s tale of woe regarding the CMC and their devastating effect on her garden. She knew full well how much work it would take to regrow the garden but what worried her the most was what Daisy and Lily would say when they got back. Roseluck was a very proud pony and she was determined to keep her reputation as a hard-working mare intact. Her plan was to find a way to duplicate herself so that she might be able to regrow the garden before her friends found out. It was, after all, her responsibility to take care of their flowers like they asked.

“I’d be happy to help but I wouldn’t be able to pull it off at all. Maybe if you asked Twilight Sparkle to help?” Lyra suggested.

“The last time I asked Twilight Sparkle to help me she wouldn’t stop measuring my dandelions and spent most of her time alphabetically organizing my seeds. Plus, scheduling isn’t my thing and a pony like me likes to play be her own rules.” Roseluck said.

“If you applied that kind of mentality to find a boyfriend you wouldn’t be asking me for help you know.” Lyra said.

“So can you help or not?” Roseluck was beginning to lose her patience.

Lyra and Bon Bon could only shrug as they shared the same worried looks on their faces. Ultimately, Lyra decided to help her friend out and agreed to meet her at her home after doing a fair bit of research. Lyra was hardly the most talented unicorn in all of Equestria but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to learn a new spell, especially if it worked.

A day later Lyra dropped by Roseluck’s home to perform the spell. It was late in the afternoon and the moon was already peaking over the horizon but Roseluck figured it was as good a time as any. Lyra had dropped by the library to “borrow” a few books but she was a tenacious pony and had read some of the more important sections of the books in a day. A copy of “Advanced Magic for Dummies” didn’t hurt either.

“Okay, it says here that to perform the spell I’m going to need a pony, that’s you, and someone to cast the spell, that’s me. Now, it’s going to take a lot of magic to do this so you might feel a little tired after we’re done. Nobody said that making a doppelganger would be easy.” As Lyra gave Roseluck the breakdown she concentrated on getting the spell right.

“Doppelganger?” Roseluck asked.

“It’s an exact copy of you that you’ll be able to interact with. Not like some spooky hologram or something.” Lyra closed her eyes to focus on the spell.

“You know, maybe I should go ask Twilight. She would know better. Besides, it’s pretty lateandIjustrealizedtha-”

Lyra cut her off. “Just relax and let Lyra take care of you. Now just stand over there and we can begin.”

Roseluck reluctantly took her place in the middle of the living room and looked to her sides feeling incredibly anxious about what might happen. Lyra bowed her head and closed her eyes shut as she focused on the spell. Her horn began to glow a pale green and only escalated in light and power as the magic essence began to build. The room began to get swept up in a strange wind and it surrounded Lyra in a swirling cavalcade of dust from loose potting soil and leaves from some of the plants lying around the room. The room was essentially an indoor terrarium and the plants themselves shook from the amount of power that began to build in Lyra’s horn. Roseluck was growing increasingly worried and was about to speak up when a burst of light from Lyra’s horn exploded and struck her, encapsulating her and then vanishing as quickly as it had begun. Roseluck was sent reeling and struck the bottom of a mantelpiece, a lone potted plant landing on her head. Lyra was left slightly dazed but recovered quicker than the dizzy rose-maned mare who was lead to her room.

“Hey Rose you alright?” Lyra asked as she placed the wild-eyed mare on her bed.

“Jyeah never felt better.” Roseluck replied in a an uneven tone.

“Just make sure to get plenty of sleep. We’ll see if the spell worked in the morning. Spells like this take at least half a day to manifest or whatever.” Lyra informed Roseluck.

“Okay bye bye goodnight.” Roseluck garbled.

Sleep was peaceful. Roseluck had felt a slight tingling sensation earlier but it would have been more to do with the spell than the knock on her noggin. It had been somewhat of a tiring experience and she decided that sleeping it off was perhaps the best course of action. Roseluck enjoyed dreaming because each dream was like getting a one-time present and in her case the best kinds of presents were the ones where she did meet her special somepony. Most if not all of those dreams tended to have happy endings.

After having a close encounter with one of these dreams Roseluck woke up to the sound of ruffling come from her sheets coupled with the sound of breathing. It wasn’t hers. She immediately opened her eyes and moved to the side to find that someone, not somepony, was laying on her side. Her visitor was facing the left wall of the room and away from Roseluck. With the moon high in the sky she was able to make out the features of the human that laid on her bed.

“W-what in Celestia’s name...” Roseluck whispered.

The stranger’s still had it’s back to her and judging by the rustling from her sheets Roseluck had not interrupted it at all. She recognized it as a human being because Lyra had once given her a crash course in Humanology with the aid of a very descriptive picture book. She thought they were nothing more than a myth but if that was the case then this was just another one of Lyra’s pranks. Slowly, she tried to piece together any reason for a human appearing in her bed and the only reason she could piece together was that this was a byproduct of Lyra’s spellcasting. As radical as it was, it made perfect sense.

“Damn it, Lyra. You screwed me over again...” What Roseluck didn’t know is just how screwed she was about to be.

It seemed that her new friend had finally noticed her and had locked up, muscles tightened what could only be shock. Slowly, the human turned to meet the gaze of the only pony in the room and the two locked eyes for the longest time. Roseluck herself returned a gaze of fascination as she tried to recognize what it was that her eyes were looking at. She took note of the human’s features, one of the more readily noticeable ones being her hair, and identified the human as a female based on her own form. At least, she was sure it was a “she”.

Roseluck’s short and smooth mane cut was almost identically replicated on her clone’s own head and it flowed down to her shoulders packed with the same rosey-red color she was well known for. Besides the exotic hair color, she was indeed a sight to behold, and even a pony like Roseluck could see the beauty in a creature she had little knowledge of. She had simple, soft features with a button nose and a skin tone that matched that of a person who spent long hours in the sun, an unblemished tan that was neither bleached nor heavy. Even her eyes glowed with the same green hue as Roseluck’s and for a second she could honestly see herself in her human counterpart. While she didn’t know much about human culture one of their biggest traits was the fact that many were described as always having worn clothes, even to bed. The human beside her didn’t seem to be wearing anything at all.

This small detail didn’t seem to bother Roseluck but unlike the pony, Roseluck 2 wasn’t too thrilled about being caught in the nude.

‘What do I even say? Will she understand me?’ Thought Roseluck. Finally, she awkwardly extended a hoof forward. “Um, hi. My name is Roseluck.” Said the pony.

The clone took it into her hand and shook it softly; the entire time the two never broke eye contact.

“You can call me can just call me Rosey. It’s easier that way.” Said the human.

As Rosey turned towards the little pony she managed to get a good sight of her exposed front and awed at the sight that greeted her as she was able to see her exposed body in full. Her bust was not large and sported two perky breasts that, while not large, did wonders to compliment the natural curves in her body. Her “other” area was nothing to marvel at but seeing it made Roseluck feel a wave of heat rush to her face seeing as it was a stranger that she was feeling up with her eyes. It was a vicarious feeling of lewdness and she wasn’t sure if she was starting to enjoy it herself.

“I know what you’re thinking about. You’re a very pretty pony, and soft too, but you can’t keep lying to yourself, Roseluck.” Her friend explained.

“W-what? That’s pretty rude coming from a stranger who just popped out of nowhere.” Roseluck replied.

“You asked for it, didn’t you? Or maybe I should say ‘we’. I’m not exactly sure what you had in mind when you made me but I do now.” Rosey said with a knowing smile on her face.

Slowly, she extended her hand towards Roseluck and despite some initial protest she almost went limp when her warm hand began to pet into her coat letting the soft hair bristle through Rosey’s fingers as they rubbed to and fro. Roseluck was enjoying it far more than she expected considering that it had been a surprise, but what a pleasant surprise it was.

The petting did let up as Rosey spoke to Roseluck. “I know about how stress you’ve been the last few days so I wanted to make sure there was something I could do to help. You and me share a bond you know. We’re pretty much the same so how about we get to know each other a little bit better?”

She continued to dig into the ponies stomach making gentle swirls in her coat as she massaged her belly. It was a marvelous feeling and despite her initial hesitation she quickly found herself lost in the all-too-relaxing feeling of her belly rub. As Rosey built up her courage she decided to move around Roseluck’s body hoping to find just the right spot. Roseluck didn’t protest and after a few minutes simply let herself get carried off in a daze as her breathing became more shallow with an odd heat building between her legs.

“I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is ‘yes’.” Rosey whispered into her companion’s ear.

Rosey decided to up the ante by flipping Roseluck over and massaging the mare, working her way down until she found herself fondling the area between her tail and hindquarters. Roseluck opened her eyes and recovered from her daze when she grasped just how lewd the situation had become.

“Wait...but that’s not..wait a second hold on now.” Roseluck said, flustered from her “petting”. “I’m sorry but that’s not the reason you’re here. If you are me, or whatever, you know that something like this isn’t right.”

Rosey just smiled knowingly. Typical Roseluck. “You’re a very pretty pony and don’t ever let any other pony tell you differently. It would be a shame to see you waste away like this. Your entire life you knew just what you wanted but you never went out to get it even when you could. But it could all change tonight. Besides, are you telling me it didn’t feel good?”

Roseluck feigned having to think about it. “I never said that. It’s just that all of this is so surreal.”

Rosey replied by scratching at Roseluck’s stomach again. “That’s not what you’re trying to tell me. Trust me, I would never do anything to hurt you.”

“Are you sure?”

Her reply came in the form of a kiss as Rosey leaned forward and brought her lips to hers. Roseluck pursed her lips tightly in surprise but after another rub she loosened up. They mingled as Rosey took the initiative and slowly pushed her tongue into the pony’s mouth in an attempt to ease Roseluck into the spirit of things. The kiss was sweet and invigorating to the both of them, each of their kisses tasting of turkish delights. It was something that neither of them could get enough of.

The two were now in an embrace and Roseluck had to resort to resting her hooves over her human partner in an effort to support herself. She didn’t want to bring herself to admitting just how excited she was but fortunately she didn’t have to do much talking. She never knew what it felt like to be kissed before and now that she had her first taste she couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t like one of those occasional fleeting feelings of hype you get when you’re kissed by one you love. It was a heavier feeling. She enjoyed the heat of someone so close to her giving her what she finally wanted. She never asked for it but now she didn’t have to.

Out of the blue, Rosey broke their embrace in an attempt to keep her own urges in check. The poor mare was drawing heavy breaths and her breathing had grown inconsistent. Rosey smiled at the display and pushed the pony onto her back as she went in for seconds. Rosey teased the tiny pony as she wound her fingers around her body drawing muffled moans from the mare. Moving on from the kiss, Rosey began to peck at Roseluck’s coat lending a kiss to some random part of her body from time to time. Moments went by without satisfaction and Roseluck was growing anxious. She was just about to speak up when Rosey made it clear just what it was she was doing.

“We can go further but only if you want to.” Rosey whispered into the pony’s ear. “But you’re going to speak very, very clearly.”

Rosey was nearly on top of her and fiddled with the panting mare’s mane as she awaited her reply. A small squeaking came from Roseluck as she spoke but Rosey pretended not to hear.

“A little bit louder please.” Rosey teased.

Roseluck was beside herself at this point. “I...I want more...” Roseluck whispered.

“Louder.” Rosey was enjoying her role as the villain.

“I want you. I want you to do more.” Roseluck said this time with determination in her voice.

“Now was that so hard? Rosey gave a sly smirk as she planted a gentle kiss on Roseluck’s neck.

She took her hand it laid it down near her flank massaging the area around her Cutie Mark. Roseluck gasped as she felt the warmness of her digits as they felt around her bottom half, fingers drawing circles and tickling at her. Roseluck struggled with the growing heat inside of her as she reflexively tightened her legs together. She wasn’t uncomfortable, far from it actually, but it was just a matter of having to loosen up before allowing her partner to venture any further.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to that in a bit. Let’s have some more fun for now.” Rosey was reading her partner’s body language but she might as well had been reading her mind.

She gave a playful pull at Roseluck’s tail inciting a small yelp from the pony. Rosey whipped the tail back and forth as she rubbed at her bottom noting how wet the coat around her hot box had become. Slowly, she dragged an index finger upwards across the slit and noted the heat, drawing a small bead of moisture off as she heard Roseluck’s squeal of pleasure. Taking two more fingers, she massaged at the area around her lips as she reached in for another kiss feeling the small pony moan through her mouth and shudder under the pleasure from her touch. But it still wasn’t enough.

Taking her other hand she reached for her own flower and felt around taking note of her own touch as she replicated the results on the poor pony’s body. The two bodies huddled together in their kiss as Rosey massaged their lips and folds with growing intensity. Roseluck was approaching her limit and her eyes were glazed over with pleasure as she stared at Rosey who had her own eyes shut in delight. Feeling daring, Rosey took her hand and pinched at Roseluck’s clit causing her to buck and thrash as an electric wave went soaring through her. Rosey removed her hand and saw the result as she smiled at the slick on her palm. Despite her sudden reaction Roseluck still wasn’t satisfied and moved into position as she raised herself on all fours. Moving her tail aside, she exposed the fierce pink of her mound and knelt down on her front legs in an almost instinctual display of need for satisfaction.

Rosey got the message and gently took hold of her flank in both hands as she spread her slit apart with her thumbs just wide enough to get a pleasant look. It was a delicate and soft pink, untouched and unspoilt until now. She eased in pulling her face closer and drew in small breaths breathing in the heady aroma of a pony in heat. Roseluck shivered at the sensation and moved her hips back until they met Rosey’s lips having had enough of her teasing and taking the initiative for once. Roseluck’s voice faltered with the feel of her partner’s warmth pressed against her and as Rosey obliged she found her voice again in stops and starts. Rosey worked slowly but diligently with pokes and prods as her tongue worked it’s way inside her with a rhythm that the pony matched with her hips. It was an incredible sensation as she felt the roughness of her tongue pressing against the taught walls of her marehood. She was tight and Rosey took her time lapping away as she worked through the motions to get a pattern that would suit her partner. Eventually, she found a rhythm as she drew her tongue across her pussy and in again in a cycle that never seemed to end.

Every flick of her tongue brought Roseluck closer and closer to the edge, her own feelings being caught between wanting that wave of relief and enjoying the ride too much to want to stop. Rosey’s face was smothered with the pony’s wetness but she didn’t complain, taking in as much as she can with Roseluck’s growing flow. She was poking her tongue in deeper and deeper milking more and more of those hot flashes of pleasure from the pony.

“Ahh, I think...I think...I’m close...” Roseluck said through heavy moans.

Rosey could feel the heat inside her partner grow hotter as she sloppily circled her pussy with her tongue. The mare was going crazy and Rosey tugged at her tail in an effort to control her. Her pulls only made Roseluck grow more impatient as she ground her backside into her partner’s face causing her to double her efforts with speedy flicks of her tongue. Roseluck was close now and she pushed harder as the tightness inside of her threatened to snap at any moment. Rosey could feel the walls of her pussy begin to tighten as she worked hard to drive her partner closer. Without warning, Roseluck tensed up and gave three final thrusts before driving her entire backside into Rosey’s face, smothering her. Hot waves of pleasure covered Roseluck’s body as she buckled under the suffocating spasm of her climax. She felt it wash over her as she kicked with every spark of her orgasm and her head became flooded with fuzzy thoughts as she rode the waves of ecstasy. Roseluck gave an errant spasm or two as she felt the aftermath of her orgasm and laid on her back as she basked in the afterglow.

There was a cough and Roseluck looked towards Rosey who was busy tending to her own needs. “You don’t think we’re done yet do you?”

The look on Roseluck’s face hid the obvious “yes” but all she could do was mumble a weak “no”.

An almost wicked grin grew on Rosey’s face as she looked at the pretty pony. “You’re damn right we’re not.”


Lyra made an intense effort to get up extra early the following morning to check on Roseluck. The spell had sapped so much of her energy that getting up took an extra five minutes on top of the usual ten that it took for her to hop from her mattress. Being Lyra, she let herself in after having knocked only once and settled into the living room to fix up some of the mess she had made the night before. Lyra called for Roseluck but after hearing no reply she figured she must still be sleeping. After fixing up some breakfast she decided to wake up her friend and made her way up to her bedroom to receive one of the biggest shocks in her life.

Lyra stood in the doorway, mouth agape, as she saw Roseluck nestled within the arms of her human counterpart Rosey. “What in Celestia’s name...” It was all Lyra could get out before she began to babble incoherently.

When Roseluck finally woke up she brainstormed with Lyra to try and figure out what exactly had happened. The only possible explanation they could find was that Roseluck’s double was influenced by Lyra’s subconscious, which would explain a lot more than Roseluck was ready to divulge. Rosey was just happy to be there. In the end, they decided that having a human around would be pretty handy. When Lyra asked Roseluck whether she had anything fun planned with her double she thought about it and replied with a smile.

“Yeah, actually. In fact, our game could last all night."