> Unlikely Love of Ages Past. > by Phoenix Skyfire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dear Diary > --------------------------------------------------------------------------     Unlikely Love of Ages Past   "Hey Apple Bloom," said an energetic pegasus to a yellow mare with a red mane. "What are you up to?"       Apple Bloom turned around to look at the orange pegasus and smiled at her. "Howdy there, Scootaloo. Just helping ma sister with some apple-bucking since Big Mac hurt himself last week," sighed Apple Bloom.   "How did he hurt himself Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo asked the mare with a worried look on her face. "Is he gonna be alright?"       "He should be just fine in a few weeks. I was doin’ some renovations on the barn, and he insisted that he had to help and managed to break his leg," sighed Apple Bloom again, looking at Scootaloo. "I told him I know what I was doin’ and would be fine doing it on ma own, but you know ma big brother. He always wants to help his sisters."       Apple Bloom looked down at the ground with sadness in her eyes, remembering how Big Mac tripped, knocking a beam down that landed on his right hind leg.       "I wish he would’a just listened to ma advice and let me handle it. I've been doin’ this for the past eight years ever since I got ma cutie mark."       "Can't really blame him for trying to help you though. He's just showing he loves you, Apple Bloom. I'm sure you know that too," Scootaloo told the sad looking mare, trying to cheer her up.       "I don't blame him, Scootaloo, I blame ma self. If I wouldn't have stood the beam up that fell down, he wouldn't have been hurt. That’s why I'm helping ma sister. It's ma fault Big Mac is hurt, so I'm doing his chores 'till he gets better." Apple Bloom said, looking up at Scootaloo. "Sorry Scootaloo, but I have ta get back to it. I have a lot of work around the farm. I'll come see you tomorrow, okay?"       Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom smiling at her. "Okay Apple Bloom, I understand. See ya later.” Scootaloo said. “And don’t work too hard!” She added, turning around to head back into Ponyville.      Apple Bloom waved goodbye to her longtime friend as she turned around and went back to apple bucking, watching as Scootaloo flew off.     ******************************************************  As Scootaloo was flying over Ponyville she heard a strange sound and stopped for a minute. She heard the sound a second time, finding it was coming from her stomach. She giggled slightly as she changed course and headed for Sugar Cube Corner.       Scootaloo landed softly outside of Sugarcube Corner with a sigh. ‘Well, this sucks. I was hoping to hang out with Apple Bloom today. Might as well get something to eat before I try and think of something else to do since I can't hang out with Sweetie either, since she’s in Manehatten,’ she thought to herself.       As Scootaloo walked into the open door of Sugar Cube Corner she was surprised by the many different scents of pastries. Taking a big whiff of the pastries, she walked up to the counter, where a yellow stallion with an orange mane was behind the counter.       With a bright smile on her lips, Scootaloo said; "Hello, Mr. Cake. How are you this morning?"       Mr. Cake returned Scootaloo's smile as he answers, "Hello, Scootaloo. I’m doing well. I didn't expect to see you up so early today, seeing as how it's one of your days off and you always sleep like Rainbow when that happens," Mr. Cake said, chuckling slightly.       Scootaloo giggled slightly too, remembering how Rainbow Dash would always nap throughout the day. "Yeah, I guess I do act like Rainbow on my days off." Scootaloo looked up at Mr. Cake, "I actually got up to go hang out with Apple Bloom since we haven't had time to in a long time, but she’s helping Applejack on the farm." She sighed dejectedly.       Mr. Cake reached a hoof over the counter and patted Scootaloo on the shoulder, smiling at her. "There there, Scootaloo. I know how you feel, not being able to hang out with one of your best friends very often. I know it’s not much but here." said Mr. Cake, reaching into the cabinet and pulling out a fresh blueberry muffin.. "It's on me Scootaloo, I know they’re your favorite."      Scootaloo looked up at Mr.Cake and smiled, "Thank you for your kindness, Mr.Cake, but I wouldn't feel right just taking one of your muffins without paying you."       Mr. Cake let out a small laugh, "Nonsense! Call it a friendly gesture. You are my best customer after all."       "Alright, you win." Scootaloo smiled as she scooped up the muffin with her wing. "Thank you for the muffin."      "Anytime Scootaloo." Mr. Cake said, beginning to wipe the counter down with a washcloth as Scootaloo made for a table.      Scootaloo sat down at a table and placed her muffin down. 'I wonder what I can do today,' Scootaloo thought to herself as she took a bite of her muffin. As Scootaloo sat at the table, eating her muffin and thinking, a pale magenta mare across the room was watching her. 'Why am I so interested in her?' Thought the magenta mare as she watched Scootaloo with her cornflower blue eyes. 'I thought I got over the crush I had on her while I was in school,' she thought as she got up from her table and left Sugar Cube Corner. As the magenta mare left she started heading for the Ponyville schoolhouse thinking to herself, 'Maybe Miss Cheerilee can help me.' ******************************* After walking for about ten minutes, the magenta mare reached the schoolhouse and looked up at the door remembering how she always bullied Scootaloo and her friends. She sighed as she walked into the schoolhouse and saw a dark magenta mare at a desk in the front of the classroom and smiled. "Hello, Miss Cheerilee. What are you doing today?" The magenta mare said smiling at Cheerilee. Cheerilee looked up from her desk, noticing the magenta mare and returning her smile. "Why hello there, Diamond Tiara. I'm just doing some work for tomorrow," Cheerilee replied. "You need something?" She inquired. Diamond Tiara shuffled on her hooves, nervously thinking of how to ask her old teacher something like this. "I was hoping you could help me, Miss Cheerilee. I have a little problem," Diamond Tiara replied, her voice slightly shaking. Cheerilee smiled at her former student, glad that she was still coming to her old teacher  even after all these years. "I'll help you however I can, Tiara. What’s the issue?" Cheerilee asked curiously. "Well, when I was in school I had this crush on another pony in class, but it faded after some time. Recently, though, I've been thinking about them again." Diamond Tiara confessed to her teacher. "I was hoping you might have some advice for me." "Would you be willing to tell me who this mystery colt is?" The school teacher inquired. "Well... it’s not a colt. It’s a mare," Diamond Tiara said scared that Cheerilee wouldn't like her anymore. Cheerilee smiled at her student and said, "let me guess. Scootaloo?" Diamond Tiara's eyes went wide as Cheerilee said her crush’s name. "H-h-how did you know!?" She asked the teacher. Cheerilee smiled at the magenta mare. "It wasn't that hard to be honest, Tiara. I found this when you were here in school," the school teacher replied, as she pulled out a Hearts and Hooves Day card with Scootaloo's name on it. "I found this after class on Hearts and Hooves Day one year while you were in school. I knew it was yours because of your handwriting." Diamond Tiara's eyes went wide and her cheeks became red as cherries when she saw the card she wrote years ago for Scootaloo. "Why didn't you tell me you had it? Or give it to Scootaloo?" She asked. “I didn't think it was my place to give it to Scootaloo, and you didn't ask me if I found anything so I didn't think you wanted to show it to her anyway. So I kept it,” Cheerilee replied to her student. “Besides, I figured it was just a small crush anyways. You never really seemed that interested in her.” the older mare finished. “Thank you for not giving it to Scootaloo, Miss Cheerilee. Would you be willing to help me with my problem? I'm really confused right now about what I'm feeling,” Diamond Tiara admitted, still blushing. “I'll help you as much as I can, Tiara. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” “Not at all,” Diamond Tiara replied, smiling at her old teacher, glad she would help her. “But can I ask you a question first?” “Sure, what is it?” Cheerilee asked. “I thought other ponies would hate me since I like another mare. So why are you going to help me?” Cheerilee put a hoof to her muzzle, giggling a little. “Not all ponies look down on ‘fillyfoolers’, as others would call them. I myself am one to tell the truth. That,s why I don't mind helping you. And before you ask, yes, I have a mare friend,” Cheerilee replied, smiling. “Who’s your mare friend?” Diamond Tiara asked, wondering who would like her old teacher. “Why, it's someone you know quite well, it’s Twilight,” Cheerilee smiled. “You're with Twilight, Miss Cheerilee? I didn't know she had a special somepony.” Diamond Tiara said, surprised. “Yes I am with Twilight. But enough about my mare friend,” said Cheerilee. “You wanted advice on what to do right?” “Yes ma'am,” Diamond Tiara said, snapping back to the problem at hand.         *********************************************** After speaking with Cheerilee for about an hour, Diamond Tiara decided to head on home since she was getting tired. “Thank you for the help Miss Cheerilee,” Tiara said, waving goodbye to the older mare. “Anytime, Tiara. If you ever need help again you can always come to me.” Diamond Tiara smiled as she left the school house and headed home. ‘Before I make any decisions, I'm gonna head home and go to bed. Maybe in the morning I'll feel different. If not, then maybe this is love.’ Diamond Tiara reached her home and went up to her bedroom. She walked over to her bed,pulling out a pink book from under her pillow. She laid down on her bed and opened up the book. Diamond Tiara pulled the pen out of the spine of the book with her mouth. Uncapping the pen she started to write.         ‘Dear Diary, When I was just a filly in school I had a crush on another filly. It went away a few weeks later, but recently that crush has come back full force..... I think I may be in love. Hopefully I can find out what these feeling mean, and if I really am in love.’ As Diamond Tiara finished writing in her diary, she began to think of what the next day might hold in store for her. ‘I wonder if she will feel the same about me? After bullying her so much in school, I wouldn't find it hard to believe if she didn't want to even be my friend. Maybe the advice Miss Cheerilee gave me will help.’ While Diamond Tiara was thinking about her problems, she began to yawn, quickly drifting off into a soothing sleep. > Apology > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Apology As Diamond Tiara trotted off towards the schoolhouse, Scootaloo got up from her table, finishing her blueberry muffin. Walking to the door of Sugar Cube Corner, she turned around. "Thanks again for the muffin, Mr. Cake. It was wonderful.” said Scootaloo, smiling at the orange stallion. "No problem, Scootaloo," Mr. Cake replied, returning the mare’s smile. "It was nice seeing you again." He finished, returning his attention to another customer. Walking out of the shop, Scootaloo started thinking. 'Rainbow Dash is in Canterlot today with the Wonderbolts, so she's out of the picture.' She started walking down the road, 'Twilight’s always nice to hang out with. I’ll go see her.’ she thought, smiling to herself she changed course and headed for Golden Oaks Library. After a brief trot to the library, Scootaloo opened the door and walked inside. Closing the door behind her, she noticed a lavender unicorn with a purple mane and violet highlights. Hearing the door close, the lavender mare looked up from her book, smiling as she closed it. “Hey there Scootaloo,” she said. “I thought you’d be with Apple Bloom today?” “Hey Twilight. I was hoping to hang out with her today, but she’s busy helping Applejack on the farm.” Scootaloo said, grinning at Twilight. “Are you busy today?” “Sadly, yes. Princess Celestia asked me to do some research into Star Swirl the Bearded,” Twilight replied, sighing. “This is one of his personal spell books,” she continued, holding up a book with her magic. “The spells in it are incomplete though, and don’t work right. The Princess sent it to me thinking I might be able to find out how to complete them. So far though, no luck.” Putting the book down, she looked over at Scootaloo. “Did you want my help with something?” “Not really. I was hoping we could chat.” Scootaloo replied, feeling down. “Sorry, Scootaloo,” Twilight started. “I would love to chat, but the princess is counting on me,” she finished, sadly. “It’s okay, I understand,” the pegasus said, faking a smile. Turning around, she headed for the front door. Waving goodbye to the unicorn, she said, “See ya later, Twilight.” As she exited the front door, she could hear Twilight say, “See ya, Scoots.” Closing the door to the library, Scootaloo started walking down the street. 'Well,  Twilight was a bust. Who else might wanna hang out and chat?' she thought to herself. Stopping, she turned around, hearing somepony calling her name. "Hey, Scootaloo!" She heard again, turning around to see a silver grey mare, sporting a grey mane with silver streaks. "Wait for me, will you?" "Hey Silver Spoon," Scootaloo said, smiling. "I thought you were still in Manehattan?" She said, curious. "I was, till just a little bit ago. I didn't expect to see you though," Silver Spoon replied. "What were you doing at the library?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "Nothing really. Today’s one of my days to just relax." Scootaloo said. "I came here to see if Twilight was free to chat, but she's busy.” She finished with a sigh. "Don't you normally hang out with Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle on your days off?" Silver Spoon asked. "Normally I do, but Sweetie's out of town this week and Bloom is helping on the farm," she said dejectedly. "What about you-- doing anything today?" She asked, hoping she wasn't busy. "Not really, to be honest. When I get the chance to come home, I normally just relax," the grey mare said, hanging her head down. "Life in Manehattan is... rough." Scootaloo looked at Silver Spoon. "Would you like to hang out?" She asked the earth pony. "I know we've never been close friends, but I think you're a good friend." She finished, grinning. "You think of me as a friend?” She wondered out loud. “I thought I was just an acquaintance to you, and the other crusaders." "I don't know about the others, but yes, I do think of you as a friend." The pegasus said sweetly. "We might not talk very often or anything, but ever since you apologized to us, I've kinda seen you as a friend. Anyone who's strong enough to admit they were wrong, deserves a second chance." Finishing what she was saying, Scootaloo started remembering what happened that day, four years ago. ************************** "So what do ya'll wanna do today?" Apple Bloom had said, as they sat in the old crusader club house. "I'm not sure Bloom," answered a white mare with a purple and pink mane. "What about you Scoot?" She asked, tilted her head to the side as she looked at the pegasus across from her. "I'm not really sure either, Belle.  Been so long since all three of us could hang out together," Scootaloo started, using the name Sweetie Belle asked them to call her. "I just wanna make sure we have a lot of fun today." She finished, getting up and walking to the window to think. "Hey guys. We have some company," she said, seeing Silver Spoon approaching the clubhouse. "What's that bully want here?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I don't know Belle, and to be honest, I don't give an apple buck what she wants." Apple Bloom said, scowling. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo? Are you three up there?" Silver Spoon called up to the clubhouse. "What are you doing here, Silver Spoon?" Scootaloo spat. "You can't really call us 'blank flanks' anymore since we have our cutie marks." “I know. I'm not here to bully you. I was hoping I could talk to you.” Silver Spoon said, with sadness in her voice. “Please?” “What do you guys think?” Scootaloo asked, turning around to her friends and lowering her voice so Silver Spoon couldn't hear. “Should we go talk to her?” “I don't know if I trust her, but what harm could there be in talking to her?” Apple Bloom said. “Do you have anything against talking to her Belle?” She asked, turning her head to look at Sweetie Belle. “Not if you guys don't,” Sweetie Belle said, unsure of Silver Spoon. “Alright, lets go down there though. Agreed?” Scootaloo inquired. “Agreed,” both mares said in unison. “Alright then,” the pegasus said turning back to the window. “We’ll be right down.” she called down to Silver Spoon. “Okay,” Silver Spoon said, sighing, relieved that they would talk to her. Silver Spoon watched as the three friends descended from the clubhouse, shuffling on her hooves, noticeably nervous. As they reached the ground she flashed them a small smile. "Alright, Silver Spoon. What do ya want?" Apple Bloom said, with a little more venom in her voice then she meant. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo all sat down, waiting for Silver Spoon to start talking. "Alright, first thing I wanna say is I'm sorry." Silver Spoon started, shuffling on her hooves. "I've done a lot of thinking in the past years. I should have never let Diamond Tiara talk me into bullying you three, like we did. I'm not saying its her fault," she continued, her voice shaky. "What I did to you three was my fault. I choose to do what Diamond Tiara said, so I could be cool in school, but I know now that I was wrong." Silver Spoon's voice was normal now, as she continued speaking. "I don't expect you three to forgive me, after everything I did to you, but I had to apologize to you. Its been eating me up for a while." She finished, noticeably calmer. She looked up at the mare and noticed their mouths agape, speechless. "I'll be going now. I just had to get that off my chest. Goodbye." As Silver Spoon turned around and walk away, Scootaloo called out to her. "Silver Spoon, wait." Silver Spoon stopped, turning around and looking at the orange pegasus. "Do you mean every word you said?" Scootaloo said, walking up to her and looking her in the eye. "Yes, Scootaloo. I meant every word." She responded firmly, looking Scootaloo in the eye. "I've seen you guys together so much, even though you guys are so different. It makes me think... maybe I could have been friends with you guys if I wasn’t so mean to you." Silver Spoon continued. Sweetie Belle walked over to Silver Spoon, placing a hoof on her shoulder, smiling. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to give her a chance," she said, looking over at her two friends. "If she means what she says, then I'm gonna give her a second chance." Silver Spoon looked at the unicorn shocked. "I guess yer right Belle, everypony deserves a second chance." Apple Bloom said, giving a sincere smile to Silver Spoon. "What about you?" She asked, gesturing to Scootaloo with her hoof. "I'm willing to give her a second chance." The pegasus said, smiling. Silver Spoon was on the verge of tears. "I don't think I deserve your kindness, but thank you for giving me a second chance." Silver Spoon said, starting to cry at their kindness. ********************************************* "I didn't think you three would be so forgiving," Silver Spoon said, smiling at Scootaloo. "If you wouldn't mind having me, I’d love to hang out with you.” "I would enjoy that as well." said Scootaloo, returning the smile. "Would you like to have a picnic?" She asked. "It would be a wonderful chance for us to learn more about each other." "That would be wonderful." She replied, smiling and throwing her hooves around the other mare in a hug. After getting a basket of food and a blanket, the two mares went to the park to have their picnic. > Truth of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Truth of Love         “I love you, Scootaloo. I know, I was always mean to you in school, and I’m s...s..so s..sorry.” Diamond Tiara whispered, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t know if you can ever forgive me for what I-” she was cut short with a hoof on her lips. “It’s alright, Diamond Tiara. I forgave you years ago. The past is the past,” Scootaloo said, with a small grin, pulling her hoof away. “And instead of telling you how I feel, I'll let my actions speak for themselves.”          “What do you-” Tiara was cut off again, but rather than by hoof, it was her lips being pressed against the other mare’s. Tiara was beyond surprised at what was happening. She closed her eyes and leaned into the orange mare’s kiss, enjoying the feel of her lips.          ‘Diamond Tiara,’ Tiara heard in the back of her head. ‘Diamond Tiara,’ she heard again as she felt a hoof on her side that started shaking her.          A moment later she opened her eyes and looked up, seeing a dark violet mare standing over her.          “Sorry to wake you up sweetie, but breakfast is ready. Me and your father will be waiting for you,” Tiara’s mother said as she walked out of her room.          “I can't believe it was all just a dream. It felt so real,” Tiara thought out loud as she rolled out of bed. Standing up on her hooves, she walked over to her vanity and fixed her mane and tail. With her mane and tail in respectable shape she headed downstairs to breakfast.          After an uneventful breakfast with her parents, Diamond Tiara left the house, going for a stroll along the side of the road.          ‘Where is that place?’ she thought to herself. ‘Miss Cheerilee said it was around this area....’ Not watching where she was going, she ran into another pony, making her fall to the ground. “Ow,” she said as she stood up, going silent as she saw Big Mac in front of her.. “Big MacIntosh. I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”          “It’s okay,” Big Mac said, nodding in understanding as he walked past Diamond Tiara with a limp. As Tiara watched Big Mac walk away, she started thinking, ‘I wish Miss Cheerilee would have told me more about this shop, other than the fact that it’s run by a friend of hers.’ Looking back ahead, she noticed Scootaloo and Apple Bloom heading her way. ‘Oh no.... I'm not ready to face her. Gotta hide,’ she started looking around and noticed a building that has its door ajar, just off of the main street. ‘I’ll hide in there,’ she thought as she galloped into the building. Looking out of the window, she watched Apple Bloom and Scootaloo pass by without noticing her. “Hello, and welcome to Moonlit Flower. Something I can help you with Madam?” called out a gentle stallion’s voice behind her. ‘Moonlit Flower? That’s the shop Miss Cheerilee told me about, why didn’t I notice this place before?’ she thought. Upon turning around, she sees a dark blue earth pony stallion with a sea blue and white mane, sporting a black rose for a cutie mark, and a golden necklace around his neck with a crescent moon. “Oh, umm... my name’s Diamond Tiara. My old teacher Miss Cheerilee told me to come here for a little... problem I'm having.” “Pleasure to meet you Diamond Tiara. My names Azure Rose. Why did Cheerilee send you here though? I’m sorry to say but, fixing problems isn’t my strong suit,” Azure Rose said dejected. “She was thinking I could buy some flowers for another pony I like, and told me to come here for them,” she said nervously. “Well, if Cheerilee sent you to me, I’ll help you as much as I can. What kind of pony is it you want the flowers for?” “She’s a pegasus,’ she said, blushing slightly. “Pegasus, pegasus,” Azure Rose said, putting a hoof to his chin, deep in thought. “Alright, I’ve got the perfect set of flowers,” he said, grabbing a bouquet cone with his right fore-hoof. Walking around the shop, he grabbed an assortment of flowers and arranging them in the cone, Azure Rose creates a beautiful bouquet of lilies, roses, and tulips. “Why are you grabbing those kinds of flowers?” Still arranging the flowers in the bouquet, Azure Rose looked up and smiled. “That’s quite simple, Miss Tiara. Pegasi enjoy the taste and feel of lilies, roses, and tulips more than other flowers since they’re lighter and softer. If Cheerilee asked you to come here, I can make sure this pegasus, you want these flowers for, enjoys this bouquet to the fullest,” the florist explained, putting the finishing touches on the bouquet by tying an elegant red ribbon around it. “Alright, your bouquet is ready. Would you like me to put it in a plastic wrap to keep it safe?” “Yes please. I don’t plan to give it to her till tomorrow at least,” Tiara said smiling at the florist pony. Azure Rose wrapped the bouquet in plastic and gave it to Diamond Tiara. “Here’s your bouquet, Miss Tiara. On the house for a cause like this. I hope this mare enjoys it,” he said with a smile. “Thank you very much, Mr. Rose. I’m sure she’ll enjoy these,” Tiara said, taking the bouquet in her left fore-hoof. “As long as she’ll even talk to me,” she said under her breath turning around to walk out of the shop. Walking down the streets looking around, Tiara noticed the next place she needed to go to. Walking over to the shop, she pushed open the door, causing a small bell to ring. As she walked inside she was assaulted by sweet scents all around from a variety of candy. Standing at the counter was a bright yellow mare with a blue and fuchsia mane. Looking over to the door the mare smiled. “Hello there, Diamond Tiara. I didn’t think I’d see you today. Did your mother send you to find out when her candy order will be ready?” “No ma’am, I’m actually here for myself. I was wondering if you had any boxes of white chocolates?” Tiara inquired. “I believe so, I’m guessing this is for your special somepony?” “W...w...what makes you say that, Bon-Bon?” “Well, you are holding a bouquet of flowers, wrapped in plastic, which would normally mean you bought them for somepony,” Bon-Bon said, with an amused grin on her face. Looking down at the flowers she realized that she had forgotten about the bouquet. “Oops.... I might have forgotten about these,” she admitted, giggling a little. “To answer your question, yes, they are for somepony special, but not my special somepony. The pony I wanna give them to, though... I’m not even sure if they like me or not. I’ve been thinking about them a lot though and even dreamed about them. I’m still not even sure if I’m in love with them or not,” Tiara said, looking down at the floor. “Tell me, Diamond Tiara, do you get butterflies in your stomach when you think about them? Would you do anything to see that pony happy?” “Yes..... Whenever I think about them I feel light as air. Seeing her happy, would make me happy no matter the case,” she said, without even thinking. Realizing what she said, she clamped her mouth shut, looking at Bon-Bon with wide eyes, worried about what she would think. “Don’t be so worried, I won’t judge you for liking a mare. After all, I have a marefriend, so I’d be a hypocrite if I did judge you. So what kind of box would you like?” Sighing in relief, she says, “Just a normal box. Like I said, I don’t even know if they like me. This bouquet and chocolate is more along the lines of an apology, then a confession of love.” Smiling at Tiara, Bon-bon reached into a glass case and pulled out a square box of chocolates. “These are some of my best white chocolates. Will they be good?” “Yes ma’am. How much do I owe you?” Tiara said, reaching into her bag of bits. “Three bits.” Fishing out the number of bits, Tiara placed the money on the counter and grabbed the box of chocolates, placing them on her back. “Thank you for the chocolates Bon-Bon,” Tiara said, grinning as she turned around to walk out of the candy shop. “Anytime, Diamond Tiara.” > Old Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Old Friend As she was waking up, Scootaloo stretched her hooves out, fluttering her eyes open. Rolling out of her bed onto her hooves, with a large yawn, she moved into the bathroom to wash up. After washing her face, the pegasus looked at herself in the mirror. 'This dream is driving me crazy. Why do I keep having it and who is that mare?' Scootaloo thought to herself. “Scootaloo, come to the kitchen, breakfast is ready,” the orange mare heard her mother call out. Heeding her mother's call, Scootaloo dried her face and headed out of her bedroom, walking toward the kitchen of the cloud house she now called home. Walking into the kitchen she saw a golden mare with a fiery orange and amber mane, placing two plates of cherry pancakes on the table. "These smell delicious mom," Scootaloo said, giving the mare in question a hug. Spitfire hugged her daughter back, smiling the entire time. "Did I ever tell you how happy I am that we found each other again and became a real family?" Spitfire asked, pulling back from the hug and looking at the orange pegasus. Scootaloo started to laugh barely managing to get out, “Only like a hundred times, mom.” Calming herself down, Scootaloo looked up at Spitfire and smiled. “I’m happy we found each other as well. I love you, mom,” leaning in to hug her mother once again. “I love you too, Scootaloo,” she said, returning the hug. “Why don't we eat breakfast?” Pulling away from the hug, Scootaloo and Spitfire took their seats at the table and started to eat. “Did you enjoy hanging out with Apple Bloom yesterday?” “I wasn’t able to hang out with Apple Bloom, like I wanted. She was busy helping out on the farm. I did have a small picnic with Silver Spoon though." “Silver Spoon? Why does that name sound familiar?” the golden mare said, putting a hoof to her chin. “She was a filly that I went to school with years ago. She and Diamond Tiara use to bully me, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle.” “Why did you have a picnic with somepony who bullies you?” “I said ‘use to’ mom. She doesn’t anymore. Few years ago, she came and apologized to us, and we decided to give her a second chance,” The orange mare said, eating her pancakes along side her mother. “I’m glad you gave her a second chance. Everypony deserves it,” Spitfire said, proud of her daughter. “So what are your plans for the day?” “Bloom said we could hang out today, so I was going to go over there. That okay with you, mom? Or did you have something planned?” “Oh... My only plans for today are to relax here at home. So you go on ahead and hang out with your friend. I'll clean up breakfast,” the elder mare said, standing up from the table and scooping up the plates using her wings. “You just make sure to have fun and not cause trouble,” she said, looking over her shoulder at her daughter as she placed the dishes in the sink. “I won’t cause trouble, mom. I promise,” walking over to her mother she gave her a peck on the cheek. “I’ll be back later mom. Love you.” “Alright Scootaloo. I’ll see you at dinner,” Spitfire replied, watching the orange mare fly off. *                                                *                                                *         Landing in front of the Apple Family house, Scootaloo raised her hoof and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal an orange mare.         “Howdy there, Scootaloo. How are ya’ today?” Applejack greeted the pegasus. “I’m doing just fine, Applejack. Is Apple Bloom around? She said we could hang out today.” “I think she went over to the treehouse. Why don’t you check there?”         “I will. Thanks, Applejack,” Scootaloo said as she took off towards the old clubhouse. Moments later, not too far from the Apple family farm, Scootaloo landed outside of a treehouse. Looking up at the clubhouse, she remembered all the crazy things Bloom, Belle, and her did trying to get their cutie marks. “Hey, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom called out, trotting up next to Scootaloo. “Why you at the old club house?” “Hey, Bloom. You sister said you might be here, so I came to check,” Scootaloo said, smiling over at the earth pony. “You have time to hang out today? Or do you still have chores to do?” “Nah, got done with all ma chores yesterday. Wanted to make sure I could hang out with you today," the mare said, throwing her foreleg around Scootaloo. "Come on, why don't we hit that new cafe? I'm hungry." The pegasus chuckled as Bloom pulled her foreleg down. "Alright, let's," she said following the yellow mare. "So, Scoots. What's it like working along side your mom and the Wonderbolts, helping them with their stunts?" Bloom asked as the two mares walked. "Actually, pretty fun. I still enjoy all the choreography I do in Fillydelphia, but I enjoy being able to spend more time with my mother," Scootaloo said, looking over at the other mare. "Say, Bloom. Do you remember that school talent show we did ten years ago?" "Do I remember it? It's kinda hard to forget. Looking back, it was a disaster. Still weird how we didn't get our cutie marks then." "I know what you mean. If I would have just did the moves like you said, I probably would have gotten my cutie mark back then. If Belle would've sung she woulda had hers. Still don't know how you didn't get yours," Scootaloo said, looking at Bloom's cutie mark, an apple with a hammer and saw crossing behind it. "I mean you rebuilt the entire clubhouse single hoofed." “I guess its like Miss Cheerilee said. It would appear when we realize it's what we enjoy. I didn’t think about enjoying rebuilding the clubhouse. I just did it so we had someplace to hang out together,” Bloom said, walking into the town. Pointing over at a small building she said, “And there's that new cafe. Let's go get something to eat.” Smiling over at Apple Bloom, Scootaloo followed her over to the small cafe. Taking a seat next to a table, the mares relaxed and ordered something for breakfast. Scootaloo ordered a garden salad while Bloom ordered a fruit salad, both also ordering orange juice. "So, Bloom. Anything interesting happen while I was in Fillydelphia?" Scootaloo said, beginning to eat her salad. "Not really to be honest. One of Miss Cheerilee's students did get a nice cutie mark. When I told ma sister she just laughed," the mare said, giggling at how her sister had laughed that day. "What was their cutie mark and special talent?" "His cutie mark was a cowcolt hat, and his special talent was acting. The colt's name was John Mane. Don't ask about the name; his parents are kinda loco." "Weird name, but I hope he goes far in the acting. How is Miss Cheerilee doing these days anyway?" Scootaloo asked, taking a drink of her orange juice. "Pretty well from what I heard. She's been a lot happier lately, since she started dating Twilight," Bloom replied, finishing her salad. After Scootaloo had heard that, she choked slightly on her juice, "Say what? Miss Cheerilee and Twilight are dating? Why didn't I hear about this?" Apple Bloom couldn't help but giggle slightly at her friend before replying, "They only started going out two months ago, and been keeping it on the downlow. You probably didn't hear about it since you only get to be in Ponyville for maybe a week at most at times." Scootaloo sighed at her misfortune. "Sometimes I hate being so far away when I'm over in Fillydelphia, but I enjoy dancing too much to just quit." "I know what you mean, Scoots. Belle's the same way, as she enjoys singing so much, she doesn't wanna quit, but misses Ponyville when she's away for such long periods of time." "You know Bloom, sometimes I wish we were fillies again so we could hang out more often. If that happened though, we wouldn't be the mares we are." "Sometimes I wish the same thing, but you’re right. We wouldn't be the mares we are if that was the case. I do wish we had more time to spend together, though." “Maybe one of these days, Belle and I can see if we can get off at the same time. All three of us could hang out then. Would be similar to the old days.” “I’d really like that. We have not been together as a group in a long time. Why don't we head out and walk around town?” Bloom asked, already finished with her salad and juice. “Sure thing,” the pegasus replied, downing the rest of her juice. “Let's go.” Standing up on their hooves, the two mares walked into the market of Ponyville. After spending time together, the two friends parted ways, eager for the next day. > Chances > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Chances Diamond Tiara stretched out her hooves as she was woke up. She opened her eyes as she rose from her soft bed, a big smile shone on her face. As Tiara started straightening her mane, she started thinking, 'This is the day. I'm going to make amends to Scootaloo, and tell her how I've felt for the longest time.' Placing the brush down on the counter, she looked at herself in the mirror. 'I just wish I would not have made fun of her at first. Maybe then we could have been friends before. I just hope she forgives me, and while I know it's highly unlikely she'll love me back, I hope she does.’ Walking into the kitchen, Tiara opened the ice box to get the chocolates. Placing the box of chocolates on the table, she got the flowers from her room and placed them on top of the chocolates. ‘Okay, got the chocolates, flowers, and everything else is set for tonight. Now, all I have to do is go and see if she’ll forgive me,’ Tiara thought to herself, running through a mental check list. ‘I wonder where I could find her today? Hopefully I can catch her alone.’ Tiara trotted to the front door to retrieve her saddle bags. Returning to the kitchen table, she packed everything she would need and headed out the door. Minutes later, Tiara was walking down the market street looking across all the stalls, taking glances here and there at what the ponies were selling. She stopped in front of one shop, a sweet, alluring fragrance catching her attention. Walking up to the items displayed, she noticed it was a stand of perfume. She took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the perfume. "Excuse me, ma'am? What perfume is this one?" the pink mare asked the pony standing behind the stand, pointing to an unlabeled bottle. "That one?" The mare said, rubbing her chin in thought. "If I'm right that would be 'Amore Fra Le Nuvole'. Most pegasi love that perfume, and even some others as well." "It smells wonderful. Such a strong smell, yet sweet at the same time, almost how it smells right before it rains," Tiara commented, taking another whiff of the aroma. "How much is a bottle ma'am?" "Its pretty expensive. Twenty bits for a small bottle." "I'd like to buy one please," the young mare said, fishing out the required number of bits. The sellsmare placed a unopened bottle of 'Amora Fra Le Nuvole' on the counter, taking the bits and placing them in a bag. "Thank you for your purchase, and I hope you enjoy your perfume." "Thank you very much, have a nice day," Tiara replied, placing the bottle in her saddle bags, and heading out. Walking down the street, Tiara was looking around trying to find the pony of her affection. 'I wonder where she could be. I thought she would be around town, but I can't find her,' Tiara thought to herself. She heard her belly rumble slightly and giggled to herself. 'Might as well get something to eat.' Tiara walked into Sugar Cube Corner and noticed Mrs. Cake was behind the counter selling treats. Waiting in line didn't take long, as there was not many ponies there at the moment. Walking up to the counter, Mrs. Cake greeted her, while giving off a genuine smile. "Why hello there Diamond Tiara, how are you this morning?" Smiling back, Tiara replied, "I'm fine this morning Mrs. Cake, and how are you?" "I'm doing fine. What can I get for you?" "Can I get a blackberry muffin please?" Reaching into the counter, Mrs. Cake pulled out a muffin and placed it on the counter with a small plate under it. "That'll be two bits." After paying for the muffin and thanking Mrs. Cake, Tiara took a seat at a table to eat. As Tiara was sitting down, she noticed the pony of her affection walking outside. Getting up and leaving her muffin behind, she left Sugar Cube Corner. "Scootaloo! Wait a moment please," Tiara called out to the orange pegasus. Scootaloo, hearing her name being called out, turned around to notice Diamond Tiara trotting up to her. "Something I can help you with Diamond Tiara?" asked in a stoic tone. "I'm happy I found you Scootaloo. I've been looking for you all morning." "Why have you been looking for me? You can't really make fun of me anymore. I may not be as fast as Rainbow Dash, but I can still fly." "I'm not here to make fun of you, but to apologize to you." "What? I never thought I’d hear that from you." "Listen Scootaloo, I'm really sorry about making fun of you and your friends back in school. Mainly you though. I made fun of you much more then Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom. I was hoping I could make it up to you," Tiara said, pulling out the bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates, hoofing them over to the pegasus. "I know this won't fix the past, but I was hoping it could be a start." Scootaloo looked at the flowers and chocolates Tiara had just hoofed to her, then looked at the mare. "You really hurt my feelings back in school, Diamond Tiara. You always teased me about my wings, my inability to fly, and me and my friends not having our cutie marks. I don't know if I can ever forgive you for everything you put us through," Scootaloo told Tiara, looking down at the ground. She looked up into the other mare’s face to see a great amount of pain and regret. "But," she started again, and saw Tiara's face light up with hope. "I was told by Miss Cheerilee, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash, everypony deserves a second chance. If I gave my mother a second chance after abandoning me as a foal, I think I can give you the same chance," Scootaloo told Tiara, smiling at the other mare. Tiara looked up at Scootaloo, a bright smile on her face. "Thank you, Scootaloo, for giving me this chance. Maybe you'll let me start tonight?" "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked, confused by her statement. "I was planning to go out tonight. Would you join me for dinner? We could talk and get to know each other." Scootaloo sat down for a moment thinking about that the other mare just asked. 'Is she asking me out on a date? Nah couldn't be a date. Maybe she just wants us to start off on the right hoof this time,' she thought to herself. "I honestly don't think there's any harm in me going to dinner with you tonight. So long as it’s no place fancy. I don't like those type of places. I'll also have to let my mother know I won't be home for dinner," the pegasus explained, as she stood up. Diamond Tiara smiled at the orange pegasus, happy she had agreed. "So when do you wanna meet up?" "Well, I live in a cloud house with my mom. Why don't we meet at the town square by the fountain? Just tell me what time," Scootaloo replied, smiling at Diamond. "Why don't we meet there at five thirty? It'll give us both enough time to get ready." "Alright, sounds good. I'll see you then," the pegasus said, turning around to leave. Remembering something, she turned around and asked, "Should I wear anything? You never said." "It’s no place really fancy, so just something simple would be fine," the pink pony said, locking eyes with the mare that haunted her dreams. "Alright then. I'll see you at five thirty," Scootaloo replied, taking off in the direction of her home. As Tiara watched the pony of her dreams fly away, she thought to herself, 'I hope she forgives me fully, one day. Might as well head home and get ready for my date.' Tiara left where she and Scootaloo spoke and headed home to get ready for her date. Taking her time walking home, it took the pink earth pony a little bit to get home. Walking into the house, she came face to face with an older stallion. "Where have you been, Diamond?" the stallion asked. "Sorry I didn't leave a note daddy, but I went out for a little bit. While I was out I met somepony from school." "I was worried about you, I don't want to lose you like your brother," Filthy Rich said, his head hung low. "You won't daddy, I promise. I don't plan to go away," she said, walking up to her father bringing him into a hug. "My brother may have left us, but his memory is still there in our hearts, and I'm still here as well." Filthy hugged his daughter back, a few tears escaping from old memories. "Sorry, I'm just an old worry pony at times." "It's okay, I understand why you worry so much. I still love you." "I love you too." Releasing her dad from the hug, Tiara gave him a small kiss. "I have to go get ready daddy," Tiara said, turning away from Filthy, walking to the stairs to head for her room. "Get ready for what?" "I'm going to dinner with a friend. We are meeting at five thirty." Shooting a grin to his daughter, Filthy asked, "find a nice colt?" Sighing at what the stallion had asked, she replied, "no such luck daddy. My preferences haven't changed. I'm still into mares." As she finished speaking she trotted up stairs to her room to get ready. Closing the door to her room, Diamond sighed thinking to herself, ‘I know daddy’s just teasing me, but there are times it gets annoying.’ Setting her saddlebags next to her vanity, Tiara sat down on the cushion in front of it. While humming a loving tune to herself, she ran a brush through her mane, thinking about the date with the cute pegasus she had fallen for, that would come around in a short amount of time. With her mane in respectable shape, she reached into her bag and pulled out the perfume she bought. “I hope Scootaloo likes this perfume,” the love stricken pony said, spraying a small amount on herself. Walking over to her closet, she pulled out a simple pink dress. ‘I know I told her it was no place fancy, but I think she’ll like this dress,’ she thought to herself, slipping on the dress. Looking around the room, the young mare walked over to her bed and pulled out a small one side saddlebag, putting some bits into it to pay for dinner. After checking to make sure she was ready, Diamond slipped on the small saddlebag and trotted downstairs to see her father waiting for her. “You look really good with such a simple dress, Tiara. Whatever happens tonight, with this mare, I want you to know, I love you, and so long as you’re happy, I’m happy.” Shooting her father a smile, she wrapped him in a hug and replied, “I love you too, daddy.” After breaking the hug with her father and saying goodbye, Tiara left the house to meet up with the pegasus that stole her heart. > Mother's Gift > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Mother’s Gift ‘I wonder why, after all this time, Diamond Tiara decided to apologize now?’ Scootaloo thought to herself, heading on home to get ready. 'Maybe it's like Silver Spoon and she just wants to make amends.' Her mind was plagued with thoughts about Diamond Tiara, the entire flight home. The young flyer landed on the porch of her cloud home after the short flight home. She walked into the house and saw her mom reading a new book on the couch. "I see you got yourself a new book, mom. What did you get?" Spitfire looked up from her book and smiled at her daughter. "Welcome home, Scootaloo. I got the new Daring Do book. Daring Do and the Dragons of Draconia," the Wonderbolt said. Noticing the flowers in her daughter’s grasp, Spitfire grinned. "Those flowers and chocolates from a nice colt?" Scootaloo's orange fur turned red hearing her mother mention the flowers. "N-n-n-no. They didn't come from a colt," Scootaloo said, red as a cherry. "Maybe another mare then? You know I have no problem with that,” Spitfire said, her grin growing. “Well, yes. They did come from another mare, but not in that sense mom. It was Diamond Tiara that gave these to me," she said, her face becoming even more red. “Diamond Tiara? That bully from school you were always telling me about? The daughter of Filthy Rich?” she questioned, raising her eyebrow. “Yep, thats the one. She gave me these hoping to start again. Maybe become friends this time. I’m still unsure about it all,” Scootaloo said, pulling out a vase for the flowers. “But I was always told, you should always give everypony a second chance,” she said, placing the flowers in the vase and looking over at her mother smiling. “If it wasn’t for that second chance after all, me and you wouldn’t be a family.” “I’m very lucky you are so forgiving, Scootaloo,” Spitfire said getting up off the couch and moving over to Scootaloo. “I’m happy you saw it in your heart to let me be the mother you never had,” she finished, embracing her daughter into a hug. "And I'm happy you returned to me mom," the orange pegasus replied, hugging her mother back. Pulling back from the hug, Spitfire walked into the kitchen. "So, what do you want to have for dinner?" She called from the kitchen. "Don't worry about cooking for me. I'm going out to eat with Diamond Tiara. I came home to wash up a little and put something on," Scootaloo called back, walking into her bedroom. "I thought you said it wasn't in that sense, yet here you are going on a date with her." "It's not a date. She taking me out as an apology, in hopes of patching things up," the young mare called back, as running water could be heard. Spitfire started laughing at hearing the orange pegasus defend herself. "Calm down, Scoot. I’m just teasing you. Though I am serious about one thing," she said, returning to her book. "What's that?" "That I have no problem if you like other mares. Love comes in all shapes, rather it be between two mares, two stallions, or a mare and stallion," Spitfire told her daughter with a smile. “I think there would be something wrong if you had a problem with it mom, seeing how your dating Blossomforth,” Scootaloo said, walking out of the bathroom smirking at her mother. “By the way, how was your breakfast date?” Hearing mention of her marefriend, Spitfire started to blush. “It was nice. We only went to that small cafe just outside of town.” While her mother was distracted thinking about her marefriend, Scootaloo slipped back into her room to find something to wear. 'I guess I could wear that dress Rarity made for me a few months ago. I still don't understand why she did though. It wasn’t like I was dating back then,’ she thought to herself pulling out a beautiful purple dress and matching shoes. ‘I think this might be too much but its about the only thing I have.’ After taking the time to get dressed and to make her hair look nice, Scootaloo exited her bedroom noticing her mother was back to reading her book. "How do I look?" The young pegasus called out. Spitfire looked up and saw her daughter in the dress Rarity had made and smirked. "I thought this wasn't a date, yet here you are in your best dress." Scootaloo sighed before responding, "how many dresses do I have mom? This is the only one I have that fits, and I don't wanna look bad for wearing nothing so this was the only thing to wear." Spitfire giggled slightly listening to her daughter. “I was just teasing you again. I think you look very beautiful in that dress though, but I think it’s missing something,” Spitfire said, placing her hoof on her chin trying to think. “Wait, I know what it’s missing,” She said, getting up and dashing into her bedroom. Scootaloo looked confused as her mother ran off to get who knows what. 'What could be missing from my dress?' Scootaloo thought to herself, hearing Spitfire rummaging through stuff in her bedroom. A few minutes later, Spitfire returned with a small box tucked under her wing. "I was going to wait to give this to you, but I think it would look good with that dress you have on," Spitfire said, opening her wing and catching the box with her hoof. As her mother hoofed her the box, Scootaloo took it with both her hooves. Opening the box, the young pegasus saw a beautiful hair pin. "Where did you get this mom? It looks just like my cutie mark, but a different color." "I've had it for a long time actually. My mother had a similar cutie mark to yours and her father made that for her. She passed it to me when I was around your age, so I thought she might like it if I passed it to you, but I was waiting for the right time and I think that time is now." Scootaloo could not stop staring at the hairpin her mother had given her. While the pin did not match her dress, even she had to admit it would look good with anything. "Are you sure about giving this to me? Wouldn't you like to keep it to remind you of her?" Scootaloo asked, unsure if she could accept such a gift even if it was from her mother. Spitfire placed a hoof on the orange pegasus' shoulder and smiled at her. "You remind me of her everyday. I don't need some trinket to remind me of her." Scootaloo smiled at her mother before replying, "Thank you. Would you help me do my hair so I could wear the pin tonight?" "I would be happy to help you," the elder pegasus said. After spending a decent amount of time on her daughter's hair, Spitfire clipped the pin into place. She took a few steps back and admired how Scootaloo looked with her mother's hairpin. "You look beautiful, Scootaloo. I'm sure every stallion and mare will be looking at you," Spitfire said, smiling at the mare her daughter had become. "I hope they don't look at me that much I want to focus on having a good time with Diamond Tiara," the young pegasus replied, thinking about everypony looking at her, causing her to blush. Scootaloo turned and looked at herself in a mirror. Seeing how she looked with the pin in her hair, Scootaloo understood why her mother said she was missing something. The pin stood out against the dress. Just picturing the dress without the pin seemed wrong now that she saw it. Turning to her mother, the purple maned pegasus embraced her and said, "Thank you, mom. I'll make sure to always treasure this." Wrapping her hooves around her daughter, the fiery maned pegasus replied, "I know you will. Now you better hurry, you don't wanna be late for your date now do you?" Scootaloo's eyes went wide thinking about being late for her dinner date and scrambled to release the hug and get down to the town square. Rushing out the door, the young pegasus called out, "I don't know when I'll be home, mom. Don't wait up for me."